Expensive yachts destroyed by fire | Everett Washington and Port Barcelona
Yacht 7 years ago 43,603 views
A fire destroyed four yachts in Port Barcelona. Officials said that no one was injured. Fire destroyed yachts in Everett Washington. The fire broke out on a 20 meter and spread to three other vessels of similar size. Crews tried to put out the fire, but the yachts burned completely and sank. A fifth yacht was damaged when its mast collapsed, but no one was hurt. Fire destroyed yachts Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lestorieincredibili/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550395968601473/ Twitter https://twitter.com/StorieIncredibi
Where was the plan B
I do believe the marinas charge ........adequately ........for their berthing/services.....
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