This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

This Yacht Recreates an Entire City - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats. An extravagant new yacht design offered by Yacht Island Design has taken the floating island concept to a whole new level. The astounding 500-foot private yacht, named The Streets of Monaco, recreates the Mediterranean city including scaled down replicas of the Monte Carlo Casino, Hotel de Paris and the famed Monte Carlo racetrack. Able to accommodate up to 16 guests and 70 crew members, the four deck cruiser has "seven guest suites with their own reception room, bathroom, dressing room, bedroom and balcony. Yacht Island Design notes that `The Grand Atrium' is the central hub of the yacht, linking the upper and lower living areas. At its centre is a large, ornate spiral staircase which surrounds a waterfall feature. At the farthest end of the Atrium lies the Owners Apartment, spread over 3 floors and Connected to all decks via a private lift. Its numerous amenities include a sightseeing submarine, helicopter and beach deck. What do you think about this yacht? Would you like to own one?

This Yacht Recreates an Entire City sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Yacht 12 years ago 277,706 views

This Yacht Recreates an Entire City - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats. An extravagant new yacht design offered by Yacht Island Design has taken the floating island concept to a whole new level. The astounding 500-foot private yacht, named The Streets of Monaco, recreates the Mediterranean city including scaled down replicas of the Monte Carlo Casino, Hotel de Paris and the famed Monte Carlo racetrack. Able to accommodate up to 16 guests and 70 crew members, the four deck cruiser has "seven guest suites with their own reception room, bathroom, dressing room, bedroom and balcony. Yacht Island Design notes that `The Grand Atrium' is the central hub of the yacht, linking the upper and lower living areas. At its centre is a large, ornate spiral staircase which surrounds a waterfall feature. At the farthest end of the Atrium lies the Owners Apartment, spread over 3 floors and Connected to all decks via a private lift. Its numerous amenities include a sightseeing submarine, helicopter and beach deck. What do you think about this yacht? Would you like to own one?

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Most popular comments
for This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

MadOrange644 - 7 years ago
Next time give us the link for pre-orders
marcelnz - 7 years ago
Caleb City
Caleb City - 7 years ago
how the hell I'ma play tennis with a damn hellicopter in the way
ph sch
ph sch - 7 years ago
I own a few...
Xbilly Xaxvitorion
Xbilly Xaxvitorion - 7 years ago
Only 16 guests, yeah right
Phil Lashio
Phil Lashio - 7 years ago
I think that this is too much for one person, a waste of money.
QuartuvLarry - 7 years ago
Is there a Federation starship model I could model MY yacht after? Maybe make the warp nacelles into hydrofoils to reduce drag WHEN GOING TO TROPICAL WARP SPEED!
Ethan Nelson
Ethan Nelson - 7 years ago
I would definitely own this, but I don't have the money!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH WO IS ME!!!!!!!!!

10. comment for This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

Connor Bignall
Connor Bignall - 8 years ago
What would I do with that Yacht? Fucking sink it
Gregor Bučevec
Gregor Bučevec - 8 years ago
I think it's fucking ridiculous. Unless I had a million to spare I guess :)
Luke Bennett
Luke Bennett - 8 years ago
That's disgusting
Brandon Schmeidler
Brandon Schmeidler - 8 years ago
Holy fuck. That's pretty much all I have to say.
samanli2014 - 8 years ago
What's next? A continent-yacht? :D
Oleg Djakonu
Oleg Djakonu - 8 years ago
its sure may be fun,but its way to redicilous for yacht actually...more like a men's toy ;)
misslisa1120 - 8 years ago
Would I love to own this? Oh hell yes! I would then live there. Something this size and price negates the need for an actual house.
染色体Google - 8 years ago
I may wanna save up my money.
Xxxsavethebeedrills - 8 years ago
im owning it today
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
lol gg
migueluspa - 8 years ago
whatever, l own a Honda Civic. how u like them apples!

20. comment for This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

migueluspa - 8 years ago
whatever, l own a Honda Civic. how u like them apples!
Windows XP
Windows XP - 8 years ago
Can't imagine how the construction workers put so much effort to this
Little Ceime
Little Ceime - 8 years ago
holy cow
Mahmud Hussain
Mahmud Hussain - 8 years ago
Wow !!! Just a Dream
Fire Power701
Fire Power701 - 8 years ago
If I own this I would make it be used as a hotel to make lots of profit
misslisa1120 - 8 years ago
TheHockeyKeeper The upkeep on this would be atrocious though. You'd need to make it into a hotel just to pay for the gas to run the thing.
TheHockeyKeeper - 8 years ago
I get the feeling this owner already breathes, farts and poops profit.. not sure if he'd need any more haha
Tjabo03 - 8 years ago
Time to start save
Marchant2 - 8 years ago
That enormous thing only has room for 16 guests?
Riley Janka
Riley Janka - 7 years ago
has to have like 40 crew members though thats why, also the spaces for each person would be huge
Alexis Schteinman
Alexis Schteinman - 8 years ago
and 70 crew members....
Jonathan Lam
Jonathan Lam - 9 years ago
there is a Russian billionaire who has a yacht with a middle defence system and laser that shoot light into the lenses of people's cameras so they don't take pictures
Gavin Mahoney
Gavin Mahoney - 8 years ago
+misslisa1120 Yep, I've definitely seen it. It's just as fucking incredible as you'd think it is.
misslisa1120 - 8 years ago
Gavin Mahoney Yeah, it's owned by Roman Abramovich.
Gavin Mahoney
Gavin Mahoney - 8 years ago
I actually managed to get a faraway picture the only time I've visited St. Barts. Eclipse, right?
Jonathan Lam
Jonathan Lam - 9 years ago
there is a Russian billionaire who has a yacht with a middle defence system and laser that shoot light into the lenses of people's cameras so they don't take pictures
paul Ezekiel
paul Ezekiel - 9 years ago
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
what is revolting?
Denise Coelho
Denise Coelho - 8 years ago
+paul Ezekiel revolting
geobeats - 9 years ago
+paul Ezekiel indeed!

30. comment for This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

paul Ezekiel
paul Ezekiel - 9 years ago
Michael C Alexiou
Michael C Alexiou - 9 years ago
I'll look for some spare change.
Alex Haden
Alex Haden - 9 years ago
I wonder if this yacht exist
Taste The Edit
Taste The Edit - 8 years ago
It does
qeynoshills - 9 years ago
I'd just park it somewhere in the international waters and declare it a small country.
allen ovsepian
allen ovsepian - 9 years ago
Would I like to own one? Nah
TheCoolProfessor - 9 years ago
I want mine equipped with sentry guns, grenade launchers and guided missiles.
Novitatis Veritatis
Novitatis Veritatis - 9 years ago
If I had 1 billion to waste I would build a spaceship not a fucking Yatcht.
Razer Fanboy
Razer Fanboy - 9 years ago
I bet by the time you set that shit on the ocean, you'll get robbed by pirates in no time.
DominantData - 8 years ago
+Alex Haden liar at least 100 machine guns, rocket launchers, and all the military
Alex Haden
Alex Haden - 9 years ago
it'll probably have 30 bodyguards and automatic machine guns
Hubnero - 9 years ago
+Joshua Kim you probaly have an army to defend it if you have the money to build it or buy it
SiggeSiggeson - 9 years ago
Mr. Super Diaper
Mr. Super Diaper - 8 years ago
It's still being built dumbass, that's just the design on how it supposed to look like -_-
heyfindmenoob - 9 years ago
7 people? ik there is a lot of crew members but still bleh would be so boring and a waste of money / time in my opinion
Lydia Nemes
Lydia Nemes - 9 years ago
that is so sick i want one.
andison valera
andison valera - 9 years ago
Disgusting... Wasting hundreds of millions on a boat, mean while cities don't have water, electricity and their people starve.
andison valera
andison valera - 8 years ago
I know, I tried not wasting money on a condom and banged your mother raw....that's how she ended up with you son. BTW how's my ex favorite whore doing ?
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
LOl you're wasting money for an internet connection why third countries can't even have good internet for everybody then stop being a stupid moralist
MutatedBullettHD - 9 years ago
Mia Morse
Mia Morse - 9 years ago
What the fuck that thing is better then Jordan retros
Dawn Nicole
Dawn Nicole - 9 years ago
"WOW"!...I love this
Black Scout airsoft
Black Scout airsoft - 9 years ago
Holy shit yes
Toby Hunn
Toby Hunn - 9 years ago
who would not want to own one
Unknown Beast
Unknown Beast - 9 years ago
is that yacht real
TheUnluckyGaming - 9 years ago
I... WANT... IT
whp61 - 9 years ago
I wouldn't neccesarily like to own one, but I wouldn't mind the money it would cost.

50. comment for This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

David Myers
David Myers - 9 years ago
I want dis so bad my hole famly culd live on it
Ray N
Ray N - 9 years ago
They forgot to build a UFO landing spot.
JOHN - 9 years ago
+whp61 I want it so bad I could just live on it
whp61 - 9 years ago
+Pack Madman I want it so badly my whole street could live on it
PaiNExoTiC - 9 years ago
I wouldnt own one of these but if i were rich, this would be a dope vacation spot.
jules11788 - 10 years ago
"What do you think about this yacht? Would you like to own one?"

And the stupidest rhetorical question of the year award goes to....
Sam Ferguson
Sam Ferguson - 10 years ago
Was this vessel ever built or was it only a design?
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
only design for now
JOHN - 10 years ago
that yacht is amazing ,seeing how some people live is surely not fair we should all live equal ,and if we did their would be a lot less murders and crime
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
stop dreaming lel
Ezra Boren
Ezra Boren - 10 years ago
rich life here i come :) lol
Ezra Boren
Ezra Boren - 10 years ago
this is awesome but billions of dollars
Infidel Lives Matter
Infidel Lives Matter - 10 years ago
Looks like a floating Hot Wheels play set!
pkpandabear - 10 years ago
which more or less means awesome
Jeff Schwager
Jeff Schwager - 10 years ago
Definitely a money pit.  
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
I can't wait to enjoy my journey to be a selfmade female billionaire! 
jessesam - 7 years ago
Flower of Life - don't listen to this hooker.  all she knows is hotel rooms.. pimps..johns...condoms... and dick
Bridden - 7 years ago
lol, sure, why not. I'm not a female by the way, but for 600$ a day... better than my day job.
Flower of Life, if you do want to know, it is going to be what any old person says. No secret to it. I dropped out of high-school to help my family out financially. I was working 2 jobs and going to school full time when I got an unpaid internship. (3 jobs total) After doing that for about 6 months to a year, I started making decent-ish money (23k a year after the internship hired me) which was enough to buy a town home. (FHA loan) I made sure that it would cash flow at the end of each month once I started renting it. (Look up biggerpockets, they are a great resource for real-estate learners)

Keep focusing on working hard with your day-job (IT for me, studying for certifications in my free time) and you should make enough to buy your next house. Just continue until you are making a decent passive income. It is hard work, but worth it after the first year or so. Many self-made women have gotten much further than me in the same time. I've got a long way to go too. I was lucky enough to have a high school sweet heart who has supported me the entire time.

Do look up biggerpockets. Their videos helped me a ton, but you still have to put in a lot of hard work. I live in the USA, so it may be different/harder where you live, but worth learning.
jessesam - 7 years ago
Bridden - why don't you tell her how you achieved that?  hey flower...shes a hooker.... 200 a pop
she got popped 3 times a day for 8 years..  minus pimp fees hotel rental ...condoms...ect.....   that partner shes talking about is he pimp
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 7 years ago
wow thats great to hear! I can't believe I posted this is 2 years ago already :) I am still broke af but I'm still having the same dream and working on that direction. :) I 'm happy you are doing well! keep up the good work and keep evolving . for me its really really hard. I have so many times doubting myself but everytime i pull myself back together.
Bridden - 7 years ago
You can achieve anything you put your mind/body to Flower of Life (given you live in a capitalist first world country)
I am 25, grew up dirt poor and I own almost half a million in assets so far, including rental investment properties. Being a female has nothing to do with it, but do keep in mind, it is makes things easier with a partner ^^. You have a lot of hard work ahead.
Connor Bignall
Connor Bignall - 8 years ago
Owning this Yacht would be retarded. Work your whole life just to go broke owning a Yacht. You think it maintains its self, or those 70 crew members work for free? Or that helicopter pilot or that submarine captain work for free? What about the constant upkeep? You would need an annual income of over 500 million dollars to just support this thing. You wouldn't stay a billionaire for long making purchases like this. People don't get this rich being financially stupid, and buying something like this is as fiscally stupid as you can be. This is for like Saudi Princes or Richard Bronson people who have so much money they literally can't run out. Most rich people get their by hard work and smart saving and proper investments. Wanting to be rich to buy stupid shit is a sure fire way to not be rich for long.
AtomicRKS - 8 years ago
Anything is possible. I'm just working on making my life the best it can be, and I really do hope that being a billionaire is in my future. There are quite a few female billionaires, but it's kind of disappointing to see that most of them are that way because of inheritance from their fathers/family owned company. Good luck though!
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 9 years ago
+Birdie Bands Beats Thank you so much. you too!!!!!
Birdie Bands
Birdie Bands - 9 years ago
+euphoriassy bloom I believe in your dreams
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 9 years ago
haha i noticed there are not much. It is hard to pursue this dream as a female :( +Brendan Higgs Maybe i will find a male billionaire on the way and help him side by side XDDD
Brendan Higgs
Brendan Higgs - 9 years ago
Women can't be billionaires. Duh
iiFrZn - 10 years ago
Now on sale for a cheap cost of your soul, your first born child, and everything you own.
Johny Cash
Johny Cash - 10 years ago
No I like to fuck a Russian hooker instead. :D
Spherical - 10 years ago
saving up for one. going to have enough money by 2200.
WelloBello - 10 years ago
For people that really like Monaco but hate being in Monaco
Wassha 09
Wassha 09 - 10 years ago
Only Capitol citizens could but an unnecessary boat like this.
thechromepoet - 10 years ago
Greg Luft
Greg Luft - 10 years ago
No I wouldn't like to own one. That is just a stupid waste of moneyl
Alexia Stone
Alexia Stone - 10 years ago
Heck yes I would, are u giving it to me
FarmerBenny - 10 years ago
People starve every day and we think about spending more money on this shit!!???
Glenn Pady
Glenn Pady - 8 years ago
FarmerBenny people starve everyday and what? I'm glad that we live in a world where you can be ultra rich (there's always the possibility) and a world where you can go from extreme poverty to riches.
if we had equality of all wealth we would all be pretty bad off, people would be mediocre at best, people would be lazy, advancements for society and technology in general would cease.
Thank goodness and probably God for capitalism.
Erik S.
Erik S. - 8 years ago
Well the people that can afford this yacht probably earned it.
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
Off course stupid kid,because the men who are working for building this yacht aren't starving,then stop being a dumbass moralist on internet please
gameking2798 - 9 years ago
+René Kruse correctly*
Berni Moulang
Berni Moulang - 9 years ago
+jim smith Many people in third world countries like Africa, Sri Lanka, India, China, the Phillipeans, Chile etc. etc. are exploited by people like you and and can't afford food, education for their kids, the risk of protesting against big companies like Nike who pay them next to nothing for doing massively demanding physical jobs. Their governments are so weak, they can't even stand up to these corporations for fear of losing the money it brings them.
Amrit Matharu
Amrit Matharu - 9 years ago
Na most people are in poor situations not because of life decisions, but because of the environments they live in. If it's in a first world country like Canada, U.S or Britain then it's most likely the poor person's fault. But countries that hold the majority of population in Asia and Africa don't have enough resources to feed their people
Bala krishna
Bala krishna - 9 years ago
+FarmerBenny so what...u r just jealous of a rich man life
Garlicjr Made
Garlicjr Made - 9 years ago
+FarmerBenny people starving has nothing to do with money bruh, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be.
Tim the Lib
Tim the Lib - 9 years ago
+jim smith Doesn't really matter what you think honestly. Society is more generous than at least you, and I consider that progress.
jim smith
jim smith - 9 years ago
+Timothy Tice  Yeah, me thinking able body people need get off lazy asses and be held accountable for poor like choices.
Tim the Lib
Tim the Lib - 9 years ago
+jim smith You're disgusting.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
Discussion isn't over cause you say so loser.  And sure not all are at fault but most are cause poor decisions.
mvtjets - 10 years ago
+jim smith Not all poor people are at fault, discussion over.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+euphoriassy bloom I don't feel mad nor butthurt, again you are seeing things that are not there, stay off the drugs.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
+René Kruse sure i'll end this here, You feel mad because you feel butthurt and you probably relate to what i've said. Have a great life.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+euphoriassy bloom You are so full of shit. Pratice what you preach and fuck off, you fucking moron.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
Why does someone have to agree with you. just find peace with the fact that nobody has to agree with you. If I am the only one in the world with one believe and the whole world is against me. i am fine with it. I would try to understand why the world has other believes than me.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+jim smith You being stupid, does not come from the fact that you don't agree with me, but you being stupid is the reason you don't agree with me, get it right fool.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
+René Kruse
what whore?  Poor baby cause I don't agree with you I must be stupid.  awww.  I guess we know who liberal is now.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+euphoriassy bloom Fool.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
+René Kruse there is no need to convince people or trying to 'enlighten' their brain.. just keep it to yourself and don't make your life so hard by trying to do these things 
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+jim smith Jim, saying the same thing over and over does not make it true, I just thought I would enlighten your tiny brain to that fact.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
+Steve Giardini pls keep jerking off on your pc. I just want to slap in people's face who make such comments. Its so cowardly and you know what i'm talking about.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
Oh, I;m sorry does English need be my first language?  How many do you speak?  Think my English pretty solid for only working on it for lil over 3 years.  But as they say, have nothing really of substance play a race card or make fun their grammar.
Steve Giardini
Steve Giardini - 10 years ago
+jim smith What were you doing during English class..... meth ?
Superrich Visuals
Superrich Visuals - 10 years ago
+jim smith true, I'm a middle class and I'm gonna catch up
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
Don't worry about Rene.  Obviously a total retard and jealous other peoples accomplishments.  Prob type thinks fast food workers deserve 15.00 hour.  I suggest they look up automatic ordering and fact already a machine in development that make your food replacing a person.   People work hard, make right decisions don't deserve nice things according Rene.  Need carry the worthless poor decide have kids early, drop out school, do drugs.   No thanks.   Rene just a jealous lil loser.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
I don't mind you think of me/us like that, I hope some day you will be more openminded, that will do you good.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
lol.  blame his brain for what?  Not agreeing with you cunt and being able speak least 2 languages?  Keep voting democrat dumbass.  People like you are reason I am pro abortion.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+euphoriassy bloom Your brain damage must be making you see things that are not there.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
people who only complain about their shitty life have no ambition nor passion for life. poor you keep on wasting your precious life time.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
She rips on peoples grammar cause she has no substance what she says.  People to lazy work, make shitty life choices and get education then fuck them.   Sorry I work my ass off my entire life.  Save money, make smart investments so I can have nice toys/vacations and take care my family.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
i just don't understand why you are complaining about my grammar or my poor english. It is not my first language and beside this is so not relevant to the whole subject.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+euphoriassy bloom I don't feel like repeating myself, so just read all my comments to Jim Smith, as I am sure they all apply to you, also. But I am sure I have a lot to learn from 2 people who would have to use spell check just to write their own names correct.
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
+René Kruse  you are just misserable! keep nagging and whining about the poor pitty live it will get you nowhere! 
Flower of Life
Flower of Life - 10 years ago
+jim smith i think you are totally right! I really hate and pitty those people who can only nag and whine about their poor misserable life. Just work for it and get it instead of victimizing their selfs.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
Cyas baby.  Go look at other people's stuff and continue to be jealous.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+jim smith Being a hypocrite now also, seems  stupidity knows no end, so I see no point in talking to you anymore.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
Oh poor baby and insults.  You feel better about yourself?  You prob one those "have nots"    jealous what others have.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+jim smith Omg! You're still breathing, the  miracles just, wont stop!. Now if I got a sandy vag it would be yet another miracle as I don't have a vag, and by vag I am sure you are trying to say vagina, just because you haven't felt anyone's except your mothers, is no reason not to say the word in it's entirety. A lot of people get hurt in traffic due to their own mistakes, that does not take away from the pains or tragedy  of those who got hurt through no fault of their own. If you seek to help the world be a better place just kill yourself, and you will have done so, or simply shut up and you will also have done so.
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
+René Kruse
awww.  You got a sandy vag cause I feel no sympathy for the poor?  Wah.   A lot people are poor cause poor life decisions.  Couldn't keep legs closed, didn't pay attention in school, choose to be a worthless junkie.  Chose be a liberal cry baby.
René Kruse
René Kruse - 10 years ago
+jim smith   You should be on TV, it's so amazing! It is normal for people with your lack of brain function to have their organs shot down and for them to die, but yet here you are typing away on the internet, it's a fucking miracle
jim smith
jim smith - 10 years ago
Sounds like starving people need get ass a job/education and/or learn some skills.   Survival of the fittest.  
william burgin
william burgin - 10 years ago
no l would not like to own one ld be worried all the time about a giant wave destroying it and killing whoever.s on board
Charles Bronson
Charles Bronson - 9 years ago
+william burgin your right
william burgin
william burgin - 10 years ago
+Hunter Kavanagh that is insane the mind set of the extremely wealthy never ceases to amaze me 
william burgin
william burgin - 10 years ago
+Maurice miraail it is helping people rich ass people lol 
Charles Bronson
Charles Bronson - 10 years ago
That yacht is ridiculous money can be better well spent helping people!
Alexander Nweze
Alexander Nweze - 10 years ago
Yes, I like to own one.
Patton3003 - 10 years ago
Where is the yacht in this thing??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patton3003 - 10 years ago
NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo REally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiyzane - 10 years ago
the hole thing is a yacht
Cliff Charpentier
Cliff Charpentier - 10 years ago
Sure beats my building a bit house on a 300 foot barge
Gustav Zdravkovic
Gustav Zdravkovic - 10 years ago
i would like to own that
Naenaes Auntie 〈3
Naenaes Auntie 〈3 - 10 years ago
I want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kostas Livanios
Kostas Livanios - 10 years ago
Were can I buy this
Jonathan Grunwald
Jonathan Grunwald - 11 years ago
Sorry,Im not ok with it,just not what yacht is.It is stupid. TH
Noel Faulkner
Noel Faulkner - 11 years ago
A real peace of shit.
Rizwan Khan
Rizwan Khan - 10 years ago
Yep if you put it in the water it will sink in less then a minute
peter8488 - 10 years ago
Exactly, its totally unstable and cumbersome for real use other then a fugly harbor junk.
russell stone
russell stone - 11 years ago
Yes please.
sarkofuck - 11 years ago
this is the most retarded thing i have ever seen... and i see myself in the mirror every morning ;)
Miha Grasic
Miha Grasic - 11 years ago
Instead of building this Yacht, they could end world hunger with that money...just saying...
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
instead of buying a pc for posting shit on internet you could have spend your money for helping child in africa dumbass :)
Cris Hernandez
Cris Hernandez - 10 years ago
+Zander Cohen exactly. You can ended for a couple of weeks/ months but after that they will be starving again. Theyll probably just depend on the person who is doing it and wont work and stuff.
rj ru
rj ru - 10 years ago
for a while
mostafa8998 - 10 years ago
+alishabab3 Most billionaires make their billions  from the worlds hunger and tragedies, so why would they compromise that for their yacht??
Ikarus Nachname
Ikarus Nachname - 10 years ago
well, when you spent on world hunger and sell weapons in these regions at the same time, then its not a very sustainable concept..  world hunger could be stopped easily, but isnt in the interest of wealthy states.. poverty keeps their prizes low ;-)
mankind needs to get rid of fattboys and egomaniacs like him if we dont want to sink
Jordan Goins
Jordan Goins - 10 years ago
no they couldn't.... billions have been spent on world hunger, guess what ppl will always be starving.
Alisha - 10 years ago
This super yacht is more then just millions.. The idea alone is worth $1.1 billion. To make it prob worth allot more.. So it prob would end world hunger.. But saying that no billionaire would end world hunger when they can buy something like this piece of junk..
Aleksey Telyshev
Aleksey Telyshev - 11 years ago
piece of crap
Techno-Kitchen - 11 years ago
Скоро яхты будут плавать в акватории большой яхты ))
Ray Murphy
Ray Murphy - 11 years ago
I would very much love to have this yacht. unless I can find a bigger better one
Brisdad53 - 11 years ago
Be crushed by the realization that the owner of this yacht would be infinitely happier that a beggar monk, and supremely happier than bitter people like Abla and Besuck, who are too busy making excuses for THEIR failures in life to be able to appreciate the successes of others.
pablohoney78 - 11 years ago
The pirates are going to have a field day.
Ha'aheo Mama
Ha'aheo Mama - 11 years ago
wouldn't mind being on this one either! all your creations are wonderful, thank you!
Edward L.Lerouge
Edward L.Lerouge - 11 years ago
TheRodnie 94
TheRodnie 94 - 11 years ago
I must sell every single hair from my hairy dick for $1000000
Abla Kadabla
Abla Kadabla - 11 years ago
Take comfort in the fact that any random beggar monk is happier than this decadent asshole. There is a limit to how much pleasure can be derived from material things.
kevin Macarry
kevin Macarry - 8 years ago
then kill yourself?
BesurkProductionz - 11 years ago
wow and i cant even afford to pay my electric bill
geobeats - 11 years ago
Thanks for all the comments!
Boo Ba
Boo Ba - 11 years ago
T Jizzle
T Jizzle - 11 years ago
This is 1.1 billion dollars
Movie Tube
Movie Tube - 11 years ago
contactlisa1 - 11 years ago
this boat deserves to sink!
mohamed algalban
mohamed algalban - 11 years ago
i dont like water anyway
russell stone
russell stone - 11 years ago
i'll take a blue one and a red one...
Brian Cancino
Brian Cancino - 11 years ago
Not to bad but I think its a little big
I Want to Buy a Kitten
I Want to Buy a Kitten - 11 years ago
Does it have a Starbucks?

100. comment for This Yacht Recreates an Entire City

yachtferrari - 11 years ago
David C
David C - 11 years ago
I want one so I can take 7 of my favorite homeless people for the greatest ship ride ever!
Daniel Perry
Daniel Perry - 11 years ago
It looks like an old aircraft carry that has been guted and everything replaced with fiber glass
kurtis1710 - 11 years ago
"would you like to own one?" are you fucking daft?
crackuhjack123 - 11 years ago
This things sick, but i feel like theres alot of money involved if someone were to make this a vacationing yacht instead of private owned, its a little big for a single owner
vrccb - 11 years ago
Lovely. Really breath-taking. Love decadence - Aaaaah, if only...
Epic Media Argentina
Epic Media Argentina - 11 years ago
Amazing and... weird.
labadee - 11 years ago
put this in the ocean and the water levels will rise by 1 m
misottovoce - 11 years ago
Decadently sick. I would be more interested if the owner was a generous philanthropist...if s/he has the kind of play money for 'this'.
Maite Rivero
Maite Rivero - 11 years ago
Toffen81 - 11 years ago
5ft wave. And there goes ur money ;)
oliver18754 - 11 years ago
i know someone that can buy it for anyone for free.
Southside Genius
Southside Genius - 11 years ago
wheres the music from?
Jacqueline Royston
Jacqueline Royston - 11 years ago
i would even use all my money and lots of my mums money and a bit of my dads alot of my sisters and tiny bit of my brothers it will make alot of money
Jacqueline Royston
Jacqueline Royston - 11 years ago
it looks awesome my mum would love it
Samra - 12 years ago
Just for me and my family
Richard Rabinowitz
Richard Rabinowitz - 12 years ago
Now THAT'S out-of-the-box thinking. Someone should find a way to produce miniature versions, along similar lines, for cheaper. (no streets need apply, LOL, but the idea of a diversity of historical architectural styles - or any historical architectural style- influencing a modern vehicle seems interesting to try out.)
Danny Mcnamara
Danny Mcnamara - 12 years ago
16 guests and seventy crew members..???? If ridiculous were a banana split, this would be the cherry on top.
gameking2798 - 12 years ago
It costs 1 billion dollars
InfamousVoid - 12 years ago
To many workers
Nuttanapat Tangkasakul
Nuttanapat Tangkasakul - 12 years ago
Jeyasudhan - 12 years ago
Name me the price
sinbin365 - 12 years ago
I'll pay $20 for it
John Soto
John Soto - 12 years ago
It is beautiful and yes I would love to own day, lol :)

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