The Pershing 70 is the Bugatti Chiron for the water! Day 2 of Catch the Camel is in FULL SWING!!! What an unbelievable experience!! Subscribe For More: http://bit.ly/SubscribetoSOL **FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA** Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wallacepjw Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/wallacepjw **SOL CLOTHING** The SOL Clothing Range: http://www.supercarsoflondon.co.uk

RIDING THE £3MILLION HYPER-YACHT IN DUBAI | 3,200bhp!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Yacht 6 years ago 45,760 views

The Pershing 70 is the Bugatti Chiron for the water! Day 2 of Catch the Camel is in FULL SWING!!! What an unbelievable experience!! Subscribe For More: http://bit.ly/SubscribetoSOL **FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA** Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wallacepjw Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/wallacepjw **SOL CLOTHING** The SOL Clothing Range: http://www.supercarsoflondon.co.uk

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Most popular comments

fizisAutoArt - 6 years ago
haha bro you are getting redder by the day ;)
Filip Ivan
Filip Ivan - 6 years ago
The yacht is £3M, how do u wanna explain the cost of a super car to be £3M (not a veteran , just new 2015-2018 cars...) U CANT ! It doesnt make sense !
Louis Van de Mergel
Louis Van de Mergel - 6 years ago
Amazing video Paul, what an experience !!!
XxCATdestroyerxX - 6 years ago
I miss the old SOL.
KR7903 - 6 years ago
Epic... good to see you where you belong, amongst supercars. See someone has commented SOL is dead... behave yourself. Supercars of London has gone international and will evolve more so. Living the dream. Kev
iiKBM - 6 years ago
The viper is not an ACR .. it’s the lowest model and the cheapest type of viper and the owner tries to make it an ACR which there is 4 only in the whole UAE...
TheFozzy222 - 6 years ago
You are RICH !!!!!
2hislopa - 6 years ago
channel is still slowly dying
Gary Austin
Gary Austin - 6 years ago
Shoulda showed us the rooms on that boat

10. comment for RIDING THE £3MILLION HYPER-YACHT IN DUBAI | 3,200bhp!!

L G - 6 years ago
Judging from your falling view count you should think about getting a day dob, McDonald’s are hiring
Erica Schrull
Erica Schrull - 6 years ago
Sport yachts same size as Flybridge have way smaller inside its a dayly driver
Carl B
Carl B - 6 years ago
Wait! You can't film at a petrol station? Why?
Jack Suminsby
Jack Suminsby - 6 years ago
depending on drivers the 720s, acr and performante should probably be the ones competing for the top slot
Taras O
Taras O - 6 years ago
Wait...are there any Camels involved in this "Catch the Camel" ride?
venom5809 - 6 years ago
Why the hell were they running the boat with the props all the way up kicking up all that water? They needed to trim it down big time.
Mark Ainsworth
Mark Ainsworth - 6 years ago
The PERSHING 70 uses Surface Propulsion, the propellers are 41" and when the yacht is planing they are only 1/2 in the water. This creates the amazing Rooster Tail behind the yacht that can reach over 4 meters in height. This kind of propulsion, is what helps the amazing hull reach speeds of 46kts.
tedtheturbot - 6 years ago
cover yourself up mate.. its the sunscreen that gives skin cancer
Joe - 6 years ago
Can anyone tell me the brand and model of the boat?
Jontus - 6 years ago
Joe Pershing 70 !!!
Robert Drexler
Robert Drexler - 6 years ago
Maybe the gas station was the abu-dabi gas mafia. Mafia keeping the profits from the gas sold from that gas station. Their hiding something they don't want people to see. More important wear plenty of sunblock & sun screen The sun ain't playing games especially in the last 20,30 years. No one can afford to get sun burned any more. And its just better safe than sorry. My father has something removed every month now, for the last 5 or 6 years.
Stefan Koelsch
Stefan Koelsch - 6 years ago
Does a ship has brakes?
Volaj ma Juraj
Volaj ma Juraj - 6 years ago
no..they brake by putting the engine into reverse

20. comment for RIDING THE £3MILLION HYPER-YACHT IN DUBAI | 3,200bhp!!

Stefan Koelsch
Stefan Koelsch - 6 years ago
Friends you need.
Raffa Maffela
Raffa Maffela - 6 years ago
Owhh i think dubai is recommend for high speed car or hyper car
Tim F
Tim F - 6 years ago
Yeah the 70 is definitely not akin to a Chiron. We had for a little while, lovely fun, but there is distance to go.
Mick Beckett
Mick Beckett - 6 years ago
Clint Maas
Clint Maas - 6 years ago
They all look like bell ends with their phones out.
Steve Clyne
Steve Clyne - 6 years ago
This video is brilliant combing cars and boats together
Fff Mmm
Fff Mmm - 6 years ago
Like these travel type vlogs
TheOfficialWizard - 6 years ago
So how does a boat have “brake horse power” lmao. They don’t have brakes
Huw Francis
Huw Francis - 6 years ago
Is that a Riva 88 Domino Super?
Mark Ainsworth
Mark Ainsworth - 6 years ago
its a PERSHING 70 - 2018
Juhapekka Helo
Juhapekka Helo - 6 years ago
Huw Francis No, it’s Pershing.
gngan - 6 years ago

30. comment for RIDING THE £3MILLION HYPER-YACHT IN DUBAI | 3,200bhp!!

Tunes4Life - 6 years ago
Must say that they yacht bit has to be one of your very best content... i know you've done "idiots go yacht shopping" a few times but this take is special indeed!!!
Vincent Ka
Vincent Ka - 6 years ago
Looks like you’re having a blast!
Very nice video, you delivered the good vibes from Dubai! You definitely get a like from me for this one !
Hafiq Rafiqi
Hafiq Rafiqi - 6 years ago
I choice yacht over buggati chiron
KoenJardo NL
KoenJardo NL - 6 years ago
To be honest, 3.5 million is pretty cheap for such an amazing yacht
Joseph Hadjidakis
Joseph Hadjidakis - 6 years ago
Sigh* Still waiting for you to tell me what sunglasses you're wearing. Nice video !!!
Allen Saunders
Allen Saunders - 6 years ago
Show some more ahead of the boat shots where its going
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
That boat is like doing 50mph in a house. W...T...F...
Allen Saunders
Allen Saunders - 6 years ago
Intersting yacht and the car content is good. put on a hat man
Eric Smith
Eric Smith - 6 years ago
3 Million is not a "hyper-yatch" lets not exaggerate here SOL.....It's called a small boat...Hyper-yatchs are around $300-700 millions....not $3M....stop your clickbait
S Ran
S Ran - 6 years ago
For us normal people Persching 70 is ”hyper-yatch”
TheOdaf - 6 years ago
Eric Smith buy you can't tilt in the corner
Hayato W
Hayato W - 6 years ago
Paul great to meet you, first class guy and looking forward to more fun. Glad you could join us...
Selff Agyekum
Selff Agyekum - 6 years ago
Living life
Nassim Benatia
Nassim Benatia - 6 years ago
the captain of the boat literally opened the taps
Jørgen Jørgen
Jørgen Jørgen - 6 years ago
You really need sunscreen on your nose.
george fourtinas
george fourtinas - 6 years ago
wow what a packed vlog !! great content ! !!!!
Rohan Regikumar
Rohan Regikumar - 6 years ago
Thank you for filming Dodge
Anonymous - 6 years ago
This content is like Archies.
Eric Smith
Eric Smith - 6 years ago
Allen Saunders
Allen Saunders - 6 years ago
Anonymous thats a low blow
Anonymous - 6 years ago
Does anyone else feel like Paul isn't getting the Murcielago? what kind of content is this?
Rohan Regikumar
Rohan Regikumar - 6 years ago
Did u hear that...and gts is a rental car....can somebody shoot me in the face... Godd I want to go to Dubai
Rohan Regikumar
Rohan Regikumar - 6 years ago
Philip Saidely damm
Philip Saidely
Philip Saidely - 6 years ago
They even have Bugatti and Pagani for rent
Rohan Regikumar
Rohan Regikumar - 6 years ago
That's cool...
john m
john m - 6 years ago
You can rent supercars anywhere in europe or america. Better cars than that.
Anonymous - 6 years ago
you can rent better cars than the GTS... You can rent a Ferrari 488, Huracan and etc. have you never heard of renting a car?
Jonny Five
Jonny Five - 6 years ago
Knows even less about yachts than he does cars, i didn't think that was possible.
Allen Saunders
Allen Saunders - 6 years ago
Jonny Five i bet he knows a lot more about cars then you. True you don't have a car channel but you are here
Chris C
Chris C - 6 years ago
There are going to be some crashes if these guys are racing! More money than skill comes to mind.

50. comment for RIDING THE £3MILLION HYPER-YACHT IN DUBAI | 3,200bhp!!

Guan - 6 years ago
You should consider rebranding your channel.
Asia Carspotters
Asia Carspotters - 6 years ago
Damn amazing video
30RedPillsAday - 6 years ago
30RedPillsAday - 6 years ago
8:30 okok 3 women i was wrong
RousingLight - 6 years ago
You just skip that hurican performante and went right to the Ferrari California????!!!
Ben22 - 6 years ago
Josha Harding
Josha Harding - 6 years ago
Man I can tell your so happy bro !!!
KÖRPII - 6 years ago
Could you list your equipment in the description? Like u know camera and lense and all of that stuff?
Dean Flet
Dean Flet - 6 years ago
Umm can I say "Holy Shiitake" that yacht was fast.
Jack - 6 years ago
Well SOL is dead
Jake Smith
Jake Smith - 6 years ago
The content itself is good, but the production value and when’s it’s all put together just seems cheap. Just go look at a JWW video, so much better
venom5809 - 6 years ago
Shitload of supercars and a super fast luxury yacht, what the hell else do you want? You can't make some people happy no matter what you do.
kumi w
kumi w - 6 years ago
Well looks like jack died. Smh
Fff Mmm
Fff Mmm - 6 years ago
It's evolving for the better
Huw Francis
Huw Francis - 6 years ago
I'm with jack, not for the content necessarily but because of the new approach to thumbnails and clickey titles. I think that the stuff in this vid is very SOL in a good way but that the new title cards are actually making me skip many of the recent uploads.
Shaun Pinto
Shaun Pinto - 6 years ago
Jack jack you will be dead if you don’t shut up
Mezz - 6 years ago
dont know what kind of content your looking for but this is proper car content
kevinafc007 - 6 years ago
shut up!
Maurizio Arrivabene
Maurizio Arrivabene - 6 years ago
Jack you need to realize how high your expectations are dude...content doesnt get much better than that...maybe the coverage could be better but...
prising - 6 years ago
Wait until Top Marques is coming.
Maurizio Arrivabene
Maurizio Arrivabene - 6 years ago
Jack stale? Hes cruising through dubai in a mclaren, accompanied by dozens of exotic supercars from all manufacturers, f1 cars, and a 3 million dollar yacht...do you realize how crazy that actually is? What do you mean stale??
Jack - 6 years ago
Maurizio Arrivabene it's just stale content
Maurizio Arrivabene
Maurizio Arrivabene - 6 years ago
Jack why?
mk private
mk private - 6 years ago
That's what an epic day looks like. Yup!
Feraz faisal
Feraz faisal - 6 years ago
To met with movlogs
Usaf S
Usaf S - 6 years ago
But where r the camels then :p
jkken1 - 6 years ago
phones are prone to exploding
richardreynoso91 - 6 years ago
Beautiful place
Mr. Fail Guy
Mr. Fail Guy - 6 years ago
why can't you film at a freaking gas station
Neil Porter
Neil Porter - 6 years ago
You know how if you feed a rat gallons of artificial sweeteners it ends up with cancer, therefore artificial sweeteners cause cancer?
Ya, same scenario. If you've never been shocked by your phone or had Sparks from you phone/camera etc. you're not alone. However, in lab situations under specific circumstances, the potential exists. You're much more likely to catch fire from a static discharge from clothes etc.
botchok5 - 6 years ago
Lol calm down Simon, it's time for your autism check up.
Simon Dick
Simon Dick - 6 years ago
botchok5 oh no not the name calling!! Now run along I think I can hear your mum calling you for your bed!
botchok5 - 6 years ago
Calling me stupid and it's you're btw. A simple Google search and a Mythbusters with sufficient test will tell you. And a very convenient second name by the way, it suits you.
Simon Dick
Simon Dick - 6 years ago
botchok5 Don’t be stupid you clown! Off course electrical items give off static charge it’s why your not allowed to use phones in petrol stations. I work in a gas plant so therefore know I few things about static and electrical devices. To believe that it’s only clothes that creates static is BS!
botchok5 - 6 years ago
LOL that myth has been busted a loooong time ago. Static sparks that causes gas station fires are from people's clothes, not bloody electronic signals.
Simon Dick
Simon Dick - 6 years ago
Mr. Fail Guy because it’s and electrical device, much like a phone that can create a static charge and therefore a spark.
Ultimate Reviews
Ultimate Reviews - 6 years ago
You're given a £250,000 budget to find a supercar.. Which car do you get?
XxCATdestroyerxX - 6 years ago
Gt3 rs
Jontus - 6 years ago
Ultimate Reviews Jon Olsson`s old rearwheeldrive converted Murcielago SV !!! (the one that he drove up a glacier with)
mattvjmeasures - 6 years ago
15 Kia Rios
Allen Saunders
Allen Saunders - 6 years ago
Ultimate Reviews 720s or a new corvette ZR1 and keep the rest for future purchases
Jason - 6 years ago
Some Murcielago variant
Guan - 6 years ago
Bike Life
Bike Life - 6 years ago
Ultimate Reviews f12
Sai Dheeraj Reddy Kagithala
Sai Dheeraj Reddy Kagithala - 6 years ago

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