Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner
Yacht 10 years ago 921,807 views
The champagne had just been smashed against the hull and the proud buyer was preparing to take ownership of his gleaming new $10million yacht. But moments later disaster struck when the 90ft expedition vessel capsized almost as soon as it left the slipway. Newly released video shows the accident unfold as celebrations quickly turn to shock when the boat tilts to one side and then plunges to one side, knocking into the side of the marina. Witnesses said the brand-new 90ft yacht, named Baden was launched at the Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes after being built for an owner who planned to circumnavigate the globe. The six people on board were helped ashore by onlookers and one person had to be rescued from the bilge at the bottom of the boat. Coast Guard Petty Officer Jordan Akiyama says two were checked out at a hospital. Northern Marine in Anacortes was the builder of the boat, which had just been purchased. According to witnesses, the water was completely calm and flat at the time of the capsize. Better-champagne-ice-Watch-moment-brand-new-10MILLION-yacht-capsizes-launched-new-owner-planned-sail-globe Northern Marine in Anacortes was the builder of the boat, which had just been purchased. According to witnesses, the water was completely calm and flat at the time of the capsize. 'So we paused to collect ourselves and assure that everything was going to be right, and then as we continued to lower it down, it pitched, and that's when it went over.' The company that built the boat will be responsible for the cost of the salvage operation. The buyer of the boat told KIRO-TV that they are 'absolutely heartbroken' by the boat's capsize. Investigations into the accident are continuing, but it is thought the dolly carrying the weight of the port side dropped off during the launch, causing the ship to list to one side. Better-champagne-ice-Watch-moment-brand-new-10MILLION-yacht-capsizes-launched-new-owner-planned-sail-globe yacht charter croatia, croatia yacht charter, croatia yachting, yacht croatia, yacht rental croatia, charter yacht croatia, yacht hire croatia, croatia yacht, yachting croatia yacht rental, yacht rentals, luxury yacht rental, party yacht rentals, yacht party rental, yacht rental miami, yacht rental dubai, yacht rental singapore, private yacht rental yachting magazine, yacht magazine, yachts international magazine, yachting world magazine, yachting magazines, yacht design magazine
there is NO excuse for this quality
fuck you and your pop ups scumbag
10. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner
20. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner
30. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner
but hey, that's just me.
50. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner
"In the port stateroom. Why?"
100. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner
Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin
As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most <-
---Anybody know what this is from? Anybody? Anybody?Great song!!
Before this happened, one of the engineers who was warning them that it was too top heavy was fired, another guy was brought on who approved it.
His math was off by a few factors and they thought the center of gravity was much lower than it was.
Supposedly it MIGHT have been stable if the fuel tanks were always filled up for ballast.
Very typical of the company that built it. They're already back, they just went bankrupt, changed names for the third or fourth time and pretend like it never happened.
I guess I should be thankful, because of them I'm regularly employed to fix their mistakes.
Be quiet Muslim worshipper!
Not to mention it's a top heavy but ugly yacht and looks better upside down.
Rolling on its side is capsizing.
at the end was priceless!
who couldn't see that coming? i'm no boat expert but that thing is not only ugly it doesn't look like it would's taller than it is wide.
Also, what idiot watches a yacht tilting actively and doesn't aboard the launch?
Nah, is better that he give me that money to me, not to you...
Anything is better than an horribly built sinking yacht. :)
Yes of course I'm envious. Who doesn't want 10 million to waste on a boat. I'm sorry he is not an asshole....just an idiot. Bye.
Clearly you have never been on a yacht. It's so much more than a floating toy.
It's the freedom, the sensation, it's amazing. I've driven 3 yachts and if I had money, I too would buy one. Who needs a house, when you got a sleek and sexy boat that can be twenty times better than a house.
Shut the fuck up.
the center of gravity during design was intended for the vessel floating in the water, as the slip way lowered the boat too slowly the stern began to float and the ships bow is now resting on a tiny surface area of the slip way cradle, eg the upwards force is acting on a tiny area which is also a further distance from G than intended in the design, this making the center of Buoyancy in the incorrect location and the Meticentre to be lower than the centre of gravity. which is probably why in other videos people mentioned that it was an incorrect way to put the vessel into the water. and that i think a quicker entry wouldve been better as the transition from dry to floating wouldve been quicker to not allow any time for the vessel to have an angle of List
How in the hell that these idiots not noticing the 90 ft boat listing to one side? And still continue to launch it till it turned over.
But business and common sense do not necessarily belong to the same world.
2. Sailing ships have been lost at sea since the earliest times, unconnected with the Americas and long preceding Europe's discovery of them. A well-known twelfth century example is the sinking of the so-called White Ship, a disaster in which the heir to the English throne was drowned.
1. Sharp, PM; Hahn, BH (September 2011). Origins of HIV and the AIDS Pandemic. Perspectives in Medicine, Cold Spring Harbor.
2. William M. Aird (2008), Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy c. 1050–1134, p. 269, The Boydell Press..
I paused the video at 0.30 seconds and to my eye this boat was very poorly designed with the draft far, far too small for what's above the water line.
If this boat is now at sea, I certainly would not want to be on it.
It was top heavy and would never float as intended without the proper amount of ballast!
Insufficient ballast, or ballast omitted?
@Fender who says glad it happened to a rich person, "jealous much?"
Last July, after the stability analysis by British Columbia-based Roddan Engineering, Pufal said the firm’s report indicated that additional ballast was recommended to improve stability.
“The results indicate that the vessel is lighter than other Northern Marine builds of similar length (based on the results of the weighing), thus requiring more ballast to sit on a desired waterline. It is recommended that partial ballasting be done currently, with final ballasting for trim and desired waterline to be performed at launch,” reads the Roddan report Pufal posted on his blog.
At least it capsized in dock rather than at sea.... Would have been a tragedy!
Redneck ship building!