How to Update Garden Pond: Fixing up the old Garden Pond
Discus 9 years ago 12,108 views
Old garden pond gets a long overdue update. A new batch of garden pond plants got me inspired! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video TOP 10 TIPS (GET ON THE WEBINARS, get the TIPS!) Dustin's got Pond Plants & Equipment! How to Keep Discus Fish - In a Garden Pond- oh yeah! Garden Pond update on a Friday. Jungle Val and Dwarf Sag in the pond. Lillies Blooming Species Steve? Steve's pond species Sunday.... delivered on a Monday. Garden Ponds So my back garden pond has been a complete mosquito haven and eye sore pretty much ever since the day I put in the greenhouse. (Why mess with the garden pond when I have 4 125s 4 75s and a 90 to play in?) However I got the urge this season to finally do something about it. I had my aquarium plants supplier send me a mixed batch of her best Pond plants. Seeing the massive green leaves on a pond lily and some phat Taro Plant got me excited about. (NOTE: Buying plants then designing your pond or tank is assbackwards, but for me it got me fired up to get rolling. From the start it was a poor design. The rock water fall just didn’t look right with the square wooden design- two different concepts clearly not working. Guess what, that rock isn’t exactly light. The first thing I had to do was remove all of the rock around the sides to even get into it. This was a pain, but some good exercise. My goal both externally and internally was to get the pond back to a Clean canvas so to speak. That wasn’t easily done. The pond had become over grown with some native cat tails and some weird tall grassBryan gave me years ago. This doesn’t include being entirely filled with mud. I am not sure which was worse, lugging the giant assrocks I had all around it, Or pulling out all of the weeds from inside of it. While the weed were lighter and a bit easier on my hands. Getting 2 year old stagnant pond scum on me wasn’t idea. There were also a number of mosquitos that started to bit on me later in the evening. Once I got the pond basically drained I was able to see what was going on with the side of it. You can see that the wood was starting to split. LOOK- I’d love a massive, in ground pond filled with koi. It’s isn’t happening at this time. I decided to make the best of what I had going. This holds true with your fishtanks too. Be resourceful. Use what you can use and keep going forward. I took a piece of wood and screwed it in the corner to each of the hunks of wood. While the pond was drained reattached the liner to sides as well. Now are ready for water. I didn’t bother with any declor at this point as there are no fish going in it anytime soon. I wasn’t worried about the chlorine and the plants either as there was So much waste it probably wasn’t gonna hurt them. The goal with my pond, just like my tanks is to PLANT THE HELL OUT OF THEM. It both looks better and the plants “Work for you” Reducing algae and sucking waste outta the water. I had these spare pond baskets that work pretty well around. I put a layer of some larger grade gravel on the bottom, then some straight up dirt in these baskets. IF I’VE SAID IT ONCE- I’VE SAID IT LITERALLY A 1000 TIMES. PLANTS NEED TO EAT PEOPLE. FEED THEM AT THEIR ROOTS. To avoid a big mess, I did then cap the dirt with about an inch of gravel. I have found rinsing these baskets with water prior to putting them in the pond helps reduce the mess even more. I planted it up with some Nice Taro. (Mojoito, Imperial and Black Magik) I also planted some sweet hardy lilys and some tropical. It’s not done yet but it is certainly one heck of a lot better than it was. I still need to figure out an astatically pleasing way to get some nice water flow in here… Drop me a comment on your thoughts on this and what you think of this pond so far. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community
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at the end?
Looking forward to the George farmer interview. We Brits know a thang or 3 about aquascaping.
Tank on!