Discus in planted tank
Discus 13 years ago 7,124 views
My young pair of discus guarding their newly spawned eggs on the pot. They are not fully grown yet (4.5 and 5 inch TL respectively), this is their 3rd or 4th breeding try. Tank data: Size: 75 gallon (48x18x21 tall) Lighting: 168W T5NO (I am chanigng to 108W T5HO soon) CO2: No Dosing: None. Temperature: 84 - 86 F Filter: Rena XP3, Rena XP1. Fish: Discus, Bloodfin tetra, Rasbora hets, Longfin albino bristlenose (bushynose) pleco Plants: Amazon swords, Crypts. Recorded with Panasonic GF1 + 20mm/f1.7 lens at 720p. I am not familiar with the video function of this camera yet, so the color of the tank and fish look dull compared to reality. Your comments welcome!
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