Yacht 8 years ago 842,665 views
THUMBS UP IF I SHOULD FILM A MUSIC VIDEO ON THE YACHT! SEND FUNNY FAN MAIL: PO Box 178305, San Diego, CA 92177 BUSINESS : "I'm on a Boat!" Haha but yah hope you guys enjoyed this vlog and it inspired you to keep following whatever you want to do and it will lead to success which can come in many forms ... Make Sure To Drop a LIKE this video it helps ALOT! TYSM MY SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW : INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @JAKE_ANGELES If your still reading this ... COMMENT "boat" if I should film a music video on this yacht ahha!!!
10. comment for INSANE MEGA YACHT!
20. comment for INSANE MEGA YACHT!
30. comment for INSANE MEGA YACHT!
50. comment for INSANE MEGA YACHT!
not be weird just wondering
100. comment for INSANE MEGA YACHT!
sick video jake