2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

Today we have a look at everything i was able to get done this week in the aquarium gallery. LIVE video of scaping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt-hiY7nfng SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update sentiment_very_dissatisfied 180

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 255,387 views

Today we have a look at everything i was able to get done this week in the aquarium gallery. LIVE video of scaping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt-hiY7nfng SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

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Most popular comments
for 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
If you missed my live video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt-hiY7nfng
kunal M_ru_k_r
kunal M_ru_k_r - 7 years ago
Which fish are you going to add
Ethan Chua
Ethan Chua - 7 years ago
Nice work there!
cheers from Singapore!
B D - 7 years ago
Joey, have you thought of a 24hr livestream setup of the new gallery? could be a good promotional tool, aswell as good way for you to checkin at any given time.
Lars Hansen
Lars Hansen - 7 years ago
Are you Canadian? :)
AgressiveInliners - 7 years ago
what jlydon29 is saying is that you're going to have to pee on it
T Pijls
T Pijls - 7 years ago
bridge over the 2000gallon? would not be usefull its not that big and ceiling is not that high...
jlydon29 - 7 years ago
Joey. Do NOT forget to neutralize the acid etch. Rinsing is not enough. You must use ammonia to neutralize. Otherwise, the acid will continue to break down the limestone beneath the epoxy, and cause inevitable bond failure. Likely the viewing panel falling off, first. I own a decorative concrete company, and work with epoxies everyday. It's a cheap, simple step, but most bypass and run into problems.
Luis Andrade
Luis Andrade - 7 years ago
The king of DIY why don't you do a bridge joey? it would be really useful.
Karen Mcisaac
Karen Mcisaac - 7 years ago
It looks fantastic Joey !
Kristen Minuti
Kristen Minuti - 7 years ago
I love what you did with the scape. It looks so much better!
Sierra White
Sierra White - 7 years ago
if nothing else depending on the epoxy he is using he could actualy use that to cover sand/rocks for a more textured bottom that is still nice and even
alex king
alex king - 7 years ago
They aren;t very hard to keep just need very good water quality and also the need to eat shellfish to wear don their teeth. OR you can do surgery and cut its teeth everyone in a while. And yes it is true freshwater.
JustAnotherOne1 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Thanks! Joey! I enjoy watching your channel and learned how to do a lot of DIY and saved a lot of $$$ too. Can't wait to see how it will look like once it's completed. All the hard work will pay off and it is satisfying to watch and admire it at the end. Keep the videos coming.
DJK DJK - 7 years ago
Any chance you can glue sand to the bottom of your tank so it looks good and its not much work :]
Jacob Schuh
Jacob Schuh - 7 years ago
The king of DIY How often do you lift?
Dark Shadows Reviews
Dark Shadows Reviews - 7 years ago
The king of DIY atleast put "paneling" on the back like coral panel or something of that sort
Dark Shadows Reviews
Dark Shadows Reviews - 7 years ago
The king of DIY don't you feel that the aqua scape should be bright and vibrant, a bit different rather than the dark tanks you do, especially some very colorful fish just my opinion, or even just putting more items in the tank such as greenery and corals
just 4 kicks
just 4 kicks - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Joey you put the Diy in the Diy!!! you are the aquarium boss .lol
OtherGuyHD - 7 years ago
robasace he said he going to pressure wash the wood. That will dull the sharp edges.
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal - 7 years ago
she asked him to take it apart after one month, she wanted her desk back(where the tank was installed) and Joey does not want toforce his kids to get in the hobby
TheSNOTTBALL - 7 years ago
alex king how easy are they to keep? and are they true freshwater or brackish?
alex king
alex king - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hey do you know what could be cool for this tank...... a mbu puffer. True freshwater puffer an has a lot of personality
DIY Gardener
DIY Gardener - 7 years ago
Exznon - woops I meant arowpiama....lol
Exznon - 7 years ago
me mo he's putting his big one in it
DIY Gardener
DIY Gardener - 7 years ago
The king of DIY - Hey Joey, have you thought about getting a Arowpaima for your big tank?
PixelFlames - 7 years ago
Thank you! for the mic.Sound quality has improved greatly.
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY aquascape looks beautiful Joey, as usual
varanidguy - 7 years ago
I bet a tank that size could support an adult Cuvier's dwarf caiman.
rakiest - 7 years ago
Oh wow, as soon as I saw that computer / 370g section damn -- You really got some things done man.
TheSNOTTBALL - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do you think you'll ever do a dwarf caiman setup?
LOWELL RON - 7 years ago
do a sliding door
NortheastTexasBassin' - 7 years ago
The king of DIY time to make yout daughters tank update
robasace - 7 years ago
The king of DIY You should cut the sharp ends off the wood as you wouldn't want it to damage any of the fish. and I know it might take away some of the looks but it's really not going to matter once all the plants have grown
Leo Edge
Leo Edge - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I love your videos and keep up the good work
Dawson Mercier
Dawson Mercier - 7 years ago
The king of DIY put your arowana in there
SininStyle - 7 years ago
This looks SO much better then the huge wall of wood, less is more and this looks much more natural. Nicely done.
Lily's Channel
Lily's Channel - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I am studying fish I'm 11 and want to be a marine Biologist
Lily's Channel
Lily's Channel - 7 years ago
The king of DIY your tag #KingofDIY
Christian Rasmussen
Christian Rasmussen - 7 years ago
Arun kumar
Arun kumar - 7 years ago
i guess you haven't done an update video on your saltwater aquarium since long time........so it's time you make a video of it.
Georgi Georgiev
Georgi Georgiev - 7 years ago
Are you going to cover the big tank with something ? :)
Mf Sabli
Mf Sabli - 7 years ago
Joey, i just got loads of driftwoods from the beach and planning on to put em into my freshwater fish tank. Let me know what you think and can i simply put em in? Appreciate your reply boss.
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - 7 years ago
NIGHT_MARE {M.C.5} - 7 years ago
when will u add ur fish in it
dj3 lit tha dark master
dj3 lit tha dark master - 7 years ago
you gotta better eye for this but I thought that 2000g was ganna be saltwater and maybe the top right could be slid down so it's not as close too the wall but it's not really final yet I'm loving it man thinking outside the box im blown away lol my Oscars would be too
Dave Giles
Dave Giles - 7 years ago
Maybe add a pair of like convicts or something small to live in an around the wood, and breed out, the rays n arrowana should keep numbers in check, might add another level of interest. Just saying
Dave Giles
Dave Giles - 7 years ago
The wood you have is perfect, and once you get the plants on, it should look amazing !
Todor - 7 years ago
You can swim in there ffs :D
swerier - 7 years ago
hey there, i work at afishiandos glad your happy with the wood!

10. comment for 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

steven buczkowski
steven buczkowski - 7 years ago
I love your gallery Joey!! Everything is coming together nicely. my only question is, "are you worried about the arowana jumping out?" Good luck with the rest of the build, cant wait to see the gallery completely finished!
Aldralal Wahid
Aldralal Wahid - 7 years ago
is that sharp edges of the wook just ok for the fishes?
jacob pfeiffer
jacob pfeiffer - 7 years ago
Get a true white snow leopard xingu!!!!! Hands down the nicest ray and rarest ray on the market !
Jordon Smith
Jordon Smith - 7 years ago
make a Betta tank
Emma Judson
Emma Judson - 7 years ago
Wow, I love planted tanks and lots of wood and im not real keen on bare predator tanks (though I understand the reasons why) so I am super keen to see this set up and planted up! It's going to look awesome!
Emma Smith
Emma Smith - 7 years ago
Won't the arrowana jump ?
Tommy Ohlrich
Tommy Ohlrich - 7 years ago
More stingrays! Awesome! Good to hear ur taking the plunge again. Best of luck!
Evan n
Evan n - 7 years ago
I want to get a massive tank, maybe not this big and let two guppies populate it to see how that works but they would probably get all in bred and die huh?
Pole's Reef
Pole's Reef - 7 years ago
Hard to get a sense of the depth of the scape on camera, but it looks great!

You probably already know this, but Purigen soaks up tannis like no other. I have used it several times. You can regen it once it gets completely exhausted and then put it back to work.
Yours Truly
Yours Truly - 7 years ago
thats really sick

20. comment for 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

Anna Laitinen
Anna Laitinen - 7 years ago
Looks good! If it was my tank, I would make it a discus tank!
Charles Gallegos
Charles Gallegos - 7 years ago
I think it looks perfect it really stands out! It's going to look awesome once you cover it and add the
Snek Nek
Snek Nek - 7 years ago
Joey where do you get your driftwood? I cannot find any websites that have large aquarium ready driftwood!
Carmen Lourdes Aponte
Carmen Lourdes Aponte - 7 years ago
Yazan Sakran
Yazan Sakran - 7 years ago
dude, you are awesome!
Steph Vaxruz
Steph Vaxruz - 7 years ago
Oh wow his tanks are rarely decorated. Im glad this tank has atleast some decor
Mathew Wilson
Mathew Wilson - 7 years ago
Hey Joey you may want to put a barrier at the end of shelves closest to the 375 gallon tank. I could see something falling from them by accident and slamming onto your aquarium cover or splashing into it.
Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark - 7 years ago
Everything looks great Joey, can't wait to see the fish in place. Going to be great!
HeyYouSlavesGoHangYourOwner - 7 years ago
its nice to see that your fish can interact with the wood more. what if it looks better on camera?
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 7 years ago
Are you concerned that the Arrowanna may jump out?

30. comment for 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

BB's bb's
BB's bb's - 7 years ago
Love it! Looks Great ~♡~
westonboi - 7 years ago
Thank you for your vids man
Philip DeGraaf
Philip DeGraaf - 7 years ago
Looks great, your videos are awesome!
Manoj Prabhakar
Manoj Prabhakar - 7 years ago
Hi joey,
I'm from india and u have inspired me a lot. i have a couple of questions. i hope u c this nd help me out.
1.i would like to do a sandfall for my aquarium. but not sure about the background. its very difficult to find styrofoam around here. could u pls gimme any other suggestions or maybe if you could do a videos about alternative ways to do it.
2.doesn't styrofoam have high bouyoancy? will the silicone be enough to hold it down for a long time?
3. after applying cement coating to the background, can java moss grow over it?

sorry for the long list. i can't find much help out here. awaiting ur reply to start my own project.

Thanks in advance.
Sergio Valverde
Sergio Valverde - 7 years ago
love your videos bro...
Romz Narvaez
Romz Narvaez - 7 years ago
i love your vids dude!!!
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 7 years ago
omggggggg.......... im both extremely jealous and also extremely excited about this. UGHHHHHHHHHHH
Lisaa - 7 years ago
room looks so dark and closed in looks alot smaller now
ShortageVlogs - 7 years ago
You should also put a lot of neon tetras in the huge tank
Daniel Galun
Daniel Galun - 7 years ago
I'd put one or two more pieces on top, you said it was supposed to reach out of the water, so why not build it taller and put some land moss and stuff on that part
dominicanoboy100 - 7 years ago
I wanted to ask you one question. Is it bad to take off the black trim on your 55 gallon fish tank ? Does it really need it for support ? Thank you.
Plutonic Footluh
Plutonic Footluh - 7 years ago
Perfect! really excited to see when it's completely ready. The fishes are gonna love it :D
TheFNG31 - 7 years ago
would a flat stone in the open part be a bad idea?
Op gamer
Op gamer - 7 years ago
The silver Arawwan doesn't have a name
FishR4 Boxes
FishR4 Boxes - 7 years ago
Looks like a dinisour head!
Mitchellsean Ie
Mitchellsean Ie - 7 years ago
you need fish
John Lu
John Lu - 7 years ago
How you keep your electric bill low
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 7 years ago
Any tips on getting driftwood to sink?   I have some nice pieces and some are mounted on stone slabs but most isn't.   I've been soaking it for about a month with some weight on it but it still wants to float.
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 7 years ago
They are pretty good sized pieces.   Two of them are mounted on a slate base and they still float, I wasn't even bothering to soak them until I put them in a tank and they just floated about mid way up, lol.   I'll just have to keep waiting, which is not something I'm great at, thanks.
Cdogclaydog52 52
Cdogclaydog52 52 - 7 years ago
Chris Jones give it more time if Its a big piece itill need more time
Holo Ponyta
Holo Ponyta - 7 years ago
You are an aquarium genius and my hero.
Square Triangle
Square Triangle - 7 years ago
cant wait to see the final result, great videos good stuffs!

50. comment for 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

Ahmed Brifcani
Ahmed Brifcani - 7 years ago
joey you have some pretty sharp points in that wood
Shrimp Life
Shrimp Life - 7 years ago
this is one EPIC "fish tank"!
Svartr - 7 years ago
Wow, the room is really starting to come together and I LOVE the wood centerpiece - nicely done!
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
will you plant the 2k gallon tank in some areas
Team Buce Plant
Team Buce Plant - 7 years ago
fish tank envy on a whole nother level. good stuff
jared martin
jared martin - 7 years ago
Can you tell me if red Asian Arowanas are illegal in the US?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+jared martin all Asian arowana are
Sander Smet
Sander Smet - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought about getting a terrarium/vivarium?
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
WOW so much progress! I'm lovin it! The platform being the 2,000 gallon tank was a really good idea.
LLLatiasLL - 7 years ago
what are you gonna put in there?
kraxetk - 7 years ago
Joey be careful when etching the concrete. Use a respirator, ventilate the area well. Watch out for the oversprays.
kraxetk - 7 years ago
Oh, wear goggles and cover your skin too.
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
The tank is looking amazing. I love everything about it. The steps, the windows, and that huge piece of bogwood. It'll look insane once you cover it with plants. I can't wait to see it finished.
Emil13able - 7 years ago
Why do you not have sand in the tank for the sting-ray?
Justin Perry
Justin Perry - 7 years ago
Joey, get a fly river turtle to put in there.
Tyler Steier
Tyler Steier - 7 years ago
looks like Joey did arm day before he made this video. here's to swole fish keepers!
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 7 years ago
Loving the scape, can't wait til the next vid!
James RC
James RC - 7 years ago
Just Aro and Rays?
ashcan1979 - 7 years ago
My opinion for the door.
Pop off doors held in place with magnets.
That way if you need to do work under there you can completely remove the doors and set them aside.
Looks great so far, cant believe you found those huge pieces of drift wood they are amazing.
Your channel has helped me get into the hobby and keep my fish happy/healthy and my tank looking great.
DJGoozer - 7 years ago
are you in truro ?
DJGoozer - 7 years ago
same bro, maybe wel connect
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+DJGoozer yes
Wolf_22 - 7 years ago
That would be one hell of a reef tank...
zam veron
zam veron - 7 years ago
Mark Mc
Mark Mc - 7 years ago
Loved your "live", so honest, video. That is why so many of us follow you Joey! You are real, and you are a good person. No wonder your wife puts up with your hobby! Any place we can buy your decals. Your logos?
Also, I wish to send you something, Can you supply a Postal Address? Oh, I roast Nuts, macadamias, mostly, and would love to send you some of my flavours. Hope to hear back.
EDGY PAPIx - 7 years ago
How bout a sliding panel for the 375 gallon stand?
Irmak Afsar
Irmak Afsar - 7 years ago
you should do a video with taylor nicole dean sometime :)
XxPandaAgentxX Faris
XxPandaAgentxX Faris - 7 years ago
yay that wood is from my country
gamer64 - 7 years ago
Joey could you do a DIY RO System
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+gamer64 not worth building. You can buy them far cheaper.
Dougiecanuckfan - 7 years ago
Looks awesome man
Alice Lewellen
Alice Lewellen - 7 years ago
wow it is amazing what you can get done each week. I love the decor setup. it is going to look so good with all those plants on it.
Tanked With Aussie
Tanked With Aussie - 7 years ago
have you though of resting the wood on pvc piping like reptile people use for false bottoms... just the piping, not eggcrate ect... allow more room under there tbh
Da Bellman Zoo
Da Bellman Zoo - 7 years ago
hi Joey first let me say that I really enjoyed your channel and it is extremely inspirational I'm kind of new to YouTube is far as create a channel and all that jazz so I'm not sure if this is the correct Avenue to ask you this question my wife and I want to put and Aquarium outside on our patio we live in Arizona it is covered it will basically be for koi and goldfish I'm not worried about the temperature already have that figured out being a poor working-class kind of guy LOL and not one to spend thousands of dollars on a large acrylic Aquarium I am thinking of building a plywood Aquarium do you believe this would be suitable for outside with limited exposure to the elements are there plans in your book for such a build obviously I would have to change Dimensions according to our space but just curious again I enjoyed watching all your videos and they have helped me quite a bit in my adventures in the hobby
oakland002 - 7 years ago
What if you were rolling across the platform of your desk area and fall off the platform.. it is a few inches off the ground .
Seth Benson
Seth Benson - 7 years ago
This is more exciting and important than anything else on YouTube!!!! I've been following you for the longest! Which is why i became so interested in fish! Good job Joey!!!!
Chubz Szabo
Chubz Szabo - 7 years ago
driftwood looks bloody good, dont change it, nice work as always
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 7 years ago
That looks so much better :)
Anastasios Bouras
Anastasios Bouras - 7 years ago
I love the driftwood as per this video !
CREEPONATER Minecraft - 7 years ago
I'm so glad I found your channel
Wuweijian Wu
Wuweijian Wu - 7 years ago
joey are you going to keep the oscar cichlids
Irvin Amoraal
Irvin Amoraal - 7 years ago
I caught part of your live aquascaping. Thought what you were doing looked forced, un-natural. What you have now ... perfect! Very natural looking. Can't wait to see the finished tank.
Andy Hernandez
Andy Hernandez - 7 years ago
The driftwood looks very nice.
Apple Hoe
Apple Hoe - 7 years ago
Can you make custom tanks because i need a 75 g
BHOLT08 - 7 years ago
Jumping...that would be my main concern.

How in depth will you go into the design/construction of the cement portion of the tank itself?
Jerry Tufo Jr
Jerry Tufo Jr - 7 years ago
its coming together and its all looking amazing. i have the same type of wood in my aquarium. i love it. keep up the great job!
Harry Do
Harry Do - 7 years ago
I dont like the frame of the 2000G, hard to enjoy the full view imo :(
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Harry Do Did you do yours differently or care to share a YouTube video of one you prefer?
beth quario
beth quario - 7 years ago
my daughter said from the top angle of the tank it looks like a dead seahorse LOL
lizzyanthus1 - 7 years ago
Oh yes, that looks perfect now.  The 7 pieces, all in, got a bit crowded.  I like how it comes off the wall, leaving some nice negative areas.  Your fish are going to love their new home!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+lizzyanthus1 glad you enjoy it! I'm excited to see how the fish react in this tank
wrigzor - 7 years ago
How will you stop the big fish from jumping out?
Dave McConnell
Dave McConnell - 7 years ago
A force field over the top will do the job nicely
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+wrigzor a lid
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
Smoke Out
Smoke Out - 7 years ago
you should write a book bro you would make a metric fuckton of cash. I'd buy one lol
Smoke Out
Smoke Out - 7 years ago
Well so you did my foot is in my mouth lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Der Deder i already did
Cesar GUardado
Cesar GUardado - 7 years ago
WOOOOW looking your videos, I feel more addicted to this hobby!!!!
Akshay Pillai
Akshay Pillai - 7 years ago
You should do sliding doors on your 375
Vishnu Raj
Vishnu Raj - 7 years ago
Plants.... When??

100. comment for 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

Dhaval Samaranayeke
Dhaval Samaranayeke - 7 years ago
I love all your videos. they are very inspirational especially the DIY stuff. I cannot find a video wherein you have tackled an algae problem. if not then can you please make a video on it if possible? it will be very helpful for me and others. thx a lot!
Click Clacks Reef
Click Clacks Reef - 7 years ago
oh or drill holes and use rods saltwater rock trick
Click Clacks Reef
Click Clacks Reef - 7 years ago
hey @diy guy use something to mark the wood so you can it back the same or screw it together!
emzy carracosta
emzy carracosta - 7 years ago
i like it
Kevin Kilkenny
Kevin Kilkenny - 7 years ago
Missed the live stream, but will go back and watch. I have to say I love the wood.
CDN-Reefing - 7 years ago
Hey, Joey, If you have time to read all these questions.....how are you protecting the top, as we have seen how much these guys like to jump?.
CDN-Reefing - 7 years ago
The king of DIY . I figured I may have just missed that part. looking forward to watching the rest of this build.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+CDN Reefing I have mention a lid a few times
SoulReality - 7 years ago
I have a solution to ALL of your hobbies problems. Just make a pond out of a in ground pool or a dug out hole with cement. The fish need the outdoors as well. I think instead of this big 2k gallon tank project that you should go for a pond or mini-lake. Also, I just saw the Ray's death video ;( I had catching up on videos to do and came across it. So sorry man. (I know it's old but it stills gets to me.)
Will Alvarez
Will Alvarez - 7 years ago
I know you have said that the Arowana likes to jump. What plan do you to prevent it/ protect your self against the insadent that happened when your wife was working out.
Ronald Evans
Ronald Evans - 7 years ago
man I can't wait until you finished your a fish tank I think I'm more excited than you are to see the end results of your fish room you doing an excellent job keep up the good work and you expire many people around the world.
McPuff's Laboratory
McPuff's Laboratory - 7 years ago
Joey, the 'scape looks terrific and I have to say I'm glad you decided not to use all of the pieces. I also like that you pulled it away from the back wall. It's going to look even better once the plants are established as well. Well done.
andy stokes
andy stokes - 7 years ago
I know it is not possible due to the other fish that are going in there but I think it would look awesome with a shoal of Cardinal Tetras, I mean a proper shoal of perhaps 3-4000 individuals.
Tan Desmond
Tan Desmond - 7 years ago
I'm from Malaysia
SachiMochi - 7 years ago
On the wood, see if you could find Bolbitis heudelotii, microsorum pteropus (narrow leaf), anubias sps and java fern on it. They would look awesome. Check Takashi Amano videos on them. You might like what I am talking about. All the best.
Kashmere Art
Kashmere Art - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see this fully done! Love to see those bits and pieces come together, and try and imagine how the final result will be <3
It'll be gorgeous and worth the wait, that's for sure! Good job!
Mate2Frio - 7 years ago
For the drawers it'd be cool to have them lift up vertically somehow.
FANTASYFIGHTCLUB channel - 7 years ago
oh and there is a Web site called "giant aquariums" where people sell off Thier giant tanks you should check it out its kinda cool to see all the huge aquarium designs
Georgia Surtees
Georgia Surtees - 7 years ago
I think the wood looks really cool
831lunatic - 7 years ago
it looks good. still iffy about the aros swim space though.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
It's looking awesome!
Abhishek Pc
Abhishek Pc - 7 years ago
cant wait to see the big man in it...i am more curious on the asian arowana than the rays........ i cant wait joey...truly awesome
Juan Chong
Juan Chong - 7 years ago
can't wait to see it with water ! great work
safal shrestha
safal shrestha - 7 years ago
Why r there 3 pipes in back of it?
Enrique Geanini
Enrique Geanini - 7 years ago
You could do one big sliding door for that plywood panel :) that would be cool
Dune666 Emperor
Dune666 Emperor - 7 years ago
i would put some sort of hand rail for example for when you walk around the back of the tank to clean it so you dont fall into it. as cool as that would be as a fail video i personally still dont want to see that.
SerpaDesign - 7 years ago
It all looks really good and the selection/placement of driftwood looks great as well. I know you want to add a rocky look to the exterior of the 2k, but imo I think the simplicity of its current look will showcase the fish more and matches the overall aesthetic of the room quite nicely.
Angelie Fernandez
Angelie Fernandez - 7 years ago
Angelie Fernandez
Angelie Fernandez - 7 years ago
Matt Debnam
Matt Debnam - 7 years ago
Wood scape looks perfect!! A load of big Anubis and java fern and a bit off moss will look amazing !!
Jen S
Jen S - 7 years ago
Simple and beautiful. I love it.
gnilrack - 7 years ago
just a thought regarding the arowana jumping, what about a small vertical glass or acrylic wall around the top of the tank just to act as a shield? would allow a bit more water height and therefore an even larger water body.
TeeqPac - 7 years ago
Using weight distribution try to lay another piece on the drift wood to make a little canopy on one side
RHA_ magic
RHA_ magic - 7 years ago
I love u video please never stop loving this hobby
Nikos Hydro
Nikos Hydro - 7 years ago
Crazy !! Fabulous Création :) Live To Love, live To DIY :)
Melvin Wong
Melvin Wong - 7 years ago
it used to be empy , there wasnt any live for the furnitures right? haha... it suddenly jumped into the feature. i wonder how he gonna clean the tank ;s. glass window concrete are prb off limit... swimming would be good i guess... but risk getting bike by arrowana :P
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 7 years ago
Who else thinks the gallery should use different diy types of filters?
jaaasgoed - 7 years ago
Also, are you going to set up under water live cams when it's all done?
jaaasgoed - 7 years ago
Why is your desk facing the wall? This just occurred to me. I thought it would be facing the room.
Dave McConnell
Dave McConnell - 7 years ago
If the desk faced the room, he would never get any work done because he would be looking at the aquariums, lol.
Timi Air
Timi Air - 7 years ago
For the doors at the start, if you wanted to save a little room and have it look good you could do sliding doors? :)
DogeTube YT
DogeTube YT - 7 years ago
some off the wood is on top of the water then you can add some turtle too
Ben Kerby
Ben Kerby - 7 years ago
Joey have you looked into dry starting the plants onto the wood?
Connor Paradine
Connor Paradine - 7 years ago
Love watching the videos here in the UK joey! How's the filtration coming along?
How can I get my hands on some small king of diy/diy fish keeper stickers??
Best of luck with this project I cannot wait to see the finished results best of luck mate!
Arvee Banez
Arvee Banez - 7 years ago
Do sliding doors
Square Balloon
Square Balloon - 7 years ago
Have you considered cleaning the tank by getting into it? :)
89 usaid
89 usaid - 7 years ago
love your video and all input, thanx for sharing
G A M I S H - 7 years ago
Hey DIY loads of love to you cant wait anymore to see fishes in der. Love you doing great job one of ur biggggggggggggest fan.
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 7 years ago
Imagine if that was a shrimp tank
Susie'sSoap&Stuff - 7 years ago
I think you need better lighting for the videos. Much of the time you are shadowed out. I love the wood and the tank!
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 7 years ago
What will you put in it?
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 7 years ago
Nevermind lol
Jared Kestner
Jared Kestner - 7 years ago
Looks great I think a couple of those other pieces could be like broke in half or something to use in there also. Just a thought
I am a soul
I am a soul - 7 years ago
this is so exciting! can't wait to see it all come together
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
That wood scape looks great!
Darcy Woolley
Darcy Woolley - 7 years ago
DIY FISHKEEPER can i have your old Asian arrowan tank when you are done?
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
Put Altum angels
monkey101212 - 7 years ago
you should apply bondo or some sort of filler to the exterior of the cement tank for a smooth look
Kenneth Sawyer
Kenneth Sawyer - 7 years ago
the arrangement is beautiful. excited to watch as it progresses
Troy Ling
Troy Ling - 7 years ago
this must be cheap for u. the wood. because our money is so small
Christopher Ballesteros
Christopher Ballesteros - 7 years ago
D-Fens - 7 years ago
What lies?
Grumpy Santa
Grumpy Santa - 7 years ago
It may have been the camera angle but when you said some of the wood would be above water, it appeared as if the water level may not be above the viewing panels.?
Norman Haqeem
Norman Haqeem - 7 years ago
Proud to be a Malaysian haha.. any Malaysians with me?
Andrew cameron
Andrew cameron - 7 years ago
great looking scape! it fills the tank perfectly without being to obtrusive
R Williams
R Williams - 7 years ago
I LOVE the aqua scaping arrangement in this video. Those 3 pieces are perfect. I can't wait to see it with all the plants!
Rahual Mahju
Rahual Mahju - 7 years ago
Joey, you should think of a way to put GoPro or some underwater cameras in the 2k gallon tank. That would make some great footage of your fish and the rest of the tank!
Lil Luke
Lil Luke - 7 years ago
But is it big enough for arapaima...
aquarium & fish FAN
aquarium & fish FAN - 7 years ago
nice aquarium
303biggdaddy - 7 years ago
can you give some recommendations for a good place to purchase 2in thick acrylic for my 540 gallon fish tank? that I want to build. thank you!!!
Dakota Brown
Dakota Brown - 7 years ago
Why did you paint the outside if you still have to wait to spray off calcium, sounds counter productive
OFFICER TIGER - 7 years ago
Oh my god Joey you are awesome man. That tank is going to be an absolute pleasure to view! Keep up the good work!
Zbionix / Caleb H.
Zbionix / Caleb H. - 7 years ago
Its all sooo nice XD good work joey
Jean Rey Hinaut
Jean Rey Hinaut - 7 years ago
did you get your biceps to pop in the process of building this big-ass concrete tank, Joey? I built a smaller version of your tank and is in the process of curing as well. Thanks for the awesome DIY videos, it saves us DIY dummies a whole lot of time and money. More power DIY King!
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
The wood placement looks much better now than the livestream. It always looks cool when fish swim around and through and under the scape.
FINIS08 - 7 years ago
I would do full panels that would come off. Doors in that spot look like it might cause it to become a little cramped area for cleaning and maintenance.
d3d1y - 7 years ago
I love this arrangement for the Malaysian bog wood! This looks good from every angle, including from above the tank! Just beautiful.
Jake Veltman
Jake Veltman - 7 years ago
Use magnets to hold the panels for the 375 on
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
dunno why but I was excited for this update. Can't wait for next update
Robert LaFlure
Robert LaFlure - 7 years ago
Looking awesome man! I'm living vicariously through you! Look forward to the next update.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Looks like a dinosaur
KayozKong - 7 years ago
MARK MY WORDS!!!! you're going to come home one day to find the arowana has jump out of the big tank and onto the floor. needs mesh on the top or something.
KayozKong - 7 years ago
lol alright good. it looks amazing so far! Good luck with it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+KayozKong As I have said countless times, it's getting a lid...
Jordan Peters
Jordan Peters - 7 years ago
It looks awesome very excited for this monster tank
Jordan Peters
Jordan Peters - 7 years ago
I thought my tank was cool being a 20 gallon female betta sorority. Hhahah not.
randallECTRIC - 7 years ago
It looks awesome like a dinosaur skull..
kris198921 - 7 years ago
That looks like a lot of stuff in the tank
Dan Gavioli
Dan Gavioli - 7 years ago
The scape looks fantastic!
Punchy Scyllarus
Punchy Scyllarus - 7 years ago
re: filtration efficiency (via your sump and cannister), do you plan to have your inflows far and away from the outflows? just curious, as you mentioned you plan to have vegetation covering that wood divider thingy structure, which could reduce flow.

grats on 400k btw :)
Irfancooking - 7 years ago
joey, you shouldnt be carrying 2 guns with you around ur house
Edwin En
Edwin En - 7 years ago
cant wait to see your arowanas and stingrays enjoying the tank !
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
I see at this point there are 112 thumb downs to this clip...112 watching the something evolve that's apparently above thier level. Please go watch something else. This is the KING OF DIY FISHKEPPER TEAM. Hate beaters, please go elsewhere if you don't want to learn & enjoy this awesome journey.
Great job Joey. Love seeing how your vision is coming together. Can't wait for the filter setup on this tank.
View This
View This - 7 years ago
I'm relieved to see that you're using the Muriatic Acid.
Dave McConnell
Dave McConnell - 7 years ago
Wow!! You have been busy this week. The gallery is looking better and better with each video.
Lullabyo - 7 years ago
This is so cool to watch! I can't wait till its done it will look legendary!!
sinned2080 - 7 years ago
is it going to have a cover on it?
Lee genius
Lee genius - 7 years ago
I love you Broo
Jerry Lobo
Jerry Lobo - 7 years ago
Are you going to have a nice sized saltwater reef tank in there? Man I really hope so!!!
Andy Lopez
Andy Lopez - 7 years ago
does anyone know what Joey does besides youtube??
Megan Donovin
Megan Donovin - 7 years ago
Andy Lopez he's a stay at home dad
Timothy Ratcliffe
Timothy Ratcliffe - 7 years ago
looking great. I think this set up is way better then all the wood.
Stephen Willis
Stephen Willis - 7 years ago
cant wait to see the next step. awesome fish room
dudelivestrong - 7 years ago
This seems a bit ridiculous to be in a house.
Megan Donovin
Megan Donovin - 7 years ago
dudelivestrong it's outside his house in its own building
Harry Catekista
Harry Catekista - 7 years ago
Love the wood work love how you have the wood in a angle awesome job and can't wait to see the wood with plants. Aloha from hawaii keep up the great vids joey
fernando medina
fernando medina - 7 years ago
Scape looks awesome can't wait to see finished product you such a inspiration. And love the floor I have same floors in my tv room
Brady Stock
Brady Stock - 7 years ago
Please please please add sand
Adam R
Adam R - 7 years ago
We're do you get the wood deco
Kyle McGlothen
Kyle McGlothen - 7 years ago
So happy for your progress!
Glitterainbbow arendt
Glitterainbbow arendt - 7 years ago
0:22 eyyy cod fans where ya at
Glenn Douglas
Glenn Douglas - 7 years ago
Hey joey the scape looks a lot better then the live stream scape.
My question for you is are you going to be using a substrate or sand or will be flat bottom for easy cleaning?
Dominick Shauntee
Dominick Shauntee - 7 years ago
I really like what you did with the aquascape only change or addition i might consider is in the corner where both viewing windows meet use one of the smaller but taller pieces of wood you have left to to make an additional smaller point of interest with-in the aquascape ...
Nolan Andrew
Nolan Andrew - 7 years ago
U should put in sliding doors.
Daniel P. G.
Daniel P. G. - 7 years ago
Looks amazing. But I'd (big "I" there) center the scaping. This way if fish decide to hide behind it, you will always have an angle to see them through the windows. The way it is, you'd be able to see them only from above (if hidden). I know you won't have this kind of problem with the arowana, and probably not with the rays either, but you said you have plans for more fish so... Who knows what will happen in the future, you definitely don't want to have to get inside there to move it once filled with water and rays because your new fish is hiding.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
careful walking on the edge of the tank man we don't need you hurt nor do all the fish you care for. looks awesome so far and a bit of space blocks for an arrowanna will be good for him with the plumbing in the tank. and that wood build looks like an extremely cool old wooden ship after five centuries buried in the ocean. as for live plants are you talking bacopa the super weed of the aquarium world or anubias the super shrub?
FeEL1OO - 7 years ago
For the stand, you should do a sliding door..
Nolan Andrew
Nolan Andrew - 7 years ago
DA7545 - 7 years ago
Sliding doors that are also removable for bigger jobs down there.
Nolan Andrew
Nolan Andrew - 7 years ago
I agree tho
Nolan Andrew
Nolan Andrew - 7 years ago
Promise I did not copy u
Bernard Gullett
Bernard Gullett - 7 years ago
Joey, great audio and awesome job on the editing!
J Reid
J Reid - 7 years ago
You're going to fall into that tank and hurt yourself and some fish... mark my words! Be careful up there lol
ANYTHING 23 - 7 years ago
I said during your livestream you should put some rocks in there
Penny - 7 years ago
The scape looks great! I'm glad you downsized from the 7 pieces you worked with in the live stream. I was thinking that day that you really want to showcase those beautiful pieces rather than overwhelming the space with too much busy mess. And you've done that - well done!
Fanrogh - 7 years ago
@ rgw king of DIY what about sliding doors for the 375 stand that way you get both doors and the ability to remove the panels totally :) just a suggestion
DA7545 - 7 years ago
I agree, I think that is clearly the best solution.
Folix St-Lolrent
Folix St-Lolrent - 7 years ago
Looks really cool in my opinion and thru a screen, definitely a plant worthy setup and with the right flow, the effect will be awesome!
carlmelo - 7 years ago
Wood scape looks cool. Reminds me of skeletal remains of some extinct creature.
david Morrill
david Morrill - 7 years ago
much better. the minimalist approach is more attractive. with the added plants you will have ample decoration
Stryyde - 7 years ago
So remind me. the 2k gallon is for the arrowana and rays?
Rachel Smith
Rachel Smith - 7 years ago
love the set up
Victor Delgado
Victor Delgado - 7 years ago
dude looking good man
DA Webster
DA Webster - 7 years ago
it all looks really nice! i love everything done so far. it really shows that lots of hard work is being done every week. im getting so excited! the platform looks amazing, and the mirror in the office was a nice touch.
Dirk - 7 years ago
Looking good
Tugger Wilson
Tugger Wilson - 7 years ago
Yes that looks a lot better.  Scotland Gives the thumbs up
Carol Schanz
Carol Schanz - 7 years ago
Love it
Garco Leopard
Garco Leopard - 7 years ago
put like a million shrimp in there just like a small people living on the wood it would be so cool
Just Dempsey
Just Dempsey - 7 years ago
that's going to look AMAZING covered in plants.
Bruce Bell
Bruce Bell - 7 years ago
looks great but will look so much better with the plants on it with the white background
Nicholas Allaby
Nicholas Allaby - 7 years ago
looks great!
Blomberg - 7 years ago
Get a Blue eyed Panaque
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
you need an RC sub w/pinhole cam for that 2k
Betta Gaze
Betta Gaze - 7 years ago
How do you afford all these
D-Fens - 7 years ago
Most of it was covered by personal loans and the fundraiser. Also, he mentioned a few brands are sponsoring it partiality. I imagine a good amount of money from book sales and ad revenue went into it too
Nancy Ware
Nancy Ware - 7 years ago
I think this 'scape is it. Take LOTS AND LOTS of pictures as you remove it!
Karl Atreides
Karl Atreides - 7 years ago
The gallery is looking good Joey and the wood setup in the tank is perfect, just enough wood without overdoing it.
G-man N1
G-man N1 - 7 years ago
I think the final scape looks awesome as is, wouldn't change a thing. gonna visually be so impressive when planted up and grown in
Thehighchild - 7 years ago
i don't even build or own any aquariums i just happen to stumble upon this channel when i was watching videos on shrimp lol
but i have to say i love checking out all the cool stuff, you can tell there's lots of time and effort put into this stuff its really interesting. love the content man
Ricardo Cedillo
Ricardo Cedillo - 7 years ago
is there going to be a lid on that?
HNiCDuke - 7 years ago
are you worried about the fish jumping out?
Kary N
Kary N - 7 years ago
Please don't use the wood. Bad idea
Владимир пушкин
Владимир пушкин - 7 years ago
now all u need is the boat!
Olivier colacino
Olivier colacino - 7 years ago
arn't you afraid for your biggest arowana to jump out of the massive tank ?
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
could you take 1 or 2 small pieces of that super thick acrylic and prop up the driftwood a bit more for even better clearance for the rays. rounding the corners is a given to prevent scratches but it might work really well especially if you want to add more pieces. the last little thing is maybe add a common plecco or somthing equally as good at hiding but great at cleaning up algae from plants. Wildcaught clown plecco might do really well especially since they would be used to hiding from Predators.
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
Place a bug zapper over the tank, boom, free food!
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 7 years ago
Dang! The driftwood in that arrangement makes it look like a fossil.
Daniel Bell
Daniel Bell - 7 years ago
That ledge you sit on on the big tank view port.. You could build a kind of bench there for sitting/laying on, where you can chill out in front of your fish
Nic Chauvin
Nic Chauvin - 7 years ago
I'd love to have this as a tank for tetras or rainbows.
The DutchGamingNoob
The DutchGamingNoob - 7 years ago
It looks amazing and its not even finished yet
Furkan Şehit
Furkan Şehit - 7 years ago
Omg this room looks like so good
Franz von Köller
Franz von Köller - 7 years ago
You've probably thought about it, but wouldn't it be amazing to have some tropical water-lilies in the tank? maybe on the opposite corner than the driftwood. Just a little idea, don't know how it would work with the arowana But big tanks with water-lilies look amazing in my opinion, the shifting shade it creates on the bottom and watching them from underneath the water is so cool.
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 7 years ago
you needed 10 minutes to show us a piece of wood.
Zach Bomek
Zach Bomek - 7 years ago
looks great! love the videos and this project! I've seen mopani pieces needing a soaking to log or even to stop heavy "bleeding" from log. hope they are still "water logged" best of luck! really wanna see this thing filled up
AJs Realm
AJs Realm - 7 years ago
at 3:42 you look so tiny; like if you agree
Victoria R
Victoria R - 7 years ago
The scape looks so good! I can't wait to see it all done and what tank mates you choose! any chance we could also get an update on your FH? I love that little guy and it's been a few weeks!

About the scape, my anxiety is begging me to ask you how you plan to secure it if at all? I would be SO afraid of the arrowana bumping it just right and a ray getting squished!
rhys sutherland
rhys sutherland - 7 years ago
Do it with Java fern
Austin Self
Austin Self - 7 years ago
why did you face your desk towards the wall?
dramyar agdi
dramyar agdi - 7 years ago
Love this arrangement!!! Love your channel!
Pavilion End
Pavilion End - 7 years ago
how long till Joey accidentally falls in
Isaac Boatman
Isaac Boatman - 7 years ago
It would be cool to see how big Oscars would get in the 2000g.
Marie Diamondnest / ℸit' Champ
Marie Diamondnest / ℸit' Champ - 7 years ago
It looks like a dragon's squeleton

Am I weird To think that
Jordan Varner
Jordan Varner - 7 years ago
dang, if you added java ferns to the driftwood it could create such a cool piece over a year or two for it to grow.
Jordan Varner
Jordan Varner - 7 years ago
lol and then you said that you wanted to cover it in plants haha
MrFatboydk - 7 years ago
Am i the only one seeing this as a pond?..NOT an aquarium!!
Jerrie Abdon
Jerrie Abdon - 7 years ago
I like the pieces you ended up using. In the live stream it was way too busy. Good job!
Barbat Vlad
Barbat Vlad - 7 years ago
how many clickbait titles do you have left?
whats good
whats good - 7 years ago
For the doors on the 375 you should put like sliding doors on them so they open kinda like a closet
Kevin b
Kevin b - 7 years ago
are you not afraid the arowana is going to jump out of the tank?
OtherGuyHD - 7 years ago
Kevin b he has said time and time again that he is going to have a lid on the tank when he isn't recording
Amazethebum - 7 years ago
The decoration looks very sharp might knock off a few scales
eza307 - 7 years ago
Much much better scape!
David Van Deest
David Van Deest - 7 years ago
I really like how put the wood together. But I think wouldn't cover the hole structure with plants. What do you think about some rocks and bolders around and in front of the wood? I also can recommend to epoxy the bottom with sand in it. Than it will look like it has a substrate but the rays will not be able to move it around.
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 7 years ago
Looks awesome
M. K.
M. K. - 7 years ago
Great scaping Joey. When I was watching live stream I wasn't convinced to the contruction but now I think that it looks how it sholud. Can't wait to see plants on the driftwood and fish swimming around :) Best regards from Poland;) You do a brilliant job man!
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
That wood looks really neat, I like what you did with it! So I know you will have the big asian arowana in here, will you not be putting the smaller one in too? and how will you catch your big one- a huge net, or by hand when the water s low? love watching how your room is changing and growing, it looks awesome!!
Dan Buchanan
Dan Buchanan - 7 years ago
I Can tell even with out the aquariums the sounds in there are much better and a lot less echo.
Ron Tropics
Ron Tropics - 7 years ago
That's gonna look awesome covered in live plants! Great work.
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
Looks really good, I can see how natural it will look once planted.
Morgs Hawk
Morgs Hawk - 7 years ago
Will you be adding any more fish other than the Arowana and the rays?? I think a small school of clown loaches would be cool. Maybe 4 or 5. They will be too big for the rays and arowana to eat, but won't be too big to put in the aquarium. Loving how the new aquarium room is turning out!
fem kilo  ॐ
fem kilo ॐ - 7 years ago
Very impressive! I'm looking forward to the video of you telling how you fell in to the 2k gallon tank!
Lee Sotiropoulos
Lee Sotiropoulos - 7 years ago
Yea definitely better setup. Before it was a cluttered mess, sometimes less is more. Still iffy on the inside gunna be white paint over black. Black paint wouldl make it harder to see your type of rays, but really show off the arowana, guess its a compromise. -55gal rope fish owner.
Crazy3.0 Witts
Crazy3.0 Witts - 7 years ago
A plzz keep some sea horses
Tristan Collins
Tristan Collins - 7 years ago
Like it a lot more than in the livestream! It'll fill up with the fish and plants.
shyfox89 - 7 years ago
Love this channel!
Darius DXD
Darius DXD - 7 years ago
Looks like someone has been working out!
reptileawsome - 7 years ago
do you have a 401k?
John Yallah
John Yallah - 7 years ago
dude becareful thays very dangerous. Muriatic acid is very toxic. its deadly joey. It can kill you. watch out!!!
Michael McMaster
Michael McMaster - 7 years ago
Spen Cer
Spen Cer - 7 years ago
Put some colorful crawfish in the huge tank
MrAmy4kane - 7 years ago
hey joey nice wood ahaha nice job on the scape definitely better than on live stream xx
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 7 years ago
The driftwood looks much better, was too much in there before. That's perfect!
James Tarver
James Tarver - 7 years ago
Leave the wood out
Zoara Luna
Zoara Luna - 7 years ago
I think the coolest part of the video is all the perspective shots. I knew the tank was large, but wow, it is huge.
Helveteshit - 7 years ago
@Joey / , That portion you said sticking out for your Arowana, place some plants that can grow without substrates on that portion? Once it builds up a little bush, it will minimize the risk of the Arowana pushing against it, no? Will also add some passive filtration to your tank. And with it being near the surface, light levels won't be an issue.
thebearclaw0 - 7 years ago
looks amazing man. I'm just worried about your foundation having problems with all that weight
Day5 Aquatics
Day5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
The black water look would be pretty cool for the fish going in there. I know it won't do much for the colors of the fish but it would be a neat look.
rcisourmiddlename - 7 years ago
Are you gonna have a lid or something to prevent the fish from jumping out ???
cram1nblaze - 7 years ago
looks great, the wood almost looks like a dino skeleton. also can you go into more detail on the pump at 1:52 ?
Noel Willson
Noel Willson - 7 years ago
Looking good Joey
Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor - 7 years ago
Looks much better with just the 3 pieces...
Lirbs - 7 years ago
Your channel is really an inspiration. I thought I'd never have fish, but here I am with an aquarium. It's basic, only thirty-six gallons and housing two firemouth cichlids - nothing compared to what you've got! But, it's a start, and I can see my future full of tanks and exotic fish thanks to you! Keep up the awesome content!
2COMPLICATED - 7 years ago
Joey, you should put hydraulic hinges on the doors so they lift up. Kind of like a car trunk. That would be cool and different.
Sophia Tiffany Tan 소피아
Sophia Tiffany Tan 소피아 - 7 years ago
I meant Green - Spotted Pufferfish. Keep up the good work.
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 7 years ago
Ooooh! It's looking so nice now!
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 7 years ago
Also, I'm really glad you'll be covering the wood with plants; I've been wanting to do a betta tank like that for a while, and hopefully I'll learn a lot about how to do it from watching you.
Sophia Tiffany Tan 소피아
Sophia Tiffany Tan 소피아 - 7 years ago
Can u do a elephant nose fish tank with Denison Barb n Green - Spotted puffers.
Kat Bartlett
Kat Bartlett - 7 years ago
Love the aquascape!
Bill Raroha
Bill Raroha - 7 years ago
Make that panel slide out so it stays out of your way when you are working on what's inside.
Hobo Aquatics
Hobo Aquatics - 7 years ago
What are you going to use as a lid to keep that Arrowana from jumping out?
Chandrakiran Nayak
Chandrakiran Nayak - 7 years ago
Though that driftwood would be great in any tank with *fish*, it's blocking a lot of stingray moving area, no ?
Anne Smith
Anne Smith - 7 years ago
You put one stick in it... how is this aquascaping...? Stop pulling our dicks for views and just show the finished
Pablo Pérez
Pablo Pérez - 7 years ago
That will be a big tank. Nice.
Kirk Thomas
Kirk Thomas - 7 years ago
What about a lid?
Jo Prat
Jo Prat - 7 years ago
Did you diy those air stones in your other tanks if so how?
Ken Augustine
Ken Augustine - 7 years ago
what about those 3d scapes you do on the non windows panel sides?
matiXgamer 21
matiXgamer 21 - 7 years ago
tile the bottom of the tank
Linda Navarro
Linda Navarro - 7 years ago
The scape looks really good imo! I love the simpler look.
Raedwold - 7 years ago
the wood looks amazing Joey, it reminds me of a dinosaur skull fossil.
Bill Gilmore
Bill Gilmore - 7 years ago
Not a fan of the scape.... Looks like a 2 year old just threw some wood in a box...
SlickChick - 7 years ago
It's not the finished result, wait and see how it turns out.
EndOfOurDays - 7 years ago
And he said he was adding plants so it wont be so barren as it looks now
EndOfOurDays - 7 years ago
its minimalistic, better than a 2 year old throwing a bunch of clutter together thinking it looks good when in reality it just takes up space
dsnake457 sch
dsnake457 sch - 7 years ago
I like it
wil oollogy
wil oollogy - 7 years ago
Bill Gilmore he did want to know what people think tbf..
DA7545 - 7 years ago
It's good. Very good, perfect.
Dutch Aquaria
Dutch Aquaria - 7 years ago
Its true though.
OtherGuyHD - 7 years ago
Bill Gilmore it's not your tank now is it.
Gerald Rodz
Gerald Rodz - 7 years ago
Bill Gilmore your opinion *
David Pidlaoan
David Pidlaoan - 7 years ago
Amazing! I want a 2,000 gallon like this too! Truly an inspiration Joey!
Ukrainian Stud
Ukrainian Stud - 7 years ago
structure looks great love the outcome! wasn't to found of the structure in the lifestream but this is great
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
I say go with panels that come completely off.
Patrick Clark
Patrick Clark - 7 years ago
Glad you moved it more towards the middle... Looks awesome the way it is now.
Linda Wade
Linda Wade - 7 years ago
I love it
PositiveMind PositiveTime
PositiveMind PositiveTime - 7 years ago
I think the set up looks great, and way better than what it did on the live stream lol! I love how it looks like a cave now and that very large piece, that kind of looks like its "webbed" almost, is my favorite (: I think it's really coming along
Bare Bones Brisco
Bare Bones Brisco - 7 years ago
Great job man!!!!!
John Logan
John Logan - 7 years ago
I think the driftwood layout is perfect now!
3drhodes - 7 years ago
that is beautiful. it will be gorgeous when you add the plants and water. much better than the live video attempt lol.
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 7 years ago
I religiously watch Joeys video's while believing that I'm an amazing aquarium hobbyist like him...but then I remember that all I have is a 10 gallon and two bettas..
DrHush1417 - 7 years ago
Absolutely 100% agree with the change of plans for the aquascape!! Less is often more, fantastic job. I can't wait! :D
Admiral Falcone
Admiral Falcone - 7 years ago
Drift wood setup looks great! perfect amount, not too crowded like on the livestream lol.
WishMaster M
WishMaster M - 7 years ago
Quinten Lee
Quinten Lee - 7 years ago
That's too small for a betta...
Sybrand Scheveers
Sybrand Scheveers - 7 years ago
this looks a lot beter than the lifestreem. This is going to be a awesome tank, the hardscape couldn't be better. have a nice week Joey!
jesse Carlton
jesse Carlton - 7 years ago
I've recently been watching your videos and you are so punctual. Very professional channel but still so very entertaining. Thank you for the good advice and quality content. Will continue to support you and your passion.
Food Scientist
Food Scientist - 7 years ago
why dont you apply a thin coat of clear epoxy on the wood? Wont it stop the wood from releasing tannins in the water. Given the depth of the aquarium even a little bit of brown hue will be amplified.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
that wood looks like a dinasour skeleton.
TheRealHoward - 7 years ago
im a big fan joey but why dont ypu just call takned they make a dream come true tanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
That scape will be great. I'm just now starting the search for hardscape for my tank. I'd love to find some giant African bog log pieces.... But that seems like a needle in a haystack. Really enjoying watching the build process.
FilbieTron - 7 years ago
The driftwood looks like a backbone or remnant skeleton of some big fish or whale...
Franco ras
Franco ras - 7 years ago
loving it ♡
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 7 years ago
looks rad heaps better then what went down on the live vid :)
Patrick Griffin
Patrick Griffin - 7 years ago
Keep up the great work, can't wait til it is done?
Prairie Fish
Prairie Fish - 7 years ago
what a cool project great job!!
Jay Patel
Jay Patel - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, I'm not a fishkeeper or anything I just enjoy watching these videos they are really interesting thank you for the uploads :)
deep. - 7 years ago
i really think this tank would look good with sand or gravel on the bottom....
Isabella Modin
Isabella Modin - 7 years ago
its brilliant!
Matt Hollett
Matt Hollett - 7 years ago
a much better design than the livestream, hahahaha! i kept telling you by talking to the screen te other day, "PUT IT IN THE CENTRE!", seems ya heard me! Looks awesome Joey!!!!!!!! zipstrap it and get someone to help you lift it out so you keep the design?
Chad W
Chad W - 7 years ago
are you thinking about putting shrimp in the big tank?
A27 Killer
A27 Killer - 7 years ago
Add a light white substrate... it would look great with the rays and it would also cover up that concrete bottom.
Dankerkitty - 7 years ago
I think you should put 100's of shrimp in there after the plants are planted. If they are compatable with everything esle in there of coarse
Devin R
Devin R - 7 years ago
If I had a tank that big I would get a shark. Very nice arrangement on the wood
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
But aren't you going to have to move the wood when you spray the acid for The calcium?? Just a thought! Looks great so far! It's amazing!
Nguyen Dinh Phuong
Nguyen Dinh Phuong - 7 years ago
I cannot wait til Joey finished this tank
Keep it up Joey <3
Jairo Rodriguez
Jairo Rodriguez - 7 years ago
looks great joey
David Howard
David Howard - 7 years ago
you ever though of showing how to you build stuff would love to see how you do the stairs and stuff you build
DA7545 - 7 years ago
typical carpentry, buy a book.
D Mufasa
D Mufasa - 7 years ago
the white background is ugly
shaun skates
shaun skates - 7 years ago
Looking great joey loving the aquascape in the big boi
Velocifish - 7 years ago
Love the scape! Big improvement to the live stream. What plants are you planning on adding to it?
Asiatic360 Ddp
Asiatic360 Ddp - 7 years ago
what's in the top corners of the room
trinimon - 7 years ago
it looks great can't wait to see it planted
Madie Renier
Madie Renier - 7 years ago
Are you putting substrate on the bottom, if so what kind?
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 7 years ago
Madie Renier he said in the live stream he's not putting substrate in the tank
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
I love it! Much better than it was in the live stream. It used to feel like you were just trying to cover the walls in wood. This is great with the space behind the pieces
rakiest - 7 years ago
@The King of DIY

I've got a suggestion -- You might want to sand down some of the sharpest edges on your driftwood, especially if you're still concerned that your arowana will run into it if startled.
Dawn Booth
Dawn Booth - 7 years ago
hey Joey, where can I order the Pond Shield? I'm excited to build my own plywood aquarium but I'm having trouble finding the stuff.
Michael Her
Michael Her - 7 years ago
So just the arrowana and ray? No other fish? Like to swim in an out of the wood and use it as shelter
nanoaquamania - 7 years ago
Seachem purigen has worked best for me for removing tannins. it falls much more cheaper then carbon and works for 6mnths to a year, and is also rechargable. however ull need a huge qty though..;)
chris cobb
chris cobb - 7 years ago
Just awesome!
EngineeringAquariums - 7 years ago
Aquascape looks good! Your an inspiration, Im doing my first few uploads in the next few days of my new reef tani
Northern Iggy
Northern Iggy - 7 years ago
Carpet is a great idea.. so you don't slip! Plus it removes some of the echo.
Sam's Fish Tanks
Sam's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Looks great!
33 - 7 years ago
Joey got mad at me during the live feed. I told him to stop the Q&A and get to work. He read it and said, "is it acid etched? No...." LOL I was just kidding, love your work.
chronic fishkeeping
chronic fishkeeping - 7 years ago
I think it will look great with the plants all over it nice job
Jack McCoy
Jack McCoy - 7 years ago
Im not sure if having some of your "large wood" out of the water, because you couldn't put plants or anything of that sort onto it (aside from "land" plants). Since you're intending to soften the two prongs that are going to be coming out of the water, it may be a good idea just to cut them off. Just a suggestion. Love the scape!
Elcardinal100 - 7 years ago
Awesome stuff!!! An interor tip, purple curtains would look awesome in that room:D
Nidal Haiqal
Nidal Haiqal - 7 years ago
I'm From Malaysia!!! Enjoy Watching All Of Your Videos !! :)
pulkit kanwar
pulkit kanwar - 7 years ago
much better setup than stream
randomdude1191 - 7 years ago
The left most side has an abrupt ending, should throw a small piece under there to make it more natural
NM Aquatics
NM Aquatics - 7 years ago
hey Joey, another great update, and the scape looks perfect!
Thanadol Yang
Thanadol Yang - 7 years ago
U should do some sliding door
Splitter101 - 7 years ago
can you put a common pleco in to show people the size they can get
dawn m lamb # DML Studio
dawn m lamb # DML Studio - 7 years ago
Rakkaus21 - 7 years ago
did you do a few lines of coke before this video? holy energy
Bhashya Kishore
Bhashya Kishore - 7 years ago
nice placement of the drift wood, Joey! it would make a nice home for a fine exotic pleco
QoQ Royals
QoQ Royals - 7 years ago
less is more!! this scape is PERFECT!!!
Dewey Bussell
Dewey Bussell - 7 years ago
I like it
Rachel Smith
Rachel Smith - 7 years ago
I am literally soooo excited to see this complete. Bloody love your videos!! Best fish channel by farrrrr!
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
Joey, don't you still have to etch and epoxy the concrete? Why scape it first?
Billy Henry
Billy Henry - 7 years ago
Get rid, and get some red wood, an arrow looks great with red tinted water
Joe Fallgatter
Joe Fallgatter - 7 years ago
Where did you get Malaysian bog wood that large? Would love to know!
David M
David M - 7 years ago
All he said was "the guy is all out". Considering how much Joey has, I can see why!
Sean03Cobra1 - 7 years ago
Put some peacock bass in there
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 7 years ago
You will add sand and something on the walls on the inside right?
Boombox cat
Boombox cat - 7 years ago
why did u do the hardscape without acid etching first? won't the acid react with the drift wood when you do the ground???
Szu-Ping Tu
Szu-Ping Tu - 7 years ago
Joey, I LOVE your choices of wood, and you have an artist hiding in you!
Larry Markham
Larry Markham - 7 years ago
what I'm wondering about maybe you a covered it and I have missed it but with the Asian arowana are you going to have some type I'm covering in case it gets spooked and jumps so that you don't find it on the floor.
Sickface Reefing
Sickface Reefing - 7 years ago
You should make the panels slide to the left side
Tl Tl
Tl Tl - 7 years ago
Hey java moss is going to be your best friend on the scape cause it's in expensive and can take a beating with those fish
Vasco MvR
Vasco MvR - 7 years ago
For the stand doors, just put some magnets and make the whole panel removal, its gonna look cool and provide easy access!
AVI ANAND - 7 years ago
Hi everyone! Please check this out- I need help.
Lala TheCat
Lala TheCat - 7 years ago
Cody Brovont
Cody Brovont - 7 years ago
The ad before the video was for a pump to pump out flooded basements, how ironic
The Home Less Raccoon
The Home Less Raccoon - 7 years ago
This is my opinion personally but you should hang some moss or a long leaved plant down the middle of the big hole in the wood I think that would look beautiful
Gib_one - 7 years ago
How do you prevent the fish from jumping out? Will there be some kind of cover? Guess it would be hard to find one without ruining the overall looks and feel of it.
Krystina Guynn
Krystina Guynn - 7 years ago
shout out to those of us that watched his entire live stream when it was live
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 7 years ago
Beautiful! You used the three pieces that have that delicate look (despite their size) instead of the thicker pieces, which really makes it flow. The gallery is really coming along so fast and you're doing such a great job of paying attention to details. Lots of preplanning, but it will certainly pay off in the future. What about one of the left over smaller pieces of wood in the front corner between the two viewing panels? Just something tall, but again, taking up very little floor and swimming space, maybe just filling in the corner itself with some flowing plants attached.
Adam Sean dubstep
Adam Sean dubstep - 7 years ago
I would make a bunch of rock towers if u know wat I mean. Not sexual. Ha now u thaught about it
sharp iguana
sharp iguana - 7 years ago
the wood looks bad and ugly
FreePyy - 7 years ago
Is this all? Haha
ScottsTanks - 7 years ago
Joey, where did you get the bogwood? I have a 120 to scape and would love to use a big wood centerpiece
Gareth Hook
Gareth Hook - 7 years ago
Can the Bog wood not stick out the water? it might look good as if the wood was once a tree and half sticks out the surface. but then more pressure on the key contact points the higher it goes.
PhantomFox666 - 7 years ago
do sliding doors
Vince B.
Vince B. - 7 years ago
Nice video Joey, what other fish are you planning. Some peacock bass and Datnoids will compliment your sting rays nicely. Tons of personality too. Keep up the good work.
keanu r
keanu r - 7 years ago
Looks good bra!
Yongkeat goh
Yongkeat goh - 7 years ago
you should consider the risk of your arowana jumping out of the concrete tank. One of mine jumped out of its pond and died...
Delia Brown
Delia Brown - 7 years ago
Yongkeat goh He plans to have a cover for the tank. I think it was maybe two updates or so ago that he talked about it? Something like that.
Roi - 7 years ago
added to bucket list: build a concrete aquarium.
Jared L.
Jared L. - 7 years ago
It looks much better centered and with just the 3 pieces of wood. It'll be a lot easier to clean the back walls! And you're ratio of wood to open water looks perfect. Have you thought of the possibility of adding a few large stones to the scape as well? Looking amazing Joey!
Pete Diesel
Pete Diesel - 7 years ago
Looks great Joey :-)
the viper
the viper - 7 years ago
awesome aquarium
Tentacle Slinger
Tentacle Slinger - 7 years ago
My recommendation for the doors would be to make it open vertically. you dont have much room to swing those open so something that just lifts straight up would be pretty cool.
xdiamonddebx - 7 years ago
love the scape in the tank with the plants it's going to look like a cave (i think) excited to see it develop
Zk6 YT
Zk6 YT - 7 years ago
Use it as a swimming pool
sphinx sphinx
sphinx sphinx - 7 years ago
concrete... LOL
John Hazlewood
John Hazlewood - 7 years ago
what a difference it looks so much better. As they say less is more!
kev blaylock
kev blaylock - 7 years ago
get a arapaima
Sudhir Badbe
Sudhir Badbe - 7 years ago
if your heating the bottom of the tank won't the sting rays have problem?
nederlands100 - 7 years ago
Keep it like this, BUT: add one wood part in the corner of the 2 windows, something small just to make the square a rounded edge if thats clear to you... so if u look to the windows you'll be able to see some more detail
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I would put Java fern, moss, bolbitos , Anubias and bucephalandre.
P0HTAT0 - 7 years ago
A school of Nano fish in the mix would be awesome the rays couldn't care less and the arowan will more than likely ignore them.
Loading Please wait
Loading Please wait - 7 years ago
Use Java moss! I think it will look incredible as it makes wood look aged and wise
Jason Boone
Jason Boone - 7 years ago
Love the scape man. keep this up.
Drew Vliet
Drew Vliet - 7 years ago
The gallery is making leaps and bounds, cannot wait to see this thing done and all the fish moved over!
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 7 years ago
U r simply amazing can't wait to see arowana swimming In Tht tank
Felice Santoro
Felice Santoro - 7 years ago
Looks great Joey! Thanks again!
I would put one more piece extending from the center outward towards the larger opening in the tank, resting on the lower middle portion of what's there and touching the bottom of the tank in just one spot.
BR RA - 7 years ago
i prefer if u didnt place any woods inside its taking too much space
A B - 7 years ago

I am really excited to all what you are presenting, however we really missed the real mini DIY projects that you used to do it, we know that you have those soon, but could you add those video somehow to your channel?
Chelleigh Lee
Chelleigh Lee - 7 years ago
Oh my God, it's AMAZING!! All of it is just mind-blowing. I'm jealous and envious of your ability to create these structures and give your fish the perfect life. Far too many people take up fish-keeping too lightly and the fish end up suffering. A lot of people could learn a thing or ten from you. Best of luck in the final stages.. can't wait to see the final outcome!!
Ashton Dunn
Ashton Dunn - 7 years ago
You should get your logo as a decoration in the 300 something gallon tank it would look awesome
Summer Marie
Summer Marie - 7 years ago
Looking good
awsome1286 - 7 years ago
love the aquascape Joey can wait til next week
Cole Stiefbold
Cole Stiefbold - 7 years ago
Yes this is what I wanted you to do from the beginning I hated the last scape. It looks natural
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 7 years ago
That fish tank is larger than my bedroom why
AlwaysChangingMind - 7 years ago
You should do some magnetic door for the 375. This way it comes clean off.
Ján Švasta
Ján Švasta - 7 years ago
When will you fill it (i cant wait !!!)
Ruben Valdez
Ruben Valdez - 7 years ago
where do you get your dirftwood?
Rob Hicks aquariums
Rob Hicks aquariums - 7 years ago
love the scap now great job
SSJChar - 7 years ago
between the desk and 200gal tank you need to put/make a loveseat so you can sit with a book or laptop and just relax next to the tank or even take a nap
Lucas TV
Lucas TV - 7 years ago
Its gonna be so nice when it's done
Warped - 7 years ago
so dissapointed. should've been an enormous reef ;)
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
Wouldn't the wood scratch the stingrays skin?
Ross Tuskey
Ross Tuskey - 7 years ago
Love the wood layout. I think it's perfect!
Enrique Subiela
Enrique Subiela - 7 years ago
good luck
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
looks great
aiden brotherton
aiden brotherton - 7 years ago
looks good now can't wait till you finish it going to be amazing Joey
Jody VanDeBogart
Jody VanDeBogart - 7 years ago
It's going to be stunning once it's planted!
Dakota Haley
Dakota Haley - 7 years ago
Did you try to put the wood in a circular motion making it easier for the rays to swim around? Have like the skull looking piece be the center and your long pieces sticking straight up, like a bone fire look. You feel me?
Beau Liening
Beau Liening - 7 years ago
Looking awesome! Can't wait till it's done!
Pierce's Gecko
Pierce's Gecko - 7 years ago
is he adding substrate? that would be pretty cool
JTB Reptiles
JTB Reptiles - 7 years ago
Two words: can't wait
MsJodiemay - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see your fish in there. Looks so good. Can't wait to see that wood with all plants on
Nike Swoosh
Nike Swoosh - 7 years ago
You really get stuff done! Respect ✊
Jonathan Christian
Jonathan Christian - 7 years ago
yeah, that aquascape looks good.. what i ment by saying that the rays wouldn't like the last scape was because it had too much ground contact...keep up the good work bro
Dodi Sutton
Dodi Sutton - 7 years ago
looks amazing!
Flyingdutchy33 - 7 years ago
Considering most time is spent looking down into the tank from above, it may be worth considering painting the ceiling black to prevent reflections. Awesome build, really looking forward to the next phases!
Will Hodgson
Will Hodgson - 7 years ago
It's all coming together so well now! This gallery is going to be the best thing to ever happen to YouTube! You're the man Joey!
Richard Shackelford
Richard Shackelford - 7 years ago
Gallery looking good Joey. Like the drift wood
Ster Bott
Ster Bott - 7 years ago
What fish do you plan on putting in the tank?
Powerpickle68 - 7 years ago
I really liked the decision with the wood because I believe that less is more.
Grant Martinez
Grant Martinez - 7 years ago
just buy your fish a damn lake
luvsiberians - 7 years ago
Looks awesome! Love the driftwood and can't wait to see it with plants!
Kuentin Hyuga
Kuentin Hyuga - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is he getting?
joey the conure
joey the conure - 7 years ago
My pet bird is called joey
K Everett
K Everett - 7 years ago
I like it!
juntistik - 7 years ago
Finally a planted tank.
Peppa Pug
Peppa Pug - 7 years ago
just a idea but i think you should try and reshape the ends of the wood. the strait saw line where it has been cut dosent look very natural and reshaping it wouldn't take long at all. Great video as always and what a exciting time to be subscribed to this channel.
Daryl Blackburn
Daryl Blackburn - 7 years ago
looks great buddy
Angel Ashley
Angel Ashley - 7 years ago
I love the wood setup!
YourBrother - 7 years ago
Next installation: Microwave, Mini Bar, Lazy boy and a divorce.. that's just me.. awesome build fella!
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
That room needs a splash of colour.. it's seriously dark
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Monkey Nut which is the point. The splash of color and focal points are the aquariums.
Okcuse Norton
Okcuse Norton - 7 years ago
Joey really love everything about the gallery and glad your sharing this with us.

QUESTION: With the arowana you had said in a tank that size he would get bigger. However with the decorations will that effect his growth?
Nina N
Nina N - 7 years ago
im loving the office <3
Tony Emantsal
Tony Emantsal - 7 years ago
Looks good but it also looks like it takes a lot of space away on the back side, are the rays able to swim around it when they get bigger?
InkTurtle - 7 years ago
I wonder if Joey's going to use a sand bottom, would look really cool.
Christopher Wright
Christopher Wright - 7 years ago
I liked the scape from the live stream better but hey not my tank
JD Aquatics
JD Aquatics - 7 years ago
It's coming along nicely Joey! I think the wood arrangement looks great!
Proteus - 7 years ago
the scape is much better than what you had in the live stream!
Scarlette Banana
Scarlette Banana - 7 years ago
Sunday/Thursday I ❤️
Stitching Jules
Stitching Jules - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see how you attach the plants to the wood!
GayDucks - 7 years ago
3:26, but you could fall in your fish tank while cleaning
Phú Trường
Phú Trường - 7 years ago
That tank is gonna be perfect for shrimps
daisy jacinto
daisy jacinto - 7 years ago
hey joey how was your goldfish doing?
phat nguyen
phat nguyen - 7 years ago
how did you get that big pieces of driftwoods??
OBXskaterboy - 7 years ago
Not a fan of how the bog wood on the far end of the tank away from the diy sign looks as if it's been cut with a saw it leads the the eye to feel that something's been taken away and or it should be put up against a flush surface like the tank wall. Killer tank I can't wait to see what is to come in the near future!!!!!!!
impokejon - 7 years ago
am I insane or does the peace in the middle kind of look like a moped
Gavin Wyn Roberts
Gavin Wyn Roberts - 7 years ago
That office is sick
Neil Strough
Neil Strough - 7 years ago
Looks great Joey. When the water is in making the wood slightly lighter weight, will the fish be able to upset the structure or are you going to anchor it together somehow?
Ma Jem Galat
Ma Jem Galat - 7 years ago
Just a thought, Are the stingrays not strong to push or dismantle the wood?
ALeeAs X
ALeeAs X - 7 years ago
but Joe, you taught us that rays change their stings and can harm or kill them. If you aquascape it, maybe you can miss some of them.
Custom Creams
Custom Creams - 7 years ago
Other than fish keeping, is working out one of your hobbies? You look pretty buff.
Vanessa Olson
Vanessa Olson - 7 years ago
Looks great Joey!!! can't wait to see the finished project!
Ryley Day
Ryley Day - 7 years ago
it looks way better then when it started like I said in the live stream you where building with the corners of the tank which feels unnatural and isn't pleasing to the eyes.
but great job I think your getting way better at aquascaping haha
hugh myron
hugh myron - 7 years ago
Does Joey work out or get big from all his DIYing? He has some legitimately big arms
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
Looks good to maintain, less is more and probably rocks are not needed in there? I would love to see Java fern, various anubias and Bolbitis Heudelotii on those bogwoods.
adam m
adam m - 7 years ago
move the wood back to the back wall. there is like 8 inches of space behind there at the bottom and that is going to be wasted space for the stingrays since they will probably never go back there. might as well give them 8 inches on the front side
GAME OVER - 7 years ago
i love aquarium fishes. {I have 12 tanks now lol}
Jake Senior
Jake Senior - 7 years ago
LOVE the wood scape - looks perfect to me
PlasticBassHunter - 7 years ago
i think it would be really cool if you made a small shelf of wood somewhere in maybe the back left corner thats somehow attached to the wall so it almost looked like the wood was growing out of the wall. mind you i dont know the logistics of how you would do it but thats what your here for haha
Sharon K Emerson
Sharon K Emerson - 7 years ago
I am I love with this project!
Stitching Jules
Stitching Jules - 7 years ago
nice!! lots of progress!!! it's all coming together!!

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LOL Surprise dolls are going to the aquarium! Wow they are going to check out the pool with color changing fish! The...

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About 2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update

The "2,000 gallon aquarium scape is DONE! Aquarium gallery update" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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