I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING FOR THIS. Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video. Start your free trial today at and enter offer code TAYLOR to get 10% off your first purchase. ------------- clearly yes at some point i bought these items in my life but it wasn't any time recently, nor was it with this tank build in mind. CHECK OUT MY BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES, AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL END OF JULY: ------------------- Sign up for, a social media website for people who luv animals :-) ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @TAYLORNDEAN YOUNOW: -------------------------- songs used: Julian Cross - Need That Arc North - Lux

SETTING UP A FISH TANK USING ONLY SPARE PARTS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 306

Betta 7 years ago 493,295 views

I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING FOR THIS. Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video. Start your free trial today at and enter offer code TAYLOR to get 10% off your first purchase. ------------- clearly yes at some point i bought these items in my life but it wasn't any time recently, nor was it with this tank build in mind. CHECK OUT MY BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES, AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL END OF JULY: ------------------- Sign up for, a social media website for people who luv animals :-) ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @TAYLORNDEAN YOUNOW: -------------------------- songs used: Julian Cross - Need That Arc North - Lux

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Most popular comments

Imp Fan
Imp Fan - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean can I please have one of your fish tanks pls
Rick W
Rick W - 7 years ago
Taylor, just remember Jesus loves you, and with Him it will all work out for the good....believe me, I know... peace
TheWolf Pack
TheWolf Pack - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Stu
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean b
Gaamm Squad
Gaamm Squad - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean i like how you say Petshmo
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean NO worries. Your videos are always fantastic. I always look forward to watching.
janko bunda
janko bunda - 7 years ago
I. Love. Amimels. lol
Olive Craft
Olive Craft - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean love you
starry sea
starry sea - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean can u do a video of the best begging pets plz


Autumn Bee
Autumn Bee - 7 years ago
I wanted to have a sorority tank one day. Right now I have 3 male betta in separate 10 gallon tanks. What's this I hear about you hearing that sororities are bad? I hope you will be making another video more in depth about that. Love your videos by the way! Spare parts for a fish tank are great. I always have a little of this and that on hand too. =)
Ashly Davis
Ashly Davis - 7 years ago
you are awesome with all your animals i bet they live a wonderful life
monica brown
monica brown - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean you are cool
Donna Gayda
Donna Gayda - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean l,lll
monica brown
monica brown - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean how did you get your pet's
Xx PrincessGalaxy xX
Xx PrincessGalaxy xX - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I have a very important question. I have a very large tank. It's not wide, it's very long, and I wanted to know if I could if it more than one fish in it...
Miss Tahlia
Miss Tahlia - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean i
CloudQueen :3
CloudQueen :3 - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean i wish i could go "shopping" in your garage lol
Sophia Premera
Sophia Premera - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean i love watching videos of people setting up tanks for some reason
SkyahIs TheLimit
SkyahIs TheLimit - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean hey Taylor I'm getting your book bag!!!


MyLifeAsASlytherpuff - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I love you but.... where is cheese???
Kyra Rose
Kyra Rose - 7 years ago
Angelina Bolen same I'm thinking about getting a hedgehog
Tiny Zoo In A Tiny Room
Tiny Zoo In A Tiny Room - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Hey Taylor I was wondering if you could give me some advice for my new Fire bellied toad he is currently 3 mounts old and was wondering what else can he eat for his digestive system and enzymes I know meal worms are bad right now for him. But what size crickets? Pinhead of like 5mm juvenile crickets. If you could respond asap I would love that! Thank you!
Julia The Sun
Julia The Sun - 7 years ago
Victoria's Pets!!!! She already has a mouse. Also, I have a hamster as well. There the best!!!
Superb_Nova XCI
Superb_Nova XCI - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean hey before u post ur next vid could u put up information about whete u buy ur animals and stuff specifically your leopard geckos
V’s vlogs And vids
V’s vlogs And vids - 7 years ago
You should get a hamster mine snuggles up to my chest and falls asleep
Im a Potato
Im a Potato - 7 years ago
Lily Proud lol
Lily Proud
Lily Proud - 7 years ago
I just wanted to Remind you just in case you forgot

Don't buy another fish tank filter
Vault boy
Vault boy - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean in California
Vault boy
Vault boy - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean you can't have a hedgehog


I have No life
I have No life - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean today I'm going to California when my dad gets back home at 7 but what's sad is that my mom can't come cause she has to work I just started waching your videos yesterday and I love them so I sub
Sam Kent
Sam Kent - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I recommend to buy a lennardi wrasse or scientific name Anampses lennardi
Brittany Jewell
Brittany Jewell - 7 years ago
Hello Taylor Nicole Dean i am a huge fan of you, fish, and reptiles. I was just wondering what fish you would recommend i put in my cowfish/Cheese tank because currently my cowfish/cheese/child is all alone and has no friends and i have been wanting to change that and upgrade my saltwater cheese tank also my cheeses name is ChiKa and i thought of that actually right after i saw the first video staring cheese so anyways please help me and let me know what fish i should pare with my cowfish ChiKa?..?..? (BTW i have a juvenile dragon wrasse i would like to pare with chika but i don't really know about that and how they will do paired in a tank???)
TheAmazing FatCat
TheAmazing FatCat - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean would you like my bearded dragon
Janisen Zechiel
Janisen Zechiel - 7 years ago
If you're not going to use that critter nation cage, I would love to purchase it from you. I even live a few hours away!!!
A strange Man
A strange Man - 7 years ago
PLZ give me an at least 40 gallon terrarium cuz I don't want my dad to spend $200 on a terrarium for the blue tongue skink that will be MINE and don't tell me I'm broke I'm eleven
Im a Potato
Im a Potato - 7 years ago
I have an idea! If you don't really want some of those fish tanks maybe you could do a giveaway on them and filters to maybe? Just an idea! I said this because my fish have a tank that is to small for,r them. They need at least a ten gallon saving up for one. So please do a giveaway if you can!
Bleuberriii - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I'm getting a bird when I get 3 dollars
Allyson Dozier
Allyson Dozier - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean What cage is Gus in
German Soria
German Soria - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean it ok plus I'm new
Gamerul Cool
Gamerul Cool - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean You should buy a hamster
Itslivi Lou
Itslivi Lou - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean can u please make another snake video and. Cause of you I love snakes now I used to think that they were scary but now I love them and I want one also I love your merch sorry I could not buy any
Luxxyy Pug
Luxxyy Pug - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean gurl it's ok
We ❤️you <3 :-()
Kris Brix
Kris Brix - 7 years ago
Taylor, just curious if you and your dad got my emails. I made the buttons we talked about (Lyft driver, Beverly Hills to Anaheim) and sent you images a while ago. If you aren't interested anymore please acknowledge my email either way so I know they didn't go into a black hole. Cheers!
Jenna Marrs
Jenna Marrs - 7 years ago
do a collab with Jessii Vee
Melissa Anne!
Melissa Anne! - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean iiiii
Evie Chang
Evie Chang - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I love your vids!
Bobby Fuller
Bobby Fuller - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean their called sugar gliders. They are two males. I can't take care of them so I was wondering if you could take them to give them a better home
Bobby Fuller
Bobby Fuller - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean hey Taylor I was wondering if you could take another pet
Dakota Haley
Dakota Haley - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Hey Taylor how is your praying mantis doing and where did you get it? Also could you please recommend anything to put in a 12x12x18 exoterra other than a gecko or a frog?


LODAS WONDERLAND - 7 years ago
plz get a pet turtle plz taylor
Someone Else
Someone Else - 7 years ago
Hey r u gonna start using ur vlog channel?
meema irasna
meema irasna - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean damn u are beautiful!!
C.J. Pets
C.J. Pets - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean hi should i add 2 girl guppies with my male koi betta he is in a 10 gallon tank with 3 ghost shrimp and 3 pond snails and is doing great and the tank is planted just tell me what you think.
Atlas Art
Atlas Art - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean scan you do a quick video about Maui cage because I'm getting a ball python on August 5th
Fluffy Unicorn
Fluffy Unicorn - 7 years ago
Do you really have 74 filters? PS can you do a video on cycling tanks?
Mary Jones
Mary Jones - 7 years ago
River2384 that what I thought but thanks for the info and I think I'm just gonna get one beta
River2384 - 7 years ago
+Mary Jones You definitely CANNOT put two MALE bettas together. They will kill each other!!! You could but a single male with females but they could kill him and he will probably somewhat harass the females wanting to mate. Be aware some females though don't want to be around other females. I had a female who tried to kill everything that came near her even if there was glass/plastic between them. I put her in her own tank and she loved it. Like Taylor said, you can have a tank of just females, sometimes it's ok, they just have to decide who's boss. I've seen it go both ways, ending both good and bad. Personally, I would say you could try it (I plan to eventually when I get a new tank) but prepare for the worst if it doesn't work out. Tip: Some fish/reptile places have a tank of females together already (or a couple females with other types of fish) I'd go for those, then you know how they'll be together. Just watch them a bit to make sure you know who gets along and who doesn't.
Mary Jones
Mary Jones - 7 years ago
ava galindo I feel stupid bit thanks
ava galindo
ava galindo - 7 years ago
Mary Jones your supposed to not put males with any other betas. So you can only have females together
Mary Jones
Mary Jones - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean im getting ready to set up a beta fish tank and I was wondering if you could put two boy beta or boy and girl because I know you're not supposed to have two girls
Wendy Rishel
Wendy Rishel - 7 years ago
that is no problem i loved it so good
blind bang and gaming man
blind bang and gaming man - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I love your vids
Luis Andrade
Luis Andrade - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean. can you sell me some stuff nicol? cool vide like always by the way.
Just another Goldfish
Just another Goldfish - 7 years ago
Thornton06 she has no crabs sorry XD
Ân Phạm
Ân Phạm - 7 years ago
will you get any stag beetles?
{Thornton} - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean question: do you have a pet hermit crab? If you do can you please tell me some tips because I just got one today so yeah! Thanks!
boscoitalics - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Gus might like the 60 gallon tank. my Mojo is In a 50 gallon and he loves it :)
Paige Burk
Paige Burk - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Can you make a video about how you keep your feeder crickets alive. And more videos about your snakes please??
Ellie Belly
Ellie Belly - 7 years ago
Tessa 1017 I hope she does
Ellie Belly
Ellie Belly - 7 years ago
This is nothing to do with this video but is a skink easy as a first lizard and what dog food do you feed them.
Teh Stick
Teh Stick - 7 years ago
YeEt Shenpai
YeEt Shenpai - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean II
LeLe 23
LeLe 23 - 7 years ago
Yeah I would like to buy a tank from you. BTW love your videos!!!!
Lynx Lady
Lynx Lady - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I am jealous that you have a critter nation. I want rats but I can't because THE CAGE IS SO EXPENSIVE
•FourTrees• - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean saws it's ok I love youoooooo
ThePinnappleGirl - 7 years ago
I love you Taylor
Abbie Dunphy
Abbie Dunphy - 7 years ago
Kayden Pettiford you can have two females just not to males
Jadyn Reiding
Jadyn Reiding - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I have a lot of pets but I will tell u the animals that r mine I have 2 crabs, 3 betas, 1 cat, and 1 puppy, and my hamster that I had for 3 years died and my gerbil, still sad about that but like I said that's not all we have those were mine oh I'm 11
Kayden Pettiford
Kayden Pettiford - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I just want to say I love ur vid. When I have 2 beta fish they tried to kill each other and then a website said to have them separated
Abbie Dunphy
Abbie Dunphy - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean hi Taylor I have two corn snakes and they laid eggs would you like any?
Abbie Dunphy
Abbie Dunphy - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Taylor I have corn snakes. The happened to lay eggs. I was told I had two boys. I guess not. Would you like any snakes?
Taylor Nicole Dean
Taylor Nicole Dean - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Your My Everything My Favorite YouTuber I'm just like you love animals
Lucy Huang
Lucy Huang - 7 years ago
omg I loved ur outfit and everything in the second intro...also my room is the same thing lol i have so many extra cages and pet supplies.. love u Taylor ❤❤
Taylor munson
Taylor munson - 7 years ago
Would you be able to give me a couple of those filters wow I have an empty fish tank and everything in it besides a filter but no fishes
Aamir Huda
Aamir Huda - 7 years ago
Love you so much, You are so sweet and cute
Fishy Draws
Fishy Draws - 7 years ago
This girl is hot!
pratik joshi
pratik joshi - 7 years ago
Your beautiful
The Fish Network
The Fish Network - 7 years ago
1 have 2 male Bettas in a 5 gallon together. IM KIDDING. I have 2 SEPARATE five gallons with 2 bettas they are awesome.
Saptarshi Guin
Saptarshi Guin - 7 years ago
Why u are so beautiful?? Will you be my friend ???
shockie paul
shockie paul - 7 years ago
What the fuck..this woman can really chat some shit..
WesleyAPEX - 7 years ago
Nice massive boobs
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
Taylor: At this point I realize that this filter I found doesn't work. Luckily I have 73 more.

Me: Holy crap! That's a lot of filters.
Poker Player 3
Poker Player 3 - 7 years ago
Is Taylor considered as a "beautiful girl" in Western standards?
reby sully
reby sully - 7 years ago
can I get a filter
Kaleid Stone
Kaleid Stone - 7 years ago
My iPad is sounding weird so I was about to turn the power on my iPad of but then she said " but wait" then I stoped
Big Smoke
Big Smoke - 7 years ago
Nice top.
Sienna S
Sienna S - 7 years ago
LOL, you should do a garage tour
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Dang nice 46 gal! I have a 36 gallon bowfront I’m gonna use for cichlids and then wild caught sunfish
Natalie Dickens
Natalie Dickens - 7 years ago
Taylor is my favorite youtuber. She litterally helped me understand what i need for betta fish. my fish, Aviator is very healthy. He lives in a amazing ten gallon tank! keep up the amazing work!


Ethan Billey
Ethan Billey - 7 years ago
Hi Taylor I was inspired to make a Betta sorority communal tank it’s going successfully I got 3 Berta’s already going for 5-7
Aurenchanted - 7 years ago
I just bought a guppy fish because of her
Will Lawrence
Will Lawrence - 7 years ago
Please don’t move
saul carrillo
saul carrillo - 7 years ago
You should sell all of that
Rod Cichlid City Harrington
Rod Cichlid City Harrington - 7 years ago
Do you know how beautiful you are?
Maysa Mohammed
Maysa Mohammed - 7 years ago
I NEED one of those tanks, where did u get them from?
Taryn Roberts
Taryn Roberts - 7 years ago
Just wondering, I use smooth glass gravel can I still add plants in my tank?
shockie paul
shockie paul - 7 years ago
Fuck me a life story before the setup.. Only a woman would do this ..
William Galladryn
William Galladryn - 7 years ago
"why is there a webcam in my filter?"
Brita Letvin
Brita Letvin - 7 years ago
Hi Taylor I have a beta fish and im saving up for a bigger tank because I don't have a lot of money and he has a small tank
vivek gupta
vivek gupta - 7 years ago
I feel so Luckey.... I m seen a so beautiful angel
PsychoticKnows - 7 years ago
How can you tell what a aquarium is from a terrarium
Avery's_ Pets
Avery's_ Pets - 7 years ago
I am planing to get a male beta, I think the tank I have is five gallons, and I'm not getting anymore fish in there, can someone help me and let me know if that's a good size?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Avery's_ Pets That's a fine size and I highly recommend you check out Lifewithpets series on betta tank setups.
The Tactical Tetra
The Tactical Tetra - 7 years ago
Wow! Really good job. Love your videos.
Jojo Lynn
Jojo Lynn - 7 years ago
This is crazy im currently setting up a ton of betta tanks to save the bettas i saw at petco when i went to pick up my opal half moon male betta
Jojo Lynn
Jojo Lynn - 7 years ago
Big City Bettas i know I thought that already thats why i never went back. I bought a beautiful opal baby betta and I spoil it thats all I can do...Buying them is just supporting Petco
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Jojo Lynn By "saving" those you're just paying to put more on the shelves.
Dillon Nott
Dillon Nott - 7 years ago
Nice boob
Sabrina Shelton
Sabrina Shelton - 7 years ago
its an awkward silence when you're cleaning the filter parts
Sangita Mitra
Sangita Mitra - 7 years ago
you r so sexy
Paras Xtha
Paras Xtha - 7 years ago
i just came here for her tits
Alexis Turner
Alexis Turner - 7 years ago
what size tank is that one and how much of the batters should be in a 20 gallon thanks
Jake Grammer
Jake Grammer - 7 years ago
I had this video on a private playlist so I could go back to it when I needed it. It was taken down by the owner. Kinda of shitty.
Mohd Faiz
Mohd Faiz - 7 years ago
I'm just here for the boobs.
falied o
falied o - 7 years ago
And a some lightning as well 1 40 gal filter
falied o
falied o - 7 years ago
Lol jk
falied o
falied o - 7 years ago
Can I have a tank
Hearts Broken
Hearts Broken - 7 years ago
“They probably don’t know what to do, because they been in a cup their whole life.”
Ladies and gentlemen, what I world we live in.
The_Taylor_Bird - 7 years ago
How the hell are you going to take your pet shop to California?!??!!?!!
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Loripe Bagalanon
Loripe Bagalanon - 7 years ago
can u give me 1 air pump please
SenpaiCookie - 7 years ago
Okay this - THIS IS NOT RELEVANT but what freaking lipstick is that i N E E D it </3
Horses and More
Horses and More - 7 years ago
Are those female bettas
Destiny Reyes
Destiny Reyes - 7 years ago
Could you put a male betta in that tank with the female?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Destiny Reyes No.
Bigh Wang
Bigh Wang - 7 years ago
Dam I wanna see more of you not the pets
Riley S
Riley S - 7 years ago
I love ❤️ both of the shirts you are wearing in this vid!!!!
Tisyara Sahasraya
Tisyara Sahasraya - 7 years ago
moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist
Budrick Riddle
Budrick Riddle - 7 years ago
Mushu isn’t allowed in California
Emma Johnson
Emma Johnson - 7 years ago
Here from Jenna's video!
Victor jaime Valladares
Victor jaime Valladares - 7 years ago
How many gallons is the aquarium?
Katie B
Katie B - 7 years ago
Why do I have an actual girl crush on you?
That's all
-end of creepy comment-
Bagul Aquatics
Bagul Aquatics - 7 years ago
Love freshwater fish keeping?, then please checkout my channel :) I hope you enjoy and suscribe!
Holli Delorme
Holli Delorme - 7 years ago
I am going to be moving my two 4 year old gold fish and my one 1 year old gold fish into a bigger tank, they are currently in a 10 gallon tank but am wanting to move to a 20 or 30. And recommendations on steps i should take to make it successful and to not stress them out!
LOVE LIFE - 7 years ago
You are so cute
Alexis Stavros
Alexis Stavros - 7 years ago
Just curious, for your tanks, do you prefer acrylic or glass tanks? Or like what are the pros and cons to each one?
Rebecca Ericson
Rebecca Ericson - 7 years ago
I literally did 2 betta tanks this way in the past 3 months.  I had extra live plant clippings from the big tanks and substrate leftover and I decided which of the 4 tanks I wanted to use and which of the lights was most appropriate.  Crazy!  I don't have a full pet store though as it appears you do though.
Random May
Random May - 7 years ago
If you use a quick start do you have to wait a couple days or nah
webkinzlps Trevino
webkinzlps Trevino - 7 years ago
My mom hates the word moist
webkinzlps Trevino
webkinzlps Trevino - 7 years ago
Taylor can you react to Jessi vee
Ethan The Tarantula
Ethan The Tarantula - 7 years ago
If you move to California you have to give your hedge hogs because hedge hogs are illegal in California
Priscilla Haystone
Priscilla Haystone - 7 years ago
My male crowntail betta lives in a 10 gallon tank by himself, and he flares up and puffs his fins out when he sees his reflection in the glass. Lol its funny
Alexandra Diana Darling
Alexandra Diana Darling - 7 years ago
I live in california
Alexandra Diana Darling
Alexandra Diana Darling - 7 years ago
Cali style
Fanny Ford
Fanny Ford - 7 years ago
Garage sell
mazhar ali
mazhar ali - 7 years ago
I love the way u make this videos,, add more fun in hobby,
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
Your females are SO CUTE!!!! They look like little koi plakats!! I have a white marble plakat and I love him!! He lives in a 5 gal! :)
i7SoNx _ SpeedMC
i7SoNx _ SpeedMC - 7 years ago
music 4:46
Sophia RD
Sophia RD - 7 years ago
i like Texas
Sophia RD
Sophia RD - 7 years ago
Thomas Evers
Thomas Evers - 7 years ago
Hey Taylor, have you ever thought of modeling ?
Madelyn Dogwater
Madelyn Dogwater - 7 years ago
Lol my betta puffed up and flared out when I came to feed him.... I’m the food person and he doesn’t feel it.
TEAM KABAB - 7 years ago
Isn't the $60 and the $100 light the same light?!?!
Simon Tamang
Simon Tamang - 7 years ago
damn how come you have so less subscribers.i mean you are really good in editing.your videos are fun.
Emma Vestergaard
Emma Vestergaard - 7 years ago
I love that you did a little "meta clip" in the end! Haha <3
Also, I think that what you do is so important för animals. That you talk about safety and animals well being is inspiring and so important. My english is prob garbage, but I just wanted to say that. <3 :D I love your channel!
Fanny Vargas
Fanny Vargas - 7 years ago
Omg I want that file cabinet
Sushant Gorde
Sushant Gorde - 7 years ago
Wish i was that rich i love keeping fishes
Addison Frank
Addison Frank - 7 years ago
My mom hates the word moist too!
DogWolf_Meeko - 7 years ago
I feel like her hair changes everyday
Calandra Dean
Calandra Dean - 7 years ago
I love how much u love your fish and care for them but I have to say (my opinion) don't give me crap for this but my opinion on fish is there the last thing I would want for a's just that most people seem to get them for a visual purpus. But I don't really like to just look at an animal I like to pet,play,cuddle and overall more than just look and feed with all respect I have for fish owners I feel that your comment section is a great place for me to share my opinion because we all love animals here and most of us are cool about peoples opinions

Love you
❤ -Calandra
Gaamm Squad
Gaamm Squad - 7 years ago
I like how you say Petshmo
Saf imz
Saf imz - 7 years ago
you are actually really funny
Rohan raj modanwal
Rohan raj modanwal - 7 years ago
i would love you with and without your make up on
Rohan raj modanwal
Rohan raj modanwal - 7 years ago
you are adorable ms..
Ericka Faye
Ericka Faye - 7 years ago
Hedgehogs and a lot of other exotic pets that you have are illegal in California.
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 7 years ago
Hot girls never have cool pets. Your a legend
RelativelyFurry - 7 years ago
im gay i swear to god my mind wont stop with the gay i was thinking i could get two bettas but i don't like females cause the males are the pretty ones
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
RelativelyFurry They will stress each other out, probably fight and die very young if you mix males. Females can be just as pretty. Many of my breeder females are as showy as the males.
MrDorf007 - 7 years ago
Thumb nails are never bad see a puddy gurl and boobies. Just say'n !
Quinteze King
Quinteze King - 7 years ago
I like you and you are butiful but you talk too much
nabenmike - 7 years ago
Thumbnail worked for me lol, i clicked because of the cleavage.
Maria Klippert
Maria Klippert - 7 years ago
I'm so impressed with all the manual work you do on a regular basis!! Don't you "I'm so weak :)" :P I got goosebumps just looking at the stuff on top of the box you had to get to, hypermobility is making this kinda stuff real hard :,)
Miss yippie
Miss yippie - 7 years ago
My 11 year old self fricken kept a beta in a plastic carrier thing cringe
coconutbead - 7 years ago
what plants did you put in the tank?planning to do a planted tank soon and just curious,thanks!
coconutbead - 7 years ago
casually here watching this video for the fifth or sixth time because it's my favourite betta tank set up video :)) i'm a little bit obsessed
Timothy Lowther
Timothy Lowther - 7 years ago
I still want to marry this girl.
lailinshale - 7 years ago
FYI, my 4 year old gives me the stink eye if I watch one of your videos without her. :) We love all your animals, and all your videos.
Tarah Pechler
Tarah Pechler - 7 years ago
Can I put community fish like guppies with one betta in a 20 gallon?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Tarah Pechler Yes!
Victor Garcia
Victor Garcia - 7 years ago
I had a beta sorority once. It was awesome. 20g is the minimum anything smaller just don't. And no more than 4 betas... thou if you have a bigger tank you could keep a few more. I let mine float on the containers they came in for a day or two so they get used to each other and avoid deathly fights. After a day i started acclimating them. They will have a pecking order but after that they were okay.

Make sure not to introduce new betas after, and make sure they have a lot of places to hide in.
Hazel Keithahn
Hazel Keithahn - 7 years ago
you are sooooo lucky. i want all the animals u have but my parents are reluctant! tell Cheese i said hi!
broski moski
broski moski - 7 years ago
if u do move, what r u going to do with the axolotl cause they're illegal in California
Alex Renee
Alex Renee - 7 years ago
OMG I can't believe after only a year you already have almost 800,000 subs!!!
Mashley  Ashley
Mashley Ashley - 7 years ago
me, reserch? nah I've got Taylor! I trust her entirely!
Rosie Atkinson
Rosie Atkinson - 7 years ago
Do you think you could make a video on how to set up a saltwater aquarium for beginners? Corral reef? No extra stuff, like just the things you absolutely need. Oh, and how big is the tank that you have cheese in, just wondering cuz I think I want to get a puffer of some kind, thx so much!
Laura - 7 years ago
I really like you, u are one of the kind and also i don't like most of animal youtubers i just found that their attatude is like ,,i have so many pets and i am sooo good" but you arent like that
P. V. Nguyen
P. V. Nguyen - 7 years ago
Hmm, how come I can relate to always setting up "project" aquariums.. haha, aquariums are awesome.
Marcel Koch
Marcel Koch - 7 years ago
du bist echt ne coole
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
I breed Bettas in a community Tank. 2 Males & 5 females. I also breed guppies, shrimp, albino Mystery snails & super red Bristlenose Plecostomus'. I breed in 20g, 29g & 40g breeders. The Tanks are HEAVILY Planted & in 8 years I've NEVER had a problem. In one of the tanks I have micro Crabs in with them too. If you want anymore specific information just let me know.
Laikyn Garcia
Laikyn Garcia - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on how to maintain the water of the tank! I've never had a problem with Ph balance and I'm having the hardest time trying to keep the water in my tank (10 gallon) at the proper levels lately! I lost a few fish and tried exchanging water and getting oh drops and water testers. Helppp me help my fish ):
Sinist3rX - 7 years ago
i was here for the animals.
Mark Cena
Mark Cena - 7 years ago
Can i just have your extra betta supplies? You have so much.
W. S
W. S - 7 years ago
I wish I could go in your garage and just take whatever I want lol
Bettie van Wegen
Bettie van Wegen - 7 years ago
I love your videos a lot, and I myself want to start up a saltwater tank with jellyfish. I haven't yet seen any YouTubers who own these kinds of tanks, and was wondering if you would ever make one? Or maybe make a video about keeping more "exotic" fish/animals and/or saltwater tank do's and don'ts
Jímins Soft Kissys C:
Jímins Soft Kissys C: - 7 years ago
How big is this tank?
Animal promise
Animal promise - 7 years ago
I want 5 beta fish what do I do I prob will get a 25 gallon make a video on that!
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
Where did you get that center piece? It's beautiful!
Elisa Spirateur
Elisa Spirateur - 7 years ago
What is the name / brand of the HOB filter you're using ? I'm searching one for my 200L (52 gallons I think ?) but can't find any that looks good enough :(

PS : I love your videos, even if I watch them for the fish only :')
jamie - 7 years ago
I feel bad, all of these betas been a cup in Petco for like who knows, and I see the same ones little months later.
CrazyMaceroni#2 - 7 years ago
Well done I could not do that even if a pro fish-tank-builder-person helped me!! ❤️
Francisco Rojas
Francisco Rojas - 7 years ago
Did you have any issues with the tank i though old filters were better because they are already cycled?
Kill Bosby
Kill Bosby - 7 years ago
You should hook me up with one of those lights, starting my 3rd aquarium and don't feel like spending more money
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
You may want to heavily plant that beta tank and put way more hiding spots and thinks to break up the line of sight between the bettas. It can be very successful though, and I know you probably know a lot more about fish than me but I thought I would give you a suggestion :)
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Caroline Salpeck This was great advice, shame she didn't follow it and now her sorority is down to only 3 females and they're all tattered to hell.
Holly Bozich
Holly Bozich - 7 years ago
Where did you get that black shirt you are wearing the video?
Syd the kid
Syd the kid - 7 years ago
Where do you get your fish
Oliver Pasia
Oliver Pasia - 7 years ago
leave kiss for us :")
Brittnie Carre
Brittnie Carre - 7 years ago
I'm all late but you can use baking soda to clean your stuff just be sure to rinse thoroughly
Sklomp Slime
Sklomp Slime - 7 years ago
Love your Channel <3
Druinz - 7 years ago
Using water from another tank won't cycle a tank, the nitrifying bacteria isn't free-floating, it stays on porous things like decorations or substrate o.o
Small forest dweller
Small forest dweller - 7 years ago
Brown hair looks really nice on you, less harsh than black :)
Could you please list the products you put in the water?
R S - 7 years ago
nereida rodriguez
nereida rodriguez - 7 years ago
you are the best
Liam Basye
Liam Basye - 7 years ago
Betta heaven
MrJMO78 - 7 years ago
Wait. You can add multiple betas?
Emily Joy
Emily Joy - 7 years ago
Could you do a video on how to build and maintain a nano reef tank. I want to start my own reef tank with two vlown fish and a sea horse and I wanted info on the best nano reef set up for that
The Gaming Lane
The Gaming Lane - 7 years ago
its easier then robbing a pet smart
Samuel Rulyando
Samuel Rulyando - 7 years ago
Dont place male betta in the same place just female
Fishan Chips
Fishan Chips - 7 years ago
Hope you've got some mellow ladies! I'm doing a betta sorority and I'm planning on planting mine a lot. I love your channel but the tank might need some more plants.
Franceska Porras
Franceska Porras - 7 years ago
Abdulrahman al
Abdulrahman al - 7 years ago
Boobs 8:10
Brianna - 7 years ago
i have 3 cats, 3 rats, a ball python, a wild garter snake, a wild salamander, and a leopard gecko
Mikayla Lewis
Mikayla Lewis - 7 years ago
Do bettas need a heater? I have a male betta in a 3 gallon tank. I live in Canada it is summer here and he is downstairs where it is cooler. Would like to know if I need one now or do I wait to winter
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Mikayla Lewis They like to be kept at about 80 degrees Fahrenheit year round as they're a tropical fish.
Rhyan_bo_byan - 7 years ago
Female betas should either be in a tank by them selfs or with 4 or more other females in it.
hcrft - 7 years ago
You need floating plants for the males to establish territories, and build bubble nests to attract the females. A thick layer of floating plants is best. I have breed multiple pairs in a single tank this way. Water sprite though typically not a floating plat is super versatile and will grow aggressively as a floating plant with adequate lighting. You can add duckweed as well for more coverage. Taylor look up the spawning cycle for betas and you'll see why this is necessary.
Joshua Kosloski
Joshua Kosloski - 7 years ago
how many gallons was that tank?
Rawr Mawr
Rawr Mawr - 7 years ago
Oh. You have a pet store? Can I buy some stuff?
ShivaTheTiger - 7 years ago
Rosie L
Rosie L - 7 years ago
Don't Betta s fight? How come they went in so easily and aren't ripping fins off?
Matt Aaron
Matt Aaron - 7 years ago
Rosie L

They are females. Females can live in a "sorority" of sorts. They might nip at each other but generally they get along.

Males will tear each other apart.
kaycee linn life
kaycee linn life - 7 years ago
I have two bettes named roie and spike but we seperated them just in case
TheMewMix - 7 years ago
HELP! my beta fish male, who I've had for about two years, is sick. he has what might be a tumor or bloat on his side and he hasn't been able to swim properly upright and keeps floating on his side at the top of the tank. he still eats and i have pictures. please reply back to me with your # and i'll send them!
GippyHappy - 7 years ago
Before you had YouTube (and even with it) how do you have enough money to afford supporting all these animals??
Gwyneth Camilleri
Gwyneth Camilleri - 7 years ago
hi nicole listen can you do a vieo about how to build a vivarium
Jerry hughes69fdg
Jerry hughes69fdg - 7 years ago
Anyone els get a bit click baited?
A upton
A upton - 7 years ago
I've always wondered if at the petstores are betas all fed because there's quite a few normally
my life
my life - 7 years ago
hi sorry this is really random - me
anyway can you do a vidio on takeing care of a axolotl becaus emy sister is thinking of getting one please and btw i love yo sooo much u dont understand !!!!!!!!
my life
my life - 7 years ago
like how to change the tank what to feed them what they are like and stuff like that please
Bloo ICEY Haze
Bloo ICEY Haze - 7 years ago
Can i have your 50 gallon tank I'm a big fan
Rachel Diane Bird
Rachel Diane Bird - 7 years ago
This video was so funny as well aha the edits killed me especially the eventually from spongebob
Wild Tara
Wild Tara - 7 years ago
Your intros are just way to long
Elbenit Kozhani
Elbenit Kozhani - 7 years ago
The best underground for a Betta fish needs to be black or very dark cause white sand or something or like that stressed the betta.
Brianna D
Brianna D - 7 years ago
Hedge hogs are not allowed in California
JimmyMartian - 7 years ago
consider this doing your own research
Chey but Why?
Chey but Why? - 7 years ago
chantelle wilson
chantelle wilson - 7 years ago
You seriously do have a pet shop in your garage i wish i had all that if u put most of that up for sale youd be rich lolz x
Fishan Chips
Fishan Chips - 7 years ago
I've got that 46 gallon bowfront tank as well. I'm going to do a spinoff video because I'll try not to buy anything lol.
Fishan Chips
Fishan Chips - 7 years ago
I want to make a betta sorority. I've got the same tank as you. I know Taylor won't reply because shes probably busy or something lol, but could the people of YouTube please give me some tips?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Fishan Chips Watch Lifewithpets or Creative Pet Keeping for betta sorority tips.
Benjaminla Mitchell
Benjaminla Mitchell - 7 years ago
Anushka Jewalikar
Anushka Jewalikar - 7 years ago
I'm sorry Taylor but that is not a beta sorority tank. A beta sorority, is 6 or more betas
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Anushka Jewalikar Erroneous.
Richard Kerr
Richard Kerr - 7 years ago
I enjoyed watching this video although I will never set up a tank for Betas. You must of been born Into fish keeping because you clearly have a shit tonne of kit for aquatics and been doing this for donkeys years. Betas are a bit boring I think.
scotty hendricks
scotty hendricks - 7 years ago
Your really beautiful :3
Youtube answers
Youtube answers - 7 years ago
Wasn't it a normal Tshirt with all part intact.
Guru630 - 7 years ago
jesus christ ... when a hobby becomes an addiction
Munchie Gaming
Munchie Gaming - 7 years ago
"I wood use this but it has holes in it" didn't really notice the pun until I watched it twice
daniel galindo
daniel galindo - 7 years ago
I clicked on the video cause I saw clevage
Nathan Turner
Nathan Turner - 7 years ago
Who clicked for tits
wolfseek - 7 years ago
You make my cock rock hard.
Ankit Kar
Ankit Kar - 7 years ago
you look plastic AF
isaac bancroft
isaac bancroft - 7 years ago
Can i have a tank?
Jared Flores
Jared Flores - 7 years ago
I think females could be with each other
Madi Davis
Madi Davis - 7 years ago
I think sorority tanks are kind of a touch and go issue, it's not really possible to say they're strictly good or bad. Depending on the personalities of the fish inside it could be really easy or a total disaster. I think of them like cichlids, if there's enough of them to displace any aggression your fish should be fine. 4-5 in a group minimum and you're usually good to go, as long as the tank is big enough (yours definitely looks fine they're pretty tiny and I only saw like 4?) anyways yeah, it would be a shame if you took the tank down because you're worried. I think it's definitely worth trying out and yeaaaah i'll stop rambling now lmao
Brooklynn Rogers
Brooklynn Rogers - 7 years ago
Your garage is Petco I mean petsmo
Rocky Capone
Rocky Capone - 7 years ago
You probably could build a spare car with all that junk Taylor Nicole Dean
Music Is Medicine
Music Is Medicine - 7 years ago
I wanna have a lot of animals when im a bit older and i realized how much stuff you own and im like:"Whoooops i think im gonna spend a lot of money!"
Yuvgsosa 30
Yuvgsosa 30 - 7 years ago
Amos:yuvg_sosa30 guys
Ambz Vargz
Ambz Vargz - 7 years ago
Pimpgail - 7 years ago
I know you were being sarcastic when you put "because you like to watch people clean things on YouTube" and I actually do
Liam does stuff 12
Liam does stuff 12 - 7 years ago
How can they live together
Clayborn Hatley
Clayborn Hatley - 7 years ago
Your a pretty girl
Rachelle Swyers
Rachelle Swyers - 7 years ago
Pictures with fish. Lovely.
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
I love this! Your garage looks like mine it seems like when people find out you're into fish they just start giving you fish stuff!
Mini Hamster
Mini Hamster - 7 years ago
Cheese and Zazu wanna live together!
Rachel Johnson
Rachel Johnson - 7 years ago
Male betas don't like other male betas so that's good if none of them are fighting
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
ice cream swirl 1010
ice cream swirl 1010 - 7 years ago
I'm in Texas stay in Texas!
_Wulfie_ - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on all the things you put in your snake enclosures?
EnVision - 7 years ago
663k People know your address. And i live right around the corner from you lol interesting <3
EnVision - 7 years ago
I bet thats the creepiest comment yet haha
Parwez Sheikh
Parwez Sheikh - 7 years ago
U looks beautiful ❤ i hv crush on u
SYARIF ? - 7 years ago
can you make a cheese iphone 5s case. plz
Righteous - 7 years ago
You do realise using cycled water makes no difference towards the tank its basically using tap water which is dechlorinated
you need to cycle the filter not water
Graciella Payal
Graciella Payal - 7 years ago
2:51 TAMAGOTCHI. My childhood.
Ivn - 7 years ago
I have 6 aquariums, and one terrarium, that is just starting:). You are my idol and pure angel!. I adore you.
kill me
kill me - 7 years ago
I read square pants instead of spare parts
YszobelleDonado - 7 years ago
Bonny M
Bonny M - 7 years ago
Annndddd now it is for turtles lol *edit - man I keep commenting before I finish your videos or watch them out of order. I'll shutup now.
Cass Ann
Cass Ann - 7 years ago
I love those betas!
Keona von Stentzsch
Keona von Stentzsch - 7 years ago
grace wang
grace wang - 7 years ago
I subbed!!! Love ur vids!
Annip Annip
Annip Annip - 7 years ago
i wish u will be my angel if i die later. i dont mind if i was in hell. all i need is u.
Daisy Marisa
Daisy Marisa - 7 years ago
you are so my type of girl, (not gay) also i want to keep an salamander i got from spain, it's really tiny. i though of buying: brine shrimp,humidifyer, shagnum moss, temperature meter& thing for temperature, water... uh a fish tank... do you think that is a good idea or should i just not do it. or what else do i definitely need? xoxo
Jade Foreman
Jade Foreman - 7 years ago
What size is that tank?
Jacob the reptile kid Monzon
Jacob the reptile kid Monzon - 7 years ago
You're awesome
Cullen Kawano
Cullen Kawano - 7 years ago
I love this video because I also have so much extra aquarium stuff and could make a few tanks if I only had the room.... Love you! Keep on being awesome!
Christopher Suer
Christopher Suer - 7 years ago
Your channel is really cool. You have a fun editing style, personality, vibe and showmanship like other popular you tubers. The cool thing is that your an aquarium expert. Your like an aquarium rockstar ! I am pretty sure you might be the only one...I am subscribing to watch and get inspiration for my channel. I do some aquarium videos too : )
Hanna Brennan
Hanna Brennan - 7 years ago
give some away
Jxssie Playz
Jxssie Playz - 7 years ago
I Have ONE Betta Paradise Male..
Jay - 7 years ago
Your going to move to California.... staring intensifies

I live there....

Don't ever leave
Nerd MSP
Nerd MSP - 7 years ago
My sis hates the word most too
Kass Love
Kass Love - 7 years ago
I set up a guppy tank with what i had except i needed to buy a tank and i still need the gravel at the bottom
guacamole - 7 years ago
8:03 no ones looking at tank
Shelby Pennington
Shelby Pennington - 7 years ago
Could you do a video about how to do a planted tank? Like specific lights/supplements/etc. You need to keep the plants alive and happy. I've had a freshwater tank for 5 years (I had a 14 gallon for three and switched to a 30 two years ago) and I've always had plastic plants because I felt like I would kill live ones, but after reading a bit about it it would be great to have live plants to help with the nitrogen cycle and all that so I don't have to keep putting prime in my tank because I'm scared I'll have another Great Fish Massacre of Death and Sadness caused by spiked ammonia levels. I know theres a lot of info about it online but a lot of them say you need this but not this and these plants go with these fish and that food is bad for them etc. And its confusing lol. I'd rather just get info from you cause I trust your advice. ❤
tink040370 - 7 years ago
I have no fish but I have learned so much from you. I didn't know beta fish could be together in a tank. I guess it depends on the Individual fishes! You are so kind to your animals. Thank you beautiful!
MTHorses - 7 years ago
Would you be willing to do a video on vacation feeders? I've heard people say they are bad and you shouldn't use them, I've heard people say they do use them and they work fine, etc. How do you keep your animals fed when you're away?
Jerod Collins
Jerod Collins - 7 years ago
in CA hedgehogs are not legal and not abunch of pets are
Pablo Garcia
Pablo Garcia - 7 years ago
I love forever
Pablo Garcia
Pablo Garcia - 7 years ago
I love Nicole
Blue tongue skink Lover 568
Blue tongue skink Lover 568 - 7 years ago
Please do a blue tongue skink care video
Aaron Wright
Aaron Wright - 7 years ago
I love watching people clean things actually
Tear Drops
Tear Drops - 7 years ago
All those fish are females so you have no worries, unless one is pregnant.
James U
James U - 7 years ago
Hey have a hole in your shirt.
Markell Jones
Markell Jones - 7 years ago
Can you help me out with some supplies because my uncle got me a crested gecko and I don't have anything to put it in can u help???
Markell Jones
Markell Jones - 7 years ago
Can you help me out with some supplies because my uncle got me a crested gecko and I don't have anything to put it in can u help???
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
You need to do a subscriber giveaway
Life of Mei and Mr. Sriracha
Life of Mei and Mr. Sriracha - 7 years ago
Song at 4:10 ?
G Cilidales
G Cilidales - 7 years ago
You should do a walstad tank build
Chooka Deer
Chooka Deer - 7 years ago
Dont worry Taylor i hate Texas too.
Reese tabler
Reese tabler - 7 years ago
I'm jealous
Reese tabler
Reese tabler - 7 years ago
You're absolutely gorgeous
FabFish - 7 years ago
hey i just started my youtube channel pls subscribe
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 7 years ago
I think they typically do really well as long as you have a big enough tank and not less than three bettas. And of course you'd have to keep an eye out for any particularly aggressive females. But also a lot of hiding places helps too.
Namira Walker
Namira Walker - 7 years ago
Im getting a beta fish today. I knew they need a filter but not a heater. Im unprepared and cant afford anything lol. I think ill get the fish and get everything properly situated within a week. Your videos teach a lot
Casey Santa
Casey Santa - 7 years ago
Does anyone have any recommendations on good channels about chinchillas?
shooketh blinkarmy
shooketh blinkarmy - 7 years ago
What type of beta fish can be together?
John SM
John SM - 7 years ago
You remind me of Blair White. Good video's, great content.
Rolling Rick
Rolling Rick - 7 years ago
Why are you moving to Cali...... Texas is where it's at
Josh dylan Gómez
Josh dylan Gómez - 7 years ago
I wish you can be my girl but im to young ( WHY LIFE)
Moka Cat
Moka Cat - 7 years ago
time traveller
Alivia Domonica
Alivia Domonica - 7 years ago
Can you put a GoPro in a fish tank with fish
• Joyus •
• Joyus • - 7 years ago
ReRun - 7 years ago
You have too much unused fish shit lmao I can only imagine how much money is going unused
Javier Fernandez
Javier Fernandez - 7 years ago
Easy free build. Just use all the badass stuff you already have! Hahahahh, I should. :D
One_Army - 7 years ago
my cat ate my female beta fish....XD
Javier Fernandez
Javier Fernandez - 7 years ago
"I didn't buy anything." Couldn't click fast enough. :D
Molley Kennedy
Molley Kennedy - 7 years ago
Do you have any tanks that you do not use I would love some because I need a bigger tank for my 4 goldfish
David Watson
David Watson - 7 years ago
They look like guppies
hannah - 7 years ago
I feel like considering how large your tank is you should be fine, though maybe more hiding spaces would help
Jonny Burli
Jonny Burli - 7 years ago
I've seen sister tanks go both ways, the major factor I've seen is the size of the tank. I had a customer with a 240 planted with a ton of hiding spots that had 4 females and a male get along and breed but also have seen horror stories from just 2 females in a 55. Personally I had 3 in a planted 40g with lots of rock work without issues but have since made that a community tank and gave the bettas away. With most tank ideas, they may not always be the best decision to make but if your execution and upkeep is on point then there shouldnt be a problem. My advice: get some more stuff in there for them to explore and hide
———— ————
———— ———— - 7 years ago
u are hot
Jasmine Swanson
Jasmine Swanson - 7 years ago
I have red algae growing in my tank and I'm not sure how to stop it from coming back?!
AllAlaskan907 - 7 years ago
That tank looks awful moist......
xxbboxkingz z
xxbboxkingz z - 7 years ago
hi i was watching animal videos yesterday and you are a really good youtuber and you have inspired me to get a pacman frog ive never heard of one till i saw your videos ive done some research and im getting one in a couple of days thank you you have made my life a lot lot more better thank you alot
SvenmaisterTV 69
SvenmaisterTV 69 - 7 years ago
Eat shit bitch
Ariana Smith
Ariana Smith - 7 years ago
YouTuber: Doing my makeup using only drugstore makeup challenge!
Taylor: Setting up a tank using spare parts challenge!
Lol love you Taylor ❤️
Freja V
Freja V - 7 years ago
"I wood use something like this" BAHAHAH I'm so bad.
Watermelon27 - 7 years ago
U have really nice tits
Tiffany Tanaka
Tiffany Tanaka - 7 years ago
i jus wana see chese
Shaelin Sabina
Shaelin Sabina - 7 years ago
If the power goes out, could your animals be harmed?
Arthur Dicrescento
Arthur Dicrescento - 7 years ago
Your hot !!!!
UnknownTroll10292 _
UnknownTroll10292 _ - 7 years ago
people say you can not have heghoges in California or they will take them away
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 7 years ago
She has a 200$ ferret cage used as storage for supplies
Pimp Daddy Kim
Pimp Daddy Kim - 7 years ago
The ending of this video was the best part imo, i laughed way too much. taylor stay fab, thx
FabulousFish Facts
FabulousFish Facts - 7 years ago
I love your channel but you should have a garage sale
Puppy Lover
Puppy Lover - 7 years ago
You have snap chat Taylor add meee my name is Alexis manochit
Puppy Lover
Puppy Lover - 7 years ago
Avy Aulonocara
Avy Aulonocara - 7 years ago
My sorority is in a 55g planted community tank and doing very well. I think the fact that there are plants and lots of space is a big help.
Eleanor Smith
Eleanor Smith - 7 years ago
Sponsored? I thought you didn't spend any money.
PokeChic Rivera
PokeChic Rivera - 7 years ago
Charlotte Piller
Charlotte Piller - 7 years ago
Upload please!
Terrible Youtuber69
Terrible Youtuber69 - 7 years ago
Hey Taylor! So I'm preparing to get a new beta fish and I was wondering if tap water and water conditioner or distilled water made for tanks would be better, opinions? Tysm ❤️
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
PetZ Canada tap water because distilled water Lacks important minerals that fish need. Just remember that you need a water conditioner every time you add water for a water change and you need to test your water regularly to make sure that the parameters are safe
LordOfCabbage - 7 years ago
I recently started a 55 gallon brackish tank and we have 6 black mollies and a figure 8 puffer. we are looking for some beginner gobies we could put in our tank do you have ant suggestions? anybody?
Marian Paola Cardona Vega
Marian Paola Cardona Vega - 7 years ago
Make a video about your leapord gecko
Flowers and More galore
Flowers and More galore - 7 years ago
If ur moving to California don't move to san fransisco if u want don't move to the tenderloin
KittyKat-Dawn Ray
KittyKat-Dawn Ray - 7 years ago
@Taylor Nichole Dean What do you recommend as a singular fish? I had fish as a child but my mom did most of the care, I'm prepared pay and care for them
sonia rodriguez
sonia rodriguez - 7 years ago
go blonde again
Gracie (student) Davalos
Gracie (student) Davalos - 7 years ago
Where is your leopard gecko?! I want one but I want to know some more info on them!!!
AidaCute16 - 7 years ago
I am in Houston!!! Are there any big events happening from today until August 1?
friesarecool101 - 7 years ago
NEVER BUY A FILTER AGAIN!!! you have like 74 . You told me to remind you
Brianna is real And the government knows it
Brianna is real And the government knows it - 7 years ago
Taylor can you please make a care video for Pacman frogs
Cheese - 7 years ago
I am never safe. I told you I am never safe. Not even when I am safe I am still not safe. Please don't eat me
DJ Luna_tiK
DJ Luna_tiK - 7 years ago
U r my sooo kinda girl who would accept any animal I would bring into it
NightmareNessii - 7 years ago
new subscriber here! one question. how can you afford all your animals?
amazing and interesting videos tho!
Ghost Song
Ghost Song - 7 years ago
You should get a black cat or any cat but a orange tabby and name him Simba
TwentyØnePilots - 7 years ago
Look taylor your great, but where's cheese??
Armin ka
Armin ka - 7 years ago
marry me taylor
百合•希望 - 7 years ago
Hi Sweetie.. You can ask Creative Pet Keeping in her YouTube channel and she has a lot of experience with Bettas and has a sorority aquarium which is going great. My daughter had one, too and all her 5 female Bettas got along great, too. So, I don't know why online, they say sorority betta aquarium doesn't work or not good for the Bettas, but I have to disagree and more likely based on how you care for them. I believe any pet will do well as long as they are loved and cared for with all our hearts, making sure they're happy and healthy and breeding like Creative Pet Keeping who has lots of different kinds of pets just like you. Hope you check her channel ASAPー♥︎GOD bless and SHALOM❣️❣️
O M - 7 years ago
Dead Taylor T-T
michelle taylor
michelle taylor - 7 years ago
hi taylor I have a hedgehog who needs a home if you are interested please answer she is a girl called Iza she needs ahome like you thanks.
Rissa Vlogs
Rissa Vlogs - 7 years ago
can you do a sand boa care video please??
Melena Scott
Melena Scott - 7 years ago
taaaaylor you should make like a full on room tour, like showing where your animals are set up and everything else in your room.. yano like, a normal room tour man (:
Nadine Pimentel
Nadine Pimentel - 7 years ago
How's your axolotl?
It's Me
It's Me - 7 years ago
I'm not sure if I'd rather be your BF or your pet...
Marco Elkes
Marco Elkes - 7 years ago
This is an addiction you got way to much stuff your not using anymore.
Slay all day won't play Mikayla
Slay all day won't play Mikayla - 7 years ago
Hey Taylor can I have ur number to possibly buy me a tank I'm getting a noodle snake inspired buy u I'm 10 and a female
Olivia  Ward
Olivia Ward - 7 years ago
Omg Taylor had a tamagotchi
Emma Pizza
Emma Pizza - 7 years ago
Hey Taylor I just got the lunch box and pencil case in the mail so cute
Waffle Dressing
Waffle Dressing - 7 years ago
Cali is hot??
supreme jc
supreme jc - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought about getting a guinea pig ?
daddy stilton
daddy stilton - 7 years ago
Can I use distilled water and put the salt mixture in that to use for my saltwater tank?
Laney Gire
Laney Gire - 7 years ago
You should make a matting tank
Jess Morganstern
Jess Morganstern - 7 years ago
went to pet schmo got a hamster, died six days later, went back got another hamster, died 6 days later.... this place seriously sucks, I've done everything right lol
See u in Hell
See u in Hell - 7 years ago
What happens when you travel? Who takes care of your animals?
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Who clicked because of that cleavage thumbnail?
Valerie Dominguez
Valerie Dominguez - 7 years ago
Get a cat
Worked Glint
Worked Glint - 7 years ago
Hey, I was wondering if you could give some advice on convincing my parents to let me get an animal. We aren't short on money and the only issue is that my dad thinks I won't take care of it.Pls help!
SlapYoMomma 3232
SlapYoMomma 3232 - 7 years ago
Love your vids so much
Jenna Isabella
Jenna Isabella - 7 years ago
Post more videos
Cliff stewart
Cliff stewart - 7 years ago
Pips Planet
Pips Planet - 7 years ago
Can you also do an updated all my pets vid
Madi Skates
Madi Skates - 7 years ago
Just curious, how's Sarabi? Btw love your videos!!!
J Playz
J Playz - 7 years ago
Get 2 pet rats plz there's a difference mice are smaller and don't like to socialize with other mice but rat love to that plzzzzzzzzzzzz get a pet rat
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
Yoooo, how much do you want for that kessil ap700? It pains me to see it just sitting in the box. haha
LPSMcKenna - 7 years ago
When are you gonna show us your leopard gecko? I'm just excited because I have one too xD
Andres Sanchez
Andres Sanchez - 7 years ago
Would you ever consider getting a guinea pig?
Jupiter Productions
Jupiter Productions - 7 years ago
Pleaaaseee move❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
meme machine
meme machine - 7 years ago
Hey Taylor?? My fish (I don't know what kind he is, I got my fish for free from one of those fish pool catchings, he's supposed to be a goldfish but he's like grey.) I had 4 fish in a 2 and a half gallon tank, and one of my golfishes killed my fish, the fish was not dead before, he just started munching on him and just pushing him around when he was just fine this morning. I had to flush that dead fish, rip. I noticed this morning that he was trying to munch on another fish, so I put him in his own separate one gallon tank, what do I do with him..? My other 2 fish get along just fine.
Olivia Park
Olivia Park - 7 years ago
Idk if you already have done this but I didn't find any videos from you, but could you make a total care video for blue tongued skinks? I would really like to get my own and I trust your information and guidance
diamondlover200 - 7 years ago
Taylor get a beardie/ bearded dragon!! Like if she should!!
Aziie - 7 years ago
I only have a 15 gallon tank for a crested gecko. Is it okay? Or should I get a larger one? Ly <3
Razor Eroweb
Razor Eroweb - 7 years ago
Please do a video on your leopard gecko
elaine - 7 years ago
am i the only one that was screaming for the pink file cabinet in her garage.. like i've never seen something so fabulous
Ruby Klass
Ruby Klass - 7 years ago
That's a bus??????!!!!!!!!
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 7 years ago
taylor ive watched your channel for a really long time and i want to answer a question...
why dont you get a guinea pig i have 2 of them one short haired black and white one with red eys and one abbiyasin one that is ginger and white they are great pets and you should get them because they are great pets
violetkitten18 - 7 years ago
whats your opinion on fish bowls? yknow, the little one you keep on the end table or counter. ive always thought they were terrible but i dont know? im kinda wondering what tiny fish i can have 1 or 2 of in one.
Coral Main
Coral Main - 7 years ago
Taylor, I see myself reflected in your videos and you. If you ever for some reason come to Mexico City, please feel free to visit my animal and plant kingdom, thank you your'e a great wonderful person!!
Madison Moon
Madison Moon - 7 years ago
My life is falling apart...and all I have to comfort me is Taylor. I have literally made marathons out of her videos {send help }
Christina - 7 years ago
It's been a week since you posted :'(
Cheese - 7 years ago
Congrats you're the first YouTuber I've ever bought merchandise from. P.s I love you keep doing what you do you are awesome and so are your animals P.p.s expect fan mail from Nichole :)
Anirban Namhata
Anirban Namhata - 7 years ago
I visit your vlog to stare at you.......
Shear Sleight
Shear Sleight - 7 years ago
Do a video with Christine and Elijah, they just got a danger noodle named Gucci
Rey Ordoñez
Rey Ordoñez - 7 years ago
Make a second channel where you show people how to take care of each pet that you own. Basically that channel will be used to show a whole bunch of information about every type of animal you have, since you have a lot of different types of animals
Hail Stormy
Hail Stormy - 7 years ago
The betta's in my sorority get along just fine. They eat together and swim together as well, I did have a ghost shrimp in there but they didn't like it so I had to pull it out before any of them could kill the poor thing. I've had my sorority for about 4 months and haven't had and problems with fighting or ill fish. Love your videos btw lol
Karina Lopez
Karina Lopez - 7 years ago
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 7 years ago
If you move to California say goodbye to hedge hogs forever until you get a permit
Pips Planet
Pips Planet - 7 years ago
You should make a vid all about your tarantula!
Turbogeek 21
Turbogeek 21 - 7 years ago
Btw moist is the worst word ever
Ashleigh Yob
Ashleigh Yob - 7 years ago
Please make a all of my pets video again I'm confused
Spider Man
Spider Man - 7 years ago
Your hair in the second inteo killed me
Home Aquatics Hobby
Home Aquatics Hobby - 7 years ago
Sweet video!
Christina Sherlock
Christina Sherlock - 7 years ago
You kinda reminded me as sssniperwolf
Julia The Sun
Julia The Sun - 7 years ago
You should make more videos with your mouse!!!
Jemma Noke
Jemma Noke - 7 years ago
Gymnast Julia yes I agree!!
0autumn6 - 7 years ago
bass slayer23
bass slayer23 - 7 years ago
Where are your videos?
bass slayer23
bass slayer23 - 7 years ago
Make more
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
I am kind of surprised that Male Beta's do not fight to the death in your tank - I tried it once in a 150-Gal tank (2 Males ), all went well for a few days until they found each other, and it was on - Butch and Bubba went at it until one was dead and the other dying shortly after the battle - Never did that again. Though I admit that a "Inner Sadist" did enjoy the battle once it was obvious I was not going to get them to stop. Still, I felt bad - Like you, I thought it was a big enough tank for them to establish their own "Zone" but it wasn't. Sad.
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
Do you think you should have made sure that second filter actually worked "BEFORE" you cleaned - maybe you did and left that out to confuse us all - hmmmmmmm.
devynleah - 7 years ago
Are they all females in the tank or are they baby's of both genders
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
Taylor, I am rolling - You are so Hilarious - You need a Reality Show - Seriously - You would be great at providing Educational Information with a great Sense of Humor.
Hedgie Academy
Hedgie Academy - 7 years ago
Any advice to someone starting a hedgehog channel, completely inspired by you, yourself, Taylor Nicole Dean? Love you so much! Best youtuber ever! You set the youtube goals bar higher than ever!
Kim Abbott
Kim Abbott - 7 years ago
I kept sorority tanks back in the day with no issues. The only suggestion I would make is way more plants and hiding places. As long as you have tons of places for the girls to get away from each other, there really isn't a problem.
Anushka Jewalikar
Anushka Jewalikar - 7 years ago
Just waiting for
Setting up A Great White Shark with stuff I already have at home
Madeline Crile
Madeline Crile - 7 years ago
I am commenting this with only watching a few of this guys videos. He seems to be a snake breeder. I don't know absolutely anything about him or if what he is doing is legal? But I wanted to sent his account to you in hopes to get your feed back! Once again, idk if what he does is actually 100% ok to do! But I sorta had an odd feeling and from being subscribed to you and always watching your videos, i just wanted to 'warn' or show u him ig? lol ik I just said that again but I don't want hate otherwise!!! Hope you see this, but his account is Brian Barczyk I hope I can help:) my insta is maddyycrilee if you had questions??? Prob not but just in case.
Pet Plaza
Pet Plaza - 7 years ago
What happened tot he Twitter hacking video?
Ry Zeus
Ry Zeus - 7 years ago
Hi, nice tits.
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
Omg best betta care!
Joey Givan
Joey Givan - 7 years ago
truly feeling the square for the video, you must have an awesome team that I want to be on.
MiraMeowO0 0
MiraMeowO0 0 - 7 years ago
It would be really cool if I had enough money to just go to a pet store with fish and stuff get a de sentry bigger tank and get all kinds of different fish that could go together and decorations and all the other stuff you need for them that would be a fun day for me lol
Tingles AJ
Tingles AJ - 7 years ago
What happened to your gerbils friend?
DevotedTime - 7 years ago
When you have the same filing cabinet
xGreninja - 7 years ago
This editing style is so funny
Vivie Tran
Vivie Tran - 7 years ago
She's engaged??!?!?!?
Ayla Nassen
Ayla Nassen - 7 years ago
Vivie Tran
Vivie Tran - 7 years ago
heather thyssen
heather thyssen - 7 years ago
When u go to the expo get a water dragon please they are fun pets
pinch of paprika
pinch of paprika - 7 years ago
Your personality reminds me of Hannah Hoffman lol.
Justin Hull
Justin Hull - 7 years ago
You should get another puffer fish
Lolo animations
Lolo animations - 7 years ago
i live 4 hours away from sanantonio

mom:L## go outside
me:but its like a trillion degrees

i also used to live in arizona :)
Jian Ren
Jian Ren - 7 years ago
What happened to your old sority tank?
GlitterGirl53 - 7 years ago
Guys, I think she died
Lolo animations
Lolo animations - 7 years ago
how do you love things in comments
Lolo animations
Lolo animations - 7 years ago
i have that tank
Peter Martnez
Peter Martnez - 7 years ago
California is the place to be I live in the north bay let's be friends
Peter Martnez
Peter Martnez - 7 years ago
Do you have a boy friend
Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 7 years ago
No offense but the only reason people clicked this video is because they saw you're boob hanging out and you know it to.
Nine Cousins
Nine Cousins - 7 years ago
Hedges are restricted in CA
Lola Miodonski
Lola Miodonski - 7 years ago
I love you so much!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
JVT - 7 years ago
The fish when they entered the tank they were just like "WOAH"
Fuddy Singer
Fuddy Singer - 7 years ago
get a crustation halloween moon crab
Eli Murphy
Eli Murphy - 7 years ago
Would you ever consider getting a bird?
Analog Signal
Analog Signal - 7 years ago
You could certainly costar as cersei in the game of thrones show
Dandi's Den
Dandi's Den - 7 years ago
A lot of it, i think also depends on the temperament of the fish. I added 3 guppies to my tank, which already had a betta in it. I lost one guppy and I don't really know to what... if it was nipping from the betta or the other guppies or if it was something else. I just know i found him one day in the bottom of my tank with no tail, dead obviously. But there's been like no other problems. My 2 other guppies are getting a long and my betta is all 'meh'.
Lyfe Of Bella!
Lyfe Of Bella! - 7 years ago
i have a duck egg but im not sure if it is fertile yet just in case do you sell those small animal cages for when its a baby duck?
twenty_one_eq - 7 years ago
Dear Taylor,
I just got a chinchilla about a month ago, and he is so awesome and playful. He also strikes me as a pet you would love. Just an idea that hope you take into consideration because I seriously think you would LOVE one!
Brittany Jewell
Brittany Jewell - 7 years ago
(PLEASE REPLY)Hello Taylor Nicole Dean i am a huge fan of you, fish, and reptiles. I was just wondering what fish you would recommend i put in my cowfish/Cheese tank because currently my cowfish/cheese/child is all alone and has no friends and i have been wanting to change that and upgrade my saltwater cheese tank also my cheeses name is ChiKa and i thought of that actually right after i saw the first video staring cheese so anyways please help me and let me know what fish i should pare with my cowfish ChiKa?..?..? (BTW i have a juvenile dragon wrasse i would like to pare with chika but i don't really know about that and how they will do paired in a tank???)
Bri Torres
Bri Torres - 7 years ago
taylor can you do a mouse cage tour pleaseeeee
Elaine_LOL - 7 years ago
taylor its been almost a week. Your M.I.A
Ashley Seavey
Ashley Seavey - 7 years ago
You should get a bearded dragon. They are super awesome
Terry Tackett
Terry Tackett - 7 years ago
get some more pets
zoey beauty
zoey beauty - 7 years ago
you sood get a rat
Demon Child
Demon Child - 7 years ago
Where did u get cheese(ur cowfish) and what's the best tank for a cowfish?
Lindsey Camacho
Lindsey Camacho - 7 years ago
Come with more merch !! I really liked your last merch
Sage Cable
Sage Cable - 7 years ago
This video was oddly super entertaining
Kika Cookie12
Kika Cookie12 - 7 years ago
What about me?
AleaRB - 7 years ago
You need a bird
Ghost Song
Ghost Song - 7 years ago
You should do a thing where every 2 months u do a meet my pets vid
nevii_isntcool - 7 years ago
You have more stuff then my dad in his fish tank (rip corner of living room)
Rooster2628 - 7 years ago
What part of Texas? I live west of Houston.
Colorado Living
Colorado Living - 7 years ago
Do a Leopard Gecko Update video!!!!
Happy Hammies
Happy Hammies - 7 years ago
You have extra 60 gallons my dad won't even let me get a 5 gallon for my betta lol
GameRulrr - 7 years ago
Hey Taylor I've been wanting to get a Sun Skink, but no matter how much research I've done I can't seem to find anything about the proper care for one. Like a proper setup, size of the tank, whether they climb or such... I was just wondering if you had any advice?
Darien Boyer
Darien Boyer - 7 years ago
What kinds of betas can be housed together? Just females? A couple females and strictly one male? (I know males fight) Is it better to just have one?
Abby Blancett
Abby Blancett - 7 years ago
Where did u go
Ramunė Paškevičienė
Ramunė Paškevičienė - 7 years ago
nice vid i watch you re videos becase i love animals and you re vids are funny, i loved the vid when chese moved to his new tank
Elyse Hess
Elyse Hess - 7 years ago
cool you might go to California! I live in California but the only thing that annoys me here is how darn hot the summer is...if you go to the beach the sand is super hot you kinda have to hop over to the water. whenever I do it it looks like I'm doing a bad dance move.
FootballDiva - 7 years ago
They like small tanks
Alyson Hallowich
Alyson Hallowich - 7 years ago
Can you do a care video about Pacman frogs?
Canal do Luca
Canal do Luca - 7 years ago
Did you get any turtle?
Jenna Hataway
Jenna Hataway - 7 years ago
You should get a tegu or a cool squid/octupous
charity Harrison
charity Harrison - 7 years ago
Why don't own any cats
Karina Lopez
Karina Lopez - 7 years ago
U should do another contest
Sorcha xx
Sorcha xx - 7 years ago
please make an updated hedgehog video!
Mia shields
Mia shields - 7 years ago
What happened with Cheese?
Jasmin JENSEN - 7 years ago
Can you do a video about setting up everything for a saltwater tank because I have had freshwater tank before but I am not sure if there is anything I need to do specifically for a saltwater tank?
don ledger
don ledger - 7 years ago
i just fapped to that t shirt you wearing..too sexy

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