Basics of Maintaining a Fresh Water Planted Aquarium
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 301,726 views
Here's a kind of overview of maintaining a fresh water tank, which for many new hobbyists can be a bit of a nightmare. Things can go wrong rather rapidly and it's hard initially to get a handle on things. Fundamentally, I've found you need: frequent water changes, good lighting for plant growth, a good substrate for plant roots, good filtration and the right plants and animals... Okay, more than 10-15 minutes...sorry
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30. comment for Basics of Maintaining a Fresh Water Planted Aquarium
check my tank out! let me know what you think please!
check my tank out! let me know what you think please!
50. comment for Basics of Maintaining a Fresh Water Planted Aquarium
I would like to ask about how you can clean the substrate or gravel with this heavy planted tank?
72 bow looking to do dwarf baby tears
-Feed the fish once a day, here's the food.
-OK, so I put bleach once a day, that'll do.
im having cloudy water, only had the tank for 3 days.. great video. :)
Also dont do any vacuum cleaning. The plants need those nutrients.
Thanks in advance.
Ok sorry.
Great looking tank !! Iron is the key Trace elementa etc, all have iron in them
Nerite snails will clean up all your algae I had 8 oe them in my 40 ( it was bad ).Now there is only three left Larger tank 60 gal )on my next plant order I will buy more.
And following already well established guidelines or as the paradigm goes carbon copying others aquascaping does not make one an expert.
My point was and still is that it does not have to be difficult, if you do your homework. If you run down to your local chain store and buy a tank, whatever filter they suggest, toss in some house brand rocks, stick in whatever tube plants they carry, use test strips, and add whatever fish, then yeah you are probably going to have a crappy experience.
But if you simply do your homework, a well maintained and properly setup tank will almost manage itself.
Do it all from scratch, with no information available. That is difficult. Benefiting from decades of aquarium keeping and the expansive information exchange capabilities of the internet, that is a proverbial cake walk.
Again, R E L A X. Put down the hooka. I am not saying nor have I ever commented that planted aquarium keeping is easy. I am just saying it does not need to be as difficult as you are making it sound. You started this by saying "+Scott Allen Milliken For hobbyists looking to get into plants they should do a low tech. But to say an Aquascaped high tech tank doesn't need love or is easy isn't true." MY response to the OP and the video narrator was that the video narrator was trying to help those who may get frustrated entering the hobby.
It is sort of like looking at weight loss strategies. Almost all of them work. The problem is most people will do it for a week or a month and not see the results and they just give up. You see it in aquarium and all hobbies. It does take patience and dedication. And you will need to do research. But really in the long run, is that really asking a lot?
And yes, experience is an excellent teacher. But if could do it over again, I would do more research and make my life much easier. And I would have no lost half the fish or plants that I did over the past few years.
It's about as absurd as saying "growing really amazing Cannabis plants really isn't that hard," says the novice.
When considering chemistry you can say it is harder to balance than a Reef. Besides the fact that I have had many Reef and planted tanks over the years. It is easier to keep corals thriving and balance a reef than it is to balance a high tech planted tank without algae. It isn't apples and oranges, they are using the same chemistry. A tank with a low KH and the addition of CO2, plus added nutrients while subduing algae growth is harder to balance than a tank with high KH levels and one where you take the nutrients and organics out of the water. Plants are primitive and more sensitive to changes. It is a misconception and myth that Reef is harder, just more expensive in most circumstances. Just my two cents, peace!
Also, there is simply no way you can back such a claim that keeping a high tech planted tank is on the same level of a high tech reef tank. Its just really apples and oranges.
But I do agree, the preferred method would be to start low tech. Odds are if you can survive low tech, you are going to suffer from MTS anyways (Multi-Tank Syndrome). Gosh knows I went from one to 5 in two years LOL.
I also think another problem is potential hobbiest will go to a chain fish store and the advice they give is not typically good or suggested advice. I have seen clerks at some of these places sell fish incorrectly or tank setups incorrectly. Some of the equipment these places carry are not in reality good tanks.
Are their simpler tanks to keep? Sure. Some people just want fake plants and pirate ships. However there is a growing trend, and a very good one, or recreating ecosystems properly and using live plants. Using live plants is one of the greatest things you can do to help simplify your aquarium maintenance.
And aquariums really benefit from patience. Natural cycle your tank. Allow it to get established. Don't over stock. A well established tank will almost maintain itself.
Just my two cents, great video. A little rambling but the point is valid. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Join a local clud. Find a internet forum.
100. comment for Basics of Maintaining a Fresh Water Planted Aquarium
The plants he to balance out the levels in my water, however learning more and more. I suggest people that are interested buy a dirted tank guide fist. I bought dustins dirted tank guide from a friend and downloaded Diane walstads(sorry if I spelt it wrong) and to this day still absorb information from youtube and the books. Always further your research in this hobby, if not you will get sick of it, and I will be buying your setup on Craigslist.
I really like your fish and your plants are awesome.
If you're parents are popping out kids, you are keeping the mood right. Some people it is candlelight dinners and a romantic night, for fish its proper water conditions. Just my 2 cents take it or leave it.
Any thoughts?