WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house

This futuristic yacht project will hopefully soon sail the oceans. The Wally Hermes Yacht (WHY) was designed around space, shade and light. This yacht offers 200 square metre suite covering the entire third floor. You can even invite plenty of your closest friends, because there are five guest suites located on the second floor. You should also check out this great video that explains the making of this beautiful yacht.

WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Yacht 10 years ago 688,956 views

This futuristic yacht project will hopefully soon sail the oceans. The Wally Hermes Yacht (WHY) was designed around space, shade and light. This yacht offers 200 square metre suite covering the entire third floor. You can even invite plenty of your closest friends, because there are five guest suites located on the second floor. You should also check out this great video that explains the making of this beautiful yacht.

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Most popular comments
for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house

David Gofman
David Gofman - 7 years ago
Guys are you stupid. That is 3D model :):):) is good rendering except water :( Do you believe to this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFeCJx2WKa4
Chris K
Chris K - 7 years ago
My wife and I went to Seattle for our 20th anniversary for 10 days 4yrs ago. We'd never been to the far northwest and, to us, it seemed quite exotic. I mean, if it's good enough for Bill Gates, how bad could it be.
Also, my wife is a librarian, so the Rhem Koolhaus central library was was the destination venue of the trip. Fabulous! Loved it! As also the city!
Interesting boat! Doubt if it'll ever be built.
App Magician
App Magician - 7 years ago
Funny, that a lot of folks think Bill Gates owns this yacht cause of the title.

The thing isn't even build, not even planned to be build.
Jake Boss
Jake Boss - 7 years ago
I have No idea "WHY" there's Multiple videos on this Island Yacht saying that it's Bill Grates Yacht, This Island Yacht is Called Wally WHY Island Yacht, the Yacht Manufacturer Named "Wally", and it has Absolutely Nothing to do with Bill Gates. I don't get it
destinationluxury - 7 years ago
This is great
Lord Sith Lego
Lord Sith Lego - 8 years ago
A safe little home to live in during the zombie apocalypse.
Galloway Florist and Gifts
Galloway Florist and Gifts - 8 years ago
What about pirates?  You would need a small army to keep them from stealing it.
cunardliner32 - 8 years ago
Just keep away from Somali waters or other dangerous places. No yacht would go there anywhere
Imran Khan
Imran Khan - 8 years ago
ye kaisa house hai khhofzada house
Venancio Jaimes
Venancio Jaimes - 8 years ago

10. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house

Venancio Jaimes
Venancio Jaimes - 8 years ago
Jobe Roberts
Jobe Roberts - 8 years ago
Looks like he should survive the zombie apocalypse on his houseboat.
shaikh asad 9322009868
shaikh asad 9322009868 - 8 years ago
bill gates has a world richest man
Bilal Ramadan
Bilal Ramadan - 8 years ago
Very nice
Emily Hernandez
Emily Hernandez - 8 years ago
How is he that rich ????
giovanni laise
giovanni laise - 8 years ago
chi diventa proprietario di un affare cosi non so come definirlo non merita assolutamente il mare non gli appartiene fermate questa roba fatelo per rispetto di chi ama il mare caxxxx
giovanni laise
giovanni laise - 8 years ago
Cristiano Gardoni
Cristiano Gardoni - 8 years ago
70mt? che barboni…..
cunardliner32 - 8 years ago
la vera esaggerazione e "eclipse" di roman abramovich e "azzam" di un sceicco arabo
giovanni laise
giovanni laise - 8 years ago
+cunardliner32 ok effettivamente e cosi fanno a gara chi lo fa piu lungu Tomcris ha un jac non so neache come si scrive lungo 70 dico 70metri con dieci uomini come equipaggio se fosde un tre alberi a vela lo avrei anche accettato ma con i motori no non dimentichiamoci ol cristina di onassis ma l'esagerazione non te la godi mai ....
cunardliner32 - 8 years ago
la realta' e' che ci sono tanti ricchi con i sui yacht che non si fregano dal mare.
credo di capire che volevi dire
giovanni laise
giovanni laise - 8 years ago
+cunardliner32 NOso se tu sei il proprietario non si tratta di inquinamento non ce rapporto tra una roba cosi e il mare non entra nel cuore non puoi amare una cosa.cosi se fosse un bel due alberi a vela e girare il mondo visto che ai tanti soldi cosi non voglio giudicarti ma questo affare e senza un bricciolo di accoglienza spero che tu capisca ciao
cunardliner32 - 8 years ago
+giovanni laise per me questo non c'entra con "meritare il mare". La unica cosa che importa e' se il nave inquina l'ambiente maritimo o no. Un armatore di portacontenidori sporchi e inquinanti che ama il mare assolutamente non lo merita.
Melissa Newman
Melissa Newman - 8 years ago
Looks cool
steveninthe - 8 years ago
+Melissa Newman really? this thing costs 1 400 000 000 dollars, and you say, 'looks cool' ....
William Krutt
William Krutt - 8 years ago
The last thing I wish to do is sound snarky and all, but I don't find this "yacht" appealing at all. It looks like an Embassy Suites screwed a houseboat, and this was the result. Seriously, if you want a house, then buy a house. If you want a boat, buy a boat, but in this case the two didn't go together well at all. In my opinion ( which means absolutely nothing) this thing looks like a
fiberglass door stopper. I enjoy capitalism, and seeing people enjoy the trappings of their blessings and tremendous wealth, and the lifestyle it affords, but in this case, it's a dud. It looks -- how do I put this -- too out of place, and doesn't now nor will it ever "fit in." This yacht seems to be an "acquired taste." Anyway, enjoy it and may you know nothing but smooth seas, great weather and happiness on your yacht.
Lucas Ammons
Lucas Ammons - 8 years ago
So cool.
jan Devries
jan Devries - 9 years ago
Perhaps Bill could lend his Yacht to the refugees who are coming nowadays to Europe. Plenty of room and so much more save.

20. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house

Siddharth Sagar
Siddharth Sagar - 9 years ago

creussete - 9 years ago
BILL GATES O FIEL FINANCIADOR DE TODOS OS TIPOS DO VIRUS QUE DESTRUA A HUMANIDADE,,,,,,,,E A ZIKA..É UMA DELAS,,,,,,Por favor, parem de fazer o jogo deles, assista a este vídeo e entendam o que de fato esta acontecendo, isso é muito serio, pois nossas vidas estão em perigo. Assim foram com os alimentos transgênicos, a contaminação da água com o cloro, flúor e tudo que possa prejudicar as pessoas, animais e todo eco sistema. Não duvide, eles são capazes de tudo isso e muito mais, olhem a sua volta e para os céus..
cornskid - 9 years ago
Pointless and ugly. You can't even pretend you're going somewhere in it. In a following sea it would be like living in a continuous tsunami.
themanginaman - 9 years ago
how the fuck do you park it?
Michael Mack
Michael Mack - 8 years ago
with a humongous dock
Itsmeeman1 - 9 years ago
I'll take 3
ednifa green
ednifa green - 9 years ago
it kinda looks like the opra house a little
ednifa green
ednifa green - 9 years ago
thats beauty its just like the color of empire
S G - 9 years ago
If the background music is commercially available song I'd like to know track and album name.
cunardliner32 - 9 years ago
+S G Here we are:Shadows BeckonFV - Getty Images Music 479946I don't know if it is available but you can give it a try
S G - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing.

I know nothing of cruising or sailing oceans so I'm asking...

Won't lower deck area be subjected to waves overflowing sides?

These types of videos are almost always simulations.

Where could one take this...
cunardliner32 - 9 years ago
I absolutely agree with you. Yachts are the absolute "non plus ultra" for rich people, they have rare beauty and are an epitome of luxury, good taste and modern technique.

It is a pleasure for me that you enjoyed the video :)
S G - 9 years ago
Thanks for response.

It's beyond description how amazing these super yachts are.

The designs, concepts and ultimately implementations are intoxicating and mesmerizing...

How fortunate and priviledged those are who can conceive of these magnificent pieces of art and also bring them to fruition...

They're masterpieces that are also functional...

Thanks again for sharing.

I'll probably never seen one of these in real life so I appreciate you and others like yourself that share these wonderful creations of art and beauty.
cunardliner32 - 9 years ago
+S G This is a good question. I guess the ship would always have to go in the direction of the bow, because otherwise waves coming from the backside, where the low deck is located, would definitely cause damage if they are high enough.
Actually, nearly every yacht has a low deck at the backside, so I suppose yacht designers are familiar to this problem
RUSSIAN Man - 9 years ago

30. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house

Annamystic Delane
Annamystic Delane - 9 years ago
It looks like a public library
Annamystic Delane
Annamystic Delane - 9 years ago
sho looks empty
Destiny Jimenez
Destiny Jimenez - 9 years ago
Destiny Jimenez
Destiny Jimenez - 9 years ago
he's one person why does he need all of thay
Mb B
Mb B - 9 years ago
Even if you could buy this world, you'll never be able to buy heaven. I want eternal heaven.
AJ J - 9 years ago
In Hawaii is a huge part Submarine on bottom,theater seating,20 largest windows USCG cert.LED lighting for shark,whale,reef tours.2 story restaurant,55mph in Honolulu SEMISUB.
AJ J - 9 years ago
In Hawaii is a huge part Submarine on bottom,theater seating,20 largest windows USCG cert.LED lighting for shark,whale,reef tours.2 story restaurant,55mph in Honolulu SEMISUB One.
AJ J - 9 years ago
In Hawaii is a huge part Submarine on bottom,theater seating,20 largest windows USCG cert. Huge LED lighting underwater for the night shark,whale,reef tours.2 story restaurant,55mph in Honolulu SEMISUB One.
AJ J - 9 years ago
In Hawaii is a huge part Submarine on bottom,theater seating,20 largest windows USCG cert. Huge LED lighting underwater for the night shark,whale tours, reef tours a 2 story restaurant, Jams 55mph in Honolulu SEMISUB One
AJ J - 9 years ago
In Hawaii there is a huge part Submarine on the bottom,theater style seating,20 of the largest windows certified by USCG amazing LED lighting underwater for the night shark and whale tours,time reef tours with a 2 story restaurant above and it can do 55mph with its 4400hp. It's on Oahu in Honolulu opening this Month. it's called SEMISUB One
AJ J - 9 years ago
have you seen the yacht you can ride in Hawaii that's part Submarine on the bottom with theater style seating,20 of the largest windows that are coastguard certified for passengers amazing LED lighting underwater for the night shark and whale tours,time reef tours with a 2 story restaurant above and it can do 55mph with its 4400hp. It's on Oahu in Honolulu opening this Month. it's called SEMISUB One
Fidela Imuel
Fidela Imuel - 9 years ago
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis - 9 years ago
looks like the Seattle public library
Dany Eam
Dany Eam - 7 years ago
It is speakless.
CARAT164 - 9 years ago
o my g...so nice....does it use solar panels??
Lyric_ _Fall
Lyric_ _Fall - 9 years ago
Erik van Erne
Erik van Erne - 9 years ago
Where are the solar panels??
elwood bigman
elwood bigman - 9 years ago
that is the most bad ass boat i ever seen in my life
01worldguy01 - 9 years ago
In my opinion Bill Gates should be in  jail for windows not to be the way it is
bluestate69 - 9 years ago
+01worldguy01 there should be concurrent 30 year sentences for windows 7 and 8, and a 15 year sentence for windows 8.1.
Jonathan Grunwald
Jonathan Grunwald - 9 years ago
Yes, Yes, Yes, Billi needed to go to china with Bafit and teach china people haw to donate money to his site kick none profit organizations so he can get a new toy,- SHAME SHAME SHAME.
Terry Watkins
Terry Watkins - 9 years ago
Its fake

50. comment for WHY Wally Hermès Yacht - Bill Gates' Yacht house

John Faker
John Faker - 9 years ago
Bill gates has nothing to do with the project. Do not believe every video title. What the fuck?
Inyalabudbud Punjabbidaliwad
Inyalabudbud Punjabbidaliwad - 9 years ago
He and Jobs seem to have embraced the "less is more" concept to the extreme. I should think they would feel sterile and lonely pretty quick. Snobbery.....and the need to be "different".........seem to have no boundaries. I see other yachts as much more comfortable and practical....but a poor Cretan always will:))
Cher duece
Cher duece - 9 years ago
Who ever staged this forgot to give it a life.  No plants, pictures, etc. I guess money can't buy everything.
Nathan - 9 years ago
Try dock
Offi - 9 years ago
Toovie Brafman
Toovie Brafman - 10 years ago
is this real because i dont think it looks too real?
cunardliner32 - 10 years ago
No problem!
Toovie Brafman
Toovie Brafman - 10 years ago
i thought so thanks for telling me!
cunardliner32 - 10 years ago
Not yet. But it will maybe be built in the next 10 years
dom dell
dom dell - 10 years ago
Ugly ass design. Poor use of space even tho thats the theme If its not appealing its not appealing. Try again. Chopi Chopi pisses on that creation.
Pieter allen Master Blue
Pieter allen Master Blue - 10 years ago
Nice concept but a waste of money
redfox4561 - 10 years ago
fuck bill gates
Garrett Nelson
Garrett Nelson - 9 years ago
I also found out for those apple users that in 1996, I believe, Bill Gates invested $150 million into apple which otherwise would have been bankrupt in the next 90 days. It has been called Bill's worst investment mistake ever. So really he saved all computers as we know it today.
Garrett Nelson
Garrett Nelson - 9 years ago
Correct I'm guessing through the charity Bill and Melinda Gates foundation they have started. Why do people trash on them , I'm guessing because they want to be them. And yes he has saved over 6 million lives through his donations. Like the great men of the past John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie who's money continued to be given out after they died and it maybe possible some still exists but I'm not sure.
GoOgLiT - 9 years ago
+Garrett Nelson To be honest he's already given so much away, I'm extremely surprised people hate him
GoOgLiT - 9 years ago
+Garrett Nelson When he dies right. Not yet
Garrett Nelson
Garrett Nelson - 9 years ago
How about the computer you just typed that on. Either Bill Gates or Steve Jobs was in some not so small way behind it. So throw it at the wall then. Let them live like they deserve. BTW Bill has pledged to give away 99% of his net worth. not to bad
+redfox4561 Donating to charity is progress btw
+redfox4561 So if you are rich, you would hate yourself? Ok. Lol
GoOgLiT - 9 years ago
+Samuel Wang that never happened
Samuel Wang
Samuel Wang - 9 years ago
+GoO gLiT youtube has an edit button. Just a helpful tip.
GoOgLiT - 9 years ago
Surely a person whom has donated almost 30 billion dollars that has most likely saved thousands upon thousands of lives, should go to hell
redfox4561 - 9 years ago
+Charles Martel I was raised in Manhattan but I'm not sure why where I lived would effect why I hate very wealthy people? and just a tip using words like "hubris" does not make you sound any more intelligent on the interwebz :)
Pete Hodge
Pete Hodge - 9 years ago
Redfox was probably raised in a bitter, penurious environment where envy and covetousness reigned supreme. So I guess we really can't blame him for his childishness and hubris…
redfox4561 - 9 years ago
+Samuel Wang that makes no sense when did i say anything like that? I for one love science and progress the problem is these billionaire don't do anything to help progress that won't make them money
Samuel Wang
Samuel Wang - 9 years ago
+redfox4561 right. You hate science and all human progress and ingenuity if even a cent had come from the hell spawned fiends that make more money than you yes?
redfox4561 - 9 years ago
+Samuel Wang​ every billionaire can go to hell for all i care, i don't care how they made their money Noone should have so much money while others have nothing
Samuel Wang
Samuel Wang - 9 years ago
+redfox4561 Is it safe to assume that you hate Elon Musk and believe that he made his billions through bribery and corruption and not hard work, clever investing, a lot of hope, big dreams, and just a little bit of luck?
redfox4561 - 9 years ago
+Charles Martel Like I said I can hate whoever I want and there is not shit you can do about it, Please cry some more! it empowers me yum yum yum.  You should make a "leave Bill Gates alone" video and become the next Chris Crocker then you can have your own legacy fag.
Pete Hodge
Pete Hodge - 9 years ago
You have adequately displayed your character. Bill Gate's legacy is safe.
redfox4561 - 9 years ago
+Charles Martel What is funny is that people that call other people failures are normally the real failures and I do believe that I am allowed to hate anyone I want to, if you have a problem with that then you can go fuck yourself or better yet since you love bill gates so much why don't you give him a call and let him ass fuck you for a million dollars.  I'm sure you would make a fine bitch for him.
Pete Hodge
Pete Hodge - 9 years ago
Ok, we get that you're a miserable little failure - but why does that make you hate Bill Gates? Does that somehow make you feel better?
Max Rountree
Max Rountree - 9 years ago
I grandad is rich bit not overly rich he has like 4 million not like bill with 99 billion
Christmas MacIver
Christmas MacIver - 9 years ago
+redfox4561 LMAO thank you!!!
Jernulf - 9 years ago
+redfox4561 Yeaah! And FUCK the wright brothers for inventing airplanes! and FUCK Trees that gives you oxygen.
Max Rountree
Max Rountree - 10 years ago
I know right
Stephen Owens
Stephen Owens - 10 years ago
Imagine how many people he could conduct experiments on here! Eugenics heaven
cunardliner32 - 10 years ago
otherwise they would`nt be rich. you can't get such an amount of money without any corruption or criminal action
redfox4561 - 10 years ago
Idc what he donates I hate rich people I don't trust any of them 
cunardliner32 - 10 years ago
why? he donates a big amount of his fortune!
I Know Who I Am
I Know Who I Am - 10 years ago
Is this real?
cunardliner32 - 10 years ago
Let`s say it doesn`t exist "yet"
AKULA - 10 years ago
AKULA - 10 years ago
the toys of the rich !
The Captain
The Captain - 10 years ago
250 million dollars!!!
for this boat

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