Yacht 8 years ago 11,654 views
We went on a little adventure to find a yacht to hire and found a pretty cool one :) leave a like if you enjoyed :) THE MOST COOLEST SECRET TOY EVER MADE IN JUST CAUSE 3! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEs8WDnQm2g https://instagram.com/officialsuperrebel/ https://twitter.com/superReBaL123 Subscribe if you're a fan of the Just Cause series, for more Just Cause 3 gameplay,funny moments,tips,Easter eggs,walkthroughs, my list is running out, you get what i mean, become a Rebel :D
10. comment for WE GOT A YACHT IN DUBAI!
Hugo Boss
20. comment for WE GOT A YACHT IN DUBAI!
in GTA 5.... damm
30. comment for WE GOT A YACHT IN DUBAI!
Curse - Goldene zeiten
50. comment for WE GOT A YACHT IN DUBAI!
Just a fun fact.
It's his format though, the whole "end of vlog #1" thing.
What hotel (ò^ó)
(Plz no dardude sandstorm,Don't be that guy)