HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to build a diy aquarium skimmer. A very simple, easy and cheap aquarium skimmer that will both skim your water and polish it. This is not a saltwater or marine protein skimmer.

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Pets & Animals 11 years ago 350,587 views

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to build a diy aquarium skimmer. A very simple, easy and cheap aquarium skimmer that will both skim your water and polish it. This is not a saltwater or marine protein skimmer.

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

presouz - 7 years ago
I use this to clean the bare bottom of my tanks!! LOVE IT, multi purpose uses.. maxi jet a must have
Ron Riggs
Ron Riggs - 7 years ago
Joey....when we first cranked the maxi-jet up, it shot out white stuff? Is that just air/oxygen?
yon sokheng
yon sokheng - 7 years ago
speak alot
Rafany Valadao Xavier
Rafany Valadao Xavier - 7 years ago
muito obrigada thanks so much
Jan Teunis
Jan Teunis - 7 years ago
The surface in my tank is being kept in movement alle the time by the filter outlet, but it still has a oily layer which wont go away, so i hope to find a solution here
samantha denham
samantha denham - 7 years ago
i didnt obviously clean my new gravel well! loads of buildup on the surface! made my own skimmer .... but not as good as this one!
cubanace Simulations
cubanace Simulations - 8 years ago
awesome tips and great channel!.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
normaly i bought everything but since i found your channel i started doing things myself ind they work just as fine.
thanks for saving my purse!
1stladyalison - 8 years ago
loving your vids... thank you so much for sharing....

10. comment for HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

GingerGamer - 8 years ago
I know this video is almost 3 years old, but can I put a pack of carbon in it to clear the water once the pump pushes the water out?
Building With Zach
Building With Zach - 8 years ago
Dave Allen
Dave Allen - 8 years ago
i want to make something like this for a 5gl tank whats the smallest power out there?
Tbomb - 9 years ago
How do i make the protein skimmer with the pump like that? Does the pump work for the other video you make on december 2014?
tammy bartelme
tammy bartelme - 9 years ago
I have a 55 gallon tank. What size power head would I need.
William Arenas
William Arenas - 9 years ago
Nice video and I hope you can answer this next question, Is this polisher filter/skimmer affects the good bacteria? I already has a filter but I would also like to use your polisher filter, any suggestion? Thank you in advance.
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 9 years ago
How strong is the intake? I have 2 beta fish tanks. I do 10-15% water changes every week. This last week I noticed after 2 days of doing the water change, I see like a colorful film just on the surface of the water. Not sure what it is. Not sure if its coming from the filter. I have not cleaned the actual filters yet for fear of loosing the good bacteria. I have cleaned the outside of the filter though and the decorations in the tank. I just use the old water in the bucket to clean them down, getting the slimy layer off of them and then put them back in. The water I use to change out are in gallon water bottles with tap water in them. I fill them with tap water along with putting the 7 drops of water conditioner and set them aside for 7 days uncapped. So not sure if the stuff floating on the top is the chemicals. Thinking of making this to maybe get rid of this. Or maybe I need to rinse out the filter inserts before putting it back in the tank. Any suggestions?
DreaminFantasys - 9 years ago
Can this work well for freshwater aquariums?
Gabriella Davis
Gabriella Davis - 9 years ago
I want to do all of these DIY aquarium media for my 75 oscar tank. My parents won't let me do anything DIY because they think it won't work and they just make me buy expensive filters/etc
Payton Barry
Payton Barry - 9 years ago
could my surface skimmer replace my powerhead/WaveMaker and my protein skimmer because it pushes water with the power head but also skimms the surface for proteins?
Chee Yang
Chee Yang - 9 years ago
Do you have any diy videos for a wave maker? I'm planning to use it for a small planted shrimp aquarium

20. comment for HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

Michelle Partin
Michelle Partin - 9 years ago
I have a maxi jet but can't find a bottle that fits!
Killerkings 1111
Killerkings 1111 - 10 years ago
i have a Rena XP4 for my 75g cichlid tank. the tank just doesn't have enough water movement so i'm gonna make one of these to increase water flow. 
Ross Ellis
Ross Ellis - 10 years ago
I just asked for this lol. Should have know the king is the man
Rahul Ceper
Rahul Ceper - 10 years ago
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 10 years ago
I'm planning to make this but only for a water polisher, I already have an ehim 49$ surface skimmer but I have to say the diy version has a bigger surface area meaning more wait time before maintinencr because it wouldn't get clogged up as much. And for the ehim surface skimmer small fish can get stuck into there if there is god around it they will most likely get sucked inside as I have lost two neon tetras cause of it, I fixed this problem though by using one of the plant pots u buy at an aquarium store with the black plastic pit with bars around it, just place a bar.infront of the surface skimmers notches and no fishies will fall in
humantripod - 10 years ago
Do you think the flow would be ok for my 3" painted turtle?  I don't want there to be too much current making it difficult for him to swim.  I currently have a Fluval U2 in the tank and wondering how the current would compair
Eric Albert
Eric Albert - 10 years ago
Merci beaucoup pour vos videos magistrales !!!
Eric (from Paris)
Aj Requitillo
Aj Requitillo - 10 years ago
Is it ok to turn upside down the pump? Will it not be broken in the long run? Thanks man great video!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
It wont matter if it is upside down. That has nothing to do with the direction the impeller spins.
Michael Earle
Michael Earle - 11 years ago
awesome !!
Jim Tee
Jim Tee - 11 years ago
I just built this and it works and easy to do.

30. comment for HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

Dylan pennells
Dylan pennells - 11 years ago
What are the rays I would like them in one of my tanks
REIF ISEPPIC - 11 years ago
thankyou for this video my planted tank looks so good
I also put activated carbon in mine
barrie4437 - 11 years ago
love the vids man, but can u help me. i use live plants in my tanks and have the problem with fish picking bit off witch float's, can u help.     
J Rod
J Rod - 11 years ago
What about the glue on the bottles? Harmful to fish?
stfu idiot
stfu idiot - 11 years ago
your videos are amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing :)
محمد عبدالله
محمد عبدالله - 11 years ago
TROPICAL FISH MAN - 11 years ago
great tip as always thanks
Latinodelsur1 - 11 years ago
Brilliant like all your videos, thank you Joey for your help and your time.
Smelly GimmePrivacy
Smelly GimmePrivacy - 11 years ago
I love your videos, Joey. I know that you do this because you love it, but I just want to say that with some music and advanced editing, you could be huge. You are already my go-to guy for DIY aquarist help, but I'd love to see you make a living with your videos.
ocruzyval309 - 11 years ago
i have a question:  I would like to use my canister "Marineland 360" to filter both my 120 tank, as well as, 10 gallon tank. it is posible? is the marineland powerfull enough to accomplish the filtration task?
Bicara bebas
Bicara bebas - 11 years ago
is that so simple like that..? ok I'll try thanks
Asquith Harris
Asquith Harris - 11 years ago
Thank you Joey
Bradley S
Bradley S - 11 years ago
Should we worry about the glue that holds the label on the water bottle?
aqaria hub
aqaria hub - 11 years ago
can i have one of your shits?
Erick Endozo
Erick Endozo - 11 years ago
do i need a protein skimmer on a Freshwater tank??
Peachdollar - 11 years ago
Do you know any body that wants to buy some eels look me up under 260 gallon tank
Mike Foster
Mike Foster - 11 years ago
Sick idea bro!
arc corona
arc corona - 11 years ago
Thank You, Posting This Video It Helps In My Pond Thanks., Youtubers :)
[ UIT ] Lee, JongYun
[ UIT ] Lee, JongYun - 11 years ago
Thank you!
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
I like your stuff Joey. Easy to build and very affordable

50. comment for HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

jeremy escasa
jeremy escasa - 11 years ago
smart and simple. good job
Kirsty Zubko
Kirsty Zubko - 11 years ago
Great Video.
Liberty1982 - 11 years ago
Have a question. I have two marineland 350's it has a filter on top you can up so it will filter the top part of the tank too. Is that pretty much the same thing as you showed or is that good to have also? Thanks.
Kavishakc - 11 years ago
haha nice one. people like you in youtube must get more views and subs. you explain everything and even communicate with the viewers. i can tell a lot of good about you and i didnt to it in the first comment cause its rare to find someone who thinks about his viewers. keep it up man. im so glad u saw my comment
All About DIY
All About DIY - 11 years ago
Hey awesome video and instructions i just had a couple of questions about tuning the skimmer. i built it to your specs and and am using a maxi jet 900 power head. everything went smooth but im having a performance issue. it doesnt seem to be skimming as well as yours does in that ray tank in the video. im running it on a 380 gallon tank so i dont know if i need to make another one or just adjust it up or down in the tank. any help would be much appreciated. thanks
Martini Ricki
Martini Ricki - 11 years ago
Hi Joey.Thank u very much for sharing your project and especially the clear crisp instructions. God bless U!
Vincent Moore
Vincent Moore - 11 years ago
Thank you Joey!
87BigPerm - 11 years ago
Thanks Joey about the Rays, My kids wanted some Walmart fish to take care of and ya. My 8yr son and me want to build a fish tank, I looking into something better then low end fish. I tried salt water but fresh water is what i plan on. I got a vid for you. Talk about low maintenance on up to exotics fish ext.
Rinaldi Kesuma
Rinaldi Kesuma - 11 years ago
nice video and great idea. greeting from Indonesia.
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
Good simple techniques, awesome
MrHoney2U - 11 years ago
Nice one Joey. Ive thought about something like this before. Thanks for the info.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
This is one of the best DIY filters I've seen - nice one, man. So simple yet very effective.
Claude Johnson
Claude Johnson - 11 years ago
Man you are a lifesaver... this is perfect for my 40g grow-out tank...
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 11 years ago
Awesome idea
Marckion - 11 years ago
Fixing equipment like air pumps and filters. Replacement parts and even like using water testing kitsk. Also do you do salt water? I can't wait to see some planted tanks!
Don Jensen
Don Jensen - 11 years ago
Joey, Could you please list the model number of that power head for reference to us whom may want to use it or a equivalent model. Maybe update the description to show it if that is still possible on here.
Kimberly A Lord
Kimberly A Lord - 11 years ago
Thank you
Kimberly A Lord
Kimberly A Lord - 11 years ago
How many times a day do you feed your fish Joey? Once, twice, three times? What about fry? I asked this question in a small fish group and the answers were all different. I would appreciate knowing your views on fish feeding. Thanks
חנן רווה
חנן רווה - 11 years ago
U r number 1 wow
87BigPerm - 11 years ago
Joey been watch a lot of your videos. Love them! I would like to see pics/video on what your Big tank looks like with your Rays, been looking around for some tanks ideas , and some dif. fish to do, are Rays hard to take care of ? I got some 3 Bala Sharks in a 75 gal. now my oldest 1 is coming up on 8years old, and about10-12in along.
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
Love your videos!! Recommend a small diy filter or a store bought one for a small 1 gallon shrinp tank?
finn niko
finn niko - 11 years ago
!!!OH YA !!!Got to make one of these
Hasnat Abul
Hasnat Abul - 11 years ago
Is it too noisy?
Hasnat Abul
Hasnat Abul - 11 years ago
The notches will be very sharp and can do substantial harm to the fish
Leon Ngo
Leon Ngo - 11 years ago
Joey, if I may make a suggestion. You have great content in your videos, but many viewers like myself may want to see the end product in action (like a product demo) first, before you start talking about the project. Some people may not know what it is, but they would rather see the action demo first.
Josh Russell
Josh Russell - 11 years ago
Yes it is. Best part was this system kicks my fluval 405s ass for particulate removal.
Josh Russell
Josh Russell - 11 years ago
I made an surface skimmer out of the following. PVC Overflow as shown by Joey (Thanks Joey) 25 liter bucket with lid 100 micron filter sock (whatever size you want) Pond pump Some clear hose. Cut a hole in the lid of the bucket for the filter sock to sit. Put the pond pump inside the bucket and ran return hoses. Directed the over flow system to pass through the filter sock. Basically used the bucket as a mini sump. 100 micron polisher and skimmer all in one. For around 75 bucks. Works great!
Reef Raf
Reef Raf - 11 years ago
why would people dislike this video. morons.
Marckion - 11 years ago
Also what do you think about you doing how to fix videos for aquarium equipment
Marckion - 11 years ago
Hey joey do you do anything with plants?
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
101 things you can do with a water bottle...another cool tip. thanks for posting.
SIMUANGCO2468 - 11 years ago
Agreed really wanna see an update of the tanks!!!
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 11 years ago
have u done a diy cal reactor?
santana1224 - 11 years ago
Hey joey u should make a video update of your 540g been following u for a while now..... Thanks
cALiP12INC394 - 11 years ago
Really cool
MolonLabe - 11 years ago
This is a really cool idea and I'm ashamed I didn't think of it myself!
James Stewart
James Stewart - 11 years ago
You should make a video on how to DIY fish feeder
deathbringerdk - 11 years ago
Well made Joey. Thanks for sharing. b.r. Lasse, Denmark Europe
Boxboymike - 11 years ago
Very cool.
TheJorelee - 11 years ago
Hey Joey any updates on your ray tank? I was really excited to see the finished product
Arron Moore
Arron Moore - 11 years ago
been following for a while but i shall give this one a try, First time diyfishkeeper
Thomas Estrada
Thomas Estrada - 11 years ago
Done. That was easy. Why didn't I think of this? You're the Man Joey!
Nvizn1 - 11 years ago
Excellent DIY, to skim the top of my QT system! Thanks for the idea!
David McClelland
David McClelland - 11 years ago
You can already build/buy foaming skimmers for salt water. The problem is with fresh water it is very difficult if not impossible to get fresh water to foam. This eliminates the need for foaming, at least for fresh water. I stand behind my statement this is just genius. :-)
Ray Chipchase
Ray Chipchase - 11 years ago
Sweet, I was just thinking about a project like this
curtismaximus123 - 11 years ago
Dang I thought you were finally going to do a protein skimmer! I enjoyed the vid anyway. Keep up the good work!
curtismaximus123 - 11 years ago
Hi Arthur, you can you this on a saltwater tank. What he was saying is that this is not a protein skimmer or Foam Fractionator like saltwater tanks use.
Laurent Clus
Laurent Clus - 11 years ago
génial et pour tant trés simple
Arthur Taylor
Arthur Taylor - 11 years ago
Hi Uarujoey Great littlte idea and dirt cheap but Why not on salt water?
Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Nice instructional video. Great idea!

100. comment for HOW TO: DIY Aquarium Skimmer

David McClelland
David McClelland - 11 years ago
This, sir, is genius.
Kavishakc - 11 years ago
Yeah im the 2nd viewer

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