Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

M/Y Mine Games crashing on the dock in ACI marina in Split Croatia. The radio communication on yacht is crucial, often the captain relies fully on the instructions coming from the mates and that is why you should always have an experienced first mate and pay him well!

Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos sentiment_very_dissatisfied 263

Yacht 14 years ago 2,306,713 views

M/Y Mine Games crashing on the dock in ACI marina in Split Croatia. The radio communication on yacht is crucial, often the captain relies fully on the instructions coming from the mates and that is why you should always have an experienced first mate and pay him well!

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Most popular comments
for Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

RMund Mambo
RMund Mambo - 7 years ago
"Nothing drives like a rental."
jasper asis
jasper asis - 7 years ago
That's not a yaght, it's a plastic shopping bag...
Elchapo62 - 7 years ago
should have just kept it in reverse, the boat crashed anyways.
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat - 7 years ago
That's why you anchor and go in on the tender.
guy card
guy card - 8 years ago
now she's up for sale for 35M
Iron Feliks
Iron Feliks - 8 years ago
My grandpa fucked a turkey
* Firefox
* Firefox - 8 years ago
Full speed ahead mate ! Just smacked the hell out of their dock !
Banjo Marla
Banjo Marla - 8 years ago
Jeeze it's that big squeaky Jason again. Man that guy is a hazard to shipping. PS check your change too.
Guardian Observer
Guardian Observer - 8 years ago
I like how they run.

10. comment for Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

inkydoug - 8 years ago
Yachts have 5 mph bumpers don't they?
David Macdonald
David Macdonald - 8 years ago
That is still how a yacht is defined in the dictionary, I didn't make it up, unlike some.
David Macdonald
David Macdonald - 8 years ago
This is a motor boat not a yacht the definition of a yacht is a boat thats main propulsion is by sail .
Virtualmix - 8 years ago
Maybe you should update your definition of a yacht.
Lankster Price
Lankster Price - 8 years ago
$10k oOopss
Paul Matsuda-Lawrence
Paul Matsuda-Lawrence - 8 years ago
I don't know why people keep blaming the owner of the yachts every time they see videos like this. The owner doesn't operate his own vessel!!!!!
Colin Magee
Colin Magee - 7 years ago
Paul Matsuda-Lawrence, why not? They can if they want
Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger - 9 years ago
I came for the comments..
kingrider75 - 9 years ago
The covered up craft on the back of the boat is a personal submarine
kingrider75 - 8 years ago
+Dulabara I know the guy. Trust me it's a mini sub lol.
Dulabara - 8 years ago
It's a tender or RIB, actually.
Ineke Mateman
Ineke Mateman - 9 years ago
The best captains standin' on the dock!
Ian Crochetiere
Ian Crochetiere - 9 years ago
annnnnnnd fired.
Roberto Cheerio
Roberto Cheerio - 9 years ago
shitty brains to money ratio.
Simon Vuille
Simon Vuille - 7 years ago
It was most likely not docked by the boat's owner but by the captain
smsuperman - 8 years ago
It takes brains, skills or talent to have money. Making a docking mistake doesn't make them idiots. Just bad driving. Unless this is a kid born in a rich family, these guys did something right to be where they are.

20. comment for Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

Ronald Takatsuka
Ronald Takatsuka - 9 years ago
Must be the dumbass owner out for a daily rampage. DUMBASS
Catweasle - 9 years ago
I'm not sure who is worse. The captain or the video operator.
smsuperman - 8 years ago
Video operator? Cameraman
Erik Mäki
Erik Mäki - 9 years ago
+Cat Weasle Both drunk.
Kopihucky - 10 years ago
That was total destruction... I bet it will sink after this
MrBooojangles - 10 years ago
Could have been expensive.
77chonyc - 10 years ago
Captain skills can not be bought.. :)
Maximus Reese
Maximus Reese - 10 years ago
Whoever is driving that plastic play toy sucks!!!!!
Fullforce LTX
Fullforce LTX - 10 years ago
it has those bumpers for a reason!! although I will say that was a bit more than a bump......
StellarBlue1 - 10 years ago
Unbelievable.  Did some significant damage to the boat.  Can I call that a boat still?
martin joseph
martin joseph - 10 years ago
Dumb ass.
Wilbur Snaffel
Wilbur Snaffel - 10 years ago
My dick's bigger than your dick. My dick's bigger than yours. My dick's bigger 'cause I have more money, my dick's bigger than yours.
Drew Labat
Drew Labat - 9 years ago
LOL.. I'm thinking hottest all female crew I can find.. ; )
Cliff Charpentier
Cliff Charpentier - 9 years ago
Not to mention being jealous if another man and right away thinking about his penis size is pretty gay. My first thought was orgy on that boat. Not an image of cock
Drew Labat
Drew Labat - 9 years ago
+Cliff Charpentier Your right. I'm far, far from being able to even rent this thing for one day, let alone buy one, but hey if you got the green and that's what you want go for it because I would own a Monte Carlo 86 had I been the one to hit that mega powerball.....LOL
Wilbur Snaffel
Wilbur Snaffel - 10 years ago
Ya wanna see it ?
 You won't have any problem.
Cliff Charpentier
Cliff Charpentier - 10 years ago
Ive notice the same guys that talk shit about leople that have nice things by referring to there penis are the Sam ones that when it comes to orgies always has a reason that dont want to play. 10 naked girls five guys skinny dipping and your the only one without your pants off and chances are you have the smallest dick.
Wilbur Snaffel
Wilbur Snaffel - 10 years ago
So is your Mom.
Seth Jimerson
Seth Jimerson - 10 years ago
Ur. Gay

30. comment for Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

Second Unit Aerials
Second Unit Aerials - 10 years ago
Felt too embarrassed to dock, shut down, get out and have 'the stare' from others who actually CAN pilot their watercraft properly.  So pilot decides to uhh...move on. 
Second Unit Aerials
Second Unit Aerials - 10 years ago
But this Captain 'was' going a little too fast astern though.
Cliff Charpentier
Cliff Charpentier - 10 years ago
You do realize the owner of the boat is not the pilot of it. Also the captin can not see the dock. His crew have radios. Even the best captions slam the dock sometimes. If he did that on a clear calm day it would be another story.
highvelocity123 - 10 years ago
always a favorite
Jay L Keene
Jay L Keene - 10 years ago
drunken sailors
judsonkr - 8 years ago
+Jay L Keene
As a sailor, my point was that SAILOR & DRUNKEN are redundant dipshit.

Rageaholic much?
Jay L Keene
Jay L Keene - 8 years ago
Me making a comment about this sailor crashing this boat is drunk is not redundant, obvious perhaps, but then who fuck are you questioning me? Get off my dick mother fucker.
judsonkr - 9 years ago
+Jay L Keene Why are you being redundant?
flyingtigre1 - 10 years ago
oh the humanity...
Justin Moniz
Justin Moniz - 10 years ago
why he has a bermuda flag i got no clue maybe we both from here but i neva seen his yacht in bermuda 
ShadowNeo07 - 11 years ago
Ah... Rear View Camera or something? ;D
Luxury Yacht Charters
Luxury Yacht Charters - 11 years ago
Glad I'm not paying for those repairs!
Leggo My Ego
Leggo My Ego - 11 years ago
This yacht is owned by Chris Cline, the coal mining billionaire.
clifton559 - 11 years ago
operator error typically.
Mandy Si
Mandy Si - 11 years ago
Oh you're American...shocker.
Aleks Taldykin
Aleks Taldykin - 11 years ago
wow. Did he wrap the propellers in the mooring lines?
Steigner, Iscoe & Greene
Steigner, Iscoe & Greene - 11 years ago
What kind of damage happened to the dock and likewise the back of the boat?
dirtybabs - 11 years ago
Typical loud mouth yank
red mann
red mann - 11 years ago
i say what a minor problem the ship still floats
Michael Peters
Michael Peters - 11 years ago
Typical Brit can not think and drive.
Jack Sep
Jack Sep - 11 years ago
I get nervous just watching. I used to have a hell of a time docking my boat. In high winds and strong currents. It can be very nerve wracking. And I only had a single screw.
King Kong
King Kong - 11 years ago
rwszc - 11 years ago
One thing Ive learned... get cameras in the bridge... port stbd and stern.... then you know where you are..... not nice with a strong wind anyhow..... the joys of demanding owners lol
CowboyJR1982 - 11 years ago
Wow....go back to school kid
TiconderogaX - 12 years ago
"Who gives a fuck". Obviously people who click the video and post comments wondering why people give a fuck...

50. comment for Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

burchified - 12 years ago
did they live?
Busy Bee
Busy Bee - 12 years ago
Boat bumps? No no no no, a bump is when you have a fender in place and it compacts enough for the plastic screw to fire out at the speed of a bullet with no damage to the actual boat, this is a crash in my opinion. I was in a mates car once and we crashed, blow out at the back wheel going round a corner and went into a ditch, we pulled it out and drove away... Would that be a bump? No.
DM-Productioms - 12 years ago
That wasn't a crash, just a bumb
01hondascott - 12 years ago
that was a quick visit,
MrSharkDog - 12 years ago
high wind is always treacherous i think he saved it rather nicely could be a lot more damage..
Donnie Miller
Donnie Miller - 12 years ago
how bout boat BUMPS dock, not crashes u idiots...
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 12 years ago
Captain lapped up too much happy water...
Jaka Zorman
Jaka Zorman - 12 years ago
For him just 5€
unapro3 - 12 years ago
fleiva30 - 12 years ago
i bet it was a 30k damage
ArcticTundra33 - 12 years ago
the real name of that boat is mine games. its a trinity yacht. And that thing on the back that has the cover s a submarine
Nicolas Sklavos
Nicolas Sklavos - 12 years ago
rich people
wannacboi - 12 years ago
Yeah! That's right! Just back up till ya' hit somethin'! LOL
lalunette - 12 years ago
Too much money... not enough brains !!
Rudolf Vizi
Rudolf Vizi - 12 years ago
rich ass syndrome ...stupidity
Stavros papadopoulos
Stavros papadopoulos - 12 years ago
crombie92 - 12 years ago
he's just gonna crash and leave like that
12ock - 12 years ago
thats how you destroy your boat
thomas overett
thomas overett - 12 years ago
What a dumb ass...
YTmurphy - 12 years ago
Quite certainly you're adding two more failures to the aforenamed three, by being a bitchy snob as well as an illiterate at the same time, and still too shallow minded to get the sense of the fact that someone who mocks others for not knowing in which country they were at least should know which country he was in himself, instead of generalizing his whereabout as "Europe". This is as ridiculous as your rants are laughable, Miss Pointless Fail Queen.
YTmurphy - 12 years ago
Not only that you're just making a fool of yourself by explaining some self-evident facts to me about my own home area, but also you didn't get the point of my comment at all. Hence that disqualifies you from judging it, in which you failed as well as in the other two aspects, making it a triple failure. Well done.
YTmurphy - 12 years ago
It wasn't me who didn't remeber what country I was in, so it's not me who failed.
YTmurphy - 12 years ago
So didn't you, as "Europe" is not a country.
Rick Mayo
Rick Mayo - 12 years ago
just cause yer rich doesn't mean you ain't stupid.
jurek323 - 12 years ago
i park my car like that.1st gear,bum,r gear bum...get out.
jedslather - 12 years ago
Big boat small brain
JooJoo Flop
JooJoo Flop - 12 years ago
i feel sorry for the deckies that have to fix that ;/ AWL FAIR FTW
JooJoo Flop
JooJoo Flop - 12 years ago
Tell you what.. You get on that.. and try and go Stern two, with winds hitting you Beam on, at over 30mph that was a very hard docking, captain should have stayed at anchor
cokycollins - 12 years ago
fuck the you tube commercials!
YouTubeSUCKS - 12 years ago
That's the "Docking by Braille" method.
Draxindustries1 - 12 years ago
All this money for a tub of lard boat and theres no rear parking sensors, guy needs a lesson on how to reverse park..
MCPepeljara - 12 years ago
and do u know what is delay?
DataTypeX - 12 years ago
They did that on purpose. Didn't you see the bumper was lose. He was just putting the bumper back on. lol
ImaJunkie111 - 12 years ago
Sooo... is this where the rich dudes on youtube chat>
dudu eduardo
dudu eduardo - 12 years ago
perdeu o emprego
counterclockwise123 - 12 years ago
Relax, it's only a multi-million dollar yacht.
akell2 - 12 years ago
No rear sensor ? :P
lao tesu
lao tesu - 12 years ago
I just buy a new one.
StarVoyager9 - 12 years ago
A vessel like that and no rear cams?!...c'monn! And who is the dumb ass standing on the hydro platform with a radio? Even though I am European, it's dumb ass shit like this that makes me happy to be able to say I am an American. Because when it comes to yachts, I don't know many American bone heads that pilot one.
barfyspitz - 12 years ago
It's ok... No worries.
Dinkelstein Kerman
Dinkelstein Kerman - 12 years ago
simple mispelling
barfyspitz - 12 years ago
Oh. By the way...who is spelled w-h-o.
Karlovacka74 - 12 years ago
I was in Europe a few summers ago and a russian mob punks fell asleep on their similar yacht and drove it onto a beach, fully. they were so wacked when they came on shore they didnt know what country they were in.
Dinkelstein Kerman
Dinkelstein Kerman - 12 years ago
those how buy it cant drive them usually... they just hire a captain how can.
barfyspitz - 12 years ago
Hey honey, I'm rich so I'm gonna buy a boat...maybe an airplane too...Can't be to hard to drive. Normal people do it all the time.
MrTbo0 - 12 years ago
I guess he should buy a canoe...
Brendan Ryan
Brendan Ryan - 12 years ago
Ah - no. Just found out you're not a skipper of anything at all. Just another weirdo on YouTube.
Brendan Ryan
Brendan Ryan - 12 years ago
And you're obviously the skipper. Well done. Great manoeuvre.
John Josselyn
John Josselyn - 12 years ago
you're an idiot.
Brendan Ryan
Brendan Ryan - 12 years ago
The skipper was drunk. He hits the dock then procedes to cross in front of everyone'e bow lines. Great idea-

100. comment for Yacht crash on the dock - Yachtloop Videos

gobely gook
gobely gook - 12 years ago
why do u assume its a he?
Tucker Covalt
Tucker Covalt - 12 years ago
I would still take the boat.
1357brandy - 12 years ago
The wind was so strong, the captain only was half in dept.
Lockbar - 12 years ago
I think the name of the boat is "Dumb Shit".
weber head
weber head - 12 years ago
fuck you, you get a yacht job.
leomad408 - 12 years ago
Did he died?
1951RKP - 12 years ago
And all he wanted was some Grey Poupon ! How embarrassing !
creamtt - 12 years ago
A Gin Palace with a dickhead at the helm.
lpdog82 - 12 years ago
They just wiped out a whole damn colony of barnacles YOU KILLERS (@_@)
MRVITIN101 - 12 years ago
drunk driving i take it
ArcticTundra33 - 12 years ago
is the mine games?
Oliver Schkade
Oliver Schkade - 12 years ago
Personal weckseln,aber schnell....
D. Starr Images
D. Starr Images - 12 years ago
Leggo My Ego
Leggo My Ego - 12 years ago
You and I have different definitions of cheap. $150K for a drunk isn't what I would call cheap labor.
Leggo My Ego
Leggo My Ego - 12 years ago
These yachts aren't skippered by the owners, they are skippered by paid captains. Needless to say that after this video got out he was likely fired.
Radioteknik - 12 years ago
Being filthy rich doesn't automagically make you a good skipper :)
Alex Walters
Alex Walters - 12 years ago
then barely even hit the dock
WickedWings07 - 12 years ago
Millionare's version of 'Bumper Boats'.
Marc P.
Marc P. - 12 years ago
I don't know much about boats but aren't they supposed to put those fenders in the back if that's where they're going?
ZX8X - 12 years ago
English Captain & Mate, nothing new...
Ruppert Hahnstadt
Ruppert Hahnstadt - 12 years ago
Windy, hurry and bad communications = disaster!
Mick Scarborough
Mick Scarborough - 12 years ago
aloud? They cant speak openly?
Sir Shooter
Sir Shooter - 12 years ago
101 ppl have had yacht crashes,,,
vidz - 12 years ago
with so many bullshit yacht crash vids, i'm giving thumbs up for any with a truthful title.
icuseattle - 12 years ago
Last year I worked as a mate aboard a yacht. We took approx 45 company employees out on a two day'er around the Seattle sound and north of... The skipper was very drunk and banged into the locks, into the mooring dock, into the fueling dock, etc. The owner still keeps him employed. $150k per year on call every day... Cheap drunk labor.
Лев Баженов
Лев Баженов - 12 years ago
Alex Tyrrell
Alex Tyrrell - 12 years ago
Please tell me that wasn't a professional crew?!
Mario Diaz
Mario Diaz - 12 years ago
I think someone just lost his job
loverandjoy - 12 years ago
Wish that fucking idiot who own it got suck in between the dock and the boat when it crashed...
my wife park car like this,little worst....
Harry Mitch
Harry Mitch - 12 years ago
That dumb Bitch captin should be shot....
Jonas Marthinsen
Jonas Marthinsen - 12 years ago
that person shouldnt be driving a zodiac , the person is the baddest boat driver ever
carbukoski - 12 years ago
ahahahahah another Schettino...
MovieMad007 - 12 years ago
you mean you used to "sail" these things!
zeke tin
zeke tin - 12 years ago
Whoever was behind the helm was not ready for this and should never have ben allowed to pilot this boat.
AerialAssassin4 - 12 years ago
Aghrrr, somebody be walkin' the plank fer that one!!!
ThePandaBeat - 12 years ago
bill bullimore
bill bullimore - 12 years ago
There is a strong wind on the starboard side and the skipper left himself with no room for contingencies. Then he rode over the adjacent yacht's anchor chain. The fenders are uselessly on the stbd side, they would have been better employed on the port side to 'lean' on the boat that side, if he had a control problem, giving him time to sort it out. I think this is a case of skipper competence, not crew communication. I used to drive these things, by the way.
Kit - 12 years ago
... and slowly sail away as if nothing happened
lucaseq77 - 12 years ago
Next time use the rear view mirror!
acodike - 12 years ago
you see those black things hanging on the side? well put them backthere you stupid millionaire!
Steven Carter
Steven Carter - 12 years ago
give me a pair of truck mirrors and ill back that bitch in lol
sk79 - 12 years ago
dumb ass, probably drunk too.
Jonathan Silva
Jonathan Silva - 13 years ago
Didn't seem like a big hit. Just a big bump. A million dollar ship I think they build them stronger for bumps like this.
Joshua Sutherland
Joshua Sutherland - 13 years ago
Joshua Sutherland
Joshua Sutherland - 13 years ago
the owner wasnt driving u carzy
IWroteThis - 13 years ago
Did the bank account died?
Monsieur Tranquille
Monsieur Tranquille - 13 years ago
fenders at the stern wouldnt have hurt
Jay - 13 years ago
well things can go wrong very quickly,the wind seem to be very strong too,i don't know why they didn't drop an anchor first
carmium - 13 years ago
Who's at the wheel, Forrest Gump?
duvdevanik - 13 years ago
we later found out that the skipper was high on meth
leneanderthalien - 13 years ago
@H20MarkVIII Nope:In most case it's the bird in a rich family, or the exploitation from humans...only in very rare case the pure intelligence...
CaptainArt777 - 13 years ago
@zarquon53 Won't work. Not with the cross wind he had to deal with. Take a look at the water. The waves where coming in a good clip. Would you have use your bow and stern thrusters and back in slowly? I had to do this one time with a strong cross wind and heck a heck of time it. Happy boating to you.
CaptainArt777 - 13 years ago
After more then 50y on the water and having seen so much, this guy just did not seem to come on to sharp. I wonder if he still had a hang over from the party the night before. We can't judge him on one incident, however, he may have had a few more. I always wonder if the owners know about this stuff happening on their boats.
CaptainArt777 - 13 years ago
@wrxbugeye They do!
AweSomo84 - 13 years ago
@leneanderthalien nice word play:)
punjabnolan - 13 years ago
this makes me feel better about been a broke bastard
rooner15 - 13 years ago
yep right there's good mate
italoarubiano - 13 years ago
@rdhr151 schettino doesn reverse on the docks........he just scrapes his knees on the rocks on sharp turns...........
Jacob Gunner
Jacob Gunner - 13 years ago
@millo24 No... It was obviously a woman.
Loeb - 13 years ago
driving capitan schettino
Hetierd - 13 years ago
believe it or not this docking a boat is hard...
cupofsoda - 13 years ago
what a booger eating moron
Graeme M
Graeme M - 13 years ago
I'm sure the captain has all the reasons why that happened but he really just has no idea WTF he's doing! Is he Croatian by any chance?
rovpilot1 - 13 years ago
@zarquon53 yeah yeah yeah, just put a guy with vhf on the stern sjeezz
kanukster - 13 years ago
A Giant floating kitchen!
bigchad007 - 13 years ago
@ugirl2 OMFG.. I actually laughed out loud reading your comment!!! LMAO!
yakyakyak69 - 13 years ago
Drunk Captain
Jackle61 - 13 years ago
They never should have sold that yacht to Mr. Magoo!!
Snow Peak
Snow Peak - 13 years ago
@GTOMEX110 god is a fake piece of shit so stfu.
Jose Barrientos
Jose Barrientos - 13 years ago
@HaamSammich HATER and don't use God have some respect.
James Goddard
James Goddard - 13 years ago
@leneanderthalien but intelligence makes money
jestermoon - 13 years ago
All the gear and no idea, same as golf, skiing, Windsurfing, motorcycling etc etc etc
Ryan - 13 years ago
@HaamSammich me too man, there a pirate in his ass drunk fuck rape
flightsailor - 13 years ago
@ausblackcat Whatever! Captain is at the helm. Captain crashed. Captain bad at docking. Case closed
comaradella - 13 years ago
cash will not buy you experience
Rivers Colyer
Rivers Colyer - 13 years ago
really captain???
patioheat - 13 years ago
Epic fail!!!!!
rdhr151 - 13 years ago
this was captain schetinnos internship
Tim Landscheidt
Tim Landscheidt - 13 years ago
Pier 1 : Yacht 0.
Stephen Fisher
Stephen Fisher - 13 years ago
hope he didnt dent the deck!
red meat
red meat - 13 years ago
Where's the fucking harbor master? I wanna complain.
FNWALDO - 13 years ago
Can I see the boat fax?
Thomson Peter
Thomson Peter - 13 years ago
must be italian
Ramon Soares Bezerra Santos
Ramon Soares Bezerra Santos - 13 years ago
ops...acho que arranhou ^^
I garden because I have to
I garden because I have to - 13 years ago
The Dubya
The Dubya - 13 years ago
Should have put a few of them big ass bumpers on the rear end for the newbie captain! Ha
leneanderthalien - 13 years ago
Money not make intelligent...
bud385 - 13 years ago
@TwistedEngines what IQ level is required to back a huge yacht into a sea wall?
Ben Rowlinson
Ben Rowlinson - 13 years ago
what kind of zoo animal was in charge of it?
DIOSpeedDemon - 13 years ago
felcas - 13 years ago
And have some cameras spread around the boat!
Leonardo Martinez
Leonardo Martinez - 13 years ago
What the hell is ostensibly driver doing. Is jack and will ok?
WeddingVegetables - 13 years ago
@Mozart1220 What?
Aaron S
Aaron S - 13 years ago
$100k fuck up....
Cloudtidus1 - 13 years ago
rich people theses days...
Mozart1220 - 13 years ago
@WeddingVegetables Driven the boat.
WeddingVegetables - 13 years ago
@X6xWARHAWKx9X Engines are not in reverse, he's using them to brake the rearward motion. There's a strong wind blowing in the same direction the boat is travelling, so pulling it in would not be necessary, but braking it is. That boat weighs at least a hundred tons. Boat hooks would be pointless under current conditions. The captain screws up, but the people on the jetty couldn't have done anything, trust me.
D. W.
D. W. - 13 years ago
@WeddingVegetables hmmmmmmmm helped him by guiding him, could have used ropes to slowly pull him in, used the boat hooks while the boat was off, etc (there were plenty of people to help pull that monster in). he wasn't helpless. the way he was gunning the engine shows that he was not as experienced boater then most people with a yacht that size
geonerd - 13 years ago
It it that difficult to EDIT a long, mostly pointless video like this?
WeddingVegetables - 13 years ago
@X6xWARHAWKx9X And what, exactly, do you think they should have done to help out?
zonkozonko - 13 years ago
@Znitso Yes there's no shortage of scrap Tyres?
unoefxz - 13 years ago
@The5150Clown i bet the damage cost more than my house
George Casement
George Casement - 13 years ago
This proves that money doesn't buy you intelligence.
D. W.
D. W. - 13 years ago
this goes to show that rich people don't understand what they buy... real boaters would have been helping not just standing around
rovenut - 13 years ago
Look at the wind gusts in this video.... If you've ever captained a boat this large or even a boat much smaller, you'd realize this captain needed decent speed to get that vessel in it's spot without docking alongside/hitting the vessel next to it. I actually give this guy some respect for only ramming the dock and not side swiping the yacht next to him on the way out. I've seen people operate MUCH smaller boats with MUCH greater damage in MUCH better conditions.
bahnstoermer - 13 years ago
@Mikeroberts1987 Yeah pretty much LOL. Just... WTF is this guy doing? Even after the crash he operates like a moron...
Znitso - 13 years ago
Why didn't they have tires on the dock wall or put out some fenders on the yacht on the back?
bestamerica - 13 years ago
' how come no have big used tires on the dock wall
Mike Roberts
Mike Roberts - 13 years ago
This is our friend driving........Captian Morgan
Frederic Borne
Frederic Borne - 13 years ago
je pense qu il doit arreter de piloter des bateaux et essayer de jardiner !!!!!!
sam son
sam son - 13 years ago
All Good!
skyflyut - 13 years ago
Captain Ron?
gmcplayboy - 13 years ago
pi... pi... pi... pi... pi pi pi pi pi pi...pipipipipipipi... piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... PLAFT!!!! o.O
zerlom - 13 years ago
Had er ff een zo'n zakje aangehangen!
gbk99 - 13 years ago
rich bastards...
ugirl2 - 13 years ago
he came in way too fast like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack LOL
ugirl2 - 13 years ago
captain is probably drunk and hit every bouy in the port LOL
1marinerecon - 13 years ago
I like how the deck hands on the boat next to them started freaking out when they fucked up and then started pulling forward.
telosfd - 13 years ago
Its not a car!
Second Unit Aerials
Second Unit Aerials - 13 years ago
Goes to show that a ton of money is not proportional to an ounce of sense.
John Lenny Crosby
John Lenny Crosby - 13 years ago
sead garanovic
sead garanovic - 13 years ago
Croatia is so Beautiful!
Terri Romero
Terri Romero - 13 years ago
Slow her down captain.
worldsailor128 - 13 years ago
@Yachtloop It really stands for "I pay no taxes"
K Dub
K Dub - 13 years ago
angelo117le - 13 years ago
Windy ass day to dock and with all the scrubs watching I see why the captain got nervous and make a mistake. Protection bumbers all on the side but not the rear? FAIL!
DIESEL TRUCK ARMY - 13 years ago
weber head
weber head - 13 years ago
lmao...´get a job with you´? not with captains like that ,u wanna kill me?
efa0tz - 13 years ago
I actually witnessed 2 crashes in that very same marina, ACI in Split, back in 2003. Problem is that a lot of tourists rent yachts and they have no clue how to sail.
johnny22single99 - 13 years ago
Shane Lee Loy
Shane Lee Loy - 13 years ago
@TheShane132 i also have to say the wind was very strong
Shane Lee Loy
Shane Lee Loy - 13 years ago
ooooo dumb rich pricks who cant drive
foxteldyl - 13 years ago
@DubrowMark You never put fenders on the back of a yacht, coming in at this speed they will burst and likely cause injury to anyone nearby. The last thing you do is cut the engines and coast in as you say, all the yachts I have worked on (44meter, 60m, 67m, 68m and 78m) still have main engines and bow thruster on 10-15mins after docking would appear to be complete... because it rarely is done within this time frame and engines may be required at anytime.
sjtom57 - 13 years ago
Don't do this at home kiddies, we're professionals.
Ichi San
Ichi San - 13 years ago
It's a charter boat so why would the captain care if he rammed it
TheFilmingInc - 13 years ago
@the420rock ;p
HellzNord - 13 years ago
too bad it didn't sink lmao
mistoffermie - 13 years ago
What a donk
Emo666Cali - 13 years ago
my face caved in when i seen this OUCH
Kyle Lane
Kyle Lane - 13 years ago
@englishtwister like the bahammas where i went
Antonio NEZANIMA TE - 13 years ago
Im living in Split in Croatia..when this happened ??
Mark Dubrow
Mark Dubrow - 13 years ago
They put bumpers out everywhere except the back. Plus given how windy it was there should have been people helping dock the boat to throw lines and stuff. You're suppose to cut the engine and use momentum and pull lines to finish the final few feet. To those who think it's easy, you obviously have never driven a boat.
Peter D
Peter D - 13 years ago
Hit and Run
MagicMalky - 13 years ago
that was an expensive bang
Dan zaco
Dan zaco - 13 years ago
What's wrong with "touch parking".
palmer the 3rd
palmer the 3rd - 13 years ago
The Royal Navy royally pucked up this one.
travio r
travio r - 13 years ago
At least own up to it and do the "dock of shame" and not run away to the next available slip. Ass.
sayyes2bull - 13 years ago
well, at least you didn't sink it.
Jack ONeill iss
Jack ONeill iss - 13 years ago
you'll never sell that now...i'll give you £20
Momofatz - 13 years ago
chick behind da wheel for sure!
SoCalDualSport - 13 years ago
Idle it in and use the thrusters.
K M - 13 years ago
A bit of polish will get it right off :P
Emilio Bejot
Emilio Bejot - 13 years ago
@englishtwister BVI
Linus L
Linus L - 13 years ago
If you have a boat like that you can´t afford a longer stay.
chuckzimm1 - 13 years ago
NO DOUBT the work of a 1%er
Terri Romero
Terri Romero - 13 years ago
Dor Kafsha
Dor Kafsha - 13 years ago
poor rich guy
the420rock - 13 years ago
buy another one you rich mothafucka!!
TheTopStriker - 13 years ago
Goes for another try and hits the yacht on the left side throwing off the guys on it, but don't worry the water will be alright.
WickedWings07 - 13 years ago
Bet they don't like the phrase "Expensive Toy" now...
BOSS MAN - 13 years ago
its the docks fault !!!
thegibsonfromhell - 13 years ago
so, either this guy is really rich, driving the boat himself and doesn't really give a fuck if he wrecks it, or he's a bit too poor. he could afford the boat or a good crew, but not both at the same time.
Ooomwizard - 13 years ago
It's ok, he's rich.
uberheino - 13 years ago
just a little bump, nothing to worry about...
TheFeeez21 - 13 years ago
a lot of money and no brains... some peoples kids....
06C6Z06 - 13 years ago
$h!P Happens !!
ben lesson
ben lesson - 13 years ago
Bit of T cut should be fine
vincent7520 - 13 years ago
Navajo241 - 13 years ago
andate in montagna! il mare non fa per voi! Credono che basti avere soldi per andar per mare.
Handlegrip - 13 years ago
if they have the money to buy a boat like that. Paying for that small accident wont be a problem
beau5757 - 13 years ago
All the gear, no idea
LandMaster - 13 years ago
englishtwister - 13 years ago
@Yachtloop well thank you. :) I am a fan of british colonialism and could not make it out. adn I say a little thank for the quick response.
englishtwister - 13 years ago
what flag is that on the boat?
battlebob - 13 years ago
haha i bet someone got fired.
everythingstaken63 - 13 years ago
Gel repair!!
88bigbyrd - 13 years ago
Fuck it! Buy another one. Spot of tea?
Rodrigo Boos
Rodrigo Boos - 13 years ago
The wind can push so hard, sometimes a small mistake gets multiplied by 10... but certainly a person with a radio or a rearview camera would have helped a lot...
paulvdhoek - 13 years ago
maybe tomorrow when the wind is down
Benny M
Benny M - 13 years ago
tetorin77 - 13 years ago
From what country its that fIag?
Dave .Lloyd
Dave .Lloyd - 13 years ago
Stevie wonder Borrowed the boat...What did they expect?
Steve V
Steve V - 13 years ago
Ugly boat
Gman6755 - 13 years ago
should have hired a real captain! Killer boat though!!
Eric B
Eric B - 13 years ago
this guy should stick with fishing boats :P
MarcoTUV - 13 years ago
nothing a checkbook can´t fix
teddyt1964 - 13 years ago
Billionaires Gone Wild!
TinnInches - 13 years ago
That shit will buff right out
stillen370 - 13 years ago
@guardian1977 u sir just got served
RTO41 - 13 years ago
that happen when u think a boat is like a car.
elgallomaximo100 - 13 years ago
its cuz the rich people are all day long drunk!
jay lester
jay lester - 13 years ago
Brad Leatherman
Brad Leatherman - 13 years ago
He was Australian...they drive on the wrong side of the boat. Besides, he had his bumpers out.
FOscum - 13 years ago
What a dork of a Skipper. No F'ing clue of slow and steady. No wind, no current. Why Ball to the Ball throttle management. Don't blame the crew. Captain is ALWAYS at fault. No proper berthing planning or briefing. Then he loses the plot all together. Beacuase of prop wash and over correction. Owner should fire this prick and employ me.
seacuracao - 13 years ago
by the looks of the throttle up before he hits, i think he mistook the throttle for the gear, and thought he was gonna put it in forward; accidentally slamming revers at max :|
Ella Aquino
Ella Aquino - 13 years ago
looks like the mate wasn't communicating with his captain real well..
John F30
John F30 - 13 years ago
canary islands flag. money laundering or what?
LowRoller - 13 years ago
Is the dock OK?
fleiva30 - 13 years ago
wind and stupid captain= 50k for damages..!!!
b58f18 - 13 years ago
a woman was driving it
highvelocity123 - 13 years ago
@NCmartin97 No I can't !!!!!!! That video looks like a 5 yr old is driving. I know that boat has a bow thruster. But forget that...you never put a boat like that in a bad position. If the conditions aren't right, hold off, go anchor somewhere, figure out another plan. Know your vessel's limitations. This was entertaining but very stupid.
bongjnr - 13 years ago
Currently looking for a Deckhand position on a Yacht. I have my STCW 95 and looking at getting my RIB master and VHF as soon as possible. If there are any opportunities or help needed anywhere please message me and i can sen you my CV. Kind Regards, Alex
Nick Martin
Nick Martin - 13 years ago
@highvelocity123 you honestly dont see how it can be hard to dock a 100 foot yacht???
highvelocity123 - 13 years ago
I can't see how that can happen with a yacht like that....it has to be stupidity...has to be.
beaman220 - 13 years ago
He'll be hanging a tractor tire off that stern next time.
Bharatwaj - 13 years ago
@guardian1977 the 35 ppl liked ur comment are jealous ppl who could not afford to buy yachts....
Mike Rohren
Mike Rohren - 13 years ago
50 million cant buy you brains apparently
JK BR - 13 years ago
Yet another moron.
floridafishingo - 13 years ago
@guardian1977 Yachts like this the owner buys the boat but also hires a Captain which the captain failed to dock this boat
swamigal - 13 years ago
@Goontrader2 not anymore :P
swamigal - 13 years ago
@Twinkmasta1 lol or should we also add that owner CANNOT operate his own yacht cause there is a law about who and how can operate the yacht/boat of certain size...
akseljensen - 13 years ago
I just hit the auto-park button.
Goontrader2 - 13 years ago
@Twinkmasta1 that boat is much more than 20 million
Rich Bunche
Rich Bunche - 13 years ago
beginner's luck..is it always good?
MrFelix - 13 years ago
@jlivingston99 Regarding what part of my statement?
chuck norris
chuck norris - 13 years ago
i cant even believe my eyes. what a gay i would have parked that little shit in 8 sec flat. go hide yourself
chuck norris
chuck norris - 13 years ago
@guardian1977 dont need skills,just buy a new boat. thats the way i do it.
checker2010fan - 13 years ago
hat der den führerschein geklaut?
cjf334 - 13 years ago
in a boat like that they got cctv on that shit im sure and they dont have any rear cameras dum
cjf334 - 13 years ago
in a boat like that they cot cctv on that shit im sure and they dont have any rear cameras dum
wmoltke - 13 years ago
wildkatsailing - 13 years ago
could you possibly say actually more you efete azz
pjvenner - 13 years ago
30 million bucks & no parking sensors!?!?
krypt900 - 13 years ago
@guardian1977 I think he has a hired captain for that boat
A. Colin Flood
A. Colin Flood - 13 years ago
tHE CAPTIAN WAS NOT IN COMMUNICATION WITH HIS CREW - the crew on the swim platform should have been guiding him back!
Charlotte Cauchefer-Dupré
Charlotte Cauchefer-Dupré - 13 years ago
What a dick! Its a breezy day with a 20 meter yacht and the capt. totally cocked up the distance. That bump wont go into the yacht's log and as it's probably built of GRP hairline fractures are almost certain to result. Remind me to never buy it....
dridley11 - 13 years ago
Must have been a Mother Russian dock. She docks you.
mdr8088 - 13 years ago
People really do get stupid when they get rich....
Ryan Cormack
Ryan Cormack - 13 years ago
quick get away before anyone sees us!
Cindy Russo
Cindy Russo - 13 years ago
the owner probably was tommy lee, getting a nice bj from pamela while the boat was in reverse.
cvarese145 - 13 years ago
aaaaaaand thats why we have harbor captains
GEREEF - 13 years ago
Somebody will look for job!!
sijnej - 13 years ago
You gotta be a Sheikh to own one of those.
tom080955 - 13 years ago
Pretty good cross wind they are trying to fight
MrFelix - 13 years ago
@guardian1977 Yes you can, owners don't park there own yachts; if you have the $20mill to buy the damn thing than you can afford to pay a professional yacht captain $100,000 a year to drive it, seeing how theres $40,000 worth of diesle/jet fule in it ... But not all captains are equal and you get what you pay for.... Fail (:
John Roberts
John Roberts - 13 years ago
Med moor FAIL.
ioenlogic - 13 years ago
Whats the bet he doesn't actually have a boat licence
Drkadrk - 13 years ago
I detailed that boat for captain chris, think he got fired after this..
Wave Dancer
Wave Dancer - 13 years ago
This guy should not be allowed to handle a boat. Not even a dighy! There is no excuse, it was totally wrong judgement of speed, wind and drift... unfortunately one sees more and more such skippers who think experience and know how could be bought with money!
Ego adiuvabo te
Ego adiuvabo te - 14 years ago
oh dear.........there are still people who think they can buy everything...shame you can`t buy SKILLS lol.
Pete Spencer
Pete Spencer - 14 years ago
Everyone always blames the skipper, and ultimately it is his fault... but the deckhand on the stern with the radio who was probably talking the skipper in (who can't see the stern from the wheel) is the real dick. " keep backing! you got 40 feet! 30 feet! 2 feet!" SMASH!.... Or it was some rich dick who doesn't know a hawse pipe from a horn timber.... like most of you.
Garret Ireland
Garret Ireland - 14 years ago
windy or sober...that's an expensive dent
kaleibob - 14 years ago
@shnikies911 thats what she said
Film Makers MC Williams
Film Makers MC Williams - 14 years ago
That looked very very windy! The windage on that thing likely exceeded any kind of power the stern thrusters had. I can't say if anyone was at fault but I would have reconsidered backing in at that time. Those guys are under serious pressure by the owners to have the boats ready when they arrive. That was likely the main issue. Was he counting on an anchor to hold or something?
shnikies911 - 14 years ago
why did he pull out
worldsailor128 - 14 years ago
Most important thing is to NOT TRY docking in heavy winds! This captain was an idiot to even try this stunt. Its called anchoring out! Try it some time!!! LOL
SittingMoose Shaman
SittingMoose Shaman - 14 years ago
... correspondence ships' pilots license... jeeze, if one has the bucks to own a rig like that- he can well afford an experienced pilot. Unless the owner had 1 too many bloodymarys that day and demanded, he the ships owner, back 'er into berth and onto the top of his dock-neighbors' least liked persons' list... Rich people... they simply fuck around way too much!
BlackDiver777 - 14 years ago
I got just the thing for him, reverse sensor. Beep...beep...beep...beep..beep..beep.beep.beep.beep.beeeeeeppppp!!!!!!! LOL
Larry David
Larry David - 14 years ago
shit does happen, the boat is prolly fine
fireman431 - 14 years ago
He was in, even after the crash! Why the heck did he leave the dock afterward?
Dweebisis Robustus
Dweebisis Robustus - 14 years ago
probably some drunk aussie cpt
highvelocity123 - 14 years ago
That is amazing.... I can not believe there was an experienced captain at the helm. Where are the mates with the hand held radio's?? Why aren't the bow thrusters and stern thrusters being used? Hmmmm,,too much booze maybe???LOL
fireman431 - 14 years ago
Once he was in, why did he pull back out?

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