Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions
Betta 9 years ago 26,742 views
Welcome Fish Lovers, Thank you for clicking on this video. If you follow me on Instagram then you know I have been having a lot of problems with Finn and have not been sure how to fix them. Sadly I had to euthanize him, but I decided I was going to try my hand a a sorority tank since I seem to have better luck with the three females I have at home than I do any of my males. I am going to be attempting to add both Freya and Mango to the sorority while I am on break and have to bring everyone home. I will try to do updates every couple of weeks so that you guys can see the progress, or lack of progress, the sorority is making. ~Kaylan Commonly asked questions: Q: What camera do you use to take your Instagram pictures? A: GE x600 Full HD (bought about 4 years ago, so not the best camera on the market but it still works) UPDATED ANSWER (7-9-15): Samsung WB1199F Updated Answer (1-29-16): I now use a Cannon Vixia HF R60. It is AMAZING quality and I hope it makes better videos for you guys. Disclaimer: Everything in this video was bought by either myself or my family. I was not given anything in this video for free. I have never been compensated in anyway for any video I have made (up to the date this video was published.) All opinions are my own, and are not influenced by anything but my own experience. I am not an expert on betta fish or goldfish. I am just a girl who enjoys them and wants to share her fish, and thoughts on them, with other people. **All videos and pictures are property of Kaylan and beautifulbettafish. DO NOT STEAL MY PICTURES OR VIDEOS! If you would like to use a video or picture for any purpose you must contact me at and ask if you may use them. Thank you for understanding the hard work that is put into everyone of my pictures and videos.**
10. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions
20. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions
I added my 5th a week after, and the original ignored them.
30. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions
It takes about 30-60 days on average for a 10 gallon aquarium to cycle. It all depends on how you are cycling the tank.
I recommend live plants for a sorority because they look nice, they are great for the water and they will grow to plant the sorority more. And the sorority will have more plants.
Just remember to research as much as you can. :)
Also not everyone can afford live plants for tanks, and some people can not afford the lighting it takes for live plants. Which I could not. Fake plants work fine as long as they do not tear fins.
50. comment for Sorority Tank| Initial set up and introductions