10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
Yacht 8 years ago 4,998,091 views
top 10 expensive homes only rich people can afford during a zombie apocalypse Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com So, we’ve been waiting for it for decades now. We’ve watched all the movies and TV shows we could get our hands on, read all the books and played the related levels in video games – we’ve even seen what would happen if the plants rose up to fight the zombies. Yes, of course we are talking about the Zombie Apocalypse. All over the world, doomsday preppers have their escape plans ready, fuel and food stockpiled and contact information updated. Sure, you may be the type to laugh at all this because, let’s face it, there probably will never be a zombie apocalypse, right? You never know, but when a ghoul’s chomping down on your brains don’t say we didn’t warn you. What if your plan involves sitting tight and riding out the wave of the undead? Not a problem. A quick look around the real-estate listings shows that there are a ton of places that are either purpose-built to be zombie proof or are just plain fortress-like to begin with. Of course, having a zombie-proof home often requires a fair bit of cash. After all, moats, draw-bridges, concrete walls and underground bunkers can all add up on the credit card bill pretty fast. These following zombie proof homes are all pretty pricey and we’re thinking only the richest doomsday prepper will be able to afford both the purchase price and likely upkeep costs associated with keeping the defences ready. Sure there are cheaper alternatives – but would you really want to be trapped in a standard bungalow when a swarm of rotting corpses comes for you? Didn’t think so. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/
This is probably very overused
10. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
20. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
I believe that no matter if you are rich or not unless you have training and skills that work well in the case when all else fails, then you really can't survive. I live in the mindset that skill and training save your life, and believe me, it has before. If I haven't had learned the skills I learned through my Boy Scout experience, I wouldn't have lasted a day in the woods when my friends and I decided to do a survival camping trip.
30. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
- horses
You need 10 million dollars
Who has 10 milion dollars
no ?? only you guys can afford tht .
ohhh!! I must leave
50. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
Do we even have proof that Zombie's are real?
also if you shoot a zombie and it doesnt die, then should they be able to survive under water if they are controlled by a hive mind? Also if you watched WWZ, then the zombie hive mind would stack up and swarm each of these homes.
Just some over done concept that will never ever be made.
100. comment for 10 Zombie Proof Houses Only The Richest Can Afford
Looks at your YouTube name
So only you can afford these?
Get it?
Me "All of them!!!!!"
Me: but u r TheRichest
Viewers: I see what you did there
Brain: .................
1.Have many money?Try buying a boat that lives in water but its luxurious
2.If you are poor Ask people who are rich so that you can be safe with them
3.Try finding a concrete house :D
THE RICHEST can afford your YouTube channel is named the richest so that is saying you can afford it
Gatling peas
Tall nuts
Spike rocks
Twin sunflowers
Cherry bomb
Doom shroom
Coffee bean
And Torchwood
Boom done!
1. get a gun.
2. buy one of these houses.
3.start planting plants.
4.start buying seeds to plant the food.
5 safe rooms, aeroplane strip and aeroplane, Remote activated trapdoors, steel layer all around the house (remote activated) , Touch ID to turn on remote, Touch ID to open safe rooms. There that does it.
Stay home and barricade the windows and doors. Once they actually manage to enter your house, slice their head off.
This is why you think your YouTube name before you use it
Zombies are not even REAL
Or Alcatraz
1.They're being eaten by bugs.
2.a zombies body would rot away.
3.They're not stronge enough to break though doors.
4.They eat you cause their mouths are sewn together.
(Sorry for my horrible English)
So only people who help make vids on this channel can afford it?
What about Donald Trump? He has a lot of money and he cant even afford it?
Man, The Richest must be really rich.
The richest get it?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!
Mostly because of how it can produce its own energy and such.
There s donald trump