HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer
DIY 8 years ago 466,985 views
In today's video, i show you how to build an aquarium water sterilizer that will only cost you $8. What I used to cement the wires: Disclaimer: This is only what I THINK the twinstar does. I could be wrong here. The point of the video is to share my ideas and inspire some of your own. As always, proceed with caution and insure you do some testing and further research prior to adding this to your aquarium. Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► I am also on instagram ►
10. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer
20. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer
Can someone tell me how this could possibly sterilize anything, or have any effect on algae?
I think this is just good old-fashioned theatrical quackery.
You’re all being duped with snake oil.
It will kill spores and many viruses and bacteria.
Electrolysed water is actually considered a disinfectant. but loses its potency very quickly.
30. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer
50. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer
Greeting from France !!
Top Man
Then you probably created a short circuit!! Measure the twister between your 2 leads outside the water. It should be infinitely high.
100. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer
There is a lot of research that molecular hydrogen helps as an antioxidant fighting oxidative stress. It scavenge up the worst of radical oxygen species, hydroxyl radical (•OH ). The diatomic molecule hydrogen gas easily penetrates cell walls and into every organelle of a cell helping it protect the the fish's cells from oxidation stress. Sources of OH species can come from water that is ionized from ionizing radiation like natural radiation in the environment from potassium 40 and carbon 14, or water can be ionized from normal metabolic processes, and environmental stresses. So aside from more efficiently oxygenating the water, you are also providing hydrogen that is also very likely benefiting the fish helping them grow larger and stronge
I made an electrolysis device myself and it was huge mistake. I ended up manufacturing a green substance that was apparently hexavalent chromium from using stainless steel mesh and yellow substance that I think was a compound made from chlorine gas from using copper wire; according to
Tks a lot !
I think it's only mollusks that are affected by copper. Not sure though.
Joe, your DIY product a normal elecrolyisis.
The Hydroxylradicals created with the diamondelectrode are what makes the product "theoretical work" normal electrolysis is not recommned in fish tanks, especially combined with salt becouse it will create chlorine.
if you wanted to sterilize the water a much better and safer way for every living creature involved would be a simple UV led and an external water pump that way you dont produce toxic gasses in your tank that slowly kill everything inside
You da man!
BTW, my EA handle is Early Cuyler. I have seen Mr. Hinson 3 times live.
I'm also asking the ppl that make the o2 grow if you can put their machine directly in to the hydro nutrients. If you can do that then I think that maybe worth buying however they only say let it run for 3 hours a day if you do that in just a few hours the DO will go back to its Bubblier normal water air holding level of like I think , .8 or something.? And if your growing hydro the plants will eat that air up in no time. There is a better way of doing that and I figured out how to keep this machine running and delivering pure Oxygen to the Hydro nutrients without destroying the Nutrient! :) All I need now is a DO meter and I'll know for sure if its possible to keep this running 24/7 if I can do that and keep my DO up 24/7, 365 days I'm going to be one happy man! I'll be back one day and let you know if my idea worked or not after I get a DO meter. Until then stay cool out there!
im making one right now.
Maybe in the sump, so the water doesn't get too cloudy?!
Since it "creates" Oxigen in really small bubbles this might actually be very effective, I'd guess.
There is something quite similar called o2 grow to get oxygenated water for growing plants.
O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e-
> 4 OHOxygen may oxidize organic matter. This is principally a biological process. Each individual compound has a reaction mechanism that can be described by means of an electron balance. Examples are given below (H2O is excluded):
Fe2+ + 0,25 O2 -> Fe(OH)3 + 2,5 H+
Mn2+ + O2 -> MnO2 + 2 H+
NH4+ + 2 O2
> NO3+ 6 H+CH4 + 2 O2 -> CO2 + 4 H+
These mechanisms show that ammonium and methane apply large amounts of oxygen, and the resulting oxidation reactions form higher or lower amounts of acid. Under normal conditions acid in water reacts with HCO3-, forming CO2.
The oxygen atom is very reactive and forms oxides with virtually all other elements, with the exception of helium, neon, argon and krypton. There are also a large amounts of compounds that react with water.
this seems like a really good way to oxyginate the water.
Thanks Joey.
solder will work to. but stainless mesh will broken after 3month usage I already try this method. maybe bad coating or just bad quality mesh screen I buy idk but this is very cheap diy.
if not, PLZ built One if those
But I'm not sure about my opinion.
aquarium .help me
I've even had a battery powered temp probe break, and it was not good.
Just curious as to how this is different.
K.I.S.S. better...
Having used the Twinstar myself (testing to see if it was a product we'd like to carry) I too found that the effects were minimal.
I have to agree that UV is a much better option for most. Nice to see the aquarium industry dabbling in other forms of sterilization, though.
(hydrogen & oxygen)
Aquarium tips and english practice. :D :D :D
Great channel.
this doesn't work. it will work in salt wayer but not freshwater
what about UV led bulbs? are they just as efficient?
Parabéns .....
Thanks, cheers!
could you share any alternate of the RO/DI water systems which are expensive of some aquarium brands, is there any way we could achieve somewhat less or equal kind of water quality with the 3 stage common water RO units which we use in kitchen cabinets for drinking use.... what is the difference between the standards and thier output.
Amazon ?
Further to this after seeing their website I suspect that they are using different metal combinations for the different models hence the different effects.
You are correct about the electrolysis breaking the algae spores, but in this case I think it goes further, as by having different metal meshes you create different nano particles which inturn have different benefits.
I am also on instagram ►
Cool! Thanks internet hive mind!
And so, this electrolysis machine that is producing pure hydrogen, the hydrogen in this case is oxidizing some little nasties, albeit at a very low rate?
High redox catalyzes enzymatic reactions that oxidize organic compounds. It is also capable of rupturing the cell walls of anaerobic bacteria.
In aquaria, raising redox won't clean your water of excess nutrients, but it will destroy some little nasties if dosed constantly (like every few hours).
You can see the effect demonstrated when dosing hydrogen peroxide in a tank with black beard algae. It will oxidize and turn pink.
better buy it. bad sealing tube will kill your fish. and dangerous to for yourself.