How To Clean A Planted Fish Tank || Step-By-Step
Discus 6 years ago 1,416 views
Cleaning & Maintain A Planted Discus Tank | No Algae | Fish Care a simple guide Instagram: Hi everyone. This video is about how i maintain my planted Discus tank. I get a lot of questions on how i keep it algae free. The key to this is keeping the plants healthy. Healthy plants use nutrients efficiently. This means there should be minimal free nutrients for any potential algae to use for food. Also, i don't overfeed my fish. I make sure that the fish eat everything i give them so that no excess food is just sitting on the base of the tank. I only clean my filters in this tank every 6 months so there was no need to do that in this video as i cleaned them 4 months ago. Music: Readers! Do You Read? by Chris Zabriskie Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International— CC BY 4.0 Music promoted by Audio Library Divider by Chris Zabriskie Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International— CC BY 4.0 Music promoted by Audio Library #plantedtank #aquascaping #mdfishtanks
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