Inside a $4Million luxury yacht tour

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Most popular comments
for Inside a $4Million luxury yacht tour

Paul Hutton
Paul Hutton - 7 years ago
fiberglass hull? really darling you must be joking..
Steven Robertson
Steven Robertson - 7 years ago
Good price compared to a Viking
Moises Pereira123 Pereira
Moises Pereira123 Pereira - 7 years ago
How much is It ?
Derrick Bergman
Derrick Bergman - 7 years ago
Wait a year when the new Wall Street money moron hits a few docks and his wife catches him on the boat with secretary and pick it up for $1million
AndyTheSpy - 7 years ago
Believe if u want but I have a friend with a similar yacht
Derrick Bergman
Derrick Bergman - 7 years ago
LOL, quickest way to $500K on earth.
Lex Phantomhive
Lex Phantomhive - 7 years ago
Buying a yacht for this is the same thing to throw 4 million in the sea.
My dads friend bought a yacht which cost 500 thousand, And the ceiling leaked abit water every now and then, And the boat cost 20,000 dollars a year just to the diesel + 10,000 to the transporting so they wanted to sell the boat as fast as possible, but no one wanted to buy it so they wanted to sue the people they bought it from and they lost it after 1 year they sold it for 250000. They lost 250000 for nothing. AFter they sold the boat they said to my dad. To never buy a big boat.
Stacey Story
Stacey Story - 7 years ago
nice I want to drive it
Le Kybalion
Le Kybalion - 7 years ago
4 Millions without jacuzzi ...

10. comment for Inside a $4Million luxury yacht tour

stjohn727 - 8 years ago
Sunseeker is the top of Yachts.....and for this price for a 2012 that is incredible....for a 73 foot Yacht and the interior is excellent...I have lived and been on Yachts during my whole life time.....and this is a beautiful Yacht....Interior and exterior....
Monique Marella
Monique Marella - 8 years ago
I'd swear it retails for 10million dollars, looks much like a bargain!
RiseUpAgainst TheGlobalists
RiseUpAgainst TheGlobalists - 8 years ago
1:53 "No this is far to big" = "God if only I could afford it..."
joe morrow
joe morrow - 8 years ago
Hey do you have an one on one coaching program teaching how to invest in yachts. Thanks
Jason Medlin
Jason Medlin - 8 years ago
Hillary said if she's elected everybody gets one !!!!!!!!
Deke1 - 8 years ago
No NO NO, only people who donate to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation gets one!
Ivan Williams
Ivan Williams - 8 years ago
tarek elmrasy
tarek elmrasy - 8 years ago
Very nice
stjohn727 - 8 years ago
SunSeeker is the nicest yacht for their price in the market today. check out the 115 yacht and you will see the beauty of the exterior and the interior.....4 million for this yacht I think is a miss print.....
Rhys Davey
Rhys Davey - 8 years ago
For a yacht this nice. I'd be willing to live on the streets for 10 years to own. This is incredible.
Cristopher Martinez
Cristopher Martinez - 7 years ago
Rhys Davey it's like a home
Blocky Orbits
Blocky Orbits - 8 years ago
It pains me to know that i'll never be able to afford one of these.
MrCTruck - 7 years ago
Blocky Orbits apparently not enough to do anything about it lol
jackie bo andersen
jackie bo andersen - 8 years ago
Wher is the cheapest contry to bye a yacht

20. comment for Inside a $4Million luxury yacht tour

Food Drinkers
Food Drinkers - 8 years ago
My yacht cost about 10 with twin helipads and a hot tub
marco Perez
marco Perez - 7 years ago
Darkness Shadow there's no way a 10 million dollar yacht has two helipads the yacht must be 25 mil or more
Chromedian - 8 years ago
Chromedian - 8 years ago
MegaTaylor217 - 8 years ago
That music!!!Down in the cabin....who's that song by!?That's the Mcdee's coffee commercial theme song.A lot of people are looking for that ditty.I saw a video where a guy in Florida had a 124 footer for 4Mil,nice though.
Charlie - 8 years ago
WTF 4 million dollars ? You can have a better yatch only for 2 million dollars even in Turkey.
QuintenProDutch Gamer
QuintenProDutch Gamer - 9 years ago
Who if im millioner and im 22 i NOW what i ganna buy a yacht a 4 million yacht
Hunter - 9 years ago
I know what I'm stealing tomorrow
Papa Bless
Papa Bless - 8 years ago
+Hunter So how was the heist?
Hunter - 8 years ago
Deke1 just got out today
Deke1 - 8 years ago
He'll let you know in 8 years when he gets out of Prison...lolol
Hunter - 8 years ago
+Dr. Music k m8
Dr. Music
Dr. Music - 8 years ago
Confederate flag and stealing...complimentary
Papa Bless
Papa Bless - 8 years ago
How did the heist go?
Gurosama Bltch
Gurosama Bltch - 9 years ago
Guys I'm 12 and I just made some money and I wanna buy a good yacht under 10 mil $. Something similar to this one.
Claire Revelle
Claire Revelle - 9 years ago
You're 12 and you earn that kind of money?
Gurosama Bltch
Gurosama Bltch - 9 years ago
+entity Channel No.
I just made a fraud campain on Indiegogo. Nobody will know it was me, I took care of everything. And who even expects a little adroabz kid to do that :3
entity Channel
entity Channel - 9 years ago
+Bltch Erica lol this is a joke or dream?
Gurosama Bltch
Gurosama Bltch - 9 years ago
Also make it as cheaper as possible, I wanna buy a jet plane too. thnx.
Lik3 ViaZ
Lik3 ViaZ - 9 years ago
This one seems pretty cheap when looking at the princess yachts. I guess princess is a higher class.
I still cant purchase a 7 feet long boat with a 10hp motor, lol
Luke Schofield
Luke Schofield - 8 years ago
but we can dream....
My Opinion
My Opinion - 9 years ago
+Lik3 ViaZ Life's a struggle my friend...
Mr Lean Machine
Mr Lean Machine - 9 years ago
General Spike
General Spike - 9 years ago
What's the name?
RJAndy Roblox
RJAndy Roblox - 9 years ago
I want eneybodey to post we you fink how much money I have
Chromedian - 8 years ago

30. comment for Inside a $4Million luxury yacht tour

felcas - 9 years ago
by the way, the yacht on the video appear a bit over priced. I saw bigger and better finished ones for the same price.
Taylor Thruelsen
Taylor Thruelsen - 9 years ago
SunSeeker has FANTASTIC designs… Their Flybridge is a party entertaining hotspot… I would be up top on the fly bridge the whole time….Kickin IT!!!
Unsettled Maverick
Unsettled Maverick - 9 years ago
Speaking from this side of poorville, I can't imagine spending 4 million (if I had that much money) on a yacht.  Yes they are cool but they usually require quite a bit of maintenance.   If I had 4 million I'd spend most of it on land with lots of trees.  I like my space and the idea of it being low maintenance. But filthy rich people think differently, which is not wrong.  It's just how we're all different.
felcas - 9 years ago
+Starblazing Rebel yes the skies are the limit! but there are things beyond that and the money can't buy. Anyway, I prefer to cry inside a yacht then a bus.
Unsettled Maverick
Unsettled Maverick - 9 years ago
+felcas That's true.  If I had say $100 Million, I'd most definitely have a Big boat. I'd probably even get one with a helicopter on it.  You're right...when you have nearly an unlimited amount of money, the sky is the limit....or is it?
felcas - 9 years ago
+Starblazing Rebel Plus, imagine that you can wake up each morning on a different place, dont like the maintanace? buy a sailling boat with the 4 million :)
felcas - 9 years ago
+Starblazing Rebel the problem is that youare not viewing the entire scenery. Rich people that have a 4million yacht does not buy them when they only have that ammount of money, they have much more. Most of them only spent less then 10% of their total ammount of money on personal stuff, because they keep re-investing their money, that is why they are rich, because they know how to make more and more and more.
jairo temoteo
jairo temoteo - 9 years ago
30th April 2015.
Many thanks dear Frederic Chevarin in sharing this outstanding video with us.
Myron Buzzwannanots
Myron Buzzwannanots - 9 years ago
It's probably worth about 3.2  mil now.
Papa Bless
Papa Bless - 8 years ago
2.99 now
bulok69 - 9 years ago
1:46 "This is far too big" said nobody who could afford it ever. What pretentious snobs. I knew people like those growing up in Surrey. The Mrs. Bucket types who liked to think they were upper crust wealthy but all they had were "good breeding" and nothing else to speak of.
The One Above All
The One Above All - 7 years ago
bulok69 Naw fam, ever hear of Investing or passive income?
dr FeelGood
dr FeelGood - 10 years ago
Does it come with WIFI??? if not I will not take it!
Mr fisherman
Mr fisherman - 8 years ago
Papa Bless
Papa Bless - 8 years ago
+Mr fisherman is cost billions to place a satilite into orbit.
Papa Bless
Papa Bless - 8 years ago
+Chad Dean couple hundred billion lol.
Mr fisherman
Mr fisherman - 10 years ago
+Chad Dean Couple hundred million to maintain a 4 mil boat? What r u talking about? lol
Chad Dean
Chad Dean - 10 years ago
+Vasja Pupkin
Couple hundred million on the low end. They cost more than you think ;)
dr FeelGood
dr FeelGood - 10 years ago
+Vasja Pupkin
I will not buy it since it does not come with pop corn machine!
Mr fisherman
Mr fisherman - 10 years ago
If you have 4 mil (+ hundreds of $1000 to maintain it yearly) you can send a satellite to the orbit for your own internet. LMAO
Dr. bob
Dr. bob - 10 years ago
That is 5,000,000
marco Perez
marco Perez - 7 years ago
Dr. bob 2 mil now
John Smith
John Smith - 10 years ago
Looks like the dingy for Chopi Chopi!
Tim Mclovin
Tim Mclovin - 10 years ago
wonka - 10 years ago
I saw a boat about the same size but for 8M €
Alex - 10 years ago
My friends have a better boat for the same moneys
Xeon Ledgends
Xeon Ledgends - 9 years ago
Been there great place
Auke Van der plas
Auke Van der plas - 10 years ago
It maybe sounds stupid but I think this boat is not expensive for his length
Vlad Shirokov
Vlad Shirokov - 10 years ago
Good lux
Blagaflaga - 10 years ago
4 mil! I'm getting this when I grow up.
Allison - 11 years ago
The bad part is after you buy the thing, it cost's about a million dollars a year to own the thing. You have to have a licensed captain and crew, it takes SIX gallons of marine grade diesel fuel to move this thing ONE nautical mile. If you plan on ocean travel you need to have an armed security team to prevent piracy at sea. That's why this boats rent for about $100,000 a week, to offset the huge cost's of owning it.
W St
W St - 7 years ago
I read $800 - $1200 a foot per year.
bulok69 - 10 years ago
+Mita Henare
 You are thinking like a common person. If you can afford it, sure why not? I know I would pay someone to never have to go grocery shopping again if I had that kind of money
Ryan G
Ryan G - 10 years ago
lol security team. If I had enough cash for one, me and 20 of my good friends wasted and ripped on molly with ak47's, 50cal's, could take out any brown fuck tryna board the '' queen of duh md ''
john Wai
john Wai - 10 years ago
Lol do you hire a maid and a chef for your house ? Wow people can't cook or clean themselves haha
bulok69 - 10 years ago
+Hayden Voegtle
 For sure you'd need a stew or a cook at least and unless you like cleaning likely a deck hand
Hayden Voegtle
Hayden Voegtle - 10 years ago
+Margaret Cabral this is a small boat - for no reason would you need a crew for this size yacht 
Margaret Cabral
Margaret Cabral - 10 years ago
Thats bull shit you don't have to have a crew,most millionaires drive and run their own yachts.
High end millionaires and billionaires have crew.
Still expensive to run but a lot cheaper running it yourself, thats one reason millionaires like
to drive and run their own yachts.
Hayden Voegtle
Hayden Voegtle - 10 years ago
+wonka mega yacht.... does this look like a mega yacht to you
(hint - no)
bulok69 - 10 years ago

Salary of the captain depends on the size of the yacht. Smaller yachts like this you can probably get the captain from $65k +
wonka - 10 years ago
+booboowinchell I read it in a yacht magazine, on mega yachts. 
+booboowinchell there's very few places where piracy is a real this yacht only has 2 crew.i suppose you could have more but thats all it needs.the bedroom at the end is their crew quarters.general maintenance and fuel would be pretty expensive though.
Hayden Voegtle
Hayden Voegtle - 10 years ago
+booboowinchell if you look at any major yacht manufacture, it's a 10% cost each year and that doesn't apply to a boat this small 
Allison - 10 years ago
+wonka Yeah, don't know where you shop but first you need a captain $250-$350,000 a year. You need a full crew, maids, chefs, engine crew, dishwashers, $800,000 -1.25 million a year. Takes 6 gallons of marine grade diesel to move one nautical mile, $900,000 to 1.5 million a year. 12 miles off shore you're in international waters and US law no longer applies, you need a security team to keep the pirates away from the boat and from killing you and your family, 1.5 - 2,000,000 a year. Everything runs on diesel fuel from the two 25,000 horsepower engines, to the water purification system. $5-8000 a day for fuel is nothing. Again your 10% won't cover anything buddy!!!
wonka - 10 years ago
the yearly cost is about 10% of the boat price. 
themega11 - 10 years ago
I doubt it's 100,000 dollars for a 4 million dollar yacht rental. There's a 300 million dollar yacht that rents for 300,000. So yeah... Also the cost varies per year depending on various factors. Some say it costs 1/10 of the original price to keep a yacht in shape per year and to run it. So around 400,000.
themega11 - 10 years ago
I doubt it's 100,000 dollars for a 4 million dollar yacht rental. There's a 300 million dollar yacht that rents for 300,000. So yeah... Also the cost varies per year depending on various factors. Some say it costs 1/10 of the original price to keep a yacht in shape per year and to run it. So around 400,000
Adam Starkey
Adam Starkey - 11 years ago
Wow I have a 1.2million dollar motorhome and a 300million dollar yacht if you seen the Russian millionaire yacht my looks alot like that and is 113 ft 4 levels and of course a 100 in tv but no I phone or shit
okänd okändsson
okänd okändsson - 9 years ago
+Imhornydadcomeinside jo, sant
Imhornydadcomeinside - 9 years ago
+okänd okändsson
Jag vet inte, det finns dom som har så lågt självförtroende att dom försöker låtsas om att de är rika, det är ett farligt spel.
okänd okändsson
okänd okändsson - 9 years ago
+Imhornydadcomeinside Jag tror han skämtade också:) Sann kommentar dock:)
Imhornydadcomeinside - 9 years ago
+okänd okändsson
Jag skrev till det första inlägget.
okänd okändsson
okänd okändsson - 9 years ago
+Imhornydadcomeinside rude to ad idiot in your comment. We we're just having some fun.
Imhornydadcomeinside - 9 years ago
tip for when you actually become rich: Don't brag about it, there are people that will do everything to find you and do morid shit to extort money out of you.

okänd okändsson
okänd okändsson - 10 years ago
Yep I'm joking I have a boat which is about 20 ft... Well you could always dream can't you?
dr FeelGood
dr FeelGood - 10 years ago
If you have that then I am Batman
Margaret Cabral
Margaret Cabral - 10 years ago
+Margaret Cabral I have beat all of you I got a 250 story mega ship 300000000 feet
long and cost  100 billion and I am worth 3.5 Trillion having bought out Bill Gates,
Warren Buffett , and the rest of the forbes 400 billionaires and a new magazine called
Forbes on me a 3.5 Trillionaire with them below me on the list. it comes out in Oct 15
Margaret Cabral
Margaret Cabral - 10 years ago
+wonka you got even a bigger one the empire state building floating maga mansion building
that must have cost 10 billion to build.  your joking also
Margaret Cabral
Margaret Cabral - 10 years ago
+okänd okändsson I sure your joking, that's a huge ship size that would cost a billion to buy
wonka - 10 years ago
+okänd okändsson mine is 100ft and 100 stories. 
okänd okändsson
okänd okändsson - 10 years ago
+John Lawry I have yacht that is 10 000 ft and 20 stories high (NO JOKE)
Chingrobason - 10 years ago
+Adam Starkey Huh that is kind of funny seeing as the longest yacht is currently being built which is 200 meters which is 656 ft. Also you only have 2 stories is that including below deck? Because if so your yacht is really fucked up. No builder would build a yacht that fucked up in concept.
Adam Starkey
Adam Starkey - 10 years ago
I forgot it was like 1000ft and 2 stories
+John Lawry
Chingrobason - 10 years ago
+Adam Starkey wow then you got majorly ripped off on the price
Laxxing Snowboarder
Laxxing Snowboarder - 10 years ago
your like 13
fUjiMaNia - 11 years ago
awesome video and not bad for that 73 footer for the price tag. I'd go for a 50-60 footer though.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 11 years ago
Wow Man.. !!
Now This Yacht Is Really Awesome.. ;-)

50. comment for Inside a $4Million luxury yacht tour

Younes Zreika
Younes Zreika - 11 years ago
I got a boat just like that one
SPCkernel - 11 years ago
Really nice vid, good job. Thanks!
Puzzoozoo - 11 years ago
As I'm only 5 foot 6 inch tall, I don't think I would be tall enough to be able to see over the console to see where I'm steering the yacht.
Carlyle's Picks
Carlyle's Picks - 11 years ago
YUUUM MI - 11 years ago
Except this is for living in. Like properly
Dennise Ann
Dennise Ann - 11 years ago
Buying a yacht like this is in my bucket list :)
TheWerwelpe - 11 years ago
yepp, read the sign.... it's 2million pounds which makes it 3,2 mill USD + tax
rubadubu112 - 11 years ago
Some ppl find that is the only way to pay for it. They Pimp them to pay. In reply to dzortizi22.
Yodaddyissofat - 11 years ago
and get stds...
Andrew Fallon
Andrew Fallon - 11 years ago
yes i saw it was not an 88, i put my comment before the end of the video....
Andrew Fallon
Andrew Fallon - 11 years ago
if you want i could PM you what his anual salary is plus Christmas bonus which is usually around 150% of your total paycheck
rubadubu112 - 11 years ago
it is not $4 mill. It is only $2 Mill. Read the sign at the end of the video. It is not 88 Sunseeker either. Read the sign.
Alexei Hermosillo
Alexei Hermosillo - 11 years ago
73 lol that's a small yacht my family owns a 117 footer
Ben st
Ben st - 11 years ago
Thats a great boat for only 4M wow
Christian Petersen
Christian Petersen - 11 years ago
Andrew Fallon
Andrew Fallon - 11 years ago
i just saw its the 73' can't wait to see the 88
Andrew Fallon
Andrew Fallon - 11 years ago
My dad just put in an order for this if this is the Sunseeker 88 :D its his retirement present as well as his 53 birthday present to himself thats what you get if you are the executive vice president of GM
Ben Kirkbride
Ben Kirkbride - 11 years ago
If I was simon cowel...
Jake Lomas
Jake Lomas - 11 years ago
What is your job
Jake Lomas
Jake Lomas - 11 years ago
WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
_Ootjee - 11 years ago
We're have a boat like that, but the kitchen is apart
dilan rich
dilan rich - 11 years ago
il mio nuov yacth grazie
Gravity - 11 years ago
this is MY BOAT !!!!! the day after my marriage, my wife took off with MY BOAT - please. if you see my boat, stop my wife ! - be careful, she knows kong fu. :) kidding.
Mariah Jo
Mariah Jo - 11 years ago
SMokers COUGH!
rubadubu112 - 11 years ago
Wish I went to collegde. Ha, Ha.
Alex B
Alex B - 11 years ago
JamesD567 - 11 years ago
dzortizi22 - 11 years ago
You don't need hookers man. When you're good like this, women come to you
Bentley Daytona
Bentley Daytona - 12 years ago
drive out to jamaica with 2,3 friends and 10 prostitues

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