HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

In today's video, i show you how to build an aquarium water sterilizer that will only cost you $8. What I used to cement the wires: Disclaimer: This is only what I THINK the twinstar does. I could be wrong here. The point of the video is to share my ideas and inspire some of your own. As always, proceed with caution and insure you do some testing and further research prior to adding this to your aquarium. Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► I am also on instagram ►

HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 286

DIY 8 years ago 466,985 views

In today's video, i show you how to build an aquarium water sterilizer that will only cost you $8. What I used to cement the wires: Disclaimer: This is only what I THINK the twinstar does. I could be wrong here. The point of the video is to share my ideas and inspire some of your own. As always, proceed with caution and insure you do some testing and further research prior to adding this to your aquarium. Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► I am also on instagram ►

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

Gabriel Machado
Gabriel Machado - 5 years ago
How about the "Chihiros Doctor Bluetooth Algae Remover", selling at eBay for $60? Any thoughts?
DIY Aquariums & Greenhouses
DIY Aquariums & Greenhouses - 5 years ago
Please be careful, hydrogen is very flammable.
drarbo1 - 5 years ago
How often or not would I run this in my tank?
Fleanis Werkhardt
Fleanis Werkhardt - 5 years ago
I found it is best to use platinized titanium mesh for the Anode (O2 side) and 316 stainless steel #10 mesh for the cathode.
Maribel Quinones
Maribel Quinones - 5 years ago
How large can you make this and if it will need a larger power supply to run it
Maribel Quinones
Maribel Quinones - 5 years ago
I love give you two thumbs up
Bob Doodie
Bob Doodie - 5 years ago
Hmm I thought micro bubbles were bad for fish
vishal Bhandwalkar
vishal Bhandwalkar - 5 years ago
Atter electrolysis what's left in water, don't know but definitely oxygen and hydrogen is gone, whole water is filled with electrons and will react with any metal inside. Don't know whether this stuff is really made for aquarium
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long - 5 years ago
You're a genius!

10. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

RLMUD - 5 years ago
DUDE your starting to get CORNY
Mehr Arian
Mehr Arian - 5 years ago
Hello mate This makes solution electrolysis fairly dangerous, because water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. ... The water itself becomes flammable ?
john tran
john tran - 5 years ago
you can do this for fun but doing this DIY will end up with dead fish 100%
ashy slashy
ashy slashy - 5 years ago
ur making liquid stainless steel.
Clifford Sarmiento
Clifford Sarmiento - 6 years ago
Will it kill existing algae on your tank?
udara amarasinghe
udara amarasinghe - 6 years ago
Thanks for video. may i know why water turn into yellow or near brown color within mins. ( i have created with stain and steel mesh) ??
Ben Williams
Ben Williams - 6 years ago
the company being elusive as to how it works? In other words, it doesn't.
1213lifeguard - 6 years ago
You the best bro you just saved me 300 bucks
Pheonix 2
Pheonix 2 - 6 years ago
Isn’t there a risk of the microscopic bubbles getting stuck in fish gills causing breathing issues?
Colin Patty
Colin Patty - 6 years ago
Does this only work with stainless steel mesh?

20. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

R D - 6 years ago
Would this be good for a quarantine tank
bagus putra
bagus putra - 6 years ago
How if I use the phone charger?
Shavin McCrotch
Shavin McCrotch - 6 years ago
This is just splitting water molecules apart. The negative wire pulls out the hydrogen. The positive pulls out the oxygen. Those gas bubbles rise to the surface and are released into the air.
Can someone tell me how this could possibly sterilize anything, or have any effect on algae?
I think this is just good old-fashioned theatrical quackery.
You’re all being duped with snake oil.
Supernova - 5 years ago
It comes down to chemistry. It also creates Ions in the process which can react with pollution in the water.
It will kill spores and many viruses and bacteria.
Electrolysed water is actually considered a disinfectant. but loses its potency very quickly.
Brent Fleming
Brent Fleming - 6 years ago
its just producing hydrogen and oxygen
Gunner Baker
Gunner Baker - 6 years ago
Be careful. If your wire Guage is to small it breaks down and falls apart. Works much better coiling a heavy guage wire into a cylinder and using that instead of mesh. Little less surface area but at least you don't have wire everywhere in your tank. Also DO NOT use copper wire for this.
Federic - 6 years ago
Can I use it like oxigenator like air pump ?
Plur - 6 years ago
I can't find ANY schematics for Twinstar, O2 grow or other similar products. Probably because it is way to easy and cheap to diy.
Custom Fab86
Custom Fab86 - 6 years ago
Doing electrolysis with stainless steel as an anode creates hexavalent chromium.. And that is extremely bad stuff... I'd find a different material
Federic - 6 years ago
Fe ? replace it is more cheap
Review This
Review This - 6 years ago
If you ran this for along time you would find your water turns orange and little metal particular will be floating around the missing part is titanium mesh not stanless Steele. Stanless carods with pure o2 on it
Sarah McInroy
Sarah McInroy - 6 years ago
Do you think this would be an effective emergency oxygenator? Like the peroxide and potato one you made?

30. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

sarang shirsat
sarang shirsat - 6 years ago
Can we use in saltwater tank??
Federic - 6 years ago
Mz Wisnu
Mz Wisnu - 6 years ago
Thx for sharing the technology behind it. Company should tell the consumer so humanity can learn
Mike Disher
Mike Disher - 6 years ago
Nope stainless steel will not work in either hydroponics or fish tank
Hugh Daniels
Hugh Daniels - 6 years ago
Question? I made one of these and then tested it before I put it in my tank. I put it in regular tap water. Within a few minutes the water started to turn orange. Left it in the bowl for about an hour and was finally left with a black sludge floating on top. Any idea what could have happened?
MoreChannelNoise - 6 years ago
I think you didn't use a good quality stainless steel mesh so the iron in the mesh corroded.
Yogesh Bhoir
Yogesh Bhoir - 6 years ago
You r Aquarium king
Markus Burrer
Markus Burrer - 6 years ago
Did someone test this with shrips or snails? I think the copper wires can be a problem
Amazonas Tv
Amazonas Tv - 6 years ago
Sind hier auch deutschsprachige
Robert Manke
Robert Manke - 6 years ago
this is mainly an oxygen generator that fries some of your overloaded tanks' waste products in the water. I suggest a fluidized sand filter even for my 20 gal guppy tank to do what this thing does. And it looks more cool to my 2 year old grandson to get into science lol which is what it is actually all about.
dimitri sclabos
dimitri sclabos - 6 years ago
Hi, copper from the wire in the anode dissolved, im using 12V, you know why? Thanks
Raymond Ashela
Raymond Ashela - 6 years ago
Twinstar formes hydroxyl radicals and that's how it works. However I was told by someone from this company that twinstar yotta and yotta plus also produce ozone to kill harmful bacteria.
Michael Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Why dont you put the Sterilizer on a sump that you make so it sterilizes all the water your gunna return to the tank
Egemen Bora Uysal
Egemen Bora Uysal - 6 years ago
Can you not use this to oxygenate the water instead of a air pump and an air stone ?
younis - یونس
younis - یونس - 6 years ago
Thanks man, how long time i use it in aday or 24 hour?
Sean Keating
Sean Keating - 6 years ago
Get a DIY sweater or hoodie
Sisco Man
Sisco Man - 6 years ago
Hello, possible to use the charger from a smartphone ??? the usb out have 5 Volt 1A , will it be enough ? I want this device use for making oxygen ..
Andreas Klostermann
Andreas Klostermann - 7 years ago
There is no particular reason this can't be integrated into a full circulation. The actual test would be to contaminate the water with bacteria (or use aquarium water), and determine how many colony forming units are in there before and after using it.
احمد فاضل
احمد فاضل - 7 years ago
Thank you for the idea ..... Run it how many hours a day...?
Andre arco-strings
Andre arco-strings - 7 years ago
Thank you so much .. this is really good ! The idea is sound. Probably could be used for reducing ammonia levels in Fish pond is we have larger Koi Ponds . Any comments are much appreciated.
Md Redwan
Md Redwan - 7 years ago
will fish die?
Md Redwan
Md Redwan - 7 years ago
is it harmful for fish?

50. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

John Marfal
John Marfal - 7 years ago
I thought I have seen all your videos!
hellcat1988 - 7 years ago
You should look into the problems with stainless releasing chemicals into the water. If you watched Eron Brockovich, you'd know how bad those chemicals can be. I wouldn't want that near pet fish... Also, you're releasing hydrogen and pure oxygen. Both extremely combustible.
Danny Edwards
Danny Edwards - 7 years ago
Doesn't this put more pure oxygen into the water vs what a air stone does?
mahmood ben rashed
mahmood ben rashed - 7 years ago
Only one awars on one day ?
Adhitya Ruswoto
Adhitya Ruswoto - 7 years ago
Its safe for fish?
ISCREAM92 - 7 years ago
YOU NEED TITANIUM MESH FOR THIS! please dont do this with produces harmful Cr(VI) which is highly carcinogenic.
Christian Mirtelstet
Christian Mirtelstet - 7 years ago
you are awsome
Robert Dillon
Robert Dillon - 7 years ago
Would this not work for oxygenation in a power outage?
Stephen Botelho
Stephen Botelho - 7 years ago
Could this possibly zap my fish? And is using a regular house wire fine?
ISCREAM92 - 7 years ago
No if build correct and yes.
Victor Fox
Victor Fox - 7 years ago
Isn't the water sterilized by the chlorine gas coming off the anode side? Won't that harm the fish if the concentration gets too high?
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
Have you done any testing to see if it does work?
Nil Sikder
Nil Sikder - 7 years ago
i want to know what kind of fish thst dednot eat baby shrimp
Love Rule
Love Rule - 7 years ago
So Joey is an engineer I figure that
Dilesh Bansoodeb
Dilesh Bansoodeb - 7 years ago
didnt you got pH problem
Mary Pead
Mary Pead - 7 years ago
Very interesting video, thanks for your efforts in making it.
Paul Cohen
Paul Cohen - 7 years ago
Where did you ever find those screens from??
Ahmad Noor Haqimi
Ahmad Noor Haqimi - 7 years ago
hahaha..funny the you present this video...nice
Civil Sitis
Civil Sitis - 7 years ago
In my opinion only with UV-C light we can sterilize . Electrolysis maybe produce Oxyzen but it produce other things too that i dont know if are healthy for the fish . it depend of the metal and the salt water
White Trash and Hellbound
White Trash and Hellbound - 7 years ago
Oh did you notice Zero difference in your already perfect water? Lol thanks for the video Joey
Austin Dunford
Austin Dunford - 7 years ago
Thank you for the how to video. I was able to make this successfully on my first try. I did a very basic one that doesn't look great, but does the job. Now for the real challenge. How often and how long should I run it for?
Space Cowboy
Space Cowboy - 7 years ago
How long does it last till the electrodes dissolve away or the wires erode off the wire mesh,,thats always the problem with such things. By the way since I like fish, Ill fill you in on the dangers of using such things, and you can do your own research to know this to be true, or not, poor fish. Anyway the electrodes are literally dissolving into the water, so you are adding metals into the water, as ripley would say believe it or not, again poor fish.
Truong Tran
Truong Tran - 7 years ago
why not just use Salt? It's more simpler ....
aquillae - 7 years ago
Fish that smokes cigar nearby the device will be instantly cooked by the brown gas explosion ;)
rene rambongga rambongga
rene rambongga rambongga - 7 years ago
is it safe for the fish? and can i used 220v instead of 6 v?
Xavier Rosado
Xavier Rosado - 7 years ago
No, if you use 220v you'll fry all the fish.
ichthus - 7 years ago
Twinstar vs ozonator, which is better?
prokopis avramidis
prokopis avramidis - 7 years ago
το νερό έχει σίγουρα αλάτι η σόδα
jean claude douaumont
jean claude douaumont - 7 years ago
Thank you !! Thank you so much!
Greeting from France !!
David Miller
David Miller - 7 years ago
Is stainless ideal for the anode and cathode? Eventually isn't the screen going to deteriorate into the water? I would think iron would be better. Would it? Im not sure. Been a few decades since I was in science class.
David Wallis
David Wallis - 7 years ago
You should mention that this should never be used in saltwater, it will generate chlorine
Lation Fly
Lation Fly - 7 years ago
is this o2 grow??
Francisco Navarrete
Francisco Navarrete - 7 years ago
Does this also work as a aquarium airpump... I want to say does it also oxygenate the water?
Fishman - 7 years ago
Don't use this with any kind of tank cover. The accumulation of hydrogen and oxygen gas under the cover will result in an explosive reaction with any spark or flame.
zeer365 - 7 years ago
Next up connect it to 24v 200mA
Kurniawan Aldyk
Kurniawan Aldyk - 7 years ago
it's save for our fish?
Andrew P
Andrew P - 7 years ago
It'd be a good way to see how the water moves around you tank without harming fish or plants.
Gabensy - 7 years ago
XD Brilliant
Top Man
fassenkugel - 7 years ago
nice. but this will not sterilise the water just add extra solved oxigen. and 6V in water can drive enough current over ur wet skin to kill u.
Morrissey Kuc
Morrissey Kuc - 7 years ago
same as making your own hydrogen, same as a smoking vape. nice.
Chrishan Manoj
Chrishan Manoj - 7 years ago
Hi DIY King big fan and loving your ideas but i didn't get any results of doing this, i tired it with 9W battery and nothing happens, after few minutes i felt the battery is heating up and didn't see any bubbles, any advice on this? thanks
kayazukifiles - 7 years ago
Chrishan Manoj
Then you probably created a short circuit!! Measure the twister between your 2 leads outside the water. It should be infinitely high.
Lation Fly
Lation Fly - 7 years ago
would work if the water is tox?
white pegasus
white pegasus - 7 years ago
Wow that's great, btw, I'm interested in aquascaping, I wonder if this "toy" can be modified to CO2 diffusser?
Retroriff - 7 years ago
I would never try this in my aquarium. Pure oxygen is not a good idea to breathe in pure. Just try to inhale this in your lungs and you'll get my point ...
jason andrew Ybas
jason andrew Ybas - 7 years ago
Manuel Hernandez
Manuel Hernandez - 7 years ago
what's needed, so I can plug into an a/c outlet continuously?
Troll Hidden Cave
Troll Hidden Cave - 7 years ago
Your a genius! does anyone know if you could rig this to wear instead of plugging to a battery you just wire it to a plug maybe with some kind of adapter to make the voltage correct but I'd much rather be able to just plug this thing in and then have to keep buying a big Square batteries
David Watson
David Watson - 7 years ago
Hey Joey can you use this thing for microbubble scrubbing in a reef aquarium
Xris Carter
Xris Carter - 7 years ago
so this is basically just another type of filter...but what is it filtering in the process of braking h2o down?
Pablo Mazzonelli
Pablo Mazzonelli - 7 years ago
I think, this is a little dangerous... Hydrogen is a very flammable gas, and, if i´m not wrong.. Oxygen too. Don`t know, what do you think?
Mohsen Aghdam
Mohsen Aghdam - 7 years ago
I make this device but when it working my tank water turn to greenish yellow. How I fix it?
David Wallis
David Wallis - 7 years ago
You need to dispose of the water safely and immediately You have salt in your water and have created Chlorine Gas which will kill everything including you.
Adrien w
Adrien w - 7 years ago
would this project also oxygenize the water as well

100. comment for HOW TO: $8 Aquarium sterilizer

Mohsen Aghdam
Mohsen Aghdam - 7 years ago
Thank you for your Great video,but is it safe for your fish,can we replace it with airstone?
Keith Reynolds
Keith Reynolds - 7 years ago
You might be able to get rid of your pump and aerators. Oxygen bubbled from the air is about 20% by volume. The oxygen bubbles from electrolysis is 100% by volume of an oxygen bubble. With an oxygen concentration 5 times higher, along with their nano size gives the oxygen incredible surface area to volume ratio that helps both helps the oxygen diffuse more quickly into the water, and stay suspended in the water much longer to ensuring more of the oxygen gets absorbed into the water using far less energy.

There is a lot of research that molecular hydrogen helps as an antioxidant fighting oxidative stress. It scavenge up the worst of radical oxygen species, hydroxyl radical (•OH ). The diatomic molecule hydrogen gas easily penetrates cell walls and into every organelle of a cell helping it protect the the fish's cells from oxidation stress. Sources of OH species can come from water that is ionized from ionizing radiation like natural radiation in the environment from potassium 40 and carbon 14, or water can be ionized from normal metabolic processes, and environmental stresses. So aside from more efficiently oxygenating the water, you are also providing hydrogen that is also very likely benefiting the fish helping them grow larger and stronge
Keith Reynolds
Keith Reynolds - 7 years ago
You will likely still want to remove ammonia from your tank, possibly with an algae scrubber.
Jonny C
Jonny C - 7 years ago
i whant to make o2grow puting o2 in water is does this put oxygen into the water that's what I need
tre alexander
tre alexander - 7 years ago
used extencion cable instead not working any guesses?
Vitor Correia
Vitor Correia - 7 years ago
Very nice video M8 (y) !!!
nibo N
nibo N - 7 years ago
hi the king ... can i ask something many hour must on , all the day.. or
nibo N
nibo N - 7 years ago
chris18228 - 7 years ago
Wasn't it created for hydroponics not for fish
EDWIN ROBERT - 7 years ago
this sterlizer made my tank cloudy and I found lot of dirt deposits on top of the water level in tank.. is it normal ??
I'm pretty awesome
I'm pretty awesome - 7 years ago
with that said......
Discus wildlife
Discus wildlife - 7 years ago
What about Ozon ? what do you guys think of ozon ?
Mz Wisnu
Mz Wisnu - 7 years ago
Is it dangerous to fish fry ?
WrestlerMoore1 - 7 years ago
I'd be interested on how to make an ultra violet sterilizer, that would be interesting
B Knight
B Knight - 7 years ago

I made an electrolysis device myself and it was huge mistake. I ended up manufacturing a green substance that was apparently hexavalent chromium from using stainless steel mesh and yellow substance that I think was a compound made from chlorine gas from using copper wire; according to
Supot Swangpiriyakij
Supot Swangpiriyakij - 7 years ago
Bad way to ewaste hydrogen to atmosphere
Mahfuz Mizi
Mahfuz Mizi - 7 years ago
rely vary nic
toan tran song
toan tran song - 7 years ago
Help ... Can I use this water for plant ?
Tks a lot !
Brett Archer
Brett Archer - 7 years ago
ive heard people are using these as air raters (bubbler) more for aquaponics than aquariums! thoughts! o2grow is one!
Brett Archer
Brett Archer - 7 years ago
ive heard people are using these as air raters (bubbler) more for aquaponics than aquariums! thoughts! o2grow is one!
David Treibs
David Treibs - 7 years ago
Nice video. Now, can you make a nano bubble generator?
madhawa manukularathna
madhawa manukularathna - 7 years ago
WoW... very creative idea.... thank you.... normally electricity travel through isn't it harmful to fish....
Jennifer Rodriguez
Jennifer Rodriguez - 7 years ago
can i do it for turtles
ThinkFreely2012 - 7 years ago
i would be more concerned with the metal ions left in the water from the metal anode and cathode. seems like a bunk product to me, that would never be found in any of my tanks.
Lion Tribe
Lion Tribe - 7 years ago
Wtf this is an O2 emitter....
Wahyudi Lawrens
Wahyudi Lawrens - 7 years ago
What water is it? Can it work in fresh water?
Daffa First
Daffa First - 7 years ago
so, sterilizer is to make a clearer Aquarium water?
Sir Tko
Sir Tko - 7 years ago
do u think it's ok to have something like this with an aquaphonic system, with fish and plants???
BasementBen - 7 years ago
Possibility of chromium leaching in water (In the 6th oxidation state), with the proper temperatures+voltage. But not sure. Could make some interesting mutations on the fish!
angelito matibag
angelito matibag - 7 years ago
the meshwire connected to negative pole is the only one that produce bubbles so it should be on upper position to prevent bubble clogging on the gap between the mesh wires.
John Sanchez
John Sanchez - 7 years ago
This is Browns Gas, pretty cool but your producing hydrogen fuel in your fish tank. Not a major concern unless you have something in your tank that could produce a spark and your tank is fairly shut tight trapping the gases. Not bringing down anything that your doing here in the video but maybe something to note in a disclaimer (for twinstar as well really). Google Browns Gas to better understand what I mean if youve never heard of it before. Cool though good work and honestly im half tempted to see how that actually works out for producing browns gas itself for a hydrogen cell.
Jose Andres Cervantes
Jose Andres Cervantes - 8 years ago
CONGRATULATION! GREAT VIDEO, just i have a question, Does this device affect the mosses? especially the flame moss!
PBF Pet birds and fish தமிழ் / English
PBF Pet birds and fish தமிழ் / English - 8 years ago
I want to know about low maintenance freshwater fish types (India)
Ivor Tan
Ivor Tan - 8 years ago
does it work as a 02 diffuser as well? it looks pretty similar.
Caesar Castillo
Caesar Castillo - 8 years ago
Very kool. I am wondering how much of a drop in pH you got due to the released Hydrogen, unless of course it bubbles out of the water too quickly to mater. Thanks!
Thomas Barrett
Thomas Barrett - 8 years ago
What are the oxygen levels before and after use? I've seen a device like this for aquaponics, and this video was real helpful for some trial and error of my own. Thanks for the great vids.
Josh Dennis
Josh Dennis - 8 years ago
joey can i doe this in fresh-water
Jayden Downes
Jayden Downes - 7 years ago
Yes you can
vinish shetty
vinish shetty - 8 years ago
hey joey love your videos, with some 3d printing and assembling this could become a marketable product.
tony matthew
tony matthew - 8 years ago
You do of course know that if you have any salt in the water you will be producing sodium hypochlorite, aka bleach or liquid chlorine ... this piece of kit is just a smaller version of a chlorinator used in salt pools. If you catch all the hydrogen produced with this product you could run a gas engine on it ...
K C - 8 years ago
What exactly does this do in the tank?
mohd shukri
mohd shukri - 8 years ago
Its good for fish? Lets it turn on 24hour? Side effect for fish or not?
BIA e seus brinquedos
BIA e seus brinquedos - 8 years ago
How many time is on and off?
Alexander Sanders
Alexander Sanders - 8 years ago
HELLO. I have an 18 W LED UV Blacklight that puts out a wave length of 395-405nm. Will this clarify my 15G fishtank????
Roey Pinkas
Roey Pinkas - 8 years ago
Just to let you know! This machine produces a lot of small oxygen bubbles which will be sucked by the fishes gills to frequently on it will make their flouting ball too full of oxygen and they will flow up surface unable to swim.
Ryan Edwards
Ryan Edwards - 8 years ago
one think that needs to be mentioned is that the HOH gas produced is highly flammable/explosive
Anthony DiRuggiero
Anthony DiRuggiero - 8 years ago
How do you keep the tank from going hindenburg?
Hargak - 8 years ago
Wouldn't this lower the ph? It's like making battery acid.
Frírek - 8 years ago
This looks great for a hydroponics system. Has anyone tried it ?
Johnny Veyt
Johnny Veyt - 8 years ago
isn't the copper wiring toxic to the aquarium inhabitants?
CroatiaSurvival - 8 years ago
Johnny Veyt
I think it's only mollusks that are affected by copper. Not sure though.
Tex Reichelderfer
Tex Reichelderfer - 8 years ago
Isn't this for hydroponics?
Maribel Quinones
Maribel Quinones - 5 years ago
Swis ArmyFist not really it can also be used for cleaning metals with some chemicals
Pho TWENTY - 8 years ago
where did you get those mesh screen ?
marcotattoo - 8 years ago
the mesh should be titanium otherwise the corrosion will destroy the mesh very fast, and will release heavy metals on the water... in my experience i used cirurgical stainless still, and it was whats happents.......
Luuk Hoffman
Luuk Hoffman - 8 years ago
Im just wondering if I can use this like an Ogrow for my hydroponic system. Does it oxidize the water better than an airstone?
Simon _1981
Simon _1981 - 8 years ago
will this help with algea as well i'm getting a problem with red algea in with my fresh water tank
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
not to be anal but the industry are just too greedy , like a certain company sell them like 199 usd , wtf !!
Steffen F
Steffen F - 8 years ago
Twinstar is using a Diamondelectrode instead of Steelmesh. The Diamond disolves Hydroxylradicals instead of Oxygenradicals.
Joe, your DIY product a normal elecrolyisis.
The Hydroxylradicals created with the diamondelectrode are what makes the product "theoretical work" normal electrolysis is not recommned in fish tanks, especially combined with salt becouse it will create chlorine.
Andy Saravia
Andy Saravia - 8 years ago
OMG !!! YOU ARE THE KING MAN !!! i am from peru, i will try this ideas on my own aquarium !!
Andy T
Andy T - 8 years ago
the copper wire will break down get a titanium electrode it will take longer to break down
audrey lyons
audrey lyons - 8 years ago
Electrolysis with a stainless steel anode creates hexavalent chromium, which is really bad stuff. You ain't even supposed to put it down the drain and most hazardous waste centers don't know what to do with it. Might not be good for your fish.
ashy slashy
ashy slashy - 5 years ago
would silver be safe....
Sagrotan - 8 years ago
this will a: kill your fish and b : absolutely kill most invertebrates and most of the bacteria in your tank completely ruining the biological balance in your tank ....

if you wanted to sterilize the water a much better and safer way for every living creature involved would be a simple UV led and an external water pump that way you dont produce toxic gasses in your tank that slowly kill everything inside
Jae Choi
Jae Choi - 7 years ago
a. wrong. b. wrong. the oxygen and hydrogen Particles are completely harmless to fish and anaerobic bacteria. however it will kill amd inhibit algae from growing further.
Paul Kindervater
Paul Kindervater - 8 years ago
An oxygen content too high in water can actually damage fish gills.
Andrew Pfeifer
Andrew Pfeifer - 7 years ago
yes try google
toan tran song
toan tran song - 7 years ago
Paul Kindervater One more thing ... Is it good for plant ?
toan tran song
toan tran song - 7 years ago
Paul Kindervater Can I use this water for plant ? Tks a lot !
MagicianAnthony - 8 years ago
You saved me $300.00 if you have stuff like this in your book where do I buy your book for my son to read? This increase the DO* Dissolved Oxygen by 50% and this is for Hydroponics. Dude you have no clue how much this helped me out. Seriously this is so big right now in the Hydroponic world right now. Thank you so much!
You da man!
Gabriel Machado
Gabriel Machado - 5 years ago
Regarging the O2 Emitter that costs $300, they have IRIDIUM that coats the Anode/Cathodes (which costs about $900/oz). It’s now just under the price of gold. Thats is a precious metal used for conductivity in your cell phone , laptops and now Led’s are starting to use that material and that has up the price. Hope that explains the high price tag....
WisdomIsPrecious - 6 years ago
from what Ive read, the beneficial bacteria tend to be aerobic meaning they can use oxygen, while the "bad" ones tend to be anaerobic meaning they operate in the absence or without oxygen
puffer1958 - 7 years ago
Daniel Sahlen they also pointed out that running every 4 hours for 45 minutes it should not be an issue
puffer1958 - 7 years ago
Daniel Sahlen a couple of people claim it is negligible and not an issue. I watched a video with the makers of a line designed specifically for DWC/RDWC application and they lit the surface hydrogen with a lighter
Daniel Sahlen
Daniel Sahlen - 7 years ago
Did you get an answer about that? I read your questions and it got me worried about the same thing.
Daniel Sahlen
Daniel Sahlen - 7 years ago
How did it work out for you Anthony? You say you solved the issue of adding Oxygen without having it interact with the Nutrians?
Meow Mix
Meow Mix - 7 years ago
Wouldn't this kill the beneficial bacteria?
Lation Fly
Lation Fly - 7 years ago
where the link may i see it
Lation Fly
Lation Fly - 7 years ago
but the one they used is not metal??
puffer1958 - 7 years ago
I would like to know where you are in this quest. I was unaware of the issue with the O2 Grow unit and the nutrients. I was considering the 10 gallon unit at $200. I am going to look on reddit and see what I can glean.
BTW, my EA handle is Early Cuyler. I have seen Mr. Hinson 3 times live.
unknown cuyler
unknown cuyler - 7 years ago
yes thats probably correct. but CO2 supplement would be beneficial rather that other reactions.
1 *
1 * - 7 years ago
unknown cuyler "Carbon electrodes do react with oxygen, from what I remember they react producing carbon dioxide."

SuperPeter05 - 7 years ago
MagicianAnthony where does all the hydrogen go. im guessing into the room. make sure there are no sparks if u run thos thing all day. or atleast look into this part a little bit. happy growing
Abdul Baseth
Abdul Baseth - 7 years ago
so did it work?
unknown cuyler
unknown cuyler - 8 years ago
I saw something about using carbon electrodes. so it is less reactive.
GeoAeroponic - 8 years ago
titanium coated with a few microns of platinum or iridium.
Byron Morgan
Byron Morgan - 8 years ago
I was wondering about the copper getting into the system from the copper wires......hadn't thought of the chrome. Titanium mesh i guess? silver? gold?
GeoAeroponic - 8 years ago
Dont use stainless steel, ingesting chromates wont be too good for your health ;)
MagicianAnthony - 8 years ago
I have found a problem with this method. In direct contact with the Hydro nutrients the machine turns the nutrient into white flaky stuff that makes the nutrient go bad. Also the DO only last a few hours before the water returns to normal. I seen it on a review of the machine it's self. So I found a way to hack that and keep this idea going with having Pure Oxygen delivered to my hydroponic system 24/7 thanks to this guy!

I'm also asking the ppl that make the o2 grow if you can put their machine directly in to the hydro nutrients. If you can do that then I think that maybe worth buying however they only say let it run for 3 hours a day if you do that in just a few hours the DO will go back to its Bubblier normal water air holding level of like I think , .8 or something.? And if your growing hydro the plants will eat that air up in no time. There is a better way of doing that and I figured out how to keep this machine running and delivering pure Oxygen to the Hydro nutrients without destroying the Nutrient! :) All I need now is a DO meter and I'll know for sure if its possible to keep this running 24/7 if I can do that and keep my DO up 24/7, 365 days I'm going to be one happy man! I'll be back one day and let you know if my idea worked or not after I get a DO meter. Until then stay cool out there!
unknown cuyler
unknown cuyler - 8 years ago
dude yes

im making one right now.
AfricaTeacher - 8 years ago
I was thinking about the same thing.
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
I wonder if this would work with rain water collected in a bucket in my yard (not from a roof, but straight from the sky). I might just test this one out since I'm planning on using rain water in the future for my tanks. Who knows, this might be the cheapest solution to sterilize that water and get rid of all those harmful bacteria. In combination with lots of filtering with active coal.... yep, it might actually do the job. :)
Federic - 6 years ago
I use for my Aquarium a couple years until I move out
Federic - 6 years ago
what about water from the a/c ?
Bm Creations
Bm Creations - 8 years ago
Would this work as an air stone replacement being micro bubbles?
Sagrotan - 8 years ago
for about 2 hours yes then every lifeform in the tank will be dead or severely damaged by the toxins that this device produces like free oxygen radicals , hydrogen peroxyde and various other nasty stuff ...
Char Brunelle
Char Brunelle - 8 years ago
By chance, did you check the O2 level of the water before and after. As this is used more for adding O2 to the water then it is for Sterilizing. As they work better then using an air stone.
paba911 - 8 years ago
Can this be used instead of an airstone?
Maybe in the sump, so the water doesn't get too cloudy?!
Since it "creates" Oxigen in really small bubbles this might actually be very effective, I'd guess.
There is something quite similar called o2 grow to get oxygenated water for growing plants.
What Streamer?
What Streamer? - 7 years ago
Yep Lars I tested with 12v 0.5 amp through #50 mesh stainless steel in a plastic bowl, put my multi meter in and no voltage what so ever..
Lars Eriksson
Lars Eriksson - 7 years ago
no. its a complete circuit
Andrew Pfeifer
Andrew Pfeifer - 7 years ago
however you will be leaking stray voltage into the tank, which is terrible for everything !
craig ward
craig ward - 7 years ago
Gaseous oxygen does not react with water. It is water soluble and functions as an oxidator:

O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e- > 4 OH

Oxygen may oxidize organic matter. This is principally a biological process. Each individual compound has a reaction mechanism that can be described by means of an electron balance. Examples are given below (H2O is excluded):

Fe2+ + 0,25 O2 -> Fe(OH)3 + 2,5 H+
Mn2+ + O2 -> MnO2 + 2 H+
NH4+ + 2 O2 > NO3 + 6 H+
CH4 + 2 O2 -> CO2 + 4 H+

These mechanisms show that ammonium and methane apply large amounts of oxygen, and the resulting oxidation reactions form higher or lower amounts of acid. Under normal conditions acid in water reacts with HCO3-, forming CO2.
The oxygen atom is very reactive and forms oxides with virtually all other elements, with the exception of helium, neon, argon and krypton. There are also a large amounts of compounds that react with water.
craig ward
craig ward - 7 years ago
you are confusing dissolved oxygen with the oxygen in the H2O molecule, two totally separate things, this does in fact oxygenate the water
TheEnragedGamer - 7 years ago
it doesn't create oxegen it take oxegen ot of the water
xSean145 - 8 years ago
this is awsome and so simple. Thank you!
this seems like a really good way to oxyginate the water.
Sagrotan - 8 years ago
its also a good way to kill everything inside the tank as this produces oxygen radicals wich kill not only fish but also the bacteria that keep the whole ecosystem stable ....
Doug Silva
Doug Silva - 8 years ago
I don't even know what this is I just click his vids because they are interesting!
Scott outdoors
Scott outdoors - 8 years ago
hi i would like to see you do a biorb tank with filtration
MrKevin Le
MrKevin Le - 8 years ago
Can i use silicone instead of the cement pen?
Thanks Joey.
sawadikin - 8 years ago
MrKevin Le
solder will work to. but stainless mesh will broken after 3month usage I already try this method. maybe bad coating or just bad quality mesh screen I buy idk but this is very cheap diy.
Kifter - 8 years ago
What does this do?
Lazaro Gonzalez
Lazaro Gonzalez - 8 years ago
how can i make my fishtank water clear!?!?!?
bingorev - 8 years ago
I hope you know that the mix og oxygen and hydrogen is very explosive. (!!!) So let us hope that the device dont produce so much that it gets into the air outside your tank...
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
Hi. is this thing the Same thing to get more Oxygen into the water like the "o2 grow" thing?
if not, PLZ built One if those
Christopher Staples
Christopher Staples - 8 years ago
mmm copper and fish .. aint that toxic to them ...
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
Besides hydrogen and oxygen gas, I'm wondering if there is anything else being created and dissolved into the water.
West Virginian
West Virginian - 7 years ago
I have heard (I forget where) that using stainless steel to do electrolysis will create hexavalent chromium.  You might want to verify that before trying this because that stuff is bad.
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
@Sagrotan bad news ...
Sagrotan - 8 years ago
yeah this will also create all kinds of other gases and toxins from metal salts as well as free oxygen radicals not to mention hydrogen peroxyde ...
Joshua Vanmeter
Joshua Vanmeter - 8 years ago
Roger Nevez no just splitting the water molecules. You essentially are creating an hho generator.
oldiron1223 - 8 years ago
Seeing as this "gadget" creates O2 in the form of microbubbles how would it be for oxygenation? Either in a power failure or for supplemental oxygen in high temperature conditions? I'm working on an outdoor goldfish pond in Texas where the summertime temperatures get high enough O2 levels can be a concern.
oldiron1223 - 8 years ago
Reason for the question is there are other videos praising "micro bubbles" or "nano bubbles" as oxygenators. Most of those systems are more expensive than the Twinstar system. Might build one and give it a shot. Then there is the expense of a dissolved oxygen meter....
PopicalGold - 8 years ago
oldiron1223 I do think that this thing just do a sterilization, decomposing O and H atom which is composition of H2O (water), during the water through the device, they're killing algae, etc

But I'm not sure about my opinion.
The Red Mammon
The Red Mammon - 8 years ago
what is this for
CoryCatsPassion - 8 years ago
let the fishes smoke
Ham Jam#
Ham Jam# - 8 years ago
how to make an running water in medium
aquarium .help me
Levi Burns
Levi Burns - 8 years ago
How in the world does stray voltage not cause harm to tank inhabitants? I've had heaters malfunction, and probes break, and each time, negative effects are noticeable.

I've even had a battery powered temp probe break, and it was not good.

Just curious as to how this is different.
Fadestrider - 7 years ago
Its not stray voltage the positive and negative charged meshes only cover the shortest distance between them electrolysing the water caught in between them.
Matúš Surovčák
Matúš Surovčák - 8 years ago
I guess it's because of such low voltage. 6V are safe even underwater.
Tukang Nego
Tukang Nego - 8 years ago
can I use this to oxygenate 6.000 liters of well water..?
Denis B
Denis B - 8 years ago
It would be useful to know how many time the sterilizer has to run to have a correctly sterilized water. ( X minute(s) per liter or gallion for example)
joeashbubemma - 8 years ago
I've seen this application used in the hydroponics industry. They use it for oxygenation and warned against using it in aquariums for extended periods because of O2 toxicity. The escaping hydrogen gas can be dangerous in enclosed spaces (Hindenberg) so it's best not to get too carried away with this tech. Cool DIY project though. BTW, DO NOT use electrolysis in salt water!
Bturpin23 - 8 years ago
I don't have any place here to get a funnel screen.
AQUA NUT - 8 years ago
That is a cool build man
The Red Mammon
The Red Mammon - 8 years ago
will this work for my 55?
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 8 years ago
Haa... excellent ~
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
yea but isnt increase DO in the water , help plants to grow even more robust ?
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 8 years ago
haa that's great ! Get her her own tank too ~
João Pedro
João Pedro - 8 years ago
Thanks for the answer, ;)By the way my mother loved your last aquascape hahah!
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 8 years ago
It breaks water up into superfine H2 and O2 molecules which have a mild sterilizing effect. Such an effect is used in some industrial cases to purify water/clean pipes. This device is mainly marketed for the planted tank segment as a defense against algae. However, if we observe tanks that use such devices, then there are plenty of algae filled ones. Many aquarists swear by it, but it's hard to narrow down cause and effect since it doesn't work 100% of the time. The original device is also extremely pricey. Perhaps the best answer is that you can achieve an algae free tank by paying attention to overall tank cleanliness, plant health and light control, so why bother having an extra device in the tank
João Pedro
João Pedro - 8 years ago
What do you think about it? Does it really work?
AquaWoman - 8 years ago
Super Cool! Thanks for sharing this.
Travis VanderLaan
Travis VanderLaan - 8 years ago
If you ever need a test tank for filters or other things like this let me know.
B Knight
B Knight - 8 years ago
could you use this to oxygenate the tank, instead of an airstone?

Vaughn Pruess
Vaughn Pruess - 8 years ago
This was a cool project..
K.I.S.S. better...
Thomas B
Thomas B - 8 years ago
Great job, brother!
Having used the Twinstar myself (testing to see if it was a product we'd like to carry) I too found that the effects were minimal.
Thomas B
Thomas B - 8 years ago
Yep, Big Al's :) thanks for the kind words!
I have to agree that UV is a much better option for most. Nice to see the aquarium industry dabbling in other forms of sterilization, though.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks! Big Als right? You do an awesome job on their channeI. This was more of a curious project, you wont see one on my aquariums though. Some have had great success with them in the UK, but i doubt they will ever make a splash in N.A. I'll stick to UV.
Do RC - 8 years ago
I feel like id be concered about this. Depending on whats already in the water you may electrolize some chemicals you really dont want in a fish tank.
Carlos Inventions
Carlos Inventions - 8 years ago
this can be used to oxugen the water? maybe an external bottle., separating oxygen from hydrogen, ??
NITRO POP - 8 years ago
Julio Diaz
Julio Diaz - 8 years ago
Great video. Have you done a diy UV sterilizer?
Zeev Kovalsky
Zeev Kovalsky - 8 years ago
That's nice, but I can't figure out how do you sterilize the remaining water in the aquarium by turning some part of it into a gasses?
(hydrogen & oxygen)
mastmalang70hk - 8 years ago
i also did ,using 12 volt in one ,and 19 volt in other using laptop adapter, running continously , after week i get lot of chalk on the mesh ,intension was to introduce oxygen ,as oxygen pump make lot of noise ,not sterlization , so i stopped
Ancient Dany Boy
Ancient Dany Boy - 8 years ago
is it fish safe and what exactly does it do?
Anne Marie Klickerklacker
Anne Marie Klickerklacker - 8 years ago
Hi Joey can I use it for a saltwatertank ? I mean the coppercontacts...
Barry Rudolph
Barry Rudolph - 8 years ago
Joey Is using copper speaker wire a good idea. The introduction of copper into the tank may not good for crustaceans.
David - 8 years ago
Just watching this video, I saw the oxygen generator in a bottle wtih peroxide and potatoes. Since this thing creates O2 can you use it just like the oxygen generator for the tank in an emergency to impart O2 in to the tank?
Rotsen Quintana
Rotsen Quintana - 8 years ago
Hello for what this work
Pedrusko - 8 years ago
Two birds, one shot.
Aquarium tips and english practice. :D :D :D

Great channel.
InViKTus - 8 years ago
you're the best
Lunar - 8 years ago
you know, the "fog" oh hydrogen and oxygen particles would look good in an aquascape to make it look like a cloudy sky, just thought about it but I don't know how it would look in practice
sketchyssk8shop - 8 years ago
what about using a old cell phone charger with the damaged USB tip removed. that way you can have steady current
Kouyou - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, where did you buy the funnel screens?
AFreakinProblem - 8 years ago
This tech seems like it would have many applications... Maybe make a strip version of this that spans the length of a tank, maybe turn a bucket into a giant version of this and pump water in and out of it... The possibilities seem endless.
JAXtaposed2288 - 8 years ago
Hey there. I've been watching your videos for a few months now and I wanted you to know I find your videos very interesting and useful. I've been running freshwater tanks for almost 15 years and until now, I've never thought about getting into saltwater. I have a spare 10 gallon tank with a 20 gallon bio wheel HOB filter and a small air pump. I still need to get a heater before I can start the official setup, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions or advice for a saltwater noob. It should be known that I live in Florida, U.S. so it does get pretty hot down here, but I keep the AC running almost all the time... Anyway, thanks for your time and keep up the good work!
Abby Brodnax
Abby Brodnax - 8 years ago
So what is it supposed to do? I understand the UV sterilizers but what does this do vs the UV? What would be the max size tank you could put this in/how long would it take to treat the water. Also how would you know when/if it's done? Ahh sorry for so many questions! Lol I love your videos!
tonalitzin hanz
tonalitzin hanz - 8 years ago
daniel michael
daniel michael - 8 years ago
what does a sterilizer do?
frickbot - 8 years ago
for some reason turning off that heater was really satisfying, like at the end of a corny sitcom where they turn off the stage lights.
michael swinden
michael swinden - 8 years ago
I challenge get you to build a aquarium controller?? let the challenge begin
Bref Stank
Bref Stank - 8 years ago
Anyone have a link to the circular filter things? I cannot find them ANYWHERE. Nobody knows what I mean :/
ll Ant Tribe ll
ll Ant Tribe ll - 8 years ago
this doesn't work. it will work in salt wayer but not freshwater
Joshua Olin
Joshua Olin - 8 years ago
I keep over complicating my ideas on an efficient UV steriliser. I.e. can the bulb be submerged? what kind of socket would I need and is there even a non-proprietary bulb I can use?
what about UV led bulbs? are they just as efficient?
AquaThusiast - 8 years ago
Is this the concept behind O2 grow ?. It looks similar to what you have built and they claim it increases Oxygen content in water by 50% compared to air diffuser.
Agnar Áskelsson
Agnar Áskelsson - 8 years ago
Since creating hydrogen and oxygen is it not increasing water O2 levels while on?
Fabiolinone Camaro
Fabiolinone Camaro - 8 years ago
Ciao che batteria ci vuole ?
Gold Vulcan
Gold Vulcan - 8 years ago
will this work on freshwater
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 8 years ago
Solution to your final problem.  Have the people that make your DIY tee shirts make you a few DIY sweatshirts.
aussieaeromodeler - 8 years ago
Hi Joey , just wondering if that sterilizer affects the Ph of the water at all ?
FILIPE BUSS - 8 years ago
Muito bom o canal
Parabéns .....
all about animals - DIY
all about animals - DIY - 8 years ago
I've build my own aswell and it works
john goff
john goff - 8 years ago
Seems like a pretty cool addition to small hospital / quarantine tanks. Joey, any thoughts on using a wall adapter that puts out 6-12vdc as the power source? Then you could automate it with a timer.
john goff
john goff - 8 years ago
Awesome video as always by the way. :-)
Andrew Faiella
Andrew Faiella - 8 years ago
What's up Joey! Nailed another DIY project, your videos are always keeping hobbyists like myself interested and up to date with simple but effective builds. Regardless of the project I am continually learning something new. In one of your next videos it would be great to see an update on your discus! Also I would like to hear your opinion on caring for discus from more than one breeder in the same tank.

Thanks, cheers!
Jason Martin
Jason Martin - 8 years ago
jolie ole comming at ya FOR CUSTOM GROW 420!!!!!!!!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
There's no water test to verify the water is actually being sterilized.. Nice project.
Manuel Diez
Manuel Diez - 8 years ago
Maybe I'm wrong. But, I think electrolysis turns water into bleach, so be careful.
samuel johnson
samuel johnson - 6 years ago
I was curious so I looked it up. Dont do it with salt water because it can. Not sure if the low levels of solute in tap water would be an issue.
EingeL - 8 years ago
u can use this with fish inside the tank?¿
Maxwell P
Maxwell P - 8 years ago
HAHA I know this is REALLY random question, but can you put a betta fish in a 1.1 gallon tank? sorry, I know that is random, I just wanna know...
WRCRYAN247 - 8 years ago
Hey joey last night we bought our first arowana he/she is around 8" currently he/she has had few mealworms today do you have any tips for me like food and are tanning lights important (Hbrtg arowana) thanks
Brian Beach
Brian Beach - 8 years ago
Congratulations on hitting 200,000 at 3:45 am est Jun 1st on Youtube
mmrulezz - 8 years ago
JOEY..... you are at 199,999 subscribers .... Keep it up
Kaleb Rinehart
Kaleb Rinehart - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, can you do an update to 1 fish 2 fish? I just re-watched the video and I would like to see how they have progressed!!!
Tristan Beligan
Tristan Beligan - 8 years ago
Can it work on saltwater tanks?
Tristan Beligan
Tristan Beligan - 8 years ago
How does this sterilize the water?
MA Fishguy
MA Fishguy - 8 years ago
hey congrats on hitting 200k soon man.
Scorpion Biker
Scorpion Biker - 8 years ago
Thanks joey
Ace Aquascapes
Ace Aquascapes - 8 years ago
Loving your projects, Thanks and all that effort is really appreciated worldwide,
could you share any alternate of the RO/DI water systems which are expensive of some aquarium brands, is there any way we could achieve somewhat less or equal kind of water quality with the 3 stage common water RO units which we use in kitchen cabinets for drinking use.... what is the difference between the standards and thier output.

Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
The king of diy my son wants an aquarium it's a 30 g what fish should we put in it
ALEX A. S . S.
ALEX A. S . S. - 8 years ago
Where I can buy, all Peizas ?
Amazon ?
gamerguyv5 - 8 years ago
I have a question, would the copper from the wire kill the fish since copper is toxic to most fish?
craigflanagan1 - 8 years ago
have you been hitting the gym? you look buff!
rivahkillah - 8 years ago
Would this be beneficial to a Walstad style planted tank? Curious what it exactly cleans/kills?
Infinite Driven
Infinite Driven - 8 years ago
hi Joey I challenge you to do a DIY seaswril
Eddy Solis
Eddy Solis - 8 years ago
diy UV sterilizer?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
What I used to cement the wires:
Vikram Tamagonda
Vikram Tamagonda - 7 years ago
It is more a emergency oxygen supply since tiny bubbles dissolve better
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Cool. Twinstar won't like this. Ha ha.
Javier Duenas
Javier Duenas - 8 years ago
Twinstar is gonna be pissed! LOL!!!
neufy123456 - 8 years ago
The mesh on the twinstar is supposedly platinum coated to prevent corrosion
Federic - 6 years ago
do you know where I can buy it ?
Dan JW
Dan JW - 8 years ago
Thank you for the tip I made one and in 3 hours it corroded this explains alot
who care
who care - 8 years ago
thanks for these videos. i just bought my first 75g and am so grateful for your tips on reducing costs for my fish so I can put that money to their fancy food.
Gold Vulcan
Gold Vulcan - 8 years ago
dude you just saved me 300 bucks lmao. ive been evaluating the high end models. now if you can just talk about power and backups for brownouts lol
sdushdiu - 8 years ago
Great examination and DIY project - unfortunately the concept is of questionable ultimate worth.
SOURAV GT - 8 years ago
Discus Steffen
Discus Steffen - 8 years ago
you are so cool , thanks for all your inspiration Joey :) #kingofdiy
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Disclaimer: This is only what I THINK the twinstar does. I could be wrong here. The point of the video is to share my ideas and inspire some of your own. As always, proceed with caution and insure you do some testing and further research prior to adding this to your aquarium.
Psych Shooter
Psych Shooter - 5 years ago
Does this have the same mechanism as the hydro-pure filter?
MoreChannelNoise - 6 years ago
@kareem afifi Yes I have seen people use up to 19volts
kareem afifi
kareem afifi - 6 years ago
Can be car battery 13 v or can becous I can found battery like this in video
Serge Mermod
Serge Mermod - 7 years ago
You should be careful with electrolysis. The electricity will always decompose the "weakest" chemical in the tank. That COULD be water becoming H2 and O2 but it is also possible that the steel realease toxic heavy metals. Especialy if the voltage is high. And if there is any trace of sea salt in the water, it will produce Cl2 and then all life will be sterilized...
Anthony Anderson
Anthony Anderson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I'm new to this I have a 60 gallon tank woth Oscars how much do I need to have on this tank
Moto RR
Moto RR - 8 years ago
love it
Vin Roxas
Vin Roxas - 8 years ago
does this kill algae?
Zak Rafik
Zak Rafik - 8 years ago
You sir, are a genius.
Lucas S P
Lucas S P - 8 years ago
One of your best videos, well done!
D TUBE - 8 years ago
you have flowerhorn
Alvin Yao
Alvin Yao - 8 years ago
What about Copper? Invertebrates, white clouds, and many other creatures are extremely sensitive to copper.
Fadestrider - 7 years ago
You need the tank to have some NaCl inside to do that copper does not produce elements.
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 8 years ago
the Bondic adhesive he used would seal the copper away from the aquarium water.  Just be sure that no copper is left exposed.
Alvin Yao
Alvin Yao - 8 years ago
@The king of DIY But what could i use instead of copper wire? Thx
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Alvin Yao (alviny02) use what ever you think is best. I mentioned it was just what I thought was going on. I never said it was the materials they used.
Mr.Reefer - 8 years ago
I can't stand the cold, and I'm just in Chicago! I can only imagine how frigid it is further north by you! Lol
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
watch the video again and pay attention to how cold Joey really is doin this vid! LOL.... shout out to the space heater.
Christopher Gruenwald
Christopher Gruenwald - 8 years ago
It's that lovely Canadian weather.
Mario Roz
Mario Roz - 8 years ago
I remember we used to build an electrolysis contraption for a middle school science project (to demonstrate that water is made from oxigen and hydrogen, I think), but I don't know how this works as a mean of sterilization.
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 8 years ago
youre too good to us joey!! freezing your nuggets off to do a build for our entertainment that maybe only 1% of us will ever do.... youre awesome man.
The Raul Guerrero G
The Raul Guerrero G - 8 years ago
what is cheaper? the batery of a bucnh of potatoes?
Alferis Magnanimus
Alferis Magnanimus - 8 years ago
if steel become rust, iron afects fish??
Andrew cameron
Andrew cameron - 8 years ago
I think prolonged use could cause issues with killing beneficial bacteria. so yeah that could harm ur fish.
Andrew cameron
Andrew cameron - 8 years ago
he used stainless mesh
John Pfister
John Pfister - 8 years ago
What would happen if the wires touched?
quepiid - 8 years ago
Well. Do a diy uv sterilizer.
Ruben - 8 years ago
Thats a great idea but. Have you tested to see if there is any voltage in the water. I once read that if you have those little worms on the glass and you want to kill them you can take a 9 volt battery with long wires and put one wire on each side tf the tank to get rid of them. Thats why I was thinking if you put both wires in the water and you putting voltage in the water.
Ruben - 8 years ago
+quepiid Oh ok. =-]
quepiid - 8 years ago
+Ruben I meant to say SAME. Not safe.
Ruben - 8 years ago
+quepiid Having stray voltage in your tank can mess up the fishes sense for tracking where the food is. It also mess with different senses in different type of fish. Google what happen aquarium fish if there is stray voltage in the tank.
Ruben - 8 years ago
+josh L I got no worms that was a video I saw.
Rt L
Rt L - 8 years ago
just stop overfeeding and the worms go away
quepiid - 8 years ago
This would be almost the safe as just dropping the wires in the water.
DoggoBot 3D Printing
DoggoBot 3D Printing - 8 years ago
The copper from the wires could be toxic to some fish & invertebrates. Would be important to make sure you coat it completely with bondic
Ricky Ferre
Ricky Ferre - 8 years ago
What if this is placed in a filter?
sbazain - 8 years ago
Joey I know this has nothing to do with this video I have a reef tank but I was looking at your power outage video and I was wondering if you can hook up a 12 volt pump to a car battery for emergency purposes battery packs for reef tanks are kind of expensive and don't last anything or maybe to 12 volt batt. sorry to stick this in here
OkiStyle JDM
OkiStyle JDM - 8 years ago
I got to admit that the Twinstar is pricey but it has help my planted aquarium out significantly in the last month and a half. DIY or a Twinstar I think are great for killing algae and helping with many other issues. I recommend any type of a product for beginners or experience aquarium hobbyist.
stephane van der lee
stephane van der lee - 8 years ago
hi Joey, Just wondering that maybe the twinstar is using a silver mesh, as silver has anti-microbial etc. effect when micro particles are in water. If so probably the reason for the $$$$ cost $$$$.
Further to this after seeing their website I suspect that they are using different metal combinations for the different models hence the different effects.
You are correct about the electrolysis breaking the algae spores, but in this case I think it goes further, as by having different metal meshes you create different nano particles which inturn have different benefits.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Follow me on facebook for LIVE video ►
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Ryan Tran
Ryan Tran - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
W - 8 years ago
yes u can do that with fish in it
Awla Irdiena
Awla Irdiena - 8 years ago
@satish maharjan p
satish maharjan
satish maharjan - 8 years ago
PS: i really appreciate what you are doing. i have watched most of your videos. it helps a lot thanks . huge fan of yours
Whitegleeshy - 8 years ago
I don't get it
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 8 years ago
Lol you should get a DIY Fishkeepers sweater and wear that!
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 8 years ago
Great vid Joey, $8 is pretty incredible. Have you done a video on a DIY uv sterilizer? I'm gearing up to build a bigger tank and I'm gonna need a uv as I'll be deleting my canister and going for a Refugium sump. I'd keep the canister but I've got some hang on backs that need the axe!!
ll Ant Tribe ll
ll Ant Tribe ll - 8 years ago
I'm sooo happy you did a diy for this product. you've just saved me a little bit of money haha
Azrael - 8 years ago
So can we watch next a how to video about U.V. sterilization
alberto encinas
alberto encinas - 8 years ago
now do a DIY UV sterilizer :)
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 8 years ago
Interesting, But I'm afraid of fish fries
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 8 years ago
That is one of your more impressive projects - outside of the tank builds (my favorites) - but I don't DIY - I just watch it LOL
Torrey Jones
Torrey Jones - 8 years ago
Well, that's one way to encourage "Extra Energy" in your presentations! :)
Tbomb - 8 years ago
Does it work on sw tank?
Fernando - 8 years ago
Victor Galvez
Victor Galvez - 8 years ago
emmm.... its a fun project, but I dont understand the point... if you have salt disolved you will create Cl gas and NaOH so I guess thats is not so good idea to put this into the aquarium... I will rather try a DIY ozone generator instead Joey!! just my 5 cents
carraplaps - 8 years ago
Great video Joey!
aldrin fernandes
aldrin fernandes - 8 years ago
thx that was really cool
Jason Card
Jason Card - 8 years ago
done a little bit of research into this and i think if you put carbon between the two pads you would end up creating co2 which would be great for planted tanks but not 100% on this
Greenthumpup - 8 years ago
Maybe a episode on how to ultra silent you damn noise air pump?
Gavin Powell
Gavin Powell - 8 years ago
They say a protein skimmer wont work in a fresh water aquarium because you can't get small enough bubbles, are these bubbles small enough for a fresh water protein skimmer?
STEVE ORTEZ - 8 years ago
Great video
Mark McGee
Mark McGee - 8 years ago
I think your fan club would not be offended if you wore a jacket while filming. LOL
The Fish Guy
The Fish Guy - 8 years ago
Do a uv sterilizer next
L00PS - 8 years ago
I also have a question. why out of all battery why that big one?
L00PS - 8 years ago
In fact, it was farther away than your video. So I know it did not touch.
L00PS - 8 years ago
They did not touch at all. Don't worry, It was not in my tank. I did it in a testing tank when I do diy stuff.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
That would not have happened had they not been touching. There is literally no reason for that to happen unless they touch. Thats your own fault. I too did it with a wall plug yet decided not to show how to on video because the is ALWAYS someone that cant follow instructions.
L00PS - 8 years ago
Lol, I tried this with wall plug, 12v and it broke the metal into pieces lol.
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 8 years ago
Probably the price of that battery coupled with the size (amount of charge it can hold).
NebularCactis - 8 years ago
Joeysworldtour IMMM BBBYYAAACK!
Chavito Azul
Chavito Azul - 8 years ago
what are ur thoughts on that UV pen
SupermidwestG - 8 years ago
Instant fav...
augoldfinger - 8 years ago
Nice ending.
Hunter Trinkley
Hunter Trinkley - 8 years ago
Hey Joey have u ever made a stream tank, if so please link the video as I can't find it, if not can u make a video about one?
Eugenio Vazquez
Eugenio Vazquez - 8 years ago
THE KING HAS SPOKEN , Who cares what twinstar thinks or DISLIKE , Joey you're like the fish tank MacGyver
L00PS - 8 years ago
Nice job! :)
OfficialMouaStar - 8 years ago
Wow, I have never heard of this water sterilizer until now!
Sharon S
Sharon S - 8 years ago
so basically you transform water to hydrogen
Max Neu
Max Neu - 8 years ago
Couldn't this crash your pH from the hydrogen ions dissociating from water?
enticed2zeitgeist - 8 years ago
How does electrolysis filter the water? Isn't it actually just removing water from the system and thus concentrating the contaminants in the water?
Oxygen Theif
Oxygen Theif - 6 years ago
flamepeace This filter is entirely chemical and mechanical, so no bacteria is being used here to purify water
flamepeace - 7 years ago
so.. kill the benefct bacteria of the filter ?
Lation Fly
Lation Fly - 7 years ago
Soo it help the the wall of the bacteria?
Elizabeth Greene
Elizabeth Greene - 8 years ago
This "feels" very strongly like pseudoscience.
Maxime C.
Maxime C. - 8 years ago
+Wil Welsh You should be a writer for twinstars trash website. Which gives no detailed explanation on how it even works
enticed2zeitgeist - 8 years ago
@Wil Welsh
Cool! Thanks internet hive mind!

And so, this electrolysis machine that is producing pure hydrogen, the hydrogen in this case is oxidizing some little nasties, albeit at a very low rate?
Wil Welsh
Wil Welsh - 8 years ago

High redox catalyzes enzymatic reactions that oxidize organic compounds. It is also capable of rupturing the cell walls of anaerobic bacteria.

In aquaria, raising redox won't clean your water of excess nutrients, but it will destroy some little nasties if dosed constantly (like every few hours).

You can see the effect demonstrated when dosing hydrogen peroxide in a tank with black beard algae. It will oxidize and turn pink.
enticed2zeitgeist - 8 years ago
@Wil Welsh I am unfamiliar with such a mechanism. Can you name it so I can research it?
Wil Welsh
Wil Welsh - 8 years ago
Same mechanism as barley straw or dosing hydrogen peroxide. It raises redox.
Alferis Magnanimus
Alferis Magnanimus - 8 years ago
Something like that.
Alferis Magnanimus
Alferis Magnanimus - 8 years ago
sorry only understand english, but i wil try to answer. this device only release oxigen and kill bacteria. is not a filter and the amount of water is very small. again sorry
francois manuel
francois manuel - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, great channel with great content, keep it up
Kieran williams-Denton
Kieran williams-Denton - 8 years ago
Love the ending and nice little project
T Cunningham
T Cunningham - 8 years ago
Could this sit in a sump and do the same thing?
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
looks helpful!...but what does it do and help in?
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
+Alferis Magnanimus oh,thanks. :)
Alferis Magnanimus
Alferis Magnanimus - 8 years ago
killing bacterias and parsites.
Ubaid Shakir
Ubaid Shakir - 8 years ago
joey want some uv action
Ian Nelson
Ian Nelson - 8 years ago
What are your thoughts of about micro bubble generators I've seen some tanks that runs them or a version of it by running fine micro bubbles through the tank after lights out
DARREN CARTER - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, really enjoy your videos. How about a video of your camera and post production set up? Seems like a lot of fish people have an interest in photography.
primitive garage tracy
primitive garage tracy - 8 years ago
just wanted to say love the videos !!!! you actually inspired me to build my own tank and get a arowana !!!! and make a oscar tank !!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Matthew tracy awesome!
Skogs Shrimpy Shrimp Shrimpry and More
Skogs Shrimpy Shrimp Shrimpry and More - 8 years ago
great video Joey!
emteespace - 8 years ago
What if you integrated the sterilizer into your pump system by coupling it into the aquarium outflow pipe? Then you could guarantee that it has come into contact with your entire water volume.
Brian Beach
Brian Beach - 8 years ago
Nice video. You could you the housing to that light to make a bare cheep mini canister filter for 5 gal fry tank that those inside the tank. I did it for my fry when I was 16 34 years ago. Work real good use some of the filter matter from main tank.
Salt water Discus
Salt water Discus - 8 years ago
It helps with algae? Could this also be used in a reef tank?
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia - 8 years ago
cool video joey!
wolfsrain0000 - 8 years ago
Do you think I need this if I have a UV filter?
Bas Kooij
Bas Kooij - 8 years ago
no, you don't "need" this to get a well going aquarium. Same goes for the uv filter ;)
Racz Zoltan
Racz Zoltan - 8 years ago
Nice tutorial. Would this work with a 5v phone battery adapter instead of battery?
Bob Idstein
Bob Idstein - 8 years ago
LOL! Awesome video.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks Bob!
William Nathanael
William Nathanael - 8 years ago
this is what i called diy
Rick W
Rick W - 8 years ago
+Golden Gold Darn!
Rick W
Rick W - 8 years ago
I think I should start banging these out at about $50 a piece. I'll be rich!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Christopher Gruenwald
Christopher Gruenwald - 8 years ago
How does breaking the molecular bond of water sterilize the water? Does the free floating oxygen and hydrogen kill everything? Come to think of it, oxygen is toxic to many bacteria.
Rob Rod
Rob Rod - 8 years ago
+Christopher Gruenwald Also, thats a great reason to have an external sump
Rob Rod
Rob Rod - 8 years ago
+Christopher Gruenwald Those would get killed as well most likely, which is why you dont leave it on for more than an hour or two
Christopher Gruenwald
Christopher Gruenwald - 8 years ago
+Rob Rod what about your beneficial bacteria in the filter?
Christopher Gruenwald
Christopher Gruenwald - 8 years ago
+Rob Rod what about your beneficial bacteria in the filter?
Rob Rod
Rob Rod - 8 years ago
the oxygen, if not O2, is extremely reactive and will bond with whatever possible, e.g. cellular membrane of a bacteria. this "pops" it killing it. pretty cool in my opinion
Sirus - 8 years ago
to anerobic bacteria
guillaume nel
guillaume nel - 8 years ago
great project ! please do A U/V sterilizer
Andrew Pfeifer
Andrew Pfeifer - 7 years ago
any UV sterilizer for less then 300 dollars is doing 0 for you system anyways , there is easy ways to have the light tube completely separate from the water using clear acrylic pipe. and cheap light set ups as well,
OhmannOcean - 8 years ago
he's already mentioned in his FB live videos that he is not doing UV sterilizers. It is too risky of a build both for his viewers' safety, and the fish's safety. Especially considering the cost to build it would negate any of the actual benefits of doing DIY(i.e. Being inexpensive).
sawadikin - 8 years ago
guillaume nel
better buy it. bad sealing tube will kill your fish. and dangerous to for yourself.
Ej deandre
Ej deandre - 8 years ago
It's cheaper and safer to just buy one I've already asked that same question about a year ago
69mustang07 - 8 years ago
look threw his videos I'm pretty sure I did one
Cichlid Bro
Cichlid Bro - 8 years ago
Raheel Syed
Raheel Syed - 8 years ago
Yea I had to buy a canister with a built-in UV sterilizer but I would love to know a way to have an additional one or if I were to do the DIY XL canister and add a UV to it or connect one somehow?
Travis Jackson
Travis Jackson - 8 years ago
luc snoppe
luc snoppe - 8 years ago
that would be an great projec
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia - 8 years ago
I'd like to see that too
KA7 Legend
KA7 Legend - 8 years ago
Hey joey my friend wants to know what plant he can use to lower nitrate that are safe for his rays, is it the mother plant?
Carlos Vinicius
Carlos Vinicius - 8 years ago
legend please
Coel Acanth
Coel Acanth - 8 years ago
You are a genius!
LibC - 8 years ago
I was wondering if you'd build a DIY UV setup? In theory it should be pretty trivial, I assume its a case of making sure the water and UV are very close contact. I'm sure you've already done it, hopefully another commentor can point me in the right direction. Cheers, hope you've warmed up
Lenny Migliore
Lenny Migliore - 8 years ago
Joey, will this help with an algae problem?
Lenny Migliore
Lenny Migliore - 8 years ago
I know it's not DIY, but have you had any experience with a product called the green killing machine. Apparently, it's some sort of in-tank UV sterilizer.
Mike Glock
Mike Glock - 8 years ago
is this supposed to work better than the UV STERILIZER?
Mike Glock
Mike Glock - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY really!!???!!!! like blackbeard algae???
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
That is exactly what it is used for.
Katie Kelley
Katie Kelley - 8 years ago
any plans to show how to make an ultraviolet stabilization system?
Isaac Oberlander
Isaac Oberlander - 8 years ago
you probably could do it with a piece of pvc and place an airstone under the mesh to create circulation
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
noo... this is not just air from a airstone. watch the vid
idontuploadjustwatch - 8 years ago
how much water would you use up if you kept it running for an hour, because the water would be converted in to hydrogen and oxygen gas
Sadaried Sad
Sadaried Sad - 8 years ago
2H2O = 2H2 + O2
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 8 years ago
Is that a phase change, or factoring the molarity when you decompose it?
Sadaried Sad
Sadaried Sad - 8 years ago
1 liter of water turns to 1860 liters of gas
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
There is literally billions of water molecules in just a milliliter of water. You could run this continuously for months on end and still not be able to measure water was converted.
panzerveps - 8 years ago
Not much.. You won't even notice it.
k mh
k mh - 8 years ago
Twinstar dislikes this video.
CUSH KARLSON - 7 years ago
Catalin Tanasie
Catalin Tanasie - 8 years ago
eredgefyt 0rgr c
Catalin Tanasie
Catalin Tanasie - 8 years ago
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 8 years ago
+Marin Bandalo nvm lol
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 8 years ago
Who's that?
Maikshikari - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, I think its worth noting that people shouldn't do this on salt water aquariums since chlorine is produced as a result of the electrolysis of sodium chloride. That apart, nice video man!
Tertius Nez
Tertius Nez - 8 years ago
Cool project.
TalisienTao - 8 years ago
don't know why it's not running 8( .
Insane Del Terror
Insane Del Terror - 8 years ago

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