25 Most Expensive Yachts Ever Built
Yacht 10 years ago 2,776,805 views
We’ve already brought you the 25 most insane concept yachts on Earth. Unfortunately, however, you won’t see too many of those on the water…they’re just concepts. The yachts you are about to see on the other hand, have nothing conceptual about them. They are the largest, most lavish toys on the planet and not surprisingly they belong to some of the world’s wealthiest individuals. These are the 25 most expensive yachts ever built. Follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/list25 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/list25 Website: http://list25. Instagram: @List25 Check out the written version for more info - http://list25.com/25-most-expensive-yachts-ever-built/ Preview Meteor Le Grand Bleu Tatoosh Annaliese Alysia Ambrosia Maltese Falcon Pelorus Eos Project Mars Octopus Ecstasea Al Salamah Rising Sun Seven Seas Ice Lady Moura Al Mirqab Dilbar Al Said Superyacht A Dubai Streets of Monaco Eclipse History Supreme And also check out these lovely lists: "25 Curious Facts About Ebola" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgBNyLKgEdA&list=UUWqJpFqlX59OML324QIByZA and "25 Mind Blowing Extinct Creatures" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc4C_MUnHRI&list=UUWqJpFqlX59OML324QIByZA Follow Juan on twitter: https://twitter.com/jcgator1 Instagram: http://instagram.com/jcgatorjuan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalesFromANutshellCrackedOpen?ref=hl YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPE0XZzx-ML4HKWJmBUphBQ
10. comment for 25 Most Expensive Yachts Ever Built
for "Rothschild"
20. comment for 25 Most Expensive Yachts Ever Built
30. comment for 25 Most Expensive Yachts Ever Built
If your yacht doesn't at least have its own submarine, you're just not ready.
2:14 Most bad-ass yacht
50. comment for 25 Most Expensive Yachts Ever Built
Go somewhere else with your bleeding heart.
100. comment for 25 Most Expensive Yachts Ever Built
unless his networth is the same as the yacht cost!
It's great to work hard, run a business take care of your family , but, that's mostly a myth. I know plenty of brilliant people who work their asses off, and never buy crap like this abomination. The game is totally rigged. The privileged, and the fortunate get all kinds of advantages, the rest ride the corrupt gravy train. Once your in the millionaire class the tax avoidance is all laid out for you, the advantages climb like a rocket, then you pass a point, where even the laws can't touch you because your armies of accountants, lawyers, and thugs make sure you pay next to nothing , sometimes absolutely nothing. This is just pure degenerate psychotic greed, and a gross waste of resources. It's costing the human race it' s chance for survival which will become readily apparent to every human in the near future, "in our lifetimes". We are quickly killing ourselves and thousands of other species along with us. Our options for preventing a global catastrophe are running out like a gambler's luck. These bastards need to be taken down to size, and brought under control. Just think of all the resources , oil, plastic, paint, chemicals, wood, steel, leather, metals, a forest full of trees just to make a boat so some rich selfish psychotic greedy pig can jerk off in his private hot tub with his paid friends, and whores. Meanwhile the slaves who gather those resources, can barely afford to feed their family because the forest they depend on was cut down to build a yacht for shit for brains tax evading assholes like these. I say bust their asses, take back the money no one gets a boat bigger than what you need to put your immediate family in, a canoe works fine for most people, anything bigger gets taxed at 1000%. Just sayin.
And thats known since 2011 srry but thats a bad research, even if you make your Videos only for entertainment please doublecheck your sources. But anyway a very nice Video . :)
Hopefully you are now informed. Please next time do some research before you make a statement and don't wait until somebody explain it to you. Especially if you want to be cocky about it. Do not lean on somebodies precious time!!
I'll take 'em all
The day you bought it and the day you sold it.
Picture of No. 9 is not LADY MOURA - not even similar :-)
No 7 - a new yacht DILBAR is going to be finished
"K I C K. ME!" Sorry, but I don't 'buy' it!
Nothing with a motor cost in the billions & space crafts built by(our)government is known for being price gouged. I'd say swindled, but materials&supplies are purposely $raised and accepted for shameful reasonings!
This is straying from the subject at hand, but some time ago I read from the pages of a reputable news source that government was paying thousands of $$$ for toilet seats, screwdrivers, & including a long list of other items normally selling for $50 & under! Believe it or not! Now put that in his Presidential Pipe (c i g a r) and . . . he'll know what 2do with it!
With Bill Gates help
some people are crazy when it come to money
Is it the desginer? Interior designer? Concept artist? Builders/Engineers of the yacht? Sellers?
I would like to know. Great vid.
I think I win.
have you seen my boat its AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This does not impress me.
This disgusts me.
I wanna be rich!!! Kkk
able to buy all the bitches
makes me sick.
No Offense
UAE <3
I can do this all day long,\... lol
Cause people here they are poor but they work and they try. They don't wait for things that will never happen. So just shut up you so called socialists. If you had that money I doubt you would've given it to anyone. So just uggh
Bless u
Oh and ppl crying that they waste the money, grow up and get some brains, its their money and the world can't be saved
_' "{even among the listing type videos, these "25" lists are really dreary}
This article makes a lot of sense. Why would a person spend a third of his net worth on a boat?! Think about it!!
This article makes a lot of sense. Why would a person spend a third of his net worth on a boat?!
How can you be sure about this?
I already heard about this, and I would say it is possible. 34k € per kilo, come one its possible. And when you start to put diamonds in the game, there is no limit.
When you have more money you can ever spent, you can do this.
who owns it?
ive also worked boats almost as big as these and you can see where the price comes from. theres one being built called triple deuce which is going to be 222 meters and is projected to cost 1 billion dollars. it seems legit
yeah the 4.8 bil one is fake i never bothered looking it up too much. also eclipse isnt worth as much as he says
A.K.A. this is comment 666.
p.s. abramovic has another yacht in my town in croatia, its huge with a chopper and all that shit but not once I have seen it move from the bay, and its been there at least 10 years
Oh and don't worry ,Putin has a plan for the Russian ones , like a change in ownership.
Because that is exactly what this money is.... stolen through various methods of undetectable or unprovable crime (half of them are govt. authorities so forget that)
You poor people idiots idolizing these pieces of sh=t deserve...DESERVE to be poor...because your stupidity is what powers corrupt liar thieves to acquire these stolen billions....as you foolishly worship them like idiots. fuccikng pitiful.
AA misils
tha fuck
Also, where is Azzam, the worlds largest yacht as of 2014?
Very uncredible list
Good stuff.
sarcasm - i elude it.
Sarcasm - it eludes you.
No1 Malaysia
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I would want #2
I really liked nr. 11 and 4