Discus fish compatible tank mates!

Discus community tank 13.5 gallon with 3 Discus, 20 Neon tetras, 10 Zebra danios, 2 Chinese algae eaters, 2 Albino Corys,3 Bronze Corydoras and my favorite Betta Fighter fish. PLEASE DONT CONSIDER CHINESE ALGAE EATERS coz as they grow larger they vl damage the scales of other fishes by sticking to them and this may take the life out of fishes! I have just kept them in this tank as still they are young and not aggressive yet!

Discus fish compatible tank mates! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Discus 12 years ago 20,526 views

Discus community tank 13.5 gallon with 3 Discus, 20 Neon tetras, 10 Zebra danios, 2 Chinese algae eaters, 2 Albino Corys,3 Bronze Corydoras and my favorite Betta Fighter fish. PLEASE DONT CONSIDER CHINESE ALGAE EATERS coz as they grow larger they vl damage the scales of other fishes by sticking to them and this may take the life out of fishes! I have just kept them in this tank as still they are young and not aggressive yet!

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish compatible tank mates!

APM Gaming
APM Gaming - 7 years ago
u gotta to be kidding
Carlo M12
Carlo M12 - 7 years ago
You minds as well just put a red tail catfish in there as well with a touch of an arowana
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
and 3 arapaima as well
Tara Berry
Tara Berry - 8 years ago
beautiful fish, terrible combo. the discus are so stressed out!
Snorlax The perv
Snorlax The perv - 8 years ago
You need to put some colorful parrot fish
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
beautiful fish
Mithun Upendra
Mithun Upendra - 8 years ago
wouldn't those zebra danios nip fins of discus
BadboyZee - 8 years ago
the more filters u hav running for nitrogen cycle the better u can keep them
Mithun Upendra
Mithun Upendra - 8 years ago
I have 10 still they manage to nip my German blue RAM fins , also how do you condition your water for discus I am also planning to keep 3 or 4
BadboyZee - 8 years ago
+Mithun Upendra hi mithun. if u keep 1 or 2 of course they vl nip...tats y u need to keep them in school of 7 or more so they r busy chasing each other.
DracosArcanum - 9 years ago
3 Discus in a 13.5 gallon tank? That's about 3 to many for that size of an aquarium, That's like forcing a Great Dane to live it's entire life in a 3 ft. X 2 Ft. closet.
Seriously people it's not a contest to see who can fit the most fish in a small tank.
If you don't see the MASSIVE problems with your set up in this video, you really do need to think of a different hobby, preferably something that doesn't involved living, breathing, feeling creatures of any type!
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
This too much fish in one tank
BadboyZee - 11 years ago
Truely speaking if u wanna enjoy seeing fishes then keep on Tetras no matter which one! Personally i felt DISCUS boring as they dont move much and are always staying in one place kinda boring!

10. comment for Discus fish compatible tank mates!

vbirbal1927 - 11 years ago
I post the video 1 has the 2 ,2.5 inch and one has the 1.5 inch
BadboyZee - 11 years ago
Yup tat wud be great....Post ur video n let me know when u hav uploaded ur tank video! I wud be really happy to see it!
vbirbal1927 - 11 years ago
Thanks , i will put him in a 30 gallon to grow out a little and get some more 2.5 inch discus to spread out the aggression of the 2 ,2.5 inch discus in the main tank .
BadboyZee - 11 years ago
Thx Rony! Great advice!
BadboyZee - 11 years ago
Btw wen i had put my Larger discus in the tank with my smaller one! The smaller one dominated them by aggression! Luckily my larger discus were peaceful and everything went fine!
BadboyZee - 11 years ago
Its just tat da larger discus are trying to dominate the tank by showing the little guy who's the boss! Pls remove him from the tank coz im sure he wud be killed by the stress of the larger discus! Remember whenever u buy any fish they must be the same size of their tankmates or just super peaceful not to fight with the smaller ones! Keep me posted abt it!
vbirbal1927 - 11 years ago
I have a 1.5 inch discus and recently bought 2, 2.5 discus and they were picking on him, would they kill him or i could leave him
BadboyZee - 11 years ago
Gave them to my friend with Bigger tank! Thx for watchin buddy!
Leilong Lightning Dragon
Leilong Lightning Dragon - 11 years ago
13.5 gallons is way too small for discus. You may want to consider getting a larger tank as the discus might fight with each other for space.
BadboyZee - 12 years ago
Yeah gotta buy new tank for them....and doing water changes every week is a headache!

20. comment for Discus fish compatible tank mates!

evhop - 12 years ago
Tank is way overstocked, the Discus look stunted and cramped

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