Discus fish compatible tank mates!
Discus 12 years ago 20,526 views
Discus community tank 13.5 gallon with 3 Discus, 20 Neon tetras, 10 Zebra danios, 2 Chinese algae eaters, 2 Albino Corys,3 Bronze Corydoras and my favorite Betta Fighter fish. PLEASE DONT CONSIDER CHINESE ALGAE EATERS coz as they grow larger they vl damage the scales of other fishes by sticking to them and this may take the life out of fishes! I have just kept them in this tank as still they are young and not aggressive yet!
Seriously people it's not a contest to see who can fit the most fish in a small tank.
If you don't see the MASSIVE problems with your set up in this video, you really do need to think of a different hobby, preferably something that doesn't involved living, breathing, feeling creatures of any type!
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