Ever Seen Steve Jobs MEGAYACHT "Venus"? Here it is in St Maarten, CARIBBEAN!
Yacht 10 years ago 3,470,490 views
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10. comment for Ever Seen Steve Jobs MEGAYACHT "Venus"? Here it is in St Maarten, CARIBBEAN!
Steve jobs was and still is for countless fanboys, the most over rated SOB on the planet! If seeing other people creations, stealing them and releasing them sooner than the inventor is awesome, than Steve Jobs was awesome beyond description, and an arrogant POS to boot!
There is nothing "ZEN" about that boat!
20. comment for Ever Seen Steve Jobs MEGAYACHT "Venus"? Here it is in St Maarten, CARIBBEAN!
Think they never die....
In minekwaft
30. comment for Ever Seen Steve Jobs MEGAYACHT "Venus"? Here it is in St Maarten, CARIBBEAN!
Mega dead
50. comment for Ever Seen Steve Jobs MEGAYACHT "Venus"? Here it is in St Maarten, CARIBBEAN!
Lake George, NY
Very special indeed and beautiful on his very own way.
Thanks for showing this nice yards, because the other three are great too!
Yup, "Ronald has done pretty well for himself"... but 'you can't take it with you when you go' And, we ALL go, . . . sometime.
100. comment for Ever Seen Steve Jobs MEGAYACHT "Venus"? Here it is in St Maarten, CARIBBEAN!
Btw who ran it into the quay to give it that long scrape on the starboard bow, (@3:23)and why isn't it fixed ??
nightmare. Nothing beats the simple freedom of a much smaller boat with
the unlimited range of clean travel and reliability that a sail offers.
Park it at a city pier and maybe market it as a multi-unit floating condo.
Calls Tech support.
"Yes have you made sure it was turned on?"
Sounds like a pretty sweet job if you ask me.
grotesque !
I didn’t like it either.
Sink it.
It was beautiful inside. http://cdn.cultofmac.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/yacht1_converted-640x426.jpg
however there is a twist .............
Those you most hate and those you most love will spend your spoils one way or another.
shut the fuck up hipster
theres no twist to your gay ass story. fucking hipster shitbag
You think rich people weren't poor or didn't know this before? Go and sit down.
People like you are only happy when bad things happen to those you envy. Stupid, bushman reasoning.
African children could have eaten that yacht.
what was your dad?
Now, I just bet they did. So nice of them, just so selfless (!) ; )
It was worth a shot.
Kill yourself, you're meaningless and stupid.
I rather it be like that than to get rich being a slavemaster. I hope your kids/grandkids are slaves someday. And nobody will give a fuck about your death either dukbfuck. Some might be happy though.
To say he's not responsible for any of that is just fucking stupid. Stop being an apologist. You're part of the problem. Fuck you, too bad you aren't dead too. I hope your grandkids are slaves in the future.
Just ignore those, dumbfuck.
Show me an equivalent report by Huawei or whatever Android copy cat you worship or shut up forever.
2) Me neither. Hey, we found some common ground.
2) Given how bitter you sound, you're probably the one who's going to kill himself
2) It is unbelievably sad that he is dead. He was one of the most inspiring people to listen to.
If you're really lucky and get on with an amazing owner, then it's probably one of the best jobs in the world, especially if the sea is your passion. But those jobs are few and far between. Quite a lot more people get mediocre or awful owners, don't get much vacation time, work 18 hour days, and are on call 24/7/365 waiting for someone else's beck and call and putting their own lives and families and friends on the back burner all the time. It's definitely not for everyone. And the good jobs are very hard to get because the owners are really selective, and the people who have those jobs don't often leave them.
Nuff said :)
I make 36K and donate 6k in to many parts, from the abused animals to hungry people.
well, i do donate, and i need every dollar i have, do the rich need mega yacht's or do people need water, #1. TH
also before you say dumb shit a special component of mobile phones can only be found in a couple of countries in africa where kids are used to mine it using heavy chemicals....
fuck him and you to for supporting him.....
i looked and saw that big corporations lie steal and cheat and do everything they can to fool the consumer to make more money.... thats what i saw.... fuck him im glad hes dead
that is so sadly...
how come america dont make it any apple computers / folding computers laptops / ipads / ipods / iphones / iwatchs / any apples devices...
why why
= although we never met in life , beyond cyber dimension , as best I & eye may recall , originally threw his A.i. that had sought out our assistance ?
+ thanks for sharing , as we never did get to have a look @ the finished project while either BIER or I was still alive either .
You did a great job narrating! But, If you ever need a voiceover guy for your videos give me a shout. www.shanemorrisvoiceovers.com.
Protect my family abd me from danger
And keep people from using my infomation
why do they call these things Yachts.
Conspicuous consumption is nauseating. Apple's exploitation of its workers and evasion of taxes is nauseating. That there are a billion people starving on the planet while the wealthiest 80 people on earth have as much wealth as half of all the people on earth, that 92% of all gains in wealth in the last decade have gone to the top 1% wage earners is nauseating.
That 15000 children die every day because they do not have access to water as clean as what we use to flush our toilets is nauseating. That the middle class in this country has been completely decimated (the US) and the entire system is on the verge of collapse as a result of increased automation in the name of greed (aka globalization) is nauseating. (see study The Future of Employment and Computerization, Oxford 2013. Bottom line: in less than 2 decades 45% of the few jobs that remain the US will disappear). That technology is being used primarily to slaughter and enslave people (instead of liberating them from the need for money and menial labor) is nauseating.
Never mind that the toys you give your children are made by children and people in poverty-stricken countries where they get paid a dollar or two a day. For goodness sakes, they had to put nets around the manufacturing plant (was it Foxcomm? look it up) in China were some Apple products are produced bc workers kept committing suicide. why? because the working hours and conditions are so horrendous and exploitative. What's the solution? Nets. Animals. We call it capitalism but it is feudalism by any other name.
I could go on for an hour (likewise about what a greedy, self-deluded narcissistic asshole of a human being Steve Jobs was but that's no secret) but anyone not interested in keeping their head in the sand can do their own research on the ethically intolerable and unsustainable nature of the status quo but apparently youre just fine with all that. Let's not worry that by 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic than fish, that there is no bio-system on the planet which is not in decline, that everything we manufacture is designed fail, that people live in the mountains of e-waste we ship to China and Africa (our biggest export is garbage) in order to maintain the perpetual growth and cyclic consumption our 'economic' system demands. A system that does everything but economize.
You've proven nothing except that you can trumpet the horseshit peddled by our corporate media - good for you. Slaves earn no wage, they are mere property. Capitalism allows people the opportunity to escape that dreary life sentence and to earn a measure of freedom, earning property for themselves. Foxconn employees earn a livable wage, which they can and do use to start their own businesses if they have the creativity and drive to make it happen. I visit China weekly, and am floored by the spirit of entrepreneurship displayed there by the common man; it FAR exceeds the average American's, with the stifling anti-business bureaucracy shoved down our throats by miserable, ignorant, control-freak leftists and their media propagandists. If more Americans actually visited China instead of cowing to our all-powerful media corporations, they would throw out our worthless "progressives."
All you have is jealousy backed up by blinding ignorance. No wonder you wrote what you did.
man ride around in a 100 million dollar yacht or live in a 100 million
dollar penthouse, when millions don't have enough to eat. Greed is an
ugly disease. Join the new political revolution. www.berniesanders.com
Steve had a pretty decent life as far as I can see ..
You seem to close your eyes at a large part of the Third world population where the highlight of the day might be to have a meal for the day ..
saved 2 lives last night, about 65 so far.........
Unfortunately this is the case for a lot of the big conglomerates. With Microsoft, for example, Paul Allen did most of the engineering, while Gates was just the businessman. Lol, Gates asked his mom to sell his product to IBM because his mom had connections...
And his wife can do whatever the fuck she wants since hes dead and he acted like a dick when she was pregnant, just leaving her.
I agree its a boat he built it, he passed on! she is using it the way it was meant to at sea.
@jessica gard and its not SEEN HIS BOAT but rather he never saw his boat. He has done during 30 years, Deserves i could go on but i doubt it will help
I think this Venus megayacht is an absolutely ugly hideous monstrosity. I cannot believe Steve Jobs would begin to like the look of it let alone set foot and travel in it!
Seems kind of outrageous for a yatch and would leave no room for the actual owners of the boat... What do you need, a captain, maybe an engineer, and maybe a co-pilot. And a maid or two. It seems like a crew of 5 is more than enough unless you're counting the mandatory 17 super-models that must be on-board at all times.
And btw, the boat is actually quite beautiful, especially when compared to all of the other boats/yatchs. They look ugly... bulky, like a PC computer would be. The Venus is simplistic, modern, minimalist, and beautiful.
The Gods of Irony™ are total bitches.
Well done.