Inside A Billionaire's 205-ft Mega-Yacht | Forbes
Yacht 12 years ago 4,842,921 views
Apogee, Darwin Deason's $70 million-dollar luxury yacht, can be chartered for a mere $400,000 per fees. Subscribe to FORBES: Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook: Forbes Video on Twitter: Forbes Video on Instagram: More From Forbes: Forbes covers the intersection of entrepreneurship, wealth, technology, business and lifestyle with a focus on people and success.
I noticed some chipping on one of your life preservers...
Sounds like a fucking fairy with his taste in his arse.
but i also support poor people killing and stealing from this DEMONS!
10. comment for Inside A Billionaire's 205-ft Mega-Yacht | Forbes
I wish to fucking him and his fucking crew to get drowned on this environment killer.
20. comment for Inside A Billionaire's 205-ft Mega-Yacht | Forbes
30. comment for Inside A Billionaire's 205-ft Mega-Yacht | Forbes
But to keep him happier his doctor must treat ASAP his severe case of
OCT ! !
Can kiss alot of ass
50. comment for Inside A Billionaire's 205-ft Mega-Yacht | Forbes
100. comment for Inside A Billionaire's 205-ft Mega-Yacht | Forbes
I wholeheartedly recommend the Somalian coastline.
What % is silicone?
Does she seal or open cracks?
AESCHYLUS, The Eumenides
or rhe crow will get into trouble
well I feel sorry for the crow who works for this mini dictator
fuck him and with all his money he knows deep inside he can't buy love with all the money in the world
So tell me you braindead genius, can he go to Paris with the yacht?
Hope this answers your complicated question BITCH
get back to porn and keep Wenzelling you little fart
Did he steal all that wealth? Did he cheat people? Did he kill anybody in his blind ambition for self promotion? No, he built a successful business which employs thousands of people and makes it possible for me to not stop at tollbooths.
A despicable fraud is running for president; she has made millions by selling our national interests, covered her tracks by deleting her private server emails, left dead Americans in her putrid wake......and on and on and on...
Millions of deluded sheep will vote for her.
A mansion For yachts, the operating costs are about 10% of the purchase price. So a $24 million, 150-foot yacht will cost you about $2.5 million a year to run.
He needs a private health chef. One that really knows what healthy is. Not a the wrong health propaganda released via media.
You do not go to the top alone.
But my mom doesnt know u... btw sorry for taking ur side u scumbag
What a surprise!
I bet that's real love between the 2 of them... NOT!
Damn straight!!
Me too my friend... Me too.
True, unfortunately! That's why to me the REAL luxury is to find/have someone who loves you for you So I never get it when people assume that someone is jealous of some fake love
I think all I'm saying is that people of both sides are using each other for something.
Rich guys use hot girls, hot girls use rich guys, hot guys use ALL girls, and so on...
Nobody is getting out of this deal free.
Just the way of the world I'm afraid.
I suppose you're right... Most girls are willing to do it for a free dinner and a couple of drinks.
This dude's getting ripped off!
Oh, thanks Ghandi, I'll keep that in mind...
Why not? He's rich AF and has a sexy little trophy wife. If that's not worth jealousy, I don't know what is?
Fuck you. You think the party's going to rage on forever don't you? Guess what? You're next to die in the gas chambers like what happened to the Jews in WW2.
But i also find it funny how you morons get offended by open markets that involve naturally driven competition over shares of that pie.
You really think a centralized state will fix anything? No you idiots don't learn from history and as we know about human history Most of it has been covered in a blanket of famine and tyranny. Only now do we get to view this rare event in human history of prosperity and instances of liberty.
The poorest person in the united states is richer and far more well off than others in poorer countries.
They even posses technology that rich people in the early 20th century could ever dream of.
People want to bitch about a bad economy but have no idea how shitty it really was before the industrial revolution.
Learn your history fuckwad and quit preaching classwarfare. IT's a tired, Tried and failed method of economics.
Get over it, Free trade is here to stay. Even the Chinese are liking it. but likely they will not develop a middle class if they keep drinking the totalitarian koolaid.
Fuck you pinko communist pieces of shit. Everything you touch ends up turning into a thirdworld shithole.
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And its absolutely an economic issue, I mean suggesting its not is just laughable.
Well I doubt you could fit 3.5 million of them on this boat. Plus I don't think most of them would know what to do with that stripper pole in the bar area.
Oh well they'll have to stay homeless for now I guess.
come on be nice... they married for love..just like Anna Nicole smith did with J marshal howad
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It's interesting to compare what someone says with the data.
Indeed, his wife is a couple of years younger than he. Well done Sir. What a yacht.
Why accept such a fate? These books offers a path to true Bliss and its entirely upon you to take this path or not, but one thing is sure; upon reading this book you will at least start getting the faint sweet smells of the flowers that exist in the Garden of Bliss and you will be left with no choice but to enter this Garden. If that feels like an audacious claim then so be it, the experiment is yours and the result is yours…
Is that your dream too?
when you are standing at the Pearly Gates.
Now for the homeless part I'm pretty sure these ppl some of them do donate a lot of money to the homeless but some ppl are homeless because they choose to be or they got hung up with the wrong company and got into drugs which is sad but it happens but some are just to plain lazy to work
Also, heavy spenders also means more people making more money. It's taken me too long to realize that wealth is actually easy to attain. It's a simple difference of mindset. If you go out with the mindset that people all owe you something, you are going out to remain in poverty and gripe about other peoples wealth.
Go out knowing that you are in-charge of your own future and realizing that you are the only person who owes you anything, than you can get a yacht.
Reasons why you can't = Never achieves anything
Reasons why you can = You get shit done and achieve dreams
But who am I kidding? Remember? We’d be lucky if people actually understood. Or, rather, they’d be.
I suppose that common sense your speaking about is indicating that no one works at those ocean side repair shops and cleaning facilities in Miami?
When you buy a used car, does someone not first buy it new whom has a bit more income? Who builds and maintains those cars? Well people do, well the same goes for boats. Unlike cars, these boats require more engineers, they require more specialists, they require more diverse materials, they require heavier manufacturing, some require a crew, they require maintenance, they require cleaning, and they require stocking.
For all these tasks, there are many various people earning their lively hood. There income is brought about thanks to people whom had a little more money to spend. What are you trying to prove? Jobs for who you ask? One boat has upwards of 500+ income positions it directly affects. Do you know how many positions exist in fiberglass manufacturing alone? Do you know how much fiberglass is used in some of these boats? I don't think you understand economy.
The final half of my first comment is to say, it's simply a matter of mindset that determines what you achieve. Please tell me where I am not using common sense?
Taking the boat, money, home, company and everything in divorce court.
Then she will happily romp on the next rich dick and the game starts all over. hahaha
If your brain would work, you wouldn't place such a comment.
20 Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish.
4612 3502 9598 3713
I WANT $1,000,000.00
Real poor people are not in a position to complain on the internet. Whilst western-companies do exploit the genuine poor-people such as in China, its not like the exploited workers had a better alternative; a shit job was better than no job.
cool stuff bro...
if u r rich and u own a boat or yacht then watch our video on 5 amazing island!!
But she aint messin with no broke guys
walmart only sells so much crap, whats a man supposed to do with the rest of the $800 million dollars
i actually meet this man years ago we had an ACZ office in town and he visited from time to time... he was just an avg joe, you wouldnt suspect he had a kangaroo put his pants on in the morning....haha Nah he really is a cool guy ... very driven, hard working and logs the time in.
I earn $49,000 a year here.. And my pay is normal. What country are you from?
Congrats to being able to live life the way you want to.
24 “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’
I can tell you with absolute certainty that when this guy dies he will be the same as everyone else that dies, and know nothing about it. In the meantime he is having a good time and good luck to him.
IR nr hz83390
wave comes along and broadsides the yacht? Nah.
Fucking for cash
to be honest he probably doesnt even care
$600,000 to charter for a week including staff.
52 x $600,000 = $31,200,000
In fact, he would only have to charter the boat for 12 weeks to cover his costs. Although, he probably only charters it for about 6 weeks of the year (I have no idea) but doesn't mind paying the remainder himself, as it is only a very small fraction of his wealth.
Even if he had $100m in the bank, the interest from that would pay for his boats maintenance.
I doubt he has it in the bank, it is likely privately invested. But my point still stands. It is nothing for a man this rich.
help me out please. will greatly appreciate it.
'Good' and 'Bad' are completely separate from 'Rich' and 'Poor' Start addressing the real problem. Corrupt unethical behavior full stop.
adres: sviden, gothenborg, poop, 66666, aschim
I love Al shaddai yes
i do I love el Shadai
how about you.
Princess Uasmeena Sharif
But what about guys like me, I work seventy hours per week min, lost everything in first business, including relationship.
Started over again,after paying off debt, did not claim bankruptcy. I now have one full time employee who has always gotten paid when I have not. Working huge hours to support a second shot. If i fail again i will lose everything for the second time.
If I succeed do I not deserve to be rich? I took all the risk, worked far harder then my employees who risked nothing. And they are happy with their pay and like working with me. They get weekends off, I don't, they have gone on vacation, I have not, etc etc.
Nobody is forced to buy my product, nobody is forced to work with me. And quite frankly nobody deserves the money as much. I am just starting to get ahead, and in ten years will likely be rich.
I have always been charitable and what people don't understand is you give away the fruit, not the tree. And if you spend a lifetime planting orchards, are you not entitled to the harvest?
This Oligarchy has control of the media, the schooling system, & is putting the final touches on the political. They have systematically turned our young into crying, selfish, & disgruntled spoiled little brats who think that a guy this rich made his money off the backs of others.
Yet these same young people can't even stop to think, that the vary thing they are denouncing are in fact the vary thing they should try to achieve. If there was more of them that really wanted change & they'd become billionaires {that's if they could think for themselves}, imagine what would be different.
They'd be investing their time & money to solve the problems they want the government to solve. More than likely they'd come to the conclusion that they would in fact do it cheaper & 110x better. There'd be clean energy, the poor would have decent schools, & be fed, & the governments would then look like the tyrants they are.
Why don't they think for themselves? Because they are to caught up in furthering the cause, trolling YT, & getting drunk off the excuse of being free of responsibility. They can't dream, because they were taught that dreamers were losers & self centered pigs. Maybe they need to be looking in the mirror & asking themselves why they can't?
Why is it that they can't comprehend "We the People" & what "Life Liberty. & the Pursuit of Happiness" means? Why are they for socialism? Why do they trust government so much?
This guy needs a lesson from Bill Gates
And I would not feel guilty for a second. A full crew, that is willing to fulfill my every whim ? In the most beautiful setting(s) on Earth ? Come on ..... stop kidding yourself.
Stop being jealous. He earned it, every penny.
With that kind of SCRATCH you'd be amazed how much BS you put up with.
It's called not giving a shit. Only poor people care about petty shit like 'love'.
ok, so you feel that without money or chemistry (and you said chemistry 'rarely happens') that its all the 'douches' who treat women badly, that get all the hot women? ok, go and continue with your extreme views. And see how many hot women you attract by acting like a dick
You are what you have.