Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene

360-degree up close around Russian Super Yacht Serene. Helicopter on deck, speedboat doors open on both sides. Up-close shots at the end of the video. Serene is anchored here outside the north entrance to Marina del Rey... is it too big to get in the Marina? Helipad with 8-passenger (?) black helicopter on the bow. The garage doors are open on both sides allowing you to see through to the other side of the ship. I was sailing with CSC - California Sailing Cooperative - when Serene was in town for the Oscars. British Overseas Territory Flags: This video was shot in February 2012 by Tom Hoeck России супер яхта Serene. ruso super yate Serene

Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Yacht 13 years ago 378,381 views

360-degree up close around Russian Super Yacht Serene. Helicopter on deck, speedboat doors open on both sides. Up-close shots at the end of the video. Serene is anchored here outside the north entrance to Marina del Rey... is it too big to get in the Marina? Helipad with 8-passenger (?) black helicopter on the bow. The garage doors are open on both sides allowing you to see through to the other side of the ship. I was sailing with CSC - California Sailing Cooperative - when Serene was in town for the Oscars. British Overseas Territory Flags: This video was shot in February 2012 by Tom Hoeck России супер яхта Serene. ruso super yate Serene

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Most popular comments
for Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene

Jim Marshall
Jim Marshall - 7 years ago
Here's a peek at its features.. i love gegayachts because of all the jobs income in its construction, operation & maintenance.
Jenni Niccum
Jenni Niccum - 7 years ago
are you serious with this damn wind the whole time?
Jason Gee
Jason Gee - 8 years ago
makes a great refugee ship
MultiTHEJOKER - 8 years ago
اشاعه وصدقها الغبي امثالك
lakeseminole - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Really interesting.
capt picard
capt picard - 8 years ago
It's owned by a Russian who owns the largest Vodka producer in Russia and Ukraine.
Jason De Pieri
Jason De Pieri - 8 years ago
Juri Shefler... he sued the yard 'cause he think that Ocean Victory looks too similar to Serene.
Helmner - 9 years ago
Ive seen Serene in France, It's incredibly much bigger in person o.o
tomhoeck - 9 years ago
+Helmner you're right. When you see it in person it's a beast. It's hard to really grasp from a video.
Helmner - 9 years ago
+Helmner I went out clubbing with the crew, was promised to get invited to a BBQ on the yacht but unfortunately never happened :/
Jason De Pieri
Jason De Pieri - 9 years ago
why "russian" super yacht?? she was built in Italy by an italian shipyard.
Jason De Pieri
Jason De Pieri - 8 years ago
ok, now I drink my italian vodka
Φίλιππος Κ
Φίλιππος Κ - 8 years ago
The owner is Russian
Timothy Jernigan
Timothy Jernigan - 9 years ago
That's a beast

10. comment for Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene

Adrian Larkins
Adrian Larkins - 9 years ago
I want one. Please somebody buy it for me and pay the running costs too. I PROMISE TO SAY THANK YOU!!!
ulviliegi - 9 years ago
Italian class. Unbeatable!
Jason De Pieri
Jason De Pieri - 9 years ago
+ulviliegi the designer is from Norway :D
wixom01 - 9 years ago
Some statistics:

Builder: Fincantieri
Year: 2011
Length: 440 feet
Beam: 61 feet
Gross Tonnage: 8,231
1 Master Suite
1 VIP Suite
10 Double Suite's
1 Twin Suite
52 Crew
Fill her up? 211,337 US Gallons

Serene has a big sister named Ocean Victory that is even bigger.

As big as Serene is, she doesn't even crack the top 10 largest (by length, anyway).

There are reports that some nutty billionaire is building what is known as the "Triple Duece". 222 meters, or 728 feet! But I don't believe it's true. We'll see.

These guys need a tax cut. Vote for Republicans and give them some relief!
General Turgidson
General Turgidson - 9 years ago
+wixom01 Yeah that's no joke. Even my uncles 60 foot Carver is several thousand dollars to fill up.
wixom01 - 9 years ago
+tomhoeck Yep, which is chump change if you're worth billions. Just to start the engines on some of these big yachts costs several hundred dollars. Running a yacht Serene's size could easily run you 30 million a year, or more!
tomhoeck - 9 years ago
+wixom01 So at $3/gallon, it's $634k to fill up... ?
TheCoBBus - 9 years ago
I think I saw the boat in Malta last summer ! It was HUGE when you were next to it in a small boat with a 50HP engine =D
jerry henrie
jerry henrie - 9 years ago
Must Read "GET RICH IN MARITIME SHIPPING STOCKS" by Jerry Henrie at amazon in paperback and kindle. Thanks.
C. A. Riley
C. A. Riley - 10 years ago
An absolute spectacle 
Capt777harris - 10 years ago
That is one cool looking beast.  Where was this footage taken?
Capt777harris - 10 years ago
+tomhoeck Very cool.  I'm up here in the Bay Area (20 minutes from Youtube, actually), and where you see a lot of sailing vessels and merchants in the bay, we hardly ever get a visit from one of the megayachts.  Too cold, I'm guessing.  Thanks for the vid.
tomhoeck - 10 years ago
Capt Harris, this was shot in Marina Del Rey, California which is in Los Angeles between Venice Beach and LAX - for anyone who doesn't know.  Serene was apparently in town for the Oscars.  Chopper to the red carpet anyone??
Victor Mattos
Victor Mattos - 10 years ago
She is actually italian.
Baraq Al-Tuhafi
Baraq Al-Tuhafi - 10 years ago
she's just docked in Auckland, New Zealand. It's caused quite a stir/excitement as it probably does in many places. absolutely magnificent! So this is how the other 1% live huh?! haha
SuperJourneyer - 10 years ago
Probably the 0.1%
Phil Hegedusich
Phil Hegedusich - 10 years ago
We saw her in Ketchikan in 2013. Quite the contrast to the container barge that was floating by.

20. comment for Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene

maddie gugliotta
maddie gugliotta - 10 years ago
wow thats a big one 
Mike's mind
Mike's mind - 10 years ago
it was just in cabos san lucas mexico baja california sur mexico 2 weeks ago
Rudy - 10 years ago
thats a nice little boat
Juliska tH
Juliska tH - 10 years ago
Nou inderdaad....spaar jij alvast???
Kevin Yawner
Kevin Yawner - 10 years ago
time to buy more vodka
COTTERO - 10 years ago
The owner maybe is russian but the ship was made for the italian shipyard FINCANTIERI.
Jacky O Keeffe
Jacky O Keeffe - 10 years ago
saw her off Ibiza today, anchored off tagomago Island and helicopter flew around for 30 mins or so
meschio - 10 years ago
built in Italy (fincantieri) Owned by russian magnate
dkiechle - 10 years ago
She's anchored in the harbor of Cannes right now. 
georges jc
georges jc - 10 years ago
Aitor Navarro
Aitor Navarro - 10 years ago
This yacht's not Russian it's Italian
Вячеслав Курсин
Вячеслав Курсин - 10 years ago
Project approve and modify customer.
ianrkav - 10 years ago
Yes, it was built by Italian shipyard Fincantieri for Russian Vodka tycoon Yuri Scheffler. So it's Russian owned.

30. comment for Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene

philip s
philip s - 10 years ago
Andrew - 10 years ago
It's not Russian it's italian (Fincantieri) built for Russian billionaire
Puzzoozoo - 10 years ago
$30 million per year to run and maintain this bad boy.
John Fisher
John Fisher - 11 years ago
What gets me is the sense of comfort knowing just how unflustered you'd be when "Global Warming" comes calling with its high sea levels, no concern for this chap people, with him riding the crests of where he chooses to dock. Its a big outlay but, it seems to work for him.
John Fisher
John Fisher - 11 years ago
That guy really likes his "perspective" me thinks. Its a wonderful piece,...floating magnificence.
Kenny Schell
Kenny Schell - 11 years ago
Just saw this ship in st. Maarten was out jet skiing around it. Betcha if I would have got too close to it ex Russian kgb would have persuaded me to back away
SquirrelFromGradLife - 11 years ago
It's Cayman Islands... British Overseas Teritory
Tom Hoeck
Tom Hoeck - 11 years ago
The one in the marina - anchored off the north entrance - this past weekend was "Luna". Roman Abramovich. 115 meters. Very similar looking.
walruspictures - 11 years ago
It's the Bermuda flag, the yacht is owned by Yuri Scheffler who owns vodka companies in Russian like Stolichnaya Vodka. That sucker is actually back in the Marina right now!
Puzzoozoo - 11 years ago
Blue hulls may look lovely, but blue shows up any scuffs, and blue absorbs heat from the sun if the yatch is in warm climates, making below deck hotter then they need be, and thus forcing the air con to work harder. Which is why yachts like this one tend to be painted white or light cream off white. Me for my biggest yacht in the world I'd have the hull covered in gold leaf, as gold is a far better heat reflector then white paint.
billyarseface - 11 years ago
Its Cayman Is
capt picard
capt picard - 11 years ago
This is 134m (439ft) Abramovich's yacht Eclipse is 172.5m (565.9ft) he had it built so it was .5m or 18inches longer than the royal family yacht called Dubai which is 172m
crimsonpride48 - 11 years ago
Steven Spielberg, Mark Cuban ect.. all have their boats registered in the BVI almost all Arab owned vessels are registered in Dubai for the same reasons TAXES.
tomhoeck - 11 years ago
Could be. The BVI and Cayman flags are very similar, since they're both British territories. They seem to use the red and blue backgrounds interchangeably...or else all the red ones I've seen are actually Bermuda... See the link in the main comment above for a list of British territory flags.
crimsonpride48 - 11 years ago
I can't see it clearly but that flag I think is British Virgin Islands, all Super and Mega Yacht owners register their vessels there for Tax purposes they didn't become Billionaires by being dumb.
Alicya D.
Alicya D. - 11 years ago
chickster19 - 11 years ago
Yeah! I drove by tonight and they are filming a movie on it!!! Couldn't get close enough to see what movie/show but there were more than a dozen film crew trucks/lighting/catering, etc. Hmmmm...!?!?
AngryDuckSoup - 11 years ago
I saw that yacht moored in north Vancouver.It is a beautiful beast.
preliess - 12 years ago
Russian Super Yacht? Serene è fatto dalla Fincantieri, in ITALIA, quindi è ITALIANO. Il proprietario può essere russo, ma lo yacht è e rimane MADE IN ITALY.
ukshotter2005 - 12 years ago
I'm back for another look I can't stop thinking about this yacht and how much money this man must have got

50. comment for Serene Yacht - 360-Degree Views of Russian Super Yacht Serene

ukshotter2005 - 12 years ago
I I can't believe what I'm seeing send me some money you wouldn't even know its gone
aviomaster - 12 years ago
WHY would someone need Yacht like this ???
Fernando Rodrigues
Fernando Rodrigues - 12 years ago
Russian mab's toy.
martin sirpov
martin sirpov - 12 years ago
schön, wenn junge leute ihr geld absolut ehrlich verdienen und sich kleine annehmlichkeiten; wie z.b. dieses schifflein, leisten können. das kommt uns doch allen zu gute, nicht?
Frankie J
Frankie J - 12 years ago
533 feet actually
Jason Phillips
Jason Phillips - 12 years ago
Just saw this in Capri:
SquirrelFromGradLife - 12 years ago
These superyachts are usually not owned as personal property but rather bought and financed through a company owned or controlled by the "owner". Financing is done through major banks. That way depreciation and running costs can figure as a loss for the company and be written off in the owners personal income tax. That way we as tax payers are in fact paying for it and we're also financing it through the banks. It's your savings account that's sailing around out there.
alman rey duero
alman rey duero - 12 years ago
serene is the name and fucking bitches all day is the game.......
Chance Cooke
Chance Cooke - 12 years ago
Such a small dingy, doesn't even have a place to land my spaceship.

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