Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow

GET AN AWESOME TANK! GET MY FREE TOP 10 TIPS: How to do FAST Water Changes Fish Room of a Legend Larry Brown's house My Favorite Top Five TETRAS... Tetra Species Fish Room of a Legend Mr. Gary Lange's Fish room It hasn't been easy ripping out a tank I've had rolling for 2 years. But you have to tear into your tanks on occasion to make them better. The 220 is coming. It takes time to get them right. I am debating on more new driftwood or reusing the old piece, Also thinking about the fish, not sure what to do just yet on them. (Hate to part with my big ol'rainbows.....GOING SLOW is the key. Many updates to come... Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community

Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Discus 13 years ago 6,619 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! GET MY FREE TOP 10 TIPS: How to do FAST Water Changes Fish Room of a Legend Larry Brown's house My Favorite Top Five TETRAS... Tetra Species Fish Room of a Legend Mr. Gary Lange's Fish room It hasn't been easy ripping out a tank I've had rolling for 2 years. But you have to tear into your tanks on occasion to make them better. The 220 is coming. It takes time to get them right. I am debating on more new driftwood or reusing the old piece, Also thinking about the fish, not sure what to do just yet on them. (Hate to part with my big ol'rainbows.....GOING SLOW is the key. Many updates to come... Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow

Stephenplaysmusic - 11 years ago
i laughed when you said 100 cory cats. that would be neat lol 
Chris "KRAGOBLIN" Krabbe - 13 years ago
i haven't been through all your videos but do you have any cichlid setups? I have a South/Central american cichlid tank and i was curious about adding live plants in the tank but I think they would get eaten by the fish. I have two pimelodella catfish (four line & pictus) and a few different species of plecos along with the cichlids. any ideas about live plants in my tank? I have a video of the tank in my uploads if you need it for reference
camryds - 13 years ago
Love the tank! I had a 90 gallon with 5 Clown loaches + 2 SAE's your rainbows are a nice idea, I think I might do that. your 220 has given me a BIG inspiration into what I want to do when I get my new tank soon! love your vids and tanks! great setup so far! hope it comes along nicely!
Kris Kringle
Kris Kringle - 13 years ago
Dustin i had someone text my email from fishtank and said she wants me to respond to her email.She left a different email other than the one it was sent from.Do you give out my email on your site somewhere?How would she get my email from fishtank tv.she said age was a number and age doesnt matter.I dont have any info on my page just 2 pictures,that made me think it was some kind of spam?I can send you the emails if needed,what is going on????????
mrdaveone1 - 13 years ago
that is so baaaad :( you have some nice plants that we cant get here in denmark.... im trying to make a tropical tank... but it seems that the plants allways loosing colour and then die..... im new in this so I realy dont know how to make them grow :( tjeck out my videos and pleace tell me what I do wrong...... hope you and fam had a nice christmas and happy new year... thanx again Dustin :D
angelicbeaver - 13 years ago
I love your Boesemanis, so here's a vote for a species tank.
playfulwaves - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks Yeah you just don't want it looking like a cichlid tank lol
ststackhouse - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks Pinoys!
Qwerty93Guy - 13 years ago
hey, looks good so far and i just got a 55g for christmas and im pretty new to fish tanks. Can you give me any ideas on what to do with it??

10. comment for Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow

Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@mrdaveone1 nope. I wish, YOU HAVE TROPICA!!!??
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@legalizeweeden we are getting there...relax... ;)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@jcstrides so temping
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@reymore1995 so temping
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@aquaticgeek right side will do this with sag
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@KALZONE850 Thanks...slow is soo key. I'm not even near done with the right side...let alone the whole thing!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@playfulwaves not this tank, but I hear driftwood coming
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@TheBossManhunt leaning this way....
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@emon8406 like the name of it, never kept it, is it called anything else?
emon8406 - 13 years ago
yoo Dustin! i gotta quick question for ya! you ever tried this plant called money plant in your tank? or do you have any advice regarding it?

20. comment for Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow

mrdaveone1 - 13 years ago
@MrFirehazard NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Sean Palmer
Sean Palmer - 13 years ago
Make a mountain of rocks in that open area! It would look sweet with java fern all over it in cracks in between. that's what I think and it's something different for you
TheBossManhunt - 13 years ago
I say don't put it in, go a different route and see if you like it without it.
playfulwaves - 13 years ago
Do you have to use driftwood? You have always talked about how there is and endless supply of rock around your area and 'IT'S FREE!' IF your going for a beach like side maybe think about like a rock pool look or a cliff side. The hardest part of aquaplaning is making decisions lol
WillTivo227 - 13 years ago
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppp the clown loaches in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KALZONE850 - 13 years ago
its comming together. but yeah slow is Definately Key!
Chris Hawks
Chris Hawks - 13 years ago
i also think it would look phat if the whole bottom was covered in plants and you could barely see the substrate
Chris Hawks
Chris Hawks - 13 years ago
start a crs colony. you can find shrimp of every color out there check into and research the internet you will find some great info
noapwns379 - 13 years ago
if you gunna use the driftwood find a new position to put it. As for fish definatly do a species only tank or just center piece type tank. Dont do a community tank. Look at some of Takishi Amano's iwagumi scapes for inspiration! Also dont worry about pleasing us, the viewers. Do whatever you like
Bryce Perry
Bryce Perry - 13 years ago
Do like 5 discus with maybe 10 - 15 (good ratio for a 220, im not "acclimated" to that big of a tank) or so dwarf neon rainbows. Think of how beautiful that would look! Really. Give it some thought! :D

30. comment for Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow

Caio Stanchak
Caio Stanchak - 13 years ago
Get a school of red nose tetras in there man
rey more
rey more - 13 years ago
altum swagg
Thomas Weeden
Thomas Weeden - 13 years ago
no tiger lotus?????
Jarrod Mahon
Jarrod Mahon - 13 years ago
ALTUM ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!
Joseph Lavallee
Joseph Lavallee - 13 years ago
@mrdaveone1 he dosent do international shipping
mrdaveone1 - 13 years ago
canyou ship plants to denmark copenhagen merry x mas
Pedro Pereira
Pedro Pereira - 13 years ago
You should do only boesmanys, about 50 neons, and 50 corys and maybe some altums but they might eat the neons.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
I like what your doing Dustin...just taking your time, I vote for the wood to stay just because you seemed like you loved it 2 years ago on the vid of the 220, you described it as been sent from the heavens! I think if you put it in a different position or tied different stuff on it (moss for example) it would look a lot different! discus, cardinals and rummy noses would be my choice of stocking :) I'm sure whatever you do it'll look sweet!
2studmuffin - 13 years ago
Do an Iwagami theme style tank with driftwood. 100 of neons and let the plants fill in the holes.
fishbroloach - 13 years ago
1st problem in aquscaping is the owner never thinks of there fish. are they happy? or dull. are they swimming like they should be. are the loaches playing? try a few driftwood peices in there. loaches love holes in driftwood. mine all sleep in a 3 inch hole by 6 inches. and i own all but 4 about 20 in all right now. hoping to aquire the rest. maybe dedicate a loach tank low running driftwood they love stumps!
JT Vintila
JT Vintila - 13 years ago
Massive Schooling tank, that would be sweet.
Mccoyj189 - 13 years ago
Also the 220 has always looked sweet, I feel like the prime was around vid 65, just well balanced and so clean and crisp for such a large tank, can't wait to see the reshape my man!
Mccoyj189 - 13 years ago
Dude..... 100 Pygmy cories, 100 neons (regular not jumbo) and pair of Altums to keep everything in two gigantic schools, angels will occ. Feed on the lil ones but omg that would be sick. The rainbows can chill in the other tanks split up
Shawn de Lopez
Shawn de Lopez - 13 years ago
I say get a bunch of cories and still keep the rainbows.
Laimonis Kalniņš
Laimonis Kalniņš - 13 years ago
Looking sweet! Good job so far!
Taylor - 13 years ago
@oconano Probably a type of Amphipod from a clam or some other type of crustacean.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
nice man i like what you've done with it is it just me or the more higher ups of fishtanktv are getting more hate on their youtube lol
Sander Bauwens
Sander Bauwens - 13 years ago
A species only tank with boesemanis would look the best. You already have them you just have to switch your boesemanis with all the other rainbows and other fish in the 220. Don´t put corydoras species in it cause they need a sand bottom, not a gravel bottom. Or sell everything and buy a school of Melanotaenia trifasciata, they look great to.
~Michele~ - 13 years ago
Dustin! I am having the same problem. I am trying to redo my tropicla fishtank into a salltwater theme.... I have no clue what to do with my fish though?
Cirena Aripez
Cirena Aripez - 13 years ago
New driftwood, keep the sexiest Rainbows, keep all of the clowns, get a shoal of corycats in there!, & a shoal of CARDINALS or Rummynoses! -3

50. comment for Rescaping a planted tank: Taking it slow

BensAquariums - 13 years ago
dont you have a sweet piece of drift wood out in the pond? Try using that?
Swimbait Bama
Swimbait Bama - 13 years ago
What is going to be in place of the small piece of driftwood in the beginners plant combo #2 I was thinking about getting one
oconano - 13 years ago
@9BigGeorge They dont look like planaria or daphnia. They look like tiny little sand fleas. I am stumped.
leosandco - 13 years ago
900 neon tetras ;)
Taylor - 13 years ago
I have an idea, like you said before, keep the middle open as a beach effect. What I picture in tanks, is types. You can either do a South American type tank with corie's, Neon's, and all kinds of Tetra's. Or you could do an Asian type with Gourami's. Or you could do an Australian type like you have now. Give it some thought and you might come up with something. =)
SkullSquadronVF84 - 13 years ago
1 billion shrimp
Taylor - 13 years ago
@oconano Look up "Planaria" they come from dirt.
frrok1- aquascaping
frrok1- aquascaping - 13 years ago
hmmm. about the wood. I would say get a sweet piece or a couple of pieces of manzanita from tom barr. About the fish, I would say do a species only rainbowfish tank. Show them off and breed them! you know you want to. the clown loaches are nice but I think they clash with the rainbows, IMO.
funnymakeslifesunny - 13 years ago
whatever you do- THE CLOWN LOACHES HAVE TO STAY!! :D
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 13 years ago
getting there. Looking good
oconano - 13 years ago
Hi Dustin, I have an issue with my tank that maybe you or one of your knowledgeable subscribers can help me with. I have these critters about the size of fleas that are all over the bottom of my tank. I am not sure where they came from. I haven't introduced anything to my tank in years. It's possible they were hiding in my medium substrate and I just didn't notice them before. Now that I know they are there, I see a bunch of them. They dont seem to be parasitic. Any ideas to what they can be?thx
StupidCompanyVEVO - 13 years ago
@Pbuddhafull I have rainbows and goldfish in my pond :)
Penny Duong
Penny Duong - 13 years ago
I redone did do my tank too! I found that goldfish can live with rainbows pretty well.
Datura - 13 years ago
Your tanks are beautiful. :)
yersi gonzalez
yersi gonzalez - 13 years ago
Dustin what kind of light you use??
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 13 years ago
awesome setup, less does look better

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