Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions

Welcome Fish Lovers, Thank you for clicking on this video. If you follow me on Instagram then you know I have been having a lot of problems with Finn and have not been sure how to fix them. Sadly I had to euthanize him, but I decided I was going to try my hand a a sorority tank since I seem to have better luck with the three females I have at home than I do any of my males. I am going to be attempting to add both Freya and Mango to the sorority while I am on break and have to bring everyone home. I will try to do updates every couple of weeks so that you guys can see the progress, or lack of progress, the sorority is making. ~Kaylan Commonly asked questions: Q: What camera do you use to take your Instagram pictures? A: GE x600 Full HD (bought about 4 years ago, so not the best camera on the market but it still works) UPDATED ANSWER (7-9-15): Samsung WB1199F Updated Answer (1-29-16): I now use a Cannon Vixia HF R60. It is AMAZING quality and I hope it makes better videos for you guys. Disclaimer: Everything in this video was bought by either myself or my family. I was not given anything in this video for free. I have never been compensated in anyway for any video I have made (up to the date this video was published.) All opinions are my own, and are not influenced by anything but my own experience. I am not an expert on betta fish or goldfish. I am just a girl who enjoys them and wants to share her fish, and thoughts on them, with other people. **All videos and pictures are property of Kaylan and beautifulbettafish. DO NOT STEAL MY PICTURES OR VIDEOS! If you would like to use a video or picture for any purpose you must contact me at and ask if you may use them. Thank you for understanding the hard work that is put into everyone of my pictures and videos.**

Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Betta 9 years ago 26,742 views

Welcome Fish Lovers, Thank you for clicking on this video. If you follow me on Instagram then you know I have been having a lot of problems with Finn and have not been sure how to fix them. Sadly I had to euthanize him, but I decided I was going to try my hand a a sorority tank since I seem to have better luck with the three females I have at home than I do any of my males. I am going to be attempting to add both Freya and Mango to the sorority while I am on break and have to bring everyone home. I will try to do updates every couple of weeks so that you guys can see the progress, or lack of progress, the sorority is making. ~Kaylan Commonly asked questions: Q: What camera do you use to take your Instagram pictures? A: GE x600 Full HD (bought about 4 years ago, so not the best camera on the market but it still works) UPDATED ANSWER (7-9-15): Samsung WB1199F Updated Answer (1-29-16): I now use a Cannon Vixia HF R60. It is AMAZING quality and I hope it makes better videos for you guys. Disclaimer: Everything in this video was bought by either myself or my family. I was not given anything in this video for free. I have never been compensated in anyway for any video I have made (up to the date this video was published.) All opinions are my own, and are not influenced by anything but my own experience. I am not an expert on betta fish or goldfish. I am just a girl who enjoys them and wants to share her fish, and thoughts on them, with other people. **All videos and pictures are property of Kaylan and beautifulbettafish. DO NOT STEAL MY PICTURES OR VIDEOS! If you would like to use a video or picture for any purpose you must contact me at and ask if you may use them. Thank you for understanding the hard work that is put into everyone of my pictures and videos.**

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Most popular comments
for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions

Charlotte Mark
Charlotte Mark - 7 years ago
what size is this tank? i am thinking about making a female betta tank
Katie Pazdra
Katie Pazdra - 7 years ago
Is it necessary to BARK at people with different opinions? Thank heaven you are not a salesperson at my favorite pet store-OMG
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
+Kaylan this is me on another account that I only use for watching videos. But my point in this comment still stands.
Kaylan - 7 years ago
Katie Pazdra when people are being overly rude yes. I also do not work at a pet store at all. I’m a fashion major and do this for fun. People need not call me an idiot or insinuate that I’m stupid and did no research if they want a nice answer back from me. When you ask a legitimate question you get a good answer. When you are rude, you get rude back.
Xyulel - 7 years ago
why did you add all the dirty water in to the clean water
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
+Xyulel I didnnot. I grabbed the girls with my hand and put them into the water. The poured the water from the cups into a bucket to take to my bathroom when it was done being used and pour it out.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
I didnt. I grabbed the girls out of the cup by hand and put them in the tank. None of the water from the cups went in my tank. The water was blue, you would have seen it if it had.
Tasha Monique
Tasha Monique - 7 years ago
You are so cute!!
Amie Gwen
Amie Gwen - 7 years ago
Love your tank!!! I recently posted a video of my sorority set up!
PLMDunham - 7 years ago
it's obvious you learned most your knowledge from either guessing or a pet store, do some real research please and don't get offended when others are giving you advice tht will keep your fish alive longer, if u take care of them properly i've had my own live up to 3-4 years but usually around 1-2
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
PLMDunham no I did do research. As I have said time and time again all fish act differently just like all dogs and cats are different. I have had my bettas live for years. My females however attacked each other when all introduced at the same time. I do not mind advice. I do however mind when people get upset because of how I chose to do and title my videos and when they think it is okay to say what I do is wrong just because they don't do it the way I do.
Loreal L.
Loreal L. - 7 years ago
Enjoyed your video! Stay positive and keep the betta girlies happy!
Haven Valentine
Haven Valentine - 7 years ago
Didn't even show the setup, only her putting the girls into the tank (which btw, she didn't even do right)
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
Okay number one, I am sassy but I am not a bitch. Number two like I just said I LOOKED UP HOW TO DO IT BEFORE I DID IT. And they had been in the cups in the tank floating around eachother for long enough to calm down. Like I said, the only issue I ever had with the girls was when I moved them to a new tank and had to release them all at the same time. THEY WERE PERFECTLY FINE IN THIS TANK WHEN I DID IT THE WAY I CHOSE TO DO IT Now please if you are going to continue to be negative nicely leave my video and channel. Also there are no rules to what has to be in my video when I title it. Just because you did not believe it was a SET UP video does not mean that it was not. it was just not done the way that you thought it should be done. Now have a good night, and leave my channel.
Haven Valentine
Haven Valentine - 7 years ago
Beautiful Betta Fish damn you're a sassy bitch. When "set up" is in the title it usually mean they show them SETTING IT UP and giving advice about how the viewers should set up theirs. And you didn't do it right. You're supposed to release them all at the same time after they've calmed down so they all have a chance and dominating and establishing territories
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
1) I did show the set up, because you could see what was in the tank. I never said I was going to show it being set up because it was a tank that was already set up because it had another fish in it before the girls were in it. 2) I did do it correctly because you do put them in about 5 minutes apart and start with either the most aggressive or least aggressive so they can establish their territory and then add the rest of the girls. I had no issues with the girls in this initial tank and only had problems after moving them and adding them all at the same time, so please do not try to come to my channel and discredit how I decided to do something because I did research on it before I set the tank up. Have a good day, and thank you for taking the time to watch my video :)
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
I get the concern for safety, but I've yet to see a trend in accidents in correlation with vlogging. Hell studies are saying weed doesn't affect driving, I think it's all about skill and technique really.

10. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions

Monica Kuzmicki
Monica Kuzmicki - 7 years ago
I like how people tell you not to use your phone while driving, when they probably text and drive themselves!! Also if people don't want to see that part of the video they can just skip forward -_-
Monica Kuzmicki
Monica Kuzmicki - 7 years ago
Yeah just ignore stupid people, but you already know this. Also, I got some female bettas and started my own sorority tank! Thanks for the inspiration.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
That was kind of the thought I had on the whole situation honestly. I was driving through campus the majority of the time, at a time where there were not many people, and I was not really paying attention to my phone other than to make sure I hadnt dropped it down past my face occasionally.
Lexie Pages
Lexie Pages - 7 years ago
can u house 2 females in a 5 gallon tank
salty sugar • 10 months ago
salty sugar • 10 months ago - 7 years ago
Actually , it has to be atleast 3 females. But yea, preferably 5. You can never have 2 females together.
Cat Valentine
Cat Valentine - 7 years ago
Beautiful Betta Fish Yea I made that mistake once
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
No. you need to have at least 5 females and a MINIMUM of 20 gallons
Christian and Mykaila Grossnicklaus
Christian and Mykaila Grossnicklaus - 7 years ago
at least 3 so ur good
josephsangle - 7 years ago
There are general rules with fish keeping that we just have to follow and understand....but you do figure out what best works for us....I myself do my own thing to my own personal liking and have not killed a fish.....but people like to follow rules unlike you and they have an opinion I choose to not subscribe nor revisit your channel again as I feel you are the more aggressive one to your viewers when you make public videos you are allowing your self to be criticized and picked at when you do this knowingly then you should be able to handle what people have to say positive or negative but it seems as if you react negatively to most comments you seem very knowledgeable with Betta Keeping but I'm not sure if you were totally aware with what you were getting yourself into by posting your public videos! And people's comments weren't even that bad compared to what I have seen.
Skadi Birch
Skadi Birch - 7 years ago
josephsangle to be honest I don't think there should be rules that everyone has to follow when fish keeping! If she has her own idea on how to do things and it works for her, that's the least of ur concern so maybe you want to watch what you say because after reading all the comments, I think u said a lot more rude stuff in that video then the maker of this video did. Just my opinion!
Lady Okami
Lady Okami - 7 years ago
josephsangle bye Felicia
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
If you chose not to come back to my channel that is fine. I do not find myself aggressive, and I do know what I am opening myself up to. but others need to realize that when they comment on someone's video that person as the right to tell them that if they do not agree they do not have to watch the video. I have been making videos on youtube for many years, I just am not the type to allow people to say rude things and get away with it. If you don't like, dont comment and dont watch. it is as simple as that.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
1.2 gallon tank I mean
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Can I have a female and male betta together in a 1.2 tank
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
no you can not have males and females together regardless. and a 1.5 is what is the smallest recommended for a betta, though I use at least 5 gallons when I can do so. I have used a 2.5gallon while in college and it worked, but my betta liked the 5 gallon much more.
Darlene Pearce
Darlene Pearce - 7 years ago
My Vuong no. the male will end up fighting the female. also, if you have one Betta, you should have a bigger tank than a 1.2 gallon. I recommend a 5 gallon.
Marvin Hoe
Marvin Hoe - 8 years ago
what plant is the purple one?
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
+Mirajane yes sorry. It’s a fake silk plant from petsmart. I don’t remember what kind though.
Mirajane - 7 years ago
It's just a fake plant, right?
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 7 years ago
Im sorry I really do not know
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 8 years ago
I recommend putting real plants and the bettas did not have enough hiding places in case they fight
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
though I appreciate your opinions there is really no real need for real plants if there are silk plants. Also there were plenty of places for the bettas to hide
animaux Lover
animaux Lover - 8 years ago
How many gallon?
Ally Duffin
Ally Duffin - 8 years ago
just giving some advice about the tank setup, better fish originate from heavily vegetated places so it may be good idea to add more plants to the tank. Also this video was a great help!

20. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions

Roxanna Helzer
Roxanna Helzer - 8 years ago
Live plants are SOOO much better than fake ones. They need more attention and whatnot but it's so worth it.
Tayah Coleman
Tayah Coleman - 8 years ago
Roxanna Helzer People usually don't use real plants till they're more experienced in the hobby
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
thats a relative thing and depends on how you feel about your tank to start with. Though they do look nice they are not for every tank, fish, or fishkeeper. I do not keep them because my goldfish eat them and my bettas always stayed away from them. Each fish has their own personality and some just dont care for live plants.
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 8 years ago
What gallon tank is yours?
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
currently I have a 20 gallon long for the girls
Jadyn Noseworthy
Jadyn Noseworthy - 8 years ago
You needed to put all of them in at once or else they will take territory and get agressive
Reptile Nexus
Reptile Nexus - 8 years ago
I didn't add mine at the same time and they are fine.
I added my 5th a week after, and the original ignored them.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Everyone has a different opinion on how females should be added to a sorority. However in my experience when you are adding more than one or two new fish it is best to add them one at a time with a couple of minutes in between. I have had most of my issues when I try to add all of the girls into the tank at once instead of one at a time.
monizk - 8 years ago
I got 4 had a talk with them said don't fight cause I don't have another tank and you might die. dumped all 4 of them in the tank....they love each other when I wake up in the morning all 4 of them are sleeping on the bottom together....they hate the plecustomus though that poor guy doesn't get to rest
Panda Andy
Panda Andy - 8 years ago
Dude it's so cool how Berta can breathe air
The Nyk007
The Nyk007 - 8 years ago
i had to put down my fish named finn too
Just8 Bits
Just8 Bits - 8 years ago
Yeah, don't get on your phone again, it's veeerrrryy bad for many reasons, I'm sure you would know this...
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
I made a conscious decision to film while driving. I was paying attention to the road and was just talking. It is the same thing I would have done if there was someone else in the car with me. If you do not agree with that, then you do not have to watch the videos where I am on my phone.
Nae Nae
Nae Nae - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank! Next time you start a sorority make sure to add the females all at the same time because females can also become aggressive and establish a territory in under an hour
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Thank you for you opinion, however each fish keeper has their own opinions on how to add fish, and this was mine. It has always worked well for me and I will continue with my own methods.
RatFinkDirty - 8 years ago
Love your tank set up! God Bless!
Kaiya Welch
Kaiya Welch - 8 years ago
What size tank would you recommend for 5 females, 3-4 fancy guppies, and possibly an apple snail?
Alissia Rose
Alissia Rose - 8 years ago
I have five girls in a 20gallon long. and I could add guppys. the lo g version gives you more room to work
Kaiya Welch
Kaiya Welch - 8 years ago
Or maybe some corys instead of guppies (just to distract them from each other so they aren't as aggressive)

30. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions

Ricardo 23
Ricardo 23 - 8 years ago
Do all the female bettas have to be the same exact species to make a sorority?
Lindsey Paradiso
Lindsey Paradiso - 8 years ago
Ricardo 23 Nope! The tail type doesn't matter. :)
Ellie Stadler
Ellie Stadler - 8 years ago
I have the same grass squares that are at the bottom of the tank
Jadyn Noseworthy
Jadyn Noseworthy - 8 years ago
I'm wating to upgrade mine to a 8.5 gallon too i just feel my purple crown tail betta is lonley so i want to get him guppy friends too :)
larisa pogorelova
larisa pogorelova - 8 years ago
Ellie Stadler I wouldn't recommend to add guppies. Please do more research, and I also would not recommend a 5 gallon for a Betta with other fish. But good luck nonetheless!
Ellie Stadler
Ellie Stadler - 8 years ago
These fish are all beautiful, I have been wanting to upgrade my 2.5 gallon tank to a 5 gallon (the one I am wanting is 8.5 gallons) so I can give my male betta (He is a black crowntail with orange fins) some guppy friends
txferretgirl - 8 years ago
Obviously you will need a lot more taller plants, but you should have quarantined these girls first for at least a few days, keeping them close so they can get used to each other before putting them in. Hopefully none of them have any unseen illnesses. That is the best way to do it.
txferretgirl - 8 years ago
glad they were all healthy ^^
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
They were fine and none of them were sick, though yes putting them in that way was risky I have never gotten sick fish from the store I went to and I had the meds to treat them all if something did come up. Each person has their own way of doing things. in the fish keeping community and this is just how I chose to do what I did
DerpyDino - 8 years ago
You have such an Awesome tank I love it! Just to let you know you might want some more pants for your bettas to hide if they are being chased
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
Yeah I hear sweat pants helps with territory. ;)
hillside b
hillside b - 8 years ago
We don't need to see you driving to the petstore. Put the phone down and do your initiation exposition while you're not driving.
Bio-tech1 - 7 years ago
vlogging and driving is very unsafe. If you are concerned about living with others than just wait till you are parked in the parking lot at the pet store. the intro was only about a min. you can spare that time before you go in. the difference between 1 min in a parking lot and months in a hospital or your life is big.
randiftw - 7 years ago
Great attitude. Disliked the video for that. Driving and vlogging is unsafe and should not be encouraged.
Shoadw cat Cat.
Shoadw cat Cat. - 7 years ago
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
though I appreciate your concern, if I want to talk while I am driving then I will. I lived in a suit with 4 other people, there was rarely any time that I could actually talk about what I was doing with out others being around, sooooo I will continue to talk while I drive if I so choose
Pico Mause
Pico Mause - 8 years ago
Get off your phone and drive, geeze.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Pico Mause I'm actually not embarrassed or upset by it. I just simply stated if you have an issue with what I do in my life/my video feel free to go watch something else. Your comment makes no difference in whether I will continue to blog and drive or not. So thanks for the opinion but feel free to remove yourself from my channel if you dislike it that much.
Pico Mause
Pico Mause - 8 years ago
You are upset because I pointed out that you were driving while recording a video? People are killed all the time by drivers distracted by their phones. You can be mad or embarrassed or whatever, but I hope my comment resonates next time you think about shooting a video while driving.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Well you see, I was on campus and was paying attention to the road. If you have an issue with my videos dont watch them. makes it better for you and me :)
Samantha - 8 years ago
How long should I cycle a brand new ten gallon
Rivet - 8 years ago
Sam M.
It takes about 30-60 days on average for a 10 gallon aquarium to cycle. It all depends on how you are cycling the tank.
Abigail - 8 years ago
hey buddy you in london? Your username omg Im dying
Norma J
Norma J - 8 years ago
I had to cycle mine for two weeks just to be safe. I have heard of people cycling bigger tanks for only one week, and I have heard of people cycling for a month. It depends on what you think is best
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 8 years ago
I subscribed
EVANS GECKO CLUB - 8 years ago
I like your vids
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Stella Films
Stella Films - 8 years ago
A sorority should definitely be at least 15-20 gallons and it should be heavily planted. There weren't enough hiding spots in there in case they are fighting. And there wasn't enough room for all of them.

I recommend live plants for a sorority because they look nice, they are great for the water and they will grow to plant the sorority more. And the sorority will have more plants.

Just remember to research as much as you can. :)
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Stella Films I generally do not reply to comments on this video anymore, however I will be replying to yours. If you did not notice this code is from quite a few months ago. I have since posted updates about my sorority. Though I know you are just trying to be informative please remember that the way you say things can come off as attacking someone's knowledge of the subject they are talking about. I have no problem with others sharing their knowledge about fish on my video comments, but if you are going to please make sure to view more recent videos on the topic to see if the information I have shared has been updated. Thank you.
Stella Films
Stella Films - 8 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish Sororities usually end up working in a 10 gallon for the start but it ends up crashing later. So 15 gallons should be the minimum. In a sorority there should be enough plants so that you can't see the other side of the tank. Fake plants are okay but live plants are better for the enviroment and they plant your tank better. Because they grow in. I don't believe in sororities anyways but I did lots of research on them while I was thinking of doing one myself but I decided not to because of how much work it takes.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
I dont think that all sororities need to be 15-20 gallons. I have seen plenty work in 10 gallon tanks, and I do believe there were enough plants. I just do not believe in sororities after I tried to have my own. Though I do have two girls who are perfectly fine together if I add any other female bettas they fight.

Also not everyone can afford live plants for tanks, and some people can not afford the lighting it takes for live plants. Which I could not. Fake plants work fine as long as they do not tear fins.
Jada Balfour
Jada Balfour - 8 years ago
nice video but u shouldn't be on ur phone when driving ( just a safety tip ). And putting all the bettas in the tank at the same time makes sure that they cant claim territory for them selves. Basically it makes them more aggressive if you put them in one by one. ;)
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Jada Balfour it does not make them more aggressive to put them in one by one, as long as they are all put in within a few minutes of eachother. And in a sorority bettas will claim territory for themselves regardless because that is what is their nature. The only time I have not seen them claim territory of their own is with the two I currently have left, but they still do have their days where they don't want the other around them.
At Parrish
At Parrish - 8 years ago
I just found your channel and I love it so much !
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Gem.Bettas thank you :) glad you enjoy it
kittenjewel101 - 8 years ago
Great vid hope they all get along and btw u rly shouldnt dump the Nasty water in the tank just use a bucket and net instead
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
I know this, but thanks. I have never dumped the water into my tanks and I usually actually catch them by hand because using a net is not actually a good idea with bettas because of their fins.
Abbie N
Abbie N - 8 years ago
Great video! What gallon size is your tank?
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
This tanks was 10 gallons.
The Betta Keeper Mason
The Betta Keeper Mason - 8 years ago
i also subbed to you your videos are great
The Betta Keeper Mason
The Betta Keeper Mason - 8 years ago
What do you feed your corys in thinking about getting a sorority with some corys in a big 10 gallon tank
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Potato :D as potato said. However I also do not recommend sororities in anything less than a heavily planted 20 gallon. I also feed sinking shrimp pellets to the cory.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Potato :D as potato said. However I also do not recommend sororities in anything less than a heavily planted 20 gallon. I also feed sinking shrimp pellets to the cory.
Potato :D
Potato :D - 8 years ago
You can't put corys in a 10 gallon they at the least need 20 gallons.
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
the tank looks really nice! I know this is a late comment, but I hope the sorority is still going strong! I subbed
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Thank you :) and thank you for subscribing. Sadly it crashed in burned but I still have two of the girls in a community tank. I did post a video about that if you have not yet seen it. :)
Cami Ferguson
Cami Ferguson - 8 years ago
When you say euthanized what does that mean like how did you put him down
Cami Ferguson
Cami Ferguson - 8 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish ok I would love to see the video
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Cami. Ferguson (guineapigbunch) I will be making a video on it very soon. But basically I used clove oil for it.
sad carl
sad carl - 8 years ago
Is that fake plants and what are they called please I need plants for my tank
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Yes all the plants in my tanks are fake. You can find fake plants at any petstore that sells fishtank decor. Some of them are plastic and some of them are silk. Silk plants are better for bettas, but as long as the plastic plants are not too sharp they are fine as well.
Vec Tor
Vec Tor - 8 years ago
I love it when betta's are saved from any store, very nice vid!
Detra Isham
Detra Isham - 7 years ago
I love seeing a happy rescued betta but then their supporting the abuse by giving the pet store money.
Aimee Louise
Aimee Louise - 8 years ago
Vectors Fish Tanks
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Thank you :)

50. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions

The female necromancer
The female necromancer - 8 years ago
you should get them Betts lead hammocks my male half moon dumbo loves his
Paige Grace
Paige Grace - 7 years ago
The female necromancer that's basically what the betta log is
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
love the fish
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
be video just subscribed
Lilsnackcakez - 8 years ago
One away from 100 subs
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Lilsnackcakez Yes! I just it 124 I believe and I am so happy. I am going to be making an update video sometime today hopefully to explain the plan for this channel over the summer.
superamazinganthony - 9 years ago
How can you put multiple betas in one tank just wondering
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 8 years ago
+Lilsnackcakez I am not exactly sure if you are talking about breeder boxes or what you are talking about, but if you are talking breeder boxes those are much smaller than two gallons.
Lilsnackcakez - 8 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish another nice option they have little floating things that take 2 gallons of the corner
superamazinganthony - 9 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish ok thanks for answering I might start one soon
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
Female bettas can be put together. However you have to have a lot of plants, which I did not for a couple days but I'll have an updated video up hopefully tonight or tomorrow showing it planted. You also have to have at least 5 girls, which I now have 6 just had to go home and get two of them, that way they can set up a pecking order and any aggression is spread between all the girls and not just focused on one. You also have to keep an eye on them because of any of them get overly aggressive you may have to remove them from the sorority and give them their own tank.
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 9 years ago
Beautiful bettas! I have 4 bettas, one has his own 5.5 gallon tank, the other two share a divided 10 gallon, and the last one has a 1.5 gallon tank (for now)..... My oldest boy is the one in the 1.5 gal tank. He's around 4 years old now, but he's doing fine. :) My other two boys are Shock and Garru, and my girl is Flare. Sorry for the long comment!!! Loved the vjdeo! :)
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 9 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish Great, thanks!
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
+FlameheartFL- Robstarfan17 I used triple-sulfa on my betta Oliver when he ha. A bad case of fin rot. That worked for him.
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 9 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish Thanks! Yeah, I'm trying to get him a bigger tank, but for now my parents won't let me get anything bigger..... He also has a pretty bad case of fin rot, and I've tried aquarium salt for about 4 or 5 months, but it's just getting worse. His water is always clean, so I don't know why it's getting worse! Lots of people say aquarium salt is the best thing for fin rot, but it isn't working for me. I follow the directions on the back of the container, too. I don't know if I should try medication because lots of people say it makes your fish more unhealthy than it was to begin with.... My female betta fish, Flare, had a nasty case of velvet when we got her, and aquarium salt didn't work for her, either. I used malichite green (if that's how you spell it), and she is completely better now, but a side effect of the medication was that it did something to her eyes, and she can't see as well now. I don't know what I should do for my older boy! This is a long comment, and it sounds like I was complaining a lot.
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
+FlameheartFL- Robstarfan17 Thank you :) I would suggest getting at least a 2.5 gallon tank for your boy but other than that it wounds like your bettas are doing well :)
Betta Care
Betta Care - 9 years ago
The blue one u should call her Aqua
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
+Betta Care I ended up naming them all after gem stones. The blue one is Opal, the more purple one is Amethyst, the white one is Diamond, and the white and red one is Ruby.
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
I love the halfmoon girl ❤️
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
+BusyBettas She is easily probably my favorite. I have wanted a white betta for a long time, but hadn't been able to find one. Lets just hope she stays that way! :)
Brooky-Lynn - 9 years ago
Great video!! The girls are so pretty!!!
Brooky-Lynn - 9 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish Okay! Thanks!
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
I believe it is from petsmart, but it may have been from Petco.
Brooky-Lynn - 9 years ago
Also where did you get that sand?
Brooky-Lynn - 9 years ago
+Beautiful Betta Fish No problem!! Awe that's so cool! You're so lucky!
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
+Brooky-Lynn Thank you! I actually almost left the store without some of them because they only had 3 halfmoon girls that all looked the same. Then when I went up to the register with some plants and the 3 halfmoons and the lady asked me if I really wanted ones that all looked the same. When I told her there were no other ones out there she went and got an entire box from the back and let me pick out which ones I wanted. They had just gotten to the store about an hour before I got there :)
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 9 years ago
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 9 years ago
any time :)
Beautiful Betta Fish
Beautiful Betta Fish - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Boy123 Thank you! :)

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