The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

Forbes' Luisa Kroll's exclusive tour of billionaire industrialist Dennis Washington's Attessa IV. Subscribe to FORBES: Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook: Forbes Video on Twitter: Forbes Video on Instagram: More From Forbes: Forbes covers the intersection of entrepreneurship, wealth, technology, business and lifestyle with a focus on people and success.

The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 407

Yacht 13 years ago 1,724,232 views

Forbes' Luisa Kroll's exclusive tour of billionaire industrialist Dennis Washington's Attessa IV. Subscribe to FORBES: Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook: Forbes Video on Twitter: Forbes Video on Instagram: More From Forbes: Forbes covers the intersection of entrepreneurship, wealth, technology, business and lifestyle with a focus on people and success.

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Most popular comments
for The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

Alex Manuel
Alex Manuel - 7 years ago
I. Will. Go. With. That. Mr. Trump. And. I. Do. Not. Want. TO. Someone. Scrimmages
Samantha Kerry
Samantha Kerry - 7 years ago
Seems like a decent guy, he's done well. Wish I'd seen opportunities in my youth I know now I had. That's a beautiful boat that would never exit without the rich
Michael Pipkin
Michael Pipkin - 7 years ago
So perfect of a life.
meowmeow44444 - 7 years ago
If he slips in the shower this thing is going to be a floating casket.
Rich Leed
Rich Leed - 7 years ago
Quarter BILLION does sound nicer than $250,000,000.
While I have 1/1,000,000 billion in the my account or $100.
Clevver - 7 years ago
I like this guy, very humble.
M S - 7 years ago
What a disgusting pig of a man. And this woman is a gross sycophant.
jpracingph - 7 years ago
"Made his money the old fashioned way"
That means you inherit it.
ScOpeZ - 7 years ago
This man is very humble sounding we need more people like him in the world rich or poor

10. comment for The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

Keayanna Davis
Keayanna Davis - 7 years ago
this is not a yacht, this is a fucking cruise
artmind comics studio
artmind comics studio - 8 years ago
just do a tour video damn it! dont give a fuck about your exposure!
Chris P
Chris P - 8 years ago
This would be the shittest review of luxury yachts I've ever seen. FFS!
John S
John S - 8 years ago
Dennis sounds like a man of pure class.
Sailing Nations UG
Sailing Nations UG - 8 years ago
really enjoying your videos :)
jay sharpton
jay sharpton - 8 years ago
Patrick Conners
Patrick Conners - 8 years ago
The Gucci chairs will burn your ass! No sit!
Lynn Balaski
Lynn Balaski - 8 years ago
Yikes. I just read some of the other comments. Hope this man and/or his family never does, though why would they care about hateful comments, right?
Lynn Balaski
Lynn Balaski - 8 years ago
Oh, wow, INCREDIBLE! Yep, no doubt he worked super hard for that...but...sadly there's lots of other people who work their butts off for peanuts. At least Mr. Washington does a lot of good for people, like the kids' camp they talked about here. Good for you, Mr. Washington! Cheers!
Benjamin - 8 years ago
American engineers and projects are very overpriced and time consuming craps.

20. comment for The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

Víctor Hugo Randon Garcia
Víctor Hugo Randon Garcia - 8 years ago
Why would you film a yatch documentary with a owner who DOESN'T want to say a number... and then get the fatty to say some idiotic made up number??? "I'd speak to a lot of people..." You fucking apes, she looks fucking retarded.
my31and37 - 8 years ago
He came from nothing, earned lots of money by hard work, and gives back with a 65 million dollar childrens camp...Who could fault that?
Mr. Sebnup
Mr. Sebnup - 8 years ago
She's a BIG internet star now!!! She can be as annoying and obnoxious as he wants to be. I am SO glad I don't have to work with her. WHEW!!!
ArkaelDren - 8 years ago
Fuck this is the second time I've seen videos from this Forbes channel. THEY SUCK ABSOLUTE DONKEY COCK...... channel blocked
Robert Saxer
Robert Saxer - 8 years ago
wish I had a church I call it the church of the yahts
Keeshan Agulto
Keeshan Agulto - 8 years ago
SS Trevors Big Pussi
Dave Barista
Dave Barista - 8 years ago
I wanted to see the yacht, instead we get to see two old couple taking turn talking boringly... sad...
Shlomo Shekelstein
Shlomo Shekelstein - 8 years ago
Pussy or gtfo b-arch
abelucious - 8 years ago
I don't know Dennis Washington, but he knows how to live large,.
Rian Weston-Dodds
Rian Weston-Dodds - 8 years ago
At least he's spending his money, a lot don't. Let's just hope he's paying his taxes...

30. comment for The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

sciuridae - 8 years ago
Karaycarlos - 8 years ago
seen this beautiful yauct in cabo San Lucas las week.... just amazing
Karaycarlos - 8 years ago
seen this beautiful yauct in cabo San Lucas las week.... just amazing
Karaycarlos - 8 years ago
seen this beautiful yauct in cabo San Lucas las week.... just amazing
Karaycarlos - 8 years ago
seen this beautiful boat in cabo San Lucas las week.... just amazing
Sebastian - 8 years ago
Show the fucking yacht next time faggots
Baby blue eyes
Baby blue eyes - 8 years ago
Sebastian thanks.
Angad Anand
Angad Anand - 8 years ago
Saved my 5 minutes.
jacob Rand
jacob Rand - 8 years ago
damn it!
MrFysik - 8 years ago
thnx m8!
Sebastian - 8 years ago
5 minutes of my life I'll never get back
kinggeorgewashington - 8 years ago
I like him, Now if we could find a way to have more time to enjoy the good things......
Ricovali - 8 years ago
Spending money and putting it back into the economy is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a form of 'sharing' your wealth. You are keeping people employed. I admire someone like this,instead of those just sitting on their wealth. And not contributing to the economy through purchasing hard items that involve blue collar labor.
Villa Dos Duquinhos - Salema Beach
Villa Dos Duquinhos - Salema Beach - 9 years ago
We have an unbelievable villa for rent in Portugal! You can watch it now!
manofweed1 - 9 years ago
Only worth 5 billion and blows a quarter of a billion plus upkeep on a toy ?..........I certainly wouldn't !
Daniel Lint
Daniel Lint - 8 years ago
can't take it with you! ( yet!) but soon, immortality for the lucky.
PhAnToM PhoeNixx
PhAnToM PhoeNixx - 9 years ago
This guy bought a yacht that he doesn't need because he wanted to and he can afford it. The middle class buy cars and houses and vacations that they don't because they can afford it. The poor get eviction notices and buy things they can't afford. Generally speaking of course, but at least guys like this are creating new jobs and stimulating cash flow. They also donate millions of dollars a year, whether it's to show off or not who cares? Don't be hypocrites..
Esmeralda Doll
Esmeralda Doll - 9 years ago
James packer yacht
Tito Santos
Tito Santos - 9 years ago
This is just sad... How can we let a few bunch of people have the claim to such share of the earth's resources (money)? This is a very broken system. How much more happiness does he get from this monster yacth from just an "average rich person's yacht? Yeah I get it this man likes engines... There are far less wasteful ways to enjoy engines in my view. These resources could have been used for better purposes... like giving hard working poor people a fair wage...
hudson k
hudson k - 9 years ago
this woman is a very boring human being.
hudson k
hudson k - 8 years ago
Michael Joshua because she's boring. :)
hudson k
hudson k - 8 years ago
lakecrab I don't use g+, it's very boring
Michael Joshua
Michael Joshua - 8 years ago
+hudson k how the fuck would you know thats shes boring dickhead
Thompson Jacob
Thompson Jacob - 8 years ago
you would think she could've taken 5 seconds to fix her hair knowing she was going to be on camera. No home training i guess.
lakecrab - 9 years ago
+hudson k ~ Your G+ page looks kind of "SHILLY" there should add some realistic stuff if you you want cover. Something people should be looking for with the ad hominem type comments. It discounts you very quickly.
jay syed
jay syed - 9 years ago
Where is the boat?
DB HIGHLIGHTS - 9 years ago
could of donated that money man...
Nesha Britwood
Nesha Britwood - 9 years ago
Uh! I thought we were gonna see what the Yacht actually looks like inside. False advertisement.
Owen Chapman
Owen Chapman - 9 years ago
Nicholas Beckett
Nicholas Beckett - 9 years ago
I'm sick of all these stupid cunts in the comments saying he should of spent all that money helping people. Seriously go fuck yourself, he can spend his money on what ever the fuck he wants!
meowmeow44444 - 7 years ago
he should of spent all that money helping people
BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose
BCtruck, rebuild, repair,repurpose - 7 years ago
Nicholas Beckett the way I see it is he did help people. All the folks that built the boat, remodeled it,the crew that works at maintaining it. The people that work on docks. The people that sell him fuel. They all get payed by this wealthy man. He is helping people!
Ricovali - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Beckett ...he is helping people. He is putting hundreds of millions of dollars into the workforce. With out people like him,we would be out of a job. And be on welfare.
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 9 years ago
Wow, you're really upset.
AnthonyTube - 9 years ago
he should cut his penis off and feed it to the poor
mavishill - 9 years ago
Yes we should do good things for others but not by giving money but investing in education for kids or donating to charity of choice.. but sad truth is If this guy went broke tomorrow and became homeless no one would give a shit about him or help him. The same people who criticise the rich for not giving to poor..would help if the rich became homeless. And we all know how many homeless people are out there on the streets. There is no issue with rich making money..But it is wrong when they use their money to control politicians and dig into middle class and poor people's pockets and block their human rights.
Mz Sexii
Mz Sexii - 9 years ago
exactly. that's why people are so entitled now, besides how do they know what people do with their money? misery loves company, hell, I doubt they would give their own money away, people barely want to pay their own
DuskyHaddock - 9 years ago
Anyone here because of the GTA update coming out this Tuesday? I'm Sooooo excited!!!

50. comment for The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
These yachts are a part of what is wrong with the world. Why should one
man ride around in a 100 million dollar yacht or live in a 100 million
dollar penthouse, when millions don't have enough to eat. Greed is an
ugly disease. Join the new political revolution.
mynamewastaken06 - 8 years ago
This is true, although I believe we would do much worse with clinton. Just my opinion. People are a cancer.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 8 years ago
If everyone on the planet lived like your average American, we would burn through natural resources and destroy the planet in one generation.  Humans are like a cancer, and America is where the cancer has really taken hold and is thriving.  It's not a pretty picture.  We don't know how to live in harmony with our environment.  We consume and destroy it.  Only by spreading to other planets can we hope to survive.  It's probably all just a computer simulation anyway.  Trump as President is the latest algo they have patched in for fun.  I think we are supposed to just enjoy the ride.  Peace.
mynamewastaken06 - 8 years ago
Starving countries would be out of debt from the value of that house, and the land could be turned into a solar energy farm.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 8 years ago
No Bernie's wife sold a home that had been in her family since 1900.  She then took that money and bought a second home for her and Bernie Sanders.   What's your point?
mynamewastaken06 - 8 years ago
Didn't Bernie just buy a huge house does that compare to this now?
steamyhotpoo - 8 years ago
Hahaha how did that work out for you libtard? Trump 2016 baby!
彭定康 - 8 years ago
What a libertard. Yeah, kids in Africa can eat this yacht. By you standard, since you have enough food and clothes, you should spend every money you made on helping poor people in Africa and India, how could you eat meat when there are someone starving?
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 8 years ago
+Brains for Change humans are supposed to look out for themselves. That's why some people make it and some people don't.
mynamewastaken06 - 8 years ago
What a twist!
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 8 years ago
 Yes but my panties are made of candy so when I twist them it just gets more delicious.  I just wish the world was more concerned with looking out for humanity instead of using so many of our resources to facilitate the extravagant lifestyle of the very wealthy.  I'm all for nice boats and extended holidays, but so many folks are scratching in the dirt for basic healthcare and nutrition.  I just hope we can do a better job going forward, panties and all.
mynamewastaken06 - 8 years ago
another socialist with their panties in a twist about someone having a bunch of money.
Josh Borsykowsky
Josh Borsykowsky - 8 years ago
+James Moore Preachhhh
James Moore
James Moore - 8 years ago
Great logic! Lets disrespect a man who didn't start out filthy rich. From my understanding, this man worked his ass off to the point of being able to enjoy something your ungrateful ass could never respect. Dumb fuck socialists like yourself think the rich owe the world every dollar they've ever earned. But I guarantee if you were to come into a handful of money, or say win the lottery tomorrow, you wouldn't even donate half of those earnings to a greater cause. Would probably pull some hypocritical bullshit, crying about how the government has taken half your jackpot earnings.
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 8 years ago
+Josh Borsykowsky don't try to confuse the Bernie supporter with facts about money... You won't get anywhere.
Josh Borsykowsky
Josh Borsykowsky - 8 years ago
+Political Princess i don't think you understand that when someone spends $250 million, a whole lot of people also receive it
Roger Blackwood
Roger Blackwood - 9 years ago
+Political Princess Such a facetious Idiot, with teenage political views. You know very well when someone says "whatever you want" they expect you to understand the regular guidlines of society! If the statement was prefixed with, "within reason" he can do whatever he wants, would that have been better? No, you are just envious of people who have made a good place for themselves. Murdering or poisoning people, no matter how much or little money you have is obviously not acceptable, but shit, it still happens around the world. At least he has set up some stuff to help kids and people around him, What the fuck have you ever done for anyone? Typical attitude of the product of todays "Uni's"! If everyone cant have it, then no one should have it is the way you see the world, well who is going to bother to get off their ass and build the engineering companies etc, that make the world a better place so feral vermin like you can prosper and live a life full of luxury, compared to those born in Ethiopia for example? They don't have running water or electricity, let alone internet to engage the world with their views! So what are you doing to right these wrongs?
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Brains for Change good! I'm glad most rich people live in the US. Better here than somewhere else!
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
You have a disease, and I'm not sure you can be cured...    62 people control half the worlds wealth, and most of them live in the US.
Just another John Doe.
Just another John Doe. - 9 years ago
Bernie wants to tax 90 cents of every dollar. If I make $100,000 a year I'd only get to keep $10,000... And that thing where you said 32 people control the world is bullshit. Those 32 people may be rich, but don't control the world. Capitalism over communism any day of the year.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
There are almost 8 billion people on planet Earth, and natural resourses are limited, so I think we need to work towards a system that creates more equality and cherishes our natural resources.  Bernie is a good start
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
Ok Einstein, here is a lovely fact for you that just came out today.  62 people now control half the wealth of the entire planet.   In what fucking universe does that make sense???
Just another John Doe.
Just another John Doe. - 9 years ago
There are PLENTY of resources in the world that yacht is only a drop in the ocean. However you also say the next generation of his family will inherit it without working for it. You would have to be a trillionaire for it to be like that. It's harder to keep money than to make money. Plus global warming is B.S. just like Bernie Sanders.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
The money is not wasted, but the resources are.  You must be part of the "He worked hard for his money so he can spend it how wants" crowd.  What happens when all the wealth consolidates into the hands of the few (it already has) and then they pass it down to the next generation, who now own everything and DID NOT WORK HARD FOR IT???  What EXACTLY happens to your theory at that point?  BE SPECIFIC MORON.
Just another John Doe.
Just another John Doe. - 9 years ago
+Political Princess Look, your a dumbass. First of all if B.S. wins our economy WILL be screwed. Another thing is the guy is rich ok so? He worked hard for his money so he can spend it how he likes. Not everyone can or will be equal financially. He buys this yacht, but the money isn't wasted you know it's passed on to different pockets. Learn economics.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
So can he buy and sell children, or nuclear weapons???  No, because as a society we set rules as to what benefits the greater good.  I'm just saying 250 million dollar yachts for private individuals is absurd when we have so many people living in dirt with no access to healthcare or education.  Letting the rich do whatever they want is only good for your juvenile fantasies about riding around in a 250 million dollar boat one day.   So your a greedy little shit and you stand up for the rights of other greedy little shits.  Nice.
Aliminy - 9 years ago
Because he earned the money himself so he can do whatever he wants with it.
Shyheim Blue
Shyheim Blue - 9 years ago
+Political Princess its there money and they worked hard for that
Shyheim Blue
Shyheim Blue - 9 years ago
alot of them do help people with out food but they have so much money that they can do both
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Just another John Doe. Nah
Just another John Doe.
Just another John Doe. - 9 years ago
Hey please at least just check out
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Brains for Change lol
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
I'm not complaining at all.  I'm just bored out of my mind.  Why else would anyone waste their time in the comment section of youtube.  I am a spoiled american princess who hides in my  castle and pokes fun at the world through my peephole.  poke poke  ;)
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Brains for Change understandable... But by that logic, so are you, if you were born here too. So what the fuck are you even complaining about?
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
Hey Maloney, were you given the gift of good health and the right to live in a free democracy by your parents?  I'm just curious.  Don't you think you have a HUGE advantage over 90% of the people on the planet.  If you lived in a shitty farming village in India with no access to education or good healthcare, you would be screwed from the get go.  You were born rich.
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Brains for Change umm okay, no I didn't. There goes that argument.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
Brad your good.  I wasn't being sarcastic at all.  I really would like to hang out with a high horse. I would never try to ride it though.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
Hey Maloney.  I was born an American with great opportunity and liberty.  That makes me among the wealthiest people on the planet and I didn't work for any of it.  You were given many gifts in life you didn't have to work for.  So let's argue about that for a while. 
BradGatton - 9 years ago
+Brains for Change Can't tell if that was sarcastic just by reading it. Obviously the high horse part was. 
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Brains for Change get over yourself honestly. U don't deserve shit you don't work for.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
You make a good point Brad.  Perspective is everything.  I wish I had a high horse.  That sounds like fun.
BradGatton - 9 years ago
+Political Princess

Lower middle class in first world countries feeling comfortable and mighty calling the rich greedy.
Yet never think that they are perceived in exactly the same way to people who are equally poorer than they, as they are to the people they are calling greedy.
It's ALL relative, get off your high horse.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
And again the next day on Morning Joe
"It's a tough position politically," Trump acknowledged on the MSNBC show. "We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high — our wages are too high. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries."
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
Donald Trump said he thinks wages are too high and we need to bring them down so we can make America great again.  Think about that statement.  I don't think he wants everyone to have yachts.  He wants more money and power, but he will make sure the rich boys club stays beyond the reach of most hard working Americans.  So lets keep those big gold TRUMP letters off the front of the white house. 
Maloney Bologna
Maloney Bologna - 9 years ago
+Political Princess That's basically what Obama did; Give weapons to gang-bangers. But that's none of my business. #Trump2016!! Vote him in so we can all have yachts!
AbstractXD - 9 years ago
+Bernie's Friend Liberal nazis luv em
MrAlgo - 9 years ago
+Bernie's Friend leave it up to the communist to comment whats wrong with the world on a video like this...
timmy D
timmy D - 9 years ago
+Bernie's Friend yeah sure, as long as you stay within government hazmat guidelines which these rich companies have to adhere to, i work with hazardous material and the process for disposal is actually pretty strict. they have environmental inspectors that will not think twice before shutting down business failing to dispose of waste properly, there really isn't any reason to not do what you want with your land. Letting hazardous materials be absorbed into the ground affects everyone though. Also yah, if the yacht doesn't meet these guidelines, they too should be apprehended like vehicles that fail emission tests.
Also do what you want with the weapons, technically you are breaking the law by handing out weapons to people not registered for it, and if they shoot up people, hopefully they trace the weapon back to the registered owner. Second/third degree, premeditated murder, you should look up these things before you decide to hand gangbangers weapons.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
" if you work for it, than you should be able to use it to do whatever you want." 
What a crock of shit.  Of course you shouldn't be able to do whatever you want.  Money was created to help a society function better, not so that individuals can do whatever they want.  What if I wanted to buy a thousand AR-15's with my money and start giving them away to gang bangers.  Would that be ok?  What if I want to buy a piece of land in downtown LA and then let people dump toxic waste on it.  Is that okay?  I did earn the money.  It's my land.  I should be able to do whatever I want with it right???
timmy D
timmy D - 9 years ago
+Bernie's Friend like i said above, to an extent we all indulge ourselves, while other people are living without. Why should i have videogames and a TV when people dont have electricity? and do on, this is obviously levels above that but the concept is yet the same. The guy worked for his money and if you work for it, than you should be able to use it to do whatever you want.
Brains for Change
Brains for Change - 9 years ago
If a Billionaire injects 200 million dollars into the economy by building something that is useless to 99.9% of humanity, then he is doing a disservice to humanity.  Not to mention the environmental damage the creation and operation of the this boat will cause.
ButWhoWasMoto? - 9 years ago
+Bernie's Friend really? he injected 200 million dollars into the economy by hiring hundreds of workers for a few years to refit the boat....
timmy D
timmy D - 9 years ago
+Bernie's Friend im not rich, but what they do for the money they work for is their buisiness. An to an extent all of us are greedy. You can use that logic on guy eat half a pizza, why should you have more than one slice when people are starving to death right now.
dphotos - 9 years ago
Another big yacht that looks ugly with its interior design. The bedrooms looks ugly along with the rest of the furniture. Did all these rich guys use the same interior designer. If you look at the RV Airstream they really do a great job with modern design in for a small RV trailer. Why can't these rich guys design a yacht with a modern look to them.
cai gaviola
cai gaviola - 7 years ago
dphotos because Mr and Mrs Washington loves antiques. Simple as that.
Trent Staple
Trent Staple - 9 years ago
probably has sweet guns and cannons and shit on that thing
Saddle Sore
Saddle Sore - 9 years ago
He could have saved the S.S. United States and have the biggest fn  yacht of all time!
kate weiss
kate weiss - 9 years ago
Was that an original Dale Chilhuly that I saw?
MrMeanderthal - 8 years ago
yes that big orange glass doodad is a Dale Chilhuli
kate weiss
kate weiss - 9 years ago
We here in WI really like his work. He has a large work in the WI Center where the Badgers play and many high school tournaments are held. Thanks for your kind reply.
camerondberg2003 - 9 years ago
+kate weiss thats was the first thing I specifically noticed too......I am pretty sure it is, I seem to recall seeing a pic of it in a portfolio or auction house maybe?
Monica Dirocco
Monica Dirocco - 9 years ago
I liked his interview !! Seems like a cool down to earth guy for being super loaded !! :-)
kyle Sixt
kyle Sixt - 8 years ago
Werdna regninnen how do you know he doesn't also donate to charity?
Monica Dirocco
Monica Dirocco - 8 years ago
OMG..really ?
Rian Weston-Dodds
Rian Weston-Dodds - 8 years ago
+Monica Dirocco So you have to be poor to be down to earth?
Opie - 9 years ago
+Monica Dirocco Yeah, he also seemed like he still gets his hands dirty fixing 'machines'.
AustinPetDetective - 9 years ago
LOL cost $50.000.000 to buy it then spent $200.000.000 refurbishing it. That's simply MIND BLOWING?.
camerondberg2003 - 9 years ago
+AustinPetDetective It does seem astounding to consider sums of money that large....and the funny thing is at a certain level of wealth your accounting firm will tell you you need to buy one, it becomes financially advantageous to have that large of a regular business expense which of course most which can be written off come tax time.
Josh S
Josh S - 9 years ago
I saw this boat Moored in Bitter End this June. I looked all over the web and I was surprised to find it on YouTube. If you get a chance to see it in person it is truly incredible!
Mcpsagent King
Mcpsagent King - 9 years ago
And THIS is one of the ways wealthy people CREATE JOBS and keep people employed..!!.GOD BLESS THEM...Dont resent them :)
Luke LaRochelle
Luke LaRochelle - 8 years ago
+oggyreidmore Dude worked his ass off most of his life to get rich, he earned every dollar he made. He can spend it however he pleases. If you had half the work ethic he had you would be rich too instead of complaining. Get you some money and then tell me you wouldn't buy that yacht too
Psalm119 :KJV
Psalm119 :KJV - 9 years ago
+oggyreidmore I like your take on this :)
oggyreidmore - 9 years ago
+Mcpsagent King This guy made his fortune in highway construction. His client was the Federal Government (they're the only ones building highways after all) and his fortune is almost entirely tax payer funded. It's a good thing he's in other businesses now, because funding for highway infrastructure has been gutted to pay for tax cuts for rich guys like him. So to recap - he extracted wealth from the taxpayers, then rich people funded lobbyists rigged the system so that he would not have to contribute to the tax base that made him rich. So you know that big chunk of your paycheck the government takes? This guy gets to spend part of that money on quarter billion dollar hobbies like this luxury yacht. God Bless him indeed.
Ed Zh
Ed Zh - 9 years ago
the way these Forbes people talk reminds me of those sensodyne commercials. SO boring..
Vylkeer - 9 years ago
Better than 'The Wolf of Wall Street'.
Hit MeNext
Hit MeNext - 9 years ago
thats the kind of yacht i want to buy second hand like when he sells it
Yaacov Ben-Yakir
Yaacov Ben-Yakir - 9 years ago
Holly.Sweet.Mother of all that's good and Pure..... I will happily slide clean off those shimmering stainless Gucci lounge chairs and hit the deck with an everlasting jokers smile.
Panzer Blitz
Panzer Blitz - 9 years ago
He's a useless old fart contributing to worldwide pollution and climate change. He should be spending his money on wildlife and the environment.
James Homology
James Homology - 9 years ago
+Panzer Blitz Hey Panzer faggot - define "climate change" you fucking idiot.
DanteOfMJisBack - 9 years ago
+Jay H I have untold of money and power, but I won't put that out on a video, for assholes to criticize over, who are nothing more than rat bait...
Jay H
Jay H - 9 years ago
Not all the wealthy earned their money far and square, their are many criminals among them.

But yes majority of them earned it by building a business, innovating, inventing, ect.

Lets not let lump the criminals in with the ones who earned it.
DanteOfMJisBack - 9 years ago
+Panzer Blitz The rich earned their riches, and the poor earn their pillow, they cry in...
Jay H
Jay H - 9 years ago
+Panzer Blitz
Take your straw man else were kid.

I am talking about this guy and not Bill Gates or anyone else.
You lumped them all together and attack a guy who has had positive impact.

The reason you have minimum wage is because you have open borders in the U.S.
Stop immigration and wages in the U.S. will go up.
But people like you just want to hate the rich instead of working on actually solving problems.

Go bitch like a little girl to some one who cares.

Panzer Blitz
Panzer Blitz - 9 years ago
+Jay H Charities? They all do that scam. Gates gives a bunch of "charity" for giant GMO criminal corporations to wipe out the small farmers in other countries, destroy their environments and to poison their populations? And he doesn't give a dime for any constructive things like conservation programs. Why does he give "charity" you ask? One word.. TAX WRITEOFF. Like Gates, this kind of joker is making money from minimum wage slave labor and from polluting the earth's future. And he makes money from money, it's called interest on your piggish capital. That requires no skill, just laying back on your ugly as sin yacht with a glass of pina colada.
Jay H
Jay H - 9 years ago
+Panzer Blitz
This man worked his ass off his whole, is skill a engineer, and built several successful business that employed 1,000's of people.
He's payed a ton of taxes and gives a lot of his money to Christian charties to help kids.

What have you done with your life? How many people have you employed and helped feed?

Panzer Blitz
You sound like a man full of envy and wanting what you have not earned.

lolocopter K
lolocopter K - 9 years ago
I liked the guy until Forbes said he built a christian camp LOL what a brilliant man who believes in the dumbest shit
titanwr - 9 years ago
Lol that's what I thought.  Typical narrow minded asshole who loves to criticize because what he thinks is better than someone else's, but I called you on it, and all you could come up with is that?  Tell your mom you need another hot pocket, you're being a badass on the internet haha.  What a joke.
lolocopter K
lolocopter K - 9 years ago
gtfo bible-thumper sheep
titanwr - 9 years ago
+lolocopter K Such a small mind to base a decision to not like someone because they believe in different things than you. "I don't like you because we have different beliefs" lol you're a joke, please don't vote.
Mike P
Mike P - 9 years ago
man all these forbe representatives are so boring to listen to
drdave2468 - 10 years ago
I did the sheet metal work in the engine room
EngleSackJus - 10 years ago
I'll be damn if I spend years and years of my sweat and muscle building another mans Boat. Fuck outta here!!!
TheReal META_Z
TheReal META_Z - 9 years ago
Well it's a any other would you rather build his house?
Lucan - 10 years ago
Where is the video of the actual boat, you spent longer talking about your flying route then showing
Chris Vega
Chris Vega - 10 years ago
Dear Denis Washington could u please let me barrow 30 thousand dollars & I will guarantee I'll make u a few billion dollars back I'm in the construction business and it's not about the money I just want the experience with working with a person of your expertise , just contact me through email thank you, you won't regret it u have my word.
alan dodd
alan dodd - 10 years ago
puts my one bedroom flat to shame.what a fantastic life stiyle,,,nice to have  even a slice of  
Mark Farmer
Mark Farmer - 10 years ago
Alan Hendah
Alan Hendah - 10 years ago
Material wealth is of the earth, spiritual treasure is of heaven, if seeking for a complete explanation of the big picture of life visit v TRUTHCONTEST ^ COM v and read .. the . present.. this free book has the power to change the world, see for yourself.
TechnologyMafia - 10 years ago
Chatelaine2020 - 10 years ago
Good for him!  He worked hard for it.  Chapeau !!
lobelia1997 - 10 years ago
if i had that kind of money i would donate 5 cents to Africa and fly there on my private jet and lob monopoly money over their heads
lolocopter K
lolocopter K - 9 years ago
this was the funniest thing I have ever read on the Internet I cried for about 3 minutes
Kyle Washington
Kyle Washington - 10 years ago
To those who are so critical and seemingly angry toward Dennis Washington:  Have you any idea how he got to the point of being able to build such a beautiful yacht?  He earned his money.  Every cent of it and most of it with his own labor (especially in the beginning). He wasn't born rich, he was born ambitious and hard-working.  He probably didn't have a lot of time in his early life to sit around and criticize people (especially people that he doesn't even know).
He is an American and a great example of what our country allows people who are smart, focused and willing to work hard.  As a direct result of his hard work he and Phyllis have formed a foundation that has helped people all over the world and will continue to do so long after they are no longer here.
Rather than being angry and stigmatized by your feelings perhaps you could put some of that energy to work and take part in the American dream yourself.  Maybe along the way you will find yourself in a place of being able to help people all over the world and turn that anger into production.  The American dream is alive and well.  It's open to you too!  Make the most of your life and strive to fulfill your own dreams and aspirations.
cai gaviola
cai gaviola - 7 years ago
I had worked for Mr and Mrs Washington and will be forever grateful that I know them more than what the mainstream would like to impose. I am so thankful for that opportunity to experience their kindness, generousity, concern, and humble approach to all their employees.
I will miss Mrs Washington sunny disposition and Mr Washington witty personality and tons of jokes and business advice. I will forever treasure the business literature book that Mr gave me although I wish I had a chance before to ask him to sign it for me as I am an avid fan of his Rugs to Riches story.

Kind Regards to everyone! Much love! God bless you!!

Cai - Attesa IV ex crew
Kathy Pinna
Kathy Pinna - 7 years ago
Kyle - Thank you for standing up for your Dad. My mom and his sister, your aunt, have been best friends since grade school and Deb and I grew up together. I never worked for, or did business with, your Dad but I have known him through them since I was little. He is a really good human being, cares about others, and has worked hard for all he has and enjoys. We have cheered him on through everything. People will always be jealous and it's good that he has a family who loves him and stands up for him - that's the true treasure. Again, thank you!
Robert Mack
Robert Mack - 9 years ago
+Kyle Washington Kyle, it was an honor to fly for your dad in the late 80's -- the Washington family is truly a success story not only for Montana, but worldwide. Those of us who have worked for you in the past are deeply grateful for how you shaped our lives for the future. Thank you again - our warmest regards and deepest gratitude to your lovely family! joe & susan
Jerome Bruening
Jerome Bruening - 9 years ago
well i lived thru it with alot of others, go check the records if you don't believe me
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 9 years ago
+Jerome Bruening From $.54/share to 3-5 cents? LOL that doesn't sound good! Then it had to go back up to $.75 before you could sell the stock?
Jerome Bruening
Jerome Bruening - 9 years ago
+Everett Cox
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 9 years ago
+Jerome Bruening Mind saying where?
Jerome Bruening
Jerome Bruening - 10 years ago
drdave2468 - 10 years ago
I worked on it for two years
Azker Cader
Azker Cader - 9 years ago
Me oh Cy t t c g c g g dz g c c g c c g c g g t
Boat Show Avenue
Boat Show Avenue - 10 years ago
Must of been quite an experience!
Hermann TheGerman
Hermann TheGerman - 10 years ago
nothing like polishing stainless, scrubbing teak, and waxing.
Brandon Greenberg
Brandon Greenberg - 10 years ago
250 million sounds like more to me than a quarter billion
tlucky123987 - 9 years ago
+ldalfkjahsl lol, I think he meant if you are going for shock factor, 250 million sounds more impressive.
ldalfkjahsl - 10 years ago
you should work on your math skills then...
Maximus Reese
Maximus Reese - 10 years ago
Nice big toy. Useless to anyone with a bigger toy.
T-roll 1557
T-roll 1557 - 10 years ago
So only a few photos of the yhact..
Don Baxley
Don Baxley - 10 years ago
What a waste of my time? 
Ben S.
Ben S. - 10 years ago
Lol did you just bring politics in this? What a queer
Don Baxley
Don Baxley - 10 years ago
Simple. I didn't know it was a waste of time until I did. I guess you can make that decision before watching. If so you must be a conservative.
ShedSessions Official
ShedSessions Official - 10 years ago
Why did you watch it then?
SMARTIMCO - 10 years ago
She  seems so busy! Don't have time for sleep or brush her hair... Let her rest please!!
Jerry Collins
Jerry Collins - 10 years ago
Where do you find a pick up truck big enough to tow it to the lake.
Jat Lee
Jat Lee - 10 years ago
Fuck you
Emmanuel Ada
Emmanuel Ada - 10 years ago
Im in front of the yatch right now (port of miami)
lobelia1997 - 10 years ago
he spent another $200 million refurbishing a $50 million yacht? that seems silly
idan124 - 10 years ago
the pleasures of earth 
Jasmyn Sharif
Jasmyn Sharif - 10 years ago
I love Al shaddai yes
i do I love el Shadai
how about you.

Princess Uasmeena Sharif
Shay n b shay Gann Quinn
Fassive - 10 years ago
yay for dutch engineering
burninhell Nsa
burninhell Nsa - 10 years ago
Meanwhile in Aleppo Syria children dying of hunger every second that passes, because they do not have rice to eat........
deardiary gigity
deardiary gigity - 10 years ago
hard work dedication and doing what you love. he earned it .
Budd Alden
Budd Alden - 10 years ago
You think the dude could get some decent false teeth.  Those choppers he is sportin' look like Sears' specials.
vish nand
vish nand - 10 years ago
good on you sir make the most , it make me so happy to the success , have fun  
James Fariello
James Fariello - 10 years ago
If you have all the money in the world, why not?
Nicki Rhododendron
Nicki Rhododendron - 10 years ago
Free Shoujo, Care2.
John Duncan
John Duncan - 10 years ago
Boorrrringgggggg .  Is that all you want? Ohhh look at me, I have a big boat!
Luke Tait
Luke Tait - 9 years ago
No you don't, you're just jealous
MistahFen - 10 years ago
I was under the impression we would have a video tour of this quarter billion dollar yacht and not people talking...
deano2000nz - 10 years ago
sad man 
Douglas Wade
Douglas Wade - 10 years ago
well said..........
carlos ortiz
carlos ortiz - 10 years ago
I know he renovated bt for 50mil this a big yacth

100. comment for The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht | Forbes

Billy Dopp
Billy Dopp - 10 years ago
how the fuck do people feel good about spending money on themselves like that!!! look how they throw in hey this guy paid for a kid camp so its ok for him to blow a billion dollars on a fucking dumb yacht!!
Jack Cook
Jack Cook - 10 years ago
If you were him you would want to spend your money because hes in his 70' s
Steve Kosvic
Steve Kosvic - 10 years ago
Hey Billy, how many people do poor people employ?
carlos ortiz
carlos ortiz - 10 years ago
Word and they always wanna blame the rich guys that have nothing to do with the government
French Blue
French Blue - 10 years ago
If you have the money to then why not ? As long as he have more left to provide for himself then I don't see why he shouldn't. If you have money to spend then you should because you only live once. I know you're probably like "People in the world are starving" Well that's not his problem, That's what governments are for !
0ldskool2121 - 10 years ago
I like this guy. He's a rural kid at heart who loves to tinker with machinery. Seems like Anakin Skywalker with Palpatine's expense-account
thisissoeasy - 10 years ago
Nice man. nice boat - PISS WEAK VIDEO! 4.5 minutes talk, 0.5min pictures.
Kurt O'Neal
Kurt O'Neal - 11 years ago
She has one of the most annoying accent I've ever heard
Martin Benavides
Martin Benavides - 11 years ago
John Fisher
John Fisher - 11 years ago
Unless the zombie outbreak goes airborne, then we're all fucked.
aisha escabillas
aisha escabillas - 11 years ago
beautiful yacht!
Adam Kelly
Adam Kelly - 11 years ago
To everyone complaining about the cost - do you think the money he spent disappeared in to thin air?  Like he said earlier; at one point over 250 people were working on this yacht.  250 people who were getting paid handsomely, plus the crew it takes to operate a boat like this, and the companies in which supplied the various creature comforts, electronics, etc.  This money didn't just disappear.  It went to other peoples pockets.
Robert Mack
Robert Mack - 10 years ago
Many of us benefitted working for Mr. Washington as he gave everybody a chance to build experience and move upward and onward in their career.  He is a hard-working individual who seized the moment in construction, mining, railroading, acquisitions, etc.   At the time his modus operandi was paying lower wages but he did allow profit-sharing (reference NBC Today Interview 1989 by Debra Norvelle).  If others followed his business plan there would be no need for any type of QE.  If the government would follow it they could easily slash 1/2 of their payrolls, eliminate waste, and balance the budget.  Dennis operated "lean & mean" -- he inherently taught us not only how to survive, but to operate beyond anybody's expectations.  Dennis, Phyllis, Kyle, and Kevin deserve everything they have worked for and my family and I have always been grateful for them.  
Stephen Tuthill
Stephen Tuthill - 11 years ago
I agree with you, if God blesses you with the ability to achieve these dreams it does far more than bless you... it ultimately spills out to bless so many more people because you did what many millions of people wouldn't. Creating wealth can't help but benefit other people.
HotHorse Hero
HotHorse Hero - 11 years ago
Help me get my first car:
LoveLastsForever - 11 years ago
RELEASE YOURSELF! Donate ten million $ in this bank account
IBAN: BG20CECB97901072697700
summer summers
summer summers - 11 years ago
To Jacobbish, - okay so if an illiterate inbred moronic brainless common ho like you gives money to an animal shelter, what makes you think these billionaires aren't charitable? They may not be building animal shelters, but maybe they are doing OTHER things, not in the news, "Einstein"!! You're just a dumbass retard, you illiterate brainless inbred whore, so don't bother replying, i've blocked you. Assanine twit!
eahs07 - 11 years ago
Every perception must possess a degree of reflection. By hating others, you also hate yourself.  We are all one.  Relax.  You are embarrassing yourself.
mistrz podciny
mistrz podciny - 11 years ago
I don't give a fuck what you say bitc4
summer summers
summer summers - 11 years ago
to Theletmeinplease - YOU fuck off, you stupid inbred ho!!!

Don't bother replying, i've blocked you, you stupid uneducated inbred ho!!
Timothy Underwood
Timothy Underwood - 11 years ago
The problem is not that there is something intrinsically wrong with rich people spending their money as they wish. The problem is a rough estimate based on what Doctors Without Borders does is that a quarter billion dollars could prevent 10-20,000 unnecessary deaths.

There is something intrinsically wrong with buying a yacht with money that could keep 10,000 fellow human beings alive.

Also anyone reading this can contribute to keeping their fellow human beings alive, it doesn't take a billionaire to keep children not dead.
Jesse Krim
Jesse Krim - 10 years ago
Also, survival of the fittest my friend. He worked hard, made his millions, and is enjoying his life. Those 10,000 people could be self-sufficient then they wouldn't be dying. lol let this man enjoy his billion dollar yacht in peace. jeeze
Stephen Tuthill
Stephen Tuthill - 11 years ago
Since when did being poor, or thinking poor, actually help anyone? If he has some millions to spare and wants to enjoy a boat, enjoy it he should!!
zszs100 - 11 years ago
We should DEFINETLY help people, but in the end we shouldnt spend our life JUST on that. According to what u said, what if Dennis spends ALL or 98% of his money on helping others? He would be able to help a lot more than you said! How about the next time you want to buy a new car, why not just to save that newcar money on helping kids and comprimise using your old car? LOL. Why spend ur money on a big tv when you can just watch a small one and donate that large tv money? U know how many people doesn't have tv? LOL.
Karl De Vera
Karl De Vera - 11 years ago
what a bitch, ok.the the guy says he doesn't want to be known as the guy who puts the tag on, you dont just guess the price. i mean what the fuck he just said he doesn't want to be known as the guy who puts the tag on
mike smith
mike smith - 11 years ago
What a fucking annoying voice this yank bitch has
Pauly Walnuts
Pauly Walnuts - 11 years ago
I don't think he spent a 1/20th of his net worth for this...
Pauly Walnuts
Pauly Walnuts - 10 years ago
It may be insured for $250 but that doesn't suggest he spent $250..
Satish - 11 years ago
Considering his age, I dont doubt that.
00Billy - 11 years ago
seems a little high. how many times did he change his mind? 

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