I Think this is the Best Planted Aquarium..!
Discus 7 years ago 2,921 views
Dear People, Greetings for the day... I met one of my old friend after a long time (Mr.Mohammed Thousif)and this planted aquarium belongs to him. He is in aquarium hobby for above five years and he is keeping this aquarium for more than 2 years... I posted this video as a inspiration for all of us on aquarium hobby and there is no words to say more than woooooow... Hope your all relaxed by looking at his Aquarium... Thank you
My tank is getting rusting colour :( help needed
And haja where I can get that vermi manure ?
Algae clear panna medicine irukan therila.
But lighting ah 6 to 8 hours podanum and morning 9 o'clock on panringa na daily same time la on pannanm same time la of panidanu.
Then increase your Co2 level 2 to 4 bubbles per sec.
7868022085 my number. Please let me know
Use a aquarium heater and you are good to go with any plants...
I was was in Dubai for a couple of years in burjuman...
In which area you are??
Video for sure tomorrow...
10. comment for I Think this is the Best Planted Aquarium..!
20. comment for I Think this is the Best Planted Aquarium..!
Welcome to aquarium hobby...
I suggest only 4 fish(3 inch) will be fine...
6 fish in a tank is also ok but keep some hiding space for parrot fish...
Hope you understand
Molly eat plants...
That's true
Ofcorse yes...
30. comment for I Think this is the Best Planted Aquarium..!
Valakalam ji
Dwaft gourami
Perusuna canister filter use panalam
Alright video iruku ji
50. comment for I Think this is the Best Planted Aquarium..!
Illa Ella plantsum vakalama
Sema bro bayaingarama irruku bro
...bro neinga see karama website open pannuinga bro ennala wait pannavey mudila bro na oinga keta irruinthu vainganum bro
Enga bro vikkum
Earth worms ah??
What do you mean?
The tank size is 3x1.5x1.5 feet...
And thank you for your appreciation
100% natural planted aquarium setup upload pannuren ji...
Sorry bro...
No idea