DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.
Discus 11 years ago 73,529 views
Discus Hans has quickly become one of the most respected figures in the aquarium/tropical fish industry. For the first time on YouTube you will meet Hans and hear him discuss where he's from and how he got started in the industry. Discus Hans is the exclusive importer of Stendker Discus from Germany. In the last decade Stendker has exploded in popularity as a Discus Breeder. Their Discus have developed a reputation for being the heartiest and easiest Discus to keep due to them being raised in standard tap water, an idea considered impossible just a few decades ago. All of Hans' fish are available on his website www.discusfishstore.com His fish house is only open to the public by appointment . Part 2 of this interview will be available soon where we will talk all about keeping Discus and how Stendker has changed everything about the way we look at them .http://www.kgtropicals.com www.facebook.com/kgtropicals @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram bubble sound effect recorded by Amanda. www.soundbible.com
quick question
has anyone successfully bred discus and uaru?
as in hybrid the 2
I'm going to try next year aka 3 days plus.
... I'm almost 30 and Growing up in the early 90's my mother had 2 or 3 55gl. Tanks ( big tanks in the early 90's) anyway she had all discus tanks. She had begun a collection before I can even remember... anyway. .. she had a book case of discus books. I must have read about Discus Hans and seen so many of his picture in all these books growing up that the name sticks with you when you think of Discus. He was noted as a breeder in those books and lumped with group my mother called the German discus specialist breeders. The price for those discus imports was astronomical. .. so we never owned any but I have grown up reading about Discus Hans and can't believe he is still doing so well in the hobby... but like Cory from Aquarium coop said about Multiple Tank syndrome... "it never goes away... people get out of fish but always have one tank setup in their house!" Lol. In my almost 30 years that's about the truest statement I've heard... so I don't know why I though discus Hans would have retired this early... lol.
See you tonight on the live stream
Q and A at the end. Millions of people would watch that... I know I would be first row.
10. comment for DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour, introduce Hans.
Anyone thinking of buying discus I can definitely recommend Hans!
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