10 Quick Aquarium Tips That Will Save You Time & Money Ep. 1
Pets & Animals 10 years ago 241,789 views
Metricide 14 To see more Aquarium videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/Daveguitarfish Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects 10+Quick+Aquarium+Tips+That+Will+Save+You+Time+&+Money+Ep.+1, Aquascape,ADA+Aquasoil,aquascaping,freshwater+aquariums,Takashi+Amano+nature+Aquarium,Dustinsfishtanks+Dirted+dirt,Finnex+LED+lighting,Fertilizers+EI+method,Seachem+Excel,Aquavitro+Seachem,Fluval+filters,Eheim+filters,Tropica,HC+baby+tears,Co2+pressurized,aquarium+Cichlids+African,hardscape+Iwagumi+Amano,Driftwood+hardscape,substrate+Eco+complete,DIY+Aquarium,aquascape,aquascaping,Marineland+filter,water+changes+aquarium,fish+tanks,tropical+freshwater+fish,plants+planted+tanks,killing+algae,How+to+grow+plants,drop+checker+water+chemistry,cycling+a+fish+tank,Tropica+plants,pumps+filters,dosing+fertilizers,T5HO+lighting,Halide+lighting,Baby+tears,Java+moss,stem+plants,Dutch+planted+aquarium,root+tabs,substrate+sand,soil+substrate,glass+aquarium,acrylic+aquarium,hardscape+dragonstone,ADU+Aquascaping,Aquarium+design+of+utah,Utah+dragonstone,cichlids+tanganyika,cichlids+malawi,cichlids+south+american,new+world+cichlids,hard+water,soft+water,Tropheus+cichlids,calvus+cichlids,mbuna+cichlids,peacock+cichlids,cockatoo+cichlids,geophagus+tapajos+cichlid,amazon+sword,ludwigia+cuba,hygrophila+corymbosa,hygrophila+compact,hair+grass,pogostemon+helferi,dwarf+sag,glosso+carpet,photoperiod+aquarium,Co2+tubing,hydrogen+peroxide+H2O2+kills+algae,bacopa+plant,limnophila+aromatica,fissidens+moss,IAPLC+aquqscaping,AGA+aquascaping,bushy+plant+growth,compact+plant+growth,+the+secret+to+bushy+plants, Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Daveguitarfish Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLALNVCNiNFNQGqIRYCSio09hWeUonPCfv To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. http://www.youtube.com/user/Daveguitarfish Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects
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I've had plants here and there before, but i recently took down and reset up my tank and want to make it a much more planted one. haven't added fish yet, but I've been watching your videos on which ones will be good!
10. comment for 10 Quick Aquarium Tips That Will Save You Time & Money Ep. 1
CAN I use a half aquatic terrarium for a milk snake ?? will I still have to clean it as often and what plants can survive in high humidity and temperature
(the water is in a big 55 gallon container, 2 of them)
20. comment for 10 Quick Aquarium Tips That Will Save You Time & Money Ep. 1
I wonder what it was thinking "HEY NOTICE ME!!"
What do you feed them haha
30. comment for 10 Quick Aquarium Tips That Will Save You Time & Money Ep. 1
1. I do not over feed
2. I have a commercial 10 gallon tank from AQUEON, which i inform because the kit came with the filer system
3. In the tank I have 2 inches of java stone on the bottom, 30 fish: 10 guppy, 10 zebra, 10 neon, plus two cat fish
and 1/2 the tank planted with live plants, some that come in little plastic buckets
4. I added liquid plant food and tablets from Ari
5. Then comes cloudy water, and the 5in1 reads pink on Nitrate and Nitrite, increasily so
6. Ammonia creates nitrite creates nitrate, coming from waste I guess
7. If I add marine salt to rid hardness and adjust nitrite, I get plants that rot and die
8. I syphin, replace 20 to 50% water, Nitrite and Nitrate return to white, and in a few days, back to dark pink
9. This is the cycle
Do you think I should reduce fish, remove some plants or it is the filter that comes with the commercial kit that I should replace? And how is plant food and salt effecting all this?
Thank you for your time.
The tank was set up a week before the question. I was getting blooms of different colored water, and went into a panic. Everyone was telling me different things, and it just got worse. As an admitted amateur, I went to videos for help. The first two things anyone wants: 1. No dead fish and 2. clear water.
I took out 1/2 the fish and two large plants that seemed to block water flow. There is now strong under current in the tank. Rinsing the filter was good. It was new but thick with brown smug. Reduced by half both the CO2 Boost and Leaf Zone liquid by API, added pH up in smaller doses until 7. Root tabs also by API, I checked and they do contain nitrogen and ammonia. I do not have gravel; use java stone, so easier to siphon out debris. I siphoned out all the root tablets that had dissolved into a big ploom. Marine salt to bring up the hardness was a big mistake and you are right, I am not a marine biologist. When I would dip API test tabs, it would be 0 right down the whole tab, nitrate, nitrite, pH, HK and GH.
So I got busy. First, I did a 50% water change, then added Aqueon water conditioner to 50% proportion and pH up little by little (not to effect the fish). With 50% less fish and less two large plants out and improved water flow I went to sleep. I woke up with a pristine, clear tank of happy fish. A dip tab read: Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, pH 7, KH 40 GH 30.
The phthon was a life-saver. You can not set up a tank and sit back. It is constant maintenance and the python was a good investment. I am able to maintain and do the water change quickly at the same time with minimal mess. I have since improved lighting as I had relied only on what came with the kit which were two small amber lights in the hood (not sufficient for an aquarium with live plants).
The plants are growing by leaps and bounds and no dead fish.
I have less fish and enjoy everything more. I siphon frequently and change 20% of the water weekly. I resist buying new fish at the store, so maybe a second tank soon. Look forward to your video and you have to know you saved my tank.
I wouldn't be playing chemist and trying to precipitate hardness with marine salt. How hard and alkaline is your water? High pH above 8? Always better to dilute water using RO/DI water rather than trying to precipitate bicarbonates out of the water by adding more mineral salts. I never understood that method of thinking and it really is not that simple. Just dilute your water with RO water if you must. Low TDS and KH are one of the secrets to happy planted tanks, and same goes for consistent husbandry and lighting.
I am going to do a video on the top 3 secretes to amazing planted aquariums, it will be up next.
Your plants are probably dying because you have insufficient lighting and a poor substrate. On substrate: you don't want 2 inches of substrate unless you're doing some heavy planting and need it for the root systems, which you probably aren't if you're asking questions in a YouTube comment. Reduce the amount of substrate to 1/2-1 inch.
It would probably be helpful for you to join an online fish forum. They will answer your questions thoroughly.
Good luck.
But still i am looking, loool
There is no such thing as an algae that this magic little sponge would not remove with little to no effort.
Never need the heavy duty side but still my favorite, although you can get it on a stick too...
gill ( a girl can stand up and pee with it)
*for waterchanges, i even save extra money / time by directly connecting a flexible tube to my tap in the kitchen. Tap water pression = 3 bar so no pump needed and easy flow and temperature regulation. Taking water out ? same principle, NO pump, just put the same flexibel tube to a drainpoint in your kitchen.
* 99 % of plant fertilisers contain nitrates and phospates, and you really don't want them in your tank (you already have more then you want of them from your normal fish and foodwaste) !!! So watch out with tip 6.
50. comment for 10 Quick Aquarium Tips That Will Save You Time & Money Ep. 1
The tip number 7 I didn't really understand... If someone could please explain it to me, that would be awesome...
I never ever use razor blades, scrapers or things like that to remove algea from the glass because they definitely ruin the glass. I use steelwool pads instead (one example: http://www.amazon.com/Homax-106600-06-106100-Steelwool-16pk/dp/B00004Z4EG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1426233582&sr=8-3&keywords=steel+wool+pads) - no problems at all, doing a good job, cheap and no scratches anymore - just keep things simple.
I cannot use tap water because it is 8.6 pH, 300+ ppm GH and KH. Perfect for Tanganyika Cichlids, but horrible for planted tanks. I have to use RO/DI. Thanks for watching.
Not all people get that its spelled Metricide 14.
Of course I won't be getting any percentage from the sale. Thanks Amazon for not allowing paid links on YouTube!
Great tips too.
Credit card for algae. I've beat by 10 years on that one.
Been using it since 2004.
Hope to see some more tips soon.
That is a good tip, news to me. I am definitely sticking with glass tanks. I was using my acrylic Mag Float with Eco and it still scratched the living heck out my tank. I later switched to a camera lens polishing pad and a club card. Worked great.
100. comment for 10 Quick Aquarium Tips That Will Save You Time & Money Ep. 1
Could you write it down for me please
Keep up the good work and keep the video's coming.
Look forward to the next 10 tips.
did you read my message about the interview?
Thanks Dave for another great video!
What about your GH4? Have you decided to elope with it yet? +ADU Aquascaping
Yeah where are the sick updates? We know you are going mad thinking up ideas. I can just imagine how your family feels. They are probably dreaming about fish now because of your crazy scheming. LOL
It is the way to do water changes. We all have similar ideas it seems. I do testing 1-2 times a month. Not that crazy about it. I use Seachem and API, nothing crazy. I just like to have a reference when establishing a new scape or when changing fertilizer types or brands. Haha, I don't know. I use a Walgreens card. It's extra stiff with lead paint. LOL Oh yeah Dynamite is great. I was going to get some when Osmocote was discontinued, but I guess it is back? I agree, they need to increase their CO2 way more than they dare. Go slow!! I love how everyone always reminds me to go slow. Yeah me not know. Thanks for watching man.
Are you really testing all your parameters (iron, phosphate, etc) every week (if so, I'm impressed)? Which kit / company do you like?
And another question, is a visa card more effective than amex for scraping algae?
And I know you already know, but I am a big fan of the Dynamite slow release fertilizer.
Really great video and advice...I think too many people make CO2 their limiting factor, though not on purpose.