The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Cancelled Or Delayed! (GTA 5 Update)
Yacht 6 years ago 62,040 views
The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Delayed Or Cancelled! (GTA 5 Update) ►Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: Even though there hasn't been any announcements regarding the next GTA Online DLC, like a trailer or screenshots, it has not been delayed or cancelled! ►My Facebook: ►My Snapchat: ►My Twitter:!/mrbossftw ►My Instagram: Hope you enjoyed this video! See you guys in the next one! ✌🏻
I have been watching for so long
Ignore them haters
If the next DLC is NOT delayed or cancelled, that means it's published as planned?(or earlier) and when is that?
10. comment for The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Cancelled Or Delayed! (GTA 5 Update)
20. comment for The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Cancelled Or Delayed! (GTA 5 Update)
It's just not coming
“OMG is that real MrBossFTW?”
He says: “no not real”
30. comment for The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Cancelled Or Delayed! (GTA 5 Update)
It was just never going to happen
50. comment for The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Cancelled Or Delayed! (GTA 5 Update)
Cars that are needed are BMWs, Nissan 350Z, new GTR, Supra, new modern muscle cars an that’s it! We also need a we just need new modern cars that are tune able, not fucking classics cars or super cars, adding turbo tuning just isn’t cutting it
100. comment for The Next GTA Online DLC Is NOT Cancelled Or Delayed! (GTA 5 Update)
Dude MrBossFTW, you post a video every damn week or matter of fact, every 2 days about when the next GTA V DLC is gonna be coming out literally when one just came out LOL. ......Dude are putting yourself in a huge risk of depression playing this same video game and talking about it over and over......again. Just face it, GTA V ONLINE is gonna stop adding content already so the @rockstar devs can focus more on their next title ( Grand Theft Auto 6). You done a good job, great work with giving us something to watch about for the past 7-8 years with GTA ONLINE but I personally think it is time to move on. It's not healthy being JUST a GTA NEWS channel, there are so many good video games I like you to talk in about. Hope you understand what I am trying to tell you.
- 4Za :3
1. GTA V/Online has only been out for 4/5 years. Not 7/8.
2. R*'s next title is RDR2, not GTA 6.
3. The qabeta file has been repeatedly updated, which means there is indeed another update coming, but nobody outside of R* knows what it is or when.
Secondly: It will be such a fool of Rockstar to stop adding content that will make them millions because of shark cards!
Rockstar better step up the game.
I mean i bet he has big brain problems, very sad '
Just because you dont like the guy or his videos doesn’t mean that he deserves to (try to) be reported. So stop wasting your time watching videos of youtubers you don’t like and go and find something fun you like to do
>>>refuses to say hell, instead says heck