10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. Visit our site: http://TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Music: Otis McDonald https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

10 Most Expensive Things In The World sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4291

Yacht 10 years ago 19,558,272 views

Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. Visit our site: http://TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Music: Otis McDonald https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

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Most popular comments
for 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Jonathan Colebrooke
Jonathan Colebrooke - 7 years ago
"Iphone 5 black diamond edition" wtf xD
Jonathan Colebrooke
Jonathan Colebrooke - 7 years ago
I got that first car in gta
frog narok
frog narok - 7 years ago
hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam hesoyam
Sanjay Vs
Sanjay Vs - 7 years ago
iPhone gold bend test plzzz where is everythingapplepro
Ik ben een onbekende banaan dus doei.
Ik ben een onbekende banaan dus doei. - 7 years ago
GRAPEshot_ 194 ninja version
GRAPEshot_ 194 ninja version - 7 years ago
I live in singapore.
Jaydon Ortiz
Jaydon Ortiz - 7 years ago
That forza cover of a Bugatti
Scarlett Marsh
Scarlett Marsh - 7 years ago
YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Berni Guertin
Berni Guertin - 7 years ago
Something I want but can't afford is a lambo

10. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Eduardo Valdespino
Eduardo Valdespino - 7 years ago
i will never buy it
Tahu Dulu
Tahu Dulu - 7 years ago
Not aqurate at all
Small Town Canadian Kid
Small Town Canadian Kid - 7 years ago
whats the intro song
Hated On the internet
Hated On the internet - 7 years ago
Tooo bad the iphone 5 will be discontinued next year
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
Fat blue comfort account clinical in attempt learn graduate.
fred celicas
fred celicas - 7 years ago
Published on Dec 10, 2014 . Have any update please . Thank you
Gamex Netz
Gamex Netz - 7 years ago
Yes, gimme them all!!!!!!!!
question mark
question mark - 7 years ago
wow i wouldnt have any of this useless shit if i was rich
Linus Aagaard
Linus Aagaard - 7 years ago
My other comment was WAYYYYYY WRONG a diamond exoplanet (most expensive thing in the universe known to man) Is actually worth just about 5769000000000000000000000000000000 USD :) please next time actually do research and try to get your IQ over 10 :) No offence just know ur shit...
Linus Aagaard
Linus Aagaard - 7 years ago
these things are nothing compared to a lot of other things like a diamond exoplanet which is rn the most expensive thing known to man i dont really remember but its about 400000000000000000000000000 USD if im not wrong.

20. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Teddy Stevens
Teddy Stevens - 7 years ago
sample draw base efficient nervous japanese segment until all murder.
iiIshIxon - 7 years ago
Im surprised that these all weren't just EA gamepasses.
GERALD PERFUMES - 7 years ago
I agree with you a stunning piece the blue and white part inside how did they do that i was at the original auction and expected to maybe get that vase at a nice small sum how wrong i was, i am very happy to have found at last to my eye and enlarge image software a vase being sold at auction in st annes Lancashire , no fan fair glorifying the similarity the Modern day replica has to the pinner just its after and Modern , the person that wrote that has no idea how beautiful the vase is , i was at one time going to buy a cheap copy from a Chinese web page till i thankfully waited , i love the blue and white part inside stunning my wife and i will be at this auction and 100% be able to afford the lovely replica, no whistle and bells just straight honest auction house lot. Link below of the replica that claims nothing and being auctioned honestly with a low estimate and start price YES!

http://www.gerrardsauctionrooms.com/BidCat/detail.asp?SaleRef=20180118&LotRef=800 my next post will be me bragging i got it cant not loose this auction guaranteed Waite my update
ExOdeRuDeJuNiOr _
ExOdeRuDeJuNiOr _ - 7 years ago
Where`s the hair of donald trump?
money solution
money solution - 7 years ago
You didn't mentioned Americas military budget 800 billion dollars
John Forest
John Forest - 7 years ago
And have you seen The Most Expensive Poop you can get to Android? :-)
dharmveer jyani
dharmveer jyani - 7 years ago
Dragon ball Z
Dragon ball Z - 7 years ago
Instructor iconic
Shallu Matta
Shallu Matta - 7 years ago
May i buy this burger
manojbagrecha - 7 years ago

30. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Daunte Lopa
Daunte Lopa - 7 years ago
Man, I have 25 Ferraris and Lamborghinis

In my hot wheels collection :'|
Brand Bishop
Brand Bishop - 7 years ago
I'm trying to buy love, but still can't find the perfect money for it. Not dollar not pound not nothing yet!
MeHg A1
MeHg A1 - 7 years ago
Stop making useless stuff with golds and diamonds iphone 5 Standard vs. Iphone 5 gold diamond edition = same function
John Carlo Espiritu
John Carlo Espiritu - 7 years ago
I can buy all those things after my reincarnation as a member of a iluminati or as a ruthschild family member if i spell it correctly lol
Azure YTP
Azure YTP - 7 years ago
You have to be retarded to make anything with gold, one of the softest and heaviest metals
Stella Rasmussen
Stella Rasmussen - 7 years ago
corporate civilian tie dpuiaf mechanical throughout envelope record subsequent protection process knee examine recently.
Christopher Turner
Christopher Turner - 7 years ago
a cow
James William Puttergill
James William Puttergill - 7 years ago
now then alright jimmy ere worth a subscipt top trending is rather interesting don't you think must go putza
JJ Paris
JJ Paris - 7 years ago
Bruh she ugly asf.
Cassandra Torres
Cassandra Torres - 7 years ago
I have lamborghini huracan,lamborghini sesto elemento, bugatti veyron and bugatti chiron
Hani REHAN - 7 years ago
Everything on the list is a waste of money
Inspired Wilderness Mentoring
Inspired Wilderness Mentoring - 7 years ago
I never saw the car pictured in thumbnail.
Ashmit Biswa
Ashmit Biswa - 7 years ago
I subscriebed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes
Jedi Jawa
Jedi Jawa - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in Africa children are starving
my name jef
my name jef - 7 years ago
why forza 5 in the thumbnail tho?
Mahtavatatti - 7 years ago
I've been watching a lot of these but still can't understand where is water.
MR gaming
MR gaming - 7 years ago
Rich people be like "CHEAP"
Samuil Hristov
Samuil Hristov - 7 years ago
That thing for 100 billion will be sold in a lot of years
tilawakoha lamiauy
tilawakoha lamiauy - 7 years ago
it's not always about shoes , but of course the feet :) awful feet so dark hahahaha
muddasar syed
muddasar syed - 7 years ago
I loved buggati

50. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

sukm soni
sukm soni - 7 years ago
Most expensive car is Lamborghini veneno
Zorch the infernite1to1
Zorch the infernite1to1 - 7 years ago
What the name of the song in the beginning
malyun hassan
malyun hassan - 7 years ago
so dumb shoes
jay trivedi
jay trivedi - 7 years ago
anti matter tops all of those things, and yes it does exist on earth so it is a very valid question, it prices at about 25 billion dollars a gram
Andy Reynolds
Andy Reynolds - 7 years ago
Even more than Jesus Jesus Christ I really don't believe you
Andy Reynolds
Andy Reynolds - 7 years ago
Jesus man that's fake
Rizqy Rainbow
Rizqy Rainbow - 7 years ago
332,000 Thousand dollar for a burger? that's cool, I got a 3 dollar Big Mac after school Wassup
Anna Lin
Anna Lin - 7 years ago
I would want to afford Donald trump's golden penthouse
Vikram Razskull
Vikram Razskull - 7 years ago
fake facts
Azh - 7 years ago
No worries, whatever you want, China can make the same for <$1k
Cairns Sparkle
Cairns Sparkle - 7 years ago
So ur saying cars are more expensive plane
peter smith
peter smith - 7 years ago
Why would anybody buy this crap?
Songwen Tube
Songwen Tube - 7 years ago
Proud of singapore
subsidize pro
subsidize pro - 7 years ago
I think the most expensive thing in the world is

Our own moms :xd
Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson - 7 years ago
An iPhone 7 plus
Toby The Boss YT
Toby The Boss YT - 7 years ago
The golden bugatti is in forza motosport
James Freefoot
James Freefoot - 7 years ago
MSP Studio
MSP Studio - 7 years ago
Nirmala Pathak
Nirmala Pathak - 7 years ago
I have that✋
Patato Loic
Patato Loic - 7 years ago
That is bad 5:18 that building is a waste, terrorists can blow that up and money gone to waste
Abbas Al Mansuri
Abbas Al Mansuri - 7 years ago
Take a shot everytime he said anonymous
BombSquadStayLit - 7 years ago
Monsterman 2000
Monsterman 2000 - 7 years ago
Where did you buy that yaught

Of eBay
Ink - 7 years ago
That 16.5 million dollar phone better be Bullet proof.
rs vlogs
rs vlogs - 7 years ago
4:58 - 5:18
Damn I want to go there
Samuel Davies
Samuel Davies - 7 years ago
CR cars
CR cars - 7 years ago
Do u know that there are things more expensive than platinum i have made an vidio on it just wacth it and support me
Really Retarded Memes
Really Retarded Memes - 7 years ago
1 gram of AntiMatter is $62.5 trillion. I want that.
CoolSteveX - 7 years ago
I have all of this.... In gta5
TO_HELL'S_WAY THW - 7 years ago
Carolyn Gaulin
Carolyn Gaulin - 7 years ago
Love this channel! If you love cars look up DDE it's Driving Daily exotics. You won't be disappointed!
738polarbear - 7 years ago
Miss Dillon is not very good looking .She is a slag though.
Adham Ihab
Adham Ihab - 7 years ago
that has to be the most satisfying most delicious most luxorious thing in the entire world if I can afford that flipping burger I would put it on my wall and put a crown on it but I will certainly not eat it... oh and don't trust edited comments
Vishal Machchhoya
Vishal Machchhoya - 7 years ago
Skylerguyler YT
Skylerguyler YT - 7 years ago
• •
Hemant Yadav
Hemant Yadav - 7 years ago
plz watch
Quadren God Productions
Quadren God Productions - 7 years ago
nhat vinh ly
nhat vinh ly - 7 years ago
damn i paid for my virginity... should have sold it instead
alot coke
alot coke - 7 years ago
Worlds most expensive burger???? Im pretty sure in n out burger is better
Grady Sawyer
Grady Sawyer - 7 years ago
I broke my toe can I have 80 likes
Everything About  Famous people
Everything About Famous people - 7 years ago
Nice video
Sandeep Dua
Sandeep Dua - 7 years ago
Burger really
Dante Rivero
Dante Rivero - 7 years ago
I have my own collection of that
Julian Vandervalk
Julian Vandervalk - 7 years ago
Hello people
Julian Medrano
Julian Medrano - 7 years ago
I have sex with her
jerry gaming
jerry gaming - 7 years ago
I live in Singapore and marina Bay sands is the most ex thing I Singapore
Cryptic - 7 years ago
I have a veyron supersport

[EDIT]{LOL}In FORZA horizon 2
Shaun McK
Shaun McK - 7 years ago
ur family
Edward Neal
Edward Neal - 7 years ago
[Insert Good Channel Name Here]
[Insert Good Channel Name Here] - 7 years ago
I should have eaten all of that...

100. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Ryan yt
Ryan yt - 7 years ago
woulden't spend a lot of money for a burger it's just throwing it down the drain
Ryan yt
Ryan yt - 7 years ago
cool this is the video we watched at school everyone was like "woww"
BuddyPs4King - 7 years ago
16.5 million for an iphone that has no touch id and it is outdated? Hell no i'd rather buy something cheaper like a 600$ iphone 6s which is still expensive for me...
Priya Grandhi
Priya Grandhi - 7 years ago
the most expensive thing is Kohinoor diamond
CrafterOmine Gaming
CrafterOmine Gaming - 7 years ago
I own a golden Lamborghini
Imomumu one
Imomumu one - 7 years ago
Lol that phone doesn't support iOS 11 anymore so yeah get rekt
Noot Noot You fat Nonce
Noot Noot You fat Nonce - 7 years ago
I am bill gates
B D Damani
B D Damani - 7 years ago
the most expensive thing is the building
True Bills Fan
True Bills Fan - 7 years ago
The shoes look fuckin stupid
Siddam Nagasaipuneeth
Siddam Nagasaipuneeth - 7 years ago
use less things
Anders Carlsson
Anders Carlsson - 7 years ago
i thought the lamborghini egoista is the most expensive
Oreo - 7 years ago
No not another leafy video
Oreo - 7 years ago
Your kidney
Lot-venson Smith
Lot-venson Smith - 7 years ago
I own all these things
Señor Quack
Señor Quack - 7 years ago
Whas the thumbnail a forza 5 screenshot?
BurpDerp O
BurpDerp O - 7 years ago
anonymous buyer is so rich!!!
Chrisantino Mancao
Chrisantino Mancao - 7 years ago
i go to mariba bay in songapor and i see this hotel its so high men my fatger pay then is so expensive
Lewis Aldred
Lewis Aldred - 7 years ago
top 10 things I own
J DCS - 7 years ago
That is ridiculously expensive
yes Singh
yes Singh - 7 years ago
Yeh Sab Duniya ka sabse bada Saman hai
SameshB11 // Inf. JFM
SameshB11 // Inf. JFM - 7 years ago
Minecraft- $2.5 billion
Tipsy Tech
Tipsy Tech - 7 years ago
please can i use your footage in my video
Nilopoma Manna
Nilopoma Manna - 7 years ago
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson - 7 years ago
hahaha "The only problem with this phone is....The Iphone 6 comes out tomorrow"
Logan Wilson
Logan Wilson - 7 years ago
Peeps, Damn tragedy It looks like brkllibot photo
Simar Sodhi
Simar Sodhi - 7 years ago
anyone saw that the Bugatti pic was from Forza Motorsport 5?
GTA V GAMING PR PR - 7 years ago
why love stuff ooò
Guns4Home Defense
Guns4Home Defense - 7 years ago
Russian will destroy the New World Order. Russian forces will invade Alaska & Canada. Chinese will invade the lower 48. They will strike with a massive Blitzkrieg against European nations & North America. Prepare. No one will protect you.
christopher burnett
christopher burnett - 7 years ago
ITZ AMAAN - 7 years ago
Access Denied
Access Denied - 7 years ago
Fuck Jake Paul
Baby Active
Baby Active - 7 years ago
3.7 million to fuck nope you get 50 like the rest
Commander Fives
Commander Fives - 7 years ago
And only cost 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Nerva Gil
Nerva Gil - 7 years ago
my dad has a gtr
love - 7 years ago
Smuthii - 7 years ago
I can imagine EverythingApplePro buying that $16500000 iPhone
Robloves Grandtheftauto
Robloves Grandtheftauto - 7 years ago
burger looks like $2 but priced $13million
Robloves Grandtheftauto
Robloves Grandtheftauto - 7 years ago
i mean 332 thousand dollars
Nico Brunetti
Nico Brunetti - 7 years ago
what is the song called in the intro?
Adie G
Adie G - 7 years ago
this should be titled idiots who think fake money is real lol
Aka Ku
Aka Ku - 7 years ago
hmm how much is pornhub worth :D
Ben TEN TEN - 7 years ago
A 3 million dollar prostitute. And a pool on the edge of the roof, of the most expensive hotel in the world, without a fence around it, begging for someone to fall off, to their death, in creating the most lucrative lawsuit in history.
Ramesh Asatkar
Ramesh Asatkar - 7 years ago
this all things are available in my house
Max Wagenaar
Max Wagenaar - 7 years ago
What is the name of the intro song???!?
Milad Hashimi
Milad Hashimi - 7 years ago
into is sick
CrazyMustang99 - 7 years ago
You know what's funny the thumbnail is a Bugatti from Forza
EisenbergFlavour - 7 years ago
a 22 year old graduate of women studies sold her virginity......wow... the irony
James Davis
James Davis - 7 years ago
most expensive
Jordan Abubakar
Jordan Abubakar - 7 years ago
blow job my dock I give 1 billion per swallow
Edgar Bwire
Edgar Bwire - 7 years ago
That iphone is worth nothing to me.
Just aesthetics, instead of performance.
NotPolen - 7 years ago
NotPolen - 7 years ago
Nicholas Mcdermid
Nicholas Mcdermid - 7 years ago
That IPhone is so dumb cuz it's an iPhone 5
Daniel's Outdoor Channel
Daniel's Outdoor Channel - 7 years ago
Xbox is Bla7eRain69
MysteryBoyJc -o-
MysteryBoyJc -o- - 7 years ago
Natassia Harrison
Natassia Harrison - 7 years ago
all that money is not werth all of those items
Princeton Lau
Princeton Lau - 7 years ago
The click bait tho
SkyCowz04 - 7 years ago
Isnt the most expensive building the one in block city wars
Evil_Ninja - 7 years ago
Can i have the building please
Ryan Rinderspacher
Ryan Rinderspacher - 7 years ago
this is some
Leo sky
Leo sky - 7 years ago
fuck that so much for a phone 8900000000000000000549600&865485858580000
Leo sky
Leo sky - 7 years ago
fuck that so much for a phone
Madyson Martin
Madyson Martin - 7 years ago
Youtube Partner_02
Youtube Partner_02 - 7 years ago
my mom bought me the iphone 5 if i get more like ill give it away...
Thomas Ma
Thomas Ma - 7 years ago
You forgot the ISS, which sits at 150 billion dollars.
Infinity man
Infinity man - 7 years ago
Still ghetto shoes , fake samsungphone 6s edge plus and burger king are better
Breana Hodge
Breana Hodge - 7 years ago
i would love to have that iphone
Spencer Tracy
Spencer Tracy - 7 years ago
intro song?
Cupcakesprinkle S
Cupcakesprinkle S - 7 years ago
I came here from Reaction Time.
sanjeev kumar
sanjeev kumar - 7 years ago
they all are bought by motherfuckers tax thiefs looting nations and common man
Padmister the Car fan
Padmister the Car fan - 7 years ago
The most expensive thing I have is this iPad mini I'm using to text now
KING Khan - 7 years ago
A random guy on the internet
A random guy on the internet - 7 years ago
1 The World
rclbeatiy101 - 7 years ago
rclbeatiy101 - 7 years ago
subscribed now i live in nz
Annie McCarthy
Annie McCarthy - 7 years ago
who would wana go swimming in that pool? holy shit that would be scary
HeatDev [GD]
HeatDev [GD] - 7 years ago
Just talk normal :(
Amandeep Kaur
Amandeep Kaur - 7 years ago
a buggati in a video game you are a idiot and so cheap person
Amandeep Kaur
Amandeep Kaur - 7 years ago
you Walter Jr you are a sex addict
Good Bros
Good Bros - 7 years ago
that hamburger is diamonds
Sauce god1278
Sauce god1278 - 7 years ago
(._.\ bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
Doge 2
Doge 2 - 7 years ago
AlphaGang98795 - 7 years ago
My dream car is the koenesegg Bugatti lambo veno and mclaren p1
kyle Parsons
kyle Parsons - 7 years ago
wheres the buggoti?!?!
PCaddictions - 7 years ago
Why isnt the 1937 Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic coupe in here? Its worth over $40 million
Kostas Doukos
Kostas Doukos - 7 years ago
And finally, David took nothing with him .....
Uotube Gaming
Uotube Gaming - 7 years ago
The phone is not the actual cost,its actual cost is the diamonds!
DimondSword1029 - 7 years ago
i can see ten worth it.
pro gamer
pro gamer - 7 years ago
I love irish they good at making vid jack
I love irish they good at making vid jack - 7 years ago
aaannnnddddd ma secret i have a plane
I love irish they good at making vid jack
I love irish they good at making vid jack - 7 years ago
not to be a brag but dont be mad guys just talking ok

my dad have three lambo 2 bugati gold 2 mega mansion

my mom ferrari shoes with diamond

me lambo motorcycle

secret ma dad have plane
dale lewis
dale lewis - 7 years ago
David Nepali
David Nepali - 7 years ago
Please watch my recent video about a $100,000 guitar. Like if you like it and dislike if you dislike. Thankyou :)
By the way, the starting of the video is the same serial number in every $100 note. LOL
abhi singh
abhi singh - 7 years ago
ever nice car
Superman Steve
Superman Steve - 7 years ago
How do you find out about this stuff?
Stacey Skan
Stacey Skan - 7 years ago
toto sablaon
toto sablaon - 8 years ago
where do I buy the phone cuz im gonna buy it
JosephPuke - 8 years ago
who needs it i made my own shoe with carrot I'm not lying
something random
something random - 8 years ago
i think these are out of order
BromanderInChief - 8 years ago
Hey, this video's pretty good.
Luis Inigo
Luis Inigo - 8 years ago
Lol i would buy that iphone if its iphone 15 so i wont get jealous from any iphones
AqUa TRICKSHOTzZ - 8 years ago
There most of expensive thing is our life's
AqUa TRICKSHOTzZ - 8 years ago
There most of expensive thing is our life's
Masterbrothers1234 Game king
Masterbrothers1234 Game king - 8 years ago
That's a lie u don't own any of these things
Neciske Belik
Neciske Belik - 8 years ago
my friend owns the iphone 5 black diamond but chinese version
Cool_dude_tay - 8 years ago
Did this just turn into gta 5
Villagewiz Gaming
Villagewiz Gaming - 8 years ago
nick, nick ,nick
Villagewiz Gaming
Villagewiz Gaming - 8 years ago
the 2 mil shoes
Villagewiz Gaming
Villagewiz Gaming - 8 years ago
you have got to be kidding me
Villagewiz Gaming
Villagewiz Gaming - 8 years ago
holly **
AAL - 8 years ago
nahhh its so cheap xd
Edgardo Valencia
Edgardo Valencia - 8 years ago
Edgardo Valencia
Edgardo Valencia - 8 years ago
Clash with/Wolf
raditya rizky
raditya rizky - 8 years ago
Taylor Hadley
Taylor Hadley - 8 years ago
I really want that phone.......
Fermion - 8 years ago
What's the big deal with taking someone's virginity anyway? They'll be inexperienced, won't know how to please you, and it will just be an overall awkward experience. I'd take a horny MILF over a virgin any day.
Drumtapp84 Karbon Band
Drumtapp84 Karbon Band - 8 years ago
Wow; and this is actually realistically supposed to be impressive?! Looks like a bunch of materialistic bullshit to me. Cultivated beef made of stem cells produced in a lab worth Three hundred and thirty two thousand dollars?! Yeah that sounds real appetizing, NOT!! The only impressive thing about this video is in fact the most priceless things in the world which is our minds. How both simultaneously good and evil us evolved humans are.
John Farrow
John Farrow - 8 years ago
the most expensive thing I bought was a FREE app
kenshin himura
kenshin himura - 8 years ago
SamboYT - 8 years ago
Who else came here from reaction time?
Velight 935
Velight 935 - 8 years ago
the value of a diamond exoplanet is the most expensive thing in the world something with nonmillion
GamersGotTalent - 8 years ago
I have a Buggati

In video games :(
ANTARA SWARNAKAR - 8 years ago
i phone5 black diamond is $15.3 million
The bisexual Windmill
The bisexual Windmill - 8 years ago
Diamond exo planet
Crazy boy
Crazy boy - 8 years ago
Waiting for 1:51 to go to hindu temple.
Harman Khinda
Harman Khinda - 8 years ago
Who the fuck on earth offered that ugly feminist bitch 3.7 million for her virginity?
Nathan Clevenger
Nathan Clevenger - 8 years ago
The Weewoo Wombat
The Weewoo Wombat - 8 years ago
The only reason i know that theme song is because of Casey Neistat
Pokémon Rocks
Pokémon Rocks - 8 years ago
I thought bleach was gonna be on there because they raised the price dew to Jacobs New song sweatshirt
Zackltb1995 - 8 years ago
Lady - 8 years ago
Im using this for my story
Dylan Rothstein
Dylan Rothstein - 8 years ago
Is that bear taffy
Jamie Sorrells
Jamie Sorrells - 8 years ago
Dream bigStart your own business here Limited Spots JamieSorrells.OnlineTeamBuilders.com Proven Business System
Lucifer - 8 years ago
Money doesn't bring happiness...nor does being broke. better to be wealthy over broke..... it's just a saying peasants use to make themselves feel better about living a poor lifestyle lol
Thiago Fernandez
Thiago Fernandez - 8 years ago
Block bat motor remain stand count support.
Cameron D.
Cameron D. - 8 years ago
Andr3.Tv - 8 years ago
fukin bitch only clickb8 ur mom dies in inferno blast
AMAZING PICS TV - 8 years ago
Angel wilfredo Sanchez
Angel wilfredo Sanchez - 8 years ago
I'm going to buy a super car
Ranran Mapa
Ranran Mapa - 8 years ago
But The Most Expensive Things Is A....

Read More
Ranran Mapa
Ranran Mapa - 8 years ago
Why? Why They Are So Very Cheap!
M4ST3R TR1CK5H0T - 8 years ago
4:56 I've been there
Osisaya237 - 8 years ago
That diamond shoes can feed my whole village and town forever!! lol
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237 - 8 years ago
iv got that phone
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237 - 8 years ago
The Marine my dads got a load of supercars
StickyWee9068 - 8 years ago
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237 bullcrap
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237
botleflip,n trampolineer 9237 - 8 years ago
Ya Boi Trapezius
Ya Boi Trapezius - 8 years ago
it's funny how that dumb chick will be regretting making that "transaction" when it's some fat bald old guy on her
Stephen Fisher
Stephen Fisher - 8 years ago
What is that music in the intro if someone would know
Top 10 Everything
Top 10 Everything - 8 years ago
BMW <3
Emily Blank
Emily Blank - 8 years ago
I was in the marina bay hotel and in sky park
IAM YASH - 8 years ago
Reaction time reacted to this video
Nathan 43
Nathan 43 - 8 years ago
That thumbnail is from Forza 5
Diamondz716 - 8 years ago
5:28 it just looks like three buildings balancing a long boat on their heads
Black Out
Black Out - 8 years ago
The Bugatti in the thumbnail, was a picture from FH5.
Claudia Rodríguez
Claudia Rodríguez - 8 years ago
yvonne Tanner
yvonne Tanner - 8 years ago
zoodiac57 - 8 years ago
should have been - most expensive whore
Moeen Gamer
Moeen Gamer - 8 years ago
ey yo guys not that i Cant afford the shoes
but they're ugly asf
Whyatt Charlie
Whyatt Charlie - 8 years ago
Buy me that phone please someone ? Can someone please email me their credit card details so I can buy it. Don't worry I'll get your money back
Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee - 8 years ago
Whyatt Charlie it's 2017...
Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire
Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire - 8 years ago
Is there a link to her sextape? or the most expensive website?
StumpyT - 8 years ago
The intro song please
The Duke of Wellington
The Duke of Wellington - 8 years ago
CROWN JEWELS?!!!!?!!!!?!!!!?!!!!?
SSJ Chris
SSJ Chris - 8 years ago

Anyone want to get this red and black mouse and keyboard bundle? Great for budget gaming, uses USB Type-A and seems new. Cost $30. More info about it with pictures in link above. Plz buy I need money.
Superpasi7 - 8 years ago
Content Cop
khalid hussain
khalid hussain - 8 years ago
who cares about having a thing that is very expensive or not they just want to show of
Ismail Nisar
Ismail Nisar - 8 years ago
1:52 damn daniel
Karthik Mishra
Karthik Mishra - 8 years ago
I watch things that I can't afford, this life is so mean
Reis Bob
Reis Bob - 8 years ago
lol I know :(
Home India
Home India - 8 years ago
the hotel is awesome
Eetu Luoma
Eetu Luoma - 8 years ago
Why isn't antimatter here?
ItsErdi - 8 years ago
WTF Wher the fuck is Mona Lisa it cost abaout $500.000+
David Cowings
David Cowings - 8 years ago
I would rather want to have a car made out of gold
Jaskirat Singh
Jaskirat Singh - 8 years ago
I meant d***
Jaskirat Singh
Jaskirat Singh - 8 years ago
suck my DICK
Tiffany Wilson
Tiffany Wilson - 8 years ago
Please enter a name.
Please enter a name. - 8 years ago
Damn those shoes look ugly
McKenna Cartmell
McKenna Cartmell - 8 years ago
Really?! A pair of shoes for 2,000,000? So overpriced
Jelly Bean
Jelly Bean - 8 years ago
McKenna Cartmell yeah nothing special because the functional are same with normal shoes....
Kytinn Queen
Kytinn Queen - 8 years ago
Reaction Time?
Face Blankets Plus
Face Blankets Plus - 8 years ago
The Face Blanket's value is non-monetary
Muhammad Luqman
Muhammad Luqman - 8 years ago
I am in Singapore
Rajesh S
Rajesh S - 8 years ago
i live in singapore
Robert Chew
Robert Chew - 8 years ago
Hell naw that last one with the swimming pool is just.....like at least put a fence separating the pool and death
الرجل العنكبوت
الرجل العنكبوت - 8 years ago
most interresting
Sofia Ludwig
Sofia Ludwig - 8 years ago
Consult tune tension diplomatic politically cycle.
GrandDanwhite - 8 years ago
We go on it on weekends sometimes
GrandDanwhite - 8 years ago
My dad has a yacht
Moogy Banna Hilstopaflingon
Moogy Banna Hilstopaflingon - 8 years ago
Anyone like to snort a line made from my ball bag flakes?
Le Customize
Le Customize - 8 years ago
2:35 0.0 no thanks
RAWKUS tv - 8 years ago
Damn! That 250 GTO is a thing of unbelievable beauty. 52 million dollars. Yikes!!!
The pro at mostly nothing
The pro at mostly nothing - 8 years ago
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Stella Rasmussen
Stella Rasmussen - 8 years ago
silence mandate plane airplane struggle round.
Oblix - 8 years ago
You can sell your virginity? EARLY RETIREMENT HERE I CUM
Edward Liu
Edward Liu - 7 years ago
I get the joke XD
Lautaro Lopez
Lautaro Lopez - 8 years ago
Come put ship happen dry tell.
shahrul azmi
shahrul azmi - 8 years ago
Alex Schickling
Alex Schickling - 8 years ago
The guy talking tho!
Roseixx x
Roseixx x - 8 years ago
That red car from the out side look a dum fucking ass car from 1800s BRUHA
Lemonfaic - 8 years ago
Josh Stover
Josh Stover - 8 years ago
Gaming Abby You are about to get destroyed by car guys. That is a Ferrari 250 gto 1963, v12 engine, and only 39 were made.
Keith  Betts
Keith Betts - 8 years ago
salsco tp44 paver
I Am The Flash
I Am The Flash - 8 years ago
i need that i phone 5s black dimond version.
anyone have ? ;)
Michelle Steen
Michelle Steen - 8 years ago
cool cars
Etinosa Amadasu
Etinosa Amadasu - 8 years ago
most expensive Virginity, DA fuck
nicole durbin
nicole durbin - 8 years ago
I have a lambergini and a lot of stuff
Royalsteven - 8 years ago
The most expensive thing in the universe is your soul.
Vendis Sertune
Vendis Sertune - 7 years ago
Boy if u don't get ur corny ass outta here
Alu Ntlabezo
Alu Ntlabezo - 7 years ago
no just no
Royalsteven - 7 years ago
This is about material things, and you can't buy God's soul.
I love irish they good at making vid jack
I love irish they good at making vid jack - 7 years ago
Royalsteven nopethe expensive thing is god you cant beat his richness
Royalsteven - 8 years ago
You? We are all expensive. I would say humans are unpayable. Not to be sold. Unfortuantely human trafficking is one of the world's biggest problems.
Legend Caster
Legend Caster - 8 years ago
Royalsteven I'm
Royalsteven - 8 years ago
You can sell your soul for fame and money so in essence you can get paid for that.
one viewer
one viewer - 8 years ago
Royalsteven well... no one gets paid for that but metaphorically you are right because all these expensive things are created by humans and we are the most valuable things and our soul is us. but as i said no one gets paid for that.
Dogeiscoolforever -mincraft and roblox
Dogeiscoolforever -mincraft and roblox - 8 years ago
Soooo expensive!!!!
Trock The Vasstutas
Trock The Vasstutas - 8 years ago
Pathetic... people this is part of what's wrong with the world.
AppXone Wox
AppXone Wox - 8 years ago
Finally i completed my App for Andoird, I need your more FeedBack,,
Kubz scout if ya dont know find kn youtube Fan #1
Kubz scout if ya dont know find kn youtube Fan #1 - 8 years ago
u forgot about antimatter
Daniel Hendricks
Daniel Hendricks - 8 years ago
2:06 those are very... ahem... ROUND squares
Daniel Hendricks
Daniel Hendricks - 8 years ago
1:32 how can food possibly cost more than my mclaren mp4-12c!?
Lemonfaic - 8 years ago
no one knows.
Daniel Hendricks
Daniel Hendricks - 8 years ago
0:48 or a showoff
Mr. Monkey
Mr. Monkey - 8 years ago
That was cool!!
SloppyIceCream Gaming
SloppyIceCream Gaming - 8 years ago
...react time
safi qadeem
safi qadeem - 8 years ago
where's the golden buggati
Gašper Špaget
Gašper Špaget - 8 years ago
Zachary Jones
Zachary Jones - 8 years ago
I love looking at things I will never have!
tushar sharma
tushar sharma - 8 years ago
bill gates decided to buy all of these items he thought of saving some money .
He went to sleep and saved enough money to buy all these
Mr nice guy Gy
Mr nice guy Gy - 8 years ago
I'm buying that burger
Jeef Rogers
Jeef Rogers - 8 years ago
Nice intro totally didn't steal it from leafyishere
慾望DesireKay - 8 years ago
Anthony Franken
Anthony Franken - 8 years ago
No one loves a rich cunt!
KiNG KHAN - 8 years ago
Anthony Franken
THE DARK KING - 8 years ago
Anthony Franken dude what if a rich person is nice not that I'm rich I wish ...
TOTAL SPORTZ - 8 years ago
The thing about me is that even if I'm soo rich
I won't get high
Funky Monkey123
Funky Monkey123 - 8 years ago
Ken David
Ken David - 8 years ago
the Borgata casino in New Jersey is about 2 billion both buildings combined i worked there!so that in Singapore is not so expensive in comparison.
Reese - 8 years ago
the beginning had me like "idubbbz?!?"
Marka Var
Marka Var - 8 years ago
song after intro?
Beast 81
Beast 81 - 8 years ago
What is the song at the beginning called?
Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire
Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire - 8 years ago
I <3 Vlogging - Casey Neistat.
Galaxy Gal
Galaxy Gal - 8 years ago
clorox bleach you were here in reaction time and this video!?
E7 Retro
E7 Retro - 8 years ago
Beast 81 otis mcdonald
Randomcat Meow
Randomcat Meow - 8 years ago
I bet if Bill Gates watch this he be like my pocket change is worth more than those items
samuel buchanan
samuel buchanan - 7 years ago
+joseph jin stop being an asshole it was a joke
Infinite Atmosphere
Infinite Atmosphere - 7 years ago
Not all hes only a billionaire that anti mater is 100b
Chel TV
Chel TV - 8 years ago
Randomcat Meow he can't afford 1 millagram of anti matter
Randomizer - 8 years ago
randomcat lol
joseph jin
joseph jin - 8 years ago
andrew James he can't buy everything be smart and not lazy and search up how much everything together is and search up how much money bill gates has.
joseph jin
joseph jin - 8 years ago
Randomcat Meow that is not true the substance is 100 billion dollars and bill gates has somewhere about 72 billion dollars so he could not buy everything.
andrew James
andrew James - 8 years ago
Randomcat Meow he is the richest man on earth and has been 15 years in a row only lost 1 time. so yeah he could buy everything on this video and not even care.
Randomcat Meow
Randomcat Meow - 8 years ago
Retro Orange (¯―¯٥) it's a joke man not literally ....
Retro Orange
Retro Orange - 8 years ago
Randomcat Meow Net worth doesnt mean he owns all that money atm, its his money over all
Shivam Tati
Shivam Tati - 8 years ago
Shiva Kumar
ブランドンbrandy - 8 years ago
How are feminist angry about some hot Mexican babe auctioning off her virginity for 3.4 million+?
Oh, fuck this video is 2 years old, nvm...
ブランドンbrandy - 8 years ago
Does the rich idiot actually use the phone?
Rameez Irfan
Rameez Irfan - 8 years ago
oh ! baby I want that I phone!
Md Alam
Md Alam - 8 years ago
CB Sam
CB Sam - 8 years ago
Fuck that burger I ma go buy some 5$ McDonald's burger
It’s Youngsavage
It’s Youngsavage - 8 years ago
Lisa Edge
Lisa Edge - 8 years ago
The phone is fake!!!
Calemite - 8 years ago
OH MY GOD IT HAS GOLD AND SAPHIRE AND... Wait that's an iPhone 5? Fuck off cheap bastard
Calemite - 8 years ago
When you have successfully triggered 5 people:

Achievement earned: Trigger leafy fans
WonderWaffleGaming - 8 years ago
GamerDerp its a phone deal with it jeez who cares if its iphone 5 and how is he a cheap bastard i cant even afford a iphone in general
AjBro - 8 years ago
Diana - 8 years ago
GamerDerp you're a picky ass bastard
The Humid Armpit
The Humid Armpit - 8 years ago
GamerDerp lel
Dogeiscoolforever -mincraft and roblox
Dogeiscoolforever -mincraft and roblox - 8 years ago
GamerDerp iPhone 5 true I would not buy it it's a pice of ** man I got a iPhone 6 and dropped it like 1000000 times and it dint break
Retro Orange
Retro Orange - 8 years ago
GamerDerp the iphone 5 was the prime phone when this video was made (when the phone was made)
slinkiegirl2001 - 8 years ago
52 mil for the first car WTF i know some celebs have more money than sense but tis is taking foolishness with dosh to a whole new level
Bleach Modder
Bleach Modder - 8 years ago
MrTMemify - 8 years ago
Glaktic Rax
Glaktic Rax - 8 years ago
Lol free beats.
Lxam_gamer - 8 years ago
What's that song at the start
E7 Retro
E7 Retro - 8 years ago
RAYION gaming/more otis mcdonald
XxNightMerezXx RNG GOD
XxNightMerezXx RNG GOD - 8 years ago
I have a Nissan skyline r34
rumours trailer
rumours trailer - 8 years ago
which editing software you use
Max Pac
Max Pac - 8 years ago
Marina Skyline wow!
FSK - 8 years ago
Christian Mills
Christian Mills - 8 years ago
You would get pissed when you lose
Your phone
Antoinette Sevire
Antoinette Sevire - 8 years ago
CM VLOGS ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
diambar senegal
diambar senegal - 8 years ago
Trop beau le téléphone
stephen martha
stephen martha - 8 years ago
Justin Bedard
Justin Bedard - 8 years ago
Please never put inappropriate things in again that was awful
♛The VCR King♛
♛The VCR King♛ - 8 years ago
Meowmers - 8 years ago
What about the international space station at 125 billion?
night picture
night picture - 8 years ago
buy my drawing
tvention - 8 years ago
check out my spinning chuck Taylor's...nasty!
植物热血 - 8 years ago
kamlesh khant
kamlesh khant - 8 years ago
Ozzy - 8 years ago
I should sell my virginity lol
Bawan Dhadli
Bawan Dhadli - 8 years ago
you also must add a expensive place related to sikh history which is in punjab,india. but your thinking is little in front of its price, anyone else who you are.
Franky's Awareness
Franky's Awareness - 8 years ago
they forgot to show the gold digger that goes with it. When the zombies comes, nobody will care about theses things except my foot up your ass and lucille lol
Sona Stationery
Sona Stationery - 8 years ago
waste video, can't u make good video about good things,
uzair ahmad
uzair ahmad - 8 years ago
thats not true
madden legend
madden legend - 8 years ago
the song is call ha ma
YouTube Cat
YouTube Cat - 8 years ago
Why the hell would you pay so much money for just one burger
Kayla Nicole
Kayla Nicole - 8 years ago
Lol. That's not the most expensive yacht.
Murat Kaçiran
Murat Kaçiran - 8 years ago
Jose Shotin Sakugawa
Jose Shotin Sakugawa - 8 years ago
HELP ME GET TO 100 SUBS WITH NO SUBS : - 8 years ago
sub and I'll Co e back to life
Krishyam - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Thank you
MatrixxMUSIC - 8 years ago
BJGvideos - 8 years ago
I don't see why that woman auctioning her virginity would be under fire from feminists. What she's doing is rock stupid but it's also her own decision to what to do with her body, and that's about as feminist as it gets.
Seby S
Seby S - 8 years ago
My globe canvas shoes are $60 and their better than those shoes
MAH FACE - 8 years ago
i was just looking for a gold buggati
WonderWaffleGaming - 8 years ago
Vicky Lopez me to
Charles A
Charles A - 8 years ago
Me too that's all I wanted to see also, sheesh
Quixel Dragon!!!
Quixel Dragon!!! - 8 years ago
The shoes are ugly
And expensive
sergei kalamees
sergei kalamees - 8 years ago
The idubz ending
neodym 007
neodym 007 - 8 years ago
So the 250 GTO is now worth more than it's own weight in gold. The break point was at approx $41mio at current goldprice of &1322 an ounce and considering the car weights 880kg. So be careful with it ;)
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson - 8 years ago
I've seen the last one in real life when I was in Singapore.
Emmet 242
Emmet 242 - 8 years ago
Marflaxen same
Edgar Joseph
Edgar Joseph - 8 years ago
16.5 mil
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
80 grand a night, I guess staff will be cool when I'm blazing up
C W - 8 years ago
I'd like to buy everything on this list. Just put it all on my debit card!
Pat Burton
Pat Burton - 7 years ago
Cyan West bn b
singrest2006 - 8 years ago
Timetaken157 - 8 years ago
Content Cop
SHOCK STER - 8 years ago
i thought the most expensive substance is my fart molecules.
SHOCK STER - 8 years ago
the phone looks so ugly with the gem button and it looks a little girlish.
Huzef shaikh
Huzef shaikh - 8 years ago
dream to build gold car
Huzef shaikh
Huzef shaikh - 8 years ago
dream to build gold car
General Aspergers
General Aspergers - 8 years ago
That intro music reminded me of iDubbbz...
WolfHead - 8 years ago
My virginity costs nothing, but nobody want's it ....

- Forever Alone
DustInStorm - 8 years ago
it is a hotel
DustInStorm - 8 years ago
i used to be in marina bay
Daniel James Dolor
Daniel James Dolor - 8 years ago
the government can print money to fund wars. so why can't they just print money to buy anti matter for some project
C W - 8 years ago
Because they have to build a gigantic particle accelerator lol
cq33xx - 8 years ago
3:51 Been virgin didn't stop this girl from been also a prostitute :D best proof for whore is in the head and not in the pussy... btw she is not even beautiful i wont pay a euro for her virginity
Brittany Flores
Brittany Flores - 8 years ago
I'm in between being rich and poor I'm in the middle of does two economy of money but I live in a big apartment so yeah
pea.nad03 - 8 years ago
the most expensive virginity is not that girl.. its suppose to be those girl that still a virgin and does not sell their body or virginity to anybody easily
Jlog_Jalex - 8 years ago
watchguy79 - 8 years ago
Does every video have to have a commercial now on youtube? Vids that have commercials you cannot skip are fucking retarded. Want to strangle the author.
Omar Ismael
Omar Ismael - 8 years ago
And when the iPhone 5 explode? Ooooo. There goes my gold melt down.
Omar Ismael
Omar Ismael - 8 years ago
And when the iPhone 5 explode? Ooooo. There goes my gold melt down.
Chloe Price
Chloe Price - 8 years ago
1. Being in a relationship
Bendom - 8 years ago
Most expensive!? Doesn't say sold so I deserve number one spot for pricing my toothpick for 99 trillion dollars.

Whoopty doo.
Atrisya Sparkles
Atrisya Sparkles - 8 years ago
I want the shit iPhone honestly
Seb K
Seb K - 8 years ago
Just shows anything is worth as much as someone is willing to pay .
Jacob Peters
Jacob Peters - 8 years ago
What's the intro music?
Jacob Foster
Jacob Foster - 8 years ago
You missed out a high way which cost over 450 billion
Jacob Foster
Jacob Foster - 8 years ago
The most expensive phone is the iPhone falcon which cost 45 million
Dudueddeccjdurdxdt ecuraBertti
Dudueddeccjdurdxdt ecuraBertti - 8 years ago
Percy K
Percy K - 8 years ago
And this is why poverty exists.
Henry Masson
Henry Masson - 8 years ago
Hey u forgot the 4.5 billion dollor yacht u know!!!
Otec Canon
Otec Canon - 8 years ago
No, he's right. It's a gold yacht.
Marius Christiansen Gislerud
Marius Christiansen Gislerud - 8 years ago
I think it cost $450M, not $4.5B
ChallengerDev 24
ChallengerDev 24 - 8 years ago
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
Diamonds is a hoax, Hollywood fairytale made you to buy worthless stone.
Go figure.
Shuby_ - 7 years ago
PartOfYou you do realise diamonds have a lot of uses other than jewellery. It's used in the building industry. It's one of the hardest materials on the planet. Although diamonds are popular in Hollywood aka the jewellery market it has a lot more uses. Not to mention how little we have compared to other materials. So yeah it is kinda worth it
Solomon Israel
Solomon Israel - 8 years ago
PartOfYou it's no use ;-;
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
both hoax and monopoly. Without hollywood they wouldnt be precious at all. It is same thing like swarowski, just bigger and older scam.
Tony SansNom
Tony SansNom - 8 years ago
Isn't it simply a monopoly on diamonds?
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
+Randomcat Meow
I dont quite get what you asking, because you kind of answered to yourself and probably you simply dont quite understand how brainwashing works or how artificial need i crafted.
Just like many stones was in old days precious or semi-precious because it was naturally rare and beautiful, someone came up with an idea to make "super-rare" and super expensive stone. So influence of propaganda began way before TV, but tv gave them magic power turn nothing into the gold, simply by making believe people into things.
Of course it is exceptional idea, it is crystal clear stone which fraction the light into all full spectrum of light - 7 colours, but that can do many other stones for few pennies.
After all everything has value only because we need ir or it is rare. But in this case "need" is influenced by brainwashing and it is not that rare or that hard to get or produce.
It is all game, and you are not in the game, your a consumer.. well so am i.
Randomcat Meow
Randomcat Meow - 8 years ago
PartOfYou I am curious about what you said so....did the diamond's expensive pricing came first or did the brainwashing TV shows came first? :/ (and if the TV shows did came first

1.who gave them the idea diamond was expensive
2.i don't think they were bribed to advertise and develop their storylines just to make diamond expensive)
Randomcat Meow
Randomcat Meow - 8 years ago
PartOfYou I am curious about what you said so....did the diamond's expensive pricing came first or did the brainwashing TV shows came first? :/
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
+brandy ブランドン
I am glad there is clever girls around, thank you.
ブランドンbrandy - 8 years ago
You mean the female's weakness to want some dumb ring on their finger that means men are dumb enough to spend $1,000.00 on some piece of stone worth far less than what anyone is willing to spend on it.... If a woman asks or expects a diamond ring, then you leave that hoe! Sex and a healthy relationship should be good enough for a marriage, a thousand dollar ring is out of the question....
PartOfYou - 8 years ago

True, but our weakness is used against us.
BJGvideos - 8 years ago
+PartOfYou Nobody is beholden to adhere to suggestions. If we didn't have independent thought then people wouldn't even have the ideas to do so to begin with. 
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
+brandy ブランドン
True, its called hoax and this hoax is working as long it has believers into hoax.
Actually same thing with our money which is backed up by our faith.
ブランドンbrandy - 8 years ago
They're not all that worthless because it's just that the diamond industry has a monopoly over the diamonds that they sell, so they can basically charge whatever the fuck that they want for them.....
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
Yes, you are totally correct, on most part our thoughts are not our own and are based on suggestions around us. We totally dont suspect that someone can have any intention behind every day programs in tv, YT, etc, programming in other words. But trust me they DO and it is so evident that only fully submerged into this system programming are not able to recognize it. 
BJGvideos - 8 years ago
You seem to think that we can't possibly have independent thought. And again, everything has only the value we assign to it.
PartOfYou - 8 years ago
+BJGvideos And we assign value to something because we were brainwashed to think so. Of course if it is genuine resources which are on demand and hard/ expensive to get them at long period of times - it is genuine thing, if it is not kept in one hands, industry, corporation.
BJGvideos - 8 years ago
Everything only really has the value we assign to it.
Hedin Bjarki
Hedin Bjarki - 8 years ago
This video has got 1000 times views than I get in a week
Brandon Rice
Brandon Rice - 8 years ago
Sofia Carson nope im just playin
Sofia Carson nope im just playin - 8 years ago
whhhatt gravy wait
the men with her shoes is exagérating i need jus 10.000 for her 2m shoes !!!!!!!!!!
Live_Mias - 8 years ago
Ball sacks cost a lot of muny
ZmTopReasons - 8 years ago
Anyone watching in 2016?
Sajid Shah
Sajid Shah - 8 years ago
What software do you use to make these videos
Valerie's Channel!
Valerie's Channel! - 8 years ago
Haski - 8 years ago
I didnt watch,I hope the first thing is Life..
Edgar Bwire
Edgar Bwire - 8 years ago
No, Anti Matter is the most expensive.
UniqueTuber - 8 years ago
What's intro song name
I Hate V Perms
I Hate V Perms - 8 years ago
Those shoes look so fucking ugly
Xperian clash of clans, clash royal and more
Xperian clash of clans, clash royal and more - 8 years ago
true the shues are ugly
Ayy Lmao
Ayy Lmao - 7 years ago
Ricky Given Get the fuck outta here with your 2011 stolen yo mama jokes.
Ricky Given
Ricky Given - 8 years ago
the emerald miner gamer Amat your mama is so stupid that she bought 2 tickets to xbox live
Xperian clash of clans, clash royal and more
Xperian clash of clans, clash royal and more - 8 years ago
evander celestian
evander celestian - 8 years ago
that phone that the chinese guy purchased for 16million will be ancient in 5 years
evander celestian
evander celestian - 8 years ago
its so sad that so much money is spent on such foolish things
Robi Neuvonen
Robi Neuvonen - 8 years ago
I am pretty sure this "anonymous" buyer who has the yacht is a russian business man. He's also connected to Putin. Suprise suprise.
Tymerc - 8 years ago
Fat, sweaty and ugly feminists getting upset that an attractive, fit and clean woman can successfully sell her virginity? Shocking.
KingPixelCraft - 8 years ago
A yatch is also 4.5 billion dollars...
KingPixelCraft - 8 years ago
Uhh isnt there 50+ yachts over 150 million....?
Mud Man
Mud Man - 8 years ago
The most expensive soccer player was sold for 110,000,000
Don Wolfberg
Don Wolfberg - 8 years ago
where's the Golden Bugatti?
Icardi - 7 years ago
Don Wolfberg narnia
TheKittyKat - 7 years ago
Go away I'm Asleep
Go away I'm Asleep - 7 years ago
Don Wolfberg forza Motorsport 6
Atul Kumar Singh LET'S DO IT
Atul Kumar Singh LET'S DO IT - 7 years ago
That's what I also wanted to see
GaZGunz_ - 7 years ago
Don Wolfberg ikr
jr riley
jr riley - 7 years ago
It's in my garage
ㄢSmallaluz - 7 years ago
Jamie .B lol
Jamie .B
Jamie .B - 7 years ago
Welcome to click bait
Bbh Jjn
Bbh Jjn - 8 years ago
JohnVsPixels - 8 years ago
Edit Name bait*
Jakor Nero
Jakor Nero - 8 years ago
+Edit Name *bate
Jakor Nero
Jakor Nero - 8 years ago
It's a snapshot from a game it's a click hate
Dutch Kushman
Dutch Kushman - 8 years ago
All Nice..,But meanwhile...there are people dying of hunger!!!
BJGvideos - 8 years ago
Yes and? An upside to these expensive things is that they provide jobs to multiple people. Things like planes and ships especially give jobs to lower-class people, some of these needing hundreds of workers on them. And the people use that to provide for those around them.
TheKingHillMC - 8 years ago
Welp. I'm saving up for a millagram of anti matter. see you in 600 billion years or so when I have enough money
TheKingHillMC - 8 years ago
Coleson anyone?
Christian Sutter
Christian Sutter - 8 years ago
Antimatter is expensive for sure.
O Home In Paradise O
O Home In Paradise O - 8 years ago
Hello if you want to go to my channel and subscribe its Mystic Panda
wanted Mamna give me more
wanted Mamna give me more - 8 years ago
wanted Mamna give me more
wanted Mamna give me more - 8 years ago
wanted Mamna give me more
wanted Mamna give me more - 8 years ago
wanted Mamna give me more
wanted Mamna give me more - 8 years ago
A DIAMOND IPHONE! no difference to a real normal iPhone
Taehyung Lover
Taehyung Lover - 8 years ago
I am SO PROUD of "my" Singapore
AJsVIEW - 8 years ago
Screw this list, nothing more expensive than marriage. Mentally, economically and physically!
Monster Adnan
Monster Adnan - 8 years ago
Its abraj al bait
The building with the biggest clock in the world
Fallon Mendez
Fallon Mendez - 8 years ago
when you can't even buy an ice cream...
PulsarPlayz - 8 years ago
What is the music after the part are u crazy mother sounds deoee laoss
Razel Javier
Razel Javier - 8 years ago
hkd5000 - 8 years ago
hkd5000 - 8 years ago
LA LA LA frari go is the most expensive car in the world and the fastest. and the most expensive phone is apple the apple logo was removed and changed to gold a dimend plone
Sascha Droste
Sascha Droste - 8 years ago
ghxst59 - 8 years ago
you must be high if u buy that burger for that much
Ghost - 7 years ago
Entertainment And Education
Entertainment And Education - 8 years ago
I can't even buy KFC burger :-D :-P
Martin Kavanagh
Martin Kavanagh - 8 years ago
I want to have a talking villager Cody OptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.". Your son brother brother son father father brother brother son son brother brother father son brother father son father your father brother brother father brother your man father father son father father your man father brother OptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsr brother son brother brother son father father son father brother brother son father father son father brother brother son father father son father brother brother son
TIGER VLOGS - 8 years ago
that building that was 4.7 billion dollars
TIGER VLOGS - 8 years ago
I know
ghxst59 - 8 years ago
+dominic hall that's me lol
dominic hall
dominic hall - 8 years ago
You must be high to put a no shirt person for your profile poc
Saronnakorn Chuenban
Saronnakorn Chuenban - 8 years ago
Nice to slleep For Heart ^_^
Saronnakorn Chuenban
Saronnakorn Chuenban - 8 years ago
Nice to sleep daddy for Heart ^_^
Sam Smith
Sam Smith - 8 years ago
sh*tty music hurt my ears abit
PKIce - 8 years ago
You stole Idubbbz's content cop theme, otis mcmusic
doge shibe
doge shibe - 8 years ago
What about obama's catty aka "the beast" it's like 1.5 billion dollars..
Chong Zhe Xuan
Chong Zhe Xuan - 8 years ago
Who here lives in Singapore? (Me)
Andrew Hanks
Andrew Hanks - 8 years ago
I've seen the Marina Bay Sand in Singapore or looks badass
XxDeadShotxX - 8 years ago
I like the phone
Joletsu - 8 years ago
first car is socks
Maria Cristina Cruz
Maria Cristina Cruz - 8 years ago
and the Iss?
MightyManotaur22 - 8 years ago
that chick looks GROSS
DatGamingBoi - 8 years ago
i live in singapore and theres where marina bay sands live...
דביר חוטר
דביר חוטר - 8 years ago
איך בא לי
Zaf Khan
Zaf Khan - 8 years ago
all things sold to "anonymous buyers".... are Arabs from The UAE, Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain or Kuwait...
Andrew Renner
Andrew Renner - 8 years ago
The thumbnail is a screen shot from the Xbox game "Forza 4" if I am correct
Expatriate reporter
Expatriate reporter - 8 years ago
very beautiful
Vince Brault
Vince Brault - 8 years ago
I recognize the music from Ethan and Hila videos. c:
Theodore Julius
Theodore Julius - 8 years ago
why edge pools? these pools are so dam frightening
WinterMusic - 8 years ago
theres actually a wall there and even if u look below you wouldnt be scared btw.. and the wall is high enough so that only if you wanted to climb over than you will be over it. try it one day :)
Ali Zahoor
Ali Zahoor - 8 years ago
good I like those things
milktae - 8 years ago
Put that cellphone away in techrax
gator966 - 8 years ago
Now I know why there is starvation in some parts of the world...
Bari travels
Bari travels - 8 years ago
all the girls were looking very good and beautiful
Yamina Njai
Yamina Njai - 8 years ago
100 BILLION DOLLARS FOR ELICTRIC CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flobski - 8 years ago
Abrhomovic probably bought that yacht haha
Gopinath Subramaniam
Gopinath Subramaniam - 8 years ago
nice and v showing our dreams to be real life......
Haider Ali
Haider Ali - 8 years ago
Dear santa...
Pogo Mogo
Pogo Mogo - 8 years ago
what song
L3ON Th0mps0n
L3ON Th0mps0n - 8 years ago
sub to my channel
Cloud Wind
Cloud Wind - 8 years ago
Faroona Wani
Faroona Wani - 8 years ago
And henceforth the virgin lady died virgin cause no wanted their money to suffocate her V-hole that was already melting for some grizzly bears pounding!
Joe 10001001
Joe 10001001 - 8 years ago
the phone only has one flaw, is runs ios :(
Hokieboy01 - 8 years ago
The guy took the virginity lady that hotel in his new yacht.
Tiller Graal
Tiller Graal - 8 years ago
those shoes may be the best in the world,but they ugly asf in my opinion.
Ramunas Sipavicius
Ramunas Sipavicius - 7 years ago
The expensive WHAT ARE THOSEE
Simmer For Life Harrison
Simmer For Life Harrison - 7 years ago
Tiller Graal I was reading this just as that started playing XD
CharCraze Wix
CharCraze Wix - 8 years ago
Andy Anderson VaCosta look like girl shoe
The Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky - 8 years ago
Andy Anderson VaCosta same
Tony SansNom
Tony SansNom - 8 years ago
They also look feminine
THE DARK KING - 8 years ago
Andy Anderson VaCosta ikr
Reco Tucker
Reco Tucker - 8 years ago
Sebastian Vazquez Rolon
RM 98
RM 98 - 8 years ago
Yeah definitely. So ugly
Tiller Graal
Tiller Graal - 8 years ago
Good point.
Sarwar Hussain
Sarwar Hussain - 8 years ago
Harley Aguada
Harley Aguada - 8 years ago
It's not the best it just states that it's expensive. It does not mean if somethings are expensive it may be the best or not the best
aligator vito
aligator vito - 8 years ago
Sebastian Vazquez Rolon
Jesse Wolff
Jesse Wolff - 8 years ago
Caleb Walker
Caleb Walker - 8 years ago
I think so too
Jazzy V
Jazzy V - 8 years ago
Margarette Gayao
Margarette Gayao - 8 years ago
Your write
Justin Cosby
Justin Cosby - 8 years ago
*most expensive not best. but i do agree they are really ugly af
Nathan Lu
Nathan Lu - 8 years ago
marina bay sands is nice
DeathScoutFTW - 8 years ago
Its the Adder
Gaming 4 Life
Gaming 4 Life - 8 years ago
POOPXXX - 8 years ago
my father car cost 900 million dollors
TGPlays - 8 years ago
+Domleezy fucking savage
darryl Wilson
darryl Wilson - 8 years ago
Vraj Patel
Vraj Patel - 8 years ago
+Dominic Ross lol
Dominic Ross
Dominic Ross - 8 years ago
Gmngvlogs &MORE
Gmngvlogs &MORE - 8 years ago
Little Gaming Prince
Little Gaming Prince - 8 years ago
What's the intro song?
Mahee Ahsan
Mahee Ahsan - 8 years ago
i love iphone
Michael M8
Michael M8 - 8 years ago
Did you actually put a picture of forza in the thumbnail XD
Lisa Leo
Lisa Leo - 8 years ago
What's the name of the song at the beginning???
Recruit gaming
Recruit gaming - 8 years ago
KTech - 8 years ago
juelz santana but i dont know which song
Fazza l Clash Royale & More
Fazza l Clash Royale & More - 8 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
Ten list
Ten list - 8 years ago
wowwwwwwwwwwwwww amazing
Fauzan Arsyad
Fauzan Arsyad - 8 years ago
coleson comedy is reaction this video
Maximiliano Corona
Maximiliano Corona - 8 years ago
Savage One
Savage One - 8 years ago
lol I thought I was ┏━━┓┏━━┳━━┳━━┓┏┓ ┃┏┓┃┃┏┓┃┏┓┃┏┓┃┃┃ ┃┗┛┗┫┃┃┃┗━┫┗━┓┃┃ ┃┏━┓┃┃┃┣━┓┣━┓┃┗┛ ┃┗━┛┃┗┛┃┗┛┃┗┛┃┏┓ ┗━━━┻━━┻━━┻━━┛┗┛ when I slept in a $6600 suite for 5 days
S.M.O. D
S.M.O. D - 8 years ago
if every1 want it..play gta5
Thomas woods
Thomas woods - 8 years ago
the domain is up..............and so is something else
Juan Perdomo
Juan Perdomo - 8 years ago
Antimatter is actually 100 T dollars
Dv Dampier
Dv Dampier - 8 years ago
Mind blown
RaphaelLee Peters
RaphaelLee Peters - 8 years ago
I'm sorry, not that i can afford it, but the shoes look shit.
Jose Shotin Sakugawa
Jose Shotin Sakugawa - 8 years ago
Wess family Wess
Wess family Wess - 8 years ago
iiMagicalMadness On Roblox
sidney kroon
sidney kroon - 8 years ago
Thats what i thought why dindnt he just make diamond jordans
ColorinqCupcakeYT - 8 years ago
Ikr? Ugly af! In my opinion.
Nader Qudimat
Nader Qudimat - 8 years ago
Kinda reminds me when Donald sold his butt virginity.
Nancy Tobler
Nancy Tobler - 8 years ago
his leg Brook
R Brophy
R Brophy - 8 years ago
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 8 years ago
i buyed an antimatter :')
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
Lost it at the hotel in Geneva, dayum thats expensive
Timelapes-Guy - 8 years ago
Someone is stealing ore vids his name is closen comedy! Report him now!!!!
Aj Pate
Aj Pate - 8 years ago
My grandma used to have an pink version of the iphone
Eisir Badhwar
Eisir Badhwar - 8 years ago
Only, "TheRichest" can afford!!!
l Minh6969 l
l Minh6969 l - 8 years ago
None of those is nothing, my life is more expensive, I put it on sale for 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999$

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