New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

The 150-foot vessel from Palmer Johnson Yachts is made from carbon composite material.

New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay sentiment_very_dissatisfied 525

Yacht 10 years ago 4,392,105 views

The 150-foot vessel from Palmer Johnson Yachts is made from carbon composite material.

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Most popular comments
for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

John boy C
John boy C - 7 years ago
I don't see any cars on water do you guys?
Beno Zakrajšek
Beno Zakrajšek - 7 years ago
Damn gotta get one of this!!!
Master of Sales
Master of Sales - 7 years ago
Send this to the women's equality idiots...
whippedupwire bw
whippedupwire bw - 7 years ago
Looks like a military boat
The Nordic
The Nordic - 7 years ago
I christen it "The Gaudy Saudi Czech Whore Express"
RoVidz Animations
RoVidz Animations - 7 years ago
Looks like a war ship
T C - 7 years ago
Thank you for leave the money on the table and go....
hyou zan ren
hyou zan ren - 7 years ago
Looks like its can transforms! (New faction the Autoyacht?)
atomicones - 7 years ago
Iwish ihad that at 18years old. Sad the owners probably old

10. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

Richard Myhan
Richard Myhan - 7 years ago
Some people just have too much money!
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Not impressed
Tom - 7 years ago
was there any Americans involved with this...they all sound foreign......the boat is ridiculous.
Scott H
Scott H - 7 years ago
36 miles an hour and it said how are they going to run away from Pirates are they going to run away from the Somali people that are trying to make a living by stealing from others
Great Cornholio
Great Cornholio - 7 years ago
give these people a tax-cut immediately !, they have such a hard life,...

the general public will pay for it,. they dont need healthcare anyway,...
Darryl Bass
Darryl Bass - 7 years ago
150 feet and just 12 passengers = lots of wasted space.
ประทีป อนุมาตย์
ประทีป อนุมาตย์ - 7 years ago
Captain Brian Conner
Captain Brian Conner - 7 years ago
albert pike
albert pike - 7 years ago
fips assmussen
fips assmussen - 7 years ago
give it that in black ? ^^

20. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

ObsessionPC - 7 years ago
I am going on a cruise on my Johnson...sounds right.
Isak Johansson
Isak Johansson - 7 years ago
Probably the best yacht i've seen
nexxneo - 7 years ago
Izjhertlih! Mine! Моя!
Andrey Dyachenko
Andrey Dyachenko - 7 years ago
A T Morgan
A T Morgan - 7 years ago
That thing looks like something Trump would buy, even painted gold so it looks cool. Barf
MSA 454
MSA 454 - 7 years ago
Hmm, a carbon fiber yacht. That must triple the cost.
Dean Freakin Ambrose
Dean Freakin Ambrose - 7 years ago
Nick Elliot
Nick Elliot - 7 years ago
Guy fishing didn't give a fuck
Love Life
Love Life - 7 years ago
what a waste of money
roblox84 - 7 years ago
Nothing like building yachts that you will never afford yourself

30. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

Troll Boss
Troll Boss - 7 years ago
Beautiful ship.
kjetil skjørestad
kjetil skjørestad - 7 years ago
Great boat. Must be a genious that designed and made that.
WHAT WABBIT HO - 7 years ago
Vin Diesel Will have a ball with that toy!
pdoggy10inch - 7 years ago
i have one just like this on order.....will get it 2nd quarter of dad is very very wealthy......i am so lucky....
Justin Carriere
Justin Carriere - 7 years ago
lmao u are a dip shit
Bryant Baugh
Bryant Baugh - 7 years ago
It seems like they tried to make it cool looking to much
MrG0TH1ER - 7 years ago
Money doesn't buy you taste. This boat looks like shit.
Ritonite - 7 years ago
Ugly look at a plastic toys and the color is realy bad
martexmsi - 7 years ago
posternaut - 7 years ago
SonyStory - 7 years ago
Elite enjoy the Yacht and slave Enjoy working,
Thank you for creating job for us Elite,
Carmine Stokes
Carmine Stokes - 7 years ago
2 many haters ,this bitch is fucking sick...
Fern Cha
Fern Cha - 7 years ago
I'd mount a few 50cals and go hunting for poachers
Washable Junk
Washable Junk - 7 years ago
Looks like it should have missiles
fordge mustang
fordge mustang - 7 years ago
All that money for 36 mph what a rip off .
Terry Harris
Terry Harris - 7 years ago
going to the Med. of course.
TheIrfanxz44 - 7 years ago
Why do people need this
If I had this money I would build houses for poor kids instead
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
If I saw that in real life i would pass out
Me_2 - 7 years ago
ugly as fuck... horrible
XxLoveItxX —
XxLoveItxX — - 7 years ago
Dude can I have one of those?
NowhereNate - 7 years ago
Only room for 12 hahah too bad the guy probabaly doesnt have any friends to bring with.

50. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

Do Bo
Do Bo - 7 years ago
I dont like the color but the yacht is really nice looking and cool looking. It would look aamzing in gun metal or carbon fiber color
TechNick - 7 years ago
I have one. Its alright I guess.
Southeast Productions
Southeast Productions - 7 years ago
I think it looks pretty cool. Just needs a new paint job...
Limit - 7 years ago
"super sport"
Fowl Outdoors
Fowl Outdoors - 7 years ago
OverclockedBrain - 7 years ago
I bet that's a transformer.
ZU LU - 7 years ago
money cant buy taste....beautiful yacht, super ugly color
SaucyD - 7 years ago
So GTA V has way overpriced cars, but way underpriced yachts?
Sandeep Shetty
Sandeep Shetty - 7 years ago
Lamborghini is going to sue these guys for stealing their design
nonna pina 2.0
nonna pina 2.0 - 7 years ago
I have one!!!
maarten c de groot
maarten c de groot - 7 years ago
how much feul u need for a week omg o lol
Andrew Hdndn
Andrew Hdndn - 7 years ago
It's like something that u would see in gta. But tbh that yacht is bad ass
diver dave
diver dave - 7 years ago
WOW that is UGLY as all HELL
5th Avenue Yachts
5th Avenue Yachts - 7 years ago
Beautiful yachts...
In The Name Of Gaming Studios
In The Name Of Gaming Studios - 7 years ago
Star Wars called, they want their spaceship back.
Geoff Longford
Geoff Longford - 7 years ago
S Lit
S Lit - 7 years ago
What a ugly fucker.
iJaycy - 7 years ago
When can I download this dlc map?
Definitely Original
Definitely Original - 7 years ago
"Room for 12 passengers"

My dads g25 fits over 20
Chris Mover
Chris Mover - 7 years ago
Part war machine part turd
juju lapislazuli
juju lapislazuli - 7 years ago
Joseph Parrish
Joseph Parrish - 7 years ago
Let's waste more of the earths recourses and energy on building assholes boats... Great idea.
Allen Fogarty
Allen Fogarty - 7 years ago
I hope I can find the money to repair my 1995 pickup one more time. Sigh ...
De Film Fabriek
De Film Fabriek - 7 years ago
Al the openings.....
­ ­
­ ­ - 7 years ago
people dont have a taste in the comments , that looks sick! the colors just amazing
R. V. G.
R. V. G. - 7 years ago
that looks like a race car
Josh E
Josh E - 7 years ago
That was my yacht. I returned after my 30 day free trial.
Matthew Kratz
Matthew Kratz - 7 years ago
i would buy one if i had 10 million dollars
ndgo - 7 years ago
i thought speed was all about drag and very little about weight. no that's not possible i cant be smarter than a yacht builder.
RagebrosINC - 7 years ago
that guy fishing and not giving a fuck. badass. lol.
james mackay
james mackay - 7 years ago
That junk doesn't belong in sturgeon bay, they should have paramaters about what kind of boats are allowed in the lake
Mac the Main
Mac the Main - 7 years ago
I think you assholes are hating to much it looks good in my opinion
Ken H
Ken H - 7 years ago
why do all yacht and boat owners look like they are in some evil business?
volvo245 - 7 years ago
Rule of thumb in Yacht ownership: Prepare to spend purchasing price worth on running costs every 2 years. Keeping a yacht on stand-by readiness exclusively for the owner really separates the truly rich from the upstarts.
Nasty Nate
Nasty Nate - 7 years ago
how crazy is it that an aircraft carrier can go much faster
Keith Sage
Keith Sage - 7 years ago
That's all sex on water,
wealthy black man
wealthy black man - 7 years ago
Bloody good job lad!! You built a bloody worthless floating transformer!!
meekeedutska - 7 years ago
very nice! one day I will own one two
hippie tie-dye
hippie tie-dye - 7 years ago
A slow-moving escort guided ,wrong it's being towed by a tugboat. Newscasters can't tell the truth even when it's staring them in the face
Jim Bronaugh
Jim Bronaugh - 7 years ago
Wow. In the US having to take an apologetic tone for being successful. I'l betl those greedy fuckers eat everyday also. How dare they eat every day and I'll bet their children live indoors. Disgusting.
LondonSpade - 7 years ago
How will it get from the US to Europe? I think it must have a range of about 1000 miles? Interesting
Vynleinn Music
Vynleinn Music - 7 years ago
huge plastic implant
Barta Bhaus
Barta Bhaus - 7 years ago
Arabs.will be all over this.
Just gimme my $200
Just gimme my $200 - 7 years ago
That thing better be combat capable with such a badass design.
Tobi Kluijver
Tobi Kluijver - 8 years ago
the ship is called the kalahari
Forbes Hutton
Forbes Hutton - 8 years ago
It's ugly. And 32 knots is not very impressive.
Bima Oriza Safitra
Bima Oriza Safitra - 8 years ago
looks like my yatch for sure. they both are very similar.
C6DRIVES - 8 years ago
fuck the poor
Ricardo Don Quixote
Ricardo Don Quixote - 8 years ago
Subscribe to my channel for no reason.
duradim1 - 8 years ago
A lot of money for a lot of ugly.

100. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay

Peter Petras
Peter Petras - 8 years ago
Why are they towing it? Break down already?
Ruben - 8 years ago
It's a new vessel they want to keep the engine hours low. Every ship builder does this, they tow it out for sea trials start it up do checks and then town it back.
BIG r - 8 years ago
I'd trade-in my 92 corolla for that yacht.
Countryboy2206 - 8 years ago
That's badass
Sailing Nations UG
Sailing Nations UG - 8 years ago
great video editing, looking forward to see more
neil maccannell
neil maccannell - 8 years ago
judging by the bow shape a good forward wave would rip it apart what are all the odd contours for? reminds me of an 88 lambo countache
juan6810 - 8 years ago
Ugly as fuck!
Pretty sure it belongs to some A-rab now
BMHD - 8 years ago
What's the name of the yatcht?
richbrutus - 8 years ago
Stop frightning the fish.
Adriano Araujo
Adriano Araujo - 8 years ago
acho que vou comprar uma dessas pra mim.

gostei da cor.
Christopher Le
Christopher Le - 8 years ago
That is the most beautiful yacht in the world.
Andrew B
Andrew B - 8 years ago
to bad Palmer Johnson moved to Europe. They do build fantastic ships
Alistair Kendall
Alistair Kendall - 8 years ago
What the fuck have Americans done with the English language,
this commentator saying yacht in an awful screech voice. And the video was about
MartiniGasolini - 8 years ago
Looks like a giant gold toilet.
Blitherer Masterman
Blitherer Masterman - 8 years ago
Looks like an ordinary gin palace with some weird flaps sticking off of it. I think I'd rather have a wave piercing hull and leave the tons of comfort junk on shore.
ibrahim gündoğdu
ibrahim gündoğdu - 8 years ago
Yen'i sipariş vermiştim hala yolunu gözlüyorum gelirse bineceğim
Night Shade
Night Shade - 8 years ago
lol " mediterrainian sea' some rich oil vendor just got him self a new toy obviously.. 600*30k is like 16-18m + in worker wages alone.. and thats being modest
captain catastrophe
captain catastrophe - 8 years ago
Whatever happened to good taste?
lesabre1972 - 8 years ago
Lbolting005 - 8 years ago
That's my boat, everyone, yes, I own that boat.
usausb - 8 years ago
Nice CTV
Doug Funny
Doug Funny - 8 years ago
That's so ugly just like my face lol
Josh Khalepari
Josh Khalepari - 7 years ago
can i shït on your face?
bob bobo
bob bobo - 8 years ago
Millions of dollars and no place for bikini babes to lay on the foredeck..super fail
mazlum - 7 years ago
Phil Reilly this comment made my day thnx
Phil Reilly
Phil Reilly - 7 years ago
They can lay on my face
Joe Black
Joe Black - 8 years ago
i counted 3 decks faggot
bob bobo
bob bobo - 8 years ago
+Daniel Curtis
 They will slide off the deck tho..
Daniel Curtis
Daniel Curtis - 8 years ago
@2:07 Looks like plenty of room to me.
REK LESS 187 - 8 years ago
The construction of this vessel would of been great to be involved in.
ghayath2011 - 8 years ago
show us the fuckin yacht from inside
Ruben - 8 years ago
Most owners never allow filming of the inside.
charliepapa - 8 years ago
catered for arabs. confirmed!
Mark Monroe
Mark Monroe - 8 years ago
Kandy Apple
Kandy Apple - 8 years ago
The colour look like the contents of a nappy. That sure is one ugly design.
Craig - 8 years ago
Someone named Mohamed bought the company some dozen years ago and now its doors are closed 1 year after this aired.
NRG Energy
NRG Energy - 8 years ago
Must have been made for Yusuf Amir :D
SpaceCookie69 - 8 years ago
i hope it sinks
V Power
V Power - 8 years ago
The design is nice but the color not so much. Gold looks crap on any vehicle, especially cars and boats. Gunmetal grey or black would have been awesome
V Power
V Power - 8 years ago
+listen to my mixtape its fire looking at it that way you're probably right, i'm no boat expert. But i always hated those Arab gold supercars
listen to my mixtape its fire
listen to my mixtape its fire - 8 years ago
Having gunmetal or black won't help with the shadows and contrast. The gold is better because due to the architecture, the shadows can be seen throughout the geometry of the yacht.
MastaX - 8 years ago
If this doesnt say "hey im a really rich asshole, look at me" then i dont know what does.
Moe Antaki
Moe Antaki - 7 years ago
Orppranator - 7 years ago
MastaX get two of em
MrPCT007 - 7 years ago
He just employed quite q few people for a few years.
King Melon
King Melon - 7 years ago
I can't 100% back-up this claim but the majority of people in wealth give tons of money to charity. Some people just have that 1 thing they love and really want. If I had the money this would absolutely be one of my first (and maybe only) big ticket purchases.
Casey Robison
Casey Robison - 7 years ago
Theodoяe Kяap would you even need the 1 million dollar boat?
Theodoяe Kяap
Theodoяe Kяap - 7 years ago
I wouldn't. I'd rather help people in need than buy a $60M+ boat that does the same job as a $1M boat.
Marc Hauser
Marc Hauser - 8 years ago
You're a berntard aren't you? People always jealous of those more successful than them.
Elliott Alameda
Elliott Alameda - 8 years ago
You must be a hillary supporter.
Elddir - 8 years ago
Rich, sure. Why an asshole though? You wouldn't buy anything like this if you could afford it?
IVAO04ify - 8 years ago
A bigger boat? With more amenities? That would do it.
OldSport - 8 years ago
Probably built for some Saudi prince or some shit.
mark schembri
mark schembri - 8 years ago
mark schembri
mark schembri - 8 years ago
il-flus mhux kollox
RealSonY85 - 8 years ago
William Glen
William Glen - 8 years ago
looks like something a 13 year old would draw. No class at all.
Adventures in Louis Land
Adventures in Louis Land - 8 years ago
I think the boat looks cool, but they should have done the whole thing either in black and white or just black. Matte black. Or, maybe bright yellow like a lamborghini, but not the desert green! Yuk!
giantss2007 - 8 years ago
12 passengers--- get your money back
Ruben - 8 years ago
That's pretty standard for a vessel this size. It can also hold a sizable crew and water toys.
Jason T
Jason T - 8 years ago
Millennium Super Yachts has a 140' that will do every bit of 65 knots.
ffjsb - 8 years ago
"...spending a lot of money was a bad thing."

Spending a lot of money on that ugly boat is a bad thing....
4LifeGamer - 8 years ago
ffjsb I mean it kinda looks cool but id rather buy a plane and get a pilots license
sirspikey - 8 years ago
Wow cool!
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
This Yacht, with all its speedy looks can only go 2 knots faster than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier.
G8GTJav - 8 years ago
Well, they did call it a "super sport" and said it was built for speed. Looks like all-show, no-go to me.
GlintTheStrong - 8 years ago
+Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch Yes, that is what I meant.

Never said it was fast. The weight of the ship was taken off the hull, but that doesn't mean the weight isn't moved elsewhere.

There are faster ships, sure, no argument there.
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
+GlintTheStrong Population system? Did you mean propulsion? To be fair. Google the Yacht: The world is not enough. 70 KNOTS. Alamshar: 70 Knots. Foners: 68 knots. GALEOCERDO: 60 KNOTS Gentry Eagle: 64 Knots. Why Knot: 55 knots... COMPARED. So... I'm going to say it again:
This Yacht, with all its speedy looks can only go 2 knots faster than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier.
GlintTheStrong - 8 years ago
To be fair. proportionally, the carrier power plant and population system is massive. compared.
Harpo Marx
Harpo Marx - 8 years ago
B U T T ~ U G L Y
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
I agree.
Kevin Olson
Kevin Olson - 8 years ago
Very ugly
Nunya Biznis
Nunya Biznis - 8 years ago
oooooooo 36mph for 10 million dollars ! that almost makes me Horny !
barry dingle
barry dingle - 8 years ago
its 48 million. did you just cum?
SickKnowledge82 - 8 years ago
Of course some dumb ass rich boy is in line everywhere. Honestly I love it, wish I had it XD. I'll take a chance with a wave breaker hull though. There are many out there, this is luxury to the max. If you wanna survive we gotta talk a different hull. I bet this company could build it tho.
dirtTdude - 8 years ago
Nice but does it have diazapods? How big are the thrusters? what's the beam? what's the draft?  what is it powered by?  how big are the engines?  what kind and how many generators?  what's the fuel capacity? whats the fresh water capacity?  what is the vessels maximum range?   What other colors does it come in?   How do you access and tie fenders from inside the boat?
James Bond
James Bond - 8 years ago
CopterPilot801 - 8 years ago
BEAUTIFUL! Sleek...nice lines.

Innovative design, state of the art.

FAR better than the same ol' usual bathtub hull looking yachts out there.
Lehmann Peters
Lehmann Peters - 8 years ago
What a hideous looking boat!
Mean Gyrene76
Mean Gyrene76 - 8 years ago
Valentina is a pretty hot yacht builder...
Joe - 8 years ago
Could have made it 100' longer for that much money with conventional materials. Plus a longer boat would easily hit 30 knots.
Peter Davies
Peter Davies - 8 years ago
a very ugly yacht
4SHO421 - 8 years ago
The Romulans called. They want their Warbird back.
razorbackblood06 - 7 years ago
Best comment.
The ship definitely looks like it was inspired by a Romulan design.
I'd buy it, but I would prefer something more like a Vulcan design.
jamal barria
jamal barria - 7 years ago
4SHO421 I
Bosingr - 8 years ago
I don't know, I think it's Klingon. And I'm wishing it had remained cloaked, because it's really ugly.
damian fugate
damian fugate - 8 years ago
funniest shit ever
marjamada - 8 years ago
Ugly monster waste of money. When our economy goes down, that pricey tub will be sitting for lack of fuel, probably converted to a migrant refugee camp. Yacht turned houseboat. Yawn.
Maloy7800 - 8 years ago
Quite possibly the ugliest yacht and definitely the ugliest yacht color I've ever seen. What was the inspiration? The turds in the Monaco marina?
King - 8 years ago
c'mon gta hook us up
SPB2727 aviation
SPB2727 aviation - 8 years ago
Lamborghini yacht
andyvh1959 - 8 years ago
Too bad Palmer Johnson no longer exists. All operations at Palmer Johnson closed permanently just last year.
Mpho Mathelele
Mpho Mathelele - 8 years ago
It's a bit ugly
David Johnson
David Johnson - 8 years ago
We could feed, sloth, house a lot of people for that kind of money...Billionaire crack heads...Gotta love 'em!
xz Heroic xz
xz Heroic xz - 8 years ago
Looks like a LaFerrari
galiathen - 8 years ago
that ticker was so depressing
jrregan - 8 years ago
Nothing like the color puke on my 20 million dollar yacht.
ประทีป อนุมาตย์
ประทีป อนุมาตย์ - 7 years ago
Troll Boss
Troll Boss - 7 years ago
It looks very modern military, but generally white is a nicer color for a yacht.
John Samyn
John Samyn - 7 years ago
its like brushed gold
Wagacca - 7 years ago
Oh shit waddup! I also would like to clarify I don't actually have anything against jews, I just can't stand your pompous ass. But feel free to stay the way you are.
Education 24hrs
Education 24hrs - 7 years ago
Wagacca Your just cursed yourself and your family.
Wagacca - 7 years ago
Education 24hrs well you will always be a filthy jew to us ❤️
Wildwood Wanderer
Wildwood Wanderer - 7 years ago
Education 24hrs ew wtf
Education 24hrs
Education 24hrs - 7 years ago
jrregan Jealosy gets you NOTHING. You will never have a boat like that or any material possession worth its value. Stay the way you are.
Jim Ronsivalli
Jim Ronsivalli - 7 years ago
I'll take any color besides, it caught your eye.
Rusty Shakelford
Rusty Shakelford - 8 years ago
jrregan more like 250 million
CSOCSO - 8 years ago
i have seen the boat in person. the video has a shit color. its the same gold as my car. looks freaking awesome
Zach - 8 years ago
it looks like you're jealous
Tokahontas - 8 years ago
looks gold to me bud
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
You puke gold?
dirtTdude - 8 years ago
the color is not called "puke"  That's offensive!   Its called 'Matte Puke'  but it looks more like off puke up close.
K K - 8 years ago
looks more like baby diherrea
Mayor Ushanka
Mayor Ushanka - 8 years ago
ugly tbh
Jennifer Fall
Jennifer Fall - 8 years ago
Антон Журавлев
Антон Журавлев - 8 years ago
Jackle61 - 8 years ago
More contracts and more workers? Then a year later they shut down the entire operation and closed the doors. Hmm.
Mike Hershey
Mike Hershey - 8 years ago
They moved to Europe
Richard Rose
Richard Rose - 8 years ago
ingalls did the same thing after we built the ddg 1000
Amine Bgb
Amine Bgb - 8 years ago
betfol dezane
Tom Claridge
Tom Claridge - 8 years ago
The substitute for the johnson you wished you had!
yojamesle - 8 years ago
currently posting this from inside the yacht. WOOOO
Big O Donuts
Big O Donuts - 8 years ago
Typical Fox news scroll...i now need to go buy
Machine Guns and a Tank to protect myself
from freedom haters.
KiloByte - 8 years ago
Many of the yacht buyers are foreigners, idiot.
Fritz Ezume
Fritz Ezume - 8 years ago
www.jaclue teyloeur joseph
Michael Blackbird
Michael Blackbird - 8 years ago
Looks like it could outrun some pirate ships.
Rico Baca
Rico Baca - 8 years ago
we don't care about the economy, just show the friggin yacht
James Postle
James Postle - 8 years ago
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ebit Lagger
Ebit Lagger - 7 years ago
James Postle Lambo build a yacht
Phil Osophical
Phil Osophical - 7 years ago
James Postle dont you mean ???????????????
Christopher Le
Christopher Le - 8 years ago
ikr !)
3DPeter - 8 years ago
it's a cool design that is waaaaay different than conventional old school yachts.
Oh Sangwoo
Oh Sangwoo - 8 years ago
miles - 8 years ago
Arny Palm anyone?
Oh Sangwoo
Oh Sangwoo - 8 years ago
that is a Palmer Johnson
Mulga Man
Mulga Man - 8 years ago
make it out of anything if something goes wrong it will sink the same as any other boat in Davy Jones locker.
Dimitri Moskvin
Dimitri Moskvin - 8 years ago
Is it realy your Design Mr. March? But your copy is not bad.
rocker4579 - 8 years ago
Dezz bitches made a video about my yacht....helll yaaa
rocker4579 - 8 years ago
I'm just fucking with you stupid idiot
Build it
Build it - 8 years ago
ha,ya exactly, good luck bud good luck
rocker4579 - 8 years ago
+seabazz24 who you tryin to fool, I'll buy yo mamas house right now CASHHHH
Build it
Build it - 8 years ago
anyone who talks like you clearly can't even afford a row boat let alone a yacht !
Russian Homie
Russian Homie - 8 years ago
Putin yachts ? BBC ?
Peter Mullen
Peter Mullen - 8 years ago
I love to see ship builders / workers make money, and I love technology. However; anyone who builds a boat like that is a criminal, you can be sure of that. They'll have hundreds of millions of tax evasion dollars stashed all over the world, and a cartel that's fixing prices, using slave labor, raping the environment, or selling weapons to wackos to start another war, or plan a terrorist attack. Some young Marine still wet behind the ears is going to have to fight while this piece of shit is fucking his whores in Monaco. I say fuck him, confiscate his money put him in jail, and turn the boat over to scientists to study the ocean. Do something good for the world instead of being a fucking disgusting selfish self centered "PIG"
David Awesome
David Awesome - 8 years ago
+Peter Mullen Woah that escalated quickly. :)
But totally agree with your previous comment.
Mackiiboi - 8 years ago
+Peter Mullen Fucking retarded communist
Peter Mullen
Peter Mullen - 8 years ago
All i'm saying is this. We / all of us, you and me, and 7,000,000,000,000 other people, can't all have giant yachts, and penthouses, jet airplanes, giant mansions, it just impossible. The resources will be completely wiped out. I'm saying the human race will not survive another 50 years, certainly another 100, or more years of what we are doing to this planet. That is agreed upon by every sensible responsible sane scientist, and scholar around the world. Yet the criminal politicians, continue to allow this kind of debauchery to continue. It's a sacrifice we all have to make, "together", in order to keep from poisoning, strangling, and murdering each other, and before we are under water without a drop to drink. It's coming whether people want to believe it or not. We may not be able to prevent the very end, but we can certainly, try, or at least, slow it down. The old saying in baseball is "you miss every pitch you don't swing at". Defeatist attitudes "always" loose.
XIPHIASCDXX - 8 years ago
+Peter Mullen
The ship-builders built it, do you mean the rich fuck that bought it?
I think it's odd that someone with a UK accent is building luxury yachts in Wisconsin.
Peter Mullen
Peter Mullen - 8 years ago
+Mario Skenderi
 Nothing Robin Hood about it. Try, and imagine yourself living in some filthy shit hole slum in Mumbai, and this piece of shit comes bombing over your (cardboard shack / plastic recycling business), in the middle of the sewer for 12 million people who shit in your front porch, or your living room for that matter. You'll think it's raining, but it's Mukesh Ambani pissing on you from the door of his $20,000,000 helicopter. I'm no stranger to history, and not in a fantasy land about human behavior. I'm merely stating that like two titans on a circular shoot out with hair trigger pistols at arms length, we need to find a way to deal with problems, and with each other, because nature is about to cut our balls off, and remove our heads, whether people believe it or not that's the pure scientific reality.
Mario Schick
Mario Schick - 8 years ago
robin hood here you are !
ontariohvac - 8 years ago
The designer is either a fruitcake or one sly dog. Or both. He had some gall appearing in public and admitting to it. Just look at that uglified floating crack house. Not one line of it works. Stem to stern, bad to worse. One hopes it sinks. God, what a crime.
caycug1 - 8 years ago
I wouldn't trade my kayak for this beast.
OCmrawesome1 - 7 years ago
lol repaint it
Paul - 9 years ago
So that's how the 1% live!
Norbert Kaskó
Norbert Kaskó - 7 years ago
Probably the 0.1 percent in America.
Salmaan Ahad
Salmaan Ahad - 8 years ago
Less than 1% lol
Jim Bemiss
Jim Bemiss - 9 years ago
PJ is closing the shop and moving to Holland. Loss of lots of jobs.
Ela Varasan
Ela Varasan - 9 years ago
Miguel Mota
Miguel Mota - 9 years ago
This must be Batman's boat
teatersroad1 - 9 years ago
I prefer a saltier look, but in either case I would be watching from the shore
Looking Again
Looking Again - 9 years ago
Damn ugly
David Woodward
David Woodward - 9 years ago
pimp my shit boat!!
David Woodward
David Woodward - 9 years ago
how gay does that look! alive who would choose that??the best of bad taste!
Christopher Pakarinen
Christopher Pakarinen - 9 years ago
hey how many boats u make me for acoupletrillion
darleyt1 - 9 years ago
lol my brother works for a super yacht company, this is in no way beneficial to the people 'money gets trickled down' fuck right off the CEO probably take s a massive cut, the total profit will be tiny and then there is the pollution with each engine burning a swimming pool of diesel every few hours. Somehow I think the 50-60 million would have been better invested into helping the poor, raising minimum wage for a small town for a lifetime or two or simply 50-60 million other 'beneficial' things. The guy who bought this must have a very very small cock.
Roman - 9 years ago
+darleyt1 i can smell the jealousy seeming off you
Jeremy Davis Vallee
Jeremy Davis Vallee - 9 years ago
so awesome you should make one for you ;)
Stay At Home Dad
Stay At Home Dad - 9 years ago
I'd rather have the little bass boat in the foreground.
allowmi - 9 years ago
The designer was wearing at least two gold chains and sporting a fauxhawk. 'Nuf said.
tommibv - 9 years ago
Marty Martin
Marty Martin - 9 years ago
How do they get a boat that size out to the Atlantic Ocean?
Dick Rettke
Dick Rettke - 9 years ago
+Marty Martin During WW II they built Submarines in Manitowoc Wisconsin (just down the Lake Michigan coastline from Sturgeon Bay). You can tour one at the Submarine Museum in Manitowoc, the USS Cobia.
Marty Martin
Marty Martin - 9 years ago
+Chase P Wow! Thanks for the reply! I actually did google this route that you speak of, but it sure looks like small channels if not rivers going across to the Atlantic. That is amazing! How deep would this channel have to be to get that yacht through there? 
Chase P
Chase P - 9 years ago
+Marty Martin if you look REALLY close at google maps and follow the US/CA border. You will see that there are channels through the land. You have to zoom in a little bit to see it, but they can do it haha Google "Sturgeon Bay". Then go to the top of Michigan, then move down to the bottom of lake herron to Sarnia. That will get you into Lake St Clair near Detroit, Then go to buffalo NY pass Niagra Falls, and you'll be in Lake Ontario. Then it will travel between Ottawa CA, and Vermont up past Montreal, the Quebec City, and then out the top of New Brunswick and it's in the Atlantic ocean :) ahah don't ask me why the heck they build there instead of just going to the atlantic shore and build...
Thomas Gaudette
Thomas Gaudette - 9 years ago
1951RKP - 9 years ago
I'm sure this yacht is a technical marvel and extremely functional. I've always loved the looks of Palmer Johnson's yacht's. But, looks is not one of the strong points of this yacht. Maybe if it was attached to the space station the looks would appear more normal.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
its fast, due to the weight. it could be faster , some of the crap above the water line just adds drag.
adolf hitler
adolf hitler - 9 years ago
this thing will sink- there was a chick as Project Manager
Robert Papps
Robert Papps - 9 years ago
Lots of money doesn't always equate to good taste but maybe the idea is just to be noticed.
2hiptom - 9 years ago
35 mph......looks like it should go 135 mph
CharlieBriggsUK - 9 years ago
+Process1214 tangent The news reporter forgot to round up the figure - this boat can reach 37mph. Not bad for a vessel who's priorities are long-range comfort instead of maximum speed! In some ways it's like a 5-star hotel you can waterski behind
Process1214 tangent
Process1214 tangent - 9 years ago
+2hiptom your both wrong he said 32 knots and 36 mph
Fernando Mercy
Fernando Mercy - 9 years ago
+2hiptom they said knots, not miles.. still 35knots is like 40mph lol
Gordon Anderson
Gordon Anderson - 9 years ago
WAHT is with the side pods? Looks like a side wheeler which would be good in the shallow rivers around here.
For dat amount of money and man hours I could have built my Space Boat which can go to the Moon and Mars, really.
Gordon Anderson
Gordon Anderson - 9 years ago
OK thanks - as a man with a LOT of experience setting up and repairing boats....
Well I saw it was headed to Europe where they would be freer to put in high powered turbine engines - in aircraft planes even as great as the Beechcraft Starship were recalled because the gov. regulations said the power to weight ratio made them "weapons of war" so I wondered if this was going to be so powerful it could not be started up in USA waters. No time to explain it all so i hope this makes some sense.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Gordon Anderson look again , its light in the water,. no fuel. no water its a tri- hull design for better stability. not a side wheeler. look at the water line in black. she isnt sea worthy yet. looks to be the dry weight. afer her hot tubs , water supply , mini subs , helicopter, atlantic fuel, all get on board she will float right.
usflyer2008 - 9 years ago
Nice to see all those tax breaks the 1% get are being put to good use
TandD1w - 9 years ago
Sadly, Palmer is no more. Closed down a few weeks ago. Always like going down there to look at the yachts and man, were they ever incredible. The site was very tight and the new carbon hulls were coming from Europe so the writing was on the wall. Fact: A Palmer Johnson was the yacht reference in the first Bourne movie.
Kai Rolls
Kai Rolls - 9 years ago
almost all yatches are multi million
Ruben - 9 years ago
+Kai Rolls Tens of Millions and Multi Millions are 2 different things.
Paulo Medeiros
Paulo Medeiros - 9 years ago
acho que o vi em canes franca e lindo
streetracer94 - 9 years ago
:( i want one all i can afford is a paddle... well i believe in miracles
EverythingTv - 9 years ago
Nice yacht but news worthy dont they have other things to talk aboat?
SirUncleCid - 9 years ago
Thanks FOX. Great news bro.
Cleaven Bianchi
Cleaven Bianchi - 9 years ago
I can offard hold up in gta: )
That guy for 2a defend the constitution
That guy for 2a defend the constitution - 9 years ago
good paying jobs that's what's important here.
Isaias Garcia
Isaias Garcia - 9 years ago
That was near my home!
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
Stone harbor that place is amazing!
jaymur001 - 9 years ago
+Manuel Carmo Where do you think the electricity comes from?!?!?! And then you couldn't possibly fit enough batteries in that boat to run it for any substantial amount of time.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Manuel Carmo yea , you might have to mow your grass more often thats the effect i have seen.
Monique Marella
Monique Marella - 9 years ago
looks like a military secrete weapon ship, could risk being torpedoed by some submarine.
Ruben - 9 years ago
+Monique Marella That would be a massive cluster fuck a submarine of any nation just sinking a ship? That would never happen. This ship will probably be based around the US/Bahamas area maybe the med still wouldn't get hit by a torpedo if it went into some other countries waters. They will radio you and then that countries coast guard or navy boat will board you.
Meuseraner - 9 years ago
Da ist ja meine Yacht!!!
zukilover2 - 9 years ago
so that's what makes big news in the U.S.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+zukilover2 sure its a fluff piece,
Ruben - 9 years ago
+zukilover2 Its not this is a local new station. They are talking how this is good for the area, they even had someone break down how it does help the local economy.
Mfanawemkosi Fakudze
Mfanawemkosi Fakudze - 9 years ago
No accounting for taste. Who would want to buy that ugly monstrosity? F...king ugly.
anthony perkins
anthony perkins - 9 years ago
that is one tight ship, love it.
Cyber S0da
Cyber S0da - 9 years ago
Gimme dat plz
Janusha - 9 years ago
A real, actual luxury item. I never thought americans had it in them.
Janusha - 9 years ago
Its also called industrial grit and industrial pollution. You wouldnt go swimming in that shit, thats for damn sure. So when you people boldly proclaim there are more yacts, super or not super, around Manhattan than there are anywhere in Europe, Im guessing it was just one of those american trademark bullshit claims then.

Because if were not talking the Hudson, then what... You think the East River is any better? Or are you talking Newark Bay or New Jersey? All industrial shitholes. Its not exactly Cap Ferrat, is it.

This Palmer Johnson yacht, was shipped straight over to Europe once it was built. To be where its actually happening. Yachting, being on the sea, was never a big thing in the US except between Florida and the Bahamas. Who are you trying to fool. 
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+Janusha First of all, I'm not talking about superyachts, that dude was. And also, the Hudson isn't the only damn body of water, nor is it that dirty. It's called algae and silt...
Janusha - 9 years ago
Where are all these boat docks with multi million dollar superyachts then. I cant see a single one on Google Earth. Nor have I ever heard of any boating culture on the dirty, industrial Hudson. Or is it just another all american tendency of claiming best in the wooorld on thin grounds. 
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+Janusha It's like you also completely disregard the fact that New York City is made up of a bunch of islands. Combined with Long Island, that entire population (which is enormous) has such a "boating culture" if you say, that you could already count in the US as a country in which the people do such activities to an extent.
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun Wow really, that's cool, I didn't know Manhattan had such a boating center. I didn't think it was so popular in big cities. I know in Staten Island it's pretty popular.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
im now muting the post so i cant be bothered with any more of this nonsense
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Janusha "Monaco on the Hudson"!
Boat owners will love North Cove, one of the best marinas in Manhattan!  The marina is located on the Hudson River in Battery Park City, in the Lower Manhattan area.  People frequently refer to this beautiful marina as "Monaco on the Hudson."  A few blocks away you'll find Tribeca, one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Manhattan and home to some of the best restaurants in the city!  You'll also be near other historic communities like Wall Street, City Hall, South Street Seaport, and Chinatown.
Catering to mega yachts, North Cove contains 12 slips that accommodate yachts of 100 feet or more.  The website features some great discounts on private yacht dockage.See a complete list of marinas in Manhattan and take advantage of the nicest water transportation in the city. View detailed reviews on all the marinas in Manhattan. Find the most beautiful marinas Manhattan has to offer.
Wade French
Wade French - 9 years ago
+Janusha It's just annoying.  
Janusha - 9 years ago
+Wade French
Because we all know BIG LETTERS HURT OUR EARS !!!
Wade French
Wade French - 9 years ago
+Janusha Well be clearer then...and stop typing in ALL CAPS.
Janusha - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun
Where are all these super yachts on Manhattan then? Whats the marina called. 
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Janusha yes i have Monaco is so tiny you could miss it.
Janusha - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun
Hahaha what a thing to say. Whats that marina called so I can look it up on the net. 
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Squiddi Manhattan island more superyachts than all of Europe. 
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+Janusha So now you need islands to go boating? The US has tons of islands. Long Island for fuck sakes, where I live, would be one of the most populous states if it was one! Lmao dude...
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+Janusha Lmao are your retarded. It's probably the most popular in the US... Do you know anything about north eastern culture (Where it's the most prevalent)? Everyone fucking owns boats and yachts at the bays, beaches, lakes.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Janusha yo are fucking nuts. Hawaii is an island. 
Janusha - 9 years ago
+Wade French
I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS THING FOR FUCKS SAKES... NOT MILLION DOLLAR YACHTS. And when it comes to boating and yachts, its really not very big in USA compared to most other coastal countries because there arent so many islands off the coast of the US to actually go to. Except Florida and the Carribeans where you are likely to find a lot of million dollar yachts. 
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Wade French thats my  experience as well. i lived all over the globe .200 foot yachts in every marina in the USA except fresh waters.  
Wade French
Wade French - 9 years ago
+Janusha ???? No country has more millionaires and Billionaires than the US. What in the sweet fuck are you talking about? Every city on the US Coast has a Marina filled with million dollar Yachts.
Janusha - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun
I know I know.... But there are not alot of these things. 
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
Miami Beach marina, go to google earth and my 200 footer is parked with a dozen more that day. 
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun Where do you live that you can find one yet alone many...
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
nope i meant and said MEGA yachts. what the hell is wrong with you people?
Squiddi - 9 years ago
+Janusha He's talking about yachts in general. Tons of people who live near lakes or oceans have boats or mini yachts. Never in my life when talking about luxury items have I ever heard, "I never thought Americans had it in them." Ridiculous...
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
no dummy thousands of mega yatchs. take a drive someday. get off that street corner you call home.
Janusha - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun
Thousands of these.... Wow... there is only 1, dude. But ofcourse... You can always trust americans to bring the WILD claims and tall tales. 
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Janusha you dont get around much i have seen thousands of these in the USA
Janusha - 9 years ago
Such as ??
Squiddi - 9 years ago
Well then you haven't looked around, it's every where.
Jesus Zurita
Jesus Zurita - 9 years ago
forget about street races that's old welcome to the new era of yacht races
Max Johnson
Max Johnson - 9 years ago
You will litterally be able to fry eggs on all that black surface area in a tropical environment. While the color scheme looks cool, depending on your taste, there is a reason radomes and surface areas are not painted black.
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis - 9 years ago
wow would you look at the size of that Johnson
Dwight Turner
Dwight Turner - 7 years ago
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis --- You can check out my johnson anytime.
Plat Daddy Sean
Plat Daddy Sean - 7 years ago
it looks like a racecar wow
Noelle Salazar
Noelle Salazar - 8 years ago
.yum pm I'm on
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis - 8 years ago
+galiathen haha
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis - 8 years ago
doceigen - 9 years ago
I want three of these... not all the same, because that would be insane!... no! One in blue, one in a bronze taupe and orange!
mjr102395 - 9 years ago
swear i seen one like that in The Bahamas last year?
TopTribute BandsNstuff
TopTribute BandsNstuff - 9 years ago
I hauled all of the NY 40s to PJ in the late 1970s for custom interiors and then over to Rowayton Conn to drop off for the NYYC.
Then I dead headed to Fla to pick up an Endeavor or Gulf Star to take back to NO LA where we built the NY 40s. Been there, done that too. Worked in OJ Young's boat yard in NO LA for several years starting doing bottom jobs for a year or so and then working up to driving our 18 Wheeler, wide, high, long and just totally over sized in every way possible.

PJ can't be responsible for what a customer orders and pays for (ugly slow or whatever).
captain waggy
captain waggy - 9 years ago
I bet it's very easy on fuel.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
No weapons and torpedoes? Fuck it, money wasted.
Apart form the joke, the money is wasted anyways.
Rustem Cafarov
Rustem Cafarov - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley some one wasted his money but some one earned money working on this yacht.
darleyt1 - 9 years ago
+Shayne O&#39;Neill wrong!
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun what?
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley when did you loose faith
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun yeah, just a boat, and it costs just a few hundred million dollars, right, no big deal, I'll take two... no, make it 3 for good measure.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley what , its just a boat, if i wanted it bad enough i would already have it.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun trying to earn for the boat? you're doing it wrong.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley   im working at the jail, i have my eyes on them righ now , ok now , hey where did that one go. 
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun good thing that you're the smart one. wow, dude, if it's so, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be out there, doing your smart shit?
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley just as i always suspected. you are clueless.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun I must admit, have no clue what are you talking about.
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley why is it the poor have the highest type two diabetes rates? it is because eating is all they can afford to do. govenment sees to it that they get the most HFCS in the diet as possible. Free food for the poor my friend and everything fits the microwave. lots of big ole fat voters going to college these days. None building boats though. pity. could have worked out fine
云梦 - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley you not in China,ha ha.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
+Shayne O'Neill I'd donate to those who cant earn that much, but... I guess it's not considered cool. Better float around in an expensive sardine can :D
Shayne O'Neill
Shayne O'Neill - 9 years ago
+Jailhouse Bradley I dunno, if I was ridiculously rich I'd be buying one of these bad boys. And the money goes into the local economy so everyone wins.
Micheal Beers
Micheal Beers - 9 years ago
one word..."UGLY"
Mjid Darih
Mjid Darih - 9 years ago
Indrid Cold
Indrid Cold - 9 years ago
It is not very aesthetically pleasing. It is like today's automobiles, ugly and under powered.
heldy2448 - 9 years ago
Take a good look at the people in this video that had a hand is wrecking Palmer Johnson Yachts.
carlos Barriola
carlos Barriola - 9 years ago
unapro3 - 9 years ago
For those whinging about it's speed, Google "displacement hull" and "speed". You will find for a given hull, there is a point where getting bigger HP will make bugger all difference to speed. These hulls are not designed for speed, they are designed to handle oceans.
123458hi - 9 years ago
Looks like a Lamborghini Aventador LOLLOL
tackless - 9 years ago
just a little note to Titanic had a top speed of 28 miles an hour
tackless - 9 years ago
+Dort gamin who gives a fuck . it is still ugly as a Dort. whatever the fuck that is.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
But it was built in Ireland...
tackless - 9 years ago
ugly as hell. an American aircraft carriers go faster than that
tackless - 9 years ago
+Ionescu Constantin. a hundred years ago the Titanic was considered luxury and that did 28 knots. all I am saying is this is a very slow boat for that kind of money. there have been luxury yachts that can do 60 knots. don't get your feelings hurt I'm just expressing an opinion. take care
Ionescu Constantin
Ionescu Constantin - 9 years ago
"it's an ugly piece of shit."There is no accounting for taste.That's not the reason I called you the village idiot.I called you the village idiot because you compared a war machine propelled by two nuclear reactors with a yacht that is meant to provide luxury.
tackless - 9 years ago
+Ionescu Constantin. it's an ugly piece of shit. and you could have gave me all that information without calling me the village idiot. I guess that makes you the idiot son because your mom didn't feel that way about me when I was busting her button.
Ionescu Constantin
Ionescu Constantin - 9 years ago
+tackless The Ford class has an acknowledged speed of 35 miles per also has two nuclear reactors for propulsion.Comparing apples and oranges makes you look like the village idiot.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
See it in real life and you will wish you had it
Massimo Bernardo
Massimo Bernardo - 9 years ago
Ahmet Can Taşpınar
Ahmet Can Taşpınar - 9 years ago
32 knots not fucking enough for yacht
rich - 9 years ago
That's one ugly boat ,the color does'nt help it either.
notafraid06 - 9 years ago
starving africans could have eaten this boat
Josh S
Josh S - 9 years ago
Beautiful Boat.
Not an Alt
Not an Alt - 9 years ago
dat world news bar doe lol
Johnson Johnson
Johnson Johnson - 9 years ago
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
I don't think that the people who buy these mega million yachts give a flying fuck whether the economy is in a downturn. In fact, it's cheaper for them to buy shit like this because ship builders will undercut each other for the business when it's slow!
kclm7 - 9 years ago
I was in Sturgeon Bay last fall and I remember seeing this yacht when I crossed one of the bridges over the channel.  It was parked by the ship company.  I remember thinking WTF!
Sexbomb 6641
Sexbomb 6641 - 9 years ago
In my opinion it's pretty ugly, don't mean to be offensive for those who like the design.
MyMMC - 9 years ago
What an uglie boat... 32 knots thats all? The japanese made battleships faster then this! FUCKING BATTLESHIPS!
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
+Top Fitness it was built near stone harbor...
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
+Bacnow did you ever see the boat it's massive!
Top Fitness
Top Fitness - 9 years ago
+Patthon Sirilim Well said: ".. 60 knots will fuck alot of loss thing like furniture and belongings on the boat its not like a military ships that is strap down" .. EXACTLY .. people tend to forget that anything faster than 35 knots is not feasible as a lifestyle on water..
Patthon Sirilim
Patthon Sirilim - 9 years ago
+MyMMC this burns about 500-1000 gallon of fuel those big bb ships burns 50000-100000 kili of fuel an hour at 35 knots you can make that yacht go 60 knots easily just add a big marine turbine engine on top of her existing engines it will cost 2 times more to build that boat and cost 4 more times to run it in terms of fuel cost and the range will be reduce if the boat doesent get bigger in size cuz of the fuel capacity limitation and most yacht are luxury mansion on the waters 60 knots will fuck alot of loss thing like furniture and belongings on the boat its not like a military ships that is strap down
Bacnow - 9 years ago
I'm with you bro! That is extremely slow considering the weight, shape and advanced materials. I don't get it! This big ugly boat is too slow to brag about! Must be a custom order for some bored oil sheik somewhere.
Ecuadorian Gamer
Ecuadorian Gamer - 9 years ago
+MyMMC Battleships were meant for battle, not luxury.
MyMMC - 9 years ago
the japanese made ships over 200 meters long that could reach 35+ knots. The US, britsd, germans probhably too.
Blue Fuego
Blue Fuego - 9 years ago
it's also very big
Peter Harris
Peter Harris - 9 years ago
what's the code for spending tens of millions
yakyakyak69 - 9 years ago
Olav Inge Midtgård
Olav Inge Midtgård - 9 years ago
This hull was built in Norway, seems to be unknown here! To me, it seems that a  prestigeous american boatbuilder did have a lack of competence and experience, building with this high-tech material: Carbon fibre /sandwhich ...  
But a small boatbuilding company, located in the superhigh-cost country of NORWAY, there were the skills neede to befound:
Specializing in building fastboats for more than 60 years, located at one of the magnificent fjords of Norway: A familiy owned business named: 'Brødr. Aa'  
Their shipyard is located in Hyen, county of Sogn & Fjordane, Norway.
This family business is a frontrunner worldwide, using modern carbon-fibre technology to construct boats in excess of 140 feet. Both monohulls and catamarans has been built the last 15 years.... 
Thinking: Far out in the western countryside, up in the north of Europe, yes we can ...
Brødr. Aa has produced a whole series of passenger catamarans with this technique, already, the first one back in 1999, it's still going strong! Those vessels are operating routes in some really rough coastal waters, spread from north to south of Norway, and also in the Mediterranean etc ...
Main advantages of this sandwhich / carbon-fibre building technique is:
Opening the possibillities both to developing, designing and building vessels which are super lightweight, super strong, reliable and durable, -once you're mastering some real challenge: Advanced production-technology, like making big 'chunks' in ONE piece... completely flawless! 
Well, the country putting a man on the moon ages ago, nowadays doesn't seem to be quite on par at boatbuilding!
(importing ready-built modules and stuff...)
Another example: The first modules of the new Boeing Dreamliner's main body was constructed where? In Italy, Europe! Found some expertice there ...and cheap also ...  
Take some super-lightweight carbon-fibre structures, combine them with low-cost, 'conventional' type of propulsion systems, then add really SMALL diesel engines for the boats size (typically: german, MTU's), and there you go: 
Fuel costs running extremly low, while still achieving max.running.speeds in excess of 36 knots! Total costs of construction are at least fairly reasonable, or better. 
What about a passenger catamaran carrying 250-300 passengers offshore, marching at 30-34 knots, using only 2 x 2000 hp diesel engines, running at 75-80% power setting?
Resulting in a fuel consumption at full passenger load, around 2 kilograms pr. PAX / hour  is simply extremely low for a vessel running at this speed. 
(still capable of handling waves in the range of 2-4 meters height, if not at full speed).
Are American boatbuilders lagging behind, when it comes to implementing both new advanced, and new 'green' technologies in fastboats, fast yachts / luxury yachts, and still keeping a fairly low budget profile, both for building and especially when it comes to running costs...='it's the new age'! 
Who's one of the key figures behind those faboulous Nor-Tech Catamarans?
Guess, it's a 'norseman'! 
Watch out ...! :)
D. B. Cooper
D. B. Cooper - 7 years ago
Litt kry over noe du ikke hadde noe med eller? Flau kommentar
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
+Gamma buzz gaming all carbon fiber tow is made in washington state USA then its shipped all over the world to make fabric using cheap labor.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
+Viott no the material was from norway
Viott - 9 years ago
What the fuck are you talking about this shit was built in Wisconsin
Adrian Smith
Adrian Smith - 9 years ago
If really like that boat in a deep blue
DAOzz83 - 9 years ago
Sweet Celestia, that thing is hideous.
Gary Bross
Gary Bross - 9 years ago
Duhhhhhhhhhhh I just got a .57 cent raise today. How much is that down payment?
That Captive Redneck
That Captive Redneck - 9 years ago
This is news?
krasimir k
krasimir k - 9 years ago
This one is ugly lol
Tim VD Lee
Tim VD Lee - 9 years ago
ugly color, paint it black :)
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
It already has black...
John Bravo
John Bravo - 9 years ago
Reminds me of the Transformers Movies with Shia LaBeouf,
,,Needs to be painted race car red with white stripe and white contour striping and a white and black checkered flag , because that's  the only checked flag this slow cow will ever own ..I  would have liked to see the interior, can't make a accurate decision on whether or not to really like it ....  and if I want 1 or 2.
Luke Mackenzie
Luke Mackenzie - 9 years ago
:35 lol at the dude just fishing like "i don't give a fuck about your yacht"
bisyhefr - 9 years ago
sure ...its obvious a space craft to travel to the secret mars base
Pfsif - 9 years ago
The 1% need to be tried in court every 5 years!
Ethan Perry
Ethan Perry - 9 years ago
Never see your daughters again
BerkerIzmir35TR - 9 years ago
How much is it?
Kunn Richard ryu
Kunn Richard ryu - 9 years ago
TechnologyMafia - 9 years ago
logan keefer
logan keefer - 9 years ago
Sexiest yacht i have ever seen
Stan Herbert
Stan Herbert - 9 years ago
So the so-titled Designer guy says " it's a third of what a conventional umh hull would weigh, so that helps us reduce the ah power needed to push it through the water."
Umh, how about "no?"
I'd have assumed the designer of this vessel was an engineer of some sort, but jeez... maybe he's thinking about rockets and not boats. I think most people with a general grasp of the forces at work would agree that the arguably biggest player on something moving through a fluid environment (water, air) is the drag on its shape. A boat could be made of IRON but if its dynamics were superior (and it floated) it would take less energy to maintain speed than a poorly designed shape made of ANYTHING. Granted, some initial (mass) acceleration to get started would come to bear, but that's really not significant in a boat. Spacecraft in a vacuum, sure, very important. 
But you know, appearance over function is the thing for some people with money to burn (and easily taken-in by a salesman posing as an engineer?) Maybe this yacht runs on turbines fueled by $100 bills!
Stan Herbert
Stan Herbert - 9 years ago
His point was that the boat's weight makes it more efficient to propel through the water (as quoted), with which I disagree. My point is that the shape (fluid dynamics) would matter a great deal more, with which I think you're sort-of agreeing...? Though weight alone would not dictate the draft of a vessel.
Bauke Bakker
Bauke Bakker - 9 years ago
66% lighter 66% less deeper= .........% less drag?
NightmareBear - 9 years ago
something the predator would use
Reese Issel
Reese Issel - 9 years ago
Was launched
Decades ago
Gabe - 9 years ago
it reminds me of a lamborghini
Rudy c
Rudy c - 9 years ago
wonder if Palmer Johnson do a mini version of this for small lakes?
fred6319 - 9 years ago
we need more austerty because of the crisis
JP JP - 9 years ago
BillWa - 9 years ago
Suppose they cried recession but nobody played. Spend money and keep the economy going. Defy Obama's misguided and dangerous policy!
C A L E B V E E - 9 years ago
Goddamn! So freaken nice!
dollypops31 - 9 years ago
Krushpack99 is a fucking dick sucker who lets his dad fuck him in the ass every nite and he enjoys it. Come at me again you cum guzzling fuck
Daniel Porubsky
Daniel Porubsky - 9 years ago
We had this at my work for bottom paint and some fiberglass work.
robbynelson3 - 9 years ago
This thing is docked in Fort Lauderdale as of 2 weeks ago. I hear its still for sale... Someone else said Usher bought it? Anyone know?
Belphegor 1963
Belphegor 1963 - 9 years ago
How many people I have to cheat in order to finance a part of this..?
Great Cornholio
Great Cornholio - 7 years ago
yes, just work very hard!,. about 25.000$ a year,. so you only have to work about 800 years if you dont eat, drink or spend any money what so ever,..

but then again,. you wont have any money for fuel or maintenance,. so you wont spend much time on it i guess,..
Plat Daddy Sean
Plat Daddy Sean - 7 years ago
just do it, nothing is impossible, DOO IT!
Muskoka Mike
Muskoka Mike - 9 years ago
+gnert1111 I was being sarcastic when I said acting on insider info being illegal...that's how the rich stay rich...I have NO doubt in my mind that when a major decision is being made at a large corporation, the CEO calls up some of us buddies and says "buy, not a lot, but enough"....

As for suing, my lawyer said "we can, and we'd most likely win, when we get to court. But they are wealthy, they can drag this out for years all the while your legal expenses will continue to climb. Sure, you should get them all back in the end...." Considering I had NOTHING because I hadn't been paid in 6 months all the while paying out huge amounts....
gnert1111 - 9 years ago
+michael C
Well, many things are illegal and people still do them. So I guess the question is in morals.

And I am sorry for your lay-off. Interesting to hear about that you think you were making more back in 70s on low-skilled than now in high-skilled. You know, some call inflation as tax that robs currency from you so banksters (very accurate word I have to say) can buy an extra yacht for themselves...

You should have sueed the hell out of that person and made to court. I remember that someone told me that lawyers are there to screw people, if somebody screws you, you screw them with lawyers.

Anyways, I am as old as you were in 1980 and I hope to find myself within next 5 years in London, Zurich/Geneva and Monaco in my sportscar and perhaps visit Canada and buy you a beer!
Muskoka Mike
Muskoka Mike - 9 years ago
+gnert1111 yeah, insider knowledge is supposed to be illegal.....

The problem with minimum wage here in Canada is that it hasn't kept up with the times and now with automation etc, many skilled jobs are now minimum wage jobs.

For eg: when I was 12 (in 1973) I got a job at the local ice cream shop to clean up their lot and get the garbage ready for pickup the next day. I was paid $2.00 an hour. 

Last year I got laid off from a skilled building carpenter job that paid $20.00 an hour. When you fact in the cost of living increase, buying power, and taxation increases, and the cost of employment (I had to pay for my own safety equipment, tools, etc) I was making MORE per hour at 12 years old sweeping up a parking lot than I was at 50 in a highly skilled job....

Yes, I had a contract, and this was for additional work that they added to it. During the discover meeting my lawyer asked them:
did you ask him to price out the work?
Did he provide you a price?
Did he do the work?
Were you happy with the work?
You weren't? then why are you bringing people into your home to show it off? BUT BUT BUT (I made some calls). 
Did he do the work for the price quoted?
So why don't you feel you should pay for the work he completed?
I shouldn't have to pay for it....why? because...and that's when THEIR lawyer interrupted and said "we'll start settlement negotiations now".....because he KNEW if we got to court they'd lose with HER attitude...I don't feel I have to pay because I have money and he doesn't.....
gnert1111 - 9 years ago
+michael C
About the minium wage, it depends. I mean, in the country where I live, the minimum wage is about ~300€ that is about $325 and yes, even here people complain how small the wages are. The thing is that it is mostly low-skilled workers who do so. You get such wage for low-skill (that do not require much "education") works like in supermarkets or cleaning, etc.

However, high-skilled jobs like programming that give you like 2000€ (that is about 7 times more than minimum wage here) are quite normal but the problem is here that the supply is small that is there are not many skilled programmers...

Secondly, I am sorry for your business experiences. Happens. About losing $27.000, what was the contract like? I always ask clients/agencies to pay 50% first and 50% when reciving final service or product. BTW, what was the service you provided then? Construction work, moving service?

Thirdly, yes, economical crashes happen as the system we live in is cyclical that is up and down - like a rollecoaster. The only prevention here would be paying attention to markets because for example real-estate is always in delay compared to what happens in stock market.
And also having friends in the top, I mean it would be foolish not to befriend with people who have insider knowledge that can save you a lot currency, wouldn't it?
Muskoka Mike
Muskoka Mike - 9 years ago
+gnert1111 the problem is, suckering people into working for you for minimum wage...lots these days have realized that they can have a better life by being on welfare than for working for minimum wage....

I've tried it three times, and the last time I was well on my way, until a rich bitch decided she didn't have to pay me and I lost $27,000.00. I sued her, and ended up losing only about $3,000.00 after expenses. Now that isn't a lot, but considering I basically worked for free for 4 months, yet STILL had to pay for materials, insurance, tools, the truck, and my worker's wages, that was enough to force me out of business....

Then I moved to another town where I was told that there was $100K of business for me if I wanted it (per year) I had over $120K in quotes out then the rich pricks on wall street destroyed the economy and all that business dried up because all those customers lost their jobs.....
gnert1111 - 9 years ago
+michael C Congratulations for solving the way to riches, think and ACT like you said in your last paragraph and you might indeed have such yacht one day.
Muskoka Mike
Muskoka Mike - 9 years ago
+WOLFMAN305 lol do you really believe that? if what you said was true then 97% of the US population would be rich instead of just 3%....

One thing I have learned over the years: you don't get rich working get rich by OTHER people working hard and you taking the profits......
Onslaught305 - 9 years ago
Zero, just work hard.
TheuF Gaming Channel
TheuF Gaming Channel - 9 years ago
The World is going to hell, and some rich dumbasses only think about having a yatch, thats how low and pathetic our society have become.
nick potella
nick potella - 9 years ago
if i had a carbon fiber boat i would want people to see the carbon fiber dammit
roflcopterkklol - 9 years ago
32 knots thats it?
The Baltimore class cruiser from ww2 which was 673ft long with a weight of 17,000 tones had a top speed of 32.5 knots.
That guy for 2a defend the constitution
That guy for 2a defend the constitution - 9 years ago
this like many yachts might be set for distance not speed.
Muskoka Mike
Muskoka Mike - 9 years ago
+roflcopterkklol "Im just saying... if they were going for speed they failed." errr that's 150 feet going 32 knots, that's pretty fricken fast dude....36 mph on the water is the equivalent of about 50 mph on land...ever seen a house travelling at 50 mph down the highway?
Muskoka Mike
Muskoka Mike - 9 years ago
+Patthon Sirilim and you didn't even get into order to be able to travel any distance it would have to carry that much more fuel which in turn would require it to have x amount more horsepower in order to move all that fuel....

Plus there is a "stall" speed when it comes to hull can double or triple the horsepower and the boat just won't go any don't just have wind resistance (like you do with a car) you also have water resistance...

People think you can just throw massive engines and go fast.....errr WRONG....ever seen hydroplane racing boats? the reason they go so fast is because maybe 2% of the boat is actually making contact with the water.....

I had a 30 foot sport 25 mph I burned 12 gallons per full throttle (72 mph on the speedo, not accounting for speedo error) I burned 2 gallons per MILE.(or 144 gallons per hour).....that was only when I was on board with 1/4 of 1 tank of fuel....add another person? take off 5 to 10 mph...add 3 other people? couldn't get about 50....add a full tank of water? can't get above 40....add anther 1/4 tank of fuel? can't get above 35.....

I was looking at an Emerson Fittipaldi 34' had triple 700 hp full throttle (about 90 mph) it burned a MINIMUM 300 gallons per hour.....
Patthon Sirilim
Patthon Sirilim - 9 years ago
+roflcopterkklol yeah they do the most expensive thing on boat is not the cost its the fuel there not like ferrari that drink 12mpg compare to a Toyota that drinks 30mpg there drink some where between 500-1000 gallon per hour to make it 30 knots faster it will probably need to drink 2000-2500 gallon an hour since 1 gallon of diesel goes for about 2.5 dollars that the difference between 4 thousand dollar and hour to run this size boat up to 60 knots think about 4 thousand us dollars and hour plus the cost she probably need a gas marine turbine engine on top of her existing engines as well as a strength haul that probably add more weight which mean more fuel and power is needed again that would increase the price of the yacht up by almost easily 30 to 40 percent if you want to go 60 knots wont it be cheaper to just buy a fast tender like any fast variant of a 21 foot speed boat from a good company will do 50-60 knots no issues or a couple of jet ski 300hp that will go 70 knots those will about the same as a full tank of gas on a ship like that
roflcopterkklol - 9 years ago
+Peter Dwyer
yeah but it all just kinda defeats the point of making it look like a speed boat lol, the excuse is it is fuel efficient but i am 100% sure anyone forking out a good 200 million for one of these does not care about petrol prices.
Peter Dwyer
Peter Dwyer - 9 years ago
+roflcopterkklol trust me on a big boat you dont wanna go fast were your belongings could be destroyed i found that out the hard way....
roflcopterkklol - 9 years ago
+nils einar Sundberg
Yeah but it kinda seems like they were going for speed with that yacht, im just saying the thing looks like it should do at least 50 knots on level water.
nils einar Sundberg
nils einar Sundberg - 9 years ago
+roflcopterkklol when you are on a yacht you dunt rush.
unapro3 - 9 years ago
if I was on-board, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get off.....
roflcopterkklol - 9 years ago
Im just saying... if they were going for speed they failed.
unapro3 - 9 years ago
+roflcopterkklol 120,000 hp for the Baltimore cruiser, with 4 steam turbines....the new yacht is powered by 2 x 4600hp engines, Apples and Oranges mate. These are full displacement boats, you have to throw mega HP for every knot. The military don't give a rats about economy.
Reginald Kelley
Reginald Kelley - 9 years ago
i took pics of it when it was in miami
Tertius Pool
Tertius Pool - 9 years ago
it is brand new but the paint is bubbeling up and there is mold all over the inside!! saw it a few weeks back in LMC fort lauderdale!! be wise who ever buy this boat
frankielug62 - 9 years ago
Awful, hideous design...
Jingo Lopez
Jingo Lopez - 9 years ago
looks like a 70footer to me
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
It's smaller on the news but in real life the thing is pretty big
8e6 - 9 years ago
I watched this being built all year. This was a huge project for Palmer Johnson. Many things were delayed, a lot of people dropped out early. There were nights where the boat just sat there and people didn't know if it was going to get finished. All in all, it turned out pretty slick. Rumor had it some Russian woman purchased it, but who knows. I'm glad to see it's finally out there bringing some recognition to the area. I don't think the building really did that much for the local economy. Many people were contracted out and stayed at the hotels and drank at the bars, etc. But so what? Anyways, cool boat.
Peteris Kirsis
Peteris Kirsis - 9 years ago
At the same time, people in Africa are dying of hunger and thirst.
dagdagdag - 9 years ago
I already have a yacht but it's much bigger than this yacht. Lol I'm just kidding I own nothing not even a bicycle. Yeb am poor but free on street
Marco Builtz
Marco Builtz - 9 years ago
it's so ugly that I'm not jealous.
F.N. Haole
F.N. Haole - 9 years ago
The supercar profile says 50 knots. 32 deserves the lines of the S.S. Minnow.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
Gilligans island?
davetileguy - 10 years ago
Nothing but haters here... moving on.
kin m
kin m - 10 years ago
More yachts for super rich arseholes means more jobs for real people.
videoomaster - 10 years ago
Starving children in poverty stricken countries
BloodstainedSinner - 10 years ago
If I could have a yacht, it would be more like the worlds largest speed boat than a Yacht. I wouldn't have more than 2 bedrooms on board, 1 bathroom, a small kitchen and small living room, and the ship would be simplistic to maintain, with no outlandish bullshit "luxury" items.

The hull would be made of 100% carbon fiber, coated with ceramic to protect the carbon from the salty waters. It would be propelled by 4 custom-made 852ci (13.9L) turbocharged HEMI V8's with a cast magnesium block, Aluminum Silicium heads, NikAsil coated cylinder walls, titanium camshaft, crankshaft, connecting rods, pushrods, valves and rocker arms,  running on methanol, each producing a minimum of 2,500 horsepower, 3,000ft-lbs of toque @ 3,000 rpm. Not 3,000hp each, because that would bring my ship's fuel economy from 0.2mpg, to 0.1mpg. Unacceptable. 
NanoPixel Studio
NanoPixel Studio - 9 years ago
+BloodstainedSinner 4 custom Hemi V8's ? This is a 48 meter (157 ft) 490 ton yacht, a V8 wouldn't even get this ship out of the harbor. This yacht has two 1940 kW Diesels which equates to 2637.67 horsepower each. lol
BEARMANNN - 10 years ago
sounds like he is a child
davetileguy - 10 years ago
Let me guess, you're a child that actually has nothing.and plays video games most of the time.
BEARMANNN - 10 years ago
Perhaps, must there is also the Crew and Maintenance costs, as well as fuel, Port Fees and Insurance.  And as Far as supporting the local economy, it WAS built in Wisconsin in Door County, so yes, the Local Economy was supported
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 10 years ago
I can't believe this yacht goes 32 knots while the AZZAM(Biggest yacht in the world) goes 34 knots. Damn that's crazy
DaddyTheTechnition - 9 years ago
+Carmel Pule' But they should also know that if you were to use same amount of power to push a boat the boat would travel much further as the hull design is more efficient then the shape of the brick.
Carmel Pule'
Carmel Pule' - 9 years ago
+Hermann TheGerman True about the length, but as they say, give a brick enough power and it will fly!
Hermann TheGerman
Hermann TheGerman - 9 years ago
longer boats actually go faster because of fluid dynamics
Echocookie - 10 years ago
Paint it white, please! It would look so much better.
Ben S.
Ben S. - 9 years ago
You're both wrong.

Paint her Baby Blue
Ben S.
Ben S. - 9 years ago
You're both wrong.

Paint her Baby Blue
Tortoise010 - 9 years ago
No, it'd look better black.
Tobey Tobey
Tobey Tobey - 10 years ago
Just how ugly can a yacht get, well here it is!
CandyLaStar - 10 years ago
...they talk about supporting the local economy but the yacht is being exported overseas right?  So most likely the person who bought the boat didn't support the local economy and encouraging trickle down economics does not work for at least in the local economy.  FOX News thinks people are that stupid?  Yikes, just amazing the level of poor journalism. 
IMAMPOJMA - 10 years ago
i will buy it
Unorthodox Behaviour
Unorthodox Behaviour - 10 years ago
Nostalgic design. Aliens used to sail these kind of yachts thousands of years ago, so nothing new.
jerry henrie
jerry henrie - 10 years ago
Read "GET RICH IN MARITIME SHIPPING STOCKS" by Jerry Henrie at amazon in kindle and paperback.
l3urns1 - 10 years ago
wars are very profitable for central bankers and weapon manufacturers
TheBigWWI - 10 years ago
As they say in Norway: Ooglay. PJ's race for the bottom. It's uglier than those Bannenberg Oceanfast abortions from Down Under...
Hapie Star
Hapie Star - 10 years ago
According to the comments, I'm a middle-aged 'not-so-legal' banker or businessman with no taste if I like/want one of these.
I like the color, I think it looks bad-ass.

Side note, anyone notice the real news in the 'scrolling bar' while Fox does a piece about an expensive yacht. Kind-of sums up main-stream media.
Mike Griffith
Mike Griffith - 10 years ago
most think its UGLY
Jason H
Jason H - 10 years ago
For that price, I thought it would be bigger.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
But barely anyone has seen the inside
sam matha
sam matha - 10 years ago
i saw this yacht at David u loyd state park, it looks like a cool toy. 
Финансовая Группа  И.К.С.
Финансовая Группа И.К.С. - 10 years ago
MadMax - 10 years ago
Looks like the UAE could use them as coastal patrol ships, to go with their Bugatti Veyron police cars. 
Stephen Di Marco
Stephen Di Marco - 10 years ago
how is this news..
Fred MyOpinion
Fred MyOpinion - 10 years ago
The yacht design reminds me of a Lambroghini car
Steven Lee
Steven Lee - 7 years ago
FARRIS - 7 years ago
john allen yeah you the expert now
rms 5194
rms 5194 - 7 years ago
john allen yeah because weight dynamics and sea worthiness completely slipped their minds for two plus years while they designed and built it.
GTOWNJAKE - 7 years ago
Hyper Sport
john allen
john allen - 8 years ago
They also talked about a 2/3 reduction in the hulls weight.
With boats it's not just the total weight but where the weight is. You want the boat to be heavy underneath and the top to be light.
Imagine this boat being out for a while and it's fuel and fresh water almost depleted. It'll become easy to roll over. All they need now is for some rich moron to come and put a helicopter on the top of it, and they'll all be swimming to hell.
Opie - 9 years ago
Yeah, but those gorgeous, incredible machines are designed around aerodynamics and down-force; the designs are functional. This damn boat has so many design flaws aerodynamically, for example, that I simply hated it upon a closer look. I'm surprised given the project's size, but then again, who's going to argue with an incredibly sexy project manager like that.
Eric Von Dutch
Eric Von Dutch - 9 years ago
+Fred MyOpinion yes, AVENTADOR!
Sam Boivin
Sam Boivin - 10 years ago
It reminded me slightly more of a McClaren with the side vent looking pieces. But I see what you mean!
Marvcohen - 10 years ago
200 workers so 12 people can get drunk at sea ?
enrique goertzen
enrique goertzen - 10 years ago
I the Yacht Xhibitionist, more an it look good to.
Ariel Montero
Ariel Montero - 10 years ago
Estupidos en lo que gastan el dinero aviendo tantos niños en el mundo sin hogar y mucha gente muriendo de ambre alli es donde deverian de gastar los miles de dinero pero son malos y egohistas
Leonidas Saber
Leonidas Saber - 10 years ago
i actually like the design but the color has got to go.
rsuriyop - 10 years ago
So owns this complete waste of money & resources?
Kevins Crypto Tips
Kevins Crypto Tips - 10 years ago
cool looking  Yachts
Dakota Simpson
Dakota Simpson - 10 years ago
Maybe as a space ship but not a boat
82nd AA
82nd AA - 10 years ago
Pretty slick-looking craft. Unconventional, but slick.
Pandaskypirate47 - 10 years ago
I agree its ugly
Haha MadeULook
Haha MadeULook - 10 years ago
Max speed only 36 MPH. ???  should be faster,   a 17 foot Bayliner will smoke it. 
Amazing Charters
Amazing Charters - 10 years ago
It certainly is more special than pretty.
kudjo24 - 10 years ago
so it's like a giant floating pair of Oakley shades lol
bittasweet symphony
bittasweet symphony - 10 years ago
this, this is resources well spent,  yay organisation skills of the human race.
IlllIIIllllIIIIIllll - 10 years ago
Looks like a swiming ball of crap!
Matteo Mascia
Matteo Mascia - 10 years ago
It looks like a Lamborghini
mattjubie - 10 years ago
Looks like a nice fishing boat
Hilary C
Hilary C - 10 years ago
As someone who has grown up with ocean going boat life, that just is not attractive. Yes I like sci fi movies and I'd take that to outer space, but I will stick to my peaceful classical boat for relaxing on the water. I love the whales to come around my boat and this thing here would just scare the crap out of them. No fun. When I'm on the water, I want to feel like I'm on the water.
OCmrawesome1 - 7 years ago
well apparently someone likes it
Hilary C
Hilary C - 10 years ago
+77Avadon77 oh..very funny.
77Avadon77 - 10 years ago
+Hilary C
But apparently you know what whales like as far as bot preference?
Hilary C
Hilary C - 10 years ago
+77Avadon77 ha ha, well I live on an island and they live year round here. I love them. 
77Avadon77 - 10 years ago
Are you the whale whisperer?
realkingkado - 10 years ago
Crave4Travel - 10 years ago
Leave the yacht building to the dutch..
Delphi M
Delphi M - 10 years ago
looks awesome !
watchman1872 - 10 years ago
What a butt-ugly monstrosity. It just goes to show that all the money in the world can't buy good taste.
4fuzzybear - 10 years ago
Look like a Mighty morphin power ranger / new orlands saints...boat
Nathan Mofield
Nathan Mofield - 10 years ago
If I were to spend that much money I would buy a trawler.
Thomas Nixon
Thomas Nixon - 10 years ago
What a grotesque and obscene comment on the state of boat design and the corruption of American value.  Why not just give the money to the poor and burn the left-over in a big bonfire.  When the crash comes (and it will come just like it did in 1929-30) the people who wallow in this trough will go to the wall.
DanteOfMJ - 10 years ago
Looks like a military ship....
Morgane Cailloux
Morgane Cailloux - 10 years ago
I would love to spend a week on board :) Little piece of heaven...
MALI KATY - 10 years ago
cant wait to hv this
SpeedyC362 - 10 years ago
that boat looks AWESOME, but WTF only 32 knots!?!??! serious? and 12 passengers, 9 crew? wtf does it take 9 crew to run this thing!?
Evil DroneZ
Evil DroneZ - 10 years ago

 Cant afford one but if I could This is not the one I would buy.. Way to ugly for the price.
JOHNNY ROD KNOCK - 10 years ago
It's name is SUCK MY WAKE
MrDryass88 - 10 years ago
Hull made in Norway :D
Steve Lawrence
Steve Lawrence - 10 years ago
this yacht was in Halifax NS today. Pretty cool ship
DTreats - 10 years ago
 james bond badguy yacht for sure 10/10
Sk Khan
Sk Khan - 7 years ago
DTreats hus
arthur su
arthur su - 10 years ago
worst yacht ever I prefer Hessian yachts better
Rogue-Spear - 10 years ago
It looks like a disaster. Butt ugly!
Mickey Sealtoe
Mickey Sealtoe - 10 years ago
That chick was hot. Would luv to eat her butthole.
TheLocoViking - 10 years ago
well a big part of the built is done in Norway. But still, i guess there`s enough job to be done at PJ in America. Nice boat.
S. Smit
S. Smit - 10 years ago
I like how it looks... It's like a sea lamborghini!
Yachts For Sale
Yachts For Sale - 10 years ago
Great to see PJ pushing the boundaries on design!
yinimini mo
yinimini mo - 10 years ago
Great looking yacht but there are faster yachts in the market 36 kn isn't exactly A world record
Adam Selene
Adam Selene - 10 years ago
That is one UGLY boat. LOL
rallycorsa1600 - 10 years ago
Just because you can....That doesn't always mean you should!!!
Hide Seek
Hide Seek - 10 years ago
Man, that's fast.
kimmer6 - 10 years ago
That thing looks terrible. Horrible lines.
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 10 years ago
Did PJ actually sell that monstrosity??? I Iove that 210'er they built but this thing is only fit to be sunk as an artificial reef.
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 10 years ago
The yacht looks badass. Should have been a metal blue color instead!
Roque Ocasio
Roque Ocasio - 10 years ago
The ship does look high tect but the color sucks
420SanJuan - 10 years ago
it looks like a dodge truck mixed with a chevy car with fords sense of european style
Truthhandler 1
Truthhandler 1 - 7 years ago
150' floating fiesta.
Janos Bocsanczy
Janos Bocsanczy - 10 years ago

Elin48 - 10 years ago
...I like the color and the interesting design, but going out to sea is not for me.  I love fresh water much better. Oh and where in the world is Sturgeon Bay?
Hilary C
Hilary C - 10 years ago
+Elin48 It's Lake Michigan and  that borders on five states in the USA I believe.
Elin48 - 10 years ago
+john doe a huge body of fresh water.  Wow, I'm not used to seeing this amount of fresh water.  Thanks for the information john doe. 
Hilary C
Hilary C - 10 years ago
the colour of baby food - peas perhaps.
john doe
john doe - 10 years ago
Wisconsin and that was fresh water it was in. 
David Mauer
David Mauer - 10 years ago
What an ugly ship. I'm sure it's technologically advanced but man.
Patriotis - 10 years ago
i remember thats what the old people were saying in the 1940s. 50 years from now that could be the new normal
Google Poodle
Google Poodle - 10 years ago
bet you can't even afford one of its windows 
Even.Ways Music
Even.Ways Music - 10 years ago
I like it personally 
MX922_DYL - 10 years ago
I think its awesome, maybe a different colour though.
ReLoad - 10 years ago
+Elin48 same i like the color as well.. 
Elin48 - 10 years ago
I like the color and the interesting design.
David Mauer
David Mauer - 10 years ago
Its hideous.
ReLoad - 10 years ago
It's not that bad.. maybe its the  color..
offplanetevent - 10 years ago
Looks like a kids toy . The color is horrible. Who odered it ? A 90 year old Jewish lady for her grandson . The sides have ripples in them when it should look like glass .
offplanetevent - 9 years ago
+Dort gamin~ ok "Dort" what the hell are you thinking.
eat shit buddy , shove that ugly yatch up you're ugly ass until its deformed bow pierces your but ugly face with shit on it Dort.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
At least it looks better then your face
offplanetevent - 10 years ago
+Kalo C. RRRRR RRRRR !!!!!!!!
Shiver me timbers, cap n let fire some iron in ta monster.
Nolan C.
Nolan C. - 10 years ago
You're just jealous that you don't have a beautiful vessel like this one. It's all about opinion and what the own likes.
Drunkin Donuts
Drunkin Donuts - 10 years ago
matter of opinion, the boat is sleek and looks futuristic, though I might agree with you on the choice of color. 
Ignacio Breit
Ignacio Breit - 10 years ago
Captain Tiger
Captain Tiger - 10 years ago
WFT Natalie Helferty are you phuking talking about?  Its a Phuking boat all you phucktards get a clue its cool your jelous take you sheit to facebook and post under your own phucked up made up un real fake life post.... what did the two suckers say when they went up the stream and ran into a cement wall???    DAM!!!   Any phuking american ever have anything positive to say anymore, phuking people built that boat in the usa and they have job's get the phuck out of your parents basements and get a phuking life you all piss me off you dumb azz wanna be AMERICANS...  
Tesla Fermat
Tesla Fermat - 10 years ago
NICE !!!
Natalie Helferty
Natalie Helferty - 10 years ago
More Cherniak Crap Media. All the people on the Fox 11 are clones and lab made by Jason Cherniak as Propaganda Minister grandson to the Gestapo. His grandfather on his dad's side is the Propaganda Minister of the Gestapo in the USA during WWII and his grandfather on his mom's side is Adolf Hitler. The boat is actually a lure of a Native Knight who had Creator create it gold to see if he could lure them out to kill them off in Sturgeon Bay area. I am from the Bari Tribe of Barrie, Ontario that was just created by Creator as I am the Chief of Turtle Island and the Caribbean Islands and the Queen of the Earth from the Virgin Mary the Madonna as the East meets West of the Tribes intermarried through my great, great, great grandparents of the Taranto Tribe of Toronto in 1797. The Bari Tribe intermarried the previous four generations earlier to the Taranto Tribe of Taranto. The Sturgeon Bay Tribe is my Tribe of the intermarriage to the Orillia Tribe in 1545 AD and to the Orillia Tribe of the Bari Tribe in 1605 AD. We are the Native and Crown as myself Queen Natalie Helferty as Chief female from King David and the King Robert Dundalk as Chief male of Turtle Island and Caribbean Islands from King Soloman and the Knights Templar who are the Native Warriors. This is a boat created by Creator with the design by Josh Hartnett who is my other husband. I have 180 Native Knights as husbands including the King Robert Dundalk who is Logan Lerman. Josh Hartnett is the General of the Canadian Armed Forces. Queen & Chief Natalie Helferty of the Leclerc Allied Forces of France
Goldboy Jr
Goldboy Jr - 10 years ago
Ughh...loved it till I saw the back. IT better have a retractable patio! 
tibchy144 - 10 years ago
the back end looks too conventional to be paired with a stealth warship like design of the front end
dannydaw59 - 10 years ago
I thought the boat was for the sequel to "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen".
MultiPissTank - 10 years ago
Ugly color
Roy Robson
Roy Robson - 10 years ago
This is what spawns when a Ferry fucks a Daycruiser.
klaas huntelaar
klaas huntelaar - 10 years ago
Its beautiful! What a beast!
Jose Paulo King
Jose Paulo King - 10 years ago
Undoubtedly one of the worst looking yachts ever built.
Palmer Johnson should hide their heads in the sand.
Robert Gawlas
Robert Gawlas - 8 years ago
are you guys a couple of 12 year olds. sure sounds like it..
Jose Paulo King
Jose Paulo King - 9 years ago
+Dort gamin If you want my comeback, you can scrape it off your mum's teeth.
Dank-Da-Memes - 9 years ago
At least it looks better then your face
77Avadon77 - 10 years ago
+Fred MyOpinion
Yah what they were missing was an interior designer lmao
Fred MyOpinion
Fred MyOpinion - 10 years ago
There's a way to save this ship from its current hideous monstrosity.  Repaint it with half creamy white on top and high gloss black at bottom, and then add chrome to some of the small curved lines.  That will make it more formal looking and kick-aszz.

And since they have loads of money, I'd say reduce the number of strong curves to make it look a bit less contorted and more normal.  If you want more advice, email me and hire me as interior designer.
Jose Paulo King
Jose Paulo King - 10 years ago
+CRAZYSAILFISH Anyone who uses "your" when they should use "you'RE" should ask themselves if THEY are the idiot.
77Avadon77 - 10 years ago
Come on guys.. it's not that bad.. paint that shit black and put a few mini-guns on it and you know you would want it.
CRAZYSAILFISH - 10 years ago
+Jose Paulo King your the idiot this yacht is awesome!
Jose Paulo King
Jose Paulo King - 10 years ago
+LookAtMyFace Anyone who uses "brah" in a sentence should ask themselves that question.
Hmm... - 10 years ago
Are you mentally retarded brah?
Fred MyOpinion
Fred MyOpinion - 10 years ago
I agree that that yacht design and its chosen color is a joke but it is what the joker customer wanted.
Jose Paulo King
Jose Paulo King - 10 years ago
+CRAZYSAILFISH It's "You'RE AN idiot…"
flamedramon - 10 years ago
Learn what nice is
CRAZYSAILFISH - 10 years ago
Your a idiot the yacht is so badass you have no taste in the boat world!
77Avadon77 - 10 years ago
It's not like you buy such a big yacht to race it.
tallll70 - 10 years ago
Nice joke on the end, because why would you destroy something you just...don't like right? But anyways, no matter what paragraphs and principles you throw at people, they will like different things shape wise. You can say that cube on top of ball is ugly, but the weight of the truth stops with your opinion. And thanks for that we receive variety of different looking things which many of them i might not like.
watchman1872 - 10 years ago
+Captain Tiger No, in this case it isn't just a matter of jealousy. This thing is just an ugly mishmash of sharp angles and odd shapes that don't work at all as a whole. Pause the video at 2:34 and note how the small unevenly sized square windows unevenly spaced above the waterline followed by a long rectangular window clash with the swooping curved surfaces defining the windows above them.

Ahead of the curved windows awkwardly piled on top of each other are 3 long vertical canted strakes that look like they were stolen from the front fenders of a 2011 Range Rover. They look out of place on the car, and even more ridiculous on this yacht.

And if that wasn't quite awkward enough, they added the little crease running through the middle of the strakes back to where it slams into the middle of the leading edge of one of the curved windows. And one end of each of the curved windows is awkwardly squared off, with the lower one not aligning with the pointed end of the one above it.

Above the two stacked windows is a third one, a continuation of the windshield, the lower edge of which angles upward, so skewed with the flat top edge of the curved window below it that they had to paint the area below the end of the upper window flat black to carry the curve of the "roof line" down to the curved windows below it.

There are design problems everywhere you look at this thing, starting with the flattened, turned-down nose at the bow, continuing all the to the stern.

Every styling feature seems to have been poorly conceived and/or executed. There appears to have been no coherent overall theme to the design. They just started randomly adding shit until all the surface space was used up. The thing looks like a sea-going Pontiac Aztek.

I hope the designers were really high, because there is no consistency to this thing, no grace, no flow to the design. It's a clashing mishmash at war with itself and the eyes. It's like they were aiming for an aquatic version of a Lamborghini, but created a gigantic Mexican kit car.

And what do they call that color? Metallic bronze baby shit?

The only thing that can fix this mess is a well-placed torpedo.
TIMEtoRIDE900 - 10 years ago
+Dragon Steel This thing tops out at 36 MPH - there's an amazing Yacht this size that goes 75 - - this thing is a dog !! 
tallll70 - 10 years ago
+Thomas Nixon
lol, yeah, I'm Czech, i do make plenty of mistakes with English here and there, but there is no need for panic...
Skyhighblu - 10 years ago
This thing is EPIC. I'll take one, paint it red and black and call it the "Outlaw Star" 
Thomas Nixon
Thomas Nixon - 10 years ago
+tallll70 I do like coffee and I do like STEAK.  Stake, though, I can pass.  Maybe my pet beaver (the animal not the other) would like it if you leave the bark on it. 
tallll70 - 10 years ago
+Clive Sinclair
Lol, when people stop judging others for different taste. Especially when it goes to something like music. It's like somebody try to tell me that stake is better then coffee. If you don't like coffee and do like stake, it's not because coffee is stupid and easy to make. If you good at making music with software, but can't play real guitar, you still have to be talented musician to do so, just with different skill. 
Dragon Steel
Dragon Steel - 10 years ago
+F. Swemson  I just said "over ten million" smiles 
F. Swemson
F. Swemson - 10 years ago
+Dragon Steel More like $50 to $100 Million actually...
Captain Tiger
Captain Tiger - 10 years ago
You all are phuked up americans that are just jelous and haters,  get a job or a blow job phucktards
Corn Fed
Corn Fed - 10 years ago
I couldn't agree more. Totally ugly. 
Dragon Steel
Dragon Steel - 10 years ago
I really like it! I enjoy all the extra shape to it. I'd consider this style of yacht if I was going to spend over ten million. 
Daath Gnosis
Daath Gnosis - 10 years ago
+Clive Sinclair
Fact of the matter is that you have a hard time dealing with a different opinion then yourself, attesting to your own immature thought process. Thus classic shadow projection.
Clive Sinclair
Clive Sinclair - 10 years ago
+Daath Gnosis Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - but if you are twelve, you might need to Google that ;-)
Daath Gnosis
Daath Gnosis - 10 years ago
+Jose Paulo King
If that makes you feel good inside.
Jose Paulo King
Jose Paulo King - 10 years ago
+Daath Gnosis  Ok. You must be twelve, then.
Daath Gnosis
Daath Gnosis - 10 years ago
It looks military futuristic extra ordinary super cool. You are insane.
josefwurst - 10 years ago
i hate it ;) thats not even a yacht .... its a boat ....
Mark McCormick
Mark McCormick - 10 years ago
UGLY to the 9th power. unless it's a Transformer. 
jorgekontor - 10 years ago
150 ft ... carbon superstructure... only 32 knots....

2 Words and one number with 3 digits.. Wally Power 118.
better looking then this.. can travel at a modest 70 knots .

and the looks and color combination... well... might appeal to some.. but i am not one of them.
Dorian Rayleigh
Dorian Rayleigh - 10 years ago
speed doesn't matter
Dorian Rayleigh
Dorian Rayleigh - 10 years ago
I was looking for a yacht with about 25000 km range (solar,diesel,CHP)
Dorian Rayleigh
Dorian Rayleigh - 10 years ago
not my level
Bottled water
Bottled water - 10 years ago
Dorian Rayleigh
Dorian Rayleigh - 10 years ago
+Bottled water bad conversion rate
Maria Del Carmen Figueroa Duarte
Maria Del Carmen Figueroa Duarte - 10 years ago
H ((
Bottled water
Bottled water - 10 years ago
At the maximum speed of 60 knots (110 km/h) the gas turbine uses 15 US gallons / 58 liters of fuel per nautical mile, 900 gallons / 3500 liters per hour.
jorgekontor - 10 years ago
+libra8a true, i mean i seen this new yacht in white, it looks less horrible... 
the Wally 118 at least was shaped on the wind tunnel of Ferrari... 
libra8a - 10 years ago
Yea. Built for speed my ass. And it's butt ugly.
MBC022 - 10 years ago
unique, modern, and sexy, stop the hate, this thing looks killer
Boat Show Avenue
Boat Show Avenue - 10 years ago
That is a beauty!  Thanks for sharing +WLUK-TV FOX 11 .  That thing looks like more of a toy than a real Yacht!
BellinghamsterTrail - 10 years ago
Palmer Johnson Yachts has continually been leap frogging the Mediterranean super yacht builders in recent years. Its good to see something truly special coming from the US. We can actually do anything we want. The hole we find ourselves in is as much mental as it is economic. Socialism and Communism isn't the way to go. We just need to start dreaming again. 
NwoDispatcher - 7 years ago
beautiful man. Socialism is for zoo animals.
Jetara - 7 years ago
Oh yeah...USA... U S A.
It's just a boat for some rich blokes who throw their money out of the window, no need to start USA propaganda shit here.
Petrol91 - 7 years ago
engine room and systems is dutch, hull is norwegian and the design is Italian...
BellinghamsterTrail - 10 years ago
Apparently civility is dead as well...... At least in some people. 
rich b
rich b - 10 years ago
Fuck you. Capitalism is dead. This is the body flapping around like a dying fish.
Christine Dietterich
Christine Dietterich - 10 years ago
looks like something for the army
Logan McClanahan
Logan McClanahan - 10 years ago
If I was rich and had this yacht and could afford the fuel cost I would get all the bitches!
Onslaught305 - 10 years ago
That was beautiful.
FreakyScaryChannel - 10 years ago
Purchased by a Dirty Banker...
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
You should watch money masters. This will take forever to explain.
AmerikanGrizzly - 9 years ago
+Porcaline Marx It is independent WITHIN the government, not from the government. That does not make it a private institution. 
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+AmerikanGrizzly Lol federal reserve is actually privately owned. Look it up haha
AmerikanGrizzly - 9 years ago
+Porcaline Marx That is the federal reserve, its not a private bank. Wtf are you talking about. Private banks (investment or commercial) do not have that ability and make money by either investing (investment bank) or issuing loans (commercial).
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 10 years ago
I can appreciate Bill gates and Warren Buffet but private bankers just piss me off. If you control the printing presses you can literally print 300mil to buy a yacht.
F. Swemson
F. Swemson - 10 years ago
With a tiny weiner....
Fritz Rohrer
Fritz Rohrer - 10 years ago
true story
Onslaught305 - 10 years ago
Jealous much?
M-A-G-A - 10 years ago
I'd rather go find FDR's old presidential yacht and restore it.  Heard it is in Greece.
Carmel Pule'
Carmel Pule' - 10 years ago
If a hull is light , it is not always an advantage in a wavy sea. For long distance comfort there is   nothing like a ballasted boat which rides the waves slowly  as it becomes somewhat tiring  in   a hull like a light catamaran which undulates so quiclkly, same with a  light planing hull , be this sailed or powered. A rolling action of about 4 seconds is the least to aim for.
ben .baxter
ben .baxter - 10 years ago
Andreo Suro
Andreo Suro - 10 years ago
looks interesting
highvelocity123 - 10 years ago
Ok, if you're a multi-millionaire who can afford a yacht, do you buy this one?  And I think just because you can build something doesn't mean you
tuffsing313 - 10 years ago
the hull was made in norway.
tazounet76410 - 10 years ago
qu'il est moche !!!!

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