Inside Sunken Mega Yacht Yogi

Die 62.2 Meter lange Luxusyacht "MY Yogi" sank am Morgen des 17.2.2012 vor der griechischen Insel Skyros. Die Yacht wurde erst 2011 auf der türkischen Proteksan Turquoise Werft gebaut. Sie befand sich zu Garantiearbeiten in der Werft und war auf der Weiterreise nach Cannes . Als sie in stürmische See geraten war und es zu Wassereinbruch kam, konnte nur noch die Crew gerettet werden, die Yacht sank mit dem Heck zuerst ins Meer.

Inside Sunken Mega Yacht Yogi sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Yacht 12 years ago 133,982 views

Die 62.2 Meter lange Luxusyacht "MY Yogi" sank am Morgen des 17.2.2012 vor der griechischen Insel Skyros. Die Yacht wurde erst 2011 auf der türkischen Proteksan Turquoise Werft gebaut. Sie befand sich zu Garantiearbeiten in der Werft und war auf der Weiterreise nach Cannes . Als sie in stürmische See geraten war und es zu Wassereinbruch kam, konnte nur noch die Crew gerettet werden, die Yacht sank mit dem Heck zuerst ins Meer.

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Most popular comments
for Inside Sunken Mega Yacht Yogi

RMund Mambo
RMund Mambo - 6 years ago
I wanted to see it sunk.
Capt Larry -
Capt Larry - - 7 years ago
No crabs here.
J H - 7 years ago
bye Felicia, lol
Louie Watson
Louie Watson - 8 years ago
i can only imagine how pissed off the insurance company was having to pay out for that.
sometimesgood - 8 years ago
240p? Seriously?
Hershel Saylor
Hershel Saylor - 8 years ago
it didnt show anything about sinking
Super Gaming
Super Gaming - 8 years ago
Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Nice video, thumbs up. Cheers from sunny Nelsons DockYard Marina, Antigua in the Caribbean.
cunardliner32 - 8 years ago
:D thx
Nathan Dean
Nathan Dean - 9 years ago
lies it didnt sink at all.
BirdPerson - 8 years ago
She did sink this is a video showing what she look like when she was afloat.

10. comment for Inside Sunken Mega Yacht Yogi

larzDJ smith
larzDJ smith - 9 years ago
I don't know if it's the camera angle or not ... but Yogi seems quite tall for its beam. Also, if you view the vid of the sinking, not much of a hull below the waterline and no significant keel on center. I am NOT a designer, but it seems a very shallow hull for a yacht this tall.
BirdPerson - 8 years ago
Like when you look at the video of it sinking is heavy on one side. Telling you it tip and took on water. And you can see it hit heavy water and lean to much on one side then took water. But in all term don't feel bad for the owner he can buy 4 more if he wants. Lol
BirdPerson - 8 years ago
Ship like this are designed to not sway. Compare to cargo ship and fishing ship. They make it top heavy like cruise liner. But they can tip in high water.
stjohn727 - 9 years ago
this yacht lacked class or any form of style...bland looking aft to stern....cold....blah
TheDodgeboi - 9 years ago
+stjohn727 Is everyone color blind? ...brown tan ecru off white. Needs some primary colors.
TheRchelicopter - 9 years ago
Has the boat been salvaged?
cunardliner32 - 9 years ago
i don't know. maybe if it is sunk in a protected area
diogo magalhaes
diogo magalhaes - 9 years ago
+cunardliner32 but what matters his the dephs were she sunk if shes totally submerged probably it wont be so easy to raise
And it would worth the money?
cunardliner32 - 9 years ago
the depht might be a problem. But even costa concordia has been salvaged, and this yacht is not more than 10% of its size
diogo magalhaes
diogo magalhaes - 9 years ago
+cunardliner32 no they cannot salvage a giant yatch like yogi at the dephs were she is now
cunardliner32 - 9 years ago
+TheRchelicopter As far as I know, not yet. You have to google
cornskid - 10 years ago
I've never understood the appeal of stern doors. If I owned a yacht it would be a steel hull with double stuffing boxes for the shaft and as few through hull fittings as possible. I mean just look at some of the videos of the ocean on a bad day and ask yourself if a stern door makes any sense.
Stir Fry
Stir Fry - 10 years ago
An article in a boating magazine stated that the stern door seal had been replaced merely to change its color and the stern door de-installed then re-installed to refit swim ladder chests. It also underwent warranty work after crew complaints of instability at sea and that it had a higher center of gravity than its counterparts. The three aft compartments were the ones that flooded no surprise. I think one can see this high center of gravity in how high she sits( to create more upper cabin space) so retrofitting the stern door areas for aesthetics sake probably wasn't the best idea.
AKULA - 10 years ago
all your videos are very good
macy cooper
macy cooper - 10 years ago
As soon as I win the lottery ima get me one of them
lee5537 - 10 years ago
The fish now swim in the lap of luxury.
Dinah Marcinko
Dinah Marcinko - 7 years ago
lee5537 I
John Fisher
John Fisher - 10 years ago
Always thought that the Costa Concordia was insurance fraud too, what captain with any modicum of safety and wider knowledge, place his vessel too near a well known trouble spot. A captain at the helm of a new yacht whose owner now cannot function at his preferred financial optimum, and so it falls to his chosen captain too arrange rescue from his troublesome woes at a "secure environment" i.e. a risky action at night at or near a known trouble spot(seeing any transparency yet). Night to hide his transgressions and Near to afford easy removal of any risk of injury. Very bad decisions were made that night. A captain made his escape from a vessel in distress, HIS vessel. No real captain would ever have done such an act of betrayal of his patrons and crew. I question his validity and I want his boss in jail for good measure. There is absolutely NO question about it, IT  WAS INSURANCE FRAUD. Yet I believe Mr Schettino  will not see jail time at all. Scandalous.
cunardliner32 - 10 years ago
Of couse Concordia was not an insurance fraud, because the company cashed approximately 500,000,000$ but lost a ship that was worth the same amount of money and now add the costs for salvage ( 700,000,000$) and the compensation cost for the passengers and another 90,000,000 per year, that the Concordia would have generated. But the biggest loss is of course because of the damaged image for Costa.
tiger wood
tiger wood - 11 years ago
insurance fraud
Castaway - 11 years ago
+MrRobarino No, the owner owned 240 Million and was ordered to pay by the courts or face jail time.  His insurance pay out was aprox 240 Million on Yogi, he hired a specialty trained captain and crew to commit insurance fraud.    As far as I know it's still being investigated.  
MrRobarino - 11 years ago
No, bad weather,  mechanical failure, and a badly trained crew sunk the ship .  The video of the ship sinking is also available on youtube if you're curious.  Filmed by the rescuer team shortly before the yacht slipped underwater.

20. comment for Inside Sunken Mega Yacht Yogi

cunardliner32 - 11 years ago
February 2012 the "Yogi" hit a rock near the greek island Skyros. Fortunately there were no dead or injured , but Yogi sank completely. The real reason of sinking is not known yet, but probably water came through the windows of the lowest deck.
Francisco Carrillo
Francisco Carrillo - 11 years ago
How did the yacht sink?
MrCbass1234 - 11 years ago
get rid insurance, maybe mishaps would not happen. And keep the world green.
J. Mucka Fignotti
J. Mucka Fignotti - 11 years ago
Hit a rock????? Who the fuck are you trying to kld?!?!?!? This yacht was scuttled by an owner who was in debt up to his eyeballs. There wasn't a hittable rock within 10 leagues!
Phil D
Phil D - 11 years ago
Nein, so viel ich weiss, ist an der Motorauspuffdichtung etwas gebrochen und Wasser kam dort und später bei Schieflage durch die schlecht gedichtete Garagentür herein und füllte das Heck auf.
vicarioustube - 11 years ago
Super "CHIC" must say prefer the lightness to all to many yachts with dark finishes.
cunardliner32 - 11 years ago
Perhaps Yogi had a steel hull, but this didn`t prevent the sinking. "MSC Rena", a container ship wich sunk last year off the coast of New Zealand, did also have a double hull. So a steel double hull doesn`t automatically mean a ship is unsinkable (remember: Titanic!)
clobbyhops - 11 years ago
Didn't this yacht have a steel hull? double hull
crimsonpride48 - 11 years ago
What a loss, probably to deep to salvage the Azzam , eclipse and Dubai are unbelievable Yachts privately owned cruise ships lol but my favorite because of the lines of the ship and practical use would be the Pelorus love that ship.
cunardliner32 - 11 years ago
February 2012 the "Yogi" hit a rock near the greek island Skyros. Fortunately there were no dead or injured , but Yogi sank completely. The real reason of sinking is not known yet, but probably water came through the windows of the lowest deck.

30. comment for Inside Sunken Mega Yacht Yogi

crimsonpride48 - 11 years ago
How did it sink? What happened?
Christian Angelo Nilsén
Christian Angelo Nilsén - 11 years ago
Low ceiling! For that amount of cash I would like to see at least 4m! :)
Puzzoozoo - 11 years ago
Sad yes, but she's now providing a safe home and heaven of in-numeral maritime life forms, so she didn't really die.
Augie Romero
Augie Romero - 11 years ago
that is a question for the people who collected the insurance money.
cunardliner32 - 11 years ago
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ,aber ich glaube die Yogi ist auf einen Felsen aufgelaufen und darauf gesunken
leon0E0TK - 11 years ago
kennt man mitlerweile den grund für das sinken
kim lolo
kim lolo - 12 years ago
why did this beautiful boat sink? it`s so sad

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