Who Owns that Mega Yacht in Victoria's Inner Harbour?

VICTORIA - As celebrities converge on the capital for the Courtnall Celebrity Classic, they're arriving in everything from private jets to float planes, and some onboard their personal yachts. One mega vessel now docked in the inner harbour belongs to a man who came from humble beginnings, but is now listed as one of the richest men in America. These are the kinds of people the Courtnalls hope open up their wallets this weekend. As this story shows, Dennis Washington has already given a lot. Follow Erin Glazier on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/ANewsErin

Who Owns that Mega Yacht in Victoria's Inner Harbour? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Yacht 13 years ago 47,512 views

VICTORIA - As celebrities converge on the capital for the Courtnall Celebrity Classic, they're arriving in everything from private jets to float planes, and some onboard their personal yachts. One mega vessel now docked in the inner harbour belongs to a man who came from humble beginnings, but is now listed as one of the richest men in America. These are the kinds of people the Courtnalls hope open up their wallets this weekend. As this story shows, Dennis Washington has already given a lot. Follow Erin Glazier on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/ANewsErin

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