World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD


World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 481

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Most popular comments
for World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD

Parag Saini आर्य कर्म से
Parag Saini आर्य कर्म से - 7 years ago
12 minutes i thought that my phone speaker not working.
Ann-Kristin Skoug
Ann-Kristin Skoug - 7 years ago
Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo - 7 years ago
so it looks like a good way for first world countries to rake in all the cash of a third world country just by one bank transfer.
Blagoi Kuzov
Blagoi Kuzov - 7 years ago
John Calvin Hall
John Calvin Hall - 7 years ago
And why are you making a concept yacht #1 when it doesn't exist??? Sad.
BarryBillions Reactions and game time
BarryBillions Reactions and game time - 7 years ago
we're is the sound
Maksim Gultyaev
Maksim Gultyaev - 7 years ago
чтоб я так жил!!!
rosangela maria
rosangela maria - 7 years ago
bargain shore
bargain shore - 8 years ago
If you want a high performing house battery bank for your boat, install Vmaxtanks AGM Deep Cycle batteries. They are true deep cycle AGMs and offer one of the highest cycle count ratings.

10. comment for World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD

Boats and yachts Profmillion
Boats and yachts Profmillion - 8 years ago
this is awesome!
Riyadi Abdillah
Riyadi Abdillah - 8 years ago
gaada suar
Yacht Lane
Yacht Lane - 8 years ago
BM Lee
BM Lee - 8 years ago
How much are they?
Berke Beenhouwer
Berke Beenhouwer - 8 years ago
Okay, two Axioma's please....
tim cap
tim cap - 8 years ago
Berke Beenhouwer only one axioma in one hands ))))
vegass04 - 8 years ago
The last one (Diamond) is really something special, although it's just an idea in some guys head. But I have no doubt some asshole sheikh or a Russian mafioso will spare a change and make it happen.
Patrick Lim
Patrick Lim - 8 years ago
I think that Jade yacht is the most luxury yacht! dream yacht
SyErIe Growtopia
SyErIe Growtopia - 8 years ago
Its the biggest and most expensive yacht only about 2 people
have it obama my dad
SyErIe Growtopia
SyErIe Growtopia - 8 years ago
You dont even have my dads yacht costing 63573 billion dollars grand luxury diamond shark tank 678 meatre yacht
Ven rekT
Ven rekT - 8 years ago
dont lie boy ur dad can only buy toy yacht (°v°)
Grunthos the Flatulent
Grunthos the Flatulent - 8 years ago
He could buy both sides of a war with that much money..
KingPixelCraft - 8 years ago
Boi if your dad had 63573 billion he could buy any country in the entire world...He could even buy mf mars
JAY UU - 8 years ago
Mahmud Hussain
Mahmud Hussain - 8 years ago

20. comment for World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD

Q The First Timelord
Q The First Timelord - 8 years ago
Whlie I dig the helipads, Where are the submersibles? The Dance Floors and the cocktail tables if I choose to entertain? Where's the game room, where I can play billiards or maybe even some head to head Call of Duty while on those long trips across the Atlantic and it's FREEZING outside? Maybe even computers and big screen tv's that are weather proofed? Where's the waterslide, both for the onboard pool and for the ocean water that even I as an adult would use? Where's the diving boards? I mean, each one of these has the same thing in common. Great looking people with ripped bodies who do nothing other than swim and dive into the water for entertainment. Oh. There's the jet skis. Kudos for that. But... Is that all ya got? Pristine looking machines that the only options for entertainment are sleeping, reading, and swimming and a little tv? Every one of these looks like it's sterile... and gasp immensely boring.....
Q The First Timelord
Q The First Timelord - 8 years ago
My point is. This presentation, while 'pristine' - sucked - and was sterile. Sure I can customize, but I'd rather see some of your ideas that can integrate with my own rather than a boring and sterile presentation.
KingPixelCraft - 8 years ago
1st) You can customize a yacht to have a submarine thats small and can go 300m down, 2nd) Make a man cave 3rd) No yacht has a water slide they buy inflatable waterslides that go off of the top story, Just jump off the side of the boat for diving boards, and some have 32 foot mini yachts that come off the back of it. If you want to see a cool yacht, look up Wider 165. It's got submarine, helicopter, 32 foot yacht that comes off the back and more...
CARLOS MAGNO ROVANY CÔRTES DE Mesquita - 8 years ago
Perfeito parabéns atodos os construtores sempre inovando e caprichando nos projetos!!!
twisterwiper - 8 years ago
"Are you an immoral asshole completely void of any sense of social responsibility, with tax evasion as your primary hobby? Don't you know what to do with all that offshore wealth? Then I got just the right boat for you!"
Raj Bassirhoussen
Raj Bassirhoussen - 8 years ago
trop jolie les bête au moi j'ai un bateaux il fait 43 m
HAMZA DABOUS - 8 years ago
Where's the fucking sound
Josephine K.
Josephine K. - 9 years ago
SFBiking - 9 years ago
I went into debt was watching this.
Russian Liberator
Russian Liberator - 9 years ago
fucking epileptic videomontagers with picture changing every half second. fuck u, i would break ur fucking hands
Jeff Fleischman
Jeff Fleischman - 9 years ago
Silent videos make commenters fight with each other out of boredom. Add some sound.
nick lawrence
nick lawrence - 9 years ago
Do you own this video, I have an online channel would like to air it ( Note no music )

30. comment for World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD

Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith - 9 years ago on Instagram is the social platform which presents the most exclusive creations and destinations around the world. Dedicated to the luxury, design and great taste our page is offering you the pleasure of discovering the best of the best. Please visit and follow our page
obiang gael
obiang gael - 9 years ago
Andy Barbu
Andy Barbu - 9 years ago
themanginaman - 9 years ago
BRUUUUUH!! they got a fuking mermaid.
TheQuinn - 9 years ago
David Benjamin
David Benjamin - 9 years ago
ahh - to be insanely wealthy
whoababy11111 - 9 years ago
On the diamond yacht the stairs didn't seem to have an escalator. What am I expected to do? Walk up them!!!!
Farid Jabeur
Farid Jabeur - 8 years ago
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 9 years ago
+whoababy11111 Maybe it had an elevator?
30secondstomarsMBH - 9 years ago
I don't get this, people spend all this money and yet all they're getting is a swimming pool, a floating house and a cinema, maybe with some subs/garage/heli's added in.

What about a games room? A multi use indoor sports pitch? You could do so much more. I mean I'd love to have a yacht, but these are so damned small it's pointless. What are they gonna end up doing? Having sex and getting bored. If I have a yacht, I'm gonna be using it to sail, properly, as a boat/ship, sailing around the world and exploring.

Which means I need all the amenities I'd want at home, on my yacht. These lot are only looking at their extravagance and their basics, they should have the things on the yacht that actually truly make them happy and pass their time. Or at least, that's how I see it.
V3ntilator - 8 years ago
Why not replace the chopper pad with a ship container, so you can put all your stuff in there?
Amber Foster
Amber Foster - 8 years ago
Most people have yachts custom made for that exact purpose, and yeah I want one that will circumnavigate the globe. I'm surprised they aren't all made with graphene bodies with thorium reactors yet.
Mike Messiah
Mike Messiah - 9 years ago
+30secondstomarsMBH you can easily get a "game room" installed. Apparently you havent seen yachts in a Yacht Sale. You will be amazed by the customization. You can even turn it into a Sex Slave Dungeon...
30secondstomarsMBH - 9 years ago
+WelcomeToMyDream Yeah, you're a cunt. Thought so, just had to be sure.
30secondstomarsMBH - 9 years ago
+WelcomeToMyDream Said by the guy who's calling a guy who simply stated his opinion, a retard, which considering I actually HAVE THREE mental disabilities is also offensive as you're using that term in a derogatory way. Mate, think before you speak and then preferably don't speak at all.
Diver, Sky
Diver, Sky - 9 years ago
+30secondstomarsMBH Silly retard. Nobody who goes Full Retard actually thinks they're a retard.
30secondstomarsMBH - 9 years ago
+steven breard I know you can put a games room, but you can't put half the things you'd want at home unless you went bigger and most people won't go bigger. 
30secondstomarsMBH - 9 years ago
+WelcomeToMyDream "Or at least, that's how I see it" clarifies that as being my opinion, thus I didn't go "Full Retard" as you put it. 
Diver, Sky
Diver, Sky - 9 years ago
+30secondstomarsMBH You went Full Retard, good job.
steven breard
steven breard - 9 years ago
Hey genius you know you can put a game room in right the yatch is small but still big enough to put quite alot on it your just seeing thing that other people put on them
AlexandreHimself - 9 years ago
i hope there is google fiber included for the price of that
Etienne Regaj
Etienne Regaj - 9 years ago
So - #1 is just CGI? Gimme a break.
John Vanle
John Vanle - 9 years ago
Lena Maier
Lena Maier - 9 years ago
stephenmwyatt2 - 9 years ago
There was a black person on the ?
gephasto - 9 years ago
music sucks
@ppleSIN - 9 years ago
Darren Freeman
Darren Freeman - 9 years ago
AND Here is your #1 fake yacht! Stooooops! And silent videos are crap!
Logan Norman
Logan Norman - 9 years ago
Kent Olaf Steinhaug
Kent Olaf Steinhaug - 9 years ago
Where's the fookin sound??
Sigurd Mønnich
Sigurd Mønnich - 7 years ago
Kent Olaf Steinhaug ..
Power Rodri De La Cruz
Power Rodri De La Cruz - 7 years ago
Boy my ass honky. This dick will make your wife and daughter cum like never before. You pigs are so hateful because your sexually frustrated, and your women laugh at you. That's why you white pigs are pedophiles. I hope death finds you soon fuckface.
Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 8 years ago
+Rick Gijzenberg Black people can't be racist. They're too stupid for their comments to be taken seriously. 
Rick Gijzenberg
Rick Gijzenberg - 8 years ago
this is feeling very much like grave digging but after reading the comment im wondering who the racists are here. After people are being called light skinned pink swines i dont think its us that are being racist! and unless certain comments have been deleted it states nowhere that someone screamed anything about "white race being better than black people" . i hate how people go nuts if "white people" say something racist but ist perfectly fine for "black people" to say something racist about "white people".
Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 8 years ago
+javier garban You don't have Rolls you idiot. 
javier garban
javier garban - 8 years ago
no thank you m8 i´ll just laugh at your sorry ass wail i have a ride in my rolls royce that i have been blessed with by my hard work Gnight :D
Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 8 years ago
+javier garban Okay, but don't worry, my privileged white ass will keep paying for your welfare.  
javier garban
javier garban - 8 years ago
+Bill Smith i find people like you very intriging with their upidy ass screaming whites race is better and shit but sadly scientist have said many times that in centuries to come their will only be but 1 race which would happend to look lightskined some what like latinos and obviously lightskined african american so how about you just sit your white privileged ass down and silently watch as your little privileged race go away :D
Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 8 years ago
+King Kunte Hit a nerve did I boy?
King Kunte
King Kunte - 8 years ago
+Bill Smith Wow Bill you must be the saddest pale pink swine I know do you want to know how we view white women with their flat bony assess but better yet let me leave you being a sad sadistic sick racist cunt you are . I bet you are a Trump clown you dumb ass cracker
Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 8 years ago
+UniversalIronHawk The women who make me super horny (only a nigger would use that term) definitely does not imitate the thick lipped beasts that blacks call women. Pretty much everything else you have said in your rant is also garbage. Like all blacks, you just make up outrageous lies about "what was taken from your people" and then worst of all, you actually believe it. You are a sad race of under achievers.
King Kunte
King Kunte - 9 years ago
+BBBDubb yeah pink swine sit the and type shit behind your phone I would fuck you up in less then 5. seconds you pale freak
King Kunte
King Kunte - 9 years ago
+Kent Olaf Steinhaug fuck you cunt
Heru Johnson
Heru Johnson - 9 years ago
+stephenmwyatt2 Funny about that… Whenever you all want to be viewed as cool you imitate black people. Whenever you get super horny for a chic she has features she is imitating from black people. Whenever you you want something you have to imitate something a black person created in history and then you say Black people stole it. Its not called stealing its called taking our property back. Try making this vessel without stealing the materials from Africa. The invention of this type of vessel came from Africa. The mathematics used to build this or the algorithms used in 3D modelling all come form Africa not greece. So lets laugh our collective asses off when you call a thief the one who it used to and should still belong to. Or I forgot you all made up a law… Possession is 9/10s of the law… And the fraction system also came from africa!
stephenmwyatt2 - 9 years ago
+Kent Olaf Steinhaug the black person on the yacht stole it.
LightTruthLove - 9 years ago
I've a question. Who makes the money from selling these yachts?
Is it the desginer? Interior designer? Concept artist? Builders/Engineers of the yacht? Sellers?
I would like to know. Great vid.
The_Red_Queen - 9 years ago
+LightTruthLove The answer is several people do since making such masterpieces requires a lot of staff. I am sure the boat makers make a lot of profit, too but that's necessary for putting it back into the business and continuing to make such amazing works of art.
Diver, Sky
Diver, Sky - 9 years ago
+LightTruthLove Yes.
SFU1988 - 9 years ago
Taxes are not high enough if someone can afford such a vessel. Damn sweaters !

50. comment for World's Top 5 Luxury Yachts | 2014 HD

meeeee792 - 9 years ago
Puzzoozoo - 9 years ago
Not even close.
pantera - 9 years ago
Quando o You Tube vai mostrar novos lançamentos de yates????
atlantabrookyngal - 9 years ago
If you are going to show us luxury yachts, can we at least have the luxury of hearing sound? Did you run out of money after buying one of these boats?  :(
Marcos Nena
Marcos Nena - 9 years ago
Kd o áudio?
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 9 years ago
YES! Why won't the audio play????
Jose Agustin Castellanos Vargas
Jose Agustin Castellanos Vargas - 9 years ago
world stop 5 luxury yachts 200/14hd castel
Sufyan Mohammadali
Sufyan Mohammadali - 9 years ago
Nigel james
Nigel james - 9 years ago
mmmm ok  B Y S P   ie big yacht small penis
jeff Brown
jeff Brown - 9 years ago
Hi, please tell me where you got the rights to use our videos???? And you gave us no credit.
ALXNDR_DNV - 9 years ago
Oceanco Titan, Stiletto, Primadonna?
numbersix100 - 9 years ago
'MY TANGO' is nicer than all of these.
GoFigure - 9 years ago
Luna is the only Yacht in this list that deserves to be there. Where are A, Ace + Gacon for Ace, Radiant, Nirvana,Eclipse,Rising Sun,Serene,Octopus,Ice,Maltese Falcon, Ecstasea,Seven Seas,Alfa Nero,Venus. Those are True Luxury yachts.
Bruce Boretsky
Bruce Boretsky - 9 years ago
Even the Occupy Wall Street and carbon footprint crowds have to admit, these things are gorgeous.
Paul Ware
Paul Ware - 9 years ago
No sound
Jason Hunter
Jason Hunter - 9 years ago
how about top 5 lousy video edits? or top 5 dumb asses who mutes sound?
Alex de Zwart
Alex de Zwart - 9 years ago
Rachid Doudou
Rachid Doudou - 9 years ago
Andre Cavalcanti
Andre Cavalcanti - 9 years ago
Silent videos suck!
Sam Avery
Sam Avery - 9 years ago
All nice boats, but hardly the top 5 !!!!!!   Where did you perform your research ?
Necron 99
Necron 99 - 10 years ago
Handsome Jack is not going to like this.
dent dent
dent dent - 10 years ago
Süper ya
Tyson Judd
Tyson Judd - 10 years ago
how the fuck does this video have more likes than dislikes. complete fail
Ryan Andrews
Ryan Andrews - 10 years ago
The Diamond's stern tries too hard to be cool and isn't sexy enough!  That pane of glass is singlehandedly one of the more expensive ticket items and it's by far my least favorite design element.  In general, the pools take up too much space and he waterfall is absolutely rubbish.  One infinity pool would be infinitely more classy.  Although I do quite like the hot tub on the very top deck and the great lines up there.  The hydraulic side walls are a fantastic idea as well.  The helipads were thoughtfully placed on the Luna and look way better than Diamond in elevation.  Another consideration, if you take on one big wave, you can kiss your chopper on the bow goodbye.  Call me if you are interested in having a consultant come critique your schematic designs.  Just know that I'll pick functional, classy, futurist feng shui over outdated batman gadgets every day.
Haroldo alves dos santos
Haroldo alves dos santos - 9 years ago
Fabio Cardinale
Fabio Cardinale - 10 years ago
the new diamond is just a concept, a sum of idea, not a final design. Then use the word "rubbish" to describe the work of people is by real rude
mrdaviso - 10 years ago
audolia molina
audolia molina - 10 years ago
Wow,, amazing!
Rich Single Dating--Millionaire Dating
Rich Single Dating--Millionaire Dating - 10 years ago
Looking for wealthy men, millionaire match, or millionaire mate?
Ruth conde
Ruth conde - 10 years ago
Ari Latvala
Ari Latvala - 10 years ago
DIAMOND 70M SUPERYACHT it's not real yacht.. it's not exist...and i hate Luna it's not pretty.. where's Pelorus that's a beautiful yacht and Eclipse and Azzam 
Henry Joseph
Henry Joseph - 9 years ago
+Ari Latvala do you own a yacht if no the shut up because your face is ugly but if you do have on the thumbs up
Amazing Charters
Amazing Charters - 10 years ago
Sound would have made this a much more interesting video about mega yachts
Λευτέρης Παυλίδης
Λευτέρης Παυλίδης - 10 years ago
Hahaha where is maltese falcon? 160.000.000M superyacht...
high rise955
high rise955 - 10 years ago
This is not a video you want to use to advertise your services HyperionMedia. No sound, no commentary about the yachts, poor use of transitions.
AWDDesignStudios - 10 years ago
Geez NO SOUND....

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