DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

Discus Hans has quickly become one of the most respected figures in the aquarium/tropical fish industry. For the first time on YouTube you will meet Hans and hear him discuss where he's from and how he got started in the industry. Discus Hans is the exclusive importer of Stendker Discus from Germany. In the last decade Stendker has exploded in popularity as a Discus Breeder. Their Discus have developed a reputation for being the heartiest and easiest Discus to keep due to them being raised in standard tap water, an idea considered impossible just a few decades ago. All of Hans' fish are available on his website www.discusfishstore.com His fish house is only open to the public by appointment . Part 2 of this interview will be available soon where we will talk all about keeping Discus and how Stendker has changed everything about the way we look at them .http://www.kgtropicals.com www.facebook.com/kgtropicals @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram bubble sound effect recorded by Amanda. www.soundbible.com

DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Discus 11 years ago 73,529 views

Discus Hans has quickly become one of the most respected figures in the aquarium/tropical fish industry. For the first time on YouTube you will meet Hans and hear him discuss where he's from and how he got started in the industry. Discus Hans is the exclusive importer of Stendker Discus from Germany. In the last decade Stendker has exploded in popularity as a Discus Breeder. Their Discus have developed a reputation for being the heartiest and easiest Discus to keep due to them being raised in standard tap water, an idea considered impossible just a few decades ago. All of Hans' fish are available on his website www.discusfishstore.com His fish house is only open to the public by appointment . Part 2 of this interview will be available soon where we will talk all about keeping Discus and how Stendker has changed everything about the way we look at them .http://www.kgtropicals.com www.facebook.com/kgtropicals @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram bubble sound effect recorded by Amanda. www.soundbible.com

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Most popular comments
for DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

One UP
One UP - 6 years ago
Guten tag

quick question
has anyone successfully bred discus and uaru?
as in hybrid the 2
I'm going to try next year aka 3 days plus.
Ngoc Ly
Ngoc Ly - 7 years ago
Hans and Kenny discus are the best
wahh Taoo
wahh Taoo - 8 years ago
Great shop man
Hector Garcia
Hector Garcia - 8 years ago
pothead hans
Ken nvc
Ken nvc - 8 years ago
What si the size of tank for pair ? ( width , height, deep )
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Still love this series. everytime I watch it.
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
... ok... One more story about discus Hans for you John.
... I'm almost 30 and Growing up in the early 90's my mother had 2 or 3 55gl. Tanks ( big tanks in the early 90's) anyway she had all discus tanks. She had begun a collection before I can even remember... anyway. .. she had a book case of discus books. I must have read about Discus Hans and seen so many of his picture in all these books growing up that the name sticks with you when you think of Discus. He was noted as a breeder in those books and lumped with group my mother called the German discus specialist breeders. The price for those discus imports was astronomical. .. so we never owned any but I have grown up reading about Discus Hans and can't believe he is still doing so well in the hobby... but like Cory from Aquarium coop said about Multiple Tank syndrome... "it never goes away... people get out of fish but always have one tank setup in their house!" Lol. In my almost 30 years that's about the truest statement I've heard... so I don't know why I though discus Hans would have retired this early... lol.
See you tonight on the live stream
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
See you tomarrow on your live stream John...
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
You should dedicate a live stream to just John and Hans aquarium story time sometime and make it ...
Q and A at the end. Millions of people would watch that... I know I would be first row.
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
I've done aquarium story time with him many times. Hans is not only a great fish keeper and business man, he's genuinely a great person! I wish I could get up there more often!!
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
I bet Hans would be a great person to sit down and have aquarium story time with... loved this interview. I think you are very lucky to have gotten the chance to interview him in between all the work he was doing... great job John.
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
Lol brings back great memories!
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
let's not make this a sales video.....I like him, you can tell he's in it for the Love of the fish not the all mighty dollar!! if only there were more discuss Hans out there in the fish business
Joseph Karthic
Joseph Karthic - 8 years ago
can he sleep at night?
Champion Discus Co.
Champion Discus Co. - 8 years ago
what does han use for tank lighting?

10. comment for DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

ShortNanxious - 9 years ago
Thank you for this video
ShortNanxious - 9 years ago
Love it!!!!
William Tracy
William Tracy - 10 years ago
Great video John. I just received 4 red torquise discus from Hans yesterday the first time I ever had fish shipped. An hour after I received them Hans called to see if they arrived OK. Makes me wish I had more tanks!
Anyone thinking of buying discus I can definitely recommend Hans!
Fish Tales
Fish Tales - 10 years ago
Do you use RODI water or other?
Burke Stinson
Burke Stinson - 10 years ago
Just bought fish at Hans's store today and I have to say that in my opinion it is the best shop that you can go too! The fish were vibrant they were healthy and the service was increadible. For anyone that wants or is considering discus, this shop is a must!
Burkeley Stinson
Burkeley Stinson - 10 years ago
Im making an apointment for this weekend love this guy
Dale Kohler
Dale Kohler - 10 years ago
This is my favorite fish.  Don't have any but one day...   I can just spend hours watching them on youtube.  But I do love watching my two aquariums at home a bit more.  As it should be.  Thanks for the informative video!!!
Trae Stutzman
Trae Stutzman - 10 years ago
Good Vid!
Trae Stutzman
Trae Stutzman - 10 years ago
Good Vid!
jonathan suarez
jonathan suarez - 11 years ago

20. comment for DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 11 years ago
Very cool to see where my fish came from. Hans ships to my lfs, fantastic fins, fish always eat the first day I put them in a tank and grow so fast! Keep up the good work
DeviousCuttlefish - 11 years ago
Great video! Beautiful fish, and a very efficient setup. Definitely hoping to get my hands on some of these high quality fish. Any idea how long the catalogue side of the website will be down for maintenance? Been checking for about a week with no success
MrHoney2U - 11 years ago
living the dream. Quit your job to breed and sell fish. Nice!
dvdfrnzwbr - 11 years ago
This is awesome.
Tamberly Showalter
Tamberly Showalter - 11 years ago
no retailers here, but Hans follows up as well as lfs would
Cycnoches2012 - 11 years ago
a big THANK YOU !!! to Discus Hans
AquaStudent - 11 years ago
Discus Hans is the man! I was fortunate enough to be a member of one of the clubs he's associated with. He helps local hobbyists significantly.
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 11 years ago
In the movie I said we sell to about 50~60 stores, I just did a count and it's 95 stores total (even more as I thought lol) who order on a regular base. Now other thing I forgot to mention, there are at the moment in the USA more stores selling Discus-Hans/Stendker Discus as I sell to, strange because I'm the only person who can bring the Stendker Discus into the USA. If you have a store in your area that sells our Discus and you want to know for sure, shoot me an email discus-hans@comcast.net
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 11 years ago
Wow and wow very nice will be waiting on the next episode thank you kg and Mr H
David L
David L - 11 years ago
Fish ha

30. comment for DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

NickMach007 - 11 years ago
Thanks to both kg and Hans for doing this. Fantastic!
Merry Berry
Merry Berry - 11 years ago
Amazing.. I can not wait for your next video.. Really awesome.
michael wesley
michael wesley - 11 years ago
cant wait for the other parts..nice video.. i hope they could ship me one pair here in the Philippines.. ive always wanted to have a pair :-( ..
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 11 years ago
Gerjho Discus doesn't need a crazy low pH anymore, we keep them here on 7.2 - 7.4
gerjho - 11 years ago
How do you maintained the low ph of your discus.
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 11 years ago
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 11 years ago
Never had a problem people hearing me, understanding is an other story
KGTropicals - 11 years ago
I think it's just a matter of turning up the volume on the omputer, I hear you perfectly fine on mine. Hans the pimp ha ha
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 11 years ago
Pumps that is lol I'm the pimp lol
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 11 years ago
Raphael I like John a lot but I'm not going to shut off all my pimps and air just to get a little lesser noise lol lol
Raphael Valenzuela
Raphael Valenzuela - 11 years ago
keep up the good work taking your passion to another level
Raphael Valenzuela
Raphael Valenzuela - 11 years ago
Could barely her him. Hope the next video the interview will take place with way less background noise
Josip Vanjak
Josip Vanjak - 11 years ago
To make a convict cichlid video
Josip Vanjak
Josip Vanjak - 11 years ago
Would it ever be possible for kg tropical
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 11 years ago
Amazing place!
KGTropicals - 11 years ago
Thanks Rick!!
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 11 years ago
Stop killing me johhning boy. Everyone of these videos i feel like purchasing new fish.
Aquariums4Life - 11 years ago
ahh :D
Fish Tank Girl
Fish Tank Girl - 11 years ago
Wow Discus heaven!
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 11 years ago
That is one amazing amount of Discus. Looking forward to your next video john. Love watching your videos and thanks for showing us

50. comment for DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

TheDrunkenAlcoholic - 11 years ago
awesome, can't wait for the next video
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 11 years ago
Good stuff John. Looking forward to the next video. Already planning a Discus Hans order.
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
Amazing interview john, All that discus is a dream come true
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 11 years ago
really nice John !
Jcal75 - 11 years ago
This is awesome!
Ruben - 11 years ago
Can't wait to see the rest of the video.
KGTropicals - 11 years ago
You're gonna see the filtration in a big way very soon. Hans was nice enough to show me how he does water changes in there, its a fascinating process and I got it all on video.
Ruben - 11 years ago
Wow I never seen so many DISCUS. I would of like to see there filtration. Great video Thanks.
Lonnie Holloway
Lonnie Holloway - 11 years ago
Great video, John.
AquariumGarden - 11 years ago
I'll need to make a trip out to see him. Great video.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks Hans!! That was Fun !! Cool Setup...Love the Salvini tank !! As always...Appreciate the Video...Tank ON John !!
KING - 11 years ago
This, As in what this guy said. :)
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 11 years ago
Nice I'm raising a pair of salvinis
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 11 years ago
lol, I must've missed it, I had a my toddler squealing in the background. lookin to forward to it buddy
KGTropicals - 11 years ago
Ha Ha, like I said in the intro it's discus heaven!!! The rest of the Angel series will be up soon don't worry.
Aquariums4Life - 11 years ago
this what?
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 11 years ago
I just forgot about the angels, wow. I could live in that store. did u see a cot there?
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 11 years ago
wait a minute what happened to the angelfish series?
Kim Brinch
Kim Brinch - 11 years ago
Have I died an gone to heaven!? soooo many amazing discus! Can't wait to see the rest of the discus series:) Great work and keep the videos coming :)
KING - 11 years ago
That's a lot of Discus :O
KING - 11 years ago
Aquariums4Life - 11 years ago
When is part 5 going to come out for your "how to breed freshwater angelfish" series?

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About DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.

The "DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans." video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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