10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

Ferrari Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/fu1dJGPOzuM Lamborghini Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/ro_GY-klgrc Tesla Evolution ➡ https://youtu.be/5lcnw0Fokh8 Aston Martin Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/5mq9CrfbAh0 Rolls Royce Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/G8hKAGDKNC8 Mercedes-Benz Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/-U9O8XPmNco Mclaren Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/WMgEqjjnAGs Harley Davidson ➡https://youtu.be/E0ZB2ASDEOg Sailing around the world is one of the most interesting and exciting things that you can ever experience in your life. Imagine that you have your own boat or yacht and that you can take it whenever you want to visit different places while enjoying the best moments of your life in the sea. Having a yacht is not easy as it requires spending a lot of money and preparing this yacht through equipping it with all the necessities and amenities that you may need while sailing requires spending more and more money which makes possessing a yacht unaffordable for most of the people. Most of those who own a yacht are very rich and for this reason the yacht is considered to be a sign of luxury and the wealthy life that the owner of the yacht lives. There are yachts which are very high in their prices to the extent that they cost billions of dollars and just millions. Oil Sheikhs and Russian tycoons alike are spending their holidays on massive yachts with swimming pools, basketball courts, and even concert halls. LIST: 10- SHADDAI 09- SUPER YACHT A 08- DUBAI 07- AZZAM 06- SKYBACK 05- MOLTESE FALCON 04- TOPICAL ISLAND PARADISE 03- STREET OF MONACO 02- ECLIPSED 01- HISTORY SUPREME LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on ON TOP ➡http://goo.gl/xb1DJo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Track: Elektronomia - The Other Side [NCS Release] JJD - Halcyon [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/odThebFOFVg Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/TheOtherSideYO

10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford sentiment_very_dissatisfied 400

Yacht 7 years ago 540,302 views

Ferrari Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/fu1dJGPOzuM Lamborghini Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/ro_GY-klgrc Tesla Evolution ➡ https://youtu.be/5lcnw0Fokh8 Aston Martin Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/5mq9CrfbAh0 Rolls Royce Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/G8hKAGDKNC8 Mercedes-Benz Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/-U9O8XPmNco Mclaren Evolution ➡https://youtu.be/WMgEqjjnAGs Harley Davidson ➡https://youtu.be/E0ZB2ASDEOg Sailing around the world is one of the most interesting and exciting things that you can ever experience in your life. Imagine that you have your own boat or yacht and that you can take it whenever you want to visit different places while enjoying the best moments of your life in the sea. Having a yacht is not easy as it requires spending a lot of money and preparing this yacht through equipping it with all the necessities and amenities that you may need while sailing requires spending more and more money which makes possessing a yacht unaffordable for most of the people. Most of those who own a yacht are very rich and for this reason the yacht is considered to be a sign of luxury and the wealthy life that the owner of the yacht lives. There are yachts which are very high in their prices to the extent that they cost billions of dollars and just millions. Oil Sheikhs and Russian tycoons alike are spending their holidays on massive yachts with swimming pools, basketball courts, and even concert halls. LIST: 10- SHADDAI 09- SUPER YACHT A 08- DUBAI 07- AZZAM 06- SKYBACK 05- MOLTESE FALCON 04- TOPICAL ISLAND PARADISE 03- STREET OF MONACO 02- ECLIPSED 01- HISTORY SUPREME LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on ON TOP ➡http://goo.gl/xb1DJo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Track: Elektronomia - The Other Side [NCS Release] JJD - Halcyon [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/odThebFOFVg Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/TheOtherSideYO

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Most popular comments
for 10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

Cruz Lopez
Cruz Lopez - 7 years ago
ON TOP 65=
James Martin
James Martin - 7 years ago
your videos suck......mostly due to the computer voice
Pappy - 7 years ago
Ricardo Barata
Ricardo Barata - 7 years ago
Mario Rivera
Mario Rivera - 7 years ago
Most annoying video ever! No way I’m subscribing.
Fred Lau
Fred Lau - 7 years ago
hharder10 - 7 years ago
jamie strandford
jamie strandford - 7 years ago
voice is horrible.
Bazil Bedazzil
Bazil Bedazzil - 7 years ago
overpriced rubbish. i bet a price breakdown would reveal most of the money is consultation fees

10. comment for 10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

Christopher Casarez
Christopher Casarez - 7 years ago
Godly unseen wish to have super teck.
Dame - 7 years ago
downvote automated robot voice.
Mr Young
Mr Young - 7 years ago
Buy all these yachts
Murray Elliott
Murray Elliott - 7 years ago
I was interested and would have enjoyed knowing what the Narrator was saying but I don't speak robot, so I tuned-out.
陈姆华 - 7 years ago
enjoy  sea life
Jack Tarr
Jack Tarr - 7 years ago
All these rich fucking ragheads laughing and saying thank you stupid fucking American peasants...
Ron Lee
Ron Lee - 7 years ago
They use the robotic voice so they can lie and, blame a damn robot
Staci Penns
Staci Penns - 7 years ago
Dave Compeau
Dave Compeau - 7 years ago
All idiots
aux1z11 - 7 years ago
These rich ass hats may have nice Things but when they die they can't take it to hell with them. You can own the whole world and it might be nice the first few days then it becomes boaring then there is nothing more.

20. comment for 10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

DjRaw Mixx
DjRaw Mixx - 7 years ago
Someone's robbing the poor
Denis Höger
Denis Höger - 7 years ago
für eine nacht nur gast sein würde sogar allen die schuhe putsen und noch mehr was genau weis ich nicht kann man sich auch nicht vorstellen wow langt da echt nicht mehr
Simon L
Simon L - 7 years ago
Jim Morgan
Jim Morgan - 7 years ago
I better start sucking some Arabs off..!!!
F3YAW - 7 years ago
God is telling these people they have way too much money.
Zen-activités - 7 years ago
rich people are boring fat and all they do is pollute the planet.
Beautyfull Hearts
Beautyfull Hearts - 7 years ago
Too cool!!!! The one with the lights along the bottom is stylish and very nice!!! .#7
Pappy - 7 years ago
5 seconds in and i shut your stupid computer voice down .
Chris178387 - 7 years ago
16 seconds of this BS was enough
Englishman in France
Englishman in France - 7 years ago
Smug rich arrogant . What we need to do is round them ALL up, put hi viz life vest on them, put them on a "Mega inflatable" and drop them off on a remote part of the north African coast and watch the drama unfold.

30. comment for 10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

Kees Smit
Kees Smit - 7 years ago
here's an idea, find someone who can actually talk
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild - 7 years ago
They should take all this money and do something useful with it. You really have to be empty inside to require this kind of self aggrandizement.
In here
In here - 7 years ago
That's an expensive Cobia look out tower
Silent Earth
Silent Earth - 7 years ago
stupid electronic voice. cant watch!
lunkan93 - 7 years ago
number 9. It is not even the same boat as they show. there are different boats. The inside does not fit the outside of the boat
Mark C
Mark C - 7 years ago
The computer voice sucks big time. LOL
leo leonel
leo leonel - 7 years ago
Gav T
Gav T - 7 years ago
I can see why your anonimity would be at a premium dropping info like this on us unsuspecting sheeple,nice voice you fucking nugget
CocosX Lizzy
CocosX Lizzy - 7 years ago
The first Yacht isnt even built
Norman Olsen
Norman Olsen - 7 years ago
How much is enough??? how many yachts can you water ski behind???
Russell Davis
Russell Davis - 7 years ago
I think the same thing as many other comments here... Wealthy people and I mean Real Wealthy People.... arrogant, greedy and a bunch of snobs... they cannot be living in true happiness... You going to die a sad and lonely life... and surely does not make you a better person than me... and WTF - what can you do... all your friends either plastic friends or you bought them to make you happy... I have nothing, I never got caught up in the corporate mumm-jo-jumm-bo, lived humble life and at least.... and sure - I am happier than you... and probably a better person than you too...
TJ Devereaux
TJ Devereaux - 7 years ago
With so much poverty and misery in the world, no one person should be allowed to have that much money, it’s disgusting display of wealth and greed, and I hope everyone of these boats sink, with their owners on board! I am so fed up with all these rich people who make their living by walking on the backs of the poor, they make me sick! May they face hurricane force winds, And 100 foot waves!, Then, and only then will they have the slightest idea of what it’s like to live in fear every day of your life because of poverty, poverty that these rich bastards are responsible for!
FOIL FOIL - 7 years ago
it could hit an iceburg
Giovanny Colon
Giovanny Colon - 7 years ago
U wish u were rich i dont wanna hear excuses
Daniel Perfertti
Daniel Perfertti - 7 years ago
TJ Devereaux they worked their way up there, why u crying
El Ministro Musical
El Ministro Musical - 7 years ago
I likethat
Kostya Usa
Kostya Usa - 7 years ago
Путинская россия... 13 экономика мира... тотальная корупция... нищета... первое место в мире по потреблению наркотиков и вич ифицированных.. тотальная нищета... а обрамовичи и усмановы и прочие уголовники жиру бесятся...
marina thanassara
marina thanassara - 7 years ago
3rdworldtraveler - 7 years ago
Dumbs get below assholes its coming apart ,
Jordan Tierney
Jordan Tierney - 7 years ago
Considering on a previous videos super yacht a was 450m rofl. Shit vid
1mezion - 7 years ago
electronic voice definitely a turn off
Ahmad Kamal
Ahmad Kamal - 7 years ago
يخوت حرميت القرن واحد وعشرين
olddogg eleventy2
olddogg eleventy2 - 7 years ago
Every time I hear a robot voice I hit dislike...what will it take for you to get the message?
Karl Fehringer
Karl Fehringer - 7 years ago
Better luxury yachts that high tech warships

50. comment for 10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

Brettvalery Brett
Brettvalery Brett - 7 years ago
.. ❤
steven herrold
steven herrold - 7 years ago
i don 't waste my time dreaming of owning one these i got too many other things todo
Don Jon Lon
Don Jon Lon - 7 years ago
wow no.04 is totally outrageously not just extravagant but monster concepts unusual for ship /or boat . I subbed all that :)
Cris Coulter
Cris Coulter - 7 years ago
Fucking robo voice? Stop that crap!
Rustom k
Rustom k - 7 years ago
Totally waste of money for nothing
Rick Davis
Rick Davis - 7 years ago
They might want to rethink that first design but before they do, somebody take them out on something and let them ride in the top of a really tall tuna tower.
S Lit
S Lit - 7 years ago
# 10 is one UGLY FUCKER...
David Farmer
David Farmer - 7 years ago
Can we do with out the wizzing scene change........ very irritating. Packed in in at 45 seconds.
MUMM CH - 7 years ago
Maltese Falcon... Not Moltese and History Supreme is a note fake is only a paint....
Sailing our Foxcub 18
Sailing our Foxcub 18 - 7 years ago
Nope, not listening to a robotic voice................
Dr.Dave3855 Dave Bowman
Dr.Dave3855 Dave Bowman - 7 years ago
But the last tub, had a dinning area.
卐 Nutz 卐
卐 Nutz 卐 - 7 years ago
u did
renoguy25 - 7 years ago
I totally don't understand why these videos can't be narrated by an actual live human .
and the last yatch ... what an FUCKING arrogant waste of money
Gregg Garrison
Gregg Garrison - 7 years ago
Robot comma dot robot
Intrepid Risk Management
Intrepid Risk Management - 7 years ago
Great video - thanks for sharing!

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About 10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford

The "10 Ridiculously Expensive Luxury Yachts Only BILLIONAIRE Can Afford" video is part of the Yachts, sailing, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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