The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

The ruler of UAE takes possession of the world's largest yacht, beating out his Russian rival. Erin Burnett reports.

The world's largest super-yacht belongs to... sentiment_very_dissatisfied 139

Yacht 11 years ago 677,479 views

The ruler of UAE takes possession of the world's largest yacht, beating out his Russian rival. Erin Burnett reports.

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Most popular comments
for The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

Tyrone Shoelaces
Tyrone Shoelaces - 7 years ago
1:02 The most impressive part of this video.
She nailed pronouncing that dudes name.
justin linnane
justin linnane - 7 years ago
look how happy Erin is what she's talking about money and Rich celebrities !! what a fucking lightweight CNN should dump her. she's not up to the trump era of professional news journalism where tough scrutiny is essential
cybermasterdza Sedera
cybermasterdza Sedera - 7 years ago
She talks in suck a snob way for suck a peasant girl...
Vegas Mitchell
Vegas Mitchell - 7 years ago
What a WASTE of Fucking $$! Gas is Still High, Homelessness is all around the World & this is how these Mutha Fkrs BURN $$!
bob miller
bob miller - 7 years ago
this wmaon is annoying. hey bitch....clean your face BEFORE you go on air.
Neil Mckinney
Neil Mckinney - 7 years ago
It's not a real boat no crew quarters it's a boat to take Arabs to an island off Dubai to drink alcohol and fuck prostitutes
Mr Rooibos TV
Mr Rooibos TV - 7 years ago
The missile defence system was the real deal-breaker.
Dom Iwo
Dom Iwo - 7 years ago
What is with her but then again this is CNN so I would be surprised if the presenters
ZazXe - 7 years ago
Im wondering if Bill Gates have this kind of “lifestyle”

10. comment for The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

Ted Williams
Ted Williams - 7 years ago
Most of u liberals who mope about people being hungry and I bet if u got super rich ud be the biggest scum bag piece of shit to have walked the earth.

These yachts are beautiful and remarkable
Patrick P Smyth
Patrick P Smyth - 7 years ago
Boring except for the girls, boats are not that nice to spend more than a day on, what to do all day but look into the sea.
Rae Dhungana
Rae Dhungana - 7 years ago
It almost seems personal and vindictive to the news anchor
Bumble The Abominable Snow Monster
Bumble The Abominable Snow Monster - 7 years ago
Fake news
Brad Erwin
Brad Erwin - 7 years ago
Paul Sen
Paul Sen - 7 years ago
Damn the Germans know how to build yachts.
ShufflebotUPonYOU - 8 years ago
Gta V?
The Truthful Channel
The Truthful Channel - 8 years ago
Maybe instead of glamorizing this, you could have reported it as a failure of the capitalist system. There are millions starving and dying from lack of medicine all over the world, yet billions of dollars are wasted on absurd toys for the few.
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
The Truthful Channel oh shut the fuck up you wouldn't say shit if you were rich
Lenmar Sinadjan
Lenmar Sinadjan - 8 years ago
bigger maybe but price wise eclipse is 1.5 billion..anyway dilbar is the biggest boat in the world now
Ralph Hardwick
Ralph Hardwick - 8 years ago
If it can float, fly or fuck rent it.

20. comment for The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

entrenamiento especial
entrenamiento especial - 8 years ago
Keeshan Agulto
Keeshan Agulto - 8 years ago
SS Trevors Big Pussi
CyberspacedLoner - 8 years ago
Corporate Media, Knowing Everything about Nothing HA HA HA
Jan Jacobsen
Jan Jacobsen - 8 years ago
love it
wlcsp - 8 years ago
It's just a matter of time before they buy their carrier ship.
Nukekiller30 - 8 years ago
Missile defense

commander fox
commander fox - 9 years ago
That yacht sounds like the gta online yacht
wyatt dileo
wyatt dileo - 9 years ago
why is she so salty
Mr Rooibos TV
Mr Rooibos TV - 7 years ago
Very salty and jealous. Just 'cause she can't have one!
Jason Harris
Jason Harris - 7 years ago
She’s a feminist twat who hates successful people (men).
cool_dude_98 98
cool_dude_98 98 - 7 years ago
Skyhighblu- I'm not triggered, I'm just replying to you because you keep assuming things that aren't true. And I don't look for CNN videos, this one was recommended to me. You truly are a mongoloid.
Skyhighblu - 7 years ago
Yeah but how triggered are you though? hahahahahaha Go find some more CNN videos to comment on while you're mad!
cool_dude_98 98
cool_dude_98 98 - 7 years ago
Skyhighblu- I wasn't triggered, you're the triggered one that replied to my comment about a libtard. And why is this so funny, it's seems like you're the "simpleton" in this situation. By the way, that wasn't an "excuse", I explained to you that I wasn't looking up videos about people that I loathe. And an "excuse" for what? For offending libtards(like you im assuming)? You act like you already know what my intentions are, you mongoloid.
Skyhighblu - 7 years ago
"It popped up in my recommended videos and I just HAAAD to click on it and then I saw it was CNN and I was triggered."

Hahahahaha fuckin CHUMP. Shut your simpleton ass up hahahaha what a retarded excuse. Simps all over the web; you gotta out them 1 by 1.
cool_dude_98 98
cool_dude_98 98 - 7 years ago
Skyhighblu- I didn't look it up, it popped up in my recommended videos. Besides that, liberals are dumb and don't like it when people succeed in life. That's why I called her a libtard. Also, fuck you and fuck off.
Skyhighblu - 7 years ago
cool_dude_98 98 if you constantly go look at videos uploaded by people that you loathe, is it fair for others to question your intellect?
cool_dude_98 98
cool_dude_98 98 - 7 years ago
typical Libtard
Abram Anguaino
Abram Anguaino - 7 years ago
wyatt dileo its cnn they are biased news
Marius Skauen
Marius Skauen - 9 years ago
I'm not impressed until someone gets an imperial-class star destroyer yacht...
urgentlyDuck - 9 years ago
Sick..The father of a friend actually worked on the thermic isolation of the ship in Germany...

30. comment for The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

calmvoice44 - 9 years ago
Can't people spend their money without other's talking about Africa. If the African governments cared they would take care of their own people. It isn't our job. Not saying I don't give a chunk of my wage to charity but there's always somebody talking about Africa. Think about your own country for once.
Bear Blackhawk
Bear Blackhawk - 8 years ago
i agree with you!
Lucas Guerra
Lucas Guerra - 9 years ago
I think we all know ambrovich is gonna take back first place with something amazing and utterly ridiculous
John Quinn
John Quinn - 9 years ago
rich people----fuck yous
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
Jealous poor boy, go back to you're basement little bitch
Sethu Shelembe
Sethu Shelembe - 9 years ago
Penis implants are possible now.
xphobus - 9 years ago
For half a billion you get a cruise ship-ferry , you can store your cars, 1000 chicks for parties , private army, helicopters, tanks and provisions for 3 months. Those yachts are indeed only for show off.. Onassis bought Cristina for 34k greateast yacht till today
wilbroo - 9 years ago
why isn't there a billionaire or multi millionaire out there who thinks, I am going to buy a new ship so let me give away my old ship to...  ME !  the man who wrote this message .
ShipSpotting Nederland
ShipSpotting Nederland - 9 years ago
...don't have the money, do have ships:-)
Jeff K
Jeff K - 9 years ago
I don't care how much money I had I would not want a yacht.  Much better to fly around the world on a private jet and rent spectacular houses for a week, a month, or whatever.  If you ever got the itch to go yachting, can't imagine why, rent one, so much less hassle.
Alex O
Alex O - 9 years ago
+Jeff K Yachts take you to places where you can't come without a yacht, and aswell, nothing is more luxerious than a superyacht so suddenly your "spectacular" houses aren't that spectacular anymore huh? This industry is big and innovative.
Eric Boyles
Eric Boyles - 9 years ago
Thats nothing. That's the size of my tender for my super duper yacht
IHazDiamondz - 9 years ago
Rich people...
Bobbin McBong
Bobbin McBong - 9 years ago
building yourself a 600ft yacht because you dont know what the fuck to do with your money, while millions are starving :D
im glad bill gates and warren buffett are not such dickheads like these criminal thugs, who stole their ressource monopols from the corrupt government and now just burn their money to boost their ego
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
Bobbin McBong Plenty of multi billionaires rent super yachts, they don't own one.
Bobbin McBong
Bobbin McBong - 9 years ago
so naive :D hilarious
Nutter69 - 9 years ago
+Bobbin McBong Its not the multi billion air's fault people die poor it's up to them to change their future e.g. If you're born poor that's not your fault but if you die poor then that's your fault - Bill gates.
Bobbin McBong
Bobbin McBong - 9 years ago
+slash slash
nice grammar spastic
slash slash
slash slash - 9 years ago
Ur a stupid dickhead self ☺
cervacio - 9 years ago
Whoa Erin got fat.
vince33x - 9 years ago
Erin Burnett is such a dumb-ass Liberal, which, of course, makes her eminently qualified for CNN!
Weulf - 9 years ago
if I was rich I would definitely get me a nice boat. but nothing that ridiculous.
Rob Winder
Rob Winder - 9 years ago
Her info is wrong the Eclipse is 556 ft true about the Missile defence then theirs the Dubi boat then the Azzam
Jernulf - 9 years ago
-"boat building company how may i help you?" 
-"yes... I need a boat with a missile launch defense system"
jonny5777 - 10 years ago
People are so retarded yes it's utterly ridiculous to spend half a billion on a toy but that's half a billion has gone into that ship building countries economy and provided jobs and skills for hundreds of people. Anyone who says just give it to Africa has no idea how the world actually works. If we all relied on hand outs from the rich there would be no need to leave your bed in the morning.
William Grand
William Grand - 10 years ago
Russia is week...
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
You can't even spell dumb ass
Kara Rose
Kara Rose - 9 years ago
+William Grand I love your profile picture.
John Philipp Krois
John Philipp Krois - 10 years ago
I want one of those please! 

50. comment for The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

diipii1 - 10 years ago
Why the British flag ?
Canam7 - 10 years ago
This story reminds me, that I must get over to K Mart as the winter clothes are 70% off.
Michael Matt
Michael Matt - 10 years ago
1:04-1:06 Am sorry, but that is just too funny
Aaron Ross
Aaron Ross - 10 years ago
is that not how you pronounce that
atig kamel
atig kamel - 10 years ago
it is the money  of muslims  stolen by those  dictators monarchies on the gulf supported by the hypocrite  western countries ; the oil and gas of muslims are in the pocket of those satanic people .
Travis Penrod
Travis Penrod - 10 years ago
"and a missile defense system"

.......yep, he's definitely Russian
Catweasle - 10 years ago
Abu Dhabi is not pronounced "arby darby".  Sheesh.
Catweasle - 10 years ago
+unfit for human consumption ha might as well be. 
Chicken Soup
Chicken Soup - 10 years ago
How come the top 3 richest people on earth don't flaunt their wealth?
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
Because their not assholes
Skyhighblu - 7 years ago
NerdTechGames Inc *THEY'RE
haveumet ted
haveumet ted - 9 years ago
bill gates is richer than the leader of the to me....Gaddafi did have over 200 billion and UAE is significantly larger
cervacio - 9 years ago
To be fair tho, Oracle's founder Larry Elison not so recently bought a private island of Lanaii in Hawaii for half a billion dollars. So, maybe they do buy things but not to ordinary peope's awareness.
jkk20 - 9 years ago
+hotkulboi77 charity really? they spend it to make more rather than to lose it.

and they own many banks
MrAditya - 9 years ago
+NerdTechGames Inc They're
Jeff K
Jeff K - 9 years ago
+Sadik Meah
Yeah, I shop at walmart but I sure don't like the experience.
hotkulboi77 - 9 years ago
+Chicken Soup because they are smart and spend money for better things like ending poverty and doing charity
Kara Rose
Kara Rose - 9 years ago
+Chicken Soup Cause one way to get richer is to keep the money, instead of spending it on things that cost half a billion dollars and also spend it on things that are cheaper, in there cases like a mansion.
Will Patterson
Will Patterson - 10 years ago
this jewish bitch sniffs so much coke
FIFA Lords & Legends
FIFA Lords & Legends - 10 years ago
I find it really funny how many people are blaming the worlds problems on these guys. It's their money and they can do whatever they want with it.
Roman might
Roman might - 10 years ago
FR people don't understand that the world will always be full of famine, death and destruction and just because these people are doesn't mean they can buy world peace
Joe Marley
Joe Marley - 10 years ago
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
You a jealous dumbass get a life and stop hiding in you're moms basement if you were rich you wouldn't say shit
memsat2001 - 9 years ago
+Joe Marley They seriously need to take advantage of BIRTH CONTROL  over there.
Joe Marley
Joe Marley - 9 years ago
+Lucas Guerra Maybe I was joking you retard.
Lucas Guerra
Lucas Guerra - 9 years ago
So if you had that kind of money you wouldn't enjoy your wealth.... you'd give it ALL to starving kids in Africa? I've got news for you, these guys donate more money than you think, probably more money than you'll make in you entire life, so stop trying to be a keyboard warrior, it's very annoying to the people that are here admiring these beautiful works of art
fobfalcon1 - 10 years ago
ADD maybe but Autistic, while I am a good driver I fucking hate Wal-Mart!
fobfalcon1 - 10 years ago
Your right and I apologize! To used to dumbass stuff in here!
Joe Marley
Joe Marley - 10 years ago
How does your guys autistic brains not understand the sarcasm in my original comment. Holy fuck
fobfalcon1 - 10 years ago
The donating money thing by billionaires is true except sand niggers are at the bottom of that list. How can an entire continent be controlled by a handful of foreigners? Why the fuck are we even discussing excuses or reasons for the most corrupt continent past, present and future. FALLSSHIRMJAEGER please tell me your a gamer and didn't get your wings in Mittenwald! The point about donating money you fucking morons is as follows: the USA cause of all bad on the planet lords of capitalism etc etc would be as follows: rag head builds the world's largest yacht and that's an achievement, white man builds it and then what? More money is donated from the US and our private sector than all of you fucks put together!
fobfalcon1 - 10 years ago
+miz zo just when you think you've read the dumbest comment you find this gem! The white devils from the evil empire's are at fault in regards to Africans starving in Africa? We got them hooked on foreign aid and all they did was reproduce on a grand scale. We have to keep giving aid because of what ?? I'm guessing that you haven't a clue on exactly how rich Africa is in natural resources. Here's another theory in which Africans can't even get along with each other and we will never see a unified Africa! The premise of that Yacht is why the fuck should we have to send aid to any African countries when there is so much oil money being used for personal pleasures. Corruption, human rights abuse, slavery etc etc, murder on a biblical scale. Tell me how many African leaders successfuly led their countries into prosperity and put his people's need ahead of there own? Flip it and it's easier to answer, how many have done nothing more than pilfer and with zero regard for their people's plight. At present they've shown us they cannot govern themselves! Tell us about Liberia (aka liberation). I've been all over that place and can tell you most of our aid never makes it past the fucking animals running the show. My favorite would be training them about a decade now for the ACRI (African Crisis Response Initiative) to be able to take care of themselves militarily. Africa, afghanistan and Iraq are carbon copies. few days ago the president in Iraq petitions for training and equipment, WTF? After ten years of training if you don't get it sorry! Equipment is easier to take care of. You had all the equipment you needed and literally gave it to isis. Go fucking find them and get your shit back. Why the fuck would we send anything anymore since we will end up fighting whoever armed with our own weapons. Sorry for rambling but if I was the military czar I would've never trained any of those cowards! Wonder how many we trained and then they fought against us? So to that part of the world I say, "we tried extremely hard and we can't help people who can't help themselves"? Let the UN, EU and NATO know we're done have at it
wrecker4 - 10 years ago
who fucking cares about the black cunts in africa, not me., maybe they should stop breeding like rats,,
okiedokieoner - 10 years ago
+Joe Marley And why is it their responsibility to worry about it ? Why do their parents bring them into a world where they know they will starve ? Starvation in Africa has nothing to do with billionaires.
Drunkin Donuts
Drunkin Donuts - 10 years ago
+Joe Marley Delusional fool? The only delusional one here is you! wtf are you talking about? You clearly didn't understand anything I just said. It is their money so they can donate it however they wish. Who are you to judge how another man donates his money. As I said before, most billionaires donate large amount of monies to charities all over the world, not just Africa. Don't believe me look up Bill Gates. He built an entire company from the ground up that spent millions and millions of dollars helping under privileged children all over the world with schooling needs, food, housing etc. Know your' facts before you try to argue something u clearly know nothing about.
Joe Marley
Joe Marley - 10 years ago
+Drunkin Donuts Last time I checked it wasn't possible to eat money you delusional fool. Very much unlike a yacht suitable for gradual gnawing. 
Drunkin Donuts
Drunkin Donuts - 10 years ago
Most billionaires in the world donate a large portion of their money to charities anyways. Just because they want to buy nice things doesn't make them 'sick mother fuckers' as you put it. By the way, Africa is not the only continent with starving children, so cliché.
chamington - 10 years ago
Add an ass or boob in the thumbnail, and you got a full blown click-bait.
Daniel Cocan
Daniel Cocan - 10 years ago
its from Germany, it's gonna break
MERCEDES BENZ - 10 years ago
NASA is german as well 
Wade Davis
Wade Davis - 10 years ago
It's not going to break it's going to have ancestors that were Nazi weapons.
Christian Ludvigsen
Christian Ludvigsen - 10 years ago
Was his name Roman Umbrellabitch?
CMcG&R - 10 years ago
What the heck does she say at 1:12?!
CMcG&R - 10 years ago
+mevofr okay ta
mevofr - 10 years ago
"So big that few berths on the planet can accomodate it"
ShedSessions Official
ShedSessions Official - 10 years ago
Mmmmmmmmmmm, money
framfull - 10 years ago
Saw at the german wharf, mindblowing!   Ridiculous Creation by the way.
ComebackShane - 10 years ago
ironpirites - 10 years ago
The sheik of Babu Dabbi is the new chimp! Have a banana sheik.
Jake Bolger
Jake Bolger - 10 years ago
It's spelled Abu Dhabi haha. Not sure if you were trying to spell incorrectly though...
neuman35 - 10 years ago
The size of these yachts will make all the difference in the world when the people these guys rule cut them into small pieces and dump their bodies overboard someday.
irresistibleguy72 - 10 years ago
boring life when you have it all and there is nothing left to conquer ! 
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
You must be poor as Fuck.
Josh Phillips
Josh Phillips - 9 years ago
+MysticalExplorer I do believe he did.
MysticalExplorer - 9 years ago
+irresistibleguy72 I think you might have missed the satire in my reply.
irresistibleguy72 - 9 years ago
I have plenty to do with my time you don't even know me so how could even think of such a statement?  I enjoy life !  bye !
Josh Phillips
Josh Phillips - 10 years ago
+MysticalExplorer ouch, haahahaa
MysticalExplorer - 10 years ago
Yeah, that would really suck.  What could someone possibly do with their time.  Instead they could be reading and posting on YouTube boards, thinking about what others do with their time.
JolinaRose Pis-an
JolinaRose Pis-an - 10 years ago
These rich shit eating sickos think owing a mega yacht or mega home is cool.  I'm sure they can buy the best pussy too to along with it all.  Pussy that wouldn't give the time of day if they weren't rich.  But, hell, why not?  The USA government is full of cocksuckers like these pigs. 
Lucas Guerra
Lucas Guerra - 9 years ago
someone is jealous af
fobfalcon1 - 10 years ago
Holy shit your comparing the durka durka ass clowns to our government? Sure we have sorry fucks as everyone else does. Those fucking Sheiks are on a level all by themselves! You have to know we understand the hatred. If I was from a failed empire with a millennium of culture and a new nation not only kicked my ass but passed them up in capabilities with less than 80 years. The other thing do you think we actually give a shit what anybody thinks? When you point the finger at us take a guess of which finger we point back
FIFA Lords & Legends
FIFA Lords & Legends - 10 years ago
Dafuq you saying?
loljk233 - 10 years ago
James Rose
James Rose - 10 years ago
Shut up gels cunt dont watch if not like
agun17 - 10 years ago
Ooh man this anchor sounds like a real bitch.
Gerry Purcell
Gerry Purcell - 10 years ago
It's all about boats?? Yachts honey :)
Major Melody
Major Melody - 10 years ago
Kind of pathetic that people buy these kind of things. It's just to show how much money they have. They probably didn't even want a huge boat, but when they heard someone has a bigger boat then him. He bought himself a bigger one. And meanwhile in Africa ..... People are killing each other for 100 dollars (i don' t know about that one, but there are probably some people who killed other people for a little bit of money over there).
Lucas Guerra
Lucas Guerra - 9 years ago
kind of pathetic that people waste their time complaining about how other people enjoy their success, you would think that they could be doing something more productive so someday they could enjoy their own success, but oh well. that's probably why you'll never have a $500,000 yacht.
Alex O
Alex O - 10 years ago
+paul Smith Yes only christians are bad? This is revenge of what has happened in CAR. If I were christian I would never go to any muslim country as you are "different thinking" and therefor "less human". 10.000s christians are fleeing for their lives in iraqi right now
paul Smith
paul Smith - 10 years ago
They aren't just killing each other for money. A few months ago in the central African republic two muslim men were hauled from a bus and eaten by a crowd of angry christians. One chap even went and got some bread to make sandwiches. 
Alex O
Alex O - 10 years ago
I prefer they buy these kinds of boats than they let their billions stay on the bank account. A yacht like this gives a lot of work and therefor good for economies
Das Paperdo
Das Paperdo - 10 years ago
pff that guy who owns the eclipse just juses his "defence system" and then hes has the biggest one again
Tito Mujoinho
Tito Mujoinho - 10 years ago
Chelsea FC best football club in world.
Dan Abih
Dan Abih - 10 years ago
I like the way she raised her eyebrows when she said.."It eclipses, Abramovich's Yacht..."... 1:33 - 1:34 .......Ridiculously Cute..
PresensKolon - 10 years ago
Hahah, the anchors smile just says "jesus, this have to be a joke. What a bunch of spoiled boys they are..." 
GoMiGman - 10 years ago
Leave it to a Rusky to put a missile defense system on his yacht LMAO!  That is one paranoid Russian ROFL!  Surprised he doesn't have a MiG-21 launching pad!  Fool.
SeventeenPointFive - 10 years ago
Does the new champ have a missile defence system? Because that for me makes or breaks the situation.
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+GoMiGman The submarine is used to spot mines from what I hear. I think mines would be kinda hard to spot since they dont really move. Not sure. But the eclipse is the first of his yacht that has ever installed a missile defense system. The construction of the yacht was also top secret and had to fitted at military naval shipyard. 
GoMiGman - 9 years ago
+Im a Fox Interesting about being able to spot submarines and mines, I never thought of that being a concern but then again I don't boat across oceans since my boat isn't that big lol, but that makes complete sense.  However, can't you detect submarines with just a high-powered sonar and radar?  Same with mines I'm not sure a missile defense system give you that capability.  Thx.
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+GoMiGman Its not the first time Roman has done this. His other yachts(yes he has about 3) have radar missile detection, submarine to spot mines, and water canons. He loves them defense systems.
GoMiGman - 10 years ago
Pun intended! :D
SeventeenPointFive - 10 years ago
Seems a bit overkill to me haha but hey, what ever floats your boat!!
GoMiGman - 10 years ago
looool!  Well done.  I laughed my ass of when she said the Russian dude had a missile defense system ROTFLMAO!  Leave it to a Russian to put an SAM-2 system on his yatch ROFL!  OMG that is hilarious!
Mika Metzler
Mika Metzler - 10 years ago
copperhound1 - 10 years ago
Bet he's got it full of gold diggin' whores.
Ka Bong
Ka Bong - 10 years ago
These mega yacht owners are small-penised "mini men" ...
                  The big guys are Warren Buffet (giving it all away to impoverished people, children, etc.), Bill Gates and Melinda ...
                    Hugely wealthy people whom use their wealth to help thousands of others are the wealthiest men by far 'eclipsing' the ambramovich 'litte men'.  :)
Alan Manning
Alan Manning - 10 years ago
What job does this new guy have to be able to afford this cruise ship?!
Mika Metzler
Mika Metzler - 10 years ago
be born into a family were you will own 10% of the worlds oil.....
marksapollo - 10 years ago
Half a billion!! That's a lot more than a cruise ship costs if I'm not mistaken? Must be all the stupidly lavish luxury's it no doubt has. 
Incitatus - 10 years ago
Yet these countries where these people are from suffer eachday to be fed and have clean water. Your ppl die eachday and this is what for..
Lemos Ade
Lemos Ade - 10 years ago
Thing is, no matter how rich you are, how big your boat is, we all shit the same way
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
Lemos Ade jealousy is a bad thing though
MemoryLaneCinema - 10 years ago
what a stupid show
Daniel Antonio
Daniel Antonio - 10 years ago
He can only sail it if Al Qaeda lets him. 
george foweraker
george foweraker - 10 years ago
You could get a lot of Camels on that one
TheRchelicopter - 10 years ago
All that matters is I am still richer than both of them.
Orry Clips
Orry Clips - 10 years ago
Erin seems angry at Abramovich or something
ACED / World Of Tanks
ACED / World Of Tanks - 10 years ago
USS Nimitz laughs at peasant dingy 
EOtekk - 10 years ago
I think Royal Caribbean wins with Oasis of the Seas. 
joncito77 - 10 years ago
They obviously don't give a fuck about the poor kids dying of hunger in Africa.
SliC3oFicE - 10 years ago
People are quick to hate when the rich spend their money, not even realizing its better they spend it, and help make jobs and put it into the economy, then let it sit in their bank account.
Lucas Guerra
Lucas Guerra - 9 years ago
Jeff K
Jeff K - 9 years ago
Yeah, could be worse. Think how many people it took to build those yachts, plus how many man hours to maintain and crew them.
paul Bailey
paul Bailey - 10 years ago
Fascist Dictators!
smasila - 10 years ago
They can go both fuck themselves!
Lyndon McMillion
Lyndon McMillion - 10 years ago
I'd never spend my money on this ridiculous thing but it's his money so go ahead and burn a hole in your pocket but he does have 23 billion dollars so its not going fast
JON HOLMES - 10 years ago
The city he rules sits on 10% of the world's oil. Sadly, I'd hardly call that his money.... 
Merouane .Hammoudi
Merouane .Hammoudi - 10 years ago
....well you'll die a lowest-classer .. with not even shit coz you'd be starving your ass off !!
D Man-G
D Man-G - 10 years ago
+beenthroughell that is the douchiest thing ever uttered.
Merouane .Hammoudi
Merouane .Hammoudi - 10 years ago
hey Lyndon ! Destiny gives money to those who are ready to spend it ... you will die a full-of-shit middle-classer ...
Parker Matas
Parker Matas - 10 years ago
stachowi - 10 years ago
+Parker Matas Really? Who sold you that lie... Last time I checked these things are money pits... and if you have billions you don't care. 

You probably think a car is an asset too...
Parker Matas
Parker Matas - 10 years ago
he technically didnt spend it. its more of an asset

100. comment for The world's largest super-yacht belongs to...

Edwin Griffin
Edwin Griffin - 10 years ago
Our limits are shaped by our drive to achieve them. Edwin Griffin
John27346 - 10 years ago
That's more yacht than you can Sheikh a stick at. I bet Abramovich was Sheikh-en when he found out his yacht had been Eclipsed.
Daniel Wagner
Daniel Wagner - 10 years ago
built in germany !!!
DynamicMentalFitness - 10 years ago
Pffffffffft!  Big deal.  I've got a kayak with two beer holders.  Top that, Mr. Fancy Schmancy Sheik!
DynamicMentalFitness - 9 years ago
+Jeff K When I finally get my hands on a winning lottery ticket I'll have an F16 customized so I can have a chauffeur fly me around from golf course to golf course lol
Jeff K
Jeff K - 9 years ago
typically the smaller the boat, plane, car, etc the more fun. Rather fly a F16 or a C5, porche or rolls royce, etc?
DynamicMentalFitness - 10 years ago
+The Woodshop I was an honorary member this past Saturday out on Choctawhatchee Bay and Santa Rosa Sound in Destin, FL - a long line of pontoon boats just a-chillin', pulled up to empty beaches and soaking in the last of the warm sun before the cold swept in.
The Woodshop
The Woodshop - 10 years ago
Remember the redneck Yacht Club
Jim Magnus
Jim Magnus - 10 years ago
I bet these cunts have really small dicks with this amount of compensation, ill turkey slap your missus ibn saud vin sandus niggerus
Hanibal Poolis
Hanibal Poolis - 10 years ago
Roman he is the big. Trust me
friendlywhiteguy - 10 years ago
Im sure Roman is depressed now...not  :P
yamahonkawazuki - 10 years ago
the jealousy here is just asinine.
Fawad Amin
Fawad Amin - 10 years ago
its pronounced as Aa-zam.... not A-zaam.. Aa-zam means "big" in arabic
Herr Hansen
Herr Hansen - 10 years ago
So its pronounced kind of like Awesome?
Valery Hall
Valery Hall - 10 years ago
we saw this ship in Miami
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis - 10 years ago
just buy a cruise ship and kick everybody into the curb.
hanz cruz
hanz cruz - 10 years ago
Then FUcking modify it!
Sight195 - 11 years ago
it ain't a boat 
xtreamof - 11 years ago
That is bad news for the Russians. Now Abramovich will steal more money from Russia and kill some more their businessmen. Because of apparently those oligarchs can only extract money from Russia and never could earn nothing in the civilized countries.
Red Pill Rage
Red Pill Rage - 11 years ago
You would think that billionaires would just buy a cruise ship instead of a measly yacht.
CockpitVideos - 11 years ago
Add banana for scale please
Herr Hansen
Herr Hansen - 10 years ago
They did.
Holymolypatoly - 11 years ago
David Archer
David Archer - 11 years ago
Eclipse is better looking.
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
John Corelli the Fuck
John Corelli
John Corelli - 8 years ago
That is true, looks are sometimes important too.
leon chalita
leon chalita - 10 years ago
trust me look at the octopus, its BIG!!
Puzzoozoo - 11 years ago
Yes, nicer lines.
Altenholz - 11 years ago
No cent earned seriously- believe me!
Kyrre Forland
Kyrre Forland - 11 years ago
Oh shit.  i didnt know this.  Awesome.  I thought the Eclipse would rule for years.  Thanks for sharing.
Sigvulcanas - 11 years ago
Lets put the size of this ship into perspective, it's bigger than many navy ships.
nlimskater - 10 years ago
+John Williamson he was specific, he said many not all can you read?
John Williamson
John Williamson - 10 years ago
i realize he doesnt mean all, but if he was more specific it wold be nice.
John Williamson
John Williamson - 11 years ago
well depends on which ships in the navy you r talking about
Sean - 11 years ago
The Azzam is longer than a US Navy Cruiser!
MrGarg - 11 years ago
+Jared Castles-Sitas why? the uae nationals are living a good life. They don't have debts or such things. All been paid off by their government. 
Drmashal - 11 years ago
Puzzoozoo - 11 years ago
There's always been starving people in the world. Your point is?
Jaffa* - 11 years ago
The biggest problems are always yours... lol show me how to fix lol.
BlueTaurianBull - 11 years ago
all sorts of things.... lots of Pussies and Fucking too......
Andrei Petunin
Andrei Petunin - 11 years ago
Ismael Farah
Ismael Farah - 11 years ago
Meanwhile 2 million somali Muslim's are dying of hunger Palestinian are being terrorized and humiliated by the nazi and millions of muslims are dying of hunger al arab hypocrisy
kurtg1961 - 11 years ago
Liberals just dont like rich people.
Rathees Balaravindiran
Rathees Balaravindiran - 11 years ago
LOL never in my life would i expect roman to own a yacht O.o
Eileen LeValley
Eileen LeValley - 11 years ago
He has that big boat to make up for his small penis. Not that I would know,just guessing.
Aamir Malek
Aamir Malek - 11 years ago
Whynt u white people help the people in the middle eastern country's your response will be no they're all muslims..
Aamir Malek
Aamir Malek - 11 years ago
U guys are just racist cause u guys white
FLOMO SAPIAN - 11 years ago
so this yatch is a big boys toy.
Dmoney95 - 11 years ago
boat from grand theft out gay tony mission lmao
Kevin Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan - 11 years ago
Built on the profits of pollution. The US loves the Arab nation and turns a blind eye to the nationality of those that flew into their buildings. Buying this boat was cheaper than buying politicians. If you have enough money you can get away with terrorism and funding unrest throughout the Islamic world.
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore - 11 years ago
How much to run it??? Very nice job!
gennyB - 11 years ago
Whatever my parents are the best !
Christian Rosales
Christian Rosales - 11 years ago
i wish i had a billion dollars
biscuit - 11 years ago
Wow wtf
Seems like the some bodies at CNN , have been watching. sur
Andres Gaitan
Andres Gaitan - 11 years ago
all the people starving in the world...
Black Lives DO Matter!!!
Black Lives DO Matter!!! - 11 years ago
Probably the Sultan of Brunei.
PainandMotivation - 11 years ago
Alex T
Alex T - 11 years ago
Pretty sexy
Ryk Comerford
Ryk Comerford - 11 years ago
I wonder which billionaire owns more sex slaves.
Roonskii - 11 years ago
Absolutely disgusting.
Alex Geee
Alex Geee - 11 years ago
I tought it belonged to scarface :/

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