10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

top 10 expensive homes only rich people can afford during a zombie apocalypse Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com So, we’ve been waiting for it for decades now. We’ve watched all the movies and TV shows we could get our hands on, read all the books and played the related levels in video games – we’ve even seen what would happen if the plants rose up to fight the zombies. Yes, of course we are talking about the Zombie Apocalypse. All over the world, doomsday preppers have their escape plans ready, fuel and food stockpiled and contact information updated. Sure, you may be the type to laugh at all this because, let’s face it, there probably will never be a zombie apocalypse, right? You never know, but when a ghoul’s chomping down on your brains don’t say we didn’t warn you. What if your plan involves sitting tight and riding out the wave of the undead? Not a problem. A quick look around the real-estate listings shows that there are a ton of places that are either purpose-built to be zombie proof or are just plain fortress-like to begin with. Of course, having a zombie-proof home often requires a fair bit of cash. After all, moats, draw-bridges, concrete walls and underground bunkers can all add up on the credit card bill pretty fast. These following zombie proof homes are all pretty pricey and we’re thinking only the richest doomsday prepper will be able to afford both the purchase price and likely upkeep costs associated with keeping the defences ready. Sure there are cheaper alternatives – but would you really want to be trapped in a standard bungalow when a swarm of rotting corpses comes for you? Didn’t think so. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3223

Yacht 8 years ago 4,998,091 views

top 10 expensive homes only rich people can afford during a zombie apocalypse Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com So, we’ve been waiting for it for decades now. We’ve watched all the movies and TV shows we could get our hands on, read all the books and played the related levels in video games – we’ve even seen what would happen if the plants rose up to fight the zombies. Yes, of course we are talking about the Zombie Apocalypse. All over the world, doomsday preppers have their escape plans ready, fuel and food stockpiled and contact information updated. Sure, you may be the type to laugh at all this because, let’s face it, there probably will never be a zombie apocalypse, right? You never know, but when a ghoul’s chomping down on your brains don’t say we didn’t warn you. What if your plan involves sitting tight and riding out the wave of the undead? Not a problem. A quick look around the real-estate listings shows that there are a ton of places that are either purpose-built to be zombie proof or are just plain fortress-like to begin with. Of course, having a zombie-proof home often requires a fair bit of cash. After all, moats, draw-bridges, concrete walls and underground bunkers can all add up on the credit card bill pretty fast. These following zombie proof homes are all pretty pricey and we’re thinking only the richest doomsday prepper will be able to afford both the purchase price and likely upkeep costs associated with keeping the defences ready. Sure there are cheaper alternatives – but would you really want to be trapped in a standard bungalow when a swarm of rotting corpses comes for you? Didn’t think so. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Most popular comments
for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

Hunter Brill
Hunter Brill - 7 years ago
if i would die it would to be sans from undertale
spuddles - 7 years ago
You can obviously afford these

This is probably very overused
Cryana Moreoa
Cryana Moreoa - 7 years ago
I no how to kill zombies scream vary lowd
ƏH Pie
ƏH Pie - 7 years ago
But what if zombies can swim
Ashley Thompson
Ashley Thompson - 7 years ago
so your gonna leave your fans waiting to die
Chespro 515
Chespro 515 - 7 years ago
All you need is a weapon, armor, food, and a basement with a iron door with strongest locks.
Bluesidgaming YT
Bluesidgaming YT - 7 years ago
Yeah bro I bet you have 2 bud too buy a toy your not the richest bro
Isabel Cristina Hernanández Agudelo
Isabel Cristina Hernanández Agudelo - 7 years ago
Well when you get eaten by zombies you get to live in heaven were everything is peaceful and you don't have to worry about zombies anymore
Emelia McPartland McPartland
Emelia McPartland McPartland - 7 years ago
you practically said only you can afford the houses "10 zombie proof houses only the RICHEST can afford"

10. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

Steven Gross
Steven Gross - 7 years ago
ArtistAnthony9 - 7 years ago
I know one house in Meridian, Diamond Avenue which is quite a sight.
Kookie The THICCY
Kookie The THICCY - 7 years ago
So if we ever have a zombie apocalypse where you guys wanna meet up
Jacob McKnight
Jacob McKnight - 7 years ago
A la call of duty
Treamont Mckibbing
Treamont Mckibbing - 7 years ago
Eyyy I can afford these well my family can
Christopher Hernandez
Christopher Hernandez - 7 years ago
So only u can afford it?
Ayusha Baral
Ayusha Baral - 7 years ago
Treamont Mckibbing
Treamont Mckibbing - 7 years ago
Ayusha Baral THANK YOU
Laura Meza
Laura Meza - 7 years ago
Your the only one that can afford this
Ethan Kibblewhite
Ethan Kibblewhite - 7 years ago
Death Plays
Death Plays - 7 years ago
How abot I buy a normal house and, zombie walks in “aw man, ima take the easy way outta this” “gun to head”. Ez no pain for me

20. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

Wendy Ngo
Wendy Ngo - 7 years ago
I think my house has a secret place where? My bathroom.
Madeline gogo juice
Madeline gogo juice - 7 years ago
Go fuck your self because zombies are NOT REAL and change your channel name you little shit
Cinnamon FilmZ
Cinnamon FilmZ - 7 years ago
Where is my question?!
Hannah Gonzalez-Zalzman
Hannah Gonzalez-Zalzman - 7 years ago
how can only your channel afford these houses
TheChief2 Gaming
TheChief2 Gaming - 7 years ago
Or you and your friends can join up with the Army. My friends have a shit ton of tactical gear and spare uniforms. Some of us have tactical/combat arms training. I myself was in Army Junior ROTC so I have leadership training. My brother, myself, and a few friends were also in Boy Scouts, so we have basic survival skills.
I believe that no matter if you are rich or not unless you have training and skills that work well in the case when all else fails, then you really can't survive. I live in the mindset that skill and training save your life, and believe me, it has before. If I haven't had learned the skills I learned through my Boy Scout experience, I wouldn't have lasted a day in the woods when my friends and I decided to do a survival camping trip.
Timothy Speer
Timothy Speer - 7 years ago
Silenced pistol
Mikey Capetillo
Mikey Capetillo - 7 years ago
My house
Lesley .S
Lesley .S - 7 years ago
I would get a gun and shoot the zombies then just sit it out
noah newman
noah newman - 7 years ago
A sky house
SkyEarthOcean - 7 years ago
Do people actually believe that zombies could be a real thing? I mean really?

30. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

James1234567890hackn - 7 years ago
I mean it's either ya kill urself or get killed
CAROLINE FLOGAUS - 7 years ago
Well my friend lives in an old bank with 2 volts so I think if she/he lets us in we’ll be fine.
Geniuz - 7 years ago
"breach the walls"
- horses

DingoOfficial - 7 years ago
I'd just join the walking dead
Coop Myster
Coop Myster - 7 years ago
My fetcher is my baseball bat
qtlois - 7 years ago
So your the only one who can afford it huh? You will get crowded in no time
Reeno kopli
Reeno kopli - 7 years ago
Only you?
It's RAFF - 7 years ago
Were"s ironman XD
It's RAFF - 7 years ago
5.5 milion!?!....
You need 10 million dollars

Who has 10 milion dollars
Abdul Aziz Helmy Rashdan
Abdul Aziz Helmy Rashdan - 7 years ago
Go out and be in the Call of Duty
Ajay Singh
Ajay Singh - 7 years ago
Ass hole to you
DustyEel 7381273
DustyEel 7381273 - 7 years ago
Castle blue grass is sick!
Killian Hanlon
Killian Hanlon - 7 years ago
I have One
Master Jedi
Master Jedi - 7 years ago
Jivekillerxx Swag
Jivekillerxx Swag - 7 years ago
I’ve been here ever since 2 million keep up the good work!
guiltygore gaming
guiltygore gaming - 7 years ago
What I think is your own landscape safe house?
sniperwolf59 bigney
sniperwolf59 bigney - 7 years ago
only she can afford it
RyanDTM - 7 years ago
I’d shoot my self sp you don’t live in such a harsh life no food no water no friends but no school
Tooba Kazi
Tooba Kazi - 7 years ago
pun intended title ..... haha

no ?? only you guys can afford tht .
ohhh!! I must leave
Kinkysatan666 -_-
Kinkysatan666 -_- - 7 years ago
I would get the concrete house

50. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

Wheezing Lamma
Wheezing Lamma - 7 years ago
You can just go north where winter is so cold, the undead simply freeze
The Kfc Ranger
The Kfc Ranger - 7 years ago
Left 4 dead music? COPYRIGHT? Jk value doesn't care
Your#1Guitarist In anime
Your#1Guitarist In anime - 7 years ago
Zombie proof houses?
Do we even have proof that Zombie's are real?
BatDavis The cool
BatDavis The cool - 7 years ago
Actually castle bluegrass is currently a bnb and a lot of in Kentucky see it
emmaz. demon
emmaz. demon - 7 years ago
We would more or less have a zombie apocalypse because of chemicals
emmaz. demon
emmaz. demon - 7 years ago
I would be out shooting the fu*k out od the zombies amdhaveome hell of a blast
emmaz. demon
emmaz. demon - 7 years ago
My basment that is cvers by mettle then a washing machine
Veldtian1 - 7 years ago
Anywhere there's a beltfed machine gun there's a zombie free home.
FUSION SHADOW - 7 years ago
I have one I wish
alexavier Young
alexavier Young - 7 years ago
WELP best start saving then just in case
Arachel Reyes
Arachel Reyes - 7 years ago
bro,the title is ridiculous
Emil Paul
Emil Paul - 7 years ago
And get my Mini gun
Emil Paul
Emil Paul - 7 years ago
Put steel on the door and windows
Lance Snyder
Lance Snyder - 7 years ago
If a zombie apocalypse happens I’m ready fortnite trained me
RelaX Gaming
RelaX Gaming - 7 years ago
My dad is a Soldier and has a room only with weapons bombs and many things ...
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but if the zombies come I want in on the action not be a little bitch and hunker down in an inpetentrible fortress
Crusty Moist
Crusty Moist - 7 years ago
none of these houses would be "zombie" proof because zombies dont fucking exist
also if you shoot a zombie and it doesnt die, then should they be able to survive under water if they are controlled by a hive mind? Also if you watched WWZ, then the zombie hive mind would stack up and swarm each of these homes.
kimberly sims
kimberly sims - 7 years ago
What if someone try's to break in and we don't know that your just assuming you know all, you fucking idiot
ommon snv 135y5u5
ommon snv 135y5u5 - 7 years ago
I dig my own hole
JJ Wackadoodle
JJ Wackadoodle - 7 years ago
Time to start saving up
Raj Laskar
Raj Laskar - 7 years ago
I will wait for my food rations to end then I will storm out and fuck every little zomibe shit head i see with a ..... anything suitable for crushing some fucking brains lol.
Kyle Moore
Kyle Moore - 7 years ago
I would try kill trump and take his money ... but would die because he would have bodyguards and probably would be safe soooo ... idk
Pitbull Boss
Pitbull Boss - 7 years ago
call of duty cuz I have a real gun so yea :D
Ai Kuran
Ai Kuran - 7 years ago
Bunch of guns in they do get in a hiden safe room an a motercle
Du fat bish
Du fat bish - 7 years ago
marquiez correa
marquiez correa - 7 years ago
Gunblazzing person
ahmadoski gamer
ahmadoski gamer - 7 years ago
Not to be rude or anything but only a fool will waste his or her money
kimberly sims
kimberly sims - 7 years ago
Plus you will never get robbed
kimberly sims
kimberly sims - 7 years ago
We don't know that zombies are real or not
Alison Jones
Alison Jones - 7 years ago
How is zombies real
Bivid 546
Bivid 546 - 7 years ago
Trump probably owns everything there
X3fr0z - 7 years ago
9999999 kill streak
Dead Maul
Dead Maul - 7 years ago
MY HOUSE IS ZOMBIE PROOF it has a really high gate and there is a big hole in the front
Lee Hong Hui
Lee Hong Hui - 7 years ago
I need a Big house with a big ass moat and several Minigun turrets with automatic targeting to cut down any zombie attack, with an Additional moat outside filled with the world's most potent acid to melt down any zombie... along with a lifetime's worth of ammunition and a big armoury of weapons. I will also include solar panels for electricity, and more guards armed with 50 cal machineguns to kill more zombies.
Andrew Givens
Andrew Givens - 7 years ago
Lmao the ark hotel.
Just some over done concept that will never ever be made.
Gabby Ponce
Gabby Ponce - 7 years ago
I would bring my phone a toilet and food
Bit 64
Bit 64 - 7 years ago
I live near lake castle
jonatan hernandez
jonatan hernandez - 7 years ago
Bring the gun’s out
kelsey ferris
kelsey ferris - 7 years ago
How would you get food
Jan - 7 years ago
First we need to fix the internet, then the plumbing system..
Patrick amazed
Patrick amazed - 7 years ago
the korbers
the korbers - 7 years ago
My gun
Earl The Derp
Earl The Derp - 7 years ago
Our militia is way too good for a zombie apocalypse to actually break out
Rashed Alothaina
Rashed Alothaina - 7 years ago
If you want to know who can afford those houses look at the channel name
Antony Politis
Antony Politis - 7 years ago
91 Finn
91 Finn - 7 years ago
I would go out with a roket launcher and blow up all the zombies
duckio fan
duckio fan - 7 years ago
kwk promise would be good for the purge
Jake England
Jake England - 7 years ago
I not so good with a gun but. I could slice any one three Wayne’s in a second
Oblivious - 7 years ago
You guys are the only ones who could buy these houses
Labrya Knott
Labrya Knott - 7 years ago
I would KWK promes
Connor Michaels
Connor Michaels - 7 years ago
Guns blazing
lenny982cool gaming YT
lenny982cool gaming YT - 7 years ago
Avon silo from gta 5

100. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford

Angela Adams
Angela Adams - 7 years ago
guns-blazing Call of Duty
Mercy Melon
Mercy Melon - 7 years ago
Full on call of duty
jakeworld - 7 years ago
Alexandria thought it was zombie proof. zombies always get inside eventually
Simone Escobar
Simone Escobar - 7 years ago
If I had 1 thing for a zombie apokalips I wold have Jet engines
The Gaming Boss 51015
The Gaming Boss 51015 - 7 years ago
You Can Afford These
The Gaming Boss 51015
The Gaming Boss 51015 - 7 years ago
The Richest Is Your Name So You Can Afford These
Gabriel Tobing
Gabriel Tobing - 7 years ago
A flying house solar powered house with cloud to water machines, food farms and a bunch of laser cannons and rockets.
Arvan Subris
Arvan Subris - 7 years ago
A moat
Joeyjg - 7 years ago
Will they take a loan? And a down-payment of $5?
Cherri Fizz YT
Cherri Fizz YT - 7 years ago
But I am a zombie.. (who watched Disney Z-O-M-B-I-E-S) I dyed my hair green XD
Mia Drinkhall
Mia Drinkhall - 7 years ago
zombies are not real
jen vazquez
jen vazquez - 7 years ago
A zombie isn’t really dead it’s just a brain dead sickness that infects you if you touch it and the reason why they have mangled up faces is because the virus causes body and bone decay
CommanderM117 - 7 years ago
a very steep stair case is good plus access to roof for water and grow food that or an old fort
Nick Ogden
Nick Ogden - 7 years ago
I dont do islands because there are lots of big ass tidal waves in the middle of the ocean that would do some serious damage
Joseph Silva
Joseph Silva - 7 years ago
So i can survive
Joseph Silva
Joseph Silva - 7 years ago
A gun
Mini Kitty
Mini Kitty - 7 years ago
So only you can afford it?
Westley Perez
Westley Perez - 7 years ago
I would go miles from my house ever day with three bombs with timers each one goes of at different time to lower zombies to there death so there not near me!
Aasiya Copeland
Aasiya Copeland - 7 years ago
tiger's drawing
tiger's drawing - 7 years ago
I would need a radio food water guns and bullets also flashlights and phones
deadtorch gaming
deadtorch gaming - 7 years ago
Guns blazing
Robert McMahan
Robert McMahan - 7 years ago
If I’m correct the zombie can not hurt you by cutting its head off then it can’t kill you because ONLY THE MOUTH CAN DO IT SO HEEHEHE ZOOOOMBIES
xoxosophia - 7 years ago
if there are zombie proof houses, does that mean zombies are real??
CelestialMoon 1
CelestialMoon 1 - 7 years ago
Hey as long as there’s Holo, I’ll be alright
Good video man keep up the good work! Masks
Good video man keep up the good work! Masks - 7 years ago
All guns blazing!
Stuart Young
Stuart Young - 7 years ago
Reads the name of the video
Looks at your YouTube name
So only you can afford these?
Pug Life
Pug Life - 7 years ago
This ain’t Minecraft kid.
RAINBOW SQUAD - 7 years ago
Lotsss and lotsss of guns
Salvy Mills
Salvy Mills - 7 years ago
Everything in this world belongs to the rich, protection, health and food poor can’t have nothing (I’m not poor I’m rich and I’m only standing up for them)
Cody Dunlea
Cody Dunlea - 7 years ago
Guns,cannons,throwing knifes and people that fly fighter jets
the fire wolf pack
the fire wolf pack - 7 years ago
I will go out in the zombie apocalypse with guns cross bow arrows bow and my trusty machete.
shark ninja09
shark ninja09 - 7 years ago
Call of duty
FNATI Suicide mouse
FNATI Suicide mouse - 7 years ago
Dang it only this channel can afford these zombie proof house
Lola Heartfelia
Lola Heartfelia - 7 years ago
I would reenforce my fence with very pointy stakes and close all the shudders in my house.
onefreebird1 - 7 years ago
These houses are interesting but what about possible repairs and fuel needs.
Jacob McKnight
Jacob McKnight - 7 years ago
He wouldn’t let the world come to that praise the lord
That OneLesbo
That OneLesbo - 7 years ago
I don't believe in God
kimberly sims
kimberly sims - 7 years ago
I don't believe in god
Wheezing Lamma
Wheezing Lamma - 7 years ago
What if that doesent happen?
Wert Gamer
Wert Gamer - 7 years ago
So you can afford?
Gogeta Ssj4
Gogeta Ssj4 - 7 years ago
KWK promes
Sledheads Wifey
Sledheads Wifey - 7 years ago
Brent Bren
Brent Bren - 7 years ago
Does This Channel Knows How To Capitalize?

Get it?
KönigVonPreußen - 7 years ago
This is fucking gay
Evan Pearson
Evan Pearson - 7 years ago
i would pay it safe and HIDE but waaaayy to EXPENSIVE
REY CEDRIC - 7 years ago
ill go crazy when there here
Xelerator - 7 years ago
Only TheRichest can buy these houses (lenny)
StarFury - 7 years ago
i may just buy castle bluegrass just cuz why not
Aiden Pennington
Aiden Pennington - 7 years ago
Turrets turrets and more turrets witch are auto and trillion dollar 9 FEET of steel
Isaiah Dozal
Isaiah Dozal - 7 years ago
HZ_7 Savage
HZ_7 Savage - 7 years ago
Dude wow. My family has 12 mill dollars so lol stop. “Only TheRichest can afford” so your YT channel can..…????
Conan Yang
Conan Yang - 7 years ago
A vault
James Burkett
James Burkett - 7 years ago
I would go to the moon
Ashton Jacob Gotladera
Ashton Jacob Gotladera - 7 years ago
elitekiller627 - 7 years ago
The Reaper2445
The Reaper2445 - 7 years ago
Hehe nice title word play
Izuku Midoria
Izuku Midoria - 7 years ago
Haylen Smart
Haylen Smart - 7 years ago
So they are all yours
Noah Cooper
Noah Cooper - 7 years ago
A PS4 WiFi fortnite shotgun and ammo
Conner Tom
Conner Tom - 7 years ago
Holy only 750k, jezz that’s actually not expensive
Dillpickle 97
Dillpickle 97 - 7 years ago
Jeez you guys must be TheRichest
Maribel Pena
Maribel Pena - 7 years ago
John Griffin
John Griffin - 7 years ago
Call of duty
Crazy kid
Crazy kid - 7 years ago
Them "which features"
Me "All of them!!!!!"
Tyler games
Tyler games - 7 years ago
in and house with a draw brige and and titnum wall and it subports water food aifr and its complty under water
Joe Cool
Joe Cool - 7 years ago
The defenses I would use for the apocalypse I would make a giant turret
Fast Beast
Fast Beast - 7 years ago
I'm too fast for zombies and i can cross so..
Fast Beast
Fast Beast - 7 years ago
Pug Life I'll go to trumps plan set off all the nukes to explode in 10 secs pretty sure alot of people will die.
Pug Life
Pug Life - 7 years ago
When billions of zombies are chasing you,you ain’t gettin away
NiMble - 7 years ago
You can’t afford this
Cade Lewis
Cade Lewis - 7 years ago
Cade Lewis
Cade Lewis - 7 years ago
Guns food water
Adriannah Jones
Adriannah Jones - 7 years ago
The comment section costs nine billion dollars anybody want to buy
Jonathan Wells
Jonathan Wells - 7 years ago
7 story tall Steel walls highly secure doors camera system guardDogs
TheMaximumRayquaza - 7 years ago
i would stay at the top of mount everest
Erichmae Cacabelos
Erichmae Cacabelos - 7 years ago
ONLY YOU can buy these houses?
Darth Sidious
Darth Sidious - 7 years ago
f*ck you natural selection always chooses rich people
Spagetti_Taco_Games - 7 years ago
i would rather go out and and murder every zombie with my gears of war lancer
Apple - 7 years ago
These r pretty cheep
Wowzie - 7 years ago
An underground nuclear fallout shelter complete with anything to let you survive your whole life
star glow
star glow - 7 years ago
This will not happen
anime lover
anime lover - 7 years ago
Are their even zombie
Golden Trap
Golden Trap - 7 years ago
Full call of duty
dogsanimals nature
dogsanimals nature - 7 years ago
Zombies Don't exist
Pug Life
Pug Life - 7 years ago
There could be an outbreak. Who really knows
Muse runner :3 :D
Muse runner :3 :D - 7 years ago
My awnser is auto food water and enterrtasinment
MINECRAFT PRO - 7 years ago
The Lifeless Gamer Girl
The Lifeless Gamer Girl - 7 years ago
Title says theese zombie proof homes are only for the richest
Me: but u r TheRichest
Viewers: I see what you did there
Brain: .................
elbintor Moldez jr
elbintor Moldez jr - 7 years ago
This is the only zombie proof tip
1.Have many money?Try buying a boat that lives in water but its luxurious
2.If you are poor Ask people who are rich so that you can be safe with them
3.Try finding a concrete house :D
Eddie Cervantes
Eddie Cervantes - 7 years ago
Rich dipshits
XDgamer123 - 7 years ago
Ik a tip here is it : get 2 mini guns and have a lot of ammo for a mini gun OR get a flame thrower and set them on fire
John Sciandra
John Sciandra - 7 years ago
I will never leave my house
Anthony ENT
Anthony ENT - 7 years ago
Who would buy houses while the zombie apocalypse is going on?
James Reese
James Reese - 7 years ago
Zobies are real. And upon an apocalypse you don't need any cash to get to these places. Just suit up with armor and a strong and light weight weapon and never settle down. Kill everything that seems infected and trust no one.
AppleGamer - 7 years ago
Only you can? DARN IT
LCFireskull 57
LCFireskull 57 - 7 years ago
go on out with 2 ak47s and shoot them all
LCFireskull 57
LCFireskull 57 - 7 years ago
call of duty style
Demonlord King
Demonlord King - 7 years ago
call of dudy
meleo dast
meleo dast - 7 years ago
Theres a swam zombie
Braden Barringer
Braden Barringer - 7 years ago
Sniper tower
kollarboy Quinicoassasasa
kollarboy Quinicoassasasa - 7 years ago
you can create your own zombie proof less expensive if youre creative to do it and I think that you start planting many trees inside your house and some animals and if it grows bigger now design your house
Ryon Hatcher
Ryon Hatcher - 7 years ago
Vampires are undead, just the their grotesque cousins. Vampires can also burn in sunlight, so wouldn't that mean zombies burn in the sun too?
Andrew Diego
Andrew Diego - 7 years ago
without *
Andrew Diego
Andrew Diego - 7 years ago
lets be honest here not a lot of these houses would work because there are some bigass people in real life now imagine them as zombies they would fucking bust your door down question and eat ur ass
Abe9 - 7 years ago
I live in the safe house
Banana Bunny
Banana Bunny - 7 years ago
I would need a room made out of metal with water and food supplies and beds and laptops. And all is underground with a three way lock door. And a gun in case the zombies break in and cameras around the entrances.
Jacob 118 of the UNSC
Jacob 118 of the UNSC - 7 years ago
Jacob 118 of the UNSC
Jacob 118 of the UNSC - 7 years ago
Jacob 118 of the UNSC
Jacob 118 of the UNSC - 7 years ago
Whoops and once in young and get out with out the code
Jacob 118 of the UNSC
Jacob 118 of the UNSC - 7 years ago
My house would be underwater cause will die inside of water and if they are able to float in water have plexiglass house and a code for the hatch to get in and a room that is titanium
quosmo1 - 7 years ago
Only the Richest ? lol - if watching zombie movies has taught me anything it's that this house will soon belong to anyone with a baseball bat and who is willing to use it.
Madison Barnard
Madison Barnard - 7 years ago
A under grawend bunkar
Kitty N
Kitty N - 7 years ago
So technically your'e saying that only you can afford these? Lol
Anthony Cox
Anthony Cox - 7 years ago
I'm rich but some of these houses I can't even afford
Darren Smit
Darren Smit - 7 years ago
Go out with guns blazing
Pentagon Gamer
Pentagon Gamer - 7 years ago
No, it’s zombie-proof houses only TheRichest can afford. ^_^
Purple Slime
Purple Slime - 7 years ago
Zombies are unreal unless....
Soma Disoma
Soma Disoma - 7 years ago
No Pun Intended
VY Canis Majoris
VY Canis Majoris - 7 years ago
So only you can afford these
Quietmenace YT
Quietmenace YT - 7 years ago
Dang it, only you guys can afford it...
Jacob Juarez
Jacob Juarez - 7 years ago
Call of Duty style
Alvin Chung
Alvin Chung - 7 years ago
i would have the polish firm kwk promes
Gabie Dee
Gabie Dee - 7 years ago
Because there super rich
Lizzie Bibo
Lizzie Bibo - 7 years ago
Well i would have to be in da ochen no laderds and so i won't be able to die water and food with my spot
Jeremy Buchholz
Jeremy Buchholz - 7 years ago
So Only You can afford it?
crimson blaze
crimson blaze - 7 years ago
new call of duty zombies maps confirmed lol
Ryley Haling
Ryley Haling - 7 years ago
A moat or wall
Alfred Lord
Alfred Lord - 7 years ago
Wont matter if your rich humans will come and fuck it all up for ya unless you can kill em
Jess Martinez
Jess Martinez - 7 years ago
I hide in the refediogior
Claudia Ochoa Ponce
Claudia Ochoa Ponce - 7 years ago
I Will go for the call of duty
Denis Fan4Life
Denis Fan4Life - 7 years ago
I just need a way up the roof. And a bag with food, water and a weapon. Easy peasy lemon squesy.
Yugyal Samphel
Yugyal Samphel - 7 years ago
zombies are not real you buttfuck
Pug Life
Pug Life - 7 years ago
You don’t know. An outbreak could happen. And you aren’t getting any help for being a jackass
Luis Antonio
Luis Antonio - 7 years ago
250,000 is cheap lmao
Jack Giles
Jack Giles - 7 years ago
Stay away from city's and live next to stores
Jack Giles
Jack Giles - 7 years ago
2 large gates with 2layer barbwire
Peter Bedaweed
Peter Bedaweed - 7 years ago
My home would have laser defense and it would be a skyscraper
Infinite Flame
Infinite Flame - 7 years ago
WW2Fan Adventures
WW2Fan Adventures - 7 years ago
Top ten zombie proof houses only THE RICHEST can afford that means this channel can only afford it
Greg Nash
Greg Nash - 7 years ago
A bunker
The Neighbors Vlog
The Neighbors Vlog - 7 years ago
I can get All of these houses
Marcus Zambito
Marcus Zambito - 7 years ago
My house would be a bomb and I would always have the denenater
Storm Plays
Storm Plays - 7 years ago
Why do they show this because not most of us are rich
Sofea Rich
Sofea Rich - 7 years ago
I can buy 2 or 3 if zombie exist
joanne abril
joanne abril - 7 years ago
10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
ur mums a hOe
ur mums a hOe - 7 years ago
i got scared at the zombie around 3:40ish lmao
ExoSkullZ - 7 years ago
The only feature anyone would need is Rick Grimes.
Nani the fuck
Nani the fuck - 7 years ago
ExoSkullZ Yea, But when he comes around, shit hits the fan.
Maverickers Logang
Maverickers Logang - 7 years ago
Pls go to my channel its name yan monterola
Kerry Dellow
Kerry Dellow - 7 years ago
My must have is this: MISSILES AND 50.CAL MINIGUNS
demonpride1975 - 7 years ago
i got the perfect zombie proof home, it's called my house on any old street, since zombies don't exist.
Mary Maric
Mary Maric - 7 years ago
So only u can buy it?
SANS SKELETON - 7 years ago
house island
Lucas Kukkonen
Lucas Kukkonen - 7 years ago
So you can only own them
BBA - 7 years ago
The title says only the richest can afford which means this channel can afford them
Glass of Milk
Glass of Milk - 7 years ago
The title makes me cringe so much
Unicorn Nightcore And Gaming
Unicorn Nightcore And Gaming - 7 years ago
So only this Youtube channel can only afford then
Andy Sing
Andy Sing - 7 years ago
i'd probally just take a bunch of sausages with me
Tinny Mean
Tinny Mean - 7 years ago
I would live in the Death Star, problem solved..
Tinny Mean
Tinny Mean - 7 years ago
I guess this channel can only afford these houses......
PLpuppets2428 - 7 years ago
Bill gates could also afford it
Luis Corona
Luis Corona - 7 years ago
Your title is: 10 zombie proof houses only
THE RICHEST can afford your YouTube channel is named the richest so that is saying you can afford it
xXNigHtMaRZzXx - 7 years ago
YOU OWN ALL OF THESE?!?! How much protection do need WOMAN!!??
Little Robert
Little Robert - 7 years ago
Im from the future wow really old vidio shout zombies comin I gonna go to my zombie proof home
Teresa Rodriguez
Teresa Rodriguez - 7 years ago
roses are red violets are blue i bet you are just as beautiful as the sky is blue i can tell this because of your beautiful voice i hope you see my comment because this really is true i love❤❤you the richest
Ungoliant Marauder
Ungoliant Marauder - 7 years ago
"Zombies" such a nonsense yankee invention
Toni Soullas
Toni Soullas - 7 years ago
I have my dad he can dedlifetft 500LBS
Fireraptur 448
Fireraptur 448 - 7 years ago
Just saying a cruse ship would be the best base for a zombie apocalypse
STEFSTER 8 - 7 years ago
LuzN capitulos
LuzN capitulos - 7 years ago
You just have to build an underground house

Bee Zava
Bee Zava - 7 years ago
I would take the mall with groceries.
Undead Gamer
Undead Gamer - 7 years ago
The first one is kind of pointless THEY NEED FOOD
Pizzafart123 321tarfazzip
Pizzafart123 321tarfazzip - 7 years ago
Why can you guys only buy it what about Donald trump or the richest man on earth
Ellena Crystal
Ellena Crystal - 7 years ago
What's the point of those expensive homes if the zombie apocalypse never happens?
U.S. Marine Corps05
U.S. Marine Corps05 - 7 years ago
Dig a ditch around your house and and have guns and have gun and other weapons have live stock in side the area of the ditch build a wall, and make your house great again, and make sure you have water ways coming through and have a big garden done
Ava Rose
Ava Rose - 7 years ago
Hmmm ? How will Zombies strike? ZOMBIES AREN'T REAL! Its a myth , Even though it may happen.... but I think it wont. How will humans come alive after there death? Total crap zombies are make believe .
Ava Rose
Ava Rose - 7 years ago
Only for the Richie Rich. What about the poor people ? Not fair! What if a Poor Person watched this? They'll Probably be Offended.
ATLAS GM - 7 years ago
James Robertson
James Robertson - 7 years ago
Call of duty
Markus Laanemaa
Markus Laanemaa - 7 years ago
I would get a giant mansion with a 11 foot rock fence with turrets and a aircraft and also the missel silo home
Ashton Bunn
Ashton Bunn - 7 years ago
3 guns a bunker with secret passuge conty house machetie
Starbird Avenger
Starbird Avenger - 7 years ago
Just steal a cruise ship
Help me. :/
Help me. :/ - 7 years ago
So....only you guys can afford those houses?......
Jasmin Manjgafic
Jasmin Manjgafic - 7 years ago
How come none of these houses have a defence system?A defence system is a button that you press and guns pop out of your house,have target system, and actually shoot.
Riad Trakic
Riad Trakic - 7 years ago
And your name is the richest lol
extreme games101
extreme games101 - 7 years ago
Guns blazing
John Hicks
John Hicks - 7 years ago
I only go out if I had what I have on pixel gun
jordan brito
jordan brito - 7 years ago
Here's some zombie survival tips first have some sharp swords and powerful guns
Michael Dixon
Michael Dixon - 7 years ago
I would head to Greenland only 50000 people and I can just leave the town if I don't want to deal with zombies
anirban das
anirban das - 7 years ago
i will fight the zombies
DragonYT - 7 years ago
No one got pinned
Twisted Bronze
Twisted Bronze - 7 years ago
Nah Im just gonna buy some wooden borders and make a wall around my house.
William Burke
William Burke - 7 years ago
The undead will put u to bed
Malaska :D
Malaska :D - 7 years ago
guys just get Smite IV on ur diamond sword and you're done
Skyler Layfield
Skyler Layfield - 7 years ago
I shit my self at 3:37
Icy Shadow Killer
Icy Shadow Killer - 7 years ago
Can zombies be real
Regan Landreault
Regan Landreault - 7 years ago
The houses wold be safe for the purge
Alex Sauer
Alex Sauer - 7 years ago
awsome video
KiLLZ0N3 - 7 years ago
Holy shit what a fail
AZTSER2 - 7 years ago
Ha, I would make my way to the castle that has it's own way to produce food, electricity and collect water. I would then make a distiller and multiple filtration systems that lead up to the distiller to make sure that the drinking water was as safe and clean as possible, I would also secure and fortify any points of entry with video and audio surveillance systems along with trip wires and motion sensitive turrets and I would produce ammunition along with continue making vegitable oil to run my armored, voice, retinal, and thumbprint alarm protected diesle vehicle with a built in 40 Meter Ban ham radio, pulse dopolar and 5Klm motion sensing pulse sonar and torane imaging so I could continue to go out for supplies and recon the area. I would also make the walls, windows, doors and roof breach proof. Then I would start working on making any way to the castle as easy to monitor as possible and that includes making a 360° snipers tower that is also impenetrable which means that only those with clearance to the castle would have access and seeing that it is a castle, it is already fire proof, it just needs reinforcement to protect against anyone with extensive fire power to get through it. Laying down invisible high voltage fields that have warning signs will also help against people trying to come take the castle. The people in the castle would be helpful and glad to have me because I am doing what I can to keep them safe in return for use of their facility. I would also make a zombie proof contact building if someone was interested in negotiating a way to become part of the safe guard of the castle and then maybe I could start building a village with a lab to start working on a cure which I would also make back up systems to handle waist disposal, electricity generator back up power systems, organic systems, medicines, I would also go out and find natives that weren't infected for their use in fighting, hunting and natural medical skills to help keep the group in the castle going, I would assume the leadership position and appoint my chain of command to ensure no one tries to kill eachother in the new colony I would be starting so that we could keep people safe. I would also secure some musical instraments, video games, board games, movie making equipment so new movies could be made, just so I could make sure that people had an escape from the harsh realities of life and have a break when things didn't need to be done, then go with crews to secure more and more military equipment, storage systems, supplies and vehicles from abbondond or over ran military bases and also salvage enough juggernaut suits for everyone in my colony by going into police buildings, penicillin, will be one of the main things I would be securing along with other major needed medical supplies including medicinal marijuana, medical grade adrenaline, oxygen, etc., so suits that protect every last part of the body from bullets and bomb blasts would be needed to go into hospitals and other high danger areas for supplies. Rescue any medical personnel, raid libraries for medical, mechanical, electrical, and all other forms of engineering whether I know the engineering or not because if its something I don't know I will learn it with the rest of the colony as well as any and all martial arts that I haven't learned I will learn with the colony and the ones I know I will help teach the colony if I have anybody else that knows the ones I know and single handedly teach the ones I don't know. Everybody will know how to keep things running, how to fight with or without weapons, how to make things from nothing, how to fix anything, how to heal everything in the book, how to hunt, clean, prep, cook and serve meals, how to speak every language, how to work on telecommunications systems and bring back the communication systems, how to fly any air craft, basically when I'm done with this list, everyone in my group would know how to do everything and would be helping me come up with a cure and a delivery system for the zombie virus that we were plagued with and how to help people emune systems become better without any negative side effects. In the end, I would do anything and everything to educate everyone in my colony and save the world and stop anybody from getting in my way as well as have plenty of people to take over if I was to every be taken out.
gaming peeps
gaming peeps - 7 years ago
On the house on water how the fuck would you get food
kimberly sims
kimberly sims - 7 years ago
It called a farm you dumbass
Surya Krishna
Surya Krishna - 7 years ago
This is good
Surya Krishna
Surya Krishna - 7 years ago
First time seeing a fortress
Roghieh Yaseri
Roghieh Yaseri - 7 years ago
Thanks for telling me the location I’m coming for you earth -zombie
Madison Blaine
Madison Blaine - 7 years ago
Or just live in a supmarean
Minecraft and more
Minecraft and more - 7 years ago
Zombies can only walk toward you, eat your insides and regrow certain limbs
Rachel Sampson
Rachel Sampson - 7 years ago
Horse farm lol
jeffy 15
jeffy 15 - 7 years ago
Wifi and a computer and electricity and i'm good
Connie Rodriguez
Connie Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I dare you to Sub me
I dare you to Sub me - 7 years ago
Hmm i thought zombies didn't exist
Gooked Out Loonie
Gooked Out Loonie - 7 years ago
Free jackboy SNIPER GANG
Cedric Henry
Cedric Henry - 7 years ago
The castle house
Denise Walden
Denise Walden - 7 years ago
Larry Phan
Larry Phan - 7 years ago
I would just fortify my own house with M249 Light machine gun turrets, barriers, and a panic room
Xxx dimondXxx
Xxx dimondXxx - 7 years ago
Zomnies arent real
Gabriella Shimone
Gabriella Shimone - 7 years ago
I'd want a sailing ship equipped with powerless harpoon turrets and sonic canons. I'd also want to rig the wales with shifting razor panels in case any zombies tried to board. I'd be able to get to very remote islands where I could grow and raise food for voyages, maybe even develop fortresses there. I'd create a central rigging control for the ship, as well, so I could manage things solo if necessary. Keeping water filtration and live lime, lemon and tomato plants would also help with staying healthy on very long voyages.
If I had a choice I would do what that one guy did in Berlin in 1945 hisway seams easy
Simply Leomar
Simply Leomar - 7 years ago
stephen carr
stephen carr - 7 years ago
Safe house
Henry Dwayne
Henry Dwayne - 7 years ago
They need to give call of duty their stages back lmao
Sysmic Soldier
Sysmic Soldier - 7 years ago
I’d do both stay inside and kill some shit
Antionette Lizama
Antionette Lizama - 7 years ago
silo homes or KWK promes
Partialdoggie 7712
Partialdoggie 7712 - 7 years ago
Zombies aren’t real
Pug Life
Pug Life - 7 years ago
Who knows? There might be some outbreak of a virus.
animation temmie
animation temmie - 7 years ago
So you can only buy it
Crazy Gamer
Crazy Gamer - 7 years ago
I'd stay inside and wait out the apocalypse with my 20 years of food
callum aitken
callum aitken - 7 years ago
A lot of guns
alexqueen swag653
alexqueen swag653 - 7 years ago
Day and hide
alexqueen swag653
alexqueen swag653 - 7 years ago
If use kwk promes
Ethan Yap
Ethan Yap - 7 years ago
No. We still can't. Were fighting for the Hilltop
JPB - Official
JPB - Official - 7 years ago
3:37 I got F*CKED xD
APPLE waja FIVE - 7 years ago
I go to the moon
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
So you guys are the only ones who can buy these?
Noah Sheggeby
Noah Sheggeby - 7 years ago
I would just go for a moon base
Noah Sheggeby
Noah Sheggeby - 7 years ago
ok sggvgmgfcytvdcytvuygftvbtf
Noah Sheggeby
Noah Sheggeby - 7 years ago
oh god zambie
Shou colors kids
Shou colors kids - 7 years ago
Me: What's the channel name?
강윤숙 - 7 years ago
Gatling peas
Tall nuts
Spike rocks
Twin sunflowers
Cherry bomb
Doom shroom
Coffee bean
And Torchwood
Boom done!
kenzie horsley
kenzie horsley - 7 years ago
food watter
Sean Herbert
Sean Herbert - 7 years ago
the youtuber therichest is the only one that can buy zombie proof houses
Shane Walowski
Shane Walowski - 7 years ago
i liked the underground artificial backyard
shannon Wilson
shannon Wilson - 7 years ago
some tips to survive a zombie apocalypse are
1. get a gun.
2. buy one of these houses.
3.start planting plants.
4.start buying seeds to plant the food.
Betty Favela
Betty Favela - 7 years ago
I would get a minigun
To Godly For you
To Godly For you - 7 years ago
Screw it I’m going guns blazing
Mico Carlo Adrian Ruiz
Mico Carlo Adrian Ruiz - 7 years ago
so you can only buy these? wow
Joe Flabenowitz
Joe Flabenowitz - 7 years ago
zombies are only real to snowflakes.
THE SYNDICATE41 - 7 years ago
auto cannons
Alex Aguilar
Alex Aguilar - 7 years ago
Screw that shit I'll just sell my 200k house for a watchtower and snipe them mother truckers
Keisha San Andres
Keisha San Andres - 7 years ago
at 3:37 thats really funny
Toj meister
Toj meister - 7 years ago
arrow shooters ,guns, harpoons axe shooter, people ,weapons , super solid protection for houses
Malcolm Kamara
Malcolm Kamara - 7 years ago
I have a awnser all of them
Leeann Kelly
Leeann Kelly - 7 years ago
I have saw the one in Kentucky
Tereza Roka
Tereza Roka - 7 years ago
Does anyone else not believe in zombie's?
unhappybag1234 - 7 years ago
They are not real
Diamond Pepe
Diamond Pepe - 7 years ago
gergey its a joke
Father Has a Belt
Father Has a Belt - 7 years ago
Way to brag about your zombie proof houses
Learn English in Japan
Learn English in Japan - 7 years ago
i shouldn't have watched this before going to bed.
Diamond Pepe
Diamond Pepe - 7 years ago
Learn English in Japan its not even scary dafuq
Atikur Rahman Ethan
Atikur Rahman Ethan - 7 years ago
Build some house muslimproof instead of zombieproof. religious muslims are killing more people than zombies.
Diamond Pepe
Diamond Pepe - 7 years ago
Atikur Rahman Ethan go fuck yourself
jeff - 7 years ago
Automated weaponized machinery
Madeleine Loughton
Madeleine Loughton - 7 years ago
Titanium door, nothing can break through titanium. Diamond windows, diamonds are said to be the earths hardest substance.
5 safe rooms, aeroplane strip and aeroplane, Remote activated trapdoors, steel layer all around the house (remote activated) , Touch ID to turn on remote, Touch ID to open safe rooms. There that does it.
RetroGD - 7 years ago
Dang you guys are rich
Peyton McElwain
Peyton McElwain - 7 years ago
Guns iron door and food,water and no zombeiz
Letomia Lepulu
Letomia Lepulu - 7 years ago
Windows wall team cannons roof access guns knifes and bow and arrow
Letomia Lepulu
Letomia Lepulu - 7 years ago
No windows roof access and cannons a giant wall and a team
Packiya lakshmi
Packiya lakshmi - 7 years ago
richers are very lazy
Packiya lakshmi
Packiya lakshmi - 7 years ago
Richard are very lazy
SANZ 36 - 7 years ago
I all ready know I don't have the money to sit it out and I know if I would try to go in guns blazing I would die so I would just say my good byes and do 3 thing and just jump into the mode of zombies
Rachael Bartlett
Rachael Bartlett - 7 years ago
A treehouse fortress
killerzombies79 - 7 years ago
Sandy cay
Leko Pro
Leko Pro - 7 years ago
Auto guns
Sam Hyuga
Sam Hyuga - 7 years ago
Weapons horses traps and lock walls and a drawbridge water and food
CORE - 7 years ago
I will just have fun killing zombies.. something a rich person can't do
Citlali Garcia
Citlali Garcia - 7 years ago
Just have guns life time of supplies and shut anything that moves
Maria Barboza
Maria Barboza - 7 years ago
X Gamer
X Gamer - 7 years ago
My house has turrets
Aidan Mueller
Aidan Mueller - 7 years ago
Who else got scared by the jumpscare?
Kendra Ramirez
Kendra Ramirez - 7 years ago
what if there's a tsanumi there goes our lives and cash
Brazyy Kiid
Brazyy Kiid - 7 years ago
It shouldnt matter if ur rich or not will it matter the the virus hits if u find it its urs
Destin to Win
Destin to Win - 7 years ago
My house needs more amromor
Farrar Boys
Farrar Boys - 7 years ago
Am I the only 1 who knows zombies don't eat brains they eat you basically and whatever is left comes back as a zombie
Peter Hanvichid
Peter Hanvichid - 7 years ago
This video was on my birthday!! My name is Kai I'm just using my dad's profile
savage dart boy Powell
savage dart boy Powell - 7 years ago
I would dig a hole and buried my self
FS20 Chaos
FS20 Chaos - 7 years ago
Well the zombie apocalypse would fail because their bodies would break down
Pat's vintage jewelry
Pat's vintage jewelry - 7 years ago
G R A V I T Y G U Y - 7 years ago
Zombie proof but no food then you turn into zombie and they got in the house
Tywin Lannister
Tywin Lannister - 7 years ago
My issue isn't the zombies, it's the people
The frog
The frog - 7 years ago
Never happen
shayar HD
shayar HD - 7 years ago
sandy cay will be my choice
Kingston Ryals
Kingston Ryals - 7 years ago
guns blazing
Charlyn Chua
Charlyn Chua - 7 years ago
But ..... wait first is there zombies?? Is it real?
guang chun lin
guang chun lin - 7 years ago
Not fair
Rin Asogi
Rin Asogi - 7 years ago
Zombie proof what about a B.O.W or a tyrant
johnw ruddick
johnw ruddick - 7 years ago
ever notice that the zombies are always in warm climates i live in a place that today it is - 32 and dropping so fuck the zombies how about the weather
Abdull Bani
Abdull Bani - 7 years ago
Self sufficient and secure. I would choose the "Sandy Cay" place.
Rocket Dog
Rocket Dog - 7 years ago
Hey please have some of my thoughts in ur next video A BOMB shelter a fallout shelter
Berta Cruz
Berta Cruz - 7 years ago
justin Guerra
justin Guerra - 7 years ago
I would go call of duty on those fools
Winsome Smith-Ranger
Winsome Smith-Ranger - 7 years ago
so other houses zombies can get into?how?
yanwen ma
yanwen ma - 7 years ago
xXSSSNIPERXx Gaming - 7 years ago
Guns blazing
idayuwati azilan
idayuwati azilan - 7 years ago
Seriously? You forgot something. ZOMBIES AREN’T REAL OK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Queen Vicky
Queen Vicky - 7 years ago
Panic rooms, water tanks, farm, 20ft walls, rick from the walking dead.
A random person
A random person - 7 years ago
Easiest way to survive the zombie apocalypse if you are broke;
Stay home and barricade the windows and doors. Once they actually manage to enter your house, slice their head off.
Soul 27
Soul 27 - 7 years ago
I can’t afford anything
my mind is digital 2
my mind is digital 2 - 7 years ago
Hey! You forgot the crazy dave's house
my mind is digital 2
my mind is digital 2 - 7 years ago
Who gets the reference??
Tammy Torres
Tammy Torres - 7 years ago
one on a mountain
Skullfish 05
Skullfish 05 - 7 years ago
zombies r never gonna come. scientifically impossible. this video is good but pointless
The Ghoul
The Ghoul - 7 years ago
I live in a apartment and all doors are locked and comes with a Rober alert
BOKY!!! - 7 years ago
The Original Pancake
The Original Pancake - 7 years ago
A few mounted LMG’s
EGOR PRIGODA - 7 years ago
Oh the irony!!!
Richenda Hunt
Richenda Hunt - 7 years ago
Zombies are not real. If they were we would be unable to watch YouTube because we would be too worried about the zombies and our life’s ending. So what was the point of the video.
Tim4Tim Roblox and More!
Tim4Tim Roblox and More! - 7 years ago
Imogen Silk
Imogen Silk - 7 years ago
isn't number 4 the house on the old film four please reply if you think you know
Xx_Eskeetiit_xX OP
Xx_Eskeetiit_xX OP - 7 years ago
Your not you when you are hungry!
Pug4LifeGaming 76
Pug4LifeGaming 76 - 7 years ago
Im unsubscribing i want to know the price for kwk promes.
Abby Arabian
Abby Arabian - 7 years ago
Nobody needs to buy those houses because if there was a zombie apocalypse everyone would be dead and you could have the house for free!!
Valt aoi the best
Valt aoi the best - 7 years ago
I'm a rich person in real life 900 foot manchion...I WANT THAT HOUSE WITH THE DRAW BRIDGE AND BUTTON
Ajaz Baloch
Ajaz Baloch - 7 years ago
I subscribed
Lee Xianqi
Lee Xianqi - 7 years ago
Now i can tell
Lee Xianqi
Lee Xianqi - 7 years ago
Omg thank for all informasant
Ty Rosales
Ty Rosales - 7 years ago
I would have a place under a Island and then above the island that produces electricity and it's surrounded by water and there's boats and there's a farm in it and then I live under it and if it ever does flood well I got boats
Chase C
Chase C - 7 years ago
I bought a former military bunker thats out in the middle of nowhere. I also have it filled with guns ammo and supplies. Dont need to be rich to have something so called zombie proof.
Luis Valdez
Luis Valdez - 7 years ago
Only this youtube chanell can afford these houses
LORD Hydra
LORD Hydra - 7 years ago
_Ra1Dz - 7 years ago
My mom will nag those zombies
hatelate delacruz
hatelate delacruz - 7 years ago
are zombie were real??
Rose Grubb
Rose Grubb - 7 years ago
Castle bluegrass isn't for sale anymore sooooooooooooooooo yeah sorry peeps, the man was building it for his wife when she died mid construction, im from ky soooo
LPS cool Cat
LPS cool Cat - 7 years ago
That jump scare was not even scary I saw it coming
Sharron Hooker
Sharron Hooker - 7 years ago
Sandy cay
Mr. Twister
Mr. Twister - 7 years ago
A zombie proof house is a plane
Silly Random Videos and more! ,
Silly Random Videos and more! , - 7 years ago
Nobody can afford these houses except you?

This is why you think your YouTube name before you use it
XeanGaming OMG
XeanGaming OMG - 7 years ago
i can afford all of that for only 175 Billion lol so cheap
The1beastpro 4_Life
The1beastpro 4_Life - 7 years ago
Bill gates can buy all
LoT p
LoT p - 7 years ago
The box one was pretty cool
Zack Gambie
Zack Gambie - 7 years ago
Fortress for the win
dexter2349 friend
dexter2349 friend - 7 years ago
Ok ok I would have that last one and a dinosaur farm on the side of it with trex's and spinosaurous's and then I'll have a pet megoldon
Spazman2 - 7 years ago
So this is a list of houses that only your youtube channel can afford?
xXN81V3Xx - 7 years ago
3:36 jump scare
TheEmoCookie :
TheEmoCookie : - 7 years ago
Me and my bros are COD ready!
TheEmoCookie :
TheEmoCookie : - 7 years ago
Landmines outside.
Muan khai
Muan khai - 7 years ago
i would kill all zombies with a shotgun and be a savage and surivor ten night and don't get eat'n if i had a gun in the zombie apcloys
kimberly sims
kimberly sims - 7 years ago
That doesn't even make sense
DJ_ NotNice
DJ_ NotNice - 7 years ago
Who cares if your comment gets pinned, once everyone seen the vid it will die and the pinned comment will be forgotten about
Djimmie The Great Crew
Djimmie The Great Crew - 7 years ago
3:42 uhh the walls
Martin3 Vargas
Martin3 Vargas - 7 years ago
"Zombie proof"

Zombies are not even REAL
Xgames Thx
Xgames Thx - 7 years ago
Water and food farm
youtube kid is not popular
youtube kid is not popular - 7 years ago
You"'ll never get thirsty ok but how about hungry?
youtube kid is not popular
youtube kid is not popular - 7 years ago
Of course your channel is THE richest so
Shadow wolves pack
Shadow wolves pack - 7 years ago
Make a miniature house that has guns inside and walk around oak camouflage paint
Nakia Boyle
Nakia Boyle - 7 years ago
Titamem walls,doors, and windows
the golden sword Santos
the golden sword Santos - 7 years ago
Food and hidden place
the golden sword Santos
the golden sword Santos - 7 years ago
RyanDTM - 7 years ago
Laser walls and laser guns
CJ Scerri
CJ Scerri - 7 years ago
Or Alcatraz
StaticTheDerpyTv - 7 years ago
Why is everyone so scared of zombies. They actually can't harm
1.They're being eaten by bugs.
2.a zombies body would rot away.
3.They're not stronge enough to break though doors.
4.They eat you cause their mouths are sewn together.
(Sorry for my horrible English)
Crystal Moore
Crystal Moore - 7 years ago
I got to have an underground tunnel
pandawaffles318 - 7 years ago
Castle bluegrass I got hooked when you talked about the basketball court
Sonia Santoyo
Sonia Santoyo - 7 years ago
Blast out with my gun
zg205 - 7 years ago
10 Zombie Proof Houses that only the richest can afford...

So only people who help make vids on this channel can afford it?

What about Donald Trump? He has a lot of money and he cant even afford it?

Man, The Richest must be really rich.
Nicholas letourneau
Nicholas letourneau - 7 years ago
Only you can afford this? That's a hard claim
Adriannah Jones
Adriannah Jones - 7 years ago
so you can afford all those zombie proof houses? Anyone saw what they did with the title?
Syed Thompson
Syed Thompson - 7 years ago
I love your video s
Jace Parocho
Jace Parocho - 7 years ago
You can afford it.....cause you are.......

The richest get it?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!
Level 100
Level 100 - 7 years ago
I chose machine gun duh
Dorian S.
Dorian S. - 7 years ago
What about if they used bombs and guys?
Mikechow - 7 years ago
number 1 is the living room because zombies can't come in because there not living
paul melchor
paul melchor - 7 years ago
At 3:37 I jumped
Shiven Patel
Shiven Patel - 7 years ago
rail gun
D King5678
D King5678 - 7 years ago
talk anything you want really
talk anything you want really - 7 years ago
So only u can afford these houses
Enrico Stimpson
Enrico Stimpson - 7 years ago
Well Zombies are dead so walking under any kind of water is easy for them.
NicolasMDRD Madrid
NicolasMDRD Madrid - 7 years ago
if i could, i would buy the ark hotel (as soon as it's finished)
Mostly because of how it can produce its own energy and such.
Hey You
Hey You - 7 years ago
A shot
JUST DO IT - 7 years ago
bill gates watches this video
SergeantFOXY LA
SergeantFOXY LA - 7 years ago
Why only you can afford it
There s donald trump
Anita shrestha
Anita shrestha - 7 years ago
Anita shrestha
Anita shrestha - 7 years ago
Anita shrestha
Anita shrestha - 7 years ago
Yes da
Nathan Delonge
Nathan Delonge - 7 years ago
Many guns food water cars loved ones and walls with really deep water to make sure they won't get in
Nicholas Goffin-Eilers
Nicholas Goffin-Eilers - 7 years ago
Arsenal of military weapons and perhaps a state of the art sucerity systems
Rachelle Wilkes
Rachelle Wilkes - 7 years ago
I would have 120000 Canons on my home
Landere Chan
Landere Chan - 7 years ago
Rich kids is never greatful for the things they have
lisa blue love
lisa blue love - 7 years ago
I guest the president can effort it
Steven slender ninja games
Steven slender ninja games - 7 years ago
Both I am a camper on cod so both
Elijah Yada
Elijah Yada - 7 years ago
A la CALL OF DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malik Hammad
Malik Hammad - 7 years ago
Just blow their heads by having heavy equipment in home
Christine Griffiths
Christine Griffiths - 7 years ago
castle bluegrass because I love horses
Frankie_Plays - 7 years ago
You could literally go to these houses after the apocalypse happened
Tagausig Magdalo
Tagausig Magdalo - 7 years ago
LifeOfADiamondCreeper -My Gameplays Are Kinda Funny
LifeOfADiamondCreeper -My Gameplays Are Kinda Funny - 7 years ago
I would need axes, knives, and shelter and food
Codycroc - 7 years ago
Secret doors or underground shelter
Amy Stokes
Amy Stokes - 7 years ago
My lare
HBXZ9xWazzx : Add me on Xbox
HBXZ9xWazzx : Add me on Xbox - 7 years ago
There will be no price because nobody will care if you live in any house because there’s gonna be zombies and they’ll get eaten anyways so what’s the point of paying?
LopezM8 - 7 years ago
Or u can just somehow break in
Nick Williams
Nick Williams - 7 years ago
Just build an economy with 200 ppl with its own gun store unlimited supllies and its surrounded by giant metal containers also get a pistol assault rifle a knife a sniper and grenades and u beat zombies and raiders
Fabian-Eduardo Chacon
Fabian-Eduardo Chacon - 7 years ago
Can I just go to Keywest and block of the land bridge because clearly that’s my own option,..
Fabian-Eduardo Chacon
Fabian-Eduardo Chacon - 7 years ago
What’s the point of telling us this information if only you can buy it...
its bella here
its bella here - 7 years ago
Only THE RICH people can afford I see what you mean,btw you should change the YouTube channel
creper boy 2000
creper boy 2000 - 7 years ago
Under wather hause
Jason Hearns
Jason Hearns - 7 years ago
Jason Hearns
Jason Hearns - 7 years ago
Jason Hearns
Jason Hearns - 7 years ago
fuck boy
Jason Hearns
Jason Hearns - 7 years ago
fuck boy
Jason Hearns
Jason Hearns - 7 years ago
fuck boy
Ari BLATT - 7 years ago
super reinforced with an unlimted supply of ammo for minigun turrets all over the place
Jordan Gaming
Jordan Gaming - 7 years ago
Call of duty
A-10 Thunderbolt/Warthog
A-10 Thunderbolt/Warthog - 7 years ago
I love zombie stuff
Jasmine Rossiter
Jasmine Rossiter - 7 years ago
lol love it so good lucky I have 250'000 dollars in my bank account I have been saving up money for 3 years now yeyyyyy
CC films /nerf
CC films /nerf - 7 years ago
These homes might be safe from zombies but if a tornado came it would barrel right thru it

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