Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: https: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: aquascaping Lab By Tommaso Perini feat serena Sacchi - Nano Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) "Grass and wood style". How to set nano aquarium in a few hour. allestimento completo mini acquario stile bosco con erba ed albero. Come costruire un acquario per pesci, di design in poche ore. DECORATION OBJECT: dragon stone, fetrilizer, Java wood. PLANT LIST: Anubias Bonsai, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Christmas moss. TECHNICAL INSTRUMENT: internal filter, led light. FISH: Betta Splendens (pesce combattente), Otocinclus ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascapinga.The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used. ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab è un canale dedicato al mondo degli acquari dove potrete trovare tutorials, recensioni, consigli ed esperienze condivise da esperti nel campo dell'acquaristica. Gli argomenti trattati sono: - Aquascaping in design orientale (Takashi Amano style), vari biotopi e procedura di allestimenti illustrati per mezzo di tutorial. Allestimenti di acquari marini, tropicali e mediterranei. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di pesci crostacei molluschi invertebrati e coralli di acqua salata e dolce. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di piante e muschi. - Recensione su materiale tecnico e prodotti come askoll, sera, ehiem, tetra, Jbl, friskies e altri. - Trucchi e accorgimenti per l'avvio, la pulizia e la manutenzione di un acquario: schede tecniche sui materiali più usati.

Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style sentiment_very_dissatisfied 130

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 546,551 views

SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: https: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: aquascaping Lab By Tommaso Perini feat serena Sacchi - Nano Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) "Grass and wood style". How to set nano aquarium in a few hour. allestimento completo mini acquario stile bosco con erba ed albero. Come costruire un acquario per pesci, di design in poche ore. DECORATION OBJECT: dragon stone, fetrilizer, Java wood. PLANT LIST: Anubias Bonsai, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Christmas moss. TECHNICAL INSTRUMENT: internal filter, led light. FISH: Betta Splendens (pesce combattente), Otocinclus ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascapinga.The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials.    Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used. ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab è un canale dedicato al mondo degli acquari dove potrete trovare tutorials, recensioni, consigli ed esperienze condivise da esperti nel campo dell'acquaristica. Gli argomenti trattati sono: - Aquascaping in design orientale (Takashi Amano style), vari biotopi e procedura di allestimenti illustrati per mezzo di tutorial. Allestimenti di acquari marini, tropicali e mediterranei. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di pesci crostacei molluschi invertebrati e coralli di acqua salata e dolce. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di piante e muschi. - Recensione su materiale tecnico e prodotti come askoll, sera, ehiem, tetra, Jbl, friskies e altri. - Trucchi e accorgimenti per l'avvio, la pulizia e la manutenzione di un acquario: schede tecniche sui materiali più usati.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

johnlockedtbh - 7 years ago
no betta can be happy in 10 liters.
Roberto Holanda
Roberto Holanda - 7 years ago
Always with great videos. I really like your channel a lot!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
thank you
Maha Mokhtar
Maha Mokhtar - 7 years ago
What is the suitable filter, heater and lamp
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
an external filter and a led lamp, take a look on our website for more info
ziranshu Zhang
ziranshu Zhang - 7 years ago
why not wire the moss first?
susan valladares
susan valladares - 7 years ago
A red betta
Md. Ahsanul Hossain
Md. Ahsanul Hossain - 7 years ago
Could you please tell me your tank size by "Inch"..thanks
Sylvie Orioli
Sylvie Orioli - 7 years ago
Bellissimo acquario!!! Volevo chiedervi se potere fare una scheda per la piantina con le foglie ad ombrellino... non so come si chiama! E si può usarla come prato?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
ti consiglio di andare sul nostro sito e cercare la sezione dedicata alle piante
Ruthrakoti Dharmalingam
Ruthrakoti Dharmalingam - 7 years ago
Grass name
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
all information are in the video info
Daenerys T
Daenerys T - 7 years ago
How does this filter work? Don't I need the air tube? And it feels like the water flow is too strong for my betta?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
this filter that you see in the video is not a good filter, just a demonstration

10. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

Karishma Kour
Karishma Kour - 7 years ago
Sir muje detail m bato fish tank kasy banta h kitny 's.m chiya hota h kanch plz riply
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
write in english please :-)
Edivaldo Gonçalves
Edivaldo Gonçalves - 7 years ago
gudi maneira mais neimis Samuel eu só do Brasil kkkkkk
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
What type of filter and light did you use in this setup? I would love to try this setup
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
better use an external filter and led light for this kind of aquarium :-)
Nature Channel
Nature Channel - 7 years ago
che pratino é?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
ok!! male non sei messo....
Nature Channel
Nature Channel - 7 years ago
Aquascaping Lab uso co2 , il diffusore non funziona più ,il tubo si stacca e per adesso uso il metodo a campana,fertilizzo con i prodotti unica , il fondo è formato da 1 cm di fondo fertile e da 5-7 cm di ghiaia 1-1,5 mm luce 0,9w su litro 6400k
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
dipende da molte variabili..... fertilizzazione del terreno e co2, granulometria del terreno, luce, fertilizzazione in acqua
Nature Channel
Nature Channel - 7 years ago
Aquascaping Lab a me sta morendo , le radici marciscono
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
MARK'S AQUATICS - 7 years ago
lovely setup .
Marcos Vinicio
Marcos Vinicio - 7 years ago
What's the aquarium friend's measure and where did you buy these plants and lights I found it very cool I wanted to thank you
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
thank you too!!! we usually use Troplant plants!!!
Shrimp Paradise
Shrimp Paradise - 7 years ago
Yoga Pradenta
Yoga Pradenta - 7 years ago
Nice prison
Simone Fineschi
Simone Fineschi - 7 years ago
Come fate a non avere mai un alga... anche a distanza di 1 mese ed in maturazione? ;)
Диванный Эксперт
Диванный Эксперт - 8 years ago
Guys, of mutual subscription!

20. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

Диванный Эксперт
Диванный Эксперт - 8 years ago
Ребята, го взаимную подписку!
Gabriel Torres
Gabriel Torres - 8 years ago
where i do get those plants? just new ing aquascaping
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
soon a video dedicated, stay tuned
The Castromen Vision
The Castromen Vision - 8 years ago
Ciao il ho un acquario 30x30x35 della wave mi consigli di farlo Marino o dolce ?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
sono gusti personali!!!! :-) se sei neofita meglio dolce
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
what is the name of the powdered fertilizer and where did you buy it from?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
for this kind of question i suggest to wait new website
Brian Pircher
Brian Pircher - 8 years ago
bravi é bellissimo
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
grazie mille
Nur Jamal
Nur Jamal - 8 years ago
good job :)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!
Dan Silvestri
Dan Silvestri - 8 years ago
Che tipi di legni, piante e pietre usate? Per favore dite i nomi nello specifico e non mandatemi al viso tutorial sulle piante etc. Perché non capisco se possibile scrivetelo qui sotto
Leo Ddd
Leo Ddd - 7 years ago
Dan Silvestri ecco appunto
Aquascaping Lab
Lee genius
Lee genius - 8 years ago
what fish was that at the end it was really pretty
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
you mean betta? or otocincus? search here in this playlist
Backyard Wilderness
Backyard Wilderness - 8 years ago
Backyard Wilderness
Backyard Wilderness - 8 years ago
what happens if you don't use the fertilizer
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
plants dont grow good and algae can explose.... take a look at this video

30. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

bruno riva
bruno riva - 8 years ago
Musica che buca le orecchie, davvero un fastidio indescrivibile, bel video comunque
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
hahaaha Grazie!!
Hola Soy Daniel Canal Oficial
Hola Soy Daniel Canal Oficial - 8 years ago
UNA BELLEZA!!!!!, me subscribo!
Abrazos y saludos amigo querido!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Thank you very much
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
How long will it take to put my betta in a 5 gallon tank?
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab thank u
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
about 10 days after aquarium start
LSR KTF - 8 years ago
How long should i wait, until i put the First Fish in my 30l Tank?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
yes.... much time is better!
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
Wouldn't two weeks be safer?
LSR KTF - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab thanks !
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
with bacteria one week, without bacteria 10 days
American horror GOREY
American horror GOREY - 8 years ago
Hey man love your videos!! check out my tank on my page. I have made some adjustments. I have high light and high co2 How can I prevent black algae..? Please advise.
aqua aqua
aqua aqua - 8 years ago
Alex Fuxx
Alex Fuxx - 8 years ago
wie laut ist denn der mitgelieferte aquael innenfilter?
Alex Fuxx
Alex Fuxx - 8 years ago
damn - thanks
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
is not good that filter!!!!
Bob Klets
Bob Klets - 8 years ago
На моём канале много видео про вечный террариум.
ElenaStardust - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ti consigliamo di attendere l uscita delle schede tecniche delle piante su questa playlist e saprai tutto
ElenaStardust - 8 years ago
Posso chiedervi un consiglio ? Oggi vorrei prendere la pianta "vallisneria " , ho due acquari (uno da 60 litri e uno da 180 e volevo metterla in entrambi), mi consigliate la gigantea, l'americana o la spiralis? Ho anche visto che ci sono molti pareri sulla potatura, alcuni dicono di tagliare le punte dopo i 2 cm raggiunta la superficie in modo obliquo e altri di togliere le foglie troppo lunghe e lasciare quelle nuove piccole, secondo voi ? grazie mille
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Grazie mille!!
The Bullyworld
The Bullyworld - 8 years ago
Cool :)
ᆞ中石沒鏃 - 8 years ago
i like it
Uğur Devrim BUTAV
Uğur Devrim BUTAV - 8 years ago
Hey !
What is the name of the fertilizer you use ? And... What is the type of fertilizer ? Thx
yahya bin khalis
yahya bin khalis - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
hello, we prefer dont talk about product in this video!! we open soon a brend product review video playlist.... if you are interested this is a video onm fertilization
Komang Putra
Komang Putra - 8 years ago
Dennis Neo
Dennis Neo - 8 years ago
Lachten gieght semen goobun flitchen gubb. Blowin hardin frischte daz vlicki pricten.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
dont understand!
salamattamalas - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!!
staircast - 8 years ago
What kind of fish is that in the last 10 seconds of the video?
jenny oneil
jenny oneil - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
staircast - 8 years ago
Cute little catfish they almost remind me of the Porthole Catfish(Dianema longibarbis). I love the smaller size of the Otocilnclus. Thanks for the reference link!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Miss Mac
Miss Mac - 8 years ago
Lovely, grazie!
Av_cali - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
10 liters are about 2,6 gallons
Akif Oğuz Özkan
Akif Oğuz Özkan - 8 years ago
Does the plants need Co2? If not will do with the same plants.
Akif Oğuz Özkan
Akif Oğuz Özkan - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab alright, ty.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
is better with the presece of co2 !!!
Fitto Hartoyo
Fitto Hartoyo - 8 years ago
do you use co2 tank, and what kind of lamp is that?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
yes we use it in a second moment!!! is a led lamp... this is a video for know better about illumination

50. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

Jason Faber
Jason Faber - 8 years ago
wow I love these
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!!
Sector 001
Sector 001 - 8 years ago
When they break out brushes, you know crap is about to get real! Love the vid.
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
Sector 001 lol so true
Nicolas Nerety
Nicolas Nerety - 8 years ago
Sector 001
Av_cali - 8 years ago
that was a really great setup. but what happens when the plants get too big. is it a hassle to cut them
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
noooo is not a problem!!!!
Gatti Andrea
Gatti Andrea - 8 years ago
3 errors in less than 5 minutes....first about anubias, second about betta and third for otocinclus, acquascaping????
john strachan
john strachan - 8 years ago
Very good.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!!
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 8 years ago
HI, I have a flu all Spec V. I have water Sprite, and Java miss in it. While the water Sprite flourished the moss did not. It actually died back to a couple of stems instead of its original bushy appearance. All help is appreciated?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
for this kind of problem you must to see this playlist about plants and wait new video
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
Wow such a beautiful work of fine art! Are they for sale?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab wow I'd love to actually try this ! Though what fish are ok to put in there?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you very much!!! no they are not for sale... but with our channel you can learn to make one!!!
Soni Tomi
Soni Tomi - 8 years ago
do we need filter or Pump in our aquarium?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
yes you need, is better!
Mattilo - 8 years ago
Looks great.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
no sorry!!!! you must to wait the new playlist about product review!!! soon
Mattilo - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab do you have a link to where i can buy this glass tank?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman - 8 years ago
can corydoras live in aquarium like this i mean like a lot of plant
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
CEPHALOTRIBE - 8 years ago
Very nice !
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you
Sumesh Karki
Sumesh Karki - 8 years ago
what substrate did you add ? Any Idea about that or any video from you to get knowledge for that?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
LifeWithBettas - 8 years ago
beautiful tank!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you very much!
Mishbakh Munir
Mishbakh Munir - 8 years ago
hebat gan..
Frost97 - 8 years ago
Zakwan Zaki
Zakwan Zaki - 8 years ago
Do you change the water in the tank?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Zakwan Zaki sure!!!!
Izabel Macedo
Izabel Macedo - 8 years ago
DJS S - 8 years ago
Joe ferreira
Joe ferreira - 8 years ago
hi I'm from Brazil, I follow the channel, you wonder if the fertilizer used may come into contact with water?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Joe ferreira thank you Joe!!!! yes but is under gravel, so remain under!!!!!
Zaza Sari
Zaza Sari - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Zaza Sari thank you!
Nayeli Manzo
Nayeli Manzo - 8 years ago
does everything here come in the kit? and also, how much is the kit?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Nayeli Manzo yes! about 60 euro
o Stabmister o
o Stabmister o - 8 years ago
Hi looks amazing! Just wanted to ask what is the black substrate used in this video ? And what light is used at the end ?? Thank you
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+o Stabmister o thank you very much, for to know the brand you must to waith the new playlist "brand reviews"
Paola Gamez
Paola Gamez - 8 years ago
faris razali
faris razali - 8 years ago
what filter and heater you use in this tank? thanks
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+faris razali they are not good, you must to have an external filter!!
Furba Sherpa
Furba Sherpa - 8 years ago
inch or centimeters
need help
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Furba Sherpa centimeters
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
what kind of fish can I keep and how mANY
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab yes can I keep nano tetra in 5 gallol
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Shreejit Ri you mean what kind of fish you can put in this nano aquarium?
Angie .B
Angie .B - 8 years ago
alleine und eng Glückliche
Laura Ralser
Laura Ralser - 8 years ago
Kampffische sollte man am besten alleine halten, da sie ja wie im Namen mit vielen anderen Fischen "kämpfen". Von der Größe her ist es auch ideal, da diese Zuchtformen sehr lange Flossen haben und dann nicht so viel Energie haben um in viel größere Aquarien zu schwimmen, denn sie müssen jeden Tag ihr Revier abschwimmen.
Angie .B
Angie .B - 8 years ago
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
er hat doch alles richtig gemacht.
ein kleiner Dschungel aus Pflanzen und deko mit genug platz zur Sauerstoff Aufnahme und 10l sind auch ok
Laura Ralser
Laura Ralser - 8 years ago
Warum nicht?
Cristian biolzi
Cristian biolzi - 8 years ago
ciao vorrei accingermi a creare un nano acquascape.. ho un acquario classico da una vita con scalari ma ora vorrei accingermi alla filosofia tipo "Amano" mi potete consigliare un acquario? E soprattutto per creare un pratino con una roccia come protagonista neccesito di un impianto di co2? grazie del vostro tempo.. Cristian.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Cristian biolzi per quanto riguarda l allestimento guarda questa playlist per prendere spunto
se poi attendi qualche giorno, usciranno dei video dedicati alla tecnica di aquacaping, per quanto riguarda invece le piante e la co2 ti consiglio di guardare queste playlist
Batuhan Güngör
Batuhan Güngör - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Batuhan Güngör thank you!!!
prit mak
prit mak - 9 years ago
how often do you do a water change?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
gioakfender - 9 years ago
Come mai nel mio acquario i pesci stanno sempre in un angolo non sfruttando mai l'intero spazio in acquario?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+gioakfender può dipendere da tantissimi fattori, le dimensioni, la salute, i valori dell acqua, la luce, il carattere stesso dei tuoi pesci, l allestimento..... ti consiglio di guardare in queste playlist e cercare il reale motivo :-)
Moin Ul Hassan
Moin Ul Hassan - 9 years ago
What kind of light did you used?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
it was all in that kit.... for know better about ligh you must to wait the review video, about product
Bailley Vang
Bailley Vang - 9 years ago
I don't understand!! How is it that you clean the tank without moving the plants and sand? I want to do this, but I don't see how you can clean the tank.
Dell - 9 years ago
muito fixe este e o meu que construí embutido no novel
WebcamRoy - 9 years ago
is this with warm water? 40 degrees?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
yes... is behind the tree
WebcamRoy - 9 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab but you haven't a heater in your tank?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+WebcamRoy warm water... about 24 25 ° Celsius
WebcamRoy - 9 years ago
+WebcamRoy or only water straight from the crane?
Stefanie Lewis
Stefanie Lewis - 9 years ago
what type of plants fot the betta
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Stefanie Lewis someting that can offer shelter, try to watch this playlist on plants
and this video on Betta Splendens
Kian St. Louis
Kian St. Louis - 9 years ago
What ARE THOSE (plants)?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Kian St. Louis ( Anubias Bonsai, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Christmas moss) there are all in video description.... take a look in this playlist
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Kian St. Louis ( Anubias Bonsai, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Christmas moss) is write on the video description... take a look in this playlist
mrAlex - 9 years ago
omg really cool _
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Alex Torres thank you!!!
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 9 years ago
Nick Johnathan
Nick Johnathan - 9 years ago
Can shrimps be put in this tank?
Nice job by the way!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Nick Johnathan yes you can!! thank you! watch this video about shripms
MMC Mostly Minecraft
MMC Mostly Minecraft - 9 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+MMC Mostly Minecraft thank you!
okita17 - 9 years ago
Hi! Great aquarium, it is very inspiring! Cani ask, what's straight did you use?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+orangemango29 thank you!!!! only my immagination and prespective rules!!! you can see all aquarium and other tips on this playlist
Toriless - 9 years ago
Too many plants, as they grow half will die due to lack of root space.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
Not true, only the grass is a root plant, the rest aren't. The Anubias wasn't even supposed to be burried, the rhizome needs to be on the surface or else the plant will rot and die and the moss is...well moss. If the grass spreads to much he can always take out the excess.
Ego .Natura
Ego .Natura - 9 years ago
Ma i betta non andrebbero tenuti in vasche aperte ... i labirintidi hanno bisogno di respirare aria umida!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Ego .Natura hai ragione, ha cmq un vetro che tiene molto, infatti fa condensa, guarda questo video
muhammad arif ashari
muhammad arif ashari - 9 years ago
can i make an aquascape without co2?
Toriless - 9 years ago
+muhammad arif ashari Yes, I use no CO2 in any of my 5 tanks. I use Finnex Planted+ lights in the high and medium light tanks but another brand in the low light (Java Ferns and Anubias) tank since they were burning the Java Fern leaves from to much light and a rich substrate instead the rocks shown. TruLumen would be a better fit for small tank since they are only 1/2" x 3/4" or something ridiculously skinny.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+muhammad arif ashari yes but is difficult try to see this video
muhammad arif ashari
muhammad arif ashari - 9 years ago
can i make an aquascape without co2?
muhammad arif ashari
muhammad arif ashari - 9 years ago
can i make an aquascape without co2?
Toriless - 9 years ago
+muhammad arif ashari Absolutely, CO2 is ONLY require for high light tanks (Hi Tech tanks) without rich soul. Personally, if you are going to go the high tech route get a big tank (over 80 gallons) and a canister system not a nano tank.
Medek c:
Medek c: - 9 years ago
Wow, amazing job!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Fegit thank you!
Paola Zanini
Paola Zanini - 9 years ago
bella idea per i regali di natale.....

100. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) Grass and wood style

eirini8 - 9 years ago
Isn't the betta trying to jump out off the aquarium all the time?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+eirini8 is there a glass to protect jump
Toriless - 9 years ago
+eirini8 Male Bettas tend to jump more but a glass lid would be better.
Lorenzo Todaro
Lorenzo Todaro - 9 years ago
Ma davvero avete messo un betta in si e no 6 litri d'acqua? Come "esperti" acquariofili non dovreste insegnare questo genere di cose a chi non è ben informato, secondo me è crudeltà rinchiudere un betta in così pochi litri, ma vale per qualunque pesce.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
su questo siamo pienamente d' accordo, come potrai sentire dal nostro video sulla descrizione del Betta splendens
Lorenzo Todaro
Lorenzo Todaro - 9 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab
grazie per la risposta, ci terrei solo a sottolineare che i 10 litri minimo di cui si parla nel video bisogna che siano effettivi, perchè un piccolo acquario da 10 litri, con fondo e arredamento vario avrà una capienza molto inferiore, quindi io consiglierei una vasca da 20 litri per un solo betta, per non rischiare.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Lorenzo Todaro Grazie per la tua considerazione, ti linko un video sulla betta splendens così chi è interessato può apprendere di più su questo pesce
Sahadev Ghose
Sahadev Ghose - 9 years ago
This is splendid !!! But does it have a CO2 system. didn't notice a diffuser.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Sahadev Ghose Thank you!!! yes you are right, in this video you dont see Co2 system, but i use it!
Nick Guzeli
Nick Guzeli - 9 years ago
Wow. a virtual palace compared to the cups they keep them in at the store. Good job!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Nick Guzeli thankyou very much
Muhammed - 9 years ago
Mükemmel, mükemmel, mükemmel!!! böyle bir akvaryuma sahip olmak isterdim
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Muhammed Celik Teşekkürler!!!!
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
hello is the filter on these sets noisy? thinking of buying to my bedroom
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
ill get 3 for xmas ahh it will be soo good its the first aquariums i will run co2 on and have ada soil and everything
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+olav blikra noooooo not noisy
hüseyin döner
hüseyin döner - 9 years ago
Erik Feenstra
Erik Feenstra - 9 years ago
why did you put the roots of the anubias in the ground?
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 8 years ago
It looks like you burried the rhizome as well. Anubias rots if its rhizome isn't above substrate. You should point that out to people before they go killing their Anubias plants because in the video, it looks like you are burrying the whole plant.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
thank you for your suggest, try to see this video about anubias
Toriless - 9 years ago
+Erik Feenstra Anubias can be in substrate or not. You are better using an iron rich substrate if you do bury them since Anubias and Amazon swords need iron be healthy unlike a lot of aquatic plants. The other plant does not need iron so he should have used a different substrate like Flourite in black for the back substrate.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+epicRMiddleton yes is not important to put anubias roots in the ground, look this video for more info
epicRMiddleton - 9 years ago
You don't have to but you can if you want
Nethasha RN
Nethasha RN - 9 years ago
what kind of a moss is that?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Nethasha RN Christmas mosses :-)
Nathan Clarke
Nathan Clarke - 9 years ago
Hey man, nice tank.. Looks awesome, what music was playing?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Nathan Clarke thank you!! first song is JUICY, second song is ACROSS THE OCEAN
thefishmachine - 9 years ago
Would appreciate people's advice on my tank please visit my channel and let me know what you think.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+thefishmachine i like your otocinclus, you are a beginner? work hard and post many video!!!!! ;-)
iNDooMinus_menga28 - 9 years ago
ciao, scusa ma la plafoniera led come la vostra dove la posso trovare? ne ho comprata una e non era abbastanza potente..
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+menga28™ quella che vedi nel video, era insieme all acquario, è di marca Aquael :-)
Petar Vidakovic
Petar Vidakovic - 9 years ago
how much of this betta splenders can i hold in the 10l nano cube?
Urbntess - 9 years ago
+2019freddie lol what a joke.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Petar Vidakovic if you mean how many fishes, only one!!! watch this video on betta splendens
2019freddie - 9 years ago
+Petar Vidakovic; at least 80
Jennifer Raynor
Jennifer Raynor - 9 years ago
Beautiful! How much light (LED watts) do you use on a tank that size?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Jennifer Raynor THANK YOU TO!!!!
Jennifer Raynor
Jennifer Raynor - 9 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab Brilliant! That worked. Great video. Thank you!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Jennifer Raynor dont warry try to understand activating english subtitles!!!!
Jennifer Raynor
Jennifer Raynor - 9 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab Oh darn, I don't speak Italian! The notes below the video are very helpful though. Thanks for the link and the quick reply! :-)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Jennifer Raynor thank you jennifer, this aquarium is a kit with all accessories..... for know better about illumination watch this video
rough rough
rough rough - 9 years ago
How do u clean the aquarium with all these setups???
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+rough rough is a little bit harder but you can clean with a siphon ora tube and brush, for more info about cleaning watch this video
Bobby T
Bobby T - 9 years ago
What's the foreground plant you have there? I like it... looks easy and spreads pretty well?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Bobby T hey there, foreground plats is Lilaeopsis brasiliensis watch this playlist video for more information about plants
TARDIS cat - 9 years ago
the tank must be a pain to clean....
Toriless - 9 years ago
+krugerm1 Yeah, probably only a 10% water change weekly or bi-weekly which isn't much in 2 1/2 gallon tank.
krugerm1 - 9 years ago
+Abigail cat You probably dont have to clean too much with one betta.
MOON NGUYEN - 9 years ago
Do you use CO2 for plants? or any liquid form of carbon?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+MOON NGUYEN not in this case, but if you want the best plants growing you must to use C02, watch this video
Williams Marquess
Williams Marquess - 9 years ago
looks like very good
What"s the name  this aquarium type?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Williams Marquess is a nano aquarium buy from Aquael and set by Aquascaping Lab. watch other set here

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