Inside Donald Trump 's Crazy US$ 100,000,000 SuperYacht Trump Princess US presidential candidate Donald Trump used to own a large yacht named Trump Princes. She was built in 1980 for billionaire Adnan Kashoggi and was the largest yacht in the world at that time. The yacht featured as The Flying Saucer in the James Bond movie Never Say Never Again. Trump sold her in 1991. She is now named Kingdom 5KR and owned by Saudi billionaire Prince Al Waleed bin Talal

Inside Donald Trump 's Crazy US$ 100,000,000 SuperYacht Trump Princess sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

Yacht 9 years ago 125,318 views US presidential candidate Donald Trump used to own a large yacht named Trump Princes. She was built in 1980 for billionaire Adnan Kashoggi and was the largest yacht in the world at that time. The yacht featured as The Flying Saucer in the James Bond movie Never Say Never Again. Trump sold her in 1991. She is now named Kingdom 5KR and owned by Saudi billionaire Prince Al Waleed bin Talal

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Most popular comments
for Inside Donald Trump 's Crazy US$ 100,000,000 SuperYacht Trump Princess

Dean Bauer
Dean Bauer - 6 years ago
Trump lost this yacht due to one of his many bankruptcy’s. This pres. Select is fake rich living on numerous bank loans.
Ni Zain
Ni Zain - 7 years ago
I used to work on the yacht... So I know... 25 years ago. Already for the Saudi...
Ni Zain
Ni Zain - 7 years ago
Bullshit. This is the Nabila. Build by Kashogi. Than Trump had it. He had to sell it more than 25 years ago to El Alwaled, the Saudi prince which is now arrested. You can see it in the video. The back of the boat says Kingdom 5 kr... Not Trump. Propaganda....
Solange Trombini
Solange Trombini - 7 years ago
from my uncle apartment in Viareggio I actually saw this yacht being build, kashoggi was so demanding and such a stickler for deadlines that ended up bankrupting the company that built the vessel, sure.. now it looks outdated but back then was the most expensive and state of the art yacht ever built.
UNSC INFINITY - 7 years ago
Old as Pictures. Even older Yacht. ... That's supposed to be 100 Million? NOT. A. CHANCE. Just a simple You Tube search for "100 Million Dollar Yachts" will turn up loads of better looking ones than this junk.
Giuseppe Imbro
Giuseppe Imbro - 7 years ago
Now is Kingdom 5kr
Andreo Suro
Andreo Suro - 7 years ago
disco style
林国泰Lim Kok Thay
林国泰Lim Kok Thay - 7 years ago
Believe me it will capsize.
James Leran Earth is trolling its people
James Leran Earth is trolling its people - 7 years ago
im sure China will first
Garry Coster
Garry Coster - 8 years ago
What ??? Did you expect him to own a Row boat.............FFS

10. comment for Inside Donald Trump 's Crazy US$ 100,000,000 SuperYacht Trump Princess

John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
This has got to be way out of date, it showed his tv room the tv was still a tube type, really.
Thomas Donino
Thomas Donino - 7 years ago
He sold this boat many, many years ago and has never replaced it
Andreo Suro
Andreo Suro - 7 years ago
noone needs touchscreens and internet to be VERY happy...
Andreo Suro
Andreo Suro - 7 years ago
this yacht is a time machine... people just dress like theire at early 80-s, do some drugs and have fun in best times ever - 80-s...
Murielle Edmond
Murielle Edmond - 8 years ago
je préfère la voile !!!
Alex Shetty
Alex Shetty - 8 years ago
Ugly yacht
Em Kay
Em Kay - 8 years ago
You are cursing at me? You nutcases are so brave on the internet making uneducated comments. Are you angry at the world. Did your parents not give you enough attention?
RealmOfWonders - 8 years ago
I think I prefer Bill Gates's yaht.
wrecker4 - 7 years ago
bill gates has never owned any super yacht,, he rents a super yacht when he goes on holiday.
TheMrcooll - 8 years ago
RealmOfWonders - 8 years ago
+TheMrcooll That's still not answering my question. 
TheMrcooll - 8 years ago
RealmOfWonders - 8 years ago
TheMrcooll And you would know how?
TheMrcooll - 8 years ago
Rick James
Rick James - 8 years ago
White trash boat. Looked like something Elvis would own.
Noodle Media America
Noodle Media America - 7 years ago
the boat was build in the 80s and i think trump sold it a long time ago, of course it looks cheesy that was the style then.
Heidtman TV
Heidtman TV - 8 years ago
And you probably own a paddle boat
FloFly Berlin
FloFly Berlin - 8 years ago
flying saucer :)
jason d
jason d - 8 years ago
horrible looking yacht.
Dawson Draughn
Dawson Draughn - 7 years ago
you look horrible .you cant even afford a small boat cheap a**
Em Kay
Em Kay - 8 years ago
Gary Huber .....I can also have my opinion if I like. I express it without being hateful. Not sure why you got so offended at my comment about his yacht. I t makes no difference to you or me. I have been on yacths before and i just didnt like this one. Hope you had a good thanksgiving and didnt kiss your mom with that mouth!
Em Kay
Em Kay - 8 years ago
to set you up.....sorry for the typo sir
Em Kay
Em Kay - 8 years ago
Gary Huber .....actually I am not a homosexual. Were you looking to date one? I know some that may be interested in a date with you. They will be excited to hear this! Just give me your number and I will call them to you up.
Gary Huber
Gary Huber - 8 years ago
yep you are a faggot everyone else at work knows it too
jason d
jason d - 8 years ago
+Em Kay fucking smart ass fagot
jason d
jason d - 8 years ago
find out for yourself
Em Kay
Em Kay - 8 years ago
what does your yacht look like?
Ybbkaren NYC
Ybbkaren NYC - 8 years ago
The Trump Princess was sold (for less than Trump paid) in the early 90's to a Saudi Prince (Al-weed bin Talal). It was sold to pay back banks at a time Trump was financially stressed. The Saudi Prince still owns it.
Ni Zain
Ni Zain - 7 years ago
Good on you guys... I had enough of this constant bullshit...
SuperYachtFan - 8 years ago
Indeed, and she is now named Kingdom 5KR
Terry Burnett
Terry Burnett - 8 years ago
Trump owned this boat in the 80s he bought it from Adnan Kashogi when it was called Nabila. It is now called KingdomXKR and is owned by an arab.

20. comment for Inside Donald Trump 's Crazy US$ 100,000,000 SuperYacht Trump Princess

Krzysiu Rowerzysta
Krzysiu Rowerzysta - 8 years ago
Dat 80s pornish music
666MikeRochip - 8 years ago
lucky bastard
Joe Guzman
Joe Guzman - 8 years ago
American people had enough of all the bullshit coming from the media and the liberal garbage ,that's the only reason donald tromp is so popular ,whan people see the protesters jumping on police cars it made people want to get up from the comfort zone and go vote to a diffrent candidate that's saying what they been keeping inside for a long time.
plum - 8 years ago
Why did Trump sale the Trump Princess??
Johnathan Pendelberry
Johnathan Pendelberry - 9 years ago
In the James bond film "Nevere say never again" it was called the "Flying saucer" now it is called Kingdom 5KR
Jeffrey Lane
Jeffrey Lane - 9 years ago
ugly taste
Thomas Cianciola
Thomas Cianciola - 9 years ago
does every one see what this man is giving up .
Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker - 7 years ago
The ugliest yacht ive ever seen. Also hows he giving it up? Hes never in D.C.
The Spectre
The Spectre - 7 years ago
Donald Trump a man of sacrifice and duty to his country! He's not really giving up anything he's gained power money can't buy thanks to dipshits like you that voted from him. THANKS A LOT FUCK HEAD!!!
V12 screaming
V12 screaming - 7 years ago
Sparrow Dean A fun, non stressful life.
Sparrow Dean
Sparrow Dean - 8 years ago
Are you crazy, what is he giving up?
michael meyer
michael meyer - 9 years ago
if I'm right this yaught also starred in a James Bond film.
Sparrow Dean
Sparrow Dean - 8 years ago
He was forced to sell the yacht about 25 years ago during one of his bankruptcy phases, you people are crazy. Talk about out of touch, no wonder Trump can fool you all.
Arn Arn
Arn Arn - 9 years ago
+michael meyer  He should make it Yacht Force One and meet world leaders on it.

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