10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

Here are 10 of the most expensive items ever sold online! Visit our site: http://TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy Music: Silent Partner - Move It or Lose It https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Yacht 10 years ago 383,735 views

Here are 10 of the most expensive items ever sold online! Visit our site: http://TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy Music: Silent Partner - Move It or Lose It https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

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Most popular comments
for 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

Darren Inglis
Darren Inglis - 9 years ago
go away
o0OIchneinduO0o - 9 years ago
Urmom Playzz
Urmom Playzz - 9 years ago
man how much stuff was sold on ebay
carrabadoir - 9 years ago
carrabadoir - 9 years ago
l poliO p
carrabadoir - 9 years ago
pokmon to see if
carrabadoir - 9 years ago
Tupac Shakur
Tupac Shakur - 9 years ago
MarcKell - 9 years ago

10. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

Mikster 813
Mikster 813 - 9 years ago
Hmm i want that yacht! Anyone have 1,777,000$ i can borrow?
Mikster 813
Mikster 813 - 9 years ago
+Tyler Camping thanks....
ELI73 GAMING - 9 years ago
Sure buddy (gives penny) Here you go!!!
Alex SH
Alex SH - 9 years ago
You can own a planets for free!! get what I mean?
Yung Pik
Yung Pik - 9 years ago
I love the sign for Bridgeville!

Welcome to
if you lived here
You would be home now

Jerry - 9 years ago
Danm eBay you crazy
andrew garcia
andrew garcia - 9 years ago
I would by a mansion and a boat a big one and give some to charity I'm generous
Helix 1
Helix 1 - 9 years ago
The Missile Base proves how lazy people are. Bought a base Online. People those days.
xgb6000 - 9 years ago
Gta 5 Hydra Jet $3,000,000 goes in at #5 on the list as the biggest waste of a $99 shark card
Deshaun Myles
Deshaun Myles - 9 years ago
Jordan Belfort bought that yacht
DarTheDerp - 9 years ago
I thought the most expensive thing was the first marvel superheroes thing and it was sold for over 250,000,000 dollars. I ges not.
Suijin - 9 years ago
TRUE STORY: I once sold a potato on Ebay I made $30

20. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

Callum Elliott
Callum Elliott - 9 years ago
Why does he have to talk like a proper bellend? What... Is it cooler?
SRT-4 Guy
SRT-4 Guy - 9 years ago
I broke my iPhone while watching this. Goddammit.
Sindre Risan
Sindre Risan - 9 years ago
How in the world did a 25 y/o STUDENT afford to buy a TOWN for 1 mill + $ ????
Captain Canada
Captain Canada - 9 years ago
+Sindre Risan escorts m8
CaPuGinoXD - 9 years ago
nice we can totally seee the price when the text is white and the backround too :D
Brandon McLaughlin
Brandon McLaughlin - 9 years ago
.00 Thanks
Brandon McLaughlin
Brandon McLaughlin - 9 years ago
According To EbaY The Ferrari Enzo Cost $10,000,000
Eden Conway-Moss
Eden Conway-Moss - 9 years ago
Wazzup - 9 years ago
A Lamborghini
Thomas Byrne
Thomas Byrne - 9 years ago
You can always see the lady Moura around the south of France usually around Monaco or nice
Laffy Taffy
Laffy Taffy - 10 years ago
Were these people high when they bought these things? There's no way I'd spend almost 10 million dollars on a frekin painting! It wasn't even a good painting either! And I don't care how famous the artist was!
Laffy Taffy
Laffy Taffy - 10 years ago
+Thomas Dawe Exactly. Rich assholes.

30. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

G Boga
G Boga - 10 years ago
All of those are not true WHY DO YOU LIE TO PEOPLE
NOVA - 10 years ago
So sad that everything was bought!
Stella Blueland
Stella Blueland - 10 years ago
2:30 :O MY LIFE!
Philip Oesterle Pekrun
Philip Oesterle Pekrun - 10 years ago
Philip Oesterle Pekrun
Philip Oesterle Pekrun - 10 years ago
No, Ebay
Jeremy Bernash
Jeremy Bernash - 10 years ago
I would buy the yacht if it had unlimited fuel and would never sink. That would be awesome
FabmasterxD - 10 years ago
Wow.. Cool places
Only Gta5
Only Gta5 - 10 years ago
Nice video i like the video
Closed Channel
Closed Channel - 10 years ago
Is the thumbnail hijacked?
AhSpicyMemeBall - 10 years ago
No, does it look like hijacked?
Dylan Johnson
Dylan Johnson - 10 years ago
these items suck
Zasertyz-_- - 10 years ago
The last time I saw this channel, they only had 233,546 subscribers
Stuffgaming - 10 years ago
why would he sell the boat?
Diego Boob
Diego Boob - 10 years ago
God daim
YurixRuz - 10 years ago
Who wants to buy this comment for $ 1 billion?
Doc DAMN - 10 years ago
can this world get any much insane.
kat z
kat z - 10 years ago
Nash Griers ipod sold for 99 million oops
Meechol PC
Meechol PC - 10 years ago
Did faze jev do the voicing
a person.
a person. - 10 years ago
I heard this channel recently made a million subscribers to the channel, well, if there's a channel that deserves that many subscribers, it's gotta be this channel. 
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Arctic Tiger
Arctic Tiger - 10 years ago
That boat is like the one on wolf of Wall Street
piers ocj
piers ocj - 10 years ago
well I've given up on mankind facepalm
NickyTV - 10 years ago
Guyes!! the yacht at the end is the one from wold of wall street.!
ChaosGaming tK
ChaosGaming tK - 8 years ago
Do you mean the wolf of wall street

50. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

gaurav singh
gaurav singh - 10 years ago
Akkii King
Akkii King - 10 years ago
kim`s pussy ??
slaXers - 10 years ago
Gratz on 1 mill subs. :D
Cole Jack
Cole Jack - 10 years ago
Shang is pronounced "shung" just for the future
IGlo2k -
IGlo2k - - 10 years ago
justin wu
justin wu - 10 years ago
Ari Berrios
Ari Berrios - 10 years ago
amazon is better than what minecraft? hell yah it is
Jeffrey Contreras
Jeffrey Contreras - 10 years ago
+Ari Berrios Amazon is better
Ari Berrios
Ari Berrios - 10 years ago
minecraft creator also outbid beyonce and jay z for most expensive mansion in beverly hills
ThatRandomGuy - 10 years ago
Fuck yeah I'm gonna buy a missle base on eBay now and upgrade to 1 day shipping!
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber - 10 years ago
what website do i go to to buy the giga yacht?
Jennifer Piczon
Jennifer Piczon - 10 years ago
you have should of put a lock of justin beavers hair and i hate justin
Doe Dee
Doe Dee - 10 years ago
For 140,000,000 that Helicopter better had come with it.
Nikola L
Nikola L - 10 years ago
a dildo
Dill Pickle
Dill Pickle - 10 years ago
congrats on a million subs
AardvarkLord - 10 years ago
In 2003 (I think), a guy put up a rare coin on Ebay, expecting something to the effect of hundreds of pounds (he was English).  He woke up the next morning to see that the amount had shot up two ONE MILLION POUNDS, or about two-point-two million US dollars.  He canceled the auction because he lacked the collateral to send to Ebay.
AardvarkLord - 9 years ago
I don't remember the amount, but it was up there.  Maybe not into six digits, but definitely into the five.
Sonny Parmar
Sonny Parmar - 10 years ago
Like if you are watching this in 1564
Omer Gaming94
Omer Gaming94 - 10 years ago
We'll I thought anti matter would be here
Doctor Pail
Doctor Pail - 10 years ago
Congrats 1,000,00! You guys are awesome!
Strikerbeast 24
Strikerbeast 24 - 10 years ago
puppies ;)
Fazlul Muhammed
Fazlul Muhammed - 10 years ago
a horrible death,
took away my soul
a high dream now,
dead by falling down.
Insane Mantis
Insane Mantis - 10 years ago
1 million!!!! Congrats!!! I have 7 people
David Brett
David Brett - 10 years ago
He forgot the first appearance of superman which was pretty damn expensive and sold on eBay
Sama Khalil
Sama Khalil - 10 years ago
Aroder - 10 years ago
fuck it lets do this.  ima start auction on ebay for my shoelace 
ssharmon - 10 years ago
Bear - 10 years ago
Anuj Ghimirey
Anuj Ghimirey - 10 years ago
I want to know who bought these things. 
batman102999 - 10 years ago
Does the helicopter come with the yacht?
AxxySteel - 10 years ago
Like if youre watching in 2069
BradYeti97 - 10 years ago
You do realise that there are kore than just 2 online auction sites. Right? Look around the internet more, maybe next time you wont come up with a half-arsed video based around just 2 websites.
Raf P
Raf P - 10 years ago
and then Bill Gates buy the Ebay 
Oryx TheMad God
Oryx TheMad God - 10 years ago
Don't you have another "10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online"?
Sparkeee - 10 years ago
I once saw someone selling a farm on KIJIJI for 1.2 million dollars.

Kijiji is a Canadian thing.
Charlie - 10 years ago
Your voice is unbearable
Lena Oxton
Lena Oxton - 10 years ago
Footballskills 13
Footballskills 13 - 10 years ago
Is it just me or the boat at the end of the vid looks like the one from Wolf of Wool Street !
Ο - 10 years ago
last one sold by one of the Dubai investor guy.
Uncle Phil
Uncle Phil - 10 years ago
I saw a newspaper that was sold for 900k on ebay about the Titanic.
Amaan Kudroli
Amaan Kudroli - 10 years ago
Bill gates can buy these all at one time lol
Chance - 10 years ago
What happened to using Aarons voice?
Dylan Worth
Dylan Worth - 10 years ago
Just the other day you had 900,000 subs now 1mill that's
Awesome keep up the great work
Anthony Clarke
Anthony Clarke - 10 years ago
Wow, you can sell anything on ebay
Just Dubois NL
Just Dubois NL - 10 years ago
I am so happy you giys made 1.000.000 so you know i was in your top 500 subs :D
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Thanks dude!
OfficialBatman1337 - 10 years ago
A private jet is worth more than a whole town.
Nathan Oborne
Nathan Oborne - 10 years ago
Good job on one million subs!
TheSpiceyCaptain - 10 years ago
The boat reminds me of Highacked on Black Ops 2
tristananvilcaster - 10 years ago
Crazy facts! Keep them up Top Trending :) You guys rock
iDcBich _
iDcBich _ - 10 years ago
He copied somwone i dont trust you you copied information from another youtuber
GIRISH BALAN - 10 years ago
Ebay Christy Auction
Jay ManMC
Jay ManMC - 10 years ago
2:02 "3.3 billion dollars" number shown on screen - 3,300,000
Gkucik - 10 years ago
Nash griers ipod was sold for 11 milion
Gkucik - 10 years ago
Nash griers ipod was sold for 11 milion

100. comment for 10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold Online

AC9 NYG - 10 years ago
I'm tired of silent videos made by top trending
AC9 NYG - 10 years ago
Dcnos - 10 years ago
I remember subbing when u guys only had 70,000 subs keep making the awesome videos congrats on 1 million
AllstarSP GTR
AllstarSP GTR - 10 years ago
140,000,000 yacht. Shit better come with the helicopter too
Hibo K
Hibo K - 10 years ago
Can I just say I was here when they had little over 100,000 subs?
The Budder Pick
The Budder Pick - 10 years ago
Didn't they already do this? Just sayen..
Salman - 10 years ago
late congrats on 1m subs!
Bust Nutyear
Bust Nutyear - 10 years ago
Congrats on 1 million subs, mates. You deserved it :)
Whos Chaos
Whos Chaos - 10 years ago
HUGE Congrats on 1 Million!! It's crazy to see this channel grow!
Brawadis - 9 years ago
+Only Gta5 You're*
Squg SCX
Squg SCX - 9 years ago
wtf. why is walls chase here??
Only Gta5
Only Gta5 - 10 years ago
Your a fag
Whos chaos
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Much love <3
Jesus Manuel Barraza
Jesus Manuel Barraza - 10 years ago
Bart - 10 years ago
I was a sub when you had 20.000 subscribers now you have 1 million :o

Ross McEwen
Ross McEwen - 10 years ago
Comapre no 1 to no 2 lol
peter catliff
peter catliff - 10 years ago
I wonder if i could buy eBay x3
Lukas Johansson
Lukas Johansson - 10 years ago
The Fire Hazard
The Fire Hazard - 10 years ago
I'm so happy that this channel has finally reached 1 million subscribers.

I'm guessing this was also you new year's resolution
Rowan Campbell
Rowan Campbell - 10 years ago
Congrats on 1Million!!!!what do youse use to edit your videos
Jonah Peterson
Jonah Peterson - 10 years ago
1,000,000 the sub!
ZedXFusioN-X7 - 10 years ago
I hope these r jokes
SupaArt - 10 years ago
Man you can really buy anything on eBay. Does anyone els agree
EOGHAN - 10 years ago
?When did you hit a. Millon subs :)
Peighton Sullivan
Peighton Sullivan - 10 years ago
I live in cape cod!!
luke morrow
luke morrow - 10 years ago
How come a town cost less than a painting
Barbie Doll Videos - Toys and Surprises
Barbie Doll Videos - Toys and Surprises - 10 years ago
Congratulations on 1M subscribers. Amazing!
George Karadzhov
George Karadzhov - 10 years ago
This just proves that anything is on EBay
Sara HajHasan
Sara HajHasan - 10 years ago
Who tf would buy a painting for $9.9 million
Opal Emeraldz
Opal Emeraldz - 10 years ago
Dear rich people stop showing off you don't need that much money
ELI73 GAMING - 9 years ago
That's why they buy thing
Mike Mouse
Mike Mouse - 10 years ago
I wish I had a missle base.... 
M3RK GLU3ST1CK - 10 years ago
Do top 10 best selling games PLZ it would be an easy and interesting vid
MANNY~EmberDim - 10 years ago
I use Amazon...
stojak - 10 years ago
There intro's are amazing,no doubts you deserve 100 times more subs than you have now
Congrats on 1m<3
Little Lewis Gaming
Little Lewis Gaming - 10 years ago
These intros are amazing it goes with the video well done for the effort you put in
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
We appreciate it!
PM_ME_A_GOOD_BOOK - 10 years ago
New subscriber ;)
PM_ME_A_GOOD_BOOK - 10 years ago
+Top Trending :D
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
You won't be disappointed ;)
Brandon Lux
Brandon Lux - 10 years ago
I have all this no big deal B] in GTA games..... ;~;
Alexander Jay
Alexander Jay - 10 years ago
Wtf I barely noticed you have 1000000 subs
Depthing - 10 years ago
Like if your watching in 2069
Dullboy - Fifa Mobile
Dullboy - Fifa Mobile - 10 years ago
Ill come back to this comment in 54 years. Ill be 65 years old then
Sajah Elsayed
Sajah Elsayed - 10 years ago
Yes, im in...wait for it......waiitt forr ittt...... THE FUTURE DUN DUN DUUNNNN
Keimarr - 10 years ago
i bought a subscriber for only 10$ too expensive
TheWarriorGamer - 10 years ago
Bill Gates: I want 10 of each
Peyton Ellis
Peyton Ellis - 10 years ago
Dick Kelley
Dick Kelley - 10 years ago
I remember when you guys uploaded 10 most expensive cars.
Aine Oconnor
Aine Oconnor - 10 years ago
Congrat on 1mil x x
ItzJamess2 - 10 years ago
Most expensive thing your channel :)
joost1423 - 10 years ago
pickle gerard
pickle gerard - 10 years ago
301+ club! like if u r in it! :P
andro-sas - 10 years ago
Omg online...are you serious? Insane:-D
And Congatz for 1.000.000 Subs! :-D
Danilos Channel
Danilos Channel - 10 years ago
Red socks dumb ass
Mushy-PS3 - 10 years ago
Bo2 prestige master and unlock all account
Aslak - 10 years ago
I love the life hacks videos and i love the music in the backround !!
Amir Fa
Amir Fa - 10 years ago
Gratz mill subs
Joshua Moore
Joshua Moore - 10 years ago
wins lottery, gets $50 million, buys yacht with money, puts on ebay for $140 million
Adrian Andriessens
Adrian Andriessens - 10 years ago
congrats on 1 millions you guys are amazing keep it up <3
Tessie Nickson
Tessie Nickson - 10 years ago
Hi top trending u probs won't see dis but hi
Rainy Days
Rainy Days - 10 years ago
It is pronounced Shung!!!! Jesus
Chris Mccabe
Chris Mccabe - 10 years ago
No utubers ever comment for me
Mr.GameGuy666 - 10 years ago
Congratulations on reaching 1 million subscribers!
Manny V.
Manny V. - 10 years ago
301 views but 1k likes? I call hax
Fluffy Puff
Fluffy Puff - 10 years ago
Nah that just complete bullshit
JEFF4LIFE - 10 years ago
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Love you too!
Vlad Stefan
Vlad Stefan - 10 years ago
Dark Eagle Gaming
Dark Eagle Gaming - 10 years ago
ive seen an enzo while at italy
Moreholly !
Moreholly ! - 10 years ago
Love these videos
stodomingojose - 10 years ago
I know 99.9% of you won't ready this but

batman102999 - 10 years ago
Thought it would be about the dress
The Smart Guy
The Smart Guy - 10 years ago
+ryan robertson Fucking weird !!!
ZeeBeast - 10 years ago
Haha, didn't expect that xD
WizeOne - 10 years ago
Only on Fridays, sorry.
Thatcomment000 - 10 years ago
Magical Door knob
Magical Door knob - 10 years ago
I love you
L93bloomer :D
L93bloomer :D - 10 years ago
dude ur amazing xD
Wooden Nickel
Wooden Nickel - 10 years ago
Do top expensive cars PLZ
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
We already did that one haha!
rhodiathin lower
rhodiathin lower - 10 years ago
I know that voice!
TheIZIM69 - 10 years ago
Congrats on one million your videos are great keep it up!
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Jacob Nachimson
Jacob Nachimson - 10 years ago
I'd buy a mansion first.
Joe Ranahan
Joe Ranahan - 10 years ago
Number one was some rich mothafucka!
Emile - 10 years ago
why re upload?
TheSkYgAmEr TheSkYgAmEr
TheSkYgAmEr TheSkYgAmEr - 10 years ago
You have played the same video twice now :( not good
Vido Mandic
Vido Mandic - 10 years ago
Is there something people are yet to sell on ebay?
TheCrazCraft - 10 years ago
I remember I was told by someone to subscribe to this channel and that was when you guys had 15k its been cool to see this channel grow and I hope it grows more in the future congrats for 1 million subscribes!
Cuddly Rock
Cuddly Rock - 10 years ago
So thats were swindle got there idea
Glitchy-S - 10 years ago
1,000,000 subscribers! Now I brag that I've been here since 50k!
Isaxus - 10 years ago
DOFA Gaming
DOFA Gaming - 10 years ago
Look at the intro, Google chrome was on incognito mode... Top trending, you naughty boys! 
JB BARZ - 10 years ago
Holy fuck Ebay's commission earnings must have been huge :O
奇妙な - 10 years ago
i am selling my self on eBay
奇妙な - 10 years ago
+Thatcomment000 120,000$
Mike Mouse
Mike Mouse - 10 years ago
I will buy you! I need a few.... Erm.... Helping hands.... I am also working on buying that missle base from the video.... For reasons....
Thatcomment000 - 10 years ago
+Cap'n NoseBleed™
奇妙な - 10 years ago
it costs 999,000,000,000,00,000
DrSlinky - 10 years ago
Alva Rouch
Alva Rouch - 10 years ago
Felt like I seen this before...
TheSmoothGuy - 10 years ago
pshh i bought em all 
Raffle - 10 years ago
Like this if you actually went on ebay and checked to see if Top Trending really posted that on ebay xD
Daniel Spez
Daniel Spez - 10 years ago
Some people have to much money to spend things on
Hamwar Abdulla
Hamwar Abdulla - 10 years ago
Fahad78 - 10 years ago
The 2nd owner of the town supposedly "committed suicide".
Otto Von Bismarck
Otto Von Bismarck - 10 years ago
Amina Hassan
Amina Hassan - 10 years ago

Is everything bought on eBay?!?!?!
Eddie Barley
Eddie Barley - 10 years ago
Someone once bought a pyramid on ebay
Keimarr - 10 years ago
u can buy a dildo in ebay
L93bloomer :D
L93bloomer :D - 10 years ago
MrGhostface12 - 10 years ago
I really like the way this guy commentates :)
MountainFront - 10 years ago
1:21 is disgusting.
AceGaming - 10 years ago
anyone else expecting a Twinkie to be on there?
Anuttam Bhatt
Anuttam Bhatt - 10 years ago
10 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold on ebay
Mirza Ajanovic
Mirza Ajanovic - 10 years ago
I own all of these
Fluffy Puff
Fluffy Puff - 10 years ago
Nope not even replicas
christian rodriguez
christian rodriguez - 10 years ago
Mike Mouse
Mike Mouse - 10 years ago
I will buy the Missle Base off you for a hot dog.... How does that sound?
Fluffy Puff
Fluffy Puff - 10 years ago
I highly doubt that
Kutay Arıcan
Kutay Arıcan - 10 years ago
Bernt Brot
Bernt Brot - 10 years ago
Thumbnail = Hijacked from Bo2 ^^ !
Tombooroz Plays
Tombooroz Plays - 10 years ago
What is ur name on steam
Bernt Brot
Bernt Brot - 10 years ago
+Vignesh Srinivas that ,,nahhhhh,, ^^ . I mean that the Thumbnail remembers me to Hijacked OKAY ??? ist equal if its longer or ,, nahhhh ^^ ,, !
NewEnglandMixes - 10 years ago
Nahhhh the boat on bo2 is a lot bigger
George Richardson
George Richardson - 10 years ago
+Bernt Brot ???
Bernt Brot
Bernt Brot - 10 years ago
+George richardson ist a ,,look alike,, .............facepalm
George Richardson
George Richardson - 10 years ago
Looks nothing like hijacked...
Pabbe Osu
Pabbe Osu - 10 years ago
Its not lmao... *Cod fanboy doesnt even know how the most known map looks like
Emilio Fonseca
Emilio Fonseca - 10 years ago
Ikr lol
Joe Ranahan
Joe Ranahan - 10 years ago
Jeronimo Javier
Jeronimo Javier - 10 years ago
Congrats on one million.
Gheorghita Postolache
Gheorghita Postolache - 10 years ago
Those intros are awesome! How much does it take to make one of those?
Adam Baggaley
Adam Baggaley - 10 years ago
Congrats on a mil
Oyinkan O.
Oyinkan O. - 10 years ago
the most expensive thing I've bought online is a crewneck sweater for $50. I cringe..
not luke hemmings
not luke hemmings - 10 years ago
i dont even have $10
Spooky Skeleton
Spooky Skeleton - 10 years ago
Top 10 most strange traditions around earth for next video?
nopaincobain72 - 10 years ago
that seems FAR too expensive to pay for a boat.
The Smart Guy
The Smart Guy - 9 years ago
+matt fahringer Nice Boobs !!!
The Smart Guy
The Smart Guy - 10 years ago
+nopaincobain72 The price of construction can reach a billion dollar, check any list ....damn its stupid to be super rich !!!
nopaincobain72 - 10 years ago
what is it...a cruise liner
The Smart Guy
The Smart Guy - 10 years ago
there's a $700 M yacht....how about that
Mike Mouse
Mike Mouse - 10 years ago
nopaincobain72 - 10 years ago
its still PRICEY
Byron Diaz
Byron Diaz - 10 years ago
Personally I would have loved to have my own town
Alex Baz
Alex Baz - 10 years ago
So, you are basically saying that a gawd damn Yacht is more expensive that a town!?
How does that make sense?!
Tommy Margie
Tommy Margie - 10 years ago
Great vid plz make more often
Awesome Man
Awesome Man - 10 years ago
I sub to lots of utubers and u i watch the most
erik olli
erik olli - 10 years ago
Love these videos keep up the good work
Kevin - 10 years ago
Congrats on 1 million :)!
SALIH SWAG - 10 years ago
I watched this video yesterday you guys uploaded it for few minutes and then deleted it i don't know why but who cares
knight654654 - 10 years ago
Oh Tweener, why did you steal that card? :(
turbocuck - 10 years ago
Rich kids
Adam Bien
Adam Bien - 10 years ago
Entire F*cking town - $1,100,000
Lunch With Somebody - $3,500,00

Logic? Where did you go?
Jeremy Bernash
Jeremy Bernash - 10 years ago
ur darkest fear
ur darkest fear - 10 years ago
-The us got Alaska (663,300 sq miles) for $7.2M dollars in 1867 (made them a state in 1960) today it would go for about $100-101M
-A freakin giga yacht was sold for $140M
Do these people that put stuff on the auction block know how much they're asking for and are those people who bid for the yacht stupid enough to buy a dream yacht that's being auctioned for more that the biggest state in the us? 
TheDevDoomFilms - 10 years ago
You mention that but the #2 spot was a painting. That painting was 9x more expensive than that town. I'm sure those people that live in the town are real happy that a painting costing more than themselves :p
Rookie458 - 10 years ago
Fazlul Muhammed
Fazlul Muhammed - 10 years ago
town is ok but lunch with somebody what the fuck
Omsi 23
Omsi 23 - 10 years ago
Over there
xGARIDx - 10 years ago
This is America the land of stupidy
jimmy xiong
jimmy xiong - 10 years ago
+Henry Griffith lol
Sandro The Great
Sandro The Great - 10 years ago
Must have been a shit town
Adam Bien
Adam Bien - 10 years ago
+Top Trending Yeah I guess but at a monetary viewpoint, it's crazy.
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
The good thing is that the money for the lunch went to charity.
Crispy Concords
Crispy Concords - 10 years ago
Congrats on One Million baby! <3 Well deserved.
Nolan Uribe
Nolan Uribe - 10 years ago
Why the hell is crispy concords here haha.
i am Axhzehnn
i am Axhzehnn - 10 years ago
Crispyy !
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Thanks man <3
TheTrittoner - 10 years ago
There may be someone who bought something more expensive than number 1 from teh black market D:

If you didn't guess yet, I'm kidding.
J B - 10 years ago
Most expensive thing I've not on the Internet are black 20$ cheap headphones wow some people are too greedy.-.
Buff Dude
Buff Dude - 10 years ago
1,000,000 subs good job!
Joseph Johnson
Joseph Johnson - 10 years ago
A baseball card for $1.1 million.....really? -.- wow.. 
RainHellodude ᵖˢʸᵏº-
RainHellodude ᵖˢʸᵏº- - 10 years ago
Wtf is up with eBay
NX WRDN NX - 10 years ago
awesomeeddie21 - 10 years ago
It will be cool to have your own town.
Space Knives
Space Knives - 10 years ago
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Thanks dude. We spend a lot of time trying to create one special for each video!
Agata Poprawa
Agata Poprawa - 10 years ago
is there gonna  be a 1 million special or no?
Normal Anime Guy
Normal Anime Guy - 10 years ago
Can I get a like for no reason
SlothGiraffe - 10 years ago
+Al Smith ayyy lmao
Alva Rouch
Alva Rouch - 10 years ago
Fuk off m8
MyNameIsNotSam - 10 years ago
why did you reupload this
Nayeli Q
Nayeli Q - 10 years ago
Trey Slaughter
Trey Slaughter - 10 years ago
Why the reupload?
dw3iss19 - 10 years ago
lol..? You upload this yesterday?
Dan Matrix
Dan Matrix - 10 years ago
How hard can you get Top Trending comment on your comment?
Dan Matrix
Dan Matrix - 10 years ago
+Top Trending It's that easy? Great video and effort by the way :)
Dan Matrix
Dan Matrix - 10 years ago
Every time I do that... the Youtuber comments. Geez they like doing those -_- I'm fine with it anyways
Amina Hassan
Amina Hassan - 10 years ago
That easy
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Brandon Berliner
Brandon Berliner - 10 years ago
The baseball card shouldn't that be ahead of the bridgeville and. The missle base and so on at 1.1 Billion dollars?
Gamer Pig
Gamer Pig - 10 years ago
You have a million subs yeah for top trending
Riz2336 - 10 years ago
If only I was that rich..
Tilly - 10 years ago
ArcadeCloud - 10 years ago
Congrats on 1,000,000 subscribers!
lildiamondboy - 10 years ago
Arcade cloud !!! hiiiiiii
Zero04GT - 10 years ago
6th :3
ThE MeNZi - 10 years ago
mike hunt
mike hunt - 10 years ago
Dont read this sentence

You rebel !
TheGreatCoolstev - 10 years ago
Billy Benjamin
Billy Benjamin - 10 years ago
wait I'm confused
KidsCantRead - 10 years ago
The most expesnsive thing i bought online was a pair of headphones. It cost £7. Phew. Too expensive.
Bubble daddy Jules
Bubble daddy Jules - 10 years ago
You have an epic face
Decus Extinctum
Decus Extinctum - 10 years ago
+Kutay Arıcan More fucked is that there's actually a man who bought girls virginity for 900k if i recall
Kutay Arıcan
Kutay Arıcan - 10 years ago
+Jamie G Dude...That's...Just a little fucked up
EnriqueJ10 - 10 years ago
Jamie - 10 years ago
I bought a girls virginity off the internet for £100 it was well worth it!
Zeparta Gaming
Zeparta Gaming - 10 years ago
Zeppelans - 10 years ago
watch out for blue shells
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
Thank you all so much for the incredible support. We surpassed 1,000,000 subscribers today!

We're working harder than ever to bring you guys the best videos we can. Great things are on the way, stay tuned!
a person.
a person. - 10 years ago
Congrats, you totally deserve it. A whole million, yeah, you deserve it.
DarkGhosts11 - 10 years ago
Dude I have been with you ever since your Simpsons facts when you had 5,000 subs congratulations good content. ;)
David Schultz
David Schultz - 10 years ago
Awesome. I've been with you since 96,000 subs!
Jake Sheldon
Jake Sheldon - 10 years ago
Congrats. And I love your videos
Anastasia Makarycheva
Anastasia Makarycheva - 10 years ago
"clapping my hands"
Magical Door knob
Magical Door knob - 10 years ago
Im so happy that i subbed under -5
L93bloomer :D
L93bloomer :D - 10 years ago
why is everything on eBay xD
Finlay Jeffs
Finlay Jeffs - 10 years ago
Omg 1 mill I subbed at 30,000 subs
Aaron Rincon
Aaron Rincon - 10 years ago
CONGRATS ON 1 million sub Keep it up Subscribed since day one
That Carter Guy (dead account)
That Carter Guy (dead account) - 10 years ago
Congrats! I can't wait until you hit 2,000,000! You should do a video about things that happened in WWII that don't make sense.
ricolinuxtutorial - 10 years ago
wish my channel were this big, congrats bros
love all your vids
Maira Raza
Maira Raza - 10 years ago
Congratulations!!!!!! You deserve this
WCW Sting
WCW Sting - 10 years ago
pigonsteroids - 10 years ago
To suck a dick
Top Trending
Top Trending - 10 years ago
If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
Tank Playz
Tank Playz - 9 years ago
+DEVASHISH SHUKLA Google just might possibly be worth more than 1 mil :I
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton - 9 years ago
+ShamanWingman Where homeboy
Wingmann - 9 years ago
+Sir Isaac Newton
I know a place where you can buy bitches for $1 per hour ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
XxcuLGuYzZ - 9 years ago
!% percent to charity
Lennard Jaros
Lennard Jaros - 9 years ago
I'd probably just invest the money in making more money until I have enough money to afford research on interstellar travel,living a good life and a big flat in London!
Grekus - 9 years ago
+Adi Sanglay xD
Amado'z Animz
Amado'z Animz - 9 years ago
All of the lego sets
sparklypuppy560 - 9 years ago
Marlon Piazza
Marlon Piazza - 9 years ago
I would buy a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss
Cornelius Maximilianus
Cornelius Maximilianus - 10 years ago
250 grand house and open a retail shop and save the other half 
Kuutti Tapio
Kuutti Tapio - 10 years ago
Philip Oesterle Pekrun
Philip Oesterle Pekrun - 10 years ago
I would buy an awesome yacht and also a really tiny speedboat with it :P
goats - 10 years ago
A Person To Do My Chores And School work >:3
Beastly Gamer
Beastly Gamer - 10 years ago
Save more for that Giga Yacht
YurixRuz - 10 years ago
+Gandalf Bengston
Nissan G3 Skylines???
Gandalf Bengston
Gandalf Bengston - 10 years ago
wow. Really just a lambo i would sell that and pimp out some Nissan G3 Skylines
Only Gta5
Only Gta5 - 10 years ago
A Lamborghini
william raffoul
william raffoul - 10 years ago
Get my pilots licence
Thomas Stevens
Thomas Stevens - 10 years ago
Go to vegas to spend it all!
Evan Cain
Evan Cain - 10 years ago
a s**t ton of llamas
and a Pagani Zonda Cinque
rdowie97 - 10 years ago
I'd give it to cancer research
YurixRuz - 10 years ago
The Earth.
Laura Mason
Laura Mason - 10 years ago
KPOP Merchs and I'll build my own Entertainment company. Pretty ambitious LOL
Jessica Lindsay
Jessica Lindsay - 10 years ago
+Jacob Anderson :)
Hairy Sparrow
Hairy Sparrow - 10 years ago
First of all, I wouldn't make it public. I'd split it into a series of lump sums spread across several banks to avoid suspicion. After that was complete, I'd buy a small, comfortable home completely (no 15 year mortgage for me, yay!), a used Toyota (no need for monthly payments now, you leeches), pay for my upcoming years in college here in sunny El Paso, and then save half of what was left for me and my family, donating the rest to any charities or research centers I saw fit. Also, that million'd be gone fast, due in part to rising inflation and taxes. Simply put, I'd get what I want and need, my family'd have something of an emergency fund not connected to any sort of extensive fees, and I'd gain good karma from helping those in need. All in all, it seems like a good deal to me.
Gandalf Bengston
Gandalf Bengston - 10 years ago
the terminator
NewEnglandMixes - 10 years ago
I would buy 10,000 golden/husky puppies and be the happiest person on earth
Alan Rosado
Alan Rosado - 10 years ago
I wold buy food for the hungry
Sonny Parmar
Sonny Parmar - 10 years ago
1 white and gold dress
Matt Kania
Matt Kania - 10 years ago
Jerry George
Jerry George - 10 years ago
An extended leisure tour around the world to fulfill my bucket list of of " gotta see that before I die!"
Fazlul Muhammed
Fazlul Muhammed - 10 years ago
pay my debts and help people and do my own things
Yerr1337 - 10 years ago
+Rahman_Noodles456 You're full of bullshit.
Jessica Lindsay
Jessica Lindsay - 10 years ago
I would bye a wolf :) I would adopt it :)
Edward Sausagehands
Edward Sausagehands - 10 years ago
I'd buy 650,000 pounds sterling.
Pike - 10 years ago
I would buy my teacher, so she goes and jumps of a cliff and has sex with a gorrila
russian guy
russian guy - 10 years ago
+Random long crap lol
Danny Rodriguez
Danny Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Cut the governments tax at least by 10 percent
russian guy
russian guy - 10 years ago
Porn subscriptions
Nazib - 10 years ago
i'd buy every game related items and games
Twitchy - 10 years ago
A segway and invest the rest I would think.
The Smart Guy
The Smart Guy - 10 years ago
a big house and a nice car....and get married of course.
GTS Photography
GTS Photography - 10 years ago
Fair enough.
Uncle Phil
Uncle Phil - 10 years ago
+Hayden Richard Jones I'd buy your mother as a sex slave.
Justnoisy - 10 years ago
Justnoisy - 10 years ago
I would buy top trending channel for 1 billoin
You're my fav deputy!
You're my fav deputy! - 10 years ago
+Chance Tucker xD
Chance - 10 years ago
Queso and tortilla chips...and a new gaming PC and laptop...and a kitten. And a great white shark.
You're my fav deputy!
You're my fav deputy! - 10 years ago
+xXswag_yoloXx EDIT if you had infinite money but could only get 20 things what would they be?
You're my fav deputy!
You're my fav deputy! - 10 years ago
If you had infinite money but u only could buy 20 things what would you get?
Chance - 10 years ago
A bunch of Queso from Rosas!
luchvk - 10 years ago
One million one dollar bills. Afterwards I don't know. :P
tristananvilcaster - 10 years ago
I would buy a car and a jetpack c:
TurtleTherapy - 10 years ago
1D sucks
Paris Cortez
Paris Cortez - 10 years ago
I would buy One Direction
Hannah roth
Hannah roth - 10 years ago
I would buy a uhhh idk a new car?? No I think I would buy a store to get money!
Bboy Warrick
Bboy Warrick - 10 years ago
Johnny dunzelman
Johnny dunzelman - 10 years ago
A reason for the internet
BNP - Neeson52
BNP - Neeson52 - 10 years ago
I'd buy... probably a mustang with a nice house with a jacuzzi
Dubious - 10 years ago
With todays market you get no money by just putting your money in the bank
Danny Qin
Danny Qin - 10 years ago
I will buy you a monkey...
Alguien - 10 years ago
I would put it on the bank, make it grow and buy a whole bank
Anastasia Makarycheva
Anastasia Makarycheva - 10 years ago
I would by a villa house. Like, the most big one. And if I had infinite money, I would by a castle. Ah, beautiful dreams never end :)
Momma Jade
Momma Jade - 10 years ago
Id buy a Ferrari F40
Angel Cervantes
Angel Cervantes - 10 years ago
+Hadi Bst hmhmhmmhmhmhmh
PM_ME_A_GOOD_BOOK - 10 years ago
I would spend them in charity, LOL i'd rather spend them to charity, NOO seriously i would spend them to charity
Breadberry 1
Breadberry 1 - 10 years ago
If I had a million dollars I would buy all the knives and all reds on cs go then I would get a house :)
vL Zero
vL Zero - 10 years ago
fifa coins !
Angel Cervantes
Angel Cervantes - 10 years ago
Gems on coc
Gamer Wilukum
Gamer Wilukum - 10 years ago
A big house with a jet!!!
ExiledAtol 8778
ExiledAtol 8778 - 10 years ago
I would buy all the video games and live with a cat and a dog in Florida in a mansion.
Carsan970 - 10 years ago
I have no idea, but I would most likely waste it somehow
Mr L.K
Mr L.K - 10 years ago
my way out of any situation.
Xytan Vadum'ee
Xytan Vadum'ee - 10 years ago
+Random long crap well your planing for a fun time.
Xytan Vadum'ee
Xytan Vadum'ee - 10 years ago
I would work on starting a new world order.
(or buy a house....)
Vlad Stefan
Vlad Stefan - 10 years ago
My life back XD
Amanda Ebe
Amanda Ebe - 10 years ago
Lots of itunes cards... (Im sorry...)
Shivam PatelTV
Shivam PatelTV - 10 years ago
An expensive apartment in London, Technology like Macs, An expensive car and would invest money!
Wooden Nickel
Wooden Nickel - 10 years ago
69 Charger
wicked klownz
wicked klownz - 10 years ago
Id retire now at age 23, and buy a nice truck with a pull behind camper to live in amd put solar panels on top, way cheaper then buying a house and ill truly be free.
Punk And Rock Bands
Punk And Rock Bands - 10 years ago
You have 1 million subs!!!!
CandidLion50 - 10 years ago
A million things at the pound store
soulless skeletons
soulless skeletons - 10 years ago
Give some of it to charity and spend or save it
Tanks Explosions Anime
Tanks Explosions Anime - 10 years ago
about 90% of people who say charity are proberly lying...
I would buy a nice house, car and a gaming computer and keep the rest so I dont have to work for the rest of my life.
PalmThree - 10 years ago
I would first give 49% to charity and then try to spend the other in a good way!
Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil - 10 years ago
Bitches and weed
MahtiJaakkoProductions - 10 years ago
+Tim lundberg​ A car is not really an investment tho.
AntonAck - 10 years ago
75% to poor peapole and 25% to my self
PrimyFritzellz - 10 years ago
I would buy food for a year. Save some money for college to my future kids. Buy everything i need like clothes and such. I would invest into a new car and then a new apartment/house. Then give the rest to family members
Ashton Pawlowski
Ashton Pawlowski - 10 years ago
Umm let me think umm a million dollar house
jaja - 10 years ago
Ur mom for a night
奇妙な - 10 years ago
+Kchisty`s swag 10 years later
A flying turtle
A flying turtle - 10 years ago
奇妙な - 10 years ago
All games and all consoles and upgrade my computer 
The Average Gamer
The Average Gamer - 10 years ago
y did you take this video down yesterday?
Snail - 10 years ago
☢ ƬƝƬƁOƳ-Ɗα-Ɓαωz ☢
☢ ƬƝƬƁOƳ-Ɗα-Ɓαωz ☢ - 10 years ago
Mayonnaise is also freakin delicious
Snail - 10 years ago
+GamingGoat69 What?
Snail - 10 years ago
+ZenoGames1999 I'm everywhere.
k - 10 years ago
Why would you make your name something so obvious?

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