WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house
Yacht 10 years ago 688,956 views
This futuristic yacht project will hopefully soon sail the oceans. The Wally Hermes Yacht (WHY) was designed around space, shade and light. This yacht offers 200 square metre suite covering the entire third floor. You can even invite plenty of your closest friends, because there are five guest suites located on the second floor. You should also check out this great video that explains the making of this beautiful yacht.
Also, my wife is a librarian, so the Rhem Koolhaus central library was was the destination venue of the trip. Fabulous! Loved it! As also the city!
Interesting boat! Doubt if it'll ever be built.
The thing isn't even build, not even planned to be build.
10. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house
credo di capire che volevi dire
fiberglass door stopper. I enjoy capitalism, and seeing people enjoy the trappings of their blessings and tremendous wealth, and the lifestyle it affords, but in this case, it's a dud. It looks -- how do I put this -- too out of place, and doesn't now nor will it ever "fit in." This yacht seems to be an "acquired taste." Anyway, enjoy it and may you know nothing but smooth seas, great weather and happiness on your yacht.
20. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house
I know nothing of cruising or sailing oceans so I'm asking...
Won't lower deck area be subjected to waves overflowing sides?
These types of videos are almost always simulations.
Where could one take this...
It is a pleasure for me that you enjoyed the video :)
It's beyond description how amazing these super yachts are.
The designs, concepts and ultimately implementations are intoxicating and mesmerizing...
How fortunate and priviledged those are who can conceive of these magnificent pieces of art and also bring them to fruition...
They're masterpieces that are also functional...
Thanks again for sharing.
I'll probably never seen one of these in real life so I appreciate you and others like yourself that share these wonderful creations of art and beauty.
Actually, nearly every yacht has a low deck at the backside, so I suppose yacht designers are familiar to this problem
30. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house
50. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house
Ok, we get that you're a miserable little failure - but why does that make you hate Bill Gates? Does that somehow make you feel better?
the toys of the rich !
for this boat