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516 likes 921,833 views 10 years ago
The champagne had just been smashed against the hull and the proud buyer was preparing to take ownership of his...
The "New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay" video is part of the Yachts, sailing, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay
the general public will pay for it,. they dont need healthcare anyway,...
20. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay
30. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay
Thank you for creating job for us Elite,
If I had this money I would build houses for poor kids instead
50. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay
My dads g25 fits over 20
100. comment for New yacht launched in Sturgeon Bay
Pretty sure it belongs to some A-rab now
gostei da cor.
this commentator saying yacht in an awful screech voice. And the video was about
They will slide off the deck tho..
Spending a lot of money on that ugly boat is a bad thing....
Never said it was fast. The weight of the ship was taken off the hull, but that doesn't mean the weight isn't moved elsewhere.
There are faster ships, sure, no argument there.
This Yacht, with all its speedy looks can only go 2 knots faster than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier.
Innovative design, state of the art.
FAR better than the same ol' usual bathtub hull looking yachts out there.
The ship definitely looks like it was inspired by a Romulan design.
I'd buy it, but I would prefer something more like a Vulcan design.
Machine Guns and a Tank to protect myself
from freedom haters.
But totally agree with your previous comment.
All i'm saying is this. We / all of us, you and me, and 7,000,000,000,000 other people, can't all have giant yachts, and penthouses, jet airplanes, giant mansions, it just impossible. The resources will be completely wiped out. I'm saying the human race will not survive another 50 years, certainly another 100, or more years of what we are doing to this planet. That is agreed upon by every sensible responsible sane scientist, and scholar around the world. Yet the criminal politicians, continue to allow this kind of debauchery to continue. It's a sacrifice we all have to make, "together", in order to keep from poisoning, strangling, and murdering each other, and before we are under water without a drop to drink. It's coming whether people want to believe it or not. We may not be able to prevent the very end, but we can certainly, try, or at least, slow it down. The old saying in baseball is "you miss every pitch you don't swing at". Defeatist attitudes "always" loose.
The ship-builders built it, do you mean the rich fuck that bought it?
I think it's odd that someone with a UK accent is building luxury yachts in Wisconsin.
Nothing Robin Hood about it. Try, and imagine yourself living in some filthy shit hole slum in Mumbai, and this piece of shit comes bombing over your (cardboard shack / plastic recycling business), in the middle of the sewer for 12 million people who shit in your front porch, or your living room for that matter. You'll think it's raining, but it's Mukesh Ambani pissing on you from the door of his $20,000,000 helicopter. I'm no stranger to history, and not in a fantasy land about human behavior. I'm merely stating that like two titans on a circular shoot out with hair trigger pistols at arms length, we need to find a way to deal with problems, and with each other, because nature is about to cut our balls off, and remove our heads, whether people believe it or not that's the pure scientific reality.
For dat amount of money and man hours I could have built my Space Boat which can go to the Moon and Mars, really.
Well I saw it was headed to Europe where they would be freer to put in high powered turbine engines - in aircraft planes even as great as the Beechcraft Starship were recalled because the gov. regulations said the power to weight ratio made them "weapons of war" so I wondered if this was going to be so powerful it could not be started up in USA waters. No time to explain it all so i hope this makes some sense.
Its also called industrial grit and industrial pollution. You wouldnt go swimming in that shit, thats for damn sure. So when you people boldly proclaim there are more yacts, super or not super, around Manhattan than there are anywhere in Europe, Im guessing it was just one of those american trademark bullshit claims then.
Because if were not talking the Hudson, then what... You think the East River is any better? Or are you talking Newark Bay or New Jersey? All industrial shitholes. Its not exactly Cap Ferrat, is it.
This Palmer Johnson yacht, was shipped straight over to Europe once it was built. To be where its actually happening. Yachting, being on the sea, was never a big thing in the US except between Florida and the Bahamas. Who are you trying to fool.
Where are all these boat docks with multi million dollar superyachts then. I cant see a single one on Google Earth. Nor have I ever heard of any boating culture on the dirty, industrial Hudson. Or is it just another all american tendency of claiming best in the wooorld on thin grounds.
Boat owners will love North Cove, one of the best marinas in Manhattan! The marina is located on the Hudson River in Battery Park City, in the Lower Manhattan area. People frequently refer to this beautiful marina as "Monaco on the Hudson." A few blocks away you'll find Tribeca, one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Manhattan and home to some of the best restaurants in the city! You'll also be near other historic communities like Wall Street, City Hall, South Street Seaport, and Chinatown.
Catering to mega yachts, North Cove contains 12 slips that accommodate yachts of 100 feet or more. The website features some great discounts on private yacht dockage.See a complete list of marinas in Manhattan and take advantage of the nicest water transportation in the city. View detailed reviews on all the marinas in Manhattan. Find the most beautiful marinas Manhattan has to offer.
Because we all know BIG LETTERS HURT OUR EARS !!!
Where are all these super yachts on Manhattan then? Whats the marina called.
Hahaha what a thing to say. Whats that marina called so I can look it up on the net.
I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS THING FOR FUCKS SAKES... NOT MILLION DOLLAR YACHTS. And when it comes to boating and yachts, its really not very big in USA compared to most other coastal countries because there arent so many islands off the coast of the US to actually go to. Except Florida and the Carribeans where you are likely to find a lot of million dollar yachts.
I know I know.... But there are not alot of these things.
Thousands of these.... Wow... there is only 1, dude. But ofcourse... You can always trust americans to bring the WILD claims and tall tales.
Such as ??
Then I dead headed to Fla to pick up an Endeavor or Gulf Star to take back to NO LA where we built the NY 40s. Been there, done that too. Worked in OJ Young's boat yard in NO LA for several years starting doing bottom jobs for a year or so and then working up to driving our 18 Wheeler, wide, high, long and just totally over sized in every way possible.
PJ can't be responsible for what a customer orders and pays for (ugly slow or whatever).
Apart form the joke, the money is wasted anyways.
"it's an ugly piece of shit."There is no accounting for taste.That's not the reason I called you the village idiot.I called you the village idiot because you compared a war machine propelled by two nuclear reactors with a yacht that is meant to provide luxury.
the japanese made ships over 200 meters long that could reach 35+ knots. The US, britsd, germans probhably too.
But a small boatbuilding company, located in the superhigh-cost country of NORWAY, there were the skills neede to befound:
Specializing in building fastboats for more than 60 years, located at one of the magnificent fjords of Norway: A familiy owned business named: 'Brødr. Aa'
Their shipyard is located in Hyen, county of Sogn & Fjordane, Norway.
This family business is a frontrunner worldwide, using modern carbon-fibre technology to construct boats in excess of 140 feet. Both monohulls and catamarans has been built the last 15 years....
Thinking: Far out in the western countryside, up in the north of Europe, yes we can ...
Brødr. Aa has produced a whole series of passenger catamarans with this technique, already, the first one back in 1999, it's still going strong! Those vessels are operating routes in some really rough coastal waters, spread from north to south of Norway, and also in the Mediterranean etc ...
Main advantages of this sandwhich / carbon-fibre building technique is:
Opening the possibillities both to developing, designing and building vessels which are super lightweight, super strong, reliable and durable, -once you're mastering some real challenge: Advanced production-technology, like making big 'chunks' in ONE piece... completely flawless!
Well, the country putting a man on the moon ages ago, nowadays doesn't seem to be quite on par at boatbuilding!
(importing ready-built modules and stuff...)
Another example: The first modules of the new Boeing Dreamliner's main body was constructed where? In Italy, Europe! Found some expertice there ...and cheap also ...
Take some super-lightweight carbon-fibre structures, combine them with low-cost, 'conventional' type of propulsion systems, then add really SMALL diesel engines for the boats size (typically: german, MTU's), and there you go:
Fuel costs running extremly low, while still achieving max.running.speeds in excess of 36 knots! Total costs of construction are at least fairly reasonable, or better.
What about a passenger catamaran carrying 250-300 passengers offshore, marching at 30-34 knots, using only 2 x 2000 hp diesel engines, running at 75-80% power setting?
Resulting in a fuel consumption at full passenger load, around 2 kilograms pr. PAX / hour is simply extremely low for a vessel running at this speed.
(still capable of handling waves in the range of 2-4 meters height, if not at full speed).
Are American boatbuilders lagging behind, when it comes to implementing both new advanced, and new 'green' technologies in fastboats, fast yachts / luxury yachts, and still keeping a fairly low budget profile, both for building and especially when it comes to running costs...='it's the new age'!
Who's one of the key figures behind those faboulous Nor-Tech Catamarans?
Guess, it's a 'norseman'!
Watch out ...! :)
,,Needs to be painted race car red with white stripe and white contour striping and a white and black checkered flag , because that's the only checked flag this slow cow will ever own ..I would have liked to see the interior, can't make a accurate decision on whether or not to really like it .... and if I want 1 or 2.
Umh, how about "no?"
I'd have assumed the designer of this vessel was an engineer of some sort, but jeez... maybe he's thinking about rockets and not boats. I think most people with a general grasp of the forces at work would agree that the arguably biggest player on something moving through a fluid environment (water, air) is the drag on its shape. A boat could be made of IRON but if its dynamics were superior (and it floated) it would take less energy to maintain speed than a poorly designed shape made of ANYTHING. Granted, some initial (mass) acceleration to get started would come to bear, but that's really not significant in a boat. Spacecraft in a vacuum, sure, very important.
But you know, appearance over function is the thing for some people with money to burn (and easily taken-in by a salesman posing as an engineer?) Maybe this yacht runs on turbines fueled by $100 bills!
Was launched
Decades ago
but then again,. you wont have any money for fuel or maintenance,. so you wont spend much time on it i guess,..
As for suing, my lawyer said "we can, and we'd most likely win, when we get to court. But they are wealthy, they can drag this out for years all the while your legal expenses will continue to climb. Sure, you should get them all back in the end...." Considering I had NOTHING because I hadn't been paid in 6 months all the while paying out huge amounts....
Well, many things are illegal and people still do them. So I guess the question is in morals.
And I am sorry for your lay-off. Interesting to hear about that you think you were making more back in 70s on low-skilled than now in high-skilled. You know, some call inflation as tax that robs currency from you so banksters (very accurate word I have to say) can buy an extra yacht for themselves...
You should have sueed the hell out of that person and made to court. I remember that someone told me that lawyers are there to screw people, if somebody screws you, you screw them with lawyers.
Anyways, I am as old as you were in 1980 and I hope to find myself within next 5 years in London, Zurich/Geneva and Monaco in my sportscar and perhaps visit Canada and buy you a beer!
The problem with minimum wage here in Canada is that it hasn't kept up with the times and now with automation etc, many skilled jobs are now minimum wage jobs.
For eg: when I was 12 (in 1973) I got a job at the local ice cream shop to clean up their lot and get the garbage ready for pickup the next day. I was paid $2.00 an hour.
Last year I got laid off from a skilled building carpenter job that paid $20.00 an hour. When you fact in the cost of living increase, buying power, and taxation increases, and the cost of employment (I had to pay for my own safety equipment, tools, etc) I was making MORE per hour at 12 years old sweeping up a parking lot than I was at 50 in a highly skilled job....
Yes, I had a contract, and this was for additional work that they added to it. During the discover meeting my lawyer asked them:
did you ask him to price out the work?
Did he provide you a price?
Did he do the work?
Were you happy with the work?
You weren't? then why are you bringing people into your home to show it off? BUT BUT BUT (I made some calls).
Did he do the work for the price quoted?
So why don't you feel you should pay for the work he completed?
I shouldn't have to pay for it....why? because...and that's when THEIR lawyer interrupted and said "we'll start settlement negotiations now".....because he KNEW if we got to court they'd lose with HER attitude...I don't feel I have to pay because I have money and he doesn't.....
About the minium wage, it depends. I mean, in the country where I live, the minimum wage is about ~300€ that is about $325 and yes, even here people complain how small the wages are. The thing is that it is mostly low-skilled workers who do so. You get such wage for low-skill (that do not require much "education") works like in supermarkets or cleaning, etc.
However, high-skilled jobs like programming that give you like 2000€ (that is about 7 times more than minimum wage here) are quite normal but the problem is here that the supply is small that is there are not many skilled programmers...
Secondly, I am sorry for your business experiences. Happens. About losing $27.000, what was the contract like? I always ask clients/agencies to pay 50% first and 50% when reciving final service or product. BTW, what was the service you provided then? Construction work, moving service?
Thirdly, yes, economical crashes happen as the system we live in is cyclical that is up and down - like a rollecoaster. The only prevention here would be paying attention to markets because for example real-estate is always in delay compared to what happens in stock market.
And also having friends in the top, I mean it would be foolish not to befriend with people who have insider knowledge that can save you a lot currency, wouldn't it?
I've tried it three times, and the last time I was well on my way, until a rich bitch decided she didn't have to pay me and I lost $27,000.00. I sued her, and ended up losing only about $3,000.00 after expenses. Now that isn't a lot, but considering I basically worked for free for 4 months, yet STILL had to pay for materials, insurance, tools, the truck, and my worker's wages, that was enough to force me out of business....
Then I moved to another town where I was told that there was $100K of business for me if I wanted it (per year) I had over $120K in quotes out then the rich pricks on wall street destroyed the economy and all that business dried up because all those customers lost their jobs.....
One thing I have learned over the years: you don't get rich working hard...you get rich by OTHER people working hard and you taking the profits......
The Baltimore class cruiser from ww2 which was 673ft long with a weight of 17,000 tones had a top speed of 32.5 knots.
Plus there is a "stall" speed when it comes to hull design.....you can double or triple the horsepower and the boat just won't go any faster.....you don't just have wind resistance (like you do with a car) you also have water resistance...
People think you can just throw massive engines and go fast.....errr WRONG....ever seen hydroplane racing boats? the reason they go so fast is because maybe 2% of the boat is actually making contact with the water.....
I had a 30 foot sport cruiser.....at 25 mph I burned 12 gallons per hour....at full throttle (72 mph on the speedo, not accounting for speedo error) I burned 2 gallons per MILE.(or 144 gallons per hour).....that was only when I was on board with 1/4 of 1 tank of fuel....add another person? take off 5 to 10 mph...add 3 other people? couldn't get about 50....add a full tank of water? can't get above 40....add anther 1/4 tank of fuel? can't get above 35.....
I was looking at an Emerson Fittipaldi 34' scarab.....it had triple 700 hp engines....at full throttle (about 90 mph) it burned a MINIMUM 300 gallons per hour.....
yeah but it all just kinda defeats the point of making it look like a speed boat lol, the excuse is it is fuel efficient but i am 100% sure anyone forking out a good 200 million for one of these does not care about petrol prices.
Yeah but it kinda seems like they were going for speed with that yacht, im just saying the thing looks like it should do at least 50 knots on level water.
if I was on-board, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get off.....
Im just saying... if they were going for speed they failed.
The hull would be made of 100% carbon fiber, coated with ceramic to protect the carbon from the salty waters. It would be propelled by 4 custom-made 852ci (13.9L) turbocharged HEMI V8's with a cast magnesium block, Aluminum Silicium heads, NikAsil coated cylinder walls, titanium camshaft, crankshaft, connecting rods, pushrods, valves and rocker arms, running on methanol, each producing a minimum of 2,500 horsepower, 3,000ft-lbs of toque @ 3,000 rpm. Not 3,000hp each, because that would bring my ship's fuel economy from 0.2mpg, to 0.1mpg. Unacceptable.
Paint her Baby Blue
Paint her Baby Blue
I like the color, I think it looks bad-ass.
Side note, anyone notice the real news in the 'scrolling bar' while Fox does a piece about an expensive yacht. Kind-of sums up main-stream media.
With boats it's not just the total weight but where the weight is. You want the boat to be heavy underneath and the top to be light.
Imagine this boat being out for a while and it's fuel and fresh water almost depleted. It'll become easy to roll over. All they need now is for some rich moron to come and put a helicopter on the top of it, and they'll all be swimming to hell.
But apparently you know what whales like as far as bot preference?
Cant afford one but if I could This is not the one I would buy.. Way to ugly for the price.
eat shit buddy , shove that ugly yatch up you're ugly ass until its deformed bow pierces your but ugly face with shit on it Dort.
Shiver me timbers, cap n let fire some iron in ta monster.
Palmer Johnson should hide their heads in the sand.
Yah what they were missing was an interior designer lmao
And since they have loads of money, I'd say reduce the number of strong curves to make it look a bit less contorted and more normal. If you want more advice, email me and hire me as interior designer.
It's not like you buy such a big yacht to race it.
Nice joke on the end, because why would you destroy something you just...don't like right? But anyways, no matter what paragraphs and principles you throw at people, they will like different things shape wise. You can say that cube on top of ball is ugly, but the weight of the truth stops with your opinion. And thanks for that we receive variety of different looking things which many of them i might not like.
Ahead of the curved windows awkwardly piled on top of each other are 3 long vertical canted strakes that look like they were stolen from the front fenders of a 2011 Range Rover. They look out of place on the car, and even more ridiculous on this yacht.
And if that wasn't quite awkward enough, they added the little crease running through the middle of the strakes back to where it slams into the middle of the leading edge of one of the curved windows. And one end of each of the curved windows is awkwardly squared off, with the lower one not aligning with the pointed end of the one above it.
Above the two stacked windows is a third one, a continuation of the windshield, the lower edge of which angles upward, so skewed with the flat top edge of the curved window below it that they had to paint the area below the end of the upper window flat black to carry the curve of the "roof line" down to the curved windows below it.
There are design problems everywhere you look at this thing, starting with the flattened, turned-down nose at the bow, continuing all the to the stern.
Every styling feature seems to have been poorly conceived and/or executed. There appears to have been no coherent overall theme to the design. They just started randomly adding shit until all the surface space was used up. The thing looks like a sea-going Pontiac Aztek.
I hope the designers were really high, because there is no consistency to this thing, no grace, no flow to the design. It's a clashing mishmash at war with itself and the eyes. It's like they were aiming for an aquatic version of a Lamborghini, but created a gigantic Mexican kit car.
And what do they call that color? Metallic bronze baby shit?
The only thing that can fix this mess is a well-placed torpedo.
lol, yeah, I'm Czech, i do make plenty of mistakes with English here and there, but there is no need for panic...
Lol, when people stop judging others for different taste. Especially when it goes to something like music. It's like somebody try to tell me that stake is better then coffee. If you don't like coffee and do like stake, it's not because coffee is stupid and easy to make. If you good at making music with software, but can't play real guitar, you still have to be talented musician to do so, just with different skill.
Fact of the matter is that you have a hard time dealing with a different opinion then yourself, attesting to your own immature thought process. Thus classic shadow projection.
If that makes you feel good inside.
2 Words and one number with 3 digits.. Wally Power 118.
better looking then this.. can travel at a modest 70 knots .
and the looks and color combination... well... might appeal to some.. but i am not one of them.
the Wally 118 at least was shaped on the wind tunnel of Ferrari...
It's just a boat for some rich blokes who throw their money out of the window, no need to start USA propaganda shit here.