Welcome aboard a $11m luxury yacht - BBC News
Yacht 8 years ago 58,938 views
Luxury yachts are big business. Nearly 400 were sold around the world last year. BBC's Aaron Heslehurst takes a tour of a Princess M Class vessel at the Southampton Boat Show. It has 37 miles of cabling, and costs $50,000 to fill with fuel. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246
10. comment for Welcome aboard a $11m luxury yacht - BBC News
I'd rather have the boat from COD BO2 haha
20. comment for Welcome aboard a $11m luxury yacht - BBC News
30. comment for Welcome aboard a $11m luxury yacht - BBC News
This is my kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/72629288/b-life-the-life-saving-bracelet
Americans start to pay the fee then feel free to quote all money as
average man couldn't afford to pay the v.a.t on this boat! but let's look around something irrelevant that you will never own/need or bears any relevance in your life!!! good old bbc!
The BBC tax is THEFT.
Not for long. They are mandating the tv licence soon for everyone with internet access. Regardless of if they view bbc content or not.
I second that. Stopped watching it a long time ago. They call it TV "programming" for a reason...
Though something tells me Trumps yachts was more "rapier" and had gold trim on the toilet.
RT is much better.
Triggered, or what?!
In your ire, you typed 'BCC'...
Calm down.
Who's shouting at the telly now?
Things were quite civil until you turned up, have you noticed?
He is literally asking the BCC a question on YouTube.
Just like when my dad yells at the tv during a football game. They don't hear you Boss Hog.
Seriously nothing more dickheaded arrogant than that.
Like walking in to a friends house and saying "You call this dinner huh?"
David is a straight up ASSHOLE.
No; I have a wonderful time on the Internet (spend a bit too much time here, actually)...it's only arrogant people like you that spoil it...and there aren't that many of you, so it's OK.
PS The BBC WILL care about comment sections when they fill with protests. If they don't, they're more arrogant than you.
"...so insidious that people like you still defend the BBC because you dont know any better..."
Thank you Erik.
Well said.
PS Be careful not to slide into the argument he's drawing you into...
1. Is a strawman argument because I was 'lamenting' the fact that NEWSWORTHY content is becoming more difficult to find on the BBC, whilst over at RT...they manage to present NEWS.
The fact that both are state-run seems to escape you...I'm not interested (for the sake of this conversation) in WHO the state is.
Is it that difficult to work out?
2. Yes...and all manner of trolls come out from under their bridges too. This doesn't change the fact that I was addressing the BBC and not you.
3.Again...I didn't present YOU with my views...I was addressing the BBC. The fact that I'm doing it HERE is irrelevant...
4. I don't care who you vote for...I was trying to show you how stupid and illogical your comment was...I seem to have failed.
5.Your comments are arrogant and (as explained with the 'strawman' argument) beside the point...and therefore invalid.
You are 'curbing' my protest...Tell me the next time you're protesting something...I'll come along and tell you how wrong you are (although it's nothing to do with me and I'm not paying for it)...and see how you like it.
You're just arrogant...get some manners!
The Mafia that runs this country (UK) makes the Russian mafia seem like a bunch of little girls having a tea party.
The freedom you cite is just superficial and an illusion and only those that have bothered to re-learn history or have tried using Human Rights and Constitutional Rights to achieve a goal for the common good would quickly see those Rights we claim to have are lies.
Yes, we might not get shot for trying to obtain them but being ignored or imprisoned for claiming them is just as tyrannical as being shot... at least if you are being shot people can see something is wrong, here things are by far more insidious, so insidious that people like you still defend the BBC because you dont know any better.
2. You do realise that when you comment on YouTube or any other place which has a comment section that you are opening your thoughts up for debate and ridicule.
3. You wouldn't dare to present a stranger on YouTube with your views? YouTube gives you the right to say whatever you want in the comment section within reason.
4. I vote for the Pirate Party.
5. Curbing your protesting would be deleting your comments or blocking your account, not answering you. Whether I pay for the BBC or not does not affect the validity of what I say.
Well, let me help you: A strawman argument is one that is presented 'next to' the real argument with the intention of diverting the discussion.
In this case, you present the argument that Russia is a 'mafia state'...in place of the argument on the quality of our state-run Broadcasting corporation.
I have an 'anti-democratic' attitude?
I didn't ask for a debate.
I'm protesting about the lack of quality of something for which I'm forced to pay...I'm not interested in your opinion. The fact that you feel it your 'right' to 'debate' me just exposes your arrogance.
I wouldn't dare do what you're doing...I think it's indecent.
You probably vote left, eh?
You see how silly your last statement looks?
So; until you pay for the BBC...STOP trying curb my protest!
So, keep your strawman argument...The UK government has its own dirty deeds...much like every other government.
The BBC is biased, State-owned, presents drivel like this as news and extorts the populace to pay for it (under the guise of a 'Charter').
Don't try and curb my right to protest this...you have NO SAY in it.
If you're happy paying tax for tv...that's your business.
Don't try and justify that by insisting that we do the same.
...at least RT presents NEWS.
(I pay for this drivel, Stefan...under threat of £1,000 fine!) You don't (unless you live here).
...and you're naive if you think the UK isn't it's own type of 'mafia state'...
50. comment for Welcome aboard a $11m luxury yacht - BBC News