GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

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GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3461

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Most popular comments
for GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

SeekerOfTruth 083
SeekerOfTruth 083 - 7 years ago
Can you say "clickbait"?!
Adrian Comia
Adrian Comia - 7 years ago
You should have buy an rpg in each character
sharanprakash huded
sharanprakash huded - 7 years ago
This is story mode?
train lover 55
train lover 55 - 7 years ago
How do u do this heist
arafathcoolguy - 7 years ago
misleading title it's been 5 years I finished this game 900 mill my ass
Bro what mission or heist is it i need name ok
Andrew Swenson
Andrew Swenson - 7 years ago
Last thing I did was save Trevor and Michael instead of killing on of em
Andrew Swenson
Andrew Swenson - 7 years ago
what? I didn't do this shit and I finished story mode 100%
HARDCORE GAMING - 7 years ago
Tbh I don't remember this Mission like I finished the game and got money at the end

10. comment for GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

Julliane Krizz Martin
Julliane Krizz Martin - 7 years ago
is $900 million your money limit like you can;t pass that number of money
MikeT0816 T
MikeT0816 T - 7 years ago
I've played and beaten the game...why do I not remember this heist?
Epic Gamer44
Epic Gamer44 - 7 years ago
I loved doing this heist it was so fun just to see all that money rolling in lol
ADAM BYRON - 7 years ago
nathan gillen
nathan gillen - 7 years ago
so exactly where was the 900 million dollars i only saw 200 million
xBLADE ey - 7 years ago
Ricardo Palma
Ricardo Palma - 7 years ago
if i choose the subtle way, do i gain less money from this heist? Im trying to get more money because in my first play i just got 29million and i've seen that i can get more like 300million but i dongt know how. somebody could help me?
Altaaf Ali
Altaaf Ali - 7 years ago
Ricardo Palma yeah cause obvious got more money since you need 4 crews instead of 5, plus with the right crew you can get 40 mil for each mc
Joseph Hare
Joseph Hare - 7 years ago
Yeah totally 900 mil
ZDRCH - 7 years ago
When im on the chopper,the other chopper explode and lost the half of the heist.. what will i do?
The Bass Dude
The Bass Dude - 7 years ago

20. comment for GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

Official Ace
Official Ace - 7 years ago
Yo what part is dis is dis after d Devin one????
10k subscribers without videos
10k subscribers without videos - 7 years ago
Guys plz help me to reach 10k subs
Darrion Stone
Darrion Stone - 7 years ago
It isn't 900 mil it's only 200 mil
AmazonGoDs - 7 years ago
Please help meee i didnt get any money on the big score mission please help me
Altaaf Ali
Altaaf Ali - 7 years ago
Wait what
johnny sick d
johnny sick d - 7 years ago
Yeh know ps3 g2a
Christoph Dammann
Christoph Dammann - 7 years ago
Why did you wait in the parking lot? The car was unspotted
Mikeydee - 7 years ago
"Hey let's drill" 0:58
Chop Clinton
Chop Clinton - 7 years ago
Did this guy really make 900 million
Chop Clinton
Chop Clinton - 7 years ago
Altaaf Ali that’s what I thought, but why would he make up such a lie?
Altaaf Ali
Altaaf Ali - 7 years ago
Chop Clinton no
Bobby Hide
Bobby Hide - 7 years ago
I got 27 million
Gaming Maniac
Gaming Maniac - 7 years ago
is it after the final mission?

30. comment for GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

Gaming Maniac
Gaming Maniac - 7 years ago
when is this hiest going to happen in the game i finished the game
Martin Gratigny
Martin Gratigny - 7 years ago
The Brutal Wolf YT
The Brutal Wolf YT - 7 years ago
Worst intro ever
Arde - 7 years ago
worst intro ever
Roma Co
Roma Co - 7 years ago
Gta5 is the best game ever
LuckyTheLeprechaun - 7 years ago
why did you write 900 million when each character only gets 16 million, altogether having 201,000,000
Porter Campbell III
Porter Campbell III - 7 years ago
What song do you use for your intro
Katarzyna Kotarska
Katarzyna Kotarska - 7 years ago
I 100 milion
The one and only Yellow sheep
The one and only Yellow sheep - 7 years ago
I got 30 m
PHgaming andrei
PHgaming andrei - 7 years ago
i just fucking realize im already finishing the game
KagemandenDK - 7 years ago
If I replay the big score.. Do I then get more money after or is it only for fun if I replay?.
Aj Singh the gunner
Aj Singh the gunner - 7 years ago
Is this online (please answer)
Pule Fiapule
Pule Fiapule - 7 years ago
I did subtle approach
Regina Cata
Regina Cata - 7 years ago
Fake this is when u Rob the union depository and get the gold
Kyle Northrup
Kyle Northrup - 7 years ago
How can u get past it
Evan Moore
Evan Moore - 7 years ago
It's not 900 million you dumbass noob
JAYDEN HERRERA - 7 years ago
JAYDEN HERRERA - 7 years ago
What mission is this!?
TheRealJacob603 - 7 years ago
JAYDEN HERRERA its the big one.. in the title.. remember moron?
KarimGaming 1
KarimGaming 1 - 7 years ago
Did you mean the worst intro ever
elimati100 - 7 years ago
If you look at how many people they have killed to get the money, this is one of the worst heist ever. (i understand it is for gameplay purpose)

50. comment for GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

Ryan Beato
Ryan Beato - 7 years ago
“The best intro ever”I think there is a typo for the cringeiest intro ever especially cause of the retarded earapeing dubstep that only twelve year olds listen to and think that it sounds good
King Willett
King Willett - 7 years ago
You only get 28 mill
Clayboy 2571
Clayboy 2571 - 7 years ago
002 - 7 years ago
Clayboy 2571 Clickbait
OrangeJuice - 7 years ago
Hey I never got this mission it never popped up and I already killed Trevor? I haven't updated the game cuz I have no wifi but that doesn't effect it right?
Sacramento Demento
Sacramento Demento - 7 years ago
Its not a big one big score
Elias Zahori
Elias Zahori - 7 years ago
You don’t even get 900M you get 19M
Cjay Plays
Cjay Plays - 7 years ago
$900 Million? Hmmm ;-;
Turbodawg15 - 7 years ago
200 mill
Attack 99832
Attack 99832 - 7 years ago
17:05 anyone notice how he calls Michael Trevor
Teddy Arthur
Teddy Arthur - 7 years ago
WOW you are one serious fucking buzzkill
oDTv - 7 years ago
When Franklin boom the gate
TheMob Minecart
TheMob Minecart - 7 years ago
I never was able to do this mission how u do it and I finished the game
Isaiah DeVore
Isaiah DeVore - 7 years ago
It’s way easier if you stunt jump off the free way and then go through the tunnel that you got away from the jewel store heist.
Spike Gaming
Spike Gaming - 7 years ago
He is playing on Xbox
Wolf Dog L
Wolf Dog L - 7 years ago
The intro killed me ears
Eeliz Super
Eeliz Super - 7 years ago
Andreas Adamsen Jensen
Andreas Adamsen Jensen - 7 years ago
It's only a 200 million dollar heist dumbass this is clickbait
Jarringquill - 7 years ago
For Cheap Account Recoveries Visit
mydogplayspubg - 7 years ago
I got only 17 milion for each caracter.. :_(
Itzjustfalko - 7 years ago
i have never done this mission???
LarsBroek - 7 years ago
jflc87 - 7 years ago
I don't know if it still works, haven't played this game in a while, but if you go into the first area if the tunnel from three first heist which coincidentally goes into the underground UD area cops don't follow
Vincent Solyak
Vincent Solyak - 7 years ago
I'm at 76.2% on story mode and I still haven't seen this heist! How far do you have to be to get there?
dragonmaster12able - 7 years ago
Nobody - 7 years ago
lmao your aimbot is so obvious
Luke - 7 years ago
Ohh this is the loud way ok
Luke - 7 years ago
Wait when do you do this mission in gta 5?
shadowpal2 - 7 years ago
I still think this is the best way - not because of the amt of money you get, but purely because of the characters lines and reactions at the ending. WE DID IT...WE.............ARE.....GOOOOOOOD!!! LOL
Leon Rae
Leon Rae - 7 years ago
Do you actually get 900$MIL
GunGlorie 837
GunGlorie 837 - 7 years ago
actualy 201$ milions
madona aoun
madona aoun - 7 years ago
i have 20billion in story mode XD XD
Redpops0105 - 7 years ago
This idiot missed the tunnel
[Thundeř Strike]
[Thundeř Strike] - 7 years ago
I’ve nearly completed all missions in game before but then I had to switch consoles and restart I thought I completed all the mission in the game and only had side missions and etc to do but then this ( I never even knew this mission existed )

Wait never mind this is just a much different approach lol
SuperiorHumor - 7 years ago
i will kill jo slowlky
MyBean - 7 years ago
I wish you could do these heists in gta 5 online, but no because we need to buy rockstars shark cards
Peter Nguyen
Peter Nguyen - 7 years ago
The score is $200 million.
kenneth sateniaman
kenneth sateniaman - 7 years ago
always pick deathwish. hahaha
Matrixman236 - 7 years ago
It's not 900 million. It's 201 million.
Downie Tuesday’s
Downie Tuesday’s - 7 years ago
I honestly think the first bank and the second heist was the most fun because in the first one you are jumping and ramping on a dirt bike then the second who come out with a mini gun blasting the whole town down
Unknownguy - 7 years ago
i wish i had this game
WHATS UPP - 7 years ago
The person who made this has there shooting on asist full on
Werner S.
Werner S. - 7 years ago
Naked Trevor bitte
james lowman
james lowman - 7 years ago
Now come on sugar!!! Lmao
carole yazji
carole yazji - 7 years ago
How the hell did u get 900 million :OOOO
FLYT REACTZTv - 7 years ago
How you do this
JosephB2505 - 7 years ago
900 Million?? what??
TheMasterZXD Gaming
TheMasterZXD Gaming - 7 years ago
It took me only like 2 min to get away from the cops probably because i had fully upraged car
Titanictoaster324 Delton
Titanictoaster324 Delton - 7 years ago
I did it easy way
cash flow anime
cash flow anime - 7 years ago
Traver was like that was Nothing
001 Gamer
001 Gamer - 7 years ago
Omg.... 900M

100. comment for GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($900 Million)

POTE CH - 7 years ago
What did we need to take for do this mission
Angel Peterson
Angel Peterson - 7 years ago
What mission is this
Terraria_ Guy27
Terraria_ Guy27 - 7 years ago
I like the other way better because the gauntlet car escape is awesome
Walter Carofiglio
Walter Carofiglio - 7 years ago
When kool aid man isn’t here
Sergio Cortes
Sergio Cortes - 7 years ago
Next time go in a tunnel a tain one
max Lester
max Lester - 7 years ago
I got 1 billion
SC YouTube
SC YouTube - 7 years ago
Why are they wearing suits
Tobm - 7 years ago
11:14 thanks me later
thekiller7195 - 7 years ago
I only got 36$ millon
warfrog 11
warfrog 11 - 7 years ago
What if you use the cheapest crew for the first 2 hiest to increase the stats for the final hiest?
Alison from Gamology
Alison from Gamology - 7 years ago

Awesome video :) Can I post it on our gaming Facebook pages (Main one is "Gamology-The best of gaming" : 4 million followers) or on our Youtube channel? I need your approval. I will credit you of course! :p

Thanks and have a nice day,

The Gamology Team
Alison from Gamology
Alison from Gamology - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!
ItzPullin - 7 years ago
Yeah Sure, you can put it on Facebook:)
Alpha Phoenix
Alpha Phoenix - 7 years ago
I don’t have this heist on PS3, is it only for PS4 and Xbox 1??
Thatoneguy157 - 7 years ago
Its not a heist till theres just no reason rolls.
OUTDOORS TV - 7 years ago
Im so rich in gta 5 because of this one
deuce of spades
deuce of spades - 7 years ago
one of the best ways to get rid of the law is to go in any train or subway tunnel, plus only seen 201 million, you have to do those franklin assassination mission last after the big one to make that kinda money
Lucas Artman
Lucas Artman - 7 years ago
Intro song?
FULL THROTTLE - 7 years ago
How come i dont have this in my ps4 story mode ? I finished the game
M dW
M dW - 7 years ago
The way to play it, do the first assasination mission with Franklin, then do the mainstory, get your ~30million, then start stocktrading, search a guide on which you have to invest in(i suggest every penny you own), do this with every character, start the 2nd assasination mission, finish it, then fast forward time untill you get profit, sell your stocks, then do it again with the next assasination missions. After you finish you can get around 1 billion. Right now i have 200 million left on Trevor, he has a weekly income of 400k, Michael has 800 million, week income of 500k and Franklin has 800million aswell with just 25k weekly income. Hope this helps, it's pretty much the only way to be able to own the golfcourse etc.
NeoPhantom - 7 years ago
How is this $900 million?
David The only Endಠ_ಠ
David The only Endಠ_ಠ - 7 years ago
Lester predicted homing rockets
XxSiTHKiDxX - 7 years ago
Im not sure but is this on console or pc only
Sam seamonster
Sam seamonster - 7 years ago
And steal it
Sam seamonster
Sam seamonster - 7 years ago
I did the easy choice go in the bank
David Lasquez
David Lasquez - 7 years ago
Not cool, man.
Rasheed Derar
Rasheed Derar - 7 years ago
mods The heist payout you get is 42 million each stop trying to fool ppl
Ethan Richards
Ethan Richards - 7 years ago
It have my characters no money when I did the heist
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
is it me or is the map not green as it is at @11:13
tenminutegaming - 7 years ago
worst intro ever
Dawid Zawadzki
Dawid Zawadzki - 7 years ago
M Ouija
M Ouija - 7 years ago
Wow. Consoles really hold your hand with that auto-aim feature. Gunfire is much more dangerous on PC. You actually have to aim manually and make tactical decisions to take down multiple shooters. Manual headshots aren't easy with Franklin. Michael and Trevor's special abilities are super useful.
IceGumm - 7 years ago
Is this offline?
bass head162
bass head162 - 7 years ago
Why have I not seen this one
Captain. Face
Captain. Face - 7 years ago
y u dont use the abilities
Completey just like ''Moronic" whatever u say it

Edit : nevermind
Liviu Nicoleta
Liviu Nicoleta - 7 years ago
How you make it
The Derpy Venom
The Derpy Venom - 7 years ago
i dont remember playing this heist in storymode
[RPR]King - 7 years ago
Hey guys I need your help... I picked the plan where you'll need 4 Gauntlets, so who are the members that's gonna give you a lot of money? (I already finished storymode)
MemesAreNotDead SMH
MemesAreNotDead SMH - 7 years ago
I got 34 million$?! WTF!?
UnboundDragon37 - 7 years ago
they need to add this to online
chet and football
chet and football - 7 years ago
Is this story mode
Nicolás 31
Nicolás 31 - 7 years ago
What mission is that?
WILD RHINOS - 7 years ago
Radio:get down get down or I will slap your ass
KillerKv2 [COP]
KillerKv2 [COP] - 7 years ago
Bro the intro plzzz
An Uninterested Saitama
An Uninterested Saitama - 7 years ago
wtf was that aim when he was shooting the cops in the vault. like aimbot or some shit.
Joe Lopez
Joe Lopez - 7 years ago
just get the worst people and they get little cuts while you get bigger cuts
Joe Lopez
Joe Lopez - 7 years ago
I made 700 million Dallars
Yus - 7 years ago
Multiplayer or story mode?
Giannis Person
Giannis Person - 7 years ago
intro song?
Tridip Saikia
Tridip Saikia - 7 years ago
he drives with MICHEAL and shoots with FRANKLIN. FACEPALM
Junior-Mario_10 - 7 years ago
This i one of my fav score in GTAV
ShinobiOfThe Leaf
ShinobiOfThe Leaf - 7 years ago
I honestly love replaying missions lol
Omar Boss
Omar Boss - 7 years ago
Whats this misson called
Théo Andres
Théo Andres - 7 years ago
Théo video os very cool
Thomas Farmer
Thomas Farmer - 7 years ago
What’s the intro song?
Mario Darkboom
Mario Darkboom - 7 years ago
One of the lamest intros...
Joseph Mort
Joseph Mort - 7 years ago
I love the loud way to do the heists, but I can never my cage full of gold on the train :(
Margold - 7 years ago
fuck you its not the bst intro ever
Ibnu Tamiyah Firdaus
Ibnu Tamiyah Firdaus - 7 years ago
Where the fuck is the 900 million fucking clickbait
Krystal Barga
Krystal Barga - 7 years ago
Gta v kustoms for the haters is a super dope video too
Yolanda Graham
Yolanda Graham - 7 years ago
Thanks for making the most
person - 7 years ago
How do you get 900 million from that?
Harvinder Kaur
Harvinder Kaur - 7 years ago
Worst intro ever
Victor Hernández
Victor Hernández - 7 years ago
You suck at driving
Kdawg cool Kid
Kdawg cool Kid - 7 years ago
More like 200 million
Jrottin _
Jrottin _ - 7 years ago
i forgot to get bulletproof tires on the escape car for this mission. i wanted to kill myself.
LenGames - 7 years ago
Hey Pullin, May I Ask, how do you play this mission? is it single player? 'cause i played all online heists, and this one wasnt one of them...
xSweet_ - 7 years ago
after that The death wish
Whalegodx Trihardgodx
Whalegodx Trihardgodx - 7 years ago
I have 1.3 bil because of the Market investor on GTA 5 online I have 12mil
Azhar Hussain
Azhar Hussain - 7 years ago
Garth Jones
Garth Jones - 7 years ago
You do not take "900 Million" You take 201 million 600 thousand!!
Emaz4 Modz
Emaz4 Modz - 7 years ago
Where did it say he got 900 million
Christopher Racine
Christopher Racine - 7 years ago
Can you still get 900 million in next gen?
FISHIN _BASS - 7 years ago
You relied on auto aim way too much
Hidde van der Ploeg
Hidde van der Ploeg - 7 years ago
SOSMinecraft1 - 7 years ago
nice intro
Pulkit Gajbhiye
Pulkit Gajbhiye - 7 years ago
SOSMinecraft1 which song is that
Papa Mike
Papa Mike - 7 years ago
Last Heist(Obvious approach, and the same crew used in this video.) + Lester's Assassinations Missions(which by you go to the Market Stock and do the glitch) = $300,000,000- $360,000,000. If you kill Trevor, it will be $500,000,000-$530,000,000. But if you want 2 Billion dollars, you can watch the video about the "glitch" in the Stock Market. It'll explain more than I did.
Spot Game
Spot Game - 7 years ago
It's not 900$ it's 200$
Pet Paul
Pet Paul - 7 years ago
Read more
Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus - 7 years ago
Nice lie
Reqeez Vlogs
Reqeez Vlogs - 7 years ago
I disliked cuz of your intro
Dimitris Bou
Dimitris Bou - 7 years ago
Reqeez Vlogs nFnn$*$*$&
Terry Wallace
Terry Wallace - 7 years ago
"don't mess with me, my share is going to a charity slash religion"

Lmao who is this guy
Amon Slezak
Amon Slezak - 7 years ago
900,000,000 dollars its small
leave me alone
leave me alone - 7 years ago
Guessing this is the 2nd way to do it
Shahid Shaikh
Shahid Shaikh - 7 years ago
Why do u lie about $900 million for views be real man dont be a fake person
lewis Katie
lewis Katie - 7 years ago
I only got 25 mill
WEED SMOKER - 7 years ago
the big score not the big one !
Bruno Mengez
Bruno Mengez - 7 years ago
super youtube game channel bravo!
mohammad omar
mohammad omar - 7 years ago
Heys guys can you go to my channel and like and subscribe please
Gleb Firstov
Gleb Firstov - 7 years ago
What do you mean 900mil?nibba
faded gam3r
faded gam3r - 7 years ago
i wish this was on multiplayer
The Whirligig of Time
The Whirligig of Time - 7 years ago
Still cringing af at that "best intro ever". I've seen better
Son of Joongkuk
Son of Joongkuk - 7 years ago
the big one or the big score?lol im confused
get me to 2000 sub with no viedos
get me to 2000 sub with no viedos - 7 years ago
Wasn't get away car whit but now it red
Kaushik Desai
Kaushik Desai - 7 years ago
you tub how to money video
kasparas TheKaspa
kasparas TheKaspa - 7 years ago
its 200millions
Ericplayz66 - 7 years ago
If only gta story mode was before online so we can rob the Union depository on heists and make millions
João Costa
João Costa - 7 years ago
My game bugged i won 0$ there ;-;
Oliver Bejjani
Oliver Bejjani - 7 years ago
It is not 900 million $
Crusher Ivan123
Crusher Ivan123 - 7 years ago
Lol loding the cops takes 15 minutes or something like that
Ezekiel Gaming
Ezekiel Gaming - 7 years ago
Dude it's not 900 mil
Paige Williams
Paige Williams - 7 years ago
What crew did you use?
Paige Williams
Paige Williams - 7 years ago
Hmm....$900 we only get $25 Million...or something like that
Bailey Floyd
Bailey Floyd - 7 years ago
Why does anyone care about this it is story mode
dylan walker
dylan walker - 7 years ago
Chris Benson
Chris Benson - 7 years ago
Is this online
Allabout____jesse - 7 years ago
The 1 time cops know how to drive
Fortnite God
Fortnite God - 7 years ago
Your intro sucks
Richy C.
Richy C. - 7 years ago
You're a whole 700 million off.
Wouter Schoenmakers
Wouter Schoenmakers - 7 years ago
Is this the obvious way
IMREALLYBAD at gaming - 7 years ago
You get more money if you pick the lowest crew members on hiests i got 37.000.000
Big Smoke 54
Big Smoke 54 - 7 years ago
Bed Head guy Christmann
Bed Head guy Christmann - 7 years ago
I have this game but a can't do missin but it's fine
JDuBBz01 - 7 years ago
How muc
scott miles
scott miles - 7 years ago
This was WAY better than the stealth option
The tame Foxes
The tame Foxes - 7 years ago
Proprotip: Don't go to cover for your next auto aim. Use right stick and flick it for targets on the right, or the left. Go to cover for low health. Your auto regen goes faster in cover
XxWDCMADLEEExX YT - 7 years ago
Its not the big one its the big score
John S
John S - 7 years ago
I don't remember doing this mission
ZRobertZ3 - 7 years ago
I got 28,5M, how to get 41M???
Sascha S
Sascha S - 7 years ago
thats story mode
MAD GAMER - 7 years ago
Please subscribe to my channel
Keopi - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that feels good every time that kills a cop?
Meffy HD
Meffy HD - 7 years ago
Ive conpleted the whole game accept some like this one
Meffy HD
Meffy HD - 7 years ago
How do u get this one
Felipe Rosales
Felipe Rosales - 7 years ago
it's 2000000
Theoneperson - 7 years ago
This is only 201 million- so I must come to the absolute conclusion that this is clickbait
JAYO - 7 years ago
But you didn't even explain on how to get that 900 million.... you just showed your video of The Heist
Turd Ferguson
Turd Ferguson - 7 years ago
Jaden Olivarez
Jaden Olivarez - 7 years ago
...........I don't remember doing this mission
IMREALLYBAD at gaming - 7 years ago
It took about 40 minutes for me to finish this hiest
Ommo - 7 years ago
Why did you change from 800 or 850 million to 900 in the title?
Lae Lay
Lae Lay - 7 years ago
How do people end up with billion. I only got 900mil which is enough but im just greedy
Unback GT
Unback GT - 7 years ago
Lae Lay im just got 26 mil :/
The meme Lord 12
The meme Lord 12 - 7 years ago
I killed Trevor so I didn't do the heist lol
Martinezboy 7
Martinezboy 7 - 7 years ago
Horrible drift at 11:47
Dkckıc Kdkdkd
Dkckıc Kdkdkd - 7 years ago
It was 850 now its 900 m
MrDipper88 - 7 years ago
isn't it called the big score??? not hating tho nice video man!
Gasser Hashem
Gasser Hashem - 7 years ago
Most random people are really good at playing the game but some just suck
eclectica1 - 7 years ago
Says the cheating modder.
Gasser Hashem
Gasser Hashem - 7 years ago
I have a modded account so this was really fun for me cuz i got a lot of weapons and alot of armor that high levels get so it was very nice and fun
Gasser Hashem
Gasser Hashem - 7 years ago
I have a modded account and it is really nice i finished this hiest whith random people and it was amazing i got all the weapons and alk the armor and it was so funnnnn
Adámek Jackson Kučera
Adámek Jackson Kučera - 7 years ago
Nice Aimbot :)
putatukana 123
putatukana 123 - 7 years ago
right before i did this i completed the paleto score and bureau raid xD
RPG 2.0
RPG 2.0 - 7 years ago
Click batter
Claire Allso
Claire Allso - 7 years ago
Only 200,000,000
Tite - 7 years ago
hi do you know how to make Minecraft renders
PrinceElementalist - 7 years ago
WTF not 900million 200million!!!!!!
Foster Johnson
Foster Johnson - 7 years ago
I got like 32 mil from this what did I do wrong.....
CamFX - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is the guy playing this a complete retard? Just the way he plays makes me feel poorly.
Kompot - 7 years ago
thats what she said
meathead 22
meathead 22 - 7 years ago
You go 3 million views for nothing. What a fucking waste of time, even tho I skipped to the end to see if you were legit but no your not.
Jaydenofax3d - 7 years ago
Lmao i'm sooo bad , my take ended up only 27Million. ;-; the other heli crashed into the vinewood hills;-;
Fox Gaming
Fox Gaming - 7 years ago
Biggest cut is 41mil
With obvious approach and good crew
Ishaan Manhas
Ishaan Manhas - 7 years ago
What was the intro song anyone reply??
IMREALLYBAD at gaming - 7 years ago
Today i just started the big score hiest it pretty hard how much does micheal get i mean mulla $$
Bhuvan Nagaraju.D
Bhuvan Nagaraju.D - 7 years ago
Hey I am a new player and don't known how to use slowmotion can you please tell me
GamingMaster 4
GamingMaster 4 - 7 years ago
What mission number is this
Goo Nnii
Goo Nnii - 7 years ago
I finished this mission. And I dont have the money. Why
myint aung
myint aung - 7 years ago
becouse you stupid
Perhe Rainio
Perhe Rainio - 7 years ago
Same but i got 16 million
mörkö - 7 years ago
David Senar i got 27m
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed - 7 years ago
Naive but he was not taking 100 million at a time
mörkö - 7 years ago
David Senar when to you get the money?
King Willett
King Willett - 7 years ago
David Senar I got 28 mill
mörkö - 7 years ago
David Senar hahahaha
:[] :D
:[] :D - 7 years ago
David Senar why didnt you just replay the mission?
Nikky Popov
Nikky Popov - 7 years ago
DBZ Leo - 7 years ago
David Senar you could have just killed yourself you know
Naive - 7 years ago
yea me too, i regret for not choosing the other one, but the cut was bigger for Gustavo
Silver GD
Silver GD - 7 years ago
David Senar that s because you probaly choose a shitty driver :P
Superkilla13 - 7 years ago
I always loved the heist missions
xxksadiamondxx alq
xxksadiamondxx alq - 7 years ago
Ahhh ilove michael
oReplayz FFA
oReplayz FFA - 7 years ago
Julian Gonzales
Julian Gonzales - 7 years ago
Karin denz won't drop the gold if he has experience
mir govar
mir govar - 7 years ago
ggggghhhhuuuujj. ggghhhh. ?
Storm Man
Storm Man - 7 years ago
Ive finished this 16 times........ U focking suck bro
RektWs - 7 years ago
clickbait. its 206 million not 900
Yourboi yasser
Yourboi yasser - 7 years ago
Wow he is not a good driver
Lewis Horgan
Lewis Horgan - 7 years ago
Click bait cunt
Chase row 3590
Chase row 3590 - 7 years ago
It's not 900 million in gold 201 million in gold
Mixtape Squad
Mixtape Squad - 7 years ago
I got 40 mill 1 mill from max ...
Nathan3612Minecraft - 7 years ago
clickbait fuckers, you dont get 900m
Simon Goga Jr
Simon Goga Jr - 7 years ago
Is it working on singleplayer right? How am i start this heist?
samuel H.
samuel H. - 7 years ago
"best intro ever" it's the same intro every other 13 year old GTA youtuber uses tho
Christophe Cadet
Christophe Cadet - 7 years ago
samuel H. You cant do better so go lick your mother
Taggilo - 7 years ago
Add this to online lol
Glitcher726 - 7 years ago
The heists in GTA Online are nothing compared to the story mode heists. Lester is so happy after you rob the Pacific Standard Bank even though you only took 1.25 million or 1 million. But obviously Rockstar can't give players that much money from a heist in online
Nathan Graham
Nathan Graham - 7 years ago
Glitcher726 that was probably before he done the story mode heists
XredtoonX - Rocket League
XredtoonX - Rocket League - 7 years ago
Intro song?
Christophe Cadet
Christophe Cadet - 7 years ago
XredtoonX - Rocket League "best intro ever"
El Ropo
El Ropo - 7 years ago
I thought you said 900 million? You sack of shit
CrazyGamer - 7 years ago
You did not get 900 million dollars
Doggingtonbarksforlife - 7 years ago
I lost my progress of this mission and 4 big missions.
rhys bailey
rhys bailey - 7 years ago
How do you do the front roll, I never figured that out. On a ps4 fyi
Trill Renaissance
Trill Renaissance - 7 years ago
I got 593000000 for Trevor 390000000 for Franklin and 236000000 for Michael i spent a lot for Franklin and Michael
tao lao
tao lao - 7 years ago
uhm, do you remember the first heist mission? You have to go to the tunnel? Yea, you can use that way to escape the cops
420 Blaze IT UP
420 Blaze IT UP - 7 years ago
What's that intro music
Enter Name
Enter Name - 7 years ago
Lol they definitely didn't copy Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Help me reach 10.000 subs with no Video
Help me reach 10.000 subs with no Video - 7 years ago
Only if this were on gta v online
trol face channel
trol face channel - 7 years ago
ear canser intro lol
Vivid Rvload
Vivid Rvload - 7 years ago
If only this was in online
U.S. Navy Pig
U.S. Navy Pig - 7 years ago
Whenever the other driver I hired CRASHED and lost half of THE MONEY I would usually crash my self into the ground or get the merryweather to the train because it restarts the checkpoint and I GET a CHANCE to fix it
Dalton Decilles
Dalton Decilles - 7 years ago
how come I only got 28 million for each character
Louys noos
Louys noos - 7 years ago
story mode is better than gta online 1+ if you agree
The Crispy Bacon
The Crispy Bacon - 7 years ago
I’ve played it for 2 years and i only found 5 hackers though
Wowza Tv
Wowza Tv - 7 years ago
Yea but the heist are better
Survolt18 - 7 years ago
Online has dumb fucking hackers who ruin the fun!
The Crispy Bacon
The Crispy Bacon - 7 years ago
Lets go! #TeamOnline
Britton Phillips vlogs
Britton Phillips vlogs - 7 years ago
Online is better
Aggressive Shovel
Aggressive Shovel - 7 years ago
ONLINE is better when its about The fun but the payment is better in the STORY
Landin Leslie
Landin Leslie - 7 years ago
online is way better
Austin D
Austin D - 7 years ago
Not when you have beat gta5 story mode multiple times
FireyGamingSRB - 7 years ago
Online has more missions and it's updated. Story Mode is actually pretty fun, but i find Online more better.
rgr king
rgr king - 7 years ago
Cjay Plays I didn't talk bad to you so don't you either fucking kid I mean would have the balls to talk in real life like this to other person's?
rgr king
rgr king - 7 years ago
Cjay Plays are serious now? Im sure you are just a little kid that you never get your ass whooped in your life
rgr king
rgr king - 7 years ago
Cjay Plays yea suck my dick you pussy whatch your mouth you fuckin cunt before I fuck your life you don't know me
rgr king
rgr king - 7 years ago
Cjay Plays actually it is better but only if you played 2 or 3 times the heist is away much better but it gets boring playing alone the gta online is more fun because you play with your friends but we all know that free mode has away mor better heists
liezl camata
liezl camata - 7 years ago
Yeah but first hate psplus and xbox live those shits just buytowin and moneygreedy
MasterVerdantAG - 7 years ago
Yeah but Rockstar takes your money from GTA Online.
Dari Dari
Dari Dari - 7 years ago
Yeah right lol
Wayne Sheridanvlogs
Wayne Sheridanvlogs - 7 years ago
Louys noos online has better heist
tomyseboodt23 - 7 years ago
Where do i find that heist? Because I do not find it nowhere
Violet White
Violet White - 7 years ago
no new cars no vacations
ProGuy67 - 7 years ago
ive only been on 2 hiests and this mission has popped up for me
Kuba Kwieciński
Kuba Kwieciński - 7 years ago
That Strange Guy
That Strange Guy - 7 years ago
When I did this I got 301 million overall and about 27 million for each character? Is that good?
kingprankster Ramirez
kingprankster Ramirez - 7 years ago
im a profesonal at gta i passed it and started over for fun
Ein bird
Ein bird - 7 years ago
this is not the best intro
Why Face
Why Face - 7 years ago
How do you get this heist?
Becky Gipson
Becky Gipson - 7 years ago
in that in that mission how much money does Michael get and Franklin and Trevor
Becky Gipson
Becky Gipson - 7 years ago
and that mission how much does
HierIsGamez - 7 years ago
what is the intro music
It's DeeDee
It's DeeDee - 7 years ago
Does it actually give you 850 million? Or was this click bait?
Conor Higgins
Conor Higgins - 7 years ago
$850 million???
Cyanide - 7 years ago
CLICKBAIT because you only earn 200 mil from the whole heist
battlecat 347
battlecat 347 - 7 years ago
i didn't even care about the crew so I pick the worst crew members
faze jeremiah gamer - secrets - gaming and more!
faze jeremiah gamer - secrets - gaming and more! - 7 years ago
it took me 10:75 to competethisauer easy tbh
PaulDwyerMoto - 7 years ago
Is this in story mode
Overwatch~Tips And Tricks
Overwatch~Tips And Tricks - 7 years ago
Canadian Nation
Canadian Nation - 7 years ago
yes, that is the best intro intro
War Hammer
War Hammer - 7 years ago
xXShadow_broXx Elite
xXShadow_broXx Elite - 7 years ago
Are pockets are empty XD
Tandlægehuset Assens ApS
Tandlægehuset Assens ApS - 7 years ago
hey i didn't got 850 million dollars and i did not too So stop pranking us!!! idiot
Solomon Casado
Solomon Casado - 7 years ago
I beat this mission in 5 minutes wtf are you doing
maximus rivera
maximus rivera - 7 years ago
im sorry but wait how can you get 850 mill xD that ain't possible
Darkeese Latifah
Darkeese Latifah - 7 years ago
This dude didn’t aim for their heads and it kinda bugged me :(
david playz
david playz - 7 years ago
omg escaping 5 stars in 10mins
YoungSinatra - 7 years ago
Is this on story mode
19,999,999 Views - 7 years ago
4:47 Fidjet spinner confirmed
Lil duck fuck her right in the pussy
Lil duck fuck her right in the pussy - 7 years ago
Leo Lund Bruning
Leo Lund Bruning - 7 years ago
it said 200 million not 850 mil
Ryan Vargas
Ryan Vargas - 7 years ago
You get $40,000,000 from this mission
Ryan Vargas
Ryan Vargas - 7 years ago
I already past the whole game
Gabe Bocek
Gabe Bocek - 7 years ago
he said he was getting 850 million he got 201 million
Waylon johnson
Waylon johnson - 7 years ago
That's some die hard crap
ExtityNL - 7 years ago
I cant play thise mission >:( I DONT know How to get thise mission >:(
Mustafa Orhan
Mustafa Orhan - 7 years ago
ım finished game and buyed tank buzzard attack helicopter cargobob
KingRamen1116 - 7 years ago
I thought it was only $200M
Alicia Cicilia
Alicia Cicilia - 7 years ago
what's the name of song at the End
Chris Dogger
Chris Dogger - 7 years ago
This looks like gta 4
Dead One
Dead One - 7 years ago
nice intro
COPY&PASTE - 7 years ago
What is the name of the music of 0:00
RJgamer - 7 years ago
"$850 Million" mhm sure
The Gaming Ghost
The Gaming Ghost - 7 years ago
201,000,000mil any sooooo........
Tucker Searles
Tucker Searles - 7 years ago
MC MIKEYMIKE - 7 years ago
That clickbate tho you can't even get 850 mil from that heist
Watermelon Bandit
Watermelon Bandit - 7 years ago
This is how mine went we were flying away with 201,000,000 final second one of the helicopters crashes and loses idk 100,000,000$ I CHOSE THE CHEAPEST PILOT CAUSE MY FRIENDS SAID TO THANKS A LOT!
Jemac maceus
Jemac maceus - 7 years ago
No fame u got a Xbox 360 I got a ps4
iTheAsian - 7 years ago
Have a good day every one be happy and stay happy :)
Bowser Junior
Bowser Junior - 7 years ago
I can't wait to get up to this heist and get $850Million
Moratachelsea Ao
Moratachelsea Ao - 7 years ago
An D
An D - 7 years ago
opening song?
Gabriele Guobadia
Gabriele Guobadia - 7 years ago
igns video is bullshit
Gabriele Guobadia
Gabriele Guobadia - 7 years ago
I know a Modder on ps4 type your ps4 name for Modded acount
God of Destruction Beerus
God of Destruction Beerus - 7 years ago
I did it the other way, so I didn't get as much.... I got 28 million for each character. I'll try another way
CrossbyIsToasty - 7 years ago
You could've gone into the tunnel the same way you go into when you were doing the jewelry store job @ 11:35
ReaLteC Funny Moments and Stories
ReaLteC Funny Moments and Stories - 7 years ago
ok so here is the problem. what heist is this? i have completed the game like 8 times and never done this heist
Gijs B
Gijs B - 7 years ago
850 Mil. ?? You've got the same 201M as everybody else plus you choose the wrong heist members, you dumbass liar
paolo schroeter
paolo schroeter - 7 years ago
i played the whole game 4 times and i never got more than 300 million in the union depository
Hb Videos
Hb Videos - 7 years ago
If you shoot at the back propellers the choppers will spin out of control
Bradley Bolin
Bradley Bolin - 7 years ago
I only got 20 million
piotrek7865 - 7 years ago
I losed the cops in 1/2 mins.

Go to the subway.
Gcus 212
Gcus 212 - 7 years ago
uh UN hx bc ncmd
MyNameIsMonarch - 7 years ago
look it doesn't matter who u picked what does matter is that if you have a company owned by u for example and your looking to go to the store and by yourself new clothes and then the company needs you to help them do it because that will raise your income also if you have a stock market you should go do some things like help people when they get robbed help someone when they need a ride and much more to satisfy your stock markets also another way which is probably the hardest unless your gods at escaping is robbing stores and people but be highly aware that someone near or around can call the police or be aware that there are no police or Guards as of the reason that they will immediately attack and call in backup or will call the police then attack either way you will be wanted and also if your robbing make sure to look professional, load up your guns with all the ammo and make sure your wearing the vest to protect u the best one will do for the times like 5,4,or 3 stars the other vests can suitable for maybe 3, 2 and 1 star(s) so thank you for reading and I hope this helped you in making good money as there is no known way to get money in cheats right now only buying in story mode and online playing so thank you again and I hope you enjoy playing grand theft auto 5 story mode and or grand theft auto online have a great life all of you
whats the intro song
Paul Parsons
Paul Parsons - 7 years ago
Troll video much you don't show the completed mission screen or showing the big amount of cash on your character.
jonathan veldhuizen
jonathan veldhuizen - 7 years ago
Intro song?
Isiah Kane
Isiah Kane - 7 years ago
this bitch really thought he was gonna lose the cops there..
TheMasterOfLuck - 7 years ago
i like how u try to make people unable to pause the easy way making them click to a link
SparkyTheFox - 7 years ago
"Best intro ever", yeah, totally not some shitty free blender website.
GTA5 PRO - 7 years ago
850 mill ?
Michael Y
Michael Y - 7 years ago
The heists are still fucking thrilling
King A
King A - 7 years ago
you stole the vid
Some Nigger from da hood
Some Nigger from da hood - 7 years ago
I dont understand How is this the best intro ever if that is Writen in The intro

Kyle Foster
Kyle Foster - 7 years ago
100 million $ dang boi that is a shit load of cash
Matthewgaming - 7 years ago
What was the intro song
bADigitaLs 10
bADigitaLs 10 - 7 years ago
who else is watching this in may/6/2017 ?
THeUglyGamers - 7 years ago
Fishy!Fishy! - 7 years ago
My brother Got 30 Million$
I got 29 Million$
Jeffrey Fraser
Jeffrey Fraser - 7 years ago
its not$850000000 it $2000000
Marcakes The GangBanger69
Marcakes The GangBanger69 - 7 years ago
wats the name of your intro song?? plz tell meh ITZ EPIC
simyia Tyler
simyia Tyler - 7 years ago
Shut up
Alex Dunne
Alex Dunne - 7 years ago
I don't remember doing this heist is it like a mod?
Android clash of clans
Android clash of clans - 7 years ago
TT Squad
TT Squad - 7 years ago
What is the mod
Kobe mamba Bryant 24
Kobe mamba Bryant 24 - 7 years ago
Guys if I just finished the heist where you take the dangerous disease thing for the fib. How much longer till I get to this heist
Skullbr3ak3r360 the soviet union
Skullbr3ak3r360 the soviet union - 7 years ago
There only 200.000.000$
Michael Warner
Michael Warner - 7 years ago
the final cut isn't 850 million its 200 million
BJF 1337
BJF 1337 - 7 years ago
In all honesty, this approach is really easy.
The plush undercover team
The plush undercover team - 7 years ago
I,ve played out this game and almost on my PS4 I played it out on PS3 easy If jou know what to do the game is super EASY MAN!!!
Raheem Gaming Universe
Raheem Gaming Universe - 7 years ago
subscribe to my channel
Mohamed Elashry
Mohamed Elashry - 7 years ago
are you crazy niga the name of mission The big score not the big one
Najn X
Najn X - 7 years ago
And I only get 20 million?
Impørter - 7 years ago
A one time heist like this in online would be appreciated...
Kimberly Gorgua
Kimberly Gorgua - 7 years ago
How are you doing all of these missions and I'm only on mission 74
benni70 - 7 years ago
cringe intro
z1snm - 7 years ago
since when do you get 850 million from that heist?
Atomclub1 XX
Atomclub1 XX - 7 years ago
I did the heist in 22 min
TheCris - 7 years ago
but how much get Michael de santa from cut ????
tommy fleming
tommy fleming - 7 years ago
That wasn't 870m tho, only 201m
DjZeroPlayer1 - 7 years ago
so the helicopter method makes more cash?
tristan green
tristan green - 7 years ago
what's the intro song
Melissa Valeza
Melissa Valeza - 7 years ago
Do this on heist on monday and before you do the heist, invest in Gold Coast.
Make sure to quicksave before doing this because you might fail
Charles Kisner
Charles Kisner - 7 years ago
did anyone else hear that 11:14
I don't understand why I only got 45,000,000 when I finished the game.
kevin player
kevin player - 7 years ago
after you will just get 40 million
Milan Geurts
Milan Geurts - 7 years ago
Wich mission is before these

I Can nog play thie mission
D4ng3rN00d13 69420
D4ng3rN00d13 69420 - 7 years ago
It's 2000000 tho
Metal Fingaz
Metal Fingaz - 7 years ago
when is this mission?! I don't think I have ever played it
rusty hooper
rusty hooper - 7 years ago
Am i the only person who went to someones street garage and got a zentorno or turismo
Ricefire 47
Ricefire 47 - 8 years ago
I only got 30 million
Parkour _Maniac
Parkour _Maniac - 8 years ago
I did the other way crap
Mircea Ricu
Mircea Ricu - 8 years ago
Mircea Ricu
Mircea Ricu - 8 years ago
The heist așa about.  $ 201.800.000
Tomek Gorecki
Tomek Gorecki - 8 years ago
not that cool
Jerry Lin
Jerry Lin - 8 years ago
Just a question, why does this other guy only get 201 million but u got 850 million?
Combine Guard
Combine Guard - 8 years ago
"The noob tube? Ha"
Someone has been playing righteous slaughter for too long
xXxSpartan ElitexXx
xXxSpartan ElitexXx - 8 years ago
Fucking logo won't change
Gamer Kid
Gamer Kid - 8 years ago
201 millions
Darthyplays - 8 years ago
201 million NOT 850 million
Wheaty HD
Wheaty HD - 8 years ago
That was not 850 million $
Trollingman50 - 8 years ago
850 Million TOTALLY
The Legendary assassin Hit
The Legendary assassin Hit - 8 years ago
That autoaim tho
zargug phantom
zargug phantom - 8 years ago
its big score not big one
GamingSniper 0716
GamingSniper 0716 - 8 years ago
If you do the subtle way then kill trevor you'll get $40,000,000 and believe me this really works
Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson - 8 years ago
850 million?
Tyson Langdon
Tyson Langdon - 8 years ago
the best crew is gunmans:crappy
driver: taliana menendez
driver2 : karim denez
Mohamed El Shinnawy
Mohamed El Shinnawy - 8 years ago
It's 201 million not 800 mill dipshit
comando160 - 8 years ago
already played this game 2 times, thinking to restart for 3rd because i didnt use proper crew for heists and fucked up on lester assassination missions!
Chewy Brown
Chewy Brown - 8 years ago
I Thought It Was $201,600,000 Heist
Coco Bean Cafe/Gameplay of cafe and more!
Coco Bean Cafe/Gameplay of cafe and more! - 8 years ago
"Cause if I go down, Trevor's ass gets my share!" Lmao
Ros - 8 years ago
how do you get this heist?
Jacob Fernandez
Jacob Fernandez - 8 years ago
This is a lie
Damian Novick
Damian Novick - 8 years ago
why didn't he just go to the sewer tunnel to lose the wanted at the start of the chase????
JEMgaming terraria and more!
JEMgaming terraria and more! - 8 years ago
Wow he has the best intro ever
Skoglund16 TV
Skoglund16 TV - 8 years ago
Its fucking 200 million
Gta5 Boyz
Gta5 Boyz - 8 years ago
where is this mission
Gta5 Boyz
Gta5 Boyz - 8 years ago
Ayat Zafar
Ayat Zafar - 8 years ago
Elmano Locko
Elmano Locko - 8 years ago
The "Big Score" in GTA V remind me so much of the movie Heat with Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Val Kilmer!!!
Straat Jochies
Straat Jochies - 8 years ago
850mil I am pretty shore that is seen 201 million But Maybe I'm blind
Jacob Parish
Jacob Parish - 8 years ago
What is that song
Andrei Gamer
Andrei Gamer - 8 years ago
Lester Said Iluminati
marcus games
marcus games - 8 years ago
noob palyers
noob palyers - 8 years ago
muje gta 5 downlod karini hai ma kis web shite pe ja ke kar shakta hu pleas anser me
Rick DLC
Rick DLC - 8 years ago
Can anyone explain to me why there's a Machinima logo on the corner?
Beyney - 8 years ago
+ItzPullin rip machinima is a scam
Rick DLC
Rick DLC - 8 years ago
+ItzPullin i will
ItzPullin - 8 years ago
Im sure if you double check there is.
Rick DLC
Rick DLC - 8 years ago
+ItzPullin really? I don't see any Machinima logos on the other videos you posted. Strange isn't it?
ItzPullin - 8 years ago
Im currently partnered with Machinima.
Fcal262 - 8 years ago
is this a mission
Fcal262 - 8 years ago
is this a mission
Neko - 8 years ago
where did u get the mask?
IsaacT 925
IsaacT 925 - 8 years ago
its not even 850million liar
TheTachanka wolf Xxsilentwolf14
TheTachanka wolf Xxsilentwolf14 - 8 years ago
gta San andreas
The Gamer of Tomorrow
The Gamer of Tomorrow - 8 years ago
How is it 850 you only got 200
ArmorTuure TV
ArmorTuure TV - 8 years ago
Aidenoski1 - 8 years ago
ItzPullin I think you are a very underrated Youtuber and I think you deserve more respect and subscribers.I can see you having 10000 by the end of winter
DPG Plays
DPG Plays - 7 years ago
Aidenoski1 4 years ago this video was made 2018 still doesn’t have 10k?? Wtf you should have 100k man
ItzPullin - 8 years ago
Thanks man!
CH Edits
CH Edits - 8 years ago
Is this in story mode
ThatWhiteKid - 8 years ago
I only got 21,000,000 for this
Zenoná - 7 years ago
I get 35.000.000 Million
Thomas - 7 years ago
I only got 12 million
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed - 7 years ago
ThatWhiteKid 201,000,000m
Zach - 7 years ago
ThatWhiteKid same, rip.
troll lol dude
troll lol dude - 8 years ago
i dont Remember this
Tex Kamstra
Tex Kamstra - 8 years ago
what's the intro song?????
Artek Gaming
Artek Gaming - 7 years ago
Tex Kamstra
Tex Kamstra - 8 years ago
all- X thank you
all- X
all- X - 8 years ago
Kraddy Android Porn
Tex Kamstra
Tex Kamstra - 8 years ago
ItzPullin - 8 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
LOORe - 8 years ago
How to get this mission?
Unknown Beach
Unknown Beach - 8 years ago
You did a great job
Mohamed AbdelAzem 278
Mohamed AbdelAzem 278 - 8 years ago
where you get this mission?
FiLiPiNoBoi510 - 8 years ago
Nothing but click bait. Pathetic. Dislike
Mr.Cactus - 8 years ago
COOL Lester shoting rokets first time in hims life
Mr.Cactus - 8 years ago
I losed cops very fast
ahmad rayyan
ahmad rayyan - 8 years ago
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I didn't watch most of the video and neither did you!
AlexTheGreat - 8 years ago
ahmad rayyan I did....JOKES ON YOU!!!!
xXclashwithRiley3Xx Clash of clans & More
xXclashwithRiley3Xx Clash of clans & More - 8 years ago
And I want it so bad can someone please tell me why
xXclashwithRiley3Xx Clash of clans & More
xXclashwithRiley3Xx Clash of clans & More - 8 years ago
I haven't got my heist money yet
ItsGamer Dark
ItsGamer Dark - 8 years ago
No 3 million views
Puffins J
Puffins J - 8 years ago
if I replay missions will I still get money?
Syrian Refugee
Syrian Refugee - 8 years ago
No, Load a new game
Ipac PL
Ipac PL - 8 years ago
GTA 5: 'The Big One' Final Heist ($850 Million) hmm 201 million xd
Top Ten
Top Ten - 8 years ago
exactly what i thought
ุ KarstaLokki
ุ KarstaLokki - 8 years ago
Lmao i dont remember this.
Syrian Refugee
Syrian Refugee - 8 years ago
It was optional, Obvious( The Video Right Now) and Smart...
Twisted HD
Twisted HD - 8 years ago
SuBzeRo yea I don't either
MidnightPikachu - 8 years ago
How come i only got 30mil? Oh also the subtle approach is easier.
Ruderun - 8 years ago
NotaHipster obvious is easier and you get more money proven
I. Alvarez
I. Alvarez - 8 years ago
NotaHipster each character got their own cut, it was $200 million total but each character got about a 20% cut so that's like $30-40 million
SUPAFLY - 8 years ago
Top Ten
Top Ten - 8 years ago
wtf bro ur so stupid....... if u have played the game and win only what u said u dont only get ten percent, you get 30-39 mill
ItsOfficiallyAlex_ - 8 years ago
I only got 250mil
YourRecaller - 8 years ago
didn't it just say 200,000,000+ money that you were sealing?
Unsungberseker Gaming
Unsungberseker Gaming - 8 years ago
Took me 20 played it over 5 times
yasir Arslan
yasir Arslan - 8 years ago
wats the song of the intro
Sample Text
Sample Text - 8 years ago
yasir Arslan it is yildarin bisçalsiz-Sandstorm
Kevin Bautista
Kevin Bautista - 8 years ago
The shitties thing about this is tht he is on xbox
Allphaa - 8 years ago
Kevin Bautista how is that shitty
JNinja33 - 8 years ago
Can u use the money on Gta online
Fortnite slayer
Fortnite slayer - 8 years ago
JNinja 33 no
Siege - 8 years ago
I wish this was in multiplayer
Skylar Wright
Skylar Wright - 8 years ago
intro song??
Benjie Abaca
Benjie Abaca - 8 years ago
in the other approach you can play with the traffic lights
CCS YT - 7 years ago
Benjie Abaca I did that that it was hilarious every time they went green for merry weather i put the red again ;D
PAU808 - 8 years ago
i did it the silent way and did it in like 15 not trying to bragg but just saying
Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson - 8 years ago
0:56 MessYourself?
Marcus Sanchèz
Marcus Sanchèz - 8 years ago
you never learned to read? 201,000,000 is the maximum amount.
Top Ten
Top Ten - 8 years ago
no its not. i got higher. i got 17 percent per character and the main am mount of money i earned was four hundred million.
Sush I
Sush I - 8 years ago
i have seen this intro used 1000 times
Tex Kamstra
Tex Kamstra - 8 years ago
Gaming Time do you know how its called?
A Galaxy
A Galaxy - 8 years ago
Nathan Graham
Nathan Graham - 7 years ago
A Galaxy for more viewers
Cody Nolan
Cody Nolan - 8 years ago
Hey man greaaaat video :) i subscribed if you wouldn't mind returning the favour an check out my video thanks sooo much :)!!
Gregory Jouniaux
Gregory Jouniaux - 8 years ago
fake 850 millions
Mark Overlander
Mark Overlander - 8 years ago
It's like 300 mil at max dude
ILandino 4
ILandino 4 - 8 years ago
i play on xbox 1
MeoX Gamer
MeoX Gamer - 8 years ago
Subscribe me I will sub you back
Sillä lailla
Sillä lailla - 8 years ago
why i got only like 40mil
GH0STXP - 8 years ago
Gentle Mate How do you get the money?
Naughty Noose
Naughty Noose - 8 years ago
xpert_ledo _00 not sure if your retard or not, but it was 200 million total. Each character had a 20% cut (40 million), the crew took around a 20% cut in total (40 million total) and lester also takes 20% for himself, so 40 million.
I-Ledo-I - 8 years ago
every one in the crew takes 40 mil = 850 mil
:[] :D
:[] :D - 8 years ago
You know tis much easyer to go up to the hills if you want to lose the cops...
rgr king
rgr king - 7 years ago
Train tunnel just 1 minute and you loose them
Alex Major
Alex Major - 7 years ago
or go in the sewers
Ommo - 7 years ago
Not exactly. Although I did this when I first did the heist and lost the police that way, but there's a tunnel you can enter once leaving the bank if you go to the right area, and lose the police much easier
Richard Ortiz
Richard Ortiz - 8 years ago
Don't read this. You will be kissed by the love of your life on the nearest Friday. Tomorrow will be the greatest of your life. Post this on 10 pages. If you don't you will have bad luck. You have 143minutes
Fifa_Mobile_ - 8 years ago
Richard Ortiz Piss off
Steven TheSausage
Steven TheSausage - 8 years ago
how do u get this heist or is it the big score because i have already completed the game
B.H.D aka Black Horny Dude
B.H.D aka Black Horny Dude - 8 years ago
DerpyPokemon Pug it is the big score I think
David Barton
David Barton - 8 years ago
Does any1 no what the split for Franklin is ??
Top Ten
Top Ten - 8 years ago
same as the rest of the characters if you play the setup right
Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson - 8 years ago
38-40 Million
Pantelis Stavrakos
Pantelis Stavrakos - 8 years ago
intro song ?
Booty Gang Messiah
Booty Gang Messiah - 8 years ago
bruh when i did this the dumbass pilot of the other chopper flew right into the windmill so i lost half the damn cut!
justin lauterer
justin lauterer - 7 years ago
If you choose a bad crew member, some of them have scripted failures, like the helicopter crash, the cheapest driver for subtle method always gets arrested, which gets rid of one fourth of the cut, so next time don’t chose a shity crew ;)
Robby Ray Stewart
Robby Ray Stewart - 7 years ago
That's you hiring a shitty helicopterpilot. Smart move when he's gonna fly around with 100 million dollars worth of gold.
Failscope - 8 years ago
on the high way he drove past a tunnel he just had to drive into it at the right
stereoraptor 429
stereoraptor 429 - 8 years ago
its called the big score you stupid ItzPulin
TheChemicalBro - 8 years ago
Intro song?
Katherine Robinson
Katherine Robinson - 8 years ago
10,000th like!
Giusty Arya
Giusty Arya - 8 years ago
there is no kuruma armored in offlne mode??
Smugumin - 8 years ago
Giusty Arya you can get one that u can use tho sadly you have to do a glitch
Fortnite slayer
Fortnite slayer - 8 years ago
Giusty Arya no
Jeff Brooke
Jeff Brooke - 8 years ago
Mine was only 210
Robert hobbs
Robert hobbs - 8 years ago
Rim_Darren _
Rim_Darren _ - 8 years ago

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