Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

3D animated comparison of some of the most expensive stuff in the world. And how much stacks of $100 you will need to buy that. From a $1 bill all the way to the value of Earth and beyond PS: The Hand, Man and Bus FOR SCALE at $1M, 1B and 1T respectively are to show the SIZE (how big the pile of $100 notes will look like in real life) They DO NOT mean that a hand cost $1M! Universe Size Comparison 3D: Featured Comparisons $1 note, Starbucks Brewed Coffee, Big Mac price, Movie ticket price, $10 note, Restaurant Meal , Gold (1 gram), No Man's Sky Game, $100 note, Average Suit, Average Sofa, Average Bicycle, $1,000 stack, High Specs Gaming Computer, Plutonium (1 gram), Average Grand Piano, $10,000 stack, Yubari King Melons (Most Expensive Fruit), Average Car, Diamond (1 gram), Italian White Alba Truffle (Most Expensive Food), Average US House, Clive Christian Perfume (Most Expensive Perfume), Painite (1 gram), Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon (Most Ex Wine), Club Neverdie, Entropia Universe (Most Ex Virtual Item), $1 million, Red Tibetan Mastiff (Most Expensive Pet), Diamond Tom's Ford (Most Expensive Shoe) , Stuart Hughes Prestige HD (Most Expensive TV), Heintzman Crystal Piano (Most Expensive Instrument), Small school, Black Diamond Gold iPhone (Most Expensive phone), Marie-Antoinette (Most Expensive Watch), Californium (1 gram) , Codex Leicester (Most Expensive Book), Scorpion Venom (1 gallon) (Most Expensive Liquid), Ferarri 250 GTO (Most Expensive Car), Wittelsbach Diamond (Most Expensive Jewellery), L¡¯Homme qui marche (Most Expensive Sculpture), Interchange de Kooning (Most Expensive Painting), Lanai Islet, Hawaii (Most Expensive Island), Round Trip to the Moon, $1 Billion, Antilia (Most Expensive House), B-2 Spirit (Most Expensive Aircraft), History Supreme (Most Expensive Yacht), Abraj Al Bait (Most Expensive Building), Bill Gates Net Worth (Richest Person), Rothschild Family Net Worth (Richest Family), US Interstate Highway System (Most Expensive Project), Wallmart Revenue (Largest Company), $1 Trillion, US National Debt, China's GDP (PPP), Anti Matter (1 gram), Global GDP, Total value of all financial assets, Value of all of Earth's Resources, Value of the Sun's lifetime energy resources, Value of a Diamond ExoPlanet! "Clash Defiant" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9803

Yacht 8 years ago 9,439,356 views

3D animated comparison of some of the most expensive stuff in the world. And how much stacks of $100 you will need to buy that. From a $1 bill all the way to the value of Earth and beyond PS: The Hand, Man and Bus FOR SCALE at $1M, 1B and 1T respectively are to show the SIZE (how big the pile of $100 notes will look like in real life) They DO NOT mean that a hand cost $1M! Universe Size Comparison 3D: Featured Comparisons $1 note, Starbucks Brewed Coffee, Big Mac price, Movie ticket price, $10 note, Restaurant Meal , Gold (1 gram), No Man's Sky Game, $100 note, Average Suit, Average Sofa, Average Bicycle, $1,000 stack, High Specs Gaming Computer, Plutonium (1 gram), Average Grand Piano, $10,000 stack, Yubari King Melons (Most Expensive Fruit), Average Car, Diamond (1 gram), Italian White Alba Truffle (Most Expensive Food), Average US House, Clive Christian Perfume (Most Expensive Perfume), Painite (1 gram), Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon (Most Ex Wine), Club Neverdie, Entropia Universe (Most Ex Virtual Item), $1 million, Red Tibetan Mastiff (Most Expensive Pet), Diamond Tom's Ford (Most Expensive Shoe) , Stuart Hughes Prestige HD (Most Expensive TV), Heintzman Crystal Piano (Most Expensive Instrument), Small school, Black Diamond Gold iPhone (Most Expensive phone), Marie-Antoinette (Most Expensive Watch), Californium (1 gram) , Codex Leicester (Most Expensive Book), Scorpion Venom (1 gallon) (Most Expensive Liquid), Ferarri 250 GTO (Most Expensive Car), Wittelsbach Diamond (Most Expensive Jewellery), L¡¯Homme qui marche (Most Expensive Sculpture), Interchange de Kooning (Most Expensive Painting), Lanai Islet, Hawaii (Most Expensive Island), Round Trip to the Moon, $1 Billion, Antilia (Most Expensive House), B-2 Spirit (Most Expensive Aircraft), History Supreme (Most Expensive Yacht), Abraj Al Bait (Most Expensive Building), Bill Gates Net Worth (Richest Person), Rothschild Family Net Worth (Richest Family), US Interstate Highway System (Most Expensive Project), Wallmart Revenue (Largest Company), $1 Trillion, US National Debt, China's GDP (PPP), Anti Matter (1 gram), Global GDP, Total value of all financial assets, Value of all of Earth's Resources, Value of the Sun's lifetime energy resources, Value of a Diamond ExoPlanet! "Clash Defiant" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Most popular comments
for Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

Malaska :D
Malaska :D - 7 years ago
If someone bought the Diamond ExoPlanet, diamonds would be worth the same as limestone, so please don't do it.
Memecynical - 7 years ago
Елена Макеева
Елена Макеева - 7 years ago
1 one
10 ten
100 one hundred
1,000 one thousand
10,000 ten thousand
1,000,000 one million
1,000,000,000 Billion
1,000,000,000,000 Trillion
sjommi 4ever
sjommi 4ever - 7 years ago
How much time did that take to render
Turtle Bot
Turtle Bot - 7 years ago
The us GDP is higher than chinas
Turtle Bot
Turtle Bot - 7 years ago
You are an idiot if you think gaming PCs cost 2k
Ethan Matherne
Ethan Matherne - 7 years ago
4:39 he misspelled single
ANDUCK YOUTUBE - 7 years ago
You forgot textbooks
What's Thicc Bro?
What's Thicc Bro? - 7 years ago
hand to scale? i can cut off my hand and be rich?
same with man to scale

10. comment for Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

Daniel Madrid Ferrero
Daniel Madrid Ferrero - 7 years ago
The wine that you put like the most expensive is not exactly correct, because usually the wine bottles are 0,75 liters and this bottles is of 6 liters, that means that a normal bottle of this wine cost approximately 62500 dollars, and exist more expensive wine that this one.
that one commenter
that one commenter - 7 years ago
damn... why not a pure platinum rolls Royce?
Esther Ouwehand
Esther Ouwehand - 7 years ago
0:38 Country size comparison
Ahmed Safaklioglu
Ahmed Safaklioglu - 7 years ago
Lang lebe israel
Lang lebe israel - 7 years ago
So Bill Gates could buy a B-2 bomber if he really wanted to?
firendable - 7 years ago
Why do you even have the value of the sun? The title of the video is "world's most expensive". Not universe
firendable - 7 years ago
You are wrong about the world's richest family. The richest family is the royal family of Saudi Arabia
Savio Almeida
Savio Almeida - 7 years ago
The costliest thing I own is a MacBook air...
SPACE MANIA - 7 years ago
I would buy a thousand women for 1trillion
Burnt Potato
Burnt Potato - 7 years ago
lol Some of us think $1 is such a big value, see a $1 on the floor, take and you RUN.

20. comment for Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

EetuUT - 7 years ago
How can i own the sun?
Jeroen Nodalo
Jeroen Nodalo - 7 years ago
I would buy food with 1 trillion
QWERTY MITTAL - 7 years ago
Give me a Starbuck coffee instead of diamond planet
YaBoiHeat - 7 years ago
Wait a movie ticket is $8 now??
Mason Sines
Mason Sines - 7 years ago
In the fake world I can get a Movie Ticket! I always wanted to see Jumanji 2.
Θωμάς Στρυμπώνης
Θωμάς Στρυμπώνης - 7 years ago
Why the price of diamond plamet us so expensive wheb rherare not even so much money
Kira Clay
Kira Clay - 7 years ago
Seriously, people, why can't you just make things cheap!!! I like how you put an image of one of your videos in the Gaming PC. And where is the original Kiwi in this video, he is the most expensive Beanie Boo!!!
LaMillionaire - 7 years ago
Anyway, even Starbucks Coffee is too expensive for me.
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
How the hell do you even get anti-matter!?
Misty The Kitten
Misty The Kitten - 7 years ago
If I can get my hands on some anti-matter, boi o boi

30. comment for Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

#phantom god #phantom god
#phantom god #phantom god - 7 years ago
Anti matter dam
Khalidkk1285 Khankk
Khalidkk1285 Khankk - 7 years ago
Big macs worth then my ex...
Another Guy
Another Guy - 7 years ago
Lol anyone would live on the diamond planet, then diamonds will be cheap based on rarity
Thomas E S Thomas
Thomas E S Thomas - 7 years ago
GDP of the United States is $93,000,000,000,000. China owes the world between $3- $7 Trillion. United States by far is the richest country, worth more than all other nations, combined.
Felipe Morgado
Felipe Morgado - 7 years ago
Ai vc converte o valor do último pra reais=BOOOMM
vendexhd games
vendexhd games - 7 years ago
I have that phone buts its only $1000
Pierce Johnson
Pierce Johnson - 7 years ago
Now I can go to the moon only need 750.000.000 $ I think I got what 1,2,3 oh yes 5 pennies in my pocket almost there’s I took away 5 cents away from 750.000.000 actually I’m not sure if I even put enough zeros wow I really gotta long way to go
Sampai64 - 7 years ago
This is the market for gods.
Gaming world
Gaming world - 7 years ago
Bro you are amazing I mean you have taken this video next supreme level
SWAPPY 7 - 7 years ago
Whoever paused to see gates's net-worth....any...??
毛泽东 - 7 years ago
Денис Жилов
Денис Жилов - 7 years ago
sure buck possibly lzoxeg on economics greatest flesh species ad close punish.
Ariza Muzawar
Ariza Muzawar - 7 years ago
I can buy the planet I got a massive big mansion than the world has got
VideoSins - 7 years ago
buy every single tank on world of tanks and war thunder.
NeXi Games
NeXi Games - 7 years ago
5:31 robux xd
JohnTRM - 7 years ago
4:07 Aribus!?
Charlie I
Charlie I - 7 years ago
There’s me thinking that hot dog I just ate was expensive
Mafia 2003
Mafia 2003 - 7 years ago
Average car,lol you put a jaguar
Red Crawler
Red Crawler - 7 years ago
I wanted a Black Diamond Gold iPhone, but I prefer.......

Hanky Panky
Hanky Panky - 7 years ago
i will have 3 Diamond Exoplanets you know just to throw to my sugar baby

50. comment for Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

solom 45
solom 45 - 7 years ago
I thought the most expensive is my mother's tupperware
ErhusainS - 7 years ago
Most expensive thing, iMAX popcorns!!
Andrew Santora
Andrew Santora - 7 years ago
4:43 he spelt single wrong he spelt it like this sinlge
ninglum somipam
ninglum somipam - 7 years ago
Tibetan mastiff is freaking. I buy dogmeat with just $5 per Kg.
123maxm L
123maxm L - 7 years ago
History Supreme is not a real boat.... the most expensive boat is “Eclipse”
Sameer JaF
Sameer JaF - 7 years ago
In Gta I'm the boss of Everything
life enjoy bd
life enjoy bd - 7 years ago
plz make a phone price video
Zero Accords
Zero Accords - 7 years ago
Thumbnail technical clickbait
watch were u walkin nigga
watch were u walkin nigga - 7 years ago
Pshhh ..
I can buy all those..
In gta sa
JFD Jonas From Denmark
JFD Jonas From Denmark - 7 years ago
StarOceanSora360 - 7 years ago
please seriously, I own that diamond planet infinity fold
StarOceanSora360 - 7 years ago
great vid
Swarnim 7
Swarnim 7 - 7 years ago
Some of these are wrong
SorkkaRauta - 7 years ago
What will I do with 1 trillion dollars?? BUY CANDY! Ofc...
TheBLt Machine
TheBLt Machine - 7 years ago
They missed out an AWP dragon lore
RockGhostGames - 7 years ago
False the most expensive food is diamond wedding cake at over a million
Bella Canchola
Bella Canchola - 7 years ago
I’d rather want the Big Mac than a diamond planet
Orieos Aj
Orieos Aj - 7 years ago
The mastiff isnt the worlds most expensive pet.
The Green monkey is.
RektSafe X
RektSafe X - 7 years ago
A diamond planet? What about a antimateria planet
Jimu Rhew
Jimu Rhew - 7 years ago
Dark Shadow
Dark Shadow - 7 years ago
+1 sub
Cat Loving Gamer
Cat Loving Gamer - 7 years ago
I would buy two walmart so i get discounts
Cat Loving Gamer
Cat Loving Gamer - 7 years ago
Walmart for half a trillion dollars. What is happening.
Ghosty Nicholas
Ghosty Nicholas - 7 years ago
A Coke for me is worth more than that Exo-planet.
煮さはなふ - 7 years ago
Milo Slaughter
Milo Slaughter - 7 years ago
5:34 when I’m watching and it says there’s something a lot more expensive than the flipping sun and all of its resources I’m like <_< ok then
Hrvoje Habulan
Hrvoje Habulan - 7 years ago
And then there's neymar at 222 mil €
dat1guy - 7 years ago this guy copied you
FATAG 101 - 7 years ago
The human potato
The human potato - 7 years ago
Saves up 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Me: hmm yes I would like to buy the universe
ᄉᄒ - 7 years ago
정부는 가증스런 범죄강도 살인마집단 패륜미궄 나가게 하고 테러범죄집단으로 규정해라!!


패륜 미궄 지구상에서 사라져라!!

미궄은 환율조절 사기꾼 새끼들
미궄 쥐디피 믿지마세요 부풀린 사기극입니다!!!

악행돕는 범죄자들 엄벌해라!!

Rohith S
Rohith S - 7 years ago
I'd like to buy the diamond planet 27.0 Trillion
ES - 7 years ago
George The Gamer
George The Gamer - 7 years ago
The diamond exoplanet at the end is a stupid price
Aweseome245 - 7 years ago
If I had 1tril dollars, I'd probably buy Microsoft.
Cuz then I'd own Minecraft bois
Josh Chin
Josh Chin - 7 years ago
wait get your facts straight I checked and the us is the richest
stromy angel
stromy angel - 7 years ago
I KNO DA WAE - 7 years ago
throws out 26.9 nonillion dollars where is my planet!?
Bryy - 7 years ago
saving for that ferrari
HitProof - 7 years ago
Tibetian Mastiff is worth more than Human Life, Yep I knew it
Asaruu - 7 years ago
With 500000 nokia phones i can build a castle for myself!
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
u americans are very expensive in slovakia everything is cheep
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
movie ticket in slovakia is €2
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
u can buy new car 2016-2017 like bmw or mercedes for €20000-30000
is slovakia is everything cheep
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
average car in slovakia!! is only €300 i have mercedes benz a160 and i paid €1150
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
sofa in slovakia €100
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
cheap suit in slovakia €70
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
gold 1 gram in slovakia €23
stefan bendik
stefan bendik - 7 years ago
average restaurant meal in slovakia €4
Viviotic - 7 years ago
When you feel rich for getting a gaming pc
Pjk20 - 7 years ago
I want a gaming p- oh wait I want a diamond expo planet
Ghostgirl 708
Ghostgirl 708 - 7 years ago
yes may i buy 40000 hotdogs please
Eva Fuego
Eva Fuego - 7 years ago
I thought it will get into decillion buts it's noncillion
Turb Plays
Turb Plays - 7 years ago
Is anti matter even a thing
Tiitus Seppänen
Tiitus Seppänen - 7 years ago
What is this song?
Alison Marie Sandidge
Alison Marie Sandidge - 7 years ago
The government is Richter than you think

100. comment for Price Comparison (World Most Expensive Things)

М.Б. - 7 years ago
For a second I thought a hand costs a million dollars. Shit I was ready to chop ma hand off.
Johnathan Adamez
Johnathan Adamez - 7 years ago
A fucking pc for 2000$ someone doesn’t know shot about a good pc
ConnorConnor - 7 years ago
I'll buy the USA so I can get rid of your stupid dollars..
P0tader 123
P0tader 123 - 7 years ago
My natural resources cost 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999909009090909909099909999999999762746353846847628476674876542568564752477557657546682746547624837648736284647836476234763874623866487548367863576238657368765726876358675
thegrassmaster2 - 7 years ago
How do you get 26.9 Nonillion Dollars
Arstotzkaball - 7 years ago
126000th like
Snethz - 7 years ago
A Big Mac is 1€ DDD:<<<
Fred Fuchs
Fred Fuchs - 7 years ago
This video is so stupid. If you are going to compare things you must compare the same amount of everything or it is completely pointless. You cant compare 1 gram of gold to a gallon of liquid or an entire exoplanet. You must compare 1 gram of gold to 1 gram of scorpion venom to 1 gram of exoplanet. With your logic the value of the hydrogen and helium of a large star would dwarf the value of an exoplanet of diamond.

You cant just take the current market price of diamond and multiply by mass of a planet to get a proper value of that planet. Things have the value that someone is willing to pay and a diamond planet has no seller and therefore no buyer. The value of a diamond planet would have to be measured in the practical application and usefulness the material has for humanity. The value of comparison would be how much we are willing to spend to get to that planet and bring back the stuff.

Diamond is not an extremely useful material actually. Except for jewelry and industrial applications in grinding and drilling etc there is not much you can do with it. An unlimited source of for example titanium or gold or some other rare metal that has superior properties would be much more useful for us and worth more because we would be able to build amazing things with it.
Jim McKay
Jim McKay - 7 years ago
californium is not the most expensive matter as element 118 or antimatter is a lot more than that. I mean 4,000,000,000,000,,000 or something like that for a gram of element 118
hazardous gaming
hazardous gaming - 7 years ago
The last one isn’t entirely true because money/currency is used to provide something’s value and the more rare something is the higher value/price it will have, there fore if u could somehow harvest all the diamond from that exo planet then the value in diamonds would plummet. We’ve seen this before in things like sugar. Sugar was once as expensive and valued as gold but now sugar is in excess and we find surplus sugar in all our daily foods. So my point is diamonds would be incredibly cheap :)
SlimTank - 7 years ago
I own a diamond exo planet and it's nothing.
2150: Most expensive thing in the world: Pewdiepies corpse: $999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.99. But why would you put a corpse on sale? "HEY IM SELLING MY GRANDMAS' ASHES ONLY $0.01 ITS REALLY RARE YOU COULD THROUGH IT IN THE BIN IF YOU WANT LIMITED OFFER!
Joe Kopar
Joe Kopar - 7 years ago
Can I buy a star plz
lulun neitham
lulun neitham - 7 years ago
Time to invade diamond planet
Philippe Glaude
Philippe Glaude - 7 years ago
Maybe I will buy a Diamond ExoPlanete. Not so expensive.
BenIsGaming2 - 7 years ago
To bill gates most of this is cheap
Ethan Nate Bicomong
Ethan Nate Bicomong - 7 years ago
That's so expensive OMG!!!!
Gabriel Gutierrez
Gabriel Gutierrez - 7 years ago
How much is the electric piano
Emaan Ahmed
Emaan Ahmed - 7 years ago
Why’d you have to make it so scary
Nolan Dezi
Nolan Dezi - 7 years ago
holy sea turtle
A_ZZ3 CJN - 7 years ago
why not 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000000000000.000000000000000QD
Raz3r CZ
Raz3r CZ - 7 years ago
Hold on ima save up and buy C H I N A
SumBoedy oncetoldame
SumBoedy oncetoldame - 7 years ago
money is more expensive
Thoeny65 - 7 years ago
I bet a little kid will spend all of that money on fidget spinners
DonutCookie Club
DonutCookie Club - 7 years ago
Who has all this money to buy everything on the list ! #no one
ItsVas - 7 years ago
In Australia an average house is 700k...
Memecynical - 7 years ago
ItsVas ...australian dollars.
Rex Rasmussen
Rex Rasmussen - 7 years ago
You could buy freaking bill gates networth for less than a guy standing by a bus
TBeatz VEVO - 7 years ago
55 Cancrie(the diamond planet) is only the most valuable item due to it being unobtainable by us in the present... If we were to obtain even a minute fraction of its diamonds and bring them to earth.. The diamonds would become worthless..
JB Beats
JB Beats - 7 years ago
b-2 spirt is liek 735mil
Se7en - 7 years ago
Great video!
James Hunsberger
James Hunsberger - 7 years ago
cashier: welcome to *restaurant* how may i help you?
me: hi can i please have 40,000 hot dogs.
cashier: ummm.......
Oliver Westby
Oliver Westby - 7 years ago
2:27 not to be picky but WHAT IS AN IWATCH?
Luke the Duke
Luke the Duke - 7 years ago
Never knew that men for scale were so expensive.
Yahya Yassin
Yahya Yassin - 7 years ago
What is man for scale and man & bus to scale
Tom B
Tom B - 7 years ago
Even though the diamond exo-Planet is worth loads of money for its resources. If we ever manage to extract diamonds from that planet in the future, the global market scheme will deem diamonds to be less valuable then before due to its large increased popularity.
Jack Hallonquist
Jack Hallonquist - 7 years ago
How is resell of the diamond exoplanet?
Ükñôwñ Thé Ūmbrëøń
Ükñôwñ Thé Ūmbrëøń - 7 years ago
I craped my pants seeing this, but I knew anti-matter is the most expensive though
Marble Kid
Marble Kid - 7 years ago
Mr krabs will fade to see all of this money
Absurd Destroyer
Absurd Destroyer - 7 years ago
How do you mean? Scale
games and games
games and games - 7 years ago
Holy shit, i have the feeling, that there is not enough money on eart to buy theese things.
Wiggo B
Wiggo B - 7 years ago
What is californium?
Vicers 47
Vicers 47 - 7 years ago
Hey reigraw i think a channel named the victimizer stole this video
CrazyPlayingGuy - 7 years ago
i thought it said man for sale 1 billion lol
Lala S.
Lala S. - 7 years ago
Aye that planet looks pretty nice lemme see if I've got 26.9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 in my wallet
Thameren Dyck
Thameren Dyck - 7 years ago
Starbucks is more like 4.50 for a small cut
DumbHatGuys Channel
DumbHatGuys Channel - 7 years ago
Uses an iPhone 6 picture for iPhone 7

In black diamond and gold iphone
Shawn Hernandez
Shawn Hernandez - 7 years ago
Bill gates' shopping list
Northdrum - 7 years ago
1:34 Still can't upgrade all my Clash Of Clans walls...
MR-DAIRE / Ali - 7 years ago
What is man for scale
Person with subscribers but no videos
Person with subscribers but no videos - 7 years ago
So I could have been buying gold instead of a fucking game?
damon huynh
damon huynh - 7 years ago
Why is all of earth’s resources on there. Wouldn’t all of earth’s resources include money??
Kang Ryan
Kang Ryan - 7 years ago
I would buy some rubux and save the rest
JEIK 132
JEIK 132 - 7 years ago
The life is the most expensive
c00lkiddsbrother Roblox
c00lkiddsbrother Roblox - 7 years ago
1:48 what's a hand to scale?
Nalinda Dilshan
Nalinda Dilshan - 7 years ago
so is this a thing ?
Dank Decimator
Dank Decimator - 7 years ago
Sees hand costs 1M “Looks like I’m either cutting my hand off or murdering someone today.” Amirite
jjboy04 04
jjboy04 04 - 7 years ago
no the hand thing was the size of a hand compared to the pile of money
The Pune's Jokers
The Pune's Jokers - 7 years ago
Good work
The Dank Lord Of The Sith
The Dank Lord Of The Sith - 7 years ago
Nice to know perfume costs more than some houses
Angela Caldwell The Random
Angela Caldwell The Random - 7 years ago
Sean Hassan
Sean Hassan - 7 years ago
Since people are pathetic and put prices on everything I am worth 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999666666666666666999999999999696969696969696999999666699996669999969696969666699999996666969666999999999999999999 dollars
Blade The Sceptile
Blade The Sceptile - 7 years ago
If we brought the diamond exoplanet to Earth though,the value of diamonds would become dirt cheap.This means that all the diamonds that have been sold for so much money would now have no value.This would entirely be pointless,not to mention the trip to get there and bring it back,as it's many light-years away.
yuna lee
yuna lee - 7 years ago
exo-l where are you
shadwkillz0 - 7 years ago
what the hell are you meant to do with 500k old ass Nokias?

eat them?
wowitsWyatt - 7 years ago
No Mans Sky is not worth $60
Brodie Tyler
Brodie Tyler - 7 years ago
wowitsWyatt it id
raykirmann - 7 years ago
best i can do is $5
Shay Batat
Shay Batat - 7 years ago
With 625k dollars you can buy 87.500.000 clash of clans gems not 62.500.000
CroppedMINECRFF - 7 years ago
Who needs all that money just use a credit card. It’s called thinking
CroppedMINECRFF - 7 years ago
After buying that 215,000 $ perfume them rich people be smelling nice
Gaming Maniac
Gaming Maniac - 7 years ago
So glad i just happen to have a diamond exoplanet lying aroumd the house
mmmkayyy - 7 years ago
Idk what anti matter is, but I'm looking for it now.
Deej Dutta
Deej Dutta - 7 years ago
What does the “to scale” thing even mean
Bring back MLG
Bring back MLG - 7 years ago
Normal car a Jaguar F-type
YellowDiamond LPS
YellowDiamond LPS - 7 years ago
Who would pay $30,800,000 for a fucking book?
YellowDiamond LPS
YellowDiamond LPS - 7 years ago
I was originally going to get myself a car, but now I want a Yubari King Melon instead!
FlyingJourney [GD] Soon i record
FlyingJourney [GD] Soon i record - 7 years ago
Hi, i would like to buy France.
BadAss Kicker
BadAss Kicker - 7 years ago
Wowwwww so Mt. Everest and France is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more expensive than all of the SUN'S RESOURCES**!!!*
[ LittlePrincessEshal ] :D
[ LittlePrincessEshal ] :D - 7 years ago
One trillion years later...
“Finally! I got 26.9 nonillion dollars to buy the diamond planet!
Oh wait everyone’s dead...
Pratyush Ṭhakur His
Pratyush Ṭhakur His - 7 years ago
So a gram of antimatter is worth more than the gdp of China.
I am done
john mauro borromeo
john mauro borromeo - 7 years ago
imagine you all had that damn money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer De anda
Jennifer De anda - 7 years ago
Why is a average car a jaguar f type those are like 50000$-100000$
Axzel. - 7 years ago
What I would buy with 1 trillion dollars is bunch of hookers and cocaine.
Arrow Awesomeness
Arrow Awesomeness - 7 years ago
find 3,000,000,000,000,000 dollars under bed buys Earth
Arrow Awesomeness
Arrow Awesomeness - 7 years ago
finds 4,000,000,000 dollars under bed Hm.. I'll buy 2250 ferries
Ms. Colleen Miller
Ms. Colleen Miller - 7 years ago
I think Walmart is the largest company
Sam John Falcon
Sam John Falcon - 7 years ago
And where is ISS?
aleexx_holl - 7 years ago
Automatically when the planet of diamond exists, the market price per diamond would decrease because there would be no shortages
Ayush Dhayal
Ayush Dhayal - 7 years ago
Well i can buy more gems in coc as it gives a bit of offer in buying 14000 gems and this is the biggest deal u can do at one time .Edit - for 1 time mean i can buy any amount u want but the max. Amount that can be buy at 1 time is 14000 gems
Jaglets Villegas
Jaglets Villegas - 7 years ago
Ayush Dhayal SQQQAS-wxQ
Flood - 7 years ago
Average restaurant meal in Hungary is around 7$ :D
ירין ראובן
ירין ראובן - 7 years ago
U can buy 5748653553764324566432 6 899 6 53335678998643334 big macs
SAVAGE KING - 7 years ago
What would u buy if u have 5 quintillion for only a day??
L'Arc-en Renzzkyyy
L'Arc-en Renzzkyyy - 7 years ago
who would fucking road trip to moon?
Bobby_John1234 - 7 years ago
MCdantie - 7 years ago
Rockyhorse6000 - 7 years ago
IWATCH he or she literally wrote I watch not apple watch
Jentz - 7 years ago
He put average car as jaguar f type. Boy that thing costs 70 grand
ByJuampiZz - 7 years ago
A one rolls royce is chash for $500,000
Eros Matthew Montallana
Eros Matthew Montallana - 7 years ago
If ANYONE in the world ever got the DIAMOND PLANET or owned it, they would be richer than ALL of the WORLD man.
Addison Loves Fellpaps
Addison Loves Fellpaps - 7 years ago
I can buy the most expensive thing!!!!

Bub4life - 7 years ago
And kids in school STILL say they have more money in their lunch account in school
DaSlime -GD Roblox and more
DaSlime -GD Roblox and more - 7 years ago
Time to buy myself a island.
Lawson - 7 years ago
10 dollars costs 10 dollars?? who would have guessed?....
Mercy Pls
Mercy Pls - 7 years ago
Cheapest thing on earth.

Starbucks coffee.
Joshua  Shaw
Joshua Shaw - 7 years ago
Its impossible to make an earth to scale
adnan yeasir
adnan yeasir - 7 years ago
The music is annoying
Professor P.
Professor P. - 7 years ago
Oh I would like some diamond planets please
Thomas Flores
Thomas Flores - 7 years ago
Average restaurant meal for me is $10 not $20

Greek owned restaurants are cheap and good
Kar R 101
Kar R 101 - 7 years ago
Or homeless/Poor people
Kar R 101
Kar R 101 - 7 years ago
If I had a trillion dollars I would give it to the those in need.
SacredSapphireGaming - 7 years ago
Ser Fernandez
Ser Fernandez - 7 years ago
music of video?
Someguy - 7 years ago
How much for the cure for cancer
Pugkinpie AJ
Pugkinpie AJ - 7 years ago
Yes please
Rains Money
Jacoby Vlogs
Jacoby Vlogs - 7 years ago
Worlds most expensive but some things are out of this world
Mario popa
Mario popa - 7 years ago
Together we can buy everthing ;)
Mario popa
Mario popa - 7 years ago
All we can buy everything ;)
VeganLAD - 7 years ago
Tibetan mastiff 1.5million? Hahahah more like a £1000
Abdullah M Haatim
Abdullah M Haatim - 7 years ago
I didn't understand hand to scale and body to scale. What's that???
Mijn Bibliotheek
Mijn Bibliotheek - 7 years ago
How can your fucking pc render this?!
Chillq - 7 years ago
Where can I buy diamond planet
Manuel Camacho Camacho
Manuel Camacho Camacho - 7 years ago
But there is too much dimands you have so that mean dimands worth less than a penny each pound
nathan kent
nathan kent - 7 years ago
Could someone explain the "Hand to scale" thing
Max Kazakov
Max Kazakov - 7 years ago
Gamemaster PRO
Gamemaster PRO - 7 years ago
worlds most expensive thing.

Oof shound from roblox and
usless things little kids buy on roblox using 100000000000000000000000000000 robux
Dackii - 7 years ago
All this is on my phone screen.My phone is most expenvive things in universe!!
Cam sandhu
Cam sandhu - 7 years ago
I think the value of diamond would fall abit if the exo planet was bought
Critical Strike
Critical Strike - 7 years ago
Guess whats next after expoplanet?


Or maybe even

THE UNIVERSE FOR SCALE. ($999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999)

Oh, and if I had a trillion dollars, I would give ALL of it to orphans and only keep 1 billion. (=
Drew Does stuff
Drew Does stuff - 7 years ago
If one person was to but the diamond planet, and sells the assets and such, the inflation would cause diamond value to drop
Shelley Burks
Shelley Burks - 7 years ago
saves up 6800000000 dollars can I have bill gates
CuatroDeMayo - 7 years ago
Lil pump gonna buy everything in this list
MLGgamer 420
MLGgamer 420 - 7 years ago
Yes I have been saving up 26.9 nonillion I would like to buy a diamond exoplanet
AlexEEZ Byna-dynamite x
AlexEEZ Byna-dynamite x - 7 years ago
0:00 : sooo... I need to pay a dollar to watch this video?
Faris The Gamer
Faris The Gamer - 7 years ago
What about humans
Secia Franco
Secia Franco - 7 years ago
All of that is a piece of turd to
Azriq Gamer
Azriq Gamer - 7 years ago
We can buy a planet from God
Winkku - 7 years ago
isnt mona lisa the most expensive painting?
Rivven guy
Rivven guy - 7 years ago
When you ded, you dont bring ANYTHING.
Max Lo
Max Lo - 7 years ago
I can't buy fries at McDonald's
Rafli Rabani
Rafli Rabani - 7 years ago
who is the sun seller
Liam Waldrep
Liam Waldrep - 7 years ago
damn this must of taken along time to make
WolfSoldier - 7 years ago
I thought the last one was gonna be a Battlefront 2 season pass
Ryan yt
Ryan yt - 7 years ago
Can you make one like most expensive toys
Clasher Blaster
Clasher Blaster - 7 years ago
The usa gdp is much higher than chinas
Debbie Parsons
Debbie Parsons - 7 years ago
What about 0.5 a penny????
Tiitus Aaltonen
Tiitus Aaltonen - 7 years ago
A gold rolls royce does not cost that much
iyethesuper34 - 7 years ago
I'm selling a popcorn kernel for:
Magno Martinez
Magno Martinez - 7 years ago
big papa
big papa - 7 years ago
Magno Martinez normal fag
RateX - 7 years ago
Magno Martinez your dead uncle fucking normie
jjboy04 04
jjboy04 04 - 7 years ago
Ugandan knuckles is a dead meme you fucking normie
Suga and Salt
Suga and Salt - 7 years ago
I’m crying. US is in so much debt.
Suga and Salt
Suga and Salt - 7 years ago
150,000 for an average house? Where tf do y’all live
CompilationsX - 7 years ago
sub for sub?
1. Sub to me 
2. Reply back and I’ll sub back to you.

Easy subs!!!!
zohan baby
zohan baby - 7 years ago
The most expensive thing is THE UNIVERSE
JuegAlejandroxD - 7 years ago
But there is something way more expensive.

Her love.
A Fidget spinner
A Fidget spinner - 7 years ago
How much does mayonnaise Cost?
Breezy 56
Breezy 56 - 7 years ago
Now a Big Mac don’t seem so expensive anymore.
BreakingMyShittyWall - 7 years ago
So 1kg of element 118 is more expensive then everything on earth? Or is there no such thing as a kilo of elemnt 118?
OliQCPRO RotMG - 7 years ago
Gaming PC : shows a labtop
GAME TV FROM Joban - 7 years ago
If u trade in the exo planet in game stop they will give u 5 cents for it it's a good deal I mean nonmillion is nothing for the people who think I'm serious I'm just joking
ChanRidings - 7 years ago
Me laughing at how this person thinks China is the richest country
Mr random Someone
Mr random Someone - 7 years ago
I can’t Evan get a doller
UltraLegend - 7 years ago
And then help my family an friends and save
UltraLegend - 7 years ago
I would give 400 Billion to the pour in the whole world
benedek molnar
benedek molnar - 7 years ago
Avarge car 25tousands? I don't think...
Dank Memer
Dank Memer - 7 years ago
What about dark matter
super-noob101010 addaa ps4 xddd
super-noob101010 addaa ps4 xddd - 7 years ago
My Most expensive Thing is Ps4
super-noob101010 addaa ps4 xddd
super-noob101010 addaa ps4 xddd - 7 years ago
When i Was a young kiddo
3 years i Was like im gonna buy Sun For 1000 dollars lol now im gonna buy a new motorcycle For 1000 dollars lol
obsolik - 7 years ago
Who would buy No Mans Sky for 60$?
JULI4N0 G4M1NG - 7 years ago
Anyone wanna be sold for a Billion Dollars?
ToastedToast - 7 years ago
3:42 so i can sell my body and go to the moon? AWESOME
We-Are-Op - 7 years ago
Apple is the richest company with around 200 billion on their account*
We-Are-Op - 7 years ago
And it is worth more than 800 billion dollars
Sano - 7 years ago
With 1t I will invest in bitcoin
acedreN - 7 years ago
Where can I buy this Diamond ExoPlanet and do I get a discount if I buy 10?
Tamzeeda Salam
Tamzeeda Salam - 7 years ago
Jonathan Springs
Jonathan Springs - 7 years ago
This video was pretty awesome. I'm gonna subscribe!
Hayden Allen
Hayden Allen - 7 years ago
In Australia an average house costs one million
MusicGamingChannel - 7 years ago
What does he mean by human or bus to scale
you know who
you know who - 7 years ago
That's not the most expensive car there are cars worth 3 times more then that
LadyHeathersLair - 7 years ago
I know this is 2016, but the average house price in the USA was only $150,000? Wow. That's cheap.
Nolinor Aviation
Nolinor Aviation - 7 years ago
i’m definetly poor.
Wesley Lau
Wesley Lau - 7 years ago
when you run out of storage on your 15 million dollar iphone...
Zachary Villard
Zachary Villard - 7 years ago
I really wanted a big mac, but I suppose I'll buy all of Earth's resources instead.
Snapple82 - 7 years ago
Two story house... 150k... Count Me In!
STATMAGNET - 7 years ago
Man and bus to scale? Are you talking about the value of all of each individual humans?
zack scott
zack scott - 7 years ago
The most expensive thing is:

Everyone in a lead of the number higher then inf
Kyle Sergison
Kyle Sergison - 7 years ago
Bruh that shit got goofy after a bit
Bednarz - 7 years ago
Savage shooting
Savage shooting - 7 years ago
Where’s the Rolex
zane sharpe
zane sharpe - 7 years ago
I was gonna buy 3 of the most expensive buildings but then I thought nah I want a painting
Derek Doan
Derek Doan - 7 years ago
I'm at ten dollars saving for that diamond exoplanet
shiro hige kaizko
shiro hige kaizko - 7 years ago
I'll buy earth and kick out all the human to the space and take all the money for me i dont need money because all of the earth is mine everything free for me. but i don't have money to buy earth
shiro hige kaizko
shiro hige kaizko - 7 years ago
no one can get 1 trillion how can u say 27 nonillion
sof c
sof c - 7 years ago
What is hand to scale
Potato Legend
Potato Legend - 7 years ago
Mom...can you buy me a sun?
Yash Shekhawat
Yash Shekhawat - 7 years ago
Best vedio ever seen
mprz052 - 7 years ago
most expensive instrument is a $16 mil violin
Ole Lingnau
Ole Lingnau - 7 years ago
Amazing Video!!!
Whack Gaming
Whack Gaming - 7 years ago
With 1trillion I will Spend It.
MSIL AER - 7 years ago
Damn, Mr. Krabs is going to like this video!
KEN KENIFF - 7 years ago
Statue of liberty is all i want..
dark T Truth
dark T Truth - 7 years ago
I am nothing on this planet.
Jonathan Ayala
Jonathan Ayala - 7 years ago
Either two gaming pc’s or plutonium? Hmm....
Samin Nurain
Samin Nurain - 7 years ago
There's a discount of 99.9% . Still can u afford the richest of all?

LowestFiber - 7 years ago
the most expensive thing at the end: college
Nikki Gongora
Nikki Gongora - 7 years ago
I’m sorry but Starbucks is not $2 you idiots
robin Enwiya
robin Enwiya - 7 years ago
So your telling me a video game is worth more than gold?
Bosh Show
Bosh Show - 7 years ago
Excuse me but the wirlds richest family net worth you said, is 500 trillion not billion
Aristotelis Dairousis
Aristotelis Dairousis - 7 years ago
The wine costs 2000$ per bottle and painite isnt expensive
Random User
Random User - 7 years ago
Good morning !
Can I get uhm... 1 gramm of Anti Matter please ?
Đức Đỗ Hồng
Đức Đỗ Hồng - 7 years ago
0:42, look at the gaming pc and you'll find the coincidence
Đức Đỗ Hồng
Đức Đỗ Hồng - 7 years ago
Just 1 simple word:funny
A&S Tip
A&S Tip - 7 years ago
If i have all that monyi,ll buy one sony and play minecraft and i,ll buy one burger and bottel of cola.BEST THINGS TO BUY
Miriya Dekker :3
Miriya Dekker :3 - 7 years ago
Ross Williamson YT
Ross Williamson YT - 7 years ago
I have $16,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and more to buy the value of the whole universe
Qusai Sharkas
Qusai Sharkas - 7 years ago
Umm hi , i own that exoplanet , its mine suckers!!
biohazard6660 - 7 years ago
6:06 that’s not it...
Awel'i'ihaohana Noelani Brennan
Awel'i'ihaohana Noelani Brennan - 7 years ago
Imagine buying the earth
lelel lelel
lelel lelel - 7 years ago
Kody Evenson
Kody Evenson - 7 years ago
What about dark matter, it’s (I think) 120-320 trillion dollars for 1 ounce
WolfXxX_ Gamer
WolfXxX_ Gamer - 7 years ago
Value of all the sun resources
800,000,000,000,000,000$ DAMN SON WHERE'D YOU FIND THIS!?
dragonman9001 - 7 years ago
It's called 55 Cancri E
Cjxaesxthextixc - 7 years ago
bill gates who??
Henry Moran
Henry Moran - 7 years ago
With the climate change,those 3000000000000000 will disapear soon... :-)
Henry Moran
Henry Moran - 7 years ago
What is next to nonillion? I really need more money than that... :-)
Real Gamer TV
Real Gamer TV - 7 years ago
bro I HAVE 564273986529837568329658237562893756283652378472386423985642738562387749836734076034650384760956350397037653763573876304987634098763945873876953867346794356759376437643674398=7643967438 MONEY THOUGH
Luis García
Luis García - 7 years ago
A ps4 is 300 and ps4 pro is 400 none of those have thousands
Rushil Desai
Rushil Desai - 7 years ago
Duk Pai
Duk Pai - 7 years ago
I lost this video when I watched it on the release date and now im watching it two years later
cuteEnderman8 - 7 years ago
Um yeah I would like to buy 10 diamond exoplanets for $269,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ok that will be bigger then yo mama
Zi Lin Zhao
Zi Lin Zhao - 7 years ago
I thought time was the most expensive...
HammerDude7 SA
HammerDude7 SA - 7 years ago
Bet everybody would kill to get a diamond exoplanet.
AsiiMov Gimme Subs
AsiiMov Gimme Subs - 7 years ago
Don’t neptunes Rains Gems?
Mr. Z.
Mr. Z. - 7 years ago
Now, all I have to do is find a way how to get to the Diamond planet...
Mark Catania
Mark Catania - 7 years ago
Well how abiut the value of an anti matter exoplanet bra
Tiger Wolf
Tiger Wolf - 7 years ago
:O WHEN I GET 106,000 moneyz I can buy 40000 hotdoges woohooooo

oh and add bill gates wallet in that'll cost alot

gimmeh like 30m and I'll get you 20 buggatis

and add on the gold rolls Royce and lambo I can buy you a few

hey you want diamond exo planet? OK I'll help you start

here is 1 dollar :D

Don't spend on something stupid like your hand or hotdoges only I'm allowed to buy hotdoges -_-
Richard Lee
Richard Lee - 7 years ago
3:02 Mandy Moore's car!
J Why
J Why - 7 years ago
Where u find Starbucks coffee for $2
Sherlock247 - 7 years ago
And I thought 100 dollars was a lot.
Yoshifan0312RBLX - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for the poor soul who had to calculate how much the sun costs
misterr reco
misterr reco - 7 years ago
PC gaming isn't 2000
rami 11 qudimat
rami 11 qudimat - 7 years ago
1.500.000 million for a FRICKIN PET that a street cat is cuter
Gee Mason
Gee Mason - 7 years ago
This video proves that money is the only thing that matters in this life
Barış Pekalp
Barış Pekalp - 7 years ago
Life -> priceless
Danilo Cumayas Jr
Danilo Cumayas Jr - 7 years ago
hey my price is $20m only big discount
Ivan Posavac
Ivan Posavac - 7 years ago
Serbian dinar is the world lowest money
Ridhuan Abu Bakar
Ridhuan Abu Bakar - 7 years ago
Hand to Scale LOOOLLLLL!!!!
Origami With Rami
Origami With Rami - 7 years ago
When bill gates gets bored buys everything
Demian Makuc
Demian Makuc - 7 years ago
1 diamond planet, please
cryptic master
cryptic master - 7 years ago
You can't just class gaming computers as a laptop for 2000 dollars, you can have a 200 dollar gaming pc and a 20000 dollar gaming pc so say 'high end gaming computer'
themanthatisgood - 7 years ago
For some reason the music matches the word “expensive”
Wolfy The Bunny Wolf
Wolfy The Bunny Wolf - 7 years ago
My friend has atibetan and its not THAT Expensive
Mother Russia
Mother Russia - 7 years ago
What’s the song’s name ?
Mother Russia
Mother Russia - 7 years ago
What’s the song’s name ?
Catgamers Luci
Catgamers Luci - 7 years ago
Most expensive pet is so sad likes in a place for ever
Matīss Būmanis
Matīss Būmanis - 7 years ago
Tibetan mastiff is 6'000 not 1'500'000
Dimitris pavlis
Dimitris pavlis - 7 years ago
Do you know whats more expensive than the diamond planet ! An Anti-Matter planet !
King of awesomeness
King of awesomeness - 7 years ago
If a diamond exoplanet was discovered the high amount of diamond would lower the value of diamond, because diamond is not going to be that rare anymore, making the planet worth less, and also making diamond mines worthless, so if someone invested money in diamond mines he basically wasted his money.
King of awesomeness
King of awesomeness - 7 years ago
2:40 that's not the most expensive matter, element 118 is far more expensive
The Reviewer/ROBLOX Gaming
The Reviewer/ROBLOX Gaming - 7 years ago
A sinlge?
TridentMoon - 7 years ago
I feel poor now
THE CHAKRIVEVO - 7 years ago
I have everythog in the list including diamond exo planet but not bill gates
Alek Rafajlovsky
Alek Rafajlovsky - 7 years ago
What does it mean Man For Scale? Help me please. I need to know why worths 1billion dollars!
Vi Vek
Vi Vek - 7 years ago
Who else noticed the painting changed at 3:39
Edžuka Atpūtas
Edžuka Atpūtas - 7 years ago
Vi Vek say whaaaa?
Cherub Acarial
Cherub Acarial - 7 years ago
Nothing more valuable than life itself.
blastroise hunt
blastroise hunt - 7 years ago
one thing I learned from this video is that Uncle Sam is in deep shit.
mikiboy arenas
mikiboy arenas - 7 years ago
Yay you can buy all steam games !!
Butterydoughnutfluff - 7 years ago
Honestly, there is more expensive than the diamond exo-planet because diamond isn’t the most expensive mineral.
First name Last name
First name Last name - 7 years ago
Honesty, price : error 404 too damn many number
Curtis - 7 years ago
Yeah but how much is the Death Star??
Cobalt BlockBros
Cobalt BlockBros - 7 years ago
Better start investing in some extraterrestrial mining quarries
Diagonalcat7 - 7 years ago
Gaming laptops can cost 2000 but you can find way cheaper but gaming pcs cost around 500 to a least have a good one
Naadir 2310
Naadir 2310 - 7 years ago
And my dad ain't giving me 50cents.
multi information fun
multi information fun - 7 years ago
Wow great videos make more like
Josh Sloan
Josh Sloan - 7 years ago
This made me feel very small and

John Walker
John Walker - 7 years ago
Most expensive of all, LIFE!! No amount of money can be equivalent too that
Colton Moore
Colton Moore - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ 2000 dollar gaming pc
ihasagi2urheart - 7 years ago
Omg is that real ?!?!?!? Can I buy real statue from real human for
RP DA STREET - 7 years ago
The element 118??
Dario Pineda
Dario Pineda - 7 years ago
“No Man’s Sky” 0:23 when I saw it I knew I have to go to the comments.
DNJ Dares! !
DNJ Dares! ! - 7 years ago
brettjern05 - 7 years ago
that diamond planet wouldn't be worth much once u got it here. the reason diamonds are expensive is because they are rare but once u flood the market with anything the value drops.
Carsten Davis
Carsten Davis - 7 years ago
Did anyone else start cracking up when US dept came on
Louie Barham
Louie Barham - 7 years ago
Samsung is bigger than wallmart
Vortex - 7 years ago
U spelled convenience wrongly lmao
Gravizity 24
Gravizity 24 - 7 years ago
your nightmares until you ded
Meghansh Singh
Meghansh Singh - 7 years ago
Black Panther is richest bieng on planet.
Da Wae
Da Wae - 7 years ago
Watch me buy the exo planet
Beastly Star 2
Beastly Star 2 - 7 years ago
And I wasted all my money on a bape jacket
Lilyan Son
Lilyan Son - 7 years ago
(Im not a hater btw)

Yes, everything is this video is probably correct. But "HHHOOOLLLDDD UUUUUPPPPP" 1 gram of ya typical, gold is NOT 40$.

Well, in 2018 right now it ain't.
ThugsWantHugs - 7 years ago
b1njjj95 - 7 years ago
Damnnnnnn! This video really shows you how poor we are. Only the rich can afford majority of these things. Too bad the system has been created so that the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.
Kevin Vuong
Kevin Vuong - 7 years ago
Is this real ? °—°
Jacob Oñate
Jacob Oñate - 7 years ago
Us is the richest country china is second place
James Sumner
James Sumner - 7 years ago
Who wants to buy a Prius (3:03)
Erind Avdiu
Erind Avdiu - 7 years ago
Thats too deep$:(
MobileDogeTube The only
MobileDogeTube The only - 7 years ago
How is China the richest
Mystery Boss4704
Mystery Boss4704 - 7 years ago
A gaming pc costs 500 dollars
SSvoyage1892 - 7 years ago
3:44 when you realize man is larger than the moon
Bear - 7 years ago
Professional Platypus
Professional Platypus - 7 years ago
Where can I buy Diamond planet?
Link pls
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein - 7 years ago
Neymar Jr = 222.000 Million Euro :D
FailGamesGuys - 7 years ago
Now i feel poor
FailGamesGuys - 7 years ago
ME 2!!!!
FailGamesGuys - 7 years ago
Me 2
FailGamesGuys - 7 years ago
Me 2
FailGamesGuys - 7 years ago
Me 2
Queen Bee
Queen Bee - 7 years ago
The most expensive things are happiness and peace !
Lord Gunther
Lord Gunther - 7 years ago
Kaylee F
Kaylee F - 7 years ago
Damn, I'm glad I live in a part of the US where real estate is cheap. I bought my house for half the cost of what the average US home goes for and it's pretty nice.
Blaize Parrish
Blaize Parrish - 7 years ago
So wait your telling me someone wants to pay 700 bucks for a bike ok
Arturo Hernandez Vallejos
Arturo Hernandez Vallejos - 7 years ago
Gold (1 gram) < videogame ?? .-.
SlendoroVeos !
SlendoroVeos ! - 7 years ago
Someone stole this
jean séb
jean séb - 7 years ago
Average car with a jaguar on the top
shadow 007
shadow 007 - 7 years ago
Nice video.....
Evert Gueblia
Evert Gueblia - 7 years ago
Mom i want Diamond exoplanet now for my bday xD
Brodie Tyler
Brodie Tyler - 7 years ago
Do a updated version which all prices are in Canadian Dollars
Easton DaGoat
Easton DaGoat - 7 years ago
Gaming pc more like 1000 than 2000
RobloxYT - 7 years ago
I didn't know scorpion venom was so expensive.
Bruno Santos
Bruno Santos - 7 years ago
What is " man to scale "
Bruno Santos
Bruno Santos - 7 years ago
Omg a f-type for 25k ???
Bruno Santos
Bruno Santos - 7 years ago
60$ for no Mans Sky shit ? Haha no way
philou345 - 7 years ago
anti matter is the most expensive ''matter'' or not?
Dustin Z
Dustin Z - 7 years ago
Sorry guys but I actually bought all earths resources so...
Rbl - 7 years ago
Damn. I just wanna buy some new adidas trainers
Pygmy - 7 years ago
Excuse me a gaming pc is not worth 2,000
blackheavyblans - 7 years ago
I just bought a sun, but i dont know what i do with it. :D
EndieGLX - Gamimg
EndieGLX - Gamimg - 7 years ago
Imagine how much paper all that money needs

Imagane that as earth reacorces
ExToxics GT
ExToxics GT - 7 years ago
With these money I’m the richest one in the world after a min I will be killed after 2 mins all money disappears after 3 mins it all will die and steal money after 4 mins rip earth after 5 mins earth explodes for 1 trillion money
Adrian Tarancon
Adrian Tarancon - 7 years ago
the most expensive painting is Salvator mundi
Diplom Chiller
Diplom Chiller - 7 years ago
Musst extensive thinks on earth (the earth.....)
Captain obvius :D
Diplom Chiller
Diplom Chiller - 7 years ago
Fuck since witch Time the Sun is on earth?
Cuz the Video Titel is Most expensiv thinks on earth..
Aparna Brijlal
Aparna Brijlal - 7 years ago
Man for scale.......???????
Aparna Brijlal
Aparna Brijlal - 7 years ago
Man for scale.......???????
Rant Man
Rant Man - 7 years ago
A commie made this video
Ducky Arcade
Ducky Arcade - 7 years ago
hand to scale?
Ник Костин
Ник Костин - 7 years ago
Galen Malen
Galen Malen - 7 years ago
The music gives the video a ominous tone.
Subrata - 7 years ago
Driver #9ACD32BoMay #87CEEBTenLongLeAn
Driver #9ACD32BoMay #87CEEBTenLongLeAn - 7 years ago
This took forever to render lol
Crazy Dave 652
Crazy Dave 652 - 7 years ago
2:25 sees “iWatch”

♫♪Ludwig van Beethoven♪♫
♫♪Ludwig van Beethoven♪♫ - 7 years ago
Chineese version of sun would cost 2 dollars
vsK ksa
vsK ksa - 7 years ago
You can't price things like the earth or the sun because the money is smth created from us and are nothing compared to things such as the sun.
Ming Mao DingDong
Ming Mao DingDong - 7 years ago
I would gladly buy a diamond exoplanet.
Ian Prieto
Ian Prieto - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that thought the hand was $1million
Julia Marinova
Julia Marinova - 7 years ago
Most expensive things are healt and life
The Glimzy Show
The Glimzy Show - 7 years ago
This guy probably spent hours on Google.................
IlNoHacksli - 7 years ago
Shit and I thought buying a Lamborghini was expensive...

Mom can I get anti gravitational matter to control the physics of the universe for Christmas please?
Monika - 7 years ago
Can someone please tell me what man, and and bus and hand for scale is?
Raphael - 7 years ago
Holy Shit i love that video
isabella Nygren
isabella Nygren - 7 years ago
jake paul should buy thiss XD
Delyan Dimitrov
Delyan Dimitrov - 7 years ago
I want that exoplanet
Rika Nanda
Rika Nanda - 7 years ago
liberty statue is that expensive?
Cbe 50
Cbe 50 - 7 years ago
Hollllllyyyyyy shit 26.9 no ill ion dollars
拓海大嶋 - 7 years ago
man, i'm going to make a anti matter and sell it.
Shae Standingalone
Shae Standingalone - 7 years ago
make no sense
Gravizity 24
Gravizity 24 - 7 years ago
the most expensive and fearest money in the world that can buy all universe
SpookWave II
SpookWave II - 7 years ago
Mom can I buy the Diamond Exoplanet?
Gojida - 7 years ago
Wait, so a man and bus to scale is more than bill gates' net worth?
I am Anonymous
I am Anonymous - 7 years ago
shouldnt japan be more exspensive
im dirty dan
im dirty dan - 7 years ago
Wtf is a nonillion
MAS Gaming
MAS Gaming - 7 years ago
Seeing Walmart is so funny
DistinctTrack - 7 years ago
when wine literally costs more than your house
Jenny Zhao
Jenny Zhao - 7 years ago
Saves up 26,0000000000000000000000000000000

Yes I would like to buy The diamond planet
gustavs grauze
gustavs grauze - 7 years ago
I have some...

Scorpion venom boiiiiii!
fjfjfjjejfjejjejdifkrkfkjffj fjfjrbnrkrkrkrkrk
fjfjfjjejfjejjejdifkrkfkjffj fjfjrbnrkrkrkrkrk - 7 years ago
Tibetab mastiff costs only about 1000-5000 euros soooo
Dawid Wojacki
Dawid Wojacki - 7 years ago
Wtf is man for scale?
bloh blah
bloh blah - 7 years ago
Wheres element 118
Rocky Gaming
Rocky Gaming - 7 years ago
There is Moltres logo in the most expensive Iphone.
Why is there no Zapdos logo?
Swapan Ghorui
Swapan Ghorui - 7 years ago
In india the average cost of a suspension cycle is around ₹8000 which in compared to the us dollar will be around $125 dollars
Ashutosh Yadav
Ashutosh Yadav - 7 years ago
Wrong information of mobile
Soham C
Soham C - 7 years ago
Wth is hand for scale and man for scale??
Hic Kori
Hic Kori - 7 years ago
How long would it take for Bill Gates to have enough money to buy Earth and name it Microsoft Prime?
SHAZAM - 7 years ago
Lol where would you even make the transaction to buy a planet lol
CZAtion / Ashe826
CZAtion / Ashe826 - 7 years ago
Who actually has the money to buy most of this stuff?
That sneaky ninja
That sneaky ninja - 7 years ago
What would I do with 1 trillion dollars? Buy papa Johns and name it Papa Stalins
AwesomeMinecraft09 - 7 years ago
*works for 100000000000000 years”
Uh... hi, yes can I buy everything on earth.
GamingCentral - 7 years ago
Except when we reach the diamond exoplanet, the value of diamond will diminish to the point where it is literally the same value as dirt on earth. Not including shipping.
Shasmeen Haque
Shasmeen Haque - 7 years ago
china is so rich lol
Shasmeen Haque
Shasmeen Haque - 7 years ago
so us humans are worth 1 billion
La tarlouse de Bruxelles /Samyox
La tarlouse de Bruxelles /Samyox - 7 years ago
Suce ma bite
Seldom Studios
Seldom Studios - 7 years ago
500000 Nokia’s?!
Dude! You could make a machine gun out of all that ammo!
Vasily Nazarov
Vasily Nazarov - 7 years ago
The richest person (in actuality) was Musa or something, he had a net worth of 450 billion dollars and crashed the economy of Egypt by throwing gold around, so the gold lost it's value and well... yeah.
But there was one person, who, because of a malfunction in his credit card, got multiple quadrillion dollars, it was fixed however.
the peeing unicorn _
the peeing unicorn _ - 7 years ago
A tibetan mastiff is not nearly so expensive its still like 3000 dollars but not 1.5 mill like ...
Rolf Reimann
Rolf Reimann - 7 years ago
Sir you won 26.9 nonillion
Me: Can I Have my Starbucks please my UFO Spaceship is waiting for me
Obi WAN Kenobi
Obi WAN Kenobi - 7 years ago
Wow you forgot Dark matter
Fox - 7 years ago
Thank you now if someone ask me "choose one thing you can have no matter what the cost"
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin - 7 years ago
How ta make any item expensive?

Just put some gold or diamonds on it.
Joshua Van Tassell
Joshua Van Tassell - 7 years ago
So a kilogram of Element-119 is worth more than three fucking suns. Is money even worth a damn at that point?
John Wick
John Wick - 7 years ago
Looks like the aliens is a lot richer than us....
Tristan Causer
Tristan Causer - 7 years ago
Italian White Alba Truffle? Who the hell is going to spend 106k on food? I can't even imagine Bill Gates buying that?
Wadu Hek
Wadu Hek - 7 years ago
Well. RIP money.
SuperCool_Saiyan - 7 years ago
I would think the entire universe would be the most expensive
haley - 7 years ago
can i get uhhhhhh

Twelvz - 7 years ago
i'll take of everything
Unsolved Mystery’s
Unsolved Mystery’s - 7 years ago
And I still think that a god dam Toyota is expensive but no the fucking sun
ThePavlos11 - 7 years ago
26.9 Nomillion ? Really? It's so stupid. If we would ever reach this exoplanet and create a mine value of all diamonds would be almost 0.
Sachin jacob Boby
Sachin jacob Boby - 7 years ago
And now i know how poor i am
Alex Memer
Alex Memer - 7 years ago
I wanted a simple starbucks brew

now I want the diamond planet
Kevin Blido
Kevin Blido - 7 years ago
What is name?
Durlabh Vishwakarma
Durlabh Vishwakarma - 7 years ago
This video shows how the world is just compared in money. Eye opener, though a boring video.
Ellis! Roblox - & More!
Ellis! Roblox - & More! - 7 years ago
0:42 bitch that's a laptop and i bet it has i7 920 and gtx 950m but the windows is the cause it's that costy boi. Most expensive pc non gaming and gaming
Gaming= about 30k£
Non= about 200k£+
Đanny_ Rømerø
Đanny_ Rømerø - 7 years ago
Where's the IPhone X
txmusician13 - 7 years ago
Most expensive instrument is wrong... that should go to a $17 million Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesu violin
MehNamesZ - 7 years ago
I hope I can get 26.9 nonillion dollars
Dominykas Zakrys
Dominykas Zakrys - 7 years ago
game costs 60 dollars but no man's sky is worth maximum 1
Hass - 7 years ago
Might have to steal the sun yo
Bluesidgaming YT
Bluesidgaming YT - 7 years ago
I am shock by that stupid painting. But most expensive is your own life.
LYONFACE YT - 7 years ago
If I had a trillion dollars ill buy a house all the good stuff in my house the most expensive and fastest gaming pc ever lotz of games lots of gift cards a car keep 5m for food and other stuff and split the rest to my family
Andrew Masimore
Andrew Masimore - 7 years ago
Sorry. Only made it 12 seconds in. Where the fuck are you that movie tickets are only $8?

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