Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

The champagne had just been smashed against the hull and the proud buyer was preparing to take ownership of his gleaming new $10million yacht. But moments later disaster struck when the 90ft expedition vessel capsized almost as soon as it left the slipway. Newly released video shows the accident unfold as celebrations quickly turn to shock when the boat tilts to one side and then plunges to one side, knocking into the side of the marina. Witnesses said the brand-new 90ft yacht, named Baden was launched at the Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes after being built for an owner who planned to circumnavigate the globe. The six people on board were helped ashore by onlookers and one person had to be rescued from the bilge at the bottom of the boat. Coast Guard Petty Officer Jordan Akiyama says two were checked out at a hospital. Northern Marine in Anacortes was the builder of the boat, which had just been purchased. According to witnesses, the water was completely calm and flat at the time of the capsize. Better-champagne-ice-Watch-moment-brand-new-10MILLION-yacht-capsizes-launched-new-owner-planned-sail-globe Northern Marine in Anacortes was the builder of the boat, which had just been purchased. According to witnesses, the water was completely calm and flat at the time of the capsize. 'So we paused to collect ourselves and assure that everything was going to be right, and then as we continued to lower it down, it pitched, and that's when it went over.' The company that built the boat will be responsible for the cost of the salvage operation. The buyer of the boat told KIRO-TV that they are 'absolutely heartbroken' by the boat's capsize. Investigations into the accident are continuing, but it is thought the dolly carrying the weight of the port side dropped off during the launch, causing the ship to list to one side. Better-champagne-ice-Watch-moment-brand-new-10MILLION-yacht-capsizes-launched-new-owner-planned-sail-globe yacht charter croatia, croatia yacht charter, croatia yachting, yacht croatia, yacht rental croatia, charter yacht croatia, yacht hire croatia, croatia yacht, yachting croatia yacht rental, yacht rentals, luxury yacht rental, party yacht rentals, yacht party rental, yacht rental miami, yacht rental dubai, yacht rental singapore, private yacht rental yachting magazine, yacht magazine, yachts international magazine, yachting world magazine, yachting magazines, yacht design magazine

Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner sentiment_very_dissatisfied 535

Yacht 10 years ago 921,807 views

The champagne had just been smashed against the hull and the proud buyer was preparing to take ownership of his gleaming new $10million yacht. But moments later disaster struck when the 90ft expedition vessel capsized almost as soon as it left the slipway. Newly released video shows the accident unfold as celebrations quickly turn to shock when the boat tilts to one side and then plunges to one side, knocking into the side of the marina. Witnesses said the brand-new 90ft yacht, named Baden was launched at the Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes after being built for an owner who planned to circumnavigate the globe. The six people on board were helped ashore by onlookers and one person had to be rescued from the bilge at the bottom of the boat. Coast Guard Petty Officer Jordan Akiyama says two were checked out at a hospital. Northern Marine in Anacortes was the builder of the boat, which had just been purchased. According to witnesses, the water was completely calm and flat at the time of the capsize. Better-champagne-ice-Watch-moment-brand-new-10MILLION-yacht-capsizes-launched-new-owner-planned-sail-globe Northern Marine in Anacortes was the builder of the boat, which had just been purchased. According to witnesses, the water was completely calm and flat at the time of the capsize. 'So we paused to collect ourselves and assure that everything was going to be right, and then as we continued to lower it down, it pitched, and that's when it went over.' The company that built the boat will be responsible for the cost of the salvage operation. The buyer of the boat told KIRO-TV that they are 'absolutely heartbroken' by the boat's capsize. Investigations into the accident are continuing, but it is thought the dolly carrying the weight of the port side dropped off during the launch, causing the ship to list to one side. Better-champagne-ice-Watch-moment-brand-new-10MILLION-yacht-capsizes-launched-new-owner-planned-sail-globe yacht charter croatia, croatia yacht charter, croatia yachting, yacht croatia, yacht rental croatia, charter yacht croatia, yacht hire croatia, croatia yacht, yachting croatia yacht rental, yacht rentals, luxury yacht rental, party yacht rentals, yacht party rental, yacht rental miami, yacht rental dubai, yacht rental singapore, private yacht rental yachting magazine, yacht magazine, yachts international magazine, yachting world magazine, yachting magazines, yacht design magazine

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Most popular comments
for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

LordSpringtrap50 - 7 years ago
why so many dislikes?
King_DS_18YT - 7 years ago
Lewdcina - 7 years ago
this was uploaded in 2014
there is NO excuse for this quality
Steele m
Steele m - 7 years ago
Did they figure out why? I heard they shouldn’t have launched it this way
hhds113 - 7 years ago
10 million dollars down the drain.
Philip Graber
Philip Graber - 7 years ago
Another fine yacht from ACME boat builders off route 5.
Lamba Kari
Lamba Kari - 7 years ago
forget pop ups. videos is kidna funny.
tim bland
tim bland - 7 years ago
top heavy
Robert Haywood
Robert Haywood - 7 years ago
fuck you and your pop ups scumbag

10. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

Uk01 - 7 years ago
their reactions seemed fake?? like they were expecting it.
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 7 years ago
more beam !
Troy Jackson
Troy Jackson - 7 years ago
RETARDS Incorporated
Azad AA
Azad AA - 7 years ago
made in America!
Jester Flight
Jester Flight - 7 years ago
The boat didn't look like it could have floated in a bathtub.
B.Eduardo - 7 years ago
I don't think the water was deep enough
Tye Seeley
Tye Seeley - 7 years ago
This was a service yacht for a disabled millionaire, he accidentally gave the rollover lay down hand signal from the pier.
Samuel Blades
Samuel Blades - 7 years ago
Maybe it capsized because it was the ugliest boat ever built and it knew it....and wanted to die. It's a theory.
t dog
t dog - 7 years ago
I'm not an expert on boats but that doesn't look right to me
Stoneyburke - 7 years ago
What a pos.

20. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

peter patterson
peter patterson - 7 years ago
Ballast anybody?
Henning Klaveness
Henning Klaveness - 7 years ago
Such ugly proportions... Didn't they learn anything from the Wasa? And that's supposed to be an "expedition" yacht as well?! Good for the owner that he didn't get to circumnavigating.
kay mccool
kay mccool - 7 years ago
Take that Yuppie totter to the sea floor with all ye plunder!.....Arrrrr!
Jane Book
Jane Book - 7 years ago
hahagotcha!!!! - 7 years ago
somebody missed a zero or decimal point somewhere....this is a serious engineering fuckup
Jason Robinson
Jason Robinson - 7 years ago
Doesn't look like they had installed any ballast yet....
Amanda Myers
Amanda Myers - 7 years ago
Hi Jason, I'm a reporter with The Associated Press and we'd love to be able to use the video you shot. I messaged you on Twitter with the details.
Brian J. Medina
Brian J. Medina - 7 years ago
it was ugly, & never meant to sail. im glad nobody got hurt, but dam that thing was ugly, oh yeah one more thing! ... holy shit that fuckin boat was ugly
后雷 - 7 years ago
Rob Cortez
Rob Cortez - 8 years ago
They were warned about poor methods used to launch and chose to ignore them. A project manager on the build was no longer allowed to consult, he tried to advise a proper method to launch instead they used equipment undersized and with no upright stabilizeing measures.

30. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

James Spignola
James Spignola - 8 years ago
What an unstable pos
Steve Goldstine
Steve Goldstine - 8 years ago
Mark Bell
Mark Bell - 8 years ago
A Chaps
A Chaps - 8 years ago
to fix the catastrophe all you need is a hammer, according to the guy at the end
Noah Body
Noah Body - 8 years ago
What would posses someone to add a bunch of ADS all over the video just as it gets interesting? ..... why makes someone hate your channel? ... how does that help with revenue?
Vern H
Vern H - 8 years ago
Bruce Ha
Bruce Ha - 8 years ago
Too many pop ups.
Eddiecurrent2000 - 8 years ago
Fucking popups? Cunty.
nathan greer
nathan greer - 8 years ago
I'm guessing future orders are down..
nathan greer
nathan greer - 8 years ago
Nice work assholes
Graham Dawes
Graham Dawes - 8 years ago
That is the tallest narrowest top heavy boat I have ever seen after the Mary Rose in Portsmouth in 15th century when They never knew what a Cof G was.
green frogg
green frogg - 8 years ago
were they building a sky scraper or a yacht. looked quite top heavy to me.
but hey, that's just me.
matrix49A - 8 years ago
Best thing that ever happened to the owner of this top heavy piece of poorly designed shit. Thank God you and your family were not on that thing 50 miles off shore in a storm...
Andork Kuomo
Andork Kuomo - 8 years ago
You have to wonder how stable it'd have been had it ever made it out to open water. About the ugliest $10M I've ever seen...maybe the water was repelling it!
Ryan Procrust
Ryan Procrust - 8 years ago
I can't think of a better fuck you to any rich individual.
Dario Impini
Dario Impini - 8 years ago
Dude you so totally missed the 3 pixels on the mid right you could have overlaid a pop up on. Rank amateurs.
R Fuhrer
R Fuhrer - 8 years ago
must have used a cheap bottle !
MrEastern021 - 8 years ago
those people are total morons. When you have a vessel in a 40 degree list BEFORE it is all the way in the water any idiot would know to STOP the launch. The builder deserves to pay every penny for salvage.
Edward Mullen
Edward Mullen - 8 years ago
Fuck your shitty videos and your shitty popups
Johnno9999 - 8 years ago
how many got fired for this?
Mazda rx7
Mazda rx7 - 8 years ago
Whats with all the stupid pop ups? If someone was interested in your channel they would look at it. But these pop ups just turn most people off and never look your channel again. The comments, likes and dislikes prove this

50. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

Justin H
Justin H - 8 years ago
according to Kiro 7 the builder was New World.
cats nuffin
cats nuffin - 8 years ago
ooopsy Daisy !!
Andrew Hillhouse
Andrew Hillhouse - 8 years ago
Buy another one you rich motherfucker!
Drew Labat
Drew Labat - 8 years ago
They launching a skyscraper.
Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 8 years ago
almost on dry land,too
olddj66 - 8 years ago
Bob Burns
Bob Burns - 8 years ago
What's $12 million among friends?
jpalm32 - 8 years ago
azimuth361 - 8 years ago
"Honey? Where'd you put my anvil collection?"
"In the port stateroom. Why?"
Green Silver
Green Silver - 8 years ago
It floated, just floated the wrong way up.
Chewy - 8 years ago
What a waste of bubbly
dkh1020 - 8 years ago
Clearly a bad design and inherently unstable. No way I would set foot on that boat. Oh ya, to many freaking pop ups.
vz77 - 8 years ago
That is actually a very stable and proven hull design. It just looks like a lot of hull when not in the water. Have you ever seen a car carrier arriving in port. They too look like they are going to roll right over because of the 80' of freeboard. This boat capsized because the launch dolly could not handle the weight.
LORDSHITBIRD - 8 years ago
appraised - 8 years ago
I'm curious to know how this happened. Please don't reply with the same "pop-up" joke over and over. 6 people at same location on top of listing boat sounds like a factor. But what else? It looked like it was in trouble almost immediately. I wonder if there was an imbalance in the launch, port side buoyant, starboard not-buoyant.
charly togelang
charly togelang - 8 years ago
The height more than the beam and the bottom not heavy enough, not hard to tell the poor design
Mo Tee
Mo Tee - 8 years ago
what happen...i don't know...
obrbob194 - 8 years ago
$10 mil for that ugly monstrosity just fucking sink it
W. Kruit
W. Kruit - 8 years ago
Amateur hour!!
joelmgarton - 8 years ago
I work in a shipyard. This vessel didn't capsize it fell off it's dollies.
Dario Impini
Dario Impini - 8 years ago
That design was Fischer Price fugly quite honestly. Not surprising it flipped.
ardvarkkkkk1 - 8 years ago
It was way top heavy. If it had floated then, it would have capsized as soon as it hit open water. This happens too often. A boat builder will try to save money by using an exiting design and then they add to it vertically making it top heavy. The boat builder fault. Warranty work on that is going to be spendy.
joelmgarton - 8 years ago
The whole hull needs to be in deep enough water for proper bouyancy. It may also been the case of insufficient ballast to begin with. It happens. Once she tipped over the ballast may have shifted to port and stopped her from righting herself.
John B
John B - 8 years ago
What I don't understand is why it didn't float level once the stern hit enough water? It seemed like it was in deep enough water to attain buoyancy at the stern before it capsized, and then fell off of the bow dolly. If I'm not seeing something, please help me out.
bravo kiera
bravo kiera - 8 years ago
Sigi Henke
Sigi Henke - 8 years ago
Way too top heavy..... center of gravity too high.
Lake Huron Weather
Lake Huron Weather - 8 years ago
What video - all pop-ups. Wast of time.
WhiteCloudGroovin - 8 years ago
The designer is now on my lawn crew. he runs a weed eater nicely.
maui jah
maui jah - 8 years ago
That was a waste of a perfectly good bottle of wine
Racer X
Racer X - 8 years ago
martin joseph
martin joseph - 8 years ago
ha ha
Bushwacker - 8 years ago
It sank because it did not float. Im 29% sure. Don't take this personal, but I hate you as a person.
tbear6812 - 8 years ago
It sank coz it was filed with popups!
niftyrmz450 - 8 years ago
It sank because it did not float hahahahahaahahahahahhahaahuahahahhquahhqhhahahahqhqhqhqahahqhhqhqhqhqlol
Josh Young
Josh Young - 8 years ago
anyone can see that this yacht is top heavy as shit. when it is salvaged it should be kept only as a reminder of how not to build a boat. If it is every taken to sea it will not return...
Cris Lerose
Cris Lerose - 8 years ago
gives a whole new meaning of the term "Poop Deck" aaw shit happens! Hey new travel destination "Leaning Tower of Yacht's"
bledlbledlbledl - 8 years ago
All those heavy pop-up ads are what made it capsize
Hurst Shiftin
Hurst Shiftin - 8 years ago
I'm smarter than this ffs take me out of my shit job and put me here please wtf where they thinking
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis - 8 years ago
pop ups should be for the END of a video. Not during its climax. No wonder your channel never got going, shit
Stryke - 8 years ago
So ... how was that planned to survive waves and storms? I doubt you could modify it enough to become stable if it already wants to roll over by itself when it is an empty hull.
FIGJAM - 8 years ago
six people standing on the same side caused that luxury yacht to capsize!! HAHAHAHA.
Salty_Saturdays - 8 years ago
no, it was the way they launched the Yacht. According to one of the engineers
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
Houston we have a problem
Joakim B3gballs
Joakim B3gballs - 8 years ago
kimmer6 - 8 years ago
I think the lines are ugly on that design. It looks like a bloated Tupperware yacht. Imaging trying to maneuver that thing to the fuel dock in a wind. Bow thruster or not, this design has a lot of area exposed to the forces of nature.
Frank Castle
Frank Castle - 8 years ago
somebody would die
SSC - 8 years ago
Don't you just hate it when that happens! ! ! ! !
James Shelnutt
James Shelnutt - 8 years ago
the antithesis of perfection right there buddy!!!
TheDasgud - 8 years ago
nobody happen to notice they launched it in water TOO SHALLOW TO LITERALLY FLOAT IT!!!
Lehmann Peters
Lehmann Peters - 8 years ago
It capsized because it's draft was too much for the water it was placed in.
Orion Red
Orion Red - 8 years ago
So it basically just hit bottom with its keel and fell over? Good lord....
A six
A six - 8 years ago
looks to be too top heavy.
hipsu555 - 8 years ago
Dislike for all the pop-ups
MIke Olzak
MIke Olzak - 8 years ago
DrLewall - 8 years ago
downvoted..too many popups...fuck spammers!
Buelligan88 - 8 years ago
You know you can turn those off before the video starts?
Mad Max
Mad Max - 8 years ago
The company that built it is done, finished, toast.
krionic - 8 years ago
I don't see a problem. this ugly boat doesn't deserve to be anywhere but at the bottom.
Graham Jones
Graham Jones - 8 years ago
Looks like she didnt have any ballast in her bilges and so was extremely top heavy on launch
RyGuy - 8 years ago
Too fuckin top heavy...this is a poor design!!
ihmesekoilua - 8 years ago
pro tip: turn off annotations

100. comment for Watch the moment brand-new $10MILLION yacht capsizes while being launched for new owner

cmax - 8 years ago
launch it like u stole it
Lil Devil
Lil Devil - 8 years ago
just drive it like that.
Wakkawakka 88
Wakkawakka 88 - 8 years ago
I couldn't really tell by the quality but I'm going to guess it was an old lady who bought the boat because they couldn't even smash the bottle by themself. Perfect example of just another problem in the world, bitch is old as fuck and spending money on a useless yacht instead of spreading the money around the world to the young who need it most. It's only ironic that the boat launch went wrong.
Wakkawakka 88
Wakkawakka 88 - 8 years ago
+zyxwvutsrqponmlkh our machines stop working if the money isn't spread to those who are not in it for the money. Maybe it's not young people I'm specifically talking about but those who don't make money the object. Obviously money was the object here because if you can afford a 10 million dollar yacht, you would think you would have the brains to launch it right. The video speaks for itself.
Wakkawakka 88
Wakkawakka 88 - 8 years ago
+zyxwvutsrqponmlkh not enough. Giving money to young people, note that, young people will not destroy them but give them a foundation to build off. There's plenty of stories and videos you can search of wild animals being "hand fed" for quite some time and then being sent back to the wild. Tigers are a perfect example of that.
zyxwvutsrqponmlkh - 8 years ago
Do you have any idea how many people it employs to make a $10m boat? And giving someone money they did not earn only destroyed them. It's like hand feeding a wild animal for two years and expecting them to survive on there own after that.
the doge pupy
the doge pupy - 8 years ago
That must have hurt poor bank
the flash
the flash - 8 years ago
Screw ya for the popups you dweebs,  You really suck as a person also  you douchebag
Brian Pan
Brian Pan - 7 years ago
and a little elbow grease and a bit of paint.
shaggybreeks - 8 years ago
Hey, nothing that a little money won't fix.
Jessica Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit - 8 years ago
the flash uh he did nothing wrong and that costed $10,000,000 and your saying he deserved that? Fuck off and talk shit to someone like yourself
J Pils
J Pils - 8 years ago
get off the internet you fetus
Jared Simpson
Jared Simpson - 8 years ago
Why did they launch it like that???
neil hilton
neil hilton - 8 years ago
John Gudmundson
John Gudmundson - 8 years ago
looks like its center of balance is too high also
kinezo1961 - 8 years ago
Recorded on an Etch -A -Sketch and then covered in pop ups! Don't bother!
RUBIZEN - 8 years ago
The ship was the pride of the American side
Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin
As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most     <----  Anybody know what this is from? Anybody? Anybody?
Josh Young
Josh Young - 8 years ago
the Edmond fitzgerald
Rockie mountin
Rockie mountin - 8 years ago
The wreck of the Edmon Fitzgerald ,great tune Gorden Lightfoot
Yeggster Shane
Yeggster Shane - 8 years ago
I met Gordon Lightfoot last year ... he's getting really old :)
RUBIZEN - 8 years ago
Good Job!
LoboR1 - 8 years ago
Gordon Lightfoot - Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Great song!!
Cambot CECPTT - 8 years ago
They deserved that sinking you don't need another yacht
sublime929 - 8 years ago
marty fowler
marty fowler - 8 years ago
hence $10 million dollar yacht get's scraped up...ouch maybe even scrapped for a flawed design.
Douglas Kerr
Douglas Kerr - 8 years ago
I voted you down because of the F'in popups you placed all over the video. Idiot.
Zendal Darkman
Zendal Darkman - 8 years ago
I see the armchair experts are out!!! The accident had NOTHING to do with centre of gravity. The ACTUAL cause was that the six people on board were all standing on the same side of the boat, some even had heavy things in their pockets. their stupidity led to this poor boat dying.
Jedidiah - 7 years ago
The crew were told to empty their bladders prior to launch.....That extra ballast in their bladders caused the boat to list....
niftyrmz450 - 8 years ago
How people think he being serous I just don't know how stupid can people be haha dumb fucks
Iowarail - 8 years ago
Easy Josh he was kidding. Did look like a fucked up operation to me.
Josh Young
Josh Young - 8 years ago
If six people can flip a yacht that size I'll kiss your ass and give you 30 minutes to draw a crowd. That boat sank because # 1 it is a piss poor design and # 2 they launched it as if it was a boat half the size it crushed the boat Dollie's and the keel hit bottom. This boat is a disaster waiting to happen (again)
Iowarail - 8 years ago
The Vigina did it.
johnny llooddte
johnny llooddte - 8 years ago
they forgot to add ballast
Tyler Padgett
Tyler Padgett - 8 years ago
Sarcasm, mentioning heavy things in their pockets is a dead giveaway. lol
Mango - 8 years ago
Let's hope so.. Holy shit.
J gojenola
J gojenola - 8 years ago
+Oliver P I'm sure he was joking
Oliver P
Oliver P - 8 years ago
+Oliver P this is*
Oliver P
Oliver P - 8 years ago
Something a boat this size should handle... Thisbis the result of poor design, nothing else.
Kolin Dunn
Kolin Dunn - 8 years ago
what a ugly boat
Travis H
Travis H - 8 years ago
i really hate channels that decide to litter the screen with advertisements for their other garbage videos. Thumbs down.
Sparrow Dean
Sparrow Dean - 8 years ago
Oh dear, back to the drawing board.
Gage Alsip
Gage Alsip - 8 years ago
He should have stoped and repositioned the boat first
Gage Alsip
Gage Alsip - 8 years ago
It was tipping over before it touched the water it looks like who was in control of lowering it into the water also has some responsibility for sinking it
zalmaflash - 8 years ago
You get a "dislike" for all the damn pop-ups that block the picture.
Armed One
Armed One - 7 years ago
Yep. Pop-ups suck. Dislike from me as well.
LincolnTek - 7 years ago
And you get a dislike for not being smart enough to adjust your settings so you don't get pop ups but mostly for leaving your comment here when clearly the problem is on your end LOL
Esme Nouvelle
Esme Nouvelle - 8 years ago
zalmaflash Sfc Retired I use ublock origin on firefox and have no ads or popups.
ytgc14544 - 8 years ago
thanks i just did that , never knew this . :)
Håvard Hardy Jørgensen
Håvard Hardy Jørgensen - 8 years ago
just turn off annotations?...
Rudywtf - 8 years ago
its the million annotations at the end of the video not ads, got a dislike from me as well because of this
SFC Retired
SFC Retired - 8 years ago
I've got an ad killer, but they still pop up on these YouTube videos. I agree with zalmaflash: The popups totally distract from the videos.
Henk Eerkes
Henk Eerkes - 8 years ago
Building and launching luxury yachts:They better leave that up to the Dutch!
zeekthe hammer
zeekthe hammer - 8 years ago
lol forgot to fill the ballasts lol
DarthWolf - 8 years ago
Thepastorteddy - 8 years ago
I don't have ten dollars, wow
AAHKLEE - 8 years ago
Wot 'appened next?
Antonio Bandito
Antonio Bandito - 8 years ago
This video needs more overlays.
Diver Dan
Diver Dan - 8 years ago
Need some ballast perhaps...
DarkCupid - 8 years ago
Local bastard reporting in.

Before this happened, one of the engineers who was warning them that it was too top heavy was fired, another guy was brought on who approved it.

His math was off by a few factors and they thought the center of gravity was much lower than it was.

Supposedly it MIGHT have been stable if the fuel tanks were always filled up for ballast.

Very typical of the company that built it. They're already back, they just went bankrupt, changed names for the third or fourth time and pretend like it never happened.
DarkCupid - 8 years ago
+YPO6 wouldn't surprise me. this is only one boat in a long list of fuckups they built.

I guess I should be thankful, because of them I'm regularly employed to fix their mistakes.
YPO6 - 8 years ago
and the company probably bribed some local politicians too ;)
Dark Alice
Dark Alice - 8 years ago
How are they still allowed to do this?
Dimitris Tripakis
Dimitris Tripakis - 8 years ago
I could do that for less
dave smaith
dave smaith - 8 years ago
Thats what happens when mexicans are in charge. good job pedro.
Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery - 8 years ago
Why didn't everyone just run to the Port side of the boat?
Andrew Delashaw
Andrew Delashaw - 8 years ago
You got your sides mixed up. The high side (further/higher from the water line) was the starboard side, and the low side (closer to the water line) was the port side. The boat came to rest on the port side, so they should had gone to the starboard side. Although that would had made no difference.
marty fowler
marty fowler - 8 years ago
what Roondar Murnig sad, but also people could have been badly injured, pinned under the port side or knocked the hell out on the port side of the boat.
Narf - 8 years ago
yea just get your whole body crushed to save a boat, good thinking!
Roondar Murnig
Roondar Murnig - 8 years ago
You mean starboard. The boat was listing to port.
Tommy Boy71
Tommy Boy71 - 8 years ago
Forgot to fill the ballast?
Father Thyme
Father Thyme - 8 years ago
Time to brush up on the maths.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
Top heavy piece of shit.
Thats Bull gaming
Thats Bull gaming - 8 years ago
That was weird it just capsized out of the blue
Blues Tramp
Blues Tramp - 8 years ago
$10,000,000 bucks what an eye sore.....I wouldn't take it if you gave it to me.....get the Candy brothers they know what luxury means and with $10 mill they feature it in Vanity Fair again with their other "boats"....
digiphot2 - 8 years ago
I suggest that next time, the mass be held below decks for those Catholics that hate high places!  And who knows maybe the Pope was directing that high mass too vigorously!  Ha Ha!  By the way the center of gravity was the cause of the boat's demise, not anything with the dolly!  Just Terrible engineering...That's all Folks!
Red'sDomain - 8 years ago
This makes me cringe
Masterkey - 8 years ago
spent 10 million to watch a ship capasize XD
Just Let Me Claire-ify
Just Let Me Claire-ify - 8 years ago
Cleetus Bludson
Cleetus Bludson - 8 years ago
Could you please add MORE annotations to the video. I could almost watch the video, I'm pretty sure you were trying to BLOCK the whole screen with annotation text before forcing us to turn off annotations.
Cleetus Bludson
Cleetus Bludson - 8 years ago
+Father Thyme HAAA Very True. Always a bright side.
Father Thyme
Father Thyme - 8 years ago
+Cleetus Bludson Just be glad he didn't add his favorite music.
Вася Питерский
Вася Питерский - 8 years ago
Балласт не заложили?!
Robert M
Robert M - 8 years ago
That's what you get when Donald Trump designs your boat or does anything for you.
Jacque Noir
Jacque Noir - 8 years ago
Be quiet Muslim worshipper!
Jacque Noir
Jacque Noir - 8 years ago
FaithNoMan - 8 years ago
DarkCupid - 8 years ago
TRUMP 2016

Jacque Noir
Jacque Noir - 8 years ago
+Robert M Be quiet you stupid Libtard!
BassHooker689 _
BassHooker689 _ - 8 years ago
man, that boat sucks!
Nativtexan2 - 8 years ago
Maybe they hit it too hard with that bottle?
Element of Kindness
Element of Kindness - 8 years ago
Simple physics. The design engineer must have been some sort of special.
Nolan Chamberlain
Nolan Chamberlain - 8 years ago
all people ever wanna do for this stuff like this is record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record, record x1000000000000000000 -_-
G D - 8 years ago
Looks like the empty water and fuel tanks contribute to the reduced righting moment, the upthrust of the bow sitting on the trailer while the stern is afloat then led to the negative righting moment and listed to its point of loll.

Not to mention it's a top heavy but ugly yacht and looks better upside down.
Aaron Silva
Aaron Silva - 9 years ago
Water wasn't deep enough
Bug Bomb
Bug Bomb - 9 years ago
see what happens when you take a couple of classes at night to learn AutoCAD; now you need to take a decade or two to learn basic ship building.
Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen - 9 years ago
Junk it. It's CRAP.
carolina beacher
carolina beacher - 9 years ago
looks like it was listing almost all the way down the ramp. but hard to tell as it seems they filmed this with a potato
Jim Bean
Jim Bean - 9 years ago
lol they forgot to add ballast!!!
DAVID Marshall
DAVID Marshall - 9 years ago
top heavy piece of shit.
fcentaur - 9 years ago
I do not believe 100% computer design. It had to be a lot of experiments in laboratory pool and pencil-on-paper-design before any computer "accurate drawings".
Prince Bytor Frunobulax
Prince Bytor Frunobulax - 9 years ago
How would something that wonky be seaworthy?
hill billy
hill billy - 9 years ago
Seems to float great on its side
Daniel  HHO Hydrogen Donatelli
Daniel HHO Hydrogen Donatelli - 9 years ago
blame the ramp to shallow draw
teatersroad1 - 9 years ago
+Daniel HHO Hydrogen Donatelli (Stanley Meyer Cult Member) Ramp did not change mid-launch,, some turds roll over when they hit the water.
Bladesmith - 9 years ago
What a bunch of yokools
flyingfox10001 - 9 years ago
cash refund, even if only for the bottle of crap
gulguim - 9 years ago
scott maroney
scott maroney - 9 years ago
a yacht manufacturer should probably know better.
Anguilla2001 - 9 years ago
The breaking of the champagne bottle must have put a hole in the hull. LOL
deadboy600 - 9 years ago
Someone fucked up a decimal place.
Moe Szyslak
Moe Szyslak - 9 years ago
It didn't capsize, it just...tipped.
Moe Szyslak
Moe Szyslak - 9 years ago
+Joseph Yearwood I just said it like that because I've watched other video on this and I hate how news anchors and other people over use it and make it sound like it broke into pieces. 
Joseph Yearwood
Joseph Yearwood - 9 years ago
+mason methot That is called capsizing.....which means to "upset" or turnover.
Rolling on its side is capsizing.
Mike Miller
Mike Miller - 9 years ago
I wonder if it would have righted itself if they had opened the sea cocks and let a few tons of water in the hull?
gregg4164 - 9 years ago
I guess after a whole year no one could ever really explain them selves after this debacle of a launch. builder is probably out of business now. same goes for the idiot designer or architect.
eddie bowens
eddie bowens - 9 years ago
what a piece of shit
Harry Apple
Harry Apple - 9 years ago
Anyone with an eye for naval architecture would have shot the designer of that boat before it ever left the drawing board.... And would you like a billiard hall on the lido deck?! Yes, right beside the hot tub if you please. Meanwhile, you've saved weight in the engine room correct, want to watch the fuel consumption you know.
TheFidget99 - 9 years ago
that's what happens when you use a cheap bottle of champagne!
Robodick4 - 9 years ago
HA HA - $10M Boat + $50 launch = Fuck Up!
GrumpyOldMan - 8 years ago
+Hermann Göring Even launched like the Queen Mary, it would still have tipped over
Hermann Göring
Hermann Göring - 9 years ago
+Robodick4 xD
tencz57 - 9 years ago
I don't think he's going to want it now !!
B!tchSlapper - 9 years ago
"Get a hammer, or something"...
at the end was priceless!
Dino C
Dino C - 9 years ago
Anyone can see this boat is way too top heavy ,never seen a yacht that far up in height and shorter in length.
enuffalready - 9 years ago
Well, hope you enjoy that ugly $10m piece of shit you had built. I wouldn't take that thing into a koi pond.
Dennis Kincaid
Dennis Kincaid - 9 years ago
ouch!!!! Not funny!
giggleherz - 9 years ago
They should have used russian helicopter to lift boat to the water, now boat is selling half price.
freevideos051 - 9 years ago
When it started to lean I wonder if any one thought stop.
CRM6718 - 9 years ago
It will buff out ..nothing to see here
popey hithard
popey hithard - 9 years ago
Someone will be without a job, There,s no ballast in this vessel.
TheDodgeboi - 9 years ago
Jimmy Knoxville
Jimmy Knoxville - 9 years ago
How to waste 10 million.. ugly boat!
ferguspuskas - 9 years ago
they made an arse of that
MD. JOBAYEDUL ISLAM - 9 years ago
but why her price is such?
madisonelectronic - 9 years ago
Fook Up.
Thomas Griffin
Thomas Griffin - 9 years ago
Horrible design. The center of mass is WAY too high.
Josh Young
Josh Young - 8 years ago
+marty fowler at launch the ballast tanks if there are any would be empty.
marty fowler
marty fowler - 8 years ago
I was thinking the same when I saw the yacht on the flatbed and imo the draft looked too shallow and made the yacht appear to have a higher center of gravity. I was also wondering what and if the yacht had a ballast system and where they were located. I can only speculate that there could be a port, starboard and aft ballast and maybe only the port side ballast was filled and causing the lean with a high center of gravity.
therealthreadkilla - 9 years ago
+Thomas Griffin

who couldn't see that coming? i'm no boat expert but that thing is not only ugly it doesn't look like it would's taller than it is wide.
Daniel P Hanover
Daniel P Hanover - 9 years ago
+Thomas Griffin I hope they didn't have the dinner table set for a meal.
BerryM6162 - 9 years ago
well someone in charge of launching it just bought a new yacht
David Potter
David Potter - 9 years ago
No ballast AND top heavy. Homer Simpson couldn't do it better.
SeikiBrian - 9 years ago
+David Potter -- There was ballast, just not enough. It should have had 23 tons of ballast but a "math error" resulted in it being launched with only 16 tons.
blueridgemtns10 - 9 years ago
This is what cheap labor buys.
Kenneth Becerra
Kenneth Becerra - 9 years ago
its a salvage ill give 100 bucks for it.
Kenneth Becerra
Kenneth Becerra - 9 years ago
I want a full refund! I should have bought one made in Taiwan. Never again American made.
magaiver - 9 years ago
if this bote can roll like that ... I'll be afraid to sail in it ... thank god its for recycle only .... if I was the owner I'll get my money back.
jimmy wrangles
jimmy wrangles - 9 years ago
All the poor people he could of fed but he decided to throw it in the water instead, what a waste.
Joshua Allan
Joshua Allan - 9 years ago
This video is stolen
scorpion19142001 - 9 years ago
is that the new way to launch boats these days ??? maybe smoke to much of the good stuff
ang fig
ang fig - 9 years ago
dose any one know the verdict on the investigation on the $10.000000 stupidity?
Yeldarb Q
Yeldarb Q - 9 years ago
as you can see the deck is quite modern...
allcot - 9 years ago
As the other video stated,They launched on a dolly cart and it actually fell off the cart before it hit enough water.The pictures show the tires on the dolly, flat on one side.
C RIZZO - 9 years ago
Ladies & Gentlemen we have here in are hands is a fine piece of shit I mean art,  Here at  R-necken scratch & dent auction is a B e U t ful ship not just any ship, a ship that you will go head over heels for, A ship that not only has no maids yes it cleans is self ( one time use only) but it brings the pool to you with a seamless edge like your in the ocean ,starting bid is your life
vector6977 - 9 years ago
usually ballast is a good thing.
David Gathergood
David Gathergood - 9 years ago
"If it looks right, it is right" and that yacht doesn't look right .
Zyklon B
Zyklon B - 9 years ago
Ha ha!
900321ful - 9 years ago
Potato quality is real.
david hall
david hall - 9 years ago
People are always sayin' how a new boat depreciates the second she hits the water...
Jeffrey Collier
Jeffrey Collier - 9 years ago
Hey, you scratched my anchor! LOL
Tim Flaherty
Tim Flaherty - 9 years ago
Fucking idiots the water wasn't deep enough how the fuck do you not check the water depth when your messing with millions
Chuck Olmstead
Chuck Olmstead - 9 years ago
seemed a bit top heavy to me...
Ollie Bommel
Ollie Bommel - 9 years ago
Anyone with an eye for ships will tell you that is ship is topheavy !!
Erwin Roman
Erwin Roman - 9 years ago
Ballast?  We don't need no stinking ballast!
Gman6755 - 9 years ago
Clearly breaking that champagne bottle on the hull is what sank her!
dan rather
dan rather - 9 years ago
lol funny as hell hahaha
Stephen Hunter
Stephen Hunter - 9 years ago
Listing whilst its full weight is still on the dollies under it. Not good
sithinthemaking - 9 years ago
Water was too shallow. Should have waited for a high/higher tide or launched somewhere deeper.
SeikiBrian - 9 years ago
+sithinthemaking -- The water there is plenty deep; the vessel was under-ballasted, and so was riding high in the water...until it rolled over.
Charles Rudish
Charles Rudish - 9 years ago
+sithinthemaking ...or maybe had someone else launch it.
John Ross
John Ross - 9 years ago
Waste of a good bottle of Champers that was
triton115 - 9 years ago
Looks like that yacht was either overloaded on the upper decks, or it was too topheavy in the first place.
Rudolf Aigner
Rudolf Aigner - 9 years ago
Amazing that somebody pay 10 million $ for such an ugly yacht.
happy loser
happy loser - 8 years ago
lmao so true IF IF I had that much money NO WAY one ONE BOAT?????
John Johnson
John Johnson - 9 years ago
+Rudolf Aigner I was thinking the same thing.
divisioneight - 9 years ago
How does an ocean going yacht capsize like that?  If it can't take a roll from launching , how is it supposed to take the ocean waves?  I suspect a hose fitting below was loose and gave way, or something massive shifted down below and destabilized the vessel.
11happychap - 9 years ago
You can see what happens in the first 2 seconds when they broke that bottle it caused a crack that when right to the bottom of the boat and it filled with water....
Megadriver - 9 years ago
Wow... Hope the dude had insurance.

Also, what idiot watches a yacht tilting actively and doesn't aboard the launch?
TinnInches - 9 years ago
+megadriver6 *abort
ryan d
ryan d - 9 years ago
144p lol
ryan d
ryan d - 9 years ago
+Ryan Draybuck cmon people this is 2015 everyone should own a camera at least capable of doing 720p lol but 144p man thats shittt
Slac adjuster
Slac adjuster - 9 years ago
LOL, no one seems to distraught or upset, at least not in the video. Maybe not even real
Josh F
Josh F - 9 years ago
At least I floated when it fall over
Ms.gshunw - 9 years ago
Can't say I feel too bad for any asshole who wastes 10 million dollars on a floating toy.
KE Deas
KE Deas - 9 years ago
Pretty sure that will buff out.
Trolencio - 9 years ago
Nah, is better that he give me that money to me, not to you...
Ms.gshunw - 9 years ago
Sure! Of course he can give it to an asshole like me. I guarantee it won't go to waste like it did here.

Anything is better than an horribly built sinking yacht. :)
Trolencio - 9 years ago
+gshunw And what do you want, that the a$$-hole give his money to another a$$-hole=(you)?
Florida Shawn
Florida Shawn - 9 years ago
+Michael McClain No sh!t. You must be super-duper smart to figure that out. I was screwing with ghsnuw. People who care what other people do with their money are the morons, moron.
Michael McClain
Michael McClain - 9 years ago
+Florida Shawn except no one was seriously injured, and no one drowned either, you moron.
The2012waiting - 9 years ago
+Florida Shawn Nice :)
Florida Shawn
Florida Shawn - 9 years ago
+gshunw You do know the boat owner, his wife and two kids were on the boat and when it tipped. They were trapped below deck and they all drowned. So you'll be happy to know he can't waste money on anything else you don't like.
Motor Head
Motor Head - 9 years ago
Ya, my comment was a little harsh.  My apologies.  I just can't for the life of me understand why some people have such disdain for people more affluent than themselves.  Would you rather that everything in the world was just divided up equally among the entire worlds population..............say by by to anything you've worked hard to get for yourself.
Ms.gshunw - 9 years ago
Why do YOU care that I care. This is a comment section I can say what I want.

Yes of course I'm envious. Who doesn't want 10 million to waste on a boat. I'm sorry he is not an asshole....just an idiot. Bye.
Motor Head
Motor Head - 9 years ago
+gshunw Why do you care what someone else spends THEIR money on.  Why do you call them an asshole?  Do you know the owner?  Or is it just old fashioned envy?  Somebody else has money and you don't.........awe poor baby.
Ronn Folk
Ronn Folk - 9 years ago
+gshunw non boater
Megadriver - 9 years ago
Clearly you have never been on a yacht. It's so much more than a floating toy.
It's the freedom, the sensation, it's amazing. I've driven 3 yachts and if I had money, I too would buy one. Who needs a house, when you got a sleek and sexy boat that can be twenty times better than a house.
pete49327 - 9 years ago
I know basically zero about yacht construction or engineering, but my first reaction to seeing the boat was that it looked awfully weird looking, like too much boat would be above water. Isn't there supposed to be be a bigger keel and/or structure underneath water line to properly balance in rough seas.  I understand the extra weight placed in bottom of hull, ballast, helps balance, but it still looks too damn top heavy.
harun ertizman
harun ertizman - 9 years ago
^5 m eni var,10 m yüksekligi..bunu yapan mühendisin diplomasini elinden almak lazim. :-)
TEAM MEUCCI - 9 years ago
Bad Luck: he strikes the bottle twice.
jye coker
jye coker - 9 years ago
why in the year 2014 are people still using potatoes to film things
Random Guy From Texas
Random Guy From Texas - 9 years ago
+jye coker
Shut the fuck up.
broomsterm - 9 years ago
"Get a hammer or something!" Yes, that'll take care of everything. How about using it to beat the designer's brains in?...
Danny7930 - 9 years ago
Must have been some cheap champagne
highvelocity123 - 9 years ago
Design------FAIL.  I just watched a similar boat get launched the same way and it floated up-right...imagine
RD S - 9 years ago
"Did I do that?"
cct9625 - 9 years ago
S10 million on that thing.  OMG what is on the inside, solid gold faucets and Italian marble floors.  The owners must be stupid to even allow the launch as from the outside it looks like a $100K cruiser and not worth the money they paid.
Demir Betsa
Demir Betsa - 9 years ago
i hope insurance will cover this
FrustratedNameSearch - 9 years ago
That thing looked horribly unbalanced.
blondwiththewind - 9 years ago
blondwiththewind - 9 years ago
blondwiththewind - 9 years ago
Top-heavy, much?  Ballast?  Keel?
charliexoy - 9 years ago
lol idiots
Rail Splitter
Rail Splitter - 9 years ago
I know I am not a Naval Engineer, but am I the only one that thinks the boat was top heavy?
Steve Finch
Steve Finch - 7 years ago
Rail Splitter float and stay upright! dry! what happens if a wave hits it??
Mikala Baker
Mikala Baker - 7 years ago
Rail Splitter - Nope, I thought the same thing. Seems the bottom should have been wider for such a tall boat, and I know nothing about boats beyond that they are supposed to float on water.
Glenno M
Glenno M - 7 years ago
Im not a nav eng, (yet). but, I belive
the center of gravity during design was intended for the vessel floating in the water, as the slip way lowered the boat too slowly the stern began to float and the ships bow is now resting on a tiny surface area of the slip way cradle, eg the upwards force is acting on a tiny area which is also a further distance from G than intended in the design, this making the center of Buoyancy in the incorrect location and the Meticentre to be lower than the centre of gravity. which is probably why in other videos people mentioned that it was an incorrect way to put the vessel into the water. and that i think a quicker entry wouldve been better as the transition from dry to floating wouldve been quicker to not allow any time for the vessel to have an angle of List
Mighty Vicious
Mighty Vicious - 9 years ago
+Rail Splitter sea water inside ballast tanks would compensate for that, nevertheless it is a fishing vessel hull design "upgraded" to yacht with an increased center of gravity ....
John Johnson
John Johnson - 9 years ago
+Rail Splitter Very top heavy and it probably didn't have even one gallon of ballast in fuel or water in the tanks making the center of gravity even higher as the boat went into the water.
dennis trident william
dennis trident william - 9 years ago
dennis trident william
dennis trident william - 9 years ago
well it was VERY think and quite tall so I agree
Stephen Hunter
Stephen Hunter - 9 years ago
+Rail Splitter No your not
GoMiGman - 9 years ago
It was already listing to port prior to even cracking the champagne bottle.  Pause it @.6 seconds and you can see it tilting already.  Then when it was halfway down the ramp and those people were standing to it's port, they're lucky the moving rig didn't collapse right there and send the boat tipping to it's side and onto those people.  These kinda things can easily happen.  I'm dumbfounded they even used such a skimpy and unbalanced rig, never mind the obvious lack of ballast on the boat itself.
flashy5150 - 9 years ago
This is how people that were conceived through anal sex launch a boat.
Charles Farley
Charles Farley - 10 years ago
Must of been one hell of a hit from that bottle of, I realize it was a ballast issue, but still for $10 would think they would have checked that first...oh well....I am sure it was insured....  and who knows...maybe it was a flawed design to begin with...wouldnt be the first time, probably designed to be mostly "underwater" he got his money back...
Rolando Perez
Rolando Perez - 10 years ago
Can't believe what I seen so far
How in the hell that these idiots not noticing the 90 ft boat listing to one side? And still continue to launch it till it turned over.
vincent7520 - 9 years ago
Right !

But business and common sense do not necessarily belong to the same world.
MishuTaste - 9 years ago
+Rolando Perez Yep. They were rich enough to buy the yacht, but they probably wanted their staff to launch the thing on a minimum wage salary. You get what you pay for, ha ha!
Chris T
Chris T - 9 years ago
+GoMiGman Sorry but to me it looks too top heavy the explanation that the dolly dropped off on one side was probably made up buy the idiots who made the boat. It is clearly too top heavy, Id say put a couple of tone of cement in the bilge that way if it rolls in a storm it will  always right its self if it cannot re right itself after going in calm water at less than 45% then it will not stand up to what the ocean has to throw at her.
GoMiGman - 9 years ago
Thinking the same exact thing.  Not only stopping it before the end there they could've saved it with some quick reaction and some tying of the starboard side or something instead they just keep pushing it further in and that last little bit with the obvious lack of ballast (which she should've never been launched that way and in that tiny and probably very shallow inlet) it was doomed for failure.  blown away at the complete lack of proper managing the launch of a super expensive boat. 
riphaven - 10 years ago
Hey you in the yellow had one job, one job!
Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers - 10 years ago
With all those boats around there there should be a Yard Arm somewhere to hang the conductor of that fiasco from
nakternal - 10 years ago
Lol. That guy should have hit himself over the head with that champagne bottle.
Boxhawk - 10 years ago
"planned to circumnavigate the globe"
Gio Sale
Gio Sale - 10 years ago
what an ugly boat - undoubtedly, the boat killed itself after seeing its reflection on the water surface...
ramairgto72 - 10 years ago
So dam ugly..
ryan miller
ryan miller - 10 years ago
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION /////////////////
Modern Forest
Modern Forest - 10 years ago
No ballast, clearly top heavy
damkayaker - 10 years ago
Looks like they launched it at low tide. Should have waited for high tide.
whiterthan hitler
whiterthan hitler - 10 years ago
"Oh no"
Rob Kay
Rob Kay - 10 years ago
If that is a $15M yacht, then I am the Pope. 
Pat Rigdon
Pat Rigdon - 9 years ago
+Rob Kay with you. I seriously DOUBT that less that 100ft boat costs over $10m. Ive been in this particular industry for quite some time now, its POSSIBLE that it cost that much but youre talking Donald Trump style 14kt gold plated chairs and toilets and shit.
TheShmatty - 10 years ago
Well the story says $10M so I guess yer not the Pope. Might cost 15 by the time they get done salvaging though :]
reinplat - 10 years ago
It was the cheap champagne that did it.
Bruce Winckler
Bruce Winckler - 10 years ago
Many boat designs these are far too top heavy. You couldn't make my 61' tollycraft do that!
Plumberman Jones
Plumberman Jones - 10 years ago
I wonder how many orders get cancelled for that place.
Grandpa the Grey
Grandpa the Grey - 9 years ago
+blondwiththewind   I crewed , as first mate & tactician, on the cutter rigged sailing vessel... Pegasus. She's a 48 ft. IOR (International Offshore Racer). A Ron Holland design built in Cork, Ireland. She's a beautiful lady and a dream to sail. She carried 57 different sails for racing in absolutely ANY weather conditions. First we picked her up and sailed her from San Diego to Alameda, across the bay from San Fransisco, then spent the next four years kicking ass against the rich, stuck up snobs of the St.Francis Yacht Club. They couldn't touch her. After those halcyon days, Captain Morris, a big orange striped cat that adopted me, and I took a year off and sailed our sloop rigged Balboa 30 up and down the west coast from Alaska through the inland passage down into Mexico, the Sea of Cortez, and just because we were having such a terrific adventure .... sailed to Hawaii where we island hopped for a few months then sailed her back. Captain Morris was great company. When we got back to our permanent berth at Pirates Lair harbor on the Delta, 40 miles inland from the Bay, Captain Morris rubbed up against my leg a few times as I was tying up, headed across the levee road, and I never saw him again. Now I'm an old land lubber living on an acre of woods in the Ozark mountains with 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a 20 year old pick-up, still.... most nights I lay awake and hear the sea calling. Who knows... maybe there's one last adventure still in these salty old bones.  ;~{l>
blondwiththewind - 9 years ago grandfather built some of the ships that went to WWII...and I still have a lot of friends down on the coast that work at either building boats and/or working on them at sea.  It's in their blood.  I've been asked to crew a few sailing yacht races along the coast as well....awesome way to spend a few days in the summer.  I've never seen a boat go down myself....but there's a small museum at the Pemaquid Lighthouse that has a lot of interesting history about shipwrecks along the Maine coast "way back when".  
Grandpa the Grey
Grandpa the Grey - 9 years ago
+blondwiththewind   I lived on my sailboat for 10 years and use to deliver vessels for a living. Maine does builds awesome boats.
blondwiththewind - 9 years ago
+Grandpa the Grey   I don't know the new name...but there was a commenter on one of the three vids I watched about this catastrophe who said they had changed the company name, and he mentioned that new name as well.  
Grandpa the Grey
Grandpa the Grey - 9 years ago
+blondwiththewind What is their new name, Crunch Yachts Unlimited?
blondwiththewind - 9 years ago
+Grandpa the Grey  ...the last one BEFORE they changed the company name.
Grandpa the Grey
Grandpa the Grey - 10 years ago
  None. It was their LAST boat.
fastfordman1965 - 10 years ago
I don't think it goes like that.
everthinka - 10 years ago
Salvage? I bailed a boat out once with an empty fish basket lined with a garbage sack maybe they should try that.
MAADMO - 10 years ago
Aaah America, the birthplace of aids and sinking yatchs
Jack Sainthill
Jack Sainthill - 10 years ago
1. Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during the late nineteenth or early twentieth century.

2. Sailing ships have been lost at sea since the earliest times, unconnected with the Americas and long preceding Europe's discovery of them. A well-known twelfth century example is the sinking of the so-called White Ship, a disaster in which the heir to the English throne was drowned.

1. Sharp, PM; Hahn, BH (September 2011). Origins of HIV and the AIDS Pandemic. Perspectives in Medicine, Cold Spring Harbor.
2. William M. Aird (2008), Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy c. 1050–1134, p. 269, The Boydell Press..
2wheelobsessed - 10 years ago
I don't know a whole lot about yachts but I do know this::::THAT WAS AWESOME! Poor billionaire has to design n wait for another one now. Poor guy I feel horrible for him :-) lol.
chelleoj - 10 years ago
Doesn't an insurance company have to sign off on this before it proceeds?
Njugglesvatn - 10 years ago
I'm not a Maritime Architect but I do live on an island in the North Atlantic where we see every type of ship from 300,000t oil tankers to 6 men rowing boats.

I paused the video at 0.30 seconds and to my eye this boat was very poorly designed with the draft far, far too small for what's above the water line.

If this boat is now at sea, I certainly would not want to be on it.
flierefluiter johnny
flierefluiter johnny - 10 years ago
This boat was not stable. much weight above the waterline. Luckely it happened during launching and not on a voyage on open sea
mortamer snerd
mortamer snerd - 10 years ago
It was a lack of ballast!
It was top heavy and would never float as intended without the proper amount of ballast!
Rob Kay
Rob Kay - 10 years ago
Yes, they probably didn't put the ballast in because they were launching into some tiny little creek. Horrible design anyway, better sunk now than later... 
XxfoxygirlxX XxgamingxX
XxfoxygirlxX XxgamingxX - 10 years ago
Waste of money
Mark DeMist
Mark DeMist - 10 years ago
Is there no ballast in that thing? It looks like it's floating with no weight in it at all.
Shades shady
Shades shady - 10 years ago
There would most definitely be a ballast in a boat that sits so much higher out of the water then the water line on the hull is, so it would not do the same thing taking while taking a hard corner or in rough seas. I am no rocket scientist in a top heavy yacht launch double checking that the ballast was wide open to take on water should have been checked and rechecked before floating on its own hull.  You can see the ballast  submarine shaped hull and the bow planes that are meant to lower the boat in the water to stop movement in rough seas.
vincent welder
vincent welder - 10 years ago
Made in China haahaahaahaa!!!!
PagnDad2 - 10 years ago
Any sailor worth his salt would look at that hull, expected to support all that top hamper, and know that was a disaster waiting to happen. The designer and builders of that yacht should be liable, however the person they built it for is typical of a bigger problem, what I like to call the "boat driver". These are people who have spent no time learning anything about the sea, about boats, about marine safety, about what makes a boat stable and safe. Many, were they investing in a stock would spend more time researching it, yet they spend millions on a yacht, and let themselves buy a top heavy scow like that. I got a very good laugh out of it.
gregg4164 - 10 years ago
Oh yeah, remind me never to have that yard and company build a boat for me, not even a dingy.
gregg4164 - 10 years ago
What a piece of shit. Ballast or not that boat was built entirely to tall for the length and width of the hull. Even if it had the engines and was fitted out i still think it would have been very unstable. Besides the idiot that decided to use those extremely narrow dollies should be shot. Not fired , shot. If he has an engineers license it should be revoked. This is what happens when you let architects do engineering. They don't know shit about what works just what they want it to look like.
mozzeb - 10 years ago
Reminds me of the Snickers commercial:  "wanna get away?"
crimdell - 10 years ago
Hey Dockmaster, you're fired!
Carmel Pule'
Carmel Pule' - 10 years ago
It is clear that before it entered the water it was already listing, This may have occurred due to some tyres blowing up.   From the water line at the bows it appears that the bows were still being propped up by the dolly and not by buoyancy while the transom was being lifted due to its fullness. All this meant that the hull had to lean over to find enough displacement at the centre of the hull, but it could not as the bow was being held by the dolly. at one stage the centre of gravity moved out too much and it could be balanced by the shifting centre of buoyancy,  it could shift no more so over she goes.   An experienced eye would look at that boat from the front and compare the underwater plan, hence cenntre of buoyancy with the material above the surface and a mental calculation would have shown that the stability would be marginal using the waterliine paint as reference.    I bet it would have been very marginal with ballast added, let alone launching what looks like an empty  and a light hull.      It happened in the past with the Wasa and the Maryrose at the time of Henry VIII in 1780. One would think that people would learn by now.
opossom1968 - 9 years ago
+Carmel Pule' me acting smarter then i am. "yeah what Carmel said" thats what i think too.
Little Blitz
Little Blitz - 10 years ago
Hey skipper, we have a slight list to port. The name of the boat is the "sinkable".
Rio Neil Leyco
Rio Neil Leyco - 10 years ago
this yacht is top heavy
Question Everything
Question Everything - 10 years ago
".., after being built for an owner who planned to circumnavigate the globe." Couldn't circumnavigate the dock.
Insufficient ballast, or ballast omitted?
terry d
terry d - 10 years ago
Philip Graber
Philip Graber - 10 years ago
Much funnier with the "Benny Hill Show" theme playing.
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis
Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis - 10 years ago
made in china.
harun ertizman
harun ertizman - 9 years ago
+Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis china makes copies aber not shit :-)
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei - 10 years ago
Nop. Made in USA, very badly made in USA.
Nuke Dukem
Nuke Dukem - 10 years ago
I don't know why, but I deeply enjoyed this.
Kef103 - 10 years ago
How can that possibly be built correctly .
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei - 10 years ago
The problem I think is that they tried to save money on the launching by leaving the yatch as light as posible, no balast, etc. They saved a couple of grand on rental dollies and almost lost the ship. And since it was build by people who think this way I really wouldn't like to get in that boat, who knows where else they tried to save a few bucks.
Nuke Dukem
Nuke Dukem - 10 years ago
I thought the same thing actually. It looks way to tall compared to the depth of the hull.
Peter Hunsader
Peter Hunsader - 10 years ago
That's $10 MILLION dollars?  I think someone's getting ripped off! 
Jamie - 10 years ago
Top heavy!!!
Boat Show Avenue
Boat Show Avenue - 10 years ago
What a pity, such a beautiful yacht !
Barrie Wright
Barrie Wright - 10 years ago
At least it does flout just not in the write attitude ! ;).
Wade Walton
Wade Walton - 10 years ago
They said,That's all I had to do was hit the button. So that's all did.
Thor Mcgee
Thor Mcgee - 10 years ago
I knew a girl with that same problem.
MrTuca999 - 10 years ago
If I had one try to guess where it happen i would say its in AMERICA!!!!
charles t dorminy
charles t dorminy - 10 years ago
Top heavy
kent hartviksn
kent hartviksn - 10 years ago
this is why it is ballast in the bottom of ships... idiots...
502waf - 10 years ago
I'd seen this boat before, but not the video of the whole launch. It's a long way in the water and then tips from a very slight lean angle. While it looks a top heavy design, it makes you think it was missing some things to give it ballast lower down like the engines or something. If it can tip with that little of a list, lets hope the owners are all small people, otherwise if they all run to one side to look at a whale or something it will go over again - not a vessel that inspires confidence.
donkeydicked - 10 years ago
A 10 yo could see that thing was top heavy ! What a lemon
keehotee - 10 years ago
what a hideous monstrosity of a boat.
Tom Kelly
Tom Kelly - 10 years ago
Mighty expensive artificial reef :-(
Mauricio _The Grizzly Bear
Mauricio _The Grizzly Bear - 10 years ago
DAM!... that really sucks
bent540 - 10 years ago
boat builder didnt put balast in to counter the design to be intended for a fully loaded out ship! this shit happens often because someone thinks they can build a boat. and then it turns out some shit you need to learn the hard way so thelesson is buy your boat from someone who have actually build a boat like it before!! 
Aimee Ward
Aimee Ward - 10 years ago
I'd cry. 
Bruce Godden
Bruce Godden - 10 years ago
What a moronic/egotistic owner. Everyone knows that the naval tradition requires a lady to do the honors of christening the ship with champagne. Maybe lots of money but no wife, I suppose.
sunniski - 10 years ago
My spidey sense was tingling after he broke the bottle and then hit it again with the broken leaky bottle. Hmmmm.  Strange. lol
janice hatcher
janice hatcher - 10 years ago
bet they felt like idiots
Crazson34 - 10 years ago
I was working on the Princess Louise at Southwest Marine when it sank. It was a sad day. Ballast are everything. I had no part in that though.
loojiful - 10 years ago
Somebody got fired that day!
OutOfTheirSkulls - 10 years ago
Welcome To Dumb Shit Marine.
Kegan Stack
Kegan Stack - 10 years ago
somebody messed up the centroid calculations !
jetvette66 - 10 years ago
Hit the side of the marina? Huh?
Screwdriver 440
Screwdriver 440 - 10 years ago
even if it was launched correctly , it would have sank when it left the harbour
haywood jeblome
haywood jeblome - 10 years ago
Somebody got fired.
Hayden Voegtle
Hayden Voegtle - 10 years ago
makes me sad when things like this happen - people always laugh at the rich people that can afford these but think about it, waiting for 3,4,5 years for your nice boat and then it sinks in front of you
sixmagpies - 10 years ago
Fundamentally unstable.  Obviously.    Yet had they had a single (real) marine superintendent in overall charge throughout the design and build, this situation would have been quite impossible.  Many in the yacht game still don't know, even today, what they don't know.   
Soulrider2012 - 10 years ago
It wasn't a load calculation problem, it wasn't top heavy, it had nothing to do with ballast or fuel tanks.  It was the dolly that the ship rides on into the water that failed causing the ship to be supported one side while dropping off the dolly that failed on the other side causing it to tip over.  If the dolly on both sides would have functioned properly it would have went straight into the water until it floated off the dollies but one of them failed causing it to tip over. It was simply an equipment failure.  

@Fender who says glad it happened to a rich person, "jealous much?"  
TheBigWWI - 10 years ago
Another yacht designed from the inside out. Stability flaw not a launch flaw. Cripes, when will builders ever learn...
Richard Schembri
Richard Schembri - 10 years ago
I like how people find joy in seeing this happen, especially to a rich owner. It somehow makes them feel better about their unhappy miserable lives. If your unhappy with your own bank balance - do something about it, don't knock others for having the guts to become successful. It just shows where your mind is at!
Richard Schembri
Richard Schembri - 10 years ago
Bent54o: Your just proving my point!
bent540 - 10 years ago
lol at you thinking thats how the world works! hehe just do something about it! lol ignorant puts.
martin joseph
martin joseph - 10 years ago
Ha Ha!
senecadaze - 10 years ago
For sale one used yacht
MadGeneral - 10 years ago
Eat the rich.
Makai Klump
Makai Klump - 10 years ago
I don't even know
jt3151 - 10 years ago
At the 38 second mark it was already leaning significantly with no sign of concern
Durp Durper
Durp Durper - 10 years ago
I've followed the videos on this. Leaning with a green light, old design that just looks off and ugly to boot, ballast screwups, people on board during the launch, busted gear during the move, one of the previous foremen stating on his blog the launch was done incorrectly and wouldn't have happened on his watch Shit show all around. 
Fender Veal
Fender Veal - 10 years ago
Stupid rich asshole,Im glad it happened ,
Jeff Darnell
Jeff Darnell - 10 years ago
+Joey Davis Insurance companies never get screwed and probably made that money back the next day screwing other people over.
Omar Bastemeijer
Omar Bastemeijer - 10 years ago
yea hahah !
_Ootjee - 10 years ago
U jealous? :p
IlliniRob1 - 10 years ago
From Trade Only Today article:
Last July, after the stability analysis by British Columbia-based Roddan Engineering, Pufal said the firm’s report indicated that additional ballast was recommended to improve stability.

“The results indicate that the vessel is lighter than other Northern Marine builds of similar length (based on the results of the weighing), thus requiring more ballast to sit on a desired waterline. It is recommended that partial ballasting be done currently, with final ballasting for trim and desired waterline to be performed at launch,” reads the Roddan report Pufal posted on his blog.
Emerson White
Emerson White - 10 years ago
Was she still completely empty inside? That seems like it;s sitting really high in the water when she is over on her side. If she was designed to have really big fuel tanks (and really big ballast tanks for when the fuel tanks are empty) they should have loaded something in her before they launched her. Though that entirely inadequate trailer she was sitting on probably couldn't have handled that kind of load.
highvelocity123 - 10 years ago
I don't know the logistics of launching a boat that size.  But you're right, I think someone with basic engineering knowledge would.  It just seemed to me that 1 of 3 things happened.  The boat either couldn't self right by design, or lack ballast, or the launching device was used incorrectly.
Emerson White
Emerson White - 10 years ago
It's not even a hindsight is 20/20 problem. The calculations needed to launch a boat in still water are pretty simple static balance curves. A project this side should have had a completely trained and experienced NA behind it, but a first year student should have been able to check and see if this sort of cock up was going to happen.
highvelocity123 - 10 years ago
I think you're right, the boat seemed hollow inside the way it corked over.  I know hind sight is 20/20 but maybe inflatable ballast tubes on each side to help steady the load.  I don't think that boat was going to float upright without 4 or 5 tons of fuel in her belly.  
Ray Acosta
Ray Acosta - 10 years ago
Could it be that the engines were not yet on board?
Ricardo Ellison
Ricardo Ellison - 10 years ago
Yes indeed it does look top-heavy....kinda like those monster cruise-ships, you know, the ones that carry thousands of passengers. Something to think about next time you ponder going on one of those cruises. Remember what they said about the Tittanic???
☭_DRINK_CCCP_420_☭ - 10 years ago
nahhh, they forgot to fill the ballast, it was too light. titanic was "virtually" unsinkable, but everyone thought that it was unsinkable. any ship can sink.
BellinghamsterTrail - 10 years ago
Certainly does look very very top heavy doesn't it. I was on one of those cruise ships that you may have heard about that tilted and everything inside crashed on the floor. Even if the engineers do a fine job with the ballast, all that windage is a liability. The captain couldn't steer the boat so we just kept tilting over to the side over and again. 
Bruse Wayne
Bruse Wayne - 10 years ago
Now its more like a Million dollar parts boat. I agree its to top heavy
chuanist - 10 years ago
It would have to sustain greater roll angles from rolling at sea, right?
tjonessc - 10 years ago
laid over as gently as could be if they can get the weight /balance corrected the video "sounded" as if there was no exterior hull damage...
johnnyq1233 - 10 years ago
That thing looks like it's way too top heavy!
At least it capsized in dock rather than at sea.... Would have been a tragedy!
Redneck ship building!

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