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BUYING AND CUSTOMIZING A $10 MILLION SUPER YACHT! (GTA Online DLC) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1704

Yacht 9 years ago 1,144,798 views

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Most popular comments

Jon Smith
Jon Smith - 7 years ago
Everyone always says they spend 10 million on things but they always spend less than it and always buys the less expensive things
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield - 7 years ago
Can you get this in the PS3/XBOX 360 version or is it only for the PS4/XBOX one version
Dr Clock
Dr Clock - 7 years ago
"Basically, the brighter you are, the bigger your penis!"-TmarTn2
Skibbiesrule 807
Skibbiesrule 807 - 7 years ago
When I see something cool it makes me poop
Amir Oldes
Amir Oldes - 7 years ago
the b does not stand for billenaire it stand for Buckingham
watchdog 36
watchdog 36 - 7 years ago
You are so overeactive
Dania Rochana
Dania Rochana - 7 years ago
You noob
Ramone Cloyd
Ramone Cloyd - 7 years ago
This what I all ways whanted on the GTA 5 is a yacht know I seen inside one that's stupid dope I need to get me one of them yachts asap
Triple Kill TNAO
Triple Kill TNAO - 7 years ago
lol sounds like huge erection lol


James Harden
James Harden - 7 years ago
The bigger the penis?? Is that what he saiid?
Matthew Seljan
Matthew Seljan - 7 years ago
at 11:27 he seems drunk lol
Bode Camilleri
Bode Camilleri - 7 years ago
he is so happy about the oranges and apples
Gamer 25
Gamer 25 - 7 years ago
the shadow Killer
the shadow Killer - 7 years ago
Is this on ps4 I mean are you playing on ps 4
Mastergamer IRON
Mastergamer IRON - 7 years ago
The start of rockstar ruining gta online
Papa Bear
Papa Bear - 7 years ago
Erection at 4:11
MillyWayz YT
MillyWayz YT - 7 years ago
a jet is 10mill which is way way waaaaay smaller and this yacht is way bigger and so much cheaper omg
21 Savage
21 Savage - 7 years ago
Tbh gta 5 kinda sucks now bruh, I wish it was simple, like drug dealer, or assassin, and being a narcos,
Sec Pendragon
Sec Pendragon - 7 years ago
You can request the yacht helicopter or dinghy to arrive at the mainland/shore for basically nothing. You can also turn on an anti-intruder system on your yacht to blow anything not on a whitelist out of the sky. The only way to successfully get aboard one of these things and avoid the security system is by boat, which isn't stealthy in the slightest; or by swimming, which takes absolutely forever. And you can get an across-the-map teleport for 25K if people are giving you trouble and ignoring your missiles


FeaR HaZarD42
FeaR HaZarD42 - 7 years ago
He calls all the other players in the lobby peasants when they are probably working for their money when he just buys shark cards
Prabhat Raikwar
Prabhat Raikwar - 7 years ago
5:15 Huge Erection
Matthew Buchanan
Matthew Buchanan - 7 years ago
Anyone watching this in 2017-2018
Fire Mods
Fire Mods - 7 years ago
I was watching this in the shower and then it said where are all the naked models and I paused the vid for the rest of the shower
IheartGames - 7 years ago
I’m to poor
KinGG G Wizz
KinGG G Wizz - 7 years ago
It’s 2000000 now for black friday
Stop motion Kid
Stop motion Kid - 7 years ago
Guys which should I get to in mine hydra or savage
The White Spike
The White Spike - 7 years ago
Dirty Pervert
Pharrell howard
Pharrell howard - 7 years ago
2:55 i thought you had brought the chrome bars but when you went to the yacht at 9:18 there were golden bars ?????
Fl3xbleplayz -music/sports videos
Fl3xbleplayz -music/sports videos - 7 years ago


Branz wintz
Branz wintz - 7 years ago
Thanks to vehicle warehouse I have one of these
Craig Cuthbert
Craig Cuthbert - 7 years ago
When red dead redemption comes will you play it?
Finn Torbett
Finn Torbett - 7 years ago
I love that he is on a super yacht and he says "Oh my gosh look at this I could be taking a poo and then turn around and wink at myself"
Power radebot 2nd
Power radebot 2nd - 7 years ago
Trevor Martin is his name.
Social Raccoon Gaming
Social Raccoon Gaming - 7 years ago
It's your big day
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 7 years ago
6m for a megayacht... Ok...
Bruno Gustavo
Bruno Gustavo - 7 years ago
The only good this about the yacht is that the captain is australian..
pole man plays
pole man plays - 7 years ago
Can you buy yaht on xbox360
landon olnhausen
landon olnhausen - 7 years ago
im irish and I wanted you to choose ireland
Micha Grill
Micha Grill - 7 years ago
And now buy this in real live XD
Magnus E
Magnus E - 7 years ago
Yeah, we know it’s yours.
ADR//Adrian Adri//Adrian
ADR//Adrian Adri//Adrian - 7 years ago
i have 70 mill
chris nickel
chris nickel - 7 years ago
this guy acts like he had a few pots of coffee before he did this video, cause look on how hyper he is
Virgil Core
Virgil Core - 7 years ago
And I don't have jackshit in this game consider yourself lucky
Johnny Hanson
Johnny Hanson - 7 years ago
I've never been as excited about anything as much as this guy is about this overpriced boat
Aaditya Raj Sanjyal
Aaditya Raj Sanjyal - 7 years ago
You can ask your captain for a helicopter ,personal car,or a boat
We React
We React - 7 years ago
Emma Orr
Emma Orr - 7 years ago
Super cooper sundays are better
Scott Fraser
Scott Fraser - 7 years ago
Will Mcleay
Will Mcleay - 7 years ago
The brighter it is the bigger ur penis . Hahaha that made my day


Ruby Bros
Ruby Bros - 7 years ago
Keksmskek so interesting of a comment
b.n familie
b.n familie - 7 years ago
dat is Tesla mogool
Hamilton The Charmander
Hamilton The Charmander - 7 years ago
I know at least 40% of you guys are on the toilet.
Kosta - 7 years ago
11:30 mentals
Zazuki Kakahashi
Zazuki Kakahashi - 7 years ago
GTA the new ps home
Jordan Gamer
Jordan Gamer - 7 years ago
If I had a yacht on gta I would name it the Mexican seahorse
Thomas Garner
Thomas Garner - 7 years ago
lmao. Great video
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer - 7 years ago
I can be takin a poo and turn around and wink at myself
JoJo Gaming
JoJo Gaming - 7 years ago
Ur retarded
Christopher Mcleod
Christopher Mcleod - 7 years ago
what your name on gta
Survival Deployed
Survival Deployed - 7 years ago
He should have got a cargobob and picked up the Bugatti,
Andrew Clifton
Andrew Clifton - 7 years ago
hope there r no icebergs ;)
Josh James
Josh James - 7 years ago
What's the car next to the adder?
Micce Gaming
Micce Gaming - 7 years ago
I can get dat in 8 days
TheDevilGamer666 - 7 years ago
you are so stupid
Teddy Fitzpatrick
Teddy Fitzpatrick - 7 years ago
You look like a ferit
Bro Naga
Bro Naga - 7 years ago
i make hesoyam get $500000
Brendan - 7 years ago
Can you pull guns in yachts? If I ever got this rich and got a yacht and had a yacht party I'd just be nervous a shoutout would go down
Brendan - 7 years ago
Lmao bill gates would wipe his ass with one of those
RandomBeast 845
RandomBeast 845 - 7 years ago
akino farray
akino farray - 7 years ago
what's d use of owning a yacht in the game ?
Riding With Joey
Riding With Joey - 7 years ago
your acting like its a real life thing
Pierce Hallan
Pierce Hallan - 7 years ago
You should've named your boat the unsinkable 2
EC DriftTV
EC DriftTV - 7 years ago
The Yacht is AMAZING Although I wish it was more functional
Aubrey Deal
Aubrey Deal - 7 years ago
The way he talks about woman in this video disgusts me tbh.
anthony eck
anthony eck - 7 years ago
The boat looks like that one boat in bo2
Hilmy Almay Bil Fakih
Hilmy Almay Bil Fakih - 7 years ago
Your voice is like a rocker
Kyle Reynolds
Kyle Reynolds - 7 years ago
but the important thing is. does it have wifi?
Conner Gaming
Conner Gaming - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Hayden Walker
Hayden Walker - 7 years ago
20 billion dollars
raj sharma
raj sharma - 7 years ago
If life would be like gtav it would be awesome
Christian Walker
Christian Walker - 7 years ago
Who's the ultimate over reactor? Tmar Tn2
Luke Hammer
Luke Hammer - 7 years ago
I'm yea. I can afford it. And I'm not a kid. Im a man. Big difference
tim cook
tim cook - 7 years ago
this guy is the student of mrbossftw
AnxnVTR - 7 years ago
What people fail to realize is the Pisces is the best yacht not the Aquarius due to the whole yacht it's self
Legend Of Gaming LTU
Legend Of Gaming LTU - 7 years ago
its not 10 m yacht
its only 6 m yacht
Blue !
Blue ! - 7 years ago
My small brother made his yacht a titanic
mike taylor
mike taylor - 7 years ago
can tell u dont or have never had a gf lmfao what a douche
PMG 17
PMG 17 - 7 years ago
The captains sounds Aussie
SilverSnake - 7 years ago
Huge G rection XD
DanTheMan - 7 years ago
Rockstar could make a battleship for $30MIL that has missile homing systems that home into people on the other side of the map, good homing systems, lots of auto turrets and controllable cannons with 2 helipads a m
Runway which could be spawn point for planes , and the blazer aqua and the pickup aqua car a jet ski and a speed boat parked on the water at the back
DanTheMan - 7 years ago
Meanwhile us last gen PS3 players don't get yachts...or any dlc's, or CEO offices
MarkiCrafter - 7 years ago
i dont understand how people can get or have so much money??!?!?!
Skinny Smoke
Skinny Smoke - 7 years ago
I have no money.. but I have a pistol and that's all I need
Maxim Dietz
Maxim Dietz - 7 years ago
Why does he get so excited lmao
Bobo Bobo
Bobo Bobo - 7 years ago
fack you
Dolores Karriqi
Dolores Karriqi - 7 years ago
how can i buy this yacht
Francis Gaming
Francis Gaming - 7 years ago
Did you have to pay that much on you're credit card
Some guy Dd
Some guy Dd - 7 years ago
Собака - 7 years ago
Guys I'm poor I only have 10.3 million


Andy Jones
Andy Jones - 7 years ago
your a helmet
Luke_matthews 61
Luke_matthews 61 - 7 years ago
Me too
LORD LAWLEY - 7 years ago
Trevor's player's top looks really uncunfturbul
Tech Raiders
Tech Raiders - 7 years ago
Can we buy offline
Braeden Needham
Braeden Needham - 7 years ago
I'm at 7 mil been saving for a week
Jarius Hughes
Jarius Hughes - 7 years ago
do u play on ps4
Jarius Hughes
Jarius Hughes - 7 years ago
do u play ps4
Luke Hirst
Luke Hirst - 7 years ago
Pls can someone send me some shark cards for PS4
Ryan Tam
Ryan Tam - 7 years ago
and all I have is the smallest eclipse towers apartment and a pegassi vacca....
Exploding Husky
Exploding Husky - 7 years ago
Trev that was a douchey thing to say look at all the peasants
Noah Wolf
Noah Wolf - 7 years ago
In this video, we watch 17 minutes of Trevor living his childhood dream
Vortex Ranger
Vortex Ranger - 7 years ago
Awww I want
How do you get this much money
preston tssessaze
preston tssessaze - 7 years ago
Savage shooting
Savage shooting - 7 years ago
he looks like jhon cena no affensie
Elite Crafter
Elite Crafter - 7 years ago
my favorite part was the end when the captain of the other yacht said, "Private missile systems as expensive as this do not miss. Turn around now!" Thats pretty threatening lol
jacob.h__1 3
jacob.h__1 3 - 7 years ago
this dude should not have 2+ mill subs
Ace Gaming
Ace Gaming - 7 years ago
"3 bedgerooms"
CrazySling - 7 years ago
Without "us peasants" you wouldn't have money to buy your shark cards
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
CrazySling chill it was a joke
Bob Ross
Bob Ross - 7 years ago
Get a fuckin life
Dreamer ASMR
Dreamer ASMR - 7 years ago
damn...time to start saving up on GTA
CAMO - 7 years ago
wots goin 0n goys tee murt
ApplePug - 7 years ago
I thought the title was $10 yacht
King Sky
King Sky - 7 years ago
Mistakes were made
Marco Torrez
Marco Torrez - 7 years ago
TmarTn2 u died because he had yacht defenses on
918 man gaming
918 man gaming - 7 years ago
I can't wait until I get $120 worth in shark cards for that
Aiden HEHE
Aiden HEHE - 7 years ago
When I got GTA V in October 2013 I thought the strip club icon on the minimap was a shoe shop lmao.
Julian Losekoot
Julian Losekoot - 7 years ago
I bough the yacht for sale but I did not have enough money so I had to also buy 75 dollars shark cards
Rhys Harris
Rhys Harris - 7 years ago
How do you get so much money on GTA 5 Xbox one
Weed Smith
Weed Smith - 7 years ago
BryanW22 - 7 years ago
Man, you have millions in gta , while I grind in real life to get money for GTA online
GamingKroniK - 7 years ago
What apartment is that at the start? Im new and looking for apartments to buy
FIFA 17 - 7 years ago
16:29 BRUH!

(The message)
Bts ZayKinG973
Bts ZayKinG973 - 7 years ago
I got 2000000000000billing
YoBoiBilly -_-
YoBoiBilly -_- - 7 years ago
Cool video bro
YoBoiBilly -_-
YoBoiBilly -_- - 7 years ago
There was a homing launcher combat mg and a heavy sniper in the yacht
maribel sanchez
maribel sanchez - 7 years ago
Can you Drive it?
Some guy 123
Some guy 123 - 8 years ago
I wonder if a girl has ever watched this.
Max Out
Max Out - 8 years ago
The brighter you are the bigger your penis lol
Master Z
Master Z - 8 years ago
You cant do this with the Xbox360, ps3 editions can't you
Skid up Light up
Skid up Light up - 8 years ago
Why do you sound like Donald trump
SirBeautimus - 8 years ago
How does he get so much money?
SirBeautimus - 8 years ago
Hugh G Rection?
jure1 smon
jure1 smon - 8 years ago
Nice dude :)
daiseechain - 8 years ago
You should of gotten the 7 mill one you can park hydras on it the stuff you get is better and it's cheaper...
tristen anderson
tristen anderson - 8 years ago
I have 72.5 million, got it from modders
Shubham Joshi
Shubham Joshi - 8 years ago
can we buy it in offline
James Hunter
James Hunter - 8 years ago
Can someone tell me what apartment he was in at the start
Brandon Wood
Brandon Wood - 8 years ago
Calm yourself it ain't that exiting
This Guy
This Guy - 8 years ago
StarStrike Gaming
StarStrike Gaming - 8 years ago
What flat does he use in gta online
XXJLP16 - 8 years ago
there's the naked women
Yenny Ramirez
Yenny Ramirez - 8 years ago
you have the demo gta
Chris Rowney
Chris Rowney - 8 years ago
getting this
Rigo Diaz
Rigo Diaz - 8 years ago
the brighter you are the bigger your penis
Patrick Conklin Vlogs
Patrick Conklin Vlogs - 8 years ago
Hey man
Xantteboy - 8 years ago
most useless thing in gtav ever
Jay the Novice Gamer
Jay the Novice Gamer - 8 years ago
TmarTn2 = Ultra Trump X 1000 on Red Bull
Jay the Novice Gamer
Jay the Novice Gamer - 8 years ago
He's that rich...
Kevin Flores
Kevin Flores - 8 years ago
only thing that annoys me about his videos is that he calls other people in the game peasants even though he uses shark cards sometimes.
Pancake 101
Pancake 101 - 8 years ago
do u unlock this on a level?
Keegen Chia
Keegen Chia - 8 years ago
Which apartment were u in inside the video?
Mr Person
Mr Person - 8 years ago
How did you get that money
Juulio’s Pizza
Juulio’s Pizza - 8 years ago
AussieAppleReviewer proba shark cards, I do glitches but I doubt he does
Kazuka The Greek Necromancer
Kazuka The Greek Necromancer - 8 years ago
The pieces is the best
Kazuka The Greek Necromancer
Kazuka The Greek Necromancer - 8 years ago
To be honest, I think the best 2nd best yacht is the best one..
D-RayTheGreat - 8 years ago
panza gaming
panza gaming - 8 years ago
does he ever shut up
Yogoseth :D
Yogoseth :D - 8 years ago
Captin: Where do u want to go?
Player: Umm
Player: Lago Zancudo
Captin: Ok you have to pay 25000$
Player: TAKE MY MONEY *Gives 25000$
Yogoseth :D
Yogoseth :D - 8 years ago
I meant Gives 25000$
Kabeer Ahmed
Kabeer Ahmed - 8 years ago
Is this really worth it
OfficialSiddiq - 8 years ago
This guy gets waaay to excited over this game.
D-RayTheGreat - 8 years ago
This game is fuckin' awesome. It lets you live the life you dreamed of.
Feature Fords
Feature Fords - 8 years ago
Can u get the yacht on Xbox 360
Yogoseth :D
Yogoseth :D - 8 years ago
Nope, only new gen or PC
Johnathan Eason
Johnathan Eason - 8 years ago
Dude you can have a party on there
Team Tom
Team Tom - 8 years ago
his voice is so irritating, i had to mute the video. i'm only here to see what the yachts look like
Mr.nuclear epic Face
Mr.nuclear epic Face - 7 years ago
Yes just search gta 5 yacht
Bilal Khan
Bilal Khan - 7 years ago
And this idiot could of just watched yacht review
AmmoTheB34ST - 8 years ago
Super yacht is the same price as the gold jet
Archizzle - 8 years ago
Lol the master bedroom was completely average sized. To be fair, it WAS in a yacht, i suppose
Nazario Salazar
Nazario Salazar - 8 years ago
he should of put it white
xpertthuef 2
xpertthuef 2 - 8 years ago
can i get a yacht in ps3 onlien?
HeezyHuynh4 - 8 years ago
mahmoud Yousuf you can't. It's only available for the next gen like the PS4, XBox one, and PC. Sorry but if you're still on the PS3 then it's probably time for you to upgrade to the next gen if you really want all the new stuff on GTA online.
Shaz 58
Shaz 58 - 8 years ago
people are not friendly
D-RayTheGreat - 8 years ago
Ryan Schultz
Ryan Schultz - 8 years ago
I stopped watching half way through because it hit me how retarded he really is
Shorteddyipad Roblox
Shorteddyipad Roblox - 8 years ago
Lol the captain sounds like an Australian
Yogoseth :D
Yogoseth :D - 8 years ago
Im australian TRIGGERED
B3ast_ FX
B3ast_ FX - 8 years ago
wow i spent that much on a gold plane
MR Dezzy
MR Dezzy - 8 years ago
He is the biggest ass kisser
Stian Høiby
Stian Høiby - 8 years ago
That end
ArciTube - 8 years ago
jour badass
newnew - 8 years ago
is the helicopter included?
sourceG4U - 8 years ago
xd in the last
Kathy Johnson
Kathy Johnson - 8 years ago
you can find a yacht shipwreck in GTA 5
OhhChezy - 7 years ago
Kathy Johnson cool?
Corey Polomka
Corey Polomka - 8 years ago
Does this man have autism?
Mike Clemons
Mike Clemons - 8 years ago
Sabrina Johnson yep it's so much better on Xbox one than 360
thelast manbatllion
thelast manbatllion - 8 years ago
tmart I love your videos and you yacht has a air space so any thing that's not you will get shot down:)
Calum Stewertson
Calum Stewertson - 8 years ago
11:36 Tmartn when he has sex
Chase playz gamez
Chase playz gamez - 8 years ago
You are a bad driver
Zero - 8 years ago
Well getting that color scheme for your yacht was a good idea. Now you can say Black & Yellow X5
Lance Ratliff
Lance Ratliff - 8 years ago
how do you get a reedem code for PS4
D-RayTheGreat - 8 years ago
Buy it on Amazon.
Ajinkya Naik
Ajinkya Naik - 8 years ago
11:29 I think we need a neurologist here..
Ajinkya Naik
Ajinkya Naik - 8 years ago
Blayne Hamilton
Blayne Hamilton - 8 years ago
hes either retarded or on drugs, do you realise all these gta bloggers have speech impairments?
Cam Fx
Cam Fx - 8 years ago
Hugh Mungus, Hugh Janess.
GameGuruZ - 8 years ago
Ok maybe this question should have been addressed but was probably suppressed. there is no DLC for PS3 they claim it is because there is no space available on your HD this is BULL i have plenty of room they did get to 60GB hd space but i would not mind for this game PLEASE rockstar give the updates for PS3
Andrew Devitt
Andrew Devitt - 8 years ago
Wtf is that shirt he's wearing? Jesus Christ it's disgusting XD
Rezaahai - 8 years ago
cant find on my ps3, whats wrong? can somebody help me
Dean McCoppin
Dean McCoppin - 8 years ago
muhamad syahreza putra Next gen only.
GOD OF STD's - 8 years ago
Its a next gen and pc thing
Colin Blaas
Colin Blaas - 8 years ago
tip, the yacght has a missle defence system XD
ConalG2002 - 8 years ago
satvik singh
satvik singh - 8 years ago
you're my favourite gamer
cneddy22 - 8 years ago
why do you talk so loud?
Kyle YouTube
Kyle YouTube - 8 years ago
This is soooo sick
Gristic - 8 years ago
Wow bitches don't have Dominican Republic
Ɓяαηɗ Ɓяαηɗ Ƥσωєяѕ
Ɓяαηɗ Ɓяαηɗ Ƥσωєяѕ - 8 years ago
Joshua Acton
Joshua Acton - 8 years ago
You can only get the Yacht on PS4, XB1 and PC. It isn't on PS3 or 360
TT TT - 8 years ago
Ɓяαηɗ Ɓяαηɗ Ƥσωєяѕ its in travel and transport.
Uknowwhatido - 8 years ago
Is that last gen cause I can't find any dlc
TT TT - 8 years ago
private Watts no it's on PS4, Xbox one and PC it's already been installed since you asked the question two weeks ago. DLC is free.
MrLulzz - 8 years ago
Is this guy on cocain?
Supreme Rainz
Supreme Rainz - 8 years ago
He's a perv
Jesse Boyd
Jesse Boyd - 8 years ago
Best part about the yacht is the captain is a bloody fair dinkum good Australian .
CraziiBoii 1
CraziiBoii 1 - 8 years ago
I hav 100 and 60 mil
Jacob Williams
Jacob Williams - 8 years ago
Ther is no freking way God dornet
Shark 27
Shark 27 - 8 years ago
I have $2,000,000,000
Tᴅᴏᴛ Dᴇsɪ Kɪɴɢ
Tᴅᴏᴛ Dᴇsɪ Kɪɴɢ - 8 years ago
The yatches is pretty dissapointing. Needs more personalization and being able to party with naked or at least bikini models 24/7. Because this yatches thing is boring. I got enough cash to buy this but not sure if i should buy this or not.
Branz wintz
Branz wintz - 7 years ago
Branz wintz
Branz wintz - 7 years ago
Knight of Ren16
Knight of Ren16 - 7 years ago
Tᴅᴏᴛ Dᴇsɪ Kɪɴɢ How about also being able to actually drive it.
Nay Gigger
Nay Gigger - 7 years ago
Tᴅᴏᴛ Dᴇsɪ Kɪɴɢ No, I know I'm a bit late but still... NO
Zepla2 - 8 years ago
Sinha Bhakthi buy it!
You can call strippers to come to it so thats a plus!
henry branigan
henry branigan - 8 years ago
I will
Bryant Stump
Bryant Stump - 8 years ago
I have 18 million dollars
Bryant Stump
Bryant Stump - 8 years ago
ask a modder
Ben Le
Ben Le - 8 years ago
I love your videos
911s73targa - 8 years ago
most irritating speaker ever.
J Smith
J Smith - 7 years ago
"i'm gonna cry"
cneddy22 - 8 years ago
he like yells?
hipo Pickle?
hipo Pickle? - 8 years ago
is this only for new generation systems?
Bxsegod XII
Bxsegod XII - 8 years ago
Calum Stewertson lolololololo
Calum Stewertson
Calum Stewertson - 8 years ago
StunnedMyself Ripoff
Bxsegod XII
Bxsegod XII - 8 years ago
Rage AppleMaster man damn....

I got my Xbox one for $432.76
Billy The Drocadile
Billy The Drocadile - 8 years ago
Current gen and PC only.
Rage AppleMaster
Rage AppleMaster - 8 years ago
yes.. I don't have the new gen consoles so I have an Xbox 360...
Vasilis - 8 years ago
there is no yacht in gta v for ps3 or 360 i have all dlcs
game master
game master - 8 years ago
Trevor u can go to the strip club and get the all the strippers phone numbers
spence duck
spence duck - 8 years ago
Gta = live a life you wish u could in real life
Justin Maloney
Justin Maloney - 7 years ago
or get off the video game and work hard and smart and make it happen in real life.
caleb manning
caleb manning - 7 years ago
Become a drug dealer and Gang leader and work your way up and your sorted
Amazing Gamer202
Amazing Gamer202 - 7 years ago
spence duck lol
mike brown
mike brown - 7 years ago
spence duck f real life
Layla Stone
Layla Stone - 7 years ago
spence duck so true lol
Paradox - 7 years ago
minus the killing
JJ Styles
JJ Styles - 7 years ago
spence duck same
Anti Lazy
Anti Lazy - 8 years ago
Believe and work hard and smart.
M.J. TV - 8 years ago
Right u buy things that u can't buy in real life
Nathan Hunt
Nathan Hunt - 8 years ago
spence duck agree
Kingston Morera
Kingston Morera - 8 years ago
spence duck
Zagardal - 8 years ago
That's most games. It's called escapism.
Lava Proof
Lava Proof - 8 years ago
RetroNomiCon - 8 years ago
Is this person a real life GTA Character? I feel like he could exist as a character in the game and not be out of place at all
TaylorMIA - 8 years ago
he sounds like jelly
Stephen Palmer
Stephen Palmer - 8 years ago
This guy sounds retarded
Irma Perales
Irma Perales - 8 years ago
you know you can call the captain and he well give
you a boat or a helicopter
Rise On Fleek
Rise On Fleek - 8 years ago
Do u always need a heli to get there?
オデキodezki - 8 years ago
it was 9.8 million tho
Rosko - 8 years ago
"taking a poop" are like 27...
Mayur Sinha
Mayur Sinha - 8 years ago
you are playing online mode or its offline
Sneky Boi
Sneky Boi - 8 years ago
Mayur Sinha this dude
CornyCobble - 8 years ago
Unknown Person
Unknown Person - 8 years ago
one time i just went on a random yacht chilled in his hot tub, stole his helocopter came back and stole his boat
Mario Perez
Mario Perez - 8 years ago
Can you have friends in the yacht l
I've in the rooms or are they there just for show
topshot 6969
topshot 6969 - 8 years ago
can someone give me tips on how to get a few million dollars in gta ? i only have half a million at the moment
MillyWayz YT
MillyWayz YT - 7 years ago
topshot 6969 get 200k more and buy the zentorno i don’t know how my comment duplicated ._.
Layla Stone
Layla Stone - 7 years ago
Mike Clemons how?
Jaylen - 7 years ago
topshot 6969 i make 6.3 mil every 30 hours
Jaylen - 7 years ago
topshot 6969 glitches
Mike Clemons
Mike Clemons - 8 years ago
CornyCobble-Gaming I get over one million in 1 day
Mike Clemons
Mike Clemons - 8 years ago
Rayyaan Patel I'm making over a million a day now Xbox one
Sw1ft B4nd1t
Sw1ft B4nd1t - 8 years ago
topshot 6969 what console do u play on
Rayyaan Patel
Rayyaan Patel - 8 years ago
I mean play LTS
Rayyaan Patel
Rayyaan Patel - 8 years ago
Plays lots for 5 hours I get 500k a day doing this
tf TV
tf TV - 8 years ago
do heists
CornyCobble - 8 years ago
+Alphahex oh it's over now I did entourage for a couple hours when it was double cash and rp
Guillian J.
Guillian J. - 8 years ago
+CornyCobble-Gaming how?
CornyCobble - 8 years ago
what console or pc if Xbox I can show you my ways I got 1 million in 2 days
MegaBlueWolf - 8 years ago
I'm living on the boat
MegaBlueWolf - 8 years ago
Well on my boat
O_ o
O_ o - 8 years ago
ship names 101

ship happens

lifes a beach

suck a dock
MC - Catching Hacker's!
MC - Catching Hacker's! - 8 years ago
Fing,I meant infinite
Brag Brag
Brag Brag - 8 years ago
Who thinks the super yacht looks like hijacked from bo2
peter pace
peter pace - 8 years ago
dylan i will give u 5
King cobra
King cobra - 8 years ago
Love the name he chose for the boat
Paulette Reid-burton
Paulette Reid-burton - 8 years ago
Camille Bizeul
Camille Bizeul - 8 years ago
U know u can set the yacht to shoot down all other players approaching the yacht like the "entering forbidden airspace "
Not a Troll
Not a Troll - 8 years ago
3:22 why I liked the vido
Alex Barraza
Alex Barraza - 8 years ago
Omg. I'm dying at the end. Lmaoooo
Caty Mars
Caty Mars - 8 years ago
Somebody PLEASE answer!! Are the super yacht and custom apartments available for xbox360?
TF2Player - 8 years ago
I've never seen someone that excited over a video game
Barricade 2oo4
Barricade 2oo4 - 7 years ago
TF2Player I have
Mister Snipes
Mister Snipes - 7 years ago
Rage Gaming I watch xpert thief he is pretty cool and does get a little exited over video games
Savagebeastly1111111 - 8 years ago
+Down Rage yea he is awesome
Jealous-E-Gaming - 8 years ago
Watch expert thief
mc suck it69
mc suck it69 - 8 years ago
tmar should of called his ship............. ship happens...get it
cr3ep1ing Betrayal
cr3ep1ing Betrayal - 8 years ago
I have 9876897849
MarkieMAN64 - 8 years ago
Scottish flag is first option because of Rockstar North. Love it!
1 - 8 years ago
Im so jalous
The Indie Diary
The Indie Diary - 8 years ago
Jesus Christ this guy is an A-hole. Getting ridiculously excited over a boat in a game?
Can't believe there are so many that watch this nob jockey.
Dedwatch - 8 years ago
TmarTn where di yu play?
Adéwalé - 8 years ago
everyones online character looks like diarrhea
Detective Chimp
Detective Chimp - 8 years ago
So when you buy the yacht you get $8,000,000 back
J.C M.C - 8 years ago
No one will believe me but i have 38 mil does anyone have any recommendations for what colors i should have
Mike Clemons
Mike Clemons - 8 years ago
Kakwish Gaming you on Xbox one?
Kakwish Gaming
Kakwish Gaming - 8 years ago
Kakwish Gaming
Kakwish Gaming - 8 years ago
how ypu got that much gold, i cant get 1 million
TheOzeanGorgon - 8 years ago
+J.C “Does” M.C (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ im gonna get 12 mil tommorow how tf do you have 4 times my....
J.C M.C - 8 years ago
Sorry 48 mil
Cowboy King
Cowboy King - 8 years ago
Gold is love Gold is life
The Annoying Gamer
The Annoying Gamer - 8 years ago
92846,45384932 Mill
Prince X
Prince X - 8 years ago
you look like the rapper eminem
XxImmortalSpawnxX - 8 years ago
Should have name your BoAt.. Jenny :) (Forest Gump)
ShelloeTD - 8 years ago
Pls do a video about the fatest way to make money
TheOzeanGorgon - 8 years ago
+miguelpoky2 megaladon FTW
Miguel_Dominic - 8 years ago
buy shark cards with real money
Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un - 8 years ago
what a TWAT
Morgan Hunt
Morgan Hunt - 8 years ago
could anyone please give me money in gta 5 onlime? gamertag: itsmorgan5991
BENNYBRO 10 - 8 years ago
What does he play this on
Zabasaurus Rex
Zabasaurus Rex - 8 years ago
This dude has the most annoying commentary voice
Randall Lobo
Randall Lobo - 8 years ago
So this is all u get for 10000000..kinda a rip off. Can't wait for Modders to do a better job than rockstar at this
Joey Perea
Joey Perea - 8 years ago
You can leen over the railing
Jason Orozco
Jason Orozco - 8 years ago
"OMG no way" si wey es un pinche juego maricon
Callum Addams
Callum Addams - 8 years ago
TheSancho323 - 8 years ago
I wish it had stripper poles with strippers.
callofpaul - 8 years ago
what a waste of fucking money lmao can't even drive the bastard thing.
callofpaul - 8 years ago
Remember when you bought a game for $60 and you had the entire game on a disc for $60 ? all these companies want you to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on micro very sad the gaming industry has become. I grew up in the era of GTA 3 and GTA San Andreas and it was the best gaming years ever.
Miguel_Dominic - 8 years ago
yes it is bullshit, you should just buy the game and play it and mabe buy expansions later but, all these micro transactions on games these days are ridiculous. you shouldn't have to buy everything in games. GTA isn't that bad but, everything online is way to expensive or the jobs don't pay enough.
Tim Heckers
Tim Heckers - 8 years ago
pls tell that story to your grandma and not in youtube comments
Futuristic Spaceman
Futuristic Spaceman - 8 years ago
I have a stupid question do yachts last forever in the game?
Sandwich Legend
Sandwich Legend - 8 years ago
brysi515 - 8 years ago
Blow your boat up and see how much you need to pay to get it back
Unheard Xeno
Unheard Xeno - 8 years ago
How does he make all this money
Alex Roka
Alex Roka - 8 years ago
Wonder if this is how he acts with his real money lol
Jacob Hartline
Jacob Hartline - 8 years ago
how much money does he have
Haseeb ali
Haseeb ali - 8 years ago
Ben BadA
Ben BadA - 8 years ago
what station is this
IndigoTV - 8 years ago
Watching this video on mute made it so much note bearable for me
TLOF Jake - 8 years ago
arry szad
arry szad - 8 years ago
good joke
This is why I wake up everyday
This is why I wake up everyday - 8 years ago
I need a loan on 10 mil
MoneyMcNasty - 8 years ago
Hugh G erection lolol
Whiteyy - 8 years ago
Dude this guy getting fucking hyped about a game. wtf is this
KPaccountt - 8 years ago
What are the pros and cons of owning a yacht ? I might buy it.
Ryan L4L
Ryan L4L - 8 years ago
your wallet will cry
Frank kpadeh
Frank kpadeh - 8 years ago
I have 1,491,861
Jackson Haas
Jackson Haas - 8 years ago
can ur friends sleep on the seprate beds or nu
Jessica Altilio
Jessica Altilio - 8 years ago
Is this still xbox 360
Rolokime - 8 years ago
Is this guy actually retarted
famegame tv
famegame tv - 8 years ago
my father gave me a small lone of 10738375789376570927zillion dollars
Kenan Taylor
Kenan Taylor - 8 years ago
Wow this dude needs to chill!
/ Bloc-Boi-War
/ Bloc-Boi-War - 8 years ago
can i buy one in ps3 i have 63 million
ıshan - 8 years ago
+anand budhu - Wtf?
anand budhu
anand budhu - 8 years ago
+Thodoris Xeplatis. u living the usa if you live in the usa go to the hardware store and used metro card buy the dlc yachts okay
/ Bloc-Boi-War
/ Bloc-Boi-War - 8 years ago
+anand budhu what do you mean home depot
anand budhu
anand budhu - 8 years ago
you have go to homedepot and get it one
Haii Kaii
Haii Kaii - 8 years ago
dis man is rich he buyin everything
Waiting - 8 years ago
Acting mlg
Guhan Shankar
Guhan Shankar - 8 years ago
huge erection.....
hoa nguyễn
hoa nguyễn - 8 years ago
Brett Dwigans
Brett Dwigans - 8 years ago
can I buy one of these on ps3?
Dean McCoppin
Dean McCoppin - 8 years ago
It's only on next gen.
Brett Dwigans
Brett Dwigans - 8 years ago
+Abdalla Said lol liar!
Abdalla Said
Abdalla Said - 8 years ago
yeah ofcourse but first you have to unlock it by playing the series A funding hiest's first setup.
RawPunk Official
RawPunk Official - 8 years ago
I have a yacht and personal helicopter in real life. While u faggots play these virtual games i live the high life, in real life.
ıshan - 8 years ago
+The Guaptologist - Lmao rekt.
Terrell Hopkins
Terrell Hopkins - 8 years ago
+The Guaptologist lmaoo
MajorDuke 99
MajorDuke 99 - 8 years ago
What's your name
MajorDuke 99
MajorDuke 99 - 8 years ago
It's sweet
MajorDuke 99
MajorDuke 99 - 8 years ago
I was in your lobby and saw your yacht its sweat my name in Xbox one is Chase49ers04
Gaby C
Gaby C - 8 years ago
how can you see it it dont pop up in my screen
George Zhelyazkov
George Zhelyazkov - 8 years ago
So its online and somebody can blow up your yacht with bazooka? :D
WhippySpoon - 8 years ago
bro tmartn is so happy tbh hes awesome one of the best GTA v players ever
Zikuwa Ntukogu
Zikuwa Ntukogu - 8 years ago
Is there cops free roaming in gta
Blueunion - 8 years ago
More super cooper sundays
Killermax 22134
Killermax 22134 - 8 years ago
There is a defense system in the yacht
Hipno 97
Hipno 97 - 8 years ago
Ill see what you do
Hipno 97
Hipno 97 - 8 years ago
I like loooooooollll
Juztin Gaming
Juztin Gaming - 8 years ago
Fudge dude I didn't notice that I spent more than $400 on GTA V Buying Megalodon Packs .--. GG M8
Rude Boy
Rude Boy - 8 years ago
i just hacked and got it mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Twofacedcrowd - 8 years ago
Chaos Havoc
Chaos Havoc - 8 years ago
Budderedupbro - 8 years ago
To everyone who doesn't have a lot of money:
I myself want to get the yacht and find it hard to save cash up. So ill give you my routine and maybe some of you can benefit from it.
1st Once on GTA online, I straight away do the daily objectives for 25k(+100k at end of each week). Daily objectives should take max 15mins.

2nd I then go ahead and do missions for an hour, usually gets you about 70k minimum to 125k max.

3rd go on free roam with a friend(or alone) and rob all the shops around LS and blaine county(recommend using armoured karin karuma. This should get you about 30k - 50k if you keep repeating it for a while

4th continue doing missions. I hope this can help give you guys a routine :)
ıshan - 8 years ago
+anand budhu - Dumbest comment ever...
anand budhu
anand budhu - 8 years ago
bro go in your mom pruce and steal you r mom money
OnlineGamer330 - 8 years ago
I have 28 millions in gta online is this enough?? I mean is this much enough for a player ?
Moosey - 8 years ago
Not even close.You need around $150 million to get and customize everything.
Angelo Taylor
Angelo Taylor - 8 years ago
you are awesome at GTA 5 bro you pro
Crystal Tee
Crystal Tee - 8 years ago
I got 236 million to spend how come I cannot buy this yacht?I play on Ps3
DeluxeSlayer - 8 years ago
Rockstar is not gonna add anything to old gen anymore cause they want you to upgrade. You can transfer your account and money if you buy a ps4 though
Cecilia Macias
Cecilia Macias - 8 years ago
DeezCashewFilms - 8 years ago
You look like John cena!
Wild Ben
Wild Ben - 8 years ago
Wild Ben
Wild Ben - 8 years ago
xxproblemboytonxx - 8 years ago
thegigadykid1 - 8 years ago
damn I need a ps4
THE METAVERSE - 8 years ago
i just got the house you have i love it
Joshua Crowell
Joshua Crowell - 8 years ago
i got a shark card today because the yachts were 20% off and all the fancy options were 25% off shark card got me 8 million... my yachts price...$ 7.9 million that was with the most expensive options used
Moosey - 8 years ago
Why would you buy a shark card? You can get a modded account on ebay for 6.49 pounds which includes level 500 and $1.7 billion
Hulk - 8 years ago
Dude, learn to fucking drive.
Hulk - 8 years ago
Also, it's not back deck, its Aft deck. Your navigation system is called AIS and that spinning thing is a Furuno. You're welcome.
SniperRNC - 8 years ago
Stop fucking overreacting to everything. It's a fucking game stop acting like it's real life
TheDemonKing Ty
TheDemonKing Ty - 8 years ago
Tmartin2 your a pervert
Aryan Thor
Aryan Thor - 8 years ago
will the yatch for ever in gta or will they remove it after
007 - 8 years ago
No the yatch stays
thegigadykid1 - 8 years ago
mykelgames - 8 years ago
they dont want us to have a bigger yacht then kanye lol
T3xa5kill3r Oof
T3xa5kill3r Oof - 8 years ago
mykelgames - 8 years ago
while your so happy about 10 million i got 55 million so get rekt
Moosey - 8 years ago
I got 1.6 billion so get rekt
James Mcconnell
James Mcconnell - 8 years ago
He got a rubber plastic shirt
Arvid Broms
Arvid Broms - 8 years ago
You look like Corey Taylor!
UnKoWn UsEr
UnKoWn UsEr - 8 years ago
When tmartn died and blew up I jumped who else did
David Hill
David Hill - 8 years ago
Patrick23 Manalo
Patrick23 Manalo - 8 years ago
Is this ps4 or pc?
Moosey - 8 years ago
BillionaireKennu - 8 years ago
that guy is fucking annoying
Nyrufa - 8 years ago
By the way, your yacht has its name on the side. In case you didn't notice. :D
Isc 045
Isc 045 - 8 years ago
am i the only one who thinks Rockstar could have done a way better job on the yachts?
Anay Gupta
Anay Gupta - 6 years ago
If u could drive them it would be awesome
Kenneth Redaj
Kenneth Redaj - 7 years ago
imagine being able to drive it yourself... would be so laggy tho
Jraybay - 7 years ago
Isc 045 I thought they were cool until I watch some videos on them lol. So would have to agree
Mark Ridley
Mark Ridley - 7 years ago
Isc 045 yup, they are such a waist of money
XB: ArrowRik12
XB: ArrowRik12 - 7 years ago
They could have added some more things.
CmG - 7 years ago
Isc 045, me and my friends talk about all the potential the yacht update held. what if you could throw yacht parties with mini games to participate in all over the yacht, like beer pong and stuff. would've made me buy one if they had stuff like that.
Liam Nicholson
Liam Nicholson - 7 years ago
masyraf MASYRAF yes on the middle deck
Kawazyman - 8 years ago
masyraf MASYRAF they can't because some heist setups require you to drive to and from your garage
masyraf MASYRAF
masyraf MASYRAF - 8 years ago
add heist room in yacht. PLEASE, ROCKSTAR!
DTX 7 - 8 years ago
Crew color neon lights and crew logo
Sean Spiers
Sean Spiers - 8 years ago
+sci 03 i agree
Michael Carbone
Michael Carbone - 8 years ago
how do you make all that money?
Captain Price
Captain Price - 8 years ago
i wouldnt be this excited and over the top if i had this irl.. chill brah
Captain Price
Captain Price - 8 years ago
is it just me or does his intro make him sound autistic af
darkpyre2 2
darkpyre2 2 - 8 years ago
You are seriously missing your calling as a game show host
Lewis Collins
Lewis Collins - 8 years ago
bogs - 8 years ago
This guy looks like a fucking 6-year old
HotShot 27
HotShot 27 - 8 years ago
wtf is their problem
soxredsox - 8 years ago
anyone on ps4 wanna play im just starting could use some help
Ollie Moran
Ollie Moran - 8 years ago
I have £24 on GTA and I thought I was rich ;()
Elijiah Grin
Elijiah Grin - 8 years ago
Why does this goose scream into his mic? Sounds like a fuckwit, btw you might have a couple girl subs "BOIS"
Christian Hartford
Christian Hartford - 8 years ago
Are you on Xbox one
Creepycactus1 - 8 years ago
Pisces is pronounced: piss kays and it means fish in Latin
Cursed Smiley
Cursed Smiley - 8 years ago
it's also pronounced pie seas and it's a star sign
BenG1231 - 8 years ago
He reacts more then when he got his new house
tipical pro1879 PRO
tipical pro1879 PRO - 8 years ago
mod a billion dollars
tipical pro1879 PRO
tipical pro1879 PRO - 8 years ago
typical Pro1879
tipical pro1879 PRO
tipical pro1879 PRO - 8 years ago
mod me on XboxOne
Mexas Attacker
Mexas Attacker - 8 years ago
10 million Dollars and 10k likes
Mexas Attacker
Mexas Attacker - 8 years ago
I have 24 million or 25.0 million with Franklin because with Trevor I bought a rhino tank and a buzzard chopper and with Michael I got a Luxor airplane
Jacket - 8 years ago
did he earn it or be a pussy and buy shark card
kob4y Gaming
kob4y Gaming - 8 years ago
Well, just finished another pacific standard

5.7 million to get the yacht of my dreams

Wish me good luck I guess
kob4y Gaming
kob4y Gaming - 8 years ago
+OllieMeister bought a new hydra dream crushed
Ollie Moran
Ollie Moran - 8 years ago
Demi farrer
Demi farrer - 8 years ago
why does he say let's do this boys
Kazuki x
Kazuki x - 8 years ago
You never even checked out the yacht defence!
PHLLY林朗新 - 8 years ago
what can you even do with this yacht. it seems like a poor waste of money
Ollie Moran
Ollie Moran - 8 years ago
Paying to look good on the game I guess
brent w
brent w - 8 years ago
so... ridiculously... annoying
Chanell Lemott
Chanell Lemott - 8 years ago
the name of the boat
AirsoftRaph - 8 years ago
Should of got 7 m because there's more space and u can assess 2,3rd flour also it's a lot cheaper
LoneSilencer5917 - 8 years ago
Guys wanna be rich in one go, go find a modder and rain you millions of dollars, i am new to gta 5 but out of nowhere, someone rained me 30 mil.
Nigrum Romanum
Nigrum Romanum - 8 years ago
This nigga got to much energy
Valen Arenas
Valen Arenas - 8 years ago
im here with legal 800k bucks and bored
Korrupt - 8 years ago
Enters Yacht cabin YES!!!! LETS GO BOYSS!!!
90ItsYaBoii90 - 8 years ago
had to watch on mute.


sound like a fuckin goofy goober
FinlandForceTeam - 8 years ago
Cant we get this on PS3?
thegigadykid1 - 8 years ago
I wish
Jacket - 8 years ago
Im CheWy
Im CheWy - 8 years ago
"My father only gave me a small cock of 1 million" -Trump 2016
Alejandro C.
Alejandro C. - 8 years ago
how to do you get that money?
Ollie Moran
Ollie Moran - 8 years ago
Glitches and stuff
E J - 8 years ago
I got the yahct
Jay UK Carr
Jay UK Carr - 8 years ago
this guy is a dick
MrSmiley - 8 years ago
is this in PS3?
NightAssassin - 8 years ago
i have 200,000,000 dollars he is poor
Alan Price
Alan Price - 8 years ago
No one asked want a fuckin medal?
Justin Gossage
Justin Gossage - 8 years ago
Boner impression 4:10
RealShufi - 8 years ago
11:42 never seen anyone so excited about virtual oranges and apples inside of a virtual yacht in a virtual world.
Dank - 7 years ago
RealShufi I saw this one guy called Tmartn2 he was really excited about that.
Von Sheikh
Von Sheikh - 8 years ago
Why are you so overreacting? Chill dude it's just on the game.
No Name
No Name - 8 years ago
someone can steal it right?
Rui Sosa
Rui Sosa - 8 years ago
check the hut tub
Bankie - 8 years ago
Yaht defense?
mhill88ify - 8 years ago
Tmartn looks like a retard who hasn't done anything buy play video games his whole life. Face cam not helping you seem cool at all.
King Cole
King Cole - 8 years ago
why was he playing this on xbox 360?
RossPaulProductions1 - 8 years ago
he forgot to get his car
gabrijela biberovic
gabrijela biberovic - 8 years ago
star thank u!!!
Jayronn Hunt
Jayronn Hunt - 8 years ago
I only had the game for 2 weeks and I have 24 million dollars
Jayronn Hunt
Jayronn Hunt - 8 years ago
I only had the game for 2 weeks and I have 24 million dollars
Raul Lovy
Raul Lovy - 8 years ago
you were like shock omgggg
разъем любит водку
разъем любит водку - 8 years ago
I bought this for 10 million actually 10 million not $9,845,000
killercookies17 - 8 years ago
How come at 13:04 you yelled "THIS IS STUPID!"
Tyrek Little
Tyrek Little - 8 years ago
can u only get a yatch on ps4 and not ps3
TheDannyShow - 8 years ago
So you can't even drive it
J Vilander
J Vilander - 8 years ago
Yacht with a rocket launcher?
The Ros Freak
The Ros Freak - 8 years ago
Do u play on ps3
Goat Games
Goat Games - 8 years ago
Ur ugly
MasterMovieMonster - 8 years ago
the bigger ur penis...
MasterMovieMonster - 8 years ago
the bigger ur penis...
Yannick Donckier
Yannick Donckier - 8 years ago
I have 3 billion
Hilal Mujadidi
Hilal Mujadidi - 8 years ago
Anyone wants gta $ and RP contact my IG I'm a modder. but i also charge actual cash. Shits not easy lol. IG: Mr______NiceGuy
Jensen Franco
Jensen Franco - 8 years ago
The captain has a Australian accent..
Marche Stefanoski
Marche Stefanoski - 8 years ago
guys in single player when i purchase a yach it doesnt show up wtf? can you tell me how to fix this problem ?
Moosey - 8 years ago
Online only
Marche Stefanoski
Marche Stefanoski - 8 years ago
so how do i make to show me the yacht ?
Jayronn Hunt
Jayronn Hunt - 8 years ago
that what I did
Jayronn Hunt
Jayronn Hunt - 8 years ago
that what I did
Marche Stefanoski
Marche Stefanoski - 8 years ago
when i go to purchase it takes me to the water and nothing shows up just the water so if i die it would be the same i think
Jayronn Hunt
Jayronn Hunt - 8 years ago
U have to die first then they will send it to the place where it supposed to be
GamesWork - 8 years ago
this guy is an asshole i would love to see him in public bang bang
GamesWork - 8 years ago
this guy seems like an asshole
Smit Keni
Smit Keni - 9 years ago
Look his behaviour compared to Super Cooper Sundays
Sean Showalter
Sean Showalter - 9 years ago
Customize one like coop
Daan - 9 years ago
You are the most annoying person I have ever seen
Daan - 8 years ago
Didnt realize I had been here before. I actually wanted to say it again.
Jeff Hu
Jeff Hu - 9 years ago
You have yacht defenses
Kaman Jit
Kaman Jit - 9 years ago
i have 200 millon for soending
Christian Pearson
Christian Pearson - 9 years ago
I think you are going to need a bigger boat.
iab_matthew111 - 9 years ago
Are you sure the Pisces is not pronounced Piss-keys?
Sniper5620 - 9 years ago
3:25 "The Brighter you are, the bigger your penis."
Gj - 9 years ago
you can call the captian and he will send a chopper
Savage - 9 years ago
Overracting much? :P
aaliyah trappy
aaliyah trappy - 9 years ago
yea woe
ItzBlueey [MC]
ItzBlueey [MC] - 9 years ago
I'm jealous
Jeydin O'Malley
Jeydin O'Malley - 9 years ago
nethal salah
nethal salah - 9 years ago
Did he say penis at 3:24
spartan gamer
spartan gamer - 9 years ago
could we add u as a friend
ThatKidProdigy - 9 years ago
Can you get your friends and do vip
Alfie Santos
Alfie Santos - 9 years ago
wow what a lad
Rise Venom
Rise Venom - 9 years ago
I didn't know people got excited over oranges and apples
Real Adine
Real Adine - 9 years ago
what happened at the end was the yacht defenses
Lucy - 9 years ago
This dumbass looks like the kid that invites you to his house so you could watch him play and he won't let you play at all.
arton332 - 8 years ago
Haha yhe ik what you mean. just a plain show off
HAGEMANDEN Jr - 9 years ago
A few tips. you can press triangle to go back to the gameplay directly when on the phone. And you can lean on the rails on the yacht, also in the front, if you jump onto the couch at the front. :)
Tom Eastwell
Tom Eastwell - 9 years ago
not the best no St Georges flag
Mr Boombastic
Mr Boombastic - 9 years ago
Ill be getting gta 5 for xbox one soon and i want to know if i could still be able to buy a super yacht.
United 1745
United 1745 - 9 years ago
Awesome I subbed
Will Brown
Will Brown - 9 years ago
The least they could have done was make the yacht actually move. The cutscene, fade, teleport for 25k is ridiculous.
mustafa ramadan
mustafa ramadan - 9 years ago
the boat shot at it because there is a gun on it he did not shot he was chilling it said
Bradley Mccown
Bradley Mccown - 9 years ago
i just made 1 million
Hollie Stevens
Hollie Stevens - 9 years ago
the neon green looked best but whatever ...
Young Tanker
Young Tanker - 9 years ago
lol the brighter you are the bigger the penas
Mihaela Simion
Mihaela Simion - 9 years ago
I'm definitely getting my hands on this game.
KPG - 9 years ago
I'm selling modded gta accounts 5$ only unlimited money kik me at _iamdylan I only accept paypal
Tijn Smit
Tijn Smit - 9 years ago
how do you get that 10 million dollars??
vdubornothing - 9 years ago
he says its a gta online dlc. what does that mean? if have enough money (10 mil) could i not just go and buy the yacht?
Faruk yilmaz
Faruk yilmaz - 9 years ago
I just started Gta online on Last Friday and i'm already rank 19 and i have 200k
George Wright
George Wright - 9 years ago
what system is this and I got 50 billion on the ps3 in gta5 drop names ill add u
Plapoytas Plapi
Plapoytas Plapi - 9 years ago
Hi guys i bought the aquarius but i didnt put the gold fittings. Can i do it now? Or i can't customers ze it since it ve bought it without the gold one?
James Messom
James Messom - 9 years ago
When willl this come to Xbox one?
Cod God
Cod God - 9 years ago
B for bitchez
SBarsinister - 9 years ago
Do you know if you can own more than one yacht?
Dat Wun Asian Boi
Dat Wun Asian Boi - 9 years ago
Only 1
Vanilla Gorilla
Vanilla Gorilla - 9 years ago
"We out here".....buying shark cards for a yacht. Not impressed!!
Aaron JL
Aaron JL - 9 years ago
stop reading the descriptions out, I can already read you mug
Kristian K. Kirilov
Kristian K. Kirilov - 9 years ago
Dude, are too overexcited for this useless thing....
roberto armenta
roberto armenta - 9 years ago
4 billion bitches!!!!!
Veres Tamás
Veres Tamás - 9 years ago
Anoying kid... (dislike)
Dashimir - 9 years ago
No 1080p ? ah sorry console players.
xEazy420 - 9 years ago
If it was still 2013 and I had my 1 billion I could easily buy this.
Garrett Vaughan
Garrett Vaughan - 9 years ago
he's like a kid in a candy shop
Mindless Wildcat
Mindless Wildcat - 9 years ago
How many enthusiasms has he had?
Emjoria - 9 years ago
What happened to your Buggati? Does it go back to your garage, because you kinda left it in the middle of the airstrip.
Emjoria - 9 years ago
+Awesome Name That's good. It isn't a cheap car. I like the Infurnus best.
Awesome Name
Awesome Name - 9 years ago
Well yes, his car will go back to his garage
Emjoria - 9 years ago
+Awesome Name Only a little, tbh. Played it many times at a friends. I usually play III, Vice City and San Andreas. I am going to get V, though. My current computer can't handle it, so once I get an upgrade, I'll get the game.
Awesome Name
Awesome Name - 9 years ago
have you played gta 5?
99%Beef D
99%Beef D - 9 years ago
Loveyoulaina - 9 years ago
If you go to the strip club and get private dances the girls give you their numbers then you can call them and they come to your house and dance
Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith - 9 years ago
owning a yacht in gta5 doesn't get me excited, his excitement does.
stupidkid6581 - 9 years ago
What a tool.....
HyperBeast - 9 years ago
Dude behave you are screaming and clapping like a teenage girl at a bieber concert behave
Carson Sturtz
Carson Sturtz - 9 years ago
This is awesome how do you get easy $
how to get star coins + fame msp
how to get star coins + fame msp - 9 years ago
u can't go to there yacht cuz they have to invite you cuz they protect the yacht
Fat Kahuna
Fat Kahuna - 9 years ago
Sam Field
Sam Field - 9 years ago
I hate this guy, purely from how he sounds and speaks, "Oh my gosh baby, yeah, lets kick one back for us!" XD!!!
Rayan Daksa
Rayan Daksa - 9 years ago
it's for ps3 and xbox 360 or no?
Nebby Nebby
Nebby Nebby - 9 years ago
UncDieHard YT
UncDieHard YT - 9 years ago
They should do the update for ps3
The guy who comments on every comment
The guy who comments on every comment - 9 years ago
Krazy Krow
Krazy Krow - 9 years ago
anyone know a fast way to get this ammount of money or willing to help me get it on ps4 darkbloodking92
GtaAddictionz - 9 years ago
Cool boat
Daniel Navas
Daniel Navas - 9 years ago
My cousins got $2 billion from hacker friend
Abi Morris
Abi Morris - 9 years ago
This dude is far too hyped about this
Chris Jordan
Chris Jordan - 9 years ago
you are reallly bad with trying to keep people entertained. weird ass nigga
Tuned V6 turbo
Tuned V6 turbo - 9 years ago
he has to put yacht defenses on
Pavlos Ha.
Pavlos Ha. - 9 years ago
Can i but a yatch in Gta v on PS3?
Deadly Poiint
Deadly Poiint - 9 years ago
Not trying to bring you guys over but I need help getting started on YouTube great content shoe unboxings gameplay and more please help out
Joseph Davis
Joseph Davis - 9 years ago
Psn's ?
ToKella Burr
ToKella Burr - 9 years ago
Sadly Cant Make Any Type Of Payment A Week. At Least $200,000 A Week Until Its Paid Off. I'm Good For It :(
Officer Pyro
Officer Pyro - 9 years ago
go in to the player menu and find yacht options and turn on defens systym
Kade Peterson
Kade Peterson - 9 years ago
You stupid
Robert Santilli
Robert Santilli - 9 years ago
Does it ever sink or get damaged? Like if other players attack it?
Badguy804 - 9 years ago
It's an update not a DLC ;P
Tyler Currie
Tyler Currie - 9 years ago
id love to have that in real life
SilentGaming - 9 years ago
his excited face makes me want to puke my guts out
SilentGaming - 9 years ago
i honestly hate when people get way to hyped for the viewers like, wigga chill out no one would get that excited over buying a yacht on gta like legit this vid makes me cringe pls stop
Sandalo Gaming
Sandalo Gaming - 9 years ago
Dude, I'm going to actually say something, this yacht, is not a "boat", it's a ship, A SHIP OK, because, as says Edward Kenway in AC4 Black Flag, "You can fit a boat into a ship, but you can't fit a ship into a boat. And what comes with the this ship, a Lampadati Toro BOAT in it, which just proves my point, don't want to criticize, just wanna give the correct facts
Brenda Bridwell
Brenda Bridwell - 9 years ago
You didn't buy the best color
Nine Breaker core
Nine Breaker core - 9 years ago
cant drive it i dont want one then
Krypticate - 9 years ago
Well after selling all lowriders a couple supers and grinding missions I was able to buy my yacht I bought the 8 million dollar one but mines pristine white, chrome fitting, and blue vivacious lights, don't know why I sayed this considering I did that when the dlc came out but whatever
Chase - 9 years ago
owns yacht but can't afford a better aircraft than a buzzard
Kyle McCarthy
Kyle McCarthy - 9 years ago
Does this DLC update go to only newest gen?
ıshan - 8 years ago
+Dylan - Stfu.
Chase - 9 years ago
+gun loving American You aren't fooling anyone.
KPG - 9 years ago
Its called mods
Chase - 9 years ago
+gun loving American No, the files aren't even in the game for last gen.
KPG - 9 years ago
with my modded accounts I can get you last gen yachts
Chase - 9 years ago
Elmer Sign Jr.
Elmer Sign Jr. - 9 years ago
it so fuckin boring
Space Cowboy
Space Cowboy - 9 years ago
I have 3 mill
MINI PVP - 9 years ago
the brighter you are the bigger your penis is. tmartn 2015 (even iam at 2016)
sonic55193 - 9 years ago
This guy's tastes is, "whatever costs more".
Gilbers _Chast
Gilbers _Chast - 9 years ago
Am I the only one who hasn't seen the meme with the cat
Yutcoob - 9 years ago
How do I get it now?? I go on Internet i click Dock then I can't see it?
Aeryn Estonilo
Aeryn Estonilo - 9 years ago
Why does he talk so weird, he talks like someone is chocking him
Boden Strich
Boden Strich - 9 years ago
what a fucking loser
MegaSkullGaming - 9 years ago
R.I.P your credit card
Chris Sims
Chris Sims - 9 years ago
Your voice made want to not buy a yacht
Kewokk - 9 years ago
In gta 5 PC, you can buy shark cards which give you 200,000 to 5,000,000 dollars. But you buy them with real money
LegitForEverything - 9 years ago
What we don't want: Mors Mutual Insurance: Your personal Yacht has been destroyed. Make a claim.
Almightyx2Short The boss
Almightyx2Short The boss - 9 years ago
do u have a mod menu or do u do mods
Jay Garcia
Jay Garcia - 9 years ago
Hey Trevor, how did you get so much money?
CaptainPorkchops - 9 years ago
Hey guys if you want to have a MASSIVE and LUXURIOUS YACHT, use fc7989, invite code when you make a CASHFORAPPS account. Trust me I'm rich in GTAV because all of the shark cards I was able to earn!! Try it today
jrvirus schadon
jrvirus schadon - 9 years ago
is the update only for ps4 or is it also for ps3 if yes would be better to have it coz I want the yard to badly

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