Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

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Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Discus 8 years ago 23,494 views

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Most popular comments
for Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

v blackwell
v blackwell - 7 years ago
Just found your site! Very impressed with your demeanor, cleanliness of your greenhouse and apparent quality of your plants that I viewed on unboxing videos. I've had Banana plants and absolutely luv them! Subscribed and will place order when setting up new tank in next few weeks.
v blackwell
v blackwell - 7 years ago
PS And, OH YES, subscribed and thumbed up! ;-)
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
Really wish that you had a search on your site I can’t find the banana plant on your site
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
my fave beta plants
Jeff's Aquarium Hobby Enjoyment
Jeff's Aquarium Hobby Enjoyment - 7 years ago
I was considering adding a banana plant to my aquarium and after watching this my decision is made, I'm getting one,
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. Love banana plants
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
My banana plant grew very large
Hugo Adrian  Wilkins
Hugo Adrian Wilkins - 7 years ago
a bunch of..
Ahmad Noor Haqimi
Ahmad Noor Haqimi - 7 years ago
u are the man
varanidguy - 7 years ago
Woah woah woah woah woah.......woah....I was going to do a future order through your web site...but you're in Corona?!?!?!?! Dude! I'm in Apple Valley (originally from Riverside)...do you do walk-ins?!

10. comment for Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

Lewis Royer
Lewis Royer - 7 years ago
Easy to grow! Great plant for low light too.
Original Artworkks
Original Artworkks - 7 years ago
I added a single one today before I even saw this video. I have two South American Cichlids, Angelfish. A Silver and an Orange Blushing. They have not bothered it at all but did look at it when I added it.
David Hdez Wong
David Hdez Wong - 7 years ago
Que alguien me traduzca la información más importante :'v
Juansho - 7 years ago
David Hdez Wong creo que lo mas importante y es como ponerla en el acuario, dice que la puedes dejar flotando y ella sola sacara unas raíces muy largas con las que se agarrar al sustrato, pero quedo algo feito y le va a tomar algo de tiempo para que eso suceda, y la otra opción es que entierres muy muy poco un pedacito de los platanitos, así como se ve en el vídeo, y que es mas o menos lo mismo que las alubias, no se puede enterrar el rizoma ya que pues se pudre, pasa algo similar con esta planta si se entierra de mas
alfred wayne
alfred wayne - 7 years ago
Foo Fighters shirt = 1 like
Mark Robert
Mark Robert - 7 years ago
Love your posts
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
Light is the key with tese ones
LL Garner
LL Garner - 7 years ago
Love the video, maybe even ordering from you, I've had this plant before,but as you stated my fish ate them and I spent a fortune replacing them,I am doing a new tank fully planted,thank you for great info Jacob .Its Am here on east coast ,but had to see what you had to say about this plant,good night and thank you again for video, an great info.
DWIJENDRA PRASAD - 7 years ago
That's great jacob. Any thing on madagascar or the net plant
viperr007 - 7 years ago
Can you trim this plant I'm getting to many lily pads
MOoUmQ - 7 years ago
we should get aquascapers to get our lakes, ponds, and oceans in tip top shape

20. comment for Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
would goldfish eat this plant?
Fresh Impact Co.
Fresh Impact Co. - 7 years ago
found some information on this plant. Really interesting stuff, and also love the way it looks like a lily or lotus.

Banana Plant, also known as the Big Floating Heart, is an interesting and unique looking Rosette Plant. It has banana-shaped roots that remain partially unplanted, and store the nutrients for the rest of the plant. The only member of its genus to be used as an aquarium plant because it is the hardiest, and most tolerant of deep water and low light. It is an amphibious plant and will grow either fully, or partially submerged.

The banana-shaped roots of this plant should be planted no more than 1/4 of their length. Plant them by gently pressing them into the substrate. The Banana Plant should be provided with a minimum of 2 watts per gallon of light within the spectrum of 5000 to 7000K. The ideal water conditions for best results are a temperature of 68°-82°F, an alkalinity of 3 - 6 dKH and a pH of 6.0-7.2.

Propagation occurs when adventitious plants are formed and firmly pressed into damp ground or the aquarium substrate. Fully formed leaves may also be pressed into substrate to form new plants. Use Banana Plants as foreground plants and plant them singly for best results and for the most attractive look.
Marco Nilo
Marco Nilo - 8 years ago
looking great on your weight loss thx a million for all your information, are you Hispanic?
David Partida
David Partida - 8 years ago
Mine grows so fast and I can't wait for the Lily's. For those wondering the roots have to establish very deep and long before it produces a runner to the surface.
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 8 years ago
Is the banana plant sensitive to flourish excel?
Brian Gonzalez
Brian Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I've heard the same. no liquid ferts should be used on plants. most folks prefer DIY foot tabs
JacobsAquarium - 8 years ago
Its strange, I've actually heard allot of negative things about flourish excel from my customers. Many have told me Jungle Val, Java Moss, Rotala and many other plants have experienced negative side effects from excel. Mostly the plants melt entirely. I really don't recommend it. However, in regards to Banana Plants, I'm not entirely sure. Thanks for watching my friend.
GIBBIE GIBSON - 8 years ago
they can it a hand
KoreanPolish*G-Man - 8 years ago
I found this plant to be very fast growing. I bought a few a month ago and it grew fast. I bought a couple more today because I wanted to put them in all of my tanks. I thought it look like a banana too it was so intresting so my mom was like we should get some. My fish love it its great.
James Kilgore
James Kilgore - 8 years ago
Do you, or any1, know what the lighting schedule cutoff for floaters and submersed leaves are? i.e. 12+ hrs for floaters, <12 hrs for submersed
Doug E Fresh
Doug E Fresh - 8 years ago
You repeat yourself way too much. Could of cut the duration of your vid in half and provided the same info. Good info though and nice set up out there.
Janina Lovern
Janina Lovern - 8 years ago
OMG! I don't have t order from out of state!

30. comment for Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

Jayden Mooso
Jayden Mooso - 8 years ago
Hey do you still have connor the dusky headed conure
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 8 years ago
damn jacob you look like an angel cast down from heaven in that greenhouse when the sun comes out lol
Bradley Vaughn
Bradley Vaughn - 8 years ago
where I live that's usually what everybody has is banana plants in every pet store they are very very common in Michigan all over the east coast yes they are super Hardy plants
laura sutton
laura sutton - 8 years ago
I have one the leaves don't get that big
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 8 years ago
It does better tied to driftwood rather than planting them in the substrate. It's roots will grow down towards the substrate but it leaves the banana thingies exposed to the light. I've got a couple on driftwood towards the top and have the roots growing down through a skull ornament and into the substrate. It looks really cool. It has two sorts of leaves. The lily pad ones at the surface, which makes the aquarium look pond like and then there are small underwater leaves that just stay underwater. I cut back the large lily pads if more than 3 or 4 are present to control the lack of light they cause to the rest of the tank. I grow mine and the rest of my plants without any CO2, ferts or anything and they are all doing great. I think they must be getting something from the fish and shrimp food. I have some with platys.
Lazlows Aquarium
Lazlows Aquarium - 8 years ago
ive got one of these bad boys from my lfs and they shot up five lillies already
user 2577
user 2577 - 8 years ago
my banana plants lost their bananas but have them for over year.
Luv L
Luv L - 8 years ago
Good temperature for this plant would have been nice to know
JacobsAquarium - 8 years ago
The same temperature all aquarium plants like, between 70-75 degrees. Thanks for watching! :)
airplanecity - 8 years ago
whoa.. I know where your nursery is! I work in Corona!
Ringo Star
Ringo Star - 8 years ago
can I plant this in a low tech tank......Hi Cory "aquarium co-op"
OrisueCrew - 8 years ago
Once I have the money to spend, I want to make a trip to your nursery. You deserve the support. I live close as well. When I found out you lived in Corona I was excited haha. I live in Riverside but my girlfriend is from the crown circle city. Burger Basket and Pancake House are the besttttt!
mcclano - 8 years ago
Yeah I've got two of these in s 2ft and they definitely overtake the tank. Huge round lily pads that create too much shade. Wouldn't recommend for a small tank as you've already suggested.
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Lovely plant!
Harry creasian
Harry creasian - 8 years ago
I've been waiting for this since you post it in instagram.. awesome
Zarek Merchant
Zarek Merchant - 8 years ago
what fish have you put in the pond. i saw it in ur reflection at 0:56
JacobsAquarium - 8 years ago
Hi. I currently have two blue gouramis, two gold gouramis, twenty danio minnows and two white cloud tetras. Thanks for watching my friend :)
Sir PitchaLot
Sir PitchaLot - 8 years ago
epicexposure - 8 years ago
I've had success with these plants. They actually do resemble lily pads floating on the water surface of my aquarium, and mine flowered as well.
Life in Iraq
Life in Iraq - 8 years ago
Thank you so much
From Iraq
TheMarKing18 - 8 years ago
u r not gonna open tomoro, 12/24, r u? lol I just found u just now...otherwise i would be your one customer today :)
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
Could you grow this immersed?...like in a riparium?

50. comment for Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
right on Jacob ,looking good . The hard work is paying off
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 8 years ago
Good to see you back. Would love to have you as a small business spotlight for My Aquarium Box.
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 8 years ago
mine lost all of its nanners
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 7 years ago
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
The Water Box
The Water Box - 8 years ago
Always great for the beginner for sure!
Charlie Jackson
Charlie Jackson - 8 years ago
A "bunch" of bananas is called a hand, and the individual bananas can be referred to as fingers. Unimportant, but just an fyi
Logan Ross
Logan Ross - 8 years ago
Cool, hey Jacob, if you notice, in this video your "shadow" creates a crystal clear window to the bottom of that tank....maybe you could manipulate that effect somehow....anyways, hope you see what I'm talking about....
James Kilgore
James Kilgore - 8 years ago
he's blocking out the sunlight. if he did that they wouldn't grow :X
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
neat plant when can we see your aquariums? stay well
DFW LANDSCAPING - 8 years ago
Sergio Morales
Sergio Morales - 8 years ago
That' a cool plant Jacob i hope You have successful sales I want to wish You a Merry Chiristmas and a new year full of sales.
Robert P.
Robert P. - 8 years ago
good deal I love that plant. I have one in my twenty mine.

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