DIY planted aquarium LED light

How to build a planted aquarium LED light the cheap and easy way. LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► More lighting projects: The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

DIY planted aquarium LED light sentiment_very_dissatisfied 314

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 313,463 views

How to build a planted aquarium LED light the cheap and easy way. LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► More lighting projects: The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments
for DIY planted aquarium LED light

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Im airing this video a few weeks early for you guys! I rushed to get this done in time, but will revisit it with results. With that said, the fully DIY nano tank build will be out first showcasing this same light and the growth i get with it.
yanique hines
yanique hines - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
Rusty Irons
Rusty Irons - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hey man how much heat does this omit ? Have you noticed an increased tempature of the water ? I'm looking for something to mount hidden under the lid of my bioactive desert reptile build that I'm taking A LOT from your videos to help build it . The top of the walls will be wrapped with fiberglass window screen so it will be pretty ventilated . I need a plant light for the succulents and grasses that will be in it . I don't like the red/blue spectrum lights as I want it to look natural . As long as it doesn't burn you if you touch it ambient heat should not be a big deal since I need very minimal humidity . Thank you so much for every single video . I've got very happy healthy fish and now I'm confident I can keep healthy happy reptiles . :)
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
The king of DIY when are you going to build your diy co2 diffuser? mine just broke and I would love to see a diy version I can put together myself. thanks joey and keep up the amazing content!
Salvador Zavala
Salvador Zavala - 7 years ago
The king of DIY vujhhhj3h8fffrfgggg8888
Jurate Fagerlund
Jurate Fagerlund - 7 years ago
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos
Tristan Morrow
Tristan Morrow - 7 years ago
Many, many similar-looking LED lights on Amazon and eBay—link to ones you ordered pls?
Konstantin Boetje
Konstantin Boetje - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Can you just use a light from home
dave talliss
dave talliss - 8 years ago
Christian Swogger
Christian Swogger - 8 years ago
The king of DIY will it work for reef tanks
Yahya Khan
Yahya Khan - 8 years ago
The king of DIY hi I'm a huge fan and watch all your videos I'm currently sorting out some of my tanks and would like your input and help if u can help here's my email for further details
Jose Portillo Portllo
Jose Portillo Portllo - 8 years ago
Raheel Syed
Raheel Syed
Raheel Syed - 8 years ago
Manuel Puentes make sure there's plenty of hiding spots or move things around, they are highly territorial
Raheel Syed
Raheel Syed - 8 years ago
??? ??? He has a whole video series for each one of his tank builds
The Fish Slayer 101
The Fish Slayer 101 - 8 years ago
The king of DIY how did u make the tank the arowana is in
SatanicScarlet - 8 years ago
The king of DIY would you buy a $150 Arowana?
Manuel Puentes
Manuel Puentes - 8 years ago
The king of DIY what can I do if my African cichlids keep fighting do I separate them or let it stay their
Nicholas cano Awsome
Nicholas cano Awsome - 8 years ago
What happend to the saltwater tank
Raheel Syed
Raheel Syed - 8 years ago
The king of DIY that's so funny you used that led light because I currently have the 60 watt led as a backyard light! I love the idea of the 15 watts but I'm going to see about color options or maybe dual lights? I just found a 10 watt waterproof RGB led flood light with plug and a remote control by Warmoon for $16 on amazon... I might try it out and take a look at it, might possibly be a replacement to the pvc with the wrap around led strips...
TemporaryINTER135 - 8 years ago
For LEDs getting the right sceptrum can be hard for the single types.

is this better than using mostly daylight chip leds and a few grow/blue/red leds in a DIY frame?
odd studio
odd studio - 8 years ago
The king of DIY you should do a D.I.Y. UV cleaner
Moobin Amir
Moobin Amir - 8 years ago
Thanks Joey! Really appreciate it!
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Hi Josh :) LOL
MrCeo1978buddy - 8 years ago
this is my favorite channel ive ben watching this from the beginning keep up the good work
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos - 8 years ago
Hello, Flynn. :D lol
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Any plans on live streaming in the future. That would be cool :) thx for releasing the vid early!!
Nicholas Roach
Nicholas Roach - 7 years ago
I know this is an older video, Joey, but I just wanted to chime in on how inspirational your videos really are. I’m setting up a planted 5.5 gallon for a male betta and I purchased this exact light (15w version) based solely on your recommendation. $20 on Amazon and it is amazingly bright and I am absolutely in love with it. Thanks for everything you do, Joey. ❤️
Giber - 7 years ago
I like your video very much.
Reben Osamad
Reben Osamad - 7 years ago
NL FISHKEEPER - 7 years ago
hi king love the vids please check mine out thanks
Rusty Irons
Rusty Irons - 7 years ago
Again you are helping me build the BEST budget bioactive reptile vivarium . Thank you so much .
Vahagn melikyan
Vahagn melikyan - 7 years ago
You can add to your diy light some extra LED lights for growth, the red-pink light, by selecting specific nm led diode, that way you can get best results for growth. Also since you're only using that aquarium for plant growths, transform it to be extra food source for your fish. Grow Daphnia, ghost shrimp, cyclops. Bring some of the brine shrimp... add some live daphnia and they'll start breeding...
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Kessil just sent out a hit squad on ya. LOL
Juan Ignacio Hernandez
Juan Ignacio Hernandez - 7 years ago
would 2 50W for a 180G low tech planted tank be ok? or should i go for the 100W each

10. comment for DIY planted aquarium LED light

Dimitris Klonaris
Dimitris Klonaris - 7 years ago
you are super A+. I've been searching this solution too. thank you awesome!
heavyd125780 - 7 years ago
I know this is an older video but hopefully someone sees this. Does the housing on these flood lights get hot? Im wondering if i could mount it inside the stock hood of my 12 gallon all in one nano.
bashibashi1 - 7 years ago
Could you continue on the planted cube episodes? Perhaps a DIY on some acrylic inflow & outflow pipes?
karthik surya
karthik surya - 7 years ago
How many of these lights would I need to light up a planted 55g?
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Wow your version looks muck better and it dosent cost $400, epic
Ken Yeng
Ken Yeng - 7 years ago
Dude im a big fun .. just wanna ask if i need C02 for this
Vertigo - 7 years ago
what are the lights called i cant find white white led lights
Kyle Chou
Kyle Chou - 7 years ago
Hey will I be able to use it for my coral/reef tank its a small tank? Plzz reply... My tank is around 30g
Blix Vapes
Blix Vapes - 7 years ago
what would be the par rating on these lights? I have a 125 that I'm setting up and thought about getting these.
algum nome
algum nome - 7 years ago
eae galera hehehe hue Br

20. comment for DIY planted aquarium LED light

Sharon Green
Sharon Green - 7 years ago
Um, you chopped out top growth but already had strong root systems. May be a great light, but this isn't a convincing way to test it.
Mick Den Dulk
Mick Den Dulk - 7 years ago
can i use these led on a paludarium (lots of java moss and bromeliads )?
Hafid Adiwiryanto
Hafid Adiwiryanto - 7 years ago
still waiting diy diffuser.....
Sakib Mahmud
Sakib Mahmud - 7 years ago
QUESTIONS : Why my light getting HOT? (I have a 15 watt flood light with 110 volt. I used a 300 volt extension cord and I ran it for only 10 mins. Is this why my light getting hot? )
Sakib Mahmud
Sakib Mahmud - 7 years ago
so, i need to find something low powered extension cord.
My name Jev
My name Jev - 7 years ago
Sakib Mahmud too much voltage
Dassd Schsdu
Dassd Schsdu - 7 years ago
Not liking that cheap Chinese LED thingy. The grass looks less vibrant and that hood is a no-go for aquascaping, way to bulky and old style. The fact that the cheap LED light isn't adjustable, let alone offers any remote control options, really kills it.
Diwas Tamang
Diwas Tamang - 7 years ago
will it work with 50w light...
Brian Geiser
Brian Geiser - 7 years ago
You can buy an LED Dimmer Switch. Its not on a fancy remote but it will work.
InomayWolf - 7 years ago
do you think 2 15w ones would work for a 22in tall 37gal? a corner dose get natural sunlight so more light hungry plants go there. its a low tech tank.
Subrata Choudhury
Subrata Choudhury - 7 years ago
Plants and DIY that combination..
John McGaa
John McGaa - 7 years ago
Awesome - nice video

30. comment for DIY planted aquarium LED light

Fahad Mahmud
Fahad Mahmud - 7 years ago
hi Joye...I need a information.
Alan Au
Alan Au - 7 years ago
do you have any issues with heat? i got mine on ebay brand name Solla 30W and looks excactly like yours, mine is just sitting on top on some glass and i went to move it so i could work on the tank and it was pretty hot to the touch, a lil too hot and i had the bracket folded down so had to wait a few minutes for it to cool down to be able to touch without burning myself
Nicholas Cozma
Nicholas Cozma - 7 years ago
How many videos do you do in a week because I just started watching your videos.Any way I like how you do all thing because it is very interesting how you can do it your self thank you
David C
David C - 7 years ago
A warning about those styles of LED lights: Many of the cheaper ones from ebay and amazon aren't correctly wired. Before you used them you should always take the back off and check that the earth wire is connected to the chassis.
Ringo Star
Ringo Star - 7 years ago
where can I buy one
Anja-Elin Tveterås
Anja-Elin Tveterås - 8 years ago
Could you make a video on how to trim some of the common aquarium plants?
CibiCZ - 8 years ago
This is really unsafe way to connect the wire imo.I mean you can risk it yourself but recommending this to people to do at home is really irresponsible.I searched for this video looking for a solution to this exact problem so i dont have better solution,but this might be life threatening from my limited knowledge.I am a big fan so i dont mean this in a bad way,but you might consider consulting electritian before giving potentially very dangerous advice to 350k people.
Manindar Singh
Manindar Singh - 8 years ago
Rayssa Teixeiro Melo
michael martinez
michael martinez - 8 years ago
This video was great. I'm currently looking for DIY lighting for a new tank. And you gave me some great ideas. As alwas you channel is the best.
Nam Pham
Nam Pham - 8 years ago
can i use this for reef tank???
SSJChar - 8 years ago
i think i'll try this. how do you recommend using two or more lights? each on their on power cord or is it permissible to put multiple on one cable?
Paul V. Rotondi
Paul V. Rotondi - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, Can you provide a link for the particular lights you're using? I would love to use this kind of lighting (and the LED Strip lights you made in previous videos) for my Fishroom racks. Thanks again!
Dan Pham
Dan Pham - 8 years ago
I wished you linked us . :(
Sakib Mahmud
Sakib Mahmud - 8 years ago
I checked some FLOOD LIGHTs on Amazon. Why all of them saying "OUTDOOR USE ONLY" ??
Aly Ibrahim
Aly Ibrahim - 8 years ago
ILikePewPewin - 8 years ago
What's the water droplet looking thing at 2:39? (Left side of the tank?)
Shanti Hietkamp
Shanti Hietkamp - 8 years ago
I did this DIY and used the 30w on my 15g tank. Its looking really good!
KimberFox - 8 years ago
could i use the tetra glo led strip light? not the blacklight but the daylight.
epicfailure42 - 8 years ago
Did you solder the wires ?!
Bensker - 8 years ago
Is there a playlist with this whole project's DIY series in it?

50. comment for DIY planted aquarium LED light

xSean145 - 8 years ago
what kind of wavemaker are you using? i really it because its so small.
Brandon Raguz
Brandon Raguz - 8 years ago
If I have a 29g bowfront, do you think two 15w floods would work for a low-medium light tank? and could i wire the two lights together to one plug so i could put them on a single timer or would i need separate plugs?
Kayden Sayers
Kayden Sayers - 8 years ago
Why don't you make two ten gallon tanks and put a bridge in the middle of each tank so fish can swim from tank to tank
rez Ghebra
rez Ghebra - 8 years ago
my friend you say easy is not I like it
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Will any flood light work?
#Rossy's Reeftank
#Rossy's Reeftank - 8 years ago
Hello, Joey! Great video. Liked and Subscribed!
Z17 - 8 years ago
it looks cool
bentlikeitsmaker - 8 years ago
if you had chosen the ones with leds similar to the kessel aka point source would cause more shimmer and penetration for deeper tanks it was cause the leds were spread out not a single point source like some of the others are
rajeevpandrangi - 8 years ago
How many gallons is your tank in this video? +The king of DIY
Corey Black
Corey Black - 8 years ago
I just transferred (two months ago) my reef tank from a 10gal to a 40gal, when I was looking into lights I chose the Kessil A150W for the nano because of the shimmer, spectrum and reviews, the main reason was because I wanted the shimmer (imagine swimming in the ocean, you get the shimmer across the sand), I think for a planted tank you may not want that as it doesn't seem natural, visually anyway, I need another light for my reef tank now and I might consider this for my next one, a helluva lot cheaper, just hope it works for a reef system, how's the saltwater build coming along anyway? I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes :)
Take it easy mate, love your channel, long time watcher but new subscriber :)
Duncan Houston
Duncan Houston - 8 years ago
Hey Joey! I was just wondering are the cool white LED lights just as good as the RGB LED lights for planted aquariums? I saw you can get flood lights in both and forums have different answers as to what works.... I'm a bit stuck!... also what clamp do you use for the microphone gooseneck to the aquarium? Thanks heaps!!!
bentlikeitsmaker - 8 years ago
and for a true home made light look into phillips led modules at 150 lpw so way more output but way less power and heat
bentlikeitsmaker - 8 years ago
also look at 80 plus cri linlear highbay led lights if you want dimming capeabilities
bentlikeitsmaker - 8 years ago
for cords at home depot they make a grounded 9 ft power tool relacement cord for cheep with one end just bare the other a male connector for 9 bucks insted of chopping up cords
Pete Norman
Pete Norman - 8 years ago
hi I'm looking to buy these lights for my 6x2x2 aquarium I'm planning on having it planted how many and what wattage should I get cheers
Undead Rat Mother
Undead Rat Mother - 8 years ago
lol i thought the brighter light was the name brand. That's comfoting that diy can be better
SecularSoutherner504 - 8 years ago
Whats your lights/co2 schedule?
Noah Asistin
Noah Asistin - 8 years ago
what size do you think would be good for a standard 10 gal?
Brayden KT
Brayden KT - 8 years ago
can you get a octopus
Samuel Abraham
Samuel Abraham - 8 years ago
Anyone got a suggestion for a 30 inch long 20 gallon tank
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 8 years ago
do you have any issue with this light over heating?
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 8 years ago
how do I wire them together?
Flayvex - 8 years ago
It would be nice if someone could comment the link to one of these lights under my comment!
Ray Giannamore
Ray Giannamore - 8 years ago
Joey I love this video as I do all of your videos. Thanks for doing this. I have a question, did you ever consider a screw in type bulb allowing a larger choice of fixtures?
Shayne Gadsden
Shayne Gadsden - 8 years ago
ok im pretty good with lighting so to keep it simple the penetration of light is affect by the depth of water , colour spectrum and distance from the source both lights will penetrate the same is the lux at the water surface is equal and the same 6000k spectrum moving the light further or closer to the tank makes a huge difference 75% of the lux is lost per meter or a bit over 3 foot
Elisha Rose
Elisha Rose - 8 years ago
Robert treboR
Robert treboR - 8 years ago
Really waiting on an update. I have the lights in my amazon cart ready to buy. Just want to see how they are doing for you. need cheap grow lights for my 130gallon
razorXblueXeyes - 8 years ago
60 bucks for a light !!!?? Jesus !! not cheap !! 15 bucks is cheap....10 bucks is cheap ....
David Paison
David Paison - 8 years ago
It would be awesome if you linked to this light or a similar one, so that we could see what it was that we were looking for. There are a plethora of lights and I've found one that sounds similar, but I am not sure of the specs of this light to compare it.
MR Oz - 8 years ago
Would a lid made of Lexan hold up to this type of light or would you recommend using glass?
Edgar Moreno
Edgar Moreno - 8 years ago
Do these types of fish tanks require less water changes than regular fish tanks ?
Sonny Burnett
Sonny Burnett - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, thx for the video.... How many watts has the flood light used on the video? How many lumens? Thx in advance
Mine Boss11
Mine Boss11 - 8 years ago
Says he will replace the lights in most to all of his builds because its cheaper, Well probley not for the arowana because its lights are flower pots with lights inside.10 points for creativeness
bob smith
bob smith - 8 years ago
What do you guys think about Marimo balls for a tank?
Gina Maria
Gina Maria - 8 years ago
hey ive been looking for that specific floodlight u named and i cant find it on amazon. is there a link or something or can u give me the name again? thanks
HaoSs - 8 years ago
search for a 6500k floodlight
Albert Patrick David
Albert Patrick David - 8 years ago
how about alternative cheap lighting for nano reef tanks?
Bob Fussell
Bob Fussell - 8 years ago
What type of air pumps are you using?
Christian James
Christian James - 8 years ago
just got my first 50 W! love it! such nice shadows and color on my 125G, now I just need to get a few more
foravis - 8 years ago
Hello, I'm a big fan of your work and I always like to watch your videos. I have a question about light. I have a new tank witch is 100cm x 50cm x 60cm height. Do you think it will be enough 2x50w flood lights for plants or is it to much? Each light is rated for 5000lm, 6000-6500k. Thank you so much.
Akash Mathew
Akash Mathew - 8 years ago
Having been busy with work and family, it has been a while since I've seen a video from you. I forgot how much of a fan I was until "Hi everybody. Joey here again and welcome back. " put a random smile on my face.
Juan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez - 8 years ago
hey what about those suv light bars my cousin has some left over from when he added some to his jeep they are waterproof, led and everything the only thing is i don't know the wattage or the color temperature but they are really bright they will blind u literally but im scared they might blind my fish or worse any opinion??
Spriggen 1337
Spriggen 1337 - 8 years ago
couldnt you use a dimmer switch to change the brightness on the diy version?
Random videos 94
Random videos 94 - 8 years ago
Hello, I will try to keep this short. I got a 30 gallon tank, that I left with my family to take care of well I was away, for about 4 years. They maybe cleaned it about 8 times. Now I'm back, and I'm changing the water about 25%, once a week. And the ammonia levels are very high. I only got two fish, a blood parrot cichlid, and a rainbow shark. Should I keep doing 25% water changes or completely start over? Thank you are reading.
Khairul Anuar Bin Bakhtiar
Khairul Anuar Bin Bakhtiar - 8 years ago
Good video ... Thanks ... :)
Conservative Copwatch
Conservative Copwatch - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, I am hoping you can advise me. I am going with the LED floods myself BTW, but using the RGB adjustable variety. But my question is about substrate in a soon to be planted 125 gallon tank. I have taken your under gravel jet filter idea and buffed it up a bit. I have a grid of PVC with the jets, and about 3" of lava rock covering them, moving the water through the lava rocks 10X an hour as primary filtration. Now what I want to do is cover the rock with a carpeting plant, like java moss or maybe baby tears, using nylon mesh if necessary. If I go with baby tears, I may need a nutrient medium like aquasoil. Is there one you can recommend that will not be pulverized by the jet water and mixed in with the water?
Boi if u Dont
Boi if u Dont - 8 years ago
Can i use these lights for saltwater reef?
Ayla Griffin
Ayla Griffin - 8 years ago
I have been looking for a pendant style light for a Nano aquarium forever. This is prefect! Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what you start making after your visit with Brian Barczyk.
Dr. Death
Dr. Death - 8 years ago
Joey makes vids that save people tons of money and he explains step by step how to build everything

Taylor Nicole Dean makes vids that give vague information and explain nothing

Guess who gets more views?
This world is pathetic
Ryan Lacdao
Ryan Lacdao - 8 years ago
The plants look like they need fertilizers. The light looks to be on the high side which requires that tank to be fertilized properly. The bottom of the stem dying is a good indication of the macro nutrients are lacking which is your Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. Which a higher light the plants are being pushed to grow more and thus require all the different plant nutrient to be available in the tank or water column.
Ömer Erbaş
Ömer Erbaş - 8 years ago
Ne kadar konuşuyor lan bu. Videonun yarısı konuşmayla geçiyor.

100. comment for DIY planted aquarium LED light

Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 8 years ago
guys i need your help. i want one large fish for my 75 gallon. i want something that doesnt need a lot of decor like an arowana but my tank is too small. any recomendations?
VDUBGUY - 8 years ago
would this work for growing coral???
Manuel Puentes
Manuel Puentes - 8 years ago
King of diy what do I do if my African cichlids keep fighting what can I do ??
discus aficionado
discus aficionado - 8 years ago
i live in canada, near winnipeg, where would you recommend buying discus online?
Lonnie mullin
Lonnie mullin - 8 years ago
more videos on your beautiful arrowana please
bshenanagins - 8 years ago
Another good cheap option for nano planted tanks are GE Reveal LED bulbs. Very cheap, and have excellent CRI ratings. The reveals complement plants with color as opposed to just an all green planted tank
Lambo6fo - 8 years ago
super like!
william johnstone
william johnstone - 8 years ago
joey can you tell me what the the thing is which is on the left hand side of the tank which has the green stuff in it, what is it around 9min 23secs into the video oh i will be doing this DIY lights on my tank
william johnstone
william johnstone - 8 years ago
Nicole Hopkins confused cause you have just said my name
Nicole Hopkins
Nicole Hopkins - 8 years ago
william johnstone e
fishlaw1 - 8 years ago
Awesome fun diy video Joey, thanks for sharing ! ! !
Kevin b
Kevin b - 8 years ago
do you need to ground it? because i do not have a grounded socket near my aquarium
Oscar Cisneros
Oscar Cisneros - 8 years ago
Can I use that type of light for a coral tank ?
Mattias - 8 years ago
Just curious - why are you not running the air stone in the aro tank in the sump?
kyleboii12 - 8 years ago
Have you got a black eye in this video it looks like a black eye might just be me ?? Lol
Eli Carter
Eli Carter - 8 years ago
Can you put the link to the lights in the description?
emiel cooreman
emiel cooreman - 8 years ago
do you add co2 in the planted tanks ?
The1withlogic - 8 years ago
Check the inside and make sure that the ground is connected, I have read some reviews and even saw a video that showed the ground is not connected.
Manx36 - 8 years ago
Joey how'd you secure the gooseneck to the tank? I found the goosenecks but I don't know the name of what clips it to the tank.
Connor Neary
Connor Neary - 8 years ago
Hope you can add links to the description for future videos I think it would be very convenient. Great video though thanks for the cheaper alternative.
Into The Reef Reef
Into The Reef Reef - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure these lights can't grow coral like the kessil can
Ryevin - 8 years ago
Joey, couldn't you wire a potentiometer on that flood light? I don't fullly understand LEDs since its been 15 years since college but I would think that there is a device like a potentiometer to be able to control the LEDs brightness.
Matt Rossey
Matt Rossey - 8 years ago
Joey, i love the led flood lights, i think i may go that way in the near future.You mentioned you got them on amazon, is that the only place you could find them? Rona, Lowes, Home Depot maybe, or are they a specialty item?
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell - 8 years ago
Would the 15 watt be to strong for a twenty planted tank
Lazy White Boy
Lazy White Boy - 8 years ago
I have a 19 litre (~5 gallons) fish tank spare and i wanted to start doing aquascaping, could you give some ideas on what to do please as i'm stuck right now
Chris M
Chris M - 8 years ago
I have to say that you make something, that most of us think is rather easy but like most of us we can't appreciate complexity of it. Your doing a fantastic job of engaging the under educated audience. A-side from me owning a fish tank as a kid I'm inspired to learn more and try and build my own tank. Keep doing what your doing.
IBernE - 8 years ago
Thank you for this idea Joey. I'm going to give this a try on my hang on back refugium!
alpha1172 - 8 years ago
one thing u should mention is in most of the cheap led flood lights the ground wire isnt hooked up to anything in the light, which is something you need to check for/fix
winkellator - 8 years ago
Do someone know. How much lumen per liter you need, for waterplants?
Justin Farris
Justin Farris - 8 years ago
Could you please do a video for a dehumidifier with all the aquariums in my home it has raised the humidity to the point of all my windows leaking water bad I would appreciate it very much
Jon Ross
Jon Ross - 8 years ago
Can you provide the Amazon link for those LED's?
junle ang
junle ang - 8 years ago
how long did it took to grow those hairgrass
Laika Sobers
Laika Sobers - 8 years ago
What fitting is used to attach the gooseneck to the aquarium?
ExpectHell - 8 years ago
Take your time man, you put out quality content and people need to respect that it might take a while before you can make a video for us. Keep up the great work!
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 8 years ago
Is there a reason why you didn't use a rewire-able plug? Was it because you needed extra cord length and the extension lead was a cheaper option?
Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall
Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall - 8 years ago
This is exactly what I'm looking for my 35 gallon planted tank! Thank you for posting this. I'm looking forward to part two of this video.
toycar foushboy
toycar foushboy - 8 years ago
Cool video Joey! How about the full spectrum LED's purchased off eBay? I mixed mine with white LED flood lights for great effect, and growth.
David Cameron
David Cameron - 8 years ago
Where did the tetras go
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Their in there believe it or not. Every single one of them. Last night they were all out. I snapped a pic from across the room. As soon as i come close they dart back into the rotala.
boon240 - 8 years ago
Moin Ul Hassan
Moin Ul Hassan - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, How do you clean your goldfish tank? Do you have any video on it?
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 8 years ago
great . do you have a vid on how often the led should be left on etc .... in a stocked tank
Luke Denton
Luke Denton - 8 years ago
isn't a bit pointless using a Kessil in the first place seeing as it's for marine
Robert Stoanes
Robert Stoanes - 8 years ago
Kessil has versions for both salt and freshwater.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I am exceptionally geeked about this video. I want to try it on a lot of my tanks- seems like a really great solution. Thanks Joey!
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary love your species spotlights btw, can't get enough, and I was curious if you will always be doing nano type fish or if you plan on branching out to bigger species in the future. either way I will keep watching as long as you keep putting them out lol
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary I have two 30 watters with cree leds on my 29 planted aquarium and my dwarf hairgrass covered the substrate in less than a month. the lights were only $21 a piece on Amazon and they are made by solla, same company that makes the one in this vid. they are just amazing!!
Phil Collins Jr.
Phil Collins Jr. - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video Joey,

How hot do these get? Would you be able to sit these directly onto Glass/acrylic?
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
Phil Collins Jr.
The heatsinks are the lines on the back so should be fine to flush mount the front.
billforigno - 8 years ago
This looks like a nice result. If you are ever up for it I would be keen to see a build using high CRI surface mounted device LEDs. I would recommend Yuji's high CRI emitters, however they appear to be sold in minimum 100 piece orders. Maybe something to think about?
Ali Emre
Ali Emre - 8 years ago
If only you talk with metric measures.
The Vanguard Noob
The Vanguard Noob - 8 years ago
how old is a adult arowana I just got a baby silver arowana and want to prepare thx if you answer
Jon Austin
Jon Austin - 8 years ago
love the video u could make the flood light dim just add i dimmer to the wire where u cut to hook up the light :)
bro led light just cost 5000 Rd here in india
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
I would love to see more videos on your shell dwellers
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 8 years ago
As it happens, I already have 3 LED flood lights above my planted tank for 6 or 7 months, and they are doing great for me too.
vonries - 8 years ago
I could really use some good Saltwater DIY projects to help me get setup cheep.
JourneyWithW.S.A - 8 years ago
hey man i just wanna ask is Co2 importent for a planted tank?
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
I'm not a big DIY guy, but this one was seriously useful. Good LEDs off the shelf are so expensive...
Orange Citrus
Orange Citrus - 8 years ago
Joey, did you not solder the pigtail on?
CrotalusHH - 8 years ago
Just twisting the wires together is generally not a good idea.
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 8 years ago
+CrotalusHH yes I have owned many aquariums and cycled them all but I'm too busy for them now. I don't have one anymore. "One little yank"? It'll take a little more then that to "yank" apart 3 wires twisted together and in heat shrink tubing. Do you even watch this channel? Joey just siphons the water out and then siphons it out of another bucket back in. So where's the slashing? It's going to take a little more then some air moisture to get past 2 layers or heat shrink tubing. Which if you didn't know. Shrinks REALLY TIGHTLY to the wire when you heat it
CrotalusHH - 8 years ago
I was trying to be nice, but you won't allow it. Wire nuts? Wire nuts are a mechanical device holding the wires together. They must be used inside a WEATHER PROOF box if there is going to be any moisture around. Ask your Dad that taught you everything. Have you ever owned an aquarium? Ever heard of water changes? Water accidentally gets slopped around. Twisted wires with nothing more than shrink tubing is a shock hazard around water. One little yank for whatever reason and it will come apart. Check any electric code you like. Anyone that does that would lose their license. You are so smart you are damned dangerous. I wouldn't trust you to wire a doll house.
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 8 years ago
+CrotalusHH lol how is water going to run down the wire when the light is a canopy light? Literally does not touch the aquarium. Yes I've heard of a drip loop. And I never claimed to be an expert. But you know that those wire nuts that are used to wire just about ever house and a lot of other things? That's just twisting the wires together but with an insulated cap. Now you may have bull shitted your way to this point but it's quite apparent you don't know much other than maybe a high school class or something
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 8 years ago
+CrotalusHH yea right. Everyone is an electrician or an engineer or doctor when it comes to YouTube comments. Well just being completely honest here. My dad worked at Ameren Illinois for 27+ years and taught me everything I know. Now I'm no electrical engineer but I know what the hell i'm doing. It looks to me like the wire is going behind the tank. Which means that the heat shrink part is somewhere behind it and below the top of the tank. So when water evaporates it goes up right? So how would vaporized water going up. Go all the way back down and under the multiple layers of heat shrink?. (He has a tube over each wire then one big one over the whole thing)
CrotalusHH - 8 years ago
We aren't talking about 24V. We are talking about 120V. If they get more than a little splash someone could get killed. He's opening up himself to liability. I am an electrical engineer. I little moisture buildup and he could also have a fire. He's already had one of those.
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 8 years ago
Also he doesn't have an air stone so there's no big bubbles in the tank that would splash water. So it's just surface movement from the little wave maker. And the heat shrink tubing is behind the canopy he made
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 8 years ago
+CrotalusHH yea but the veery most they will ever have on them is a little splash. And they can handle that. They are above the tank anyways
CrotalusHH - 8 years ago
My concern is also leakage. Shrink wrap isn't waterproof.
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 8 years ago
CrotalusHH they aren't going to have any strain on them and he individually heat shrinked them. I would have crimped them but what he did was fine by my standards
pedram rayan
pedram rayan - 8 years ago
I'm using the floodlights on my cichlids tank. they are great solutions, however they speed up algae growth on the walls (due to the fact that the light spreads). I just turn it on for about 4-5 hours a day
Vaan's Aquatics
Vaan's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Nice .... I got. A discus breeding pair inspired by u ..... and a Malawi lake chiclids pair that Malawi once started breeding now I have six eggs with my and some more in her mouth ....!!!!! I'm using diy food ur recipe works gr8
Pa. Fish Preacher
Pa. Fish Preacher - 8 years ago
Do you think one of those would work on a 29 planted tank?
Eduardo Ferraz
Eduardo Ferraz - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video Joey, it gave me a nice DIY idea for my new 55 gallon aquarium. Big hugs from Brazil
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video Joey! It was very interesting and informative! I was looking for a cheap way to grow plants with and led! I currently have a led grow light in the middle of 2 10 gallon planted tanks. This seems like a better option then running 2 grow lights to get adequate coverage! At $20 a Piece! Thanks for sharing!!
Tech Hub
Tech Hub - 8 years ago
Joey you make the hobby more fun and affordable for a lot of us.I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you have done for us!
nanoaquamania - 8 years ago
i have been using COB floodlights on reef since past 5yrs i guess.. have grown all corals under them. however now cob chips are eqsily available, soni build my own... the led used in the video flood lights are smd, good for planted, but not that good for reefers unless goong for low heighted tanks...
Aro77 7
Aro77 7 - 8 years ago
There Are RGB flood lights available too with controllers that you can use to control the brightness as well as colour. Cheers
ilikewasabe - 8 years ago
the diy light is brighter! man this will help me out allot!
ThePsyke - 8 years ago
i want to see a saltwater aquarium next...yay..:D
KnoVic 0617
KnoVic 0617 - 8 years ago
low budget and fantastic result great job joey~
Leam D
Leam D - 8 years ago
Hey Joey is the product you used UL or ULC certified?
Snappy 6
Snappy 6 - 8 years ago
king of diy you make great videos you should make more videos a week.keep up the work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Snappy 6 thanks! I make 2 videos a week right now.
shottymydotty - 8 years ago
Can we have an update on the Shell Dwellers? Love your videos and DIY Projects!
Garethaxz - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Out of curiosity how do you feel about just trying to use typical LED growth-lights? Have they been found to just not penetrate deep enough into the tank by most hobbyists?
Timothy McElwain
Timothy McElwain - 8 years ago
thank you very much Joey. keep up the awesome work. you have helped many.
Johnny Fish
Johnny Fish - 8 years ago
Joey your the best dude. Thanks for the tip on the gooseneck. can you watch my video for 2 seconds? I just started and I'd love to get some feedback. Johnny Fish
Whocan - 8 years ago
Some of the other manufacturing types have a denser LED chip cluster, that would provide a more definitive 'shimmer' effect. I have managed to get 3x 10w 6500k for less than $5 on Ebay.
and RGB versions are also available. From what research I've done on LED floodlight in the aqua hobby, the ratted wattage is overstated. with most operating at less than 50% stated wattage to provide longer LED lifespan. 10w are ok for smaller/nano tanks with up to 15" depth. 20/30w will manage plant growth between 15"-30". over 2ftsq you will need 50w+. (For Plants)

I have also seen reef keepers use these in the 10000k-20000k (more expensive) in saltwater and RGB in Refugiums.

For longer tanks its probably best to purchase more smaller wattage floodlights to spread light footprint, also helps if 1 light decides to die it can be replaced without removing all light source.

However there is no doubt that these can grow plants.
Marc Cardenas
Marc Cardenas - 8 years ago
great video. I've been using three 100watt led fixtures for about a year very similar to the one you used. works great!

hbb krtgl
hbb krtgl - 8 years ago
Marc Cardenas ffgyuiil
stuffyou shoulddo
stuffyou shoulddo - 8 years ago
just go to Home depot and get a 2 pack of daylight leds bulbs for like $3.50
TemporaryINTER135 - 8 years ago
For LEDs getting the right sceptrum can be hard for the single types.

is this better than using mostly daylight chip leds and a few grow/blue/red leds in a DIY frame?
Cole Stitt
Cole Stitt - 8 years ago
Why didn't you just set the canopy directly on top of the tank like a traditional canopy,
Scott Campbell
Scott Campbell - 8 years ago
Still love the goldfish aquarium. Those must be the best kept gold fish in North America.
OregonOutdoorsChris - 8 years ago
It certainly wouldn't be simple, but I would love to see a DIY PAR meter.
SickLadFilms Jofoe22
SickLadFilms Jofoe22 - 8 years ago
the fish are amazing
Kenny Kirk
Kenny Kirk - 8 years ago
How are the shellies doing?
rapid2fire - 8 years ago
King u need plants nana and dwarf!
John Haisell
John Haisell - 8 years ago
Did you run a watt meter on your LED flood light? A lot of the floods on Amazon and Ebay they sell will state 20, 30 or 50 watts but will pull significantly less, either they are putting cheaper LED's in them or the drivers aren't rated for the lights. The 20's I got were pulling 10 and 11 watts, the 50's I got were pulling 42 and 46. Also if you open them up, most of them are not grounded inside, they just leave the wire hanging.
Christian James
Christian James - 8 years ago
my 50W was only drawing 34W
Ericec4126 - 8 years ago
Are you going to give away that Kessil light? That sounds like a good idea. lol
warcraftjinx - 8 years ago
I was really waiting for this video, thanks Joey! I would really love to see a diy solution for a reef tank though.
adrian1311 - 8 years ago
its nice but why not make it with power led's? You can add also full spectrum power leds to make your fishes and plants way more colourfull. As always great episode. Keep it that way! Cheers!
adrian1311 - 8 years ago
The king of DIY epistar diode is cheaper than cree and result is very good for the price. buy some with 45 mil chip 1w. You can find something like this on amazon. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
50 bucks doesnt get you far. Trying to accommodate everyone. I already have a video on power LEDs too.
Jonathan Santiago
Jonathan Santiago - 8 years ago
Great show. Thanks .
Zacchary Hulsman
Zacchary Hulsman - 8 years ago
hey joey, i dont know about the planted aquarium hobby but reef enthusiasts generally view a shimmer as desirable, as long as it doesnt create a discoball like effect. kessils have what seems to be the nices shimmer of any of the light i have seen
vinish shetty
vinish shetty - 7 years ago
the shimmer is achieved using point source LED, which is exactly what is used in the kessil.
vinish shetty
vinish shetty - 7 years ago
the shimmer is achieved using point source LED, which is exactly what is used in the kessil.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I like it as well. But its $50... It did shimmer a lot more on the other aquariums.
Dragons' Nest
Dragons' Nest - 8 years ago
I can't seem to find the light. is there a link?
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
Ever thought of building a paludarium? I know you're not familiar with frogs and reptiles but I'm sure you'll like a new experience. Try searching it up they look amazing!
bxmully - 8 years ago
I am into that stuff
theres A LOT less maintenance with paludariums and vivariums when compared to aquariums. and you can get very creative
Marc Foronda
Marc Foronda - 8 years ago
Hey joey! Love your vids bro and I loved this series! Do you think this DIY light would would work for a reef tank?
sturamic super
sturamic super - 8 years ago
Hey the king of diy, I really want to get into this hobby. So I'm starting with a Betta fish. I know the basics but I don't know how often to change the water on a five gallon. what ph levels should be. So I was wondering if you could help me or anyone else reading this comment could.
Ricardo Bravo
Ricardo Bravo - 7 years ago
sturamic super you just have to do your research.
Yass Kween
Yass Kween - 8 years ago
You chose a really good fish for this. Bettas are darn hardy fish. The way I was taught is once a week, wherein you keep 30%ish so the new water isn't a shock, keep them around 75-80F, feed them the occasional blood shrimp as treats (plus the normal food), keep their filter clean (Bettas don't like fast moving water. So if your filter causes a lot of motion, put some plants there to soften it), PH isn't really a big deal for them so long as you get some of that water cleaner stuff for betta tanks. Make sure he has plants to hide in, or any kind of hidey holes.

I put marimo moss in with mine too. He's about two years old now.
FINN t - 8 years ago
sturamic super normally you shouldent need to change the ph unless you are keeping really sensitive fish.
Also if all you have is a betta you could change the water once a week about 20% of the water. so for your tank 1 gallon
sturamic super
sturamic super - 8 years ago
q8rocker29 thanks for the help, but online everybody has different answers so I don't want to cause pain to a betta because I didn't know better
q8rocker29 - 8 years ago
sturamic super just do a simple google search of all your beta questions and you will get deep explanations of the hobby:) take care bud!!
sturamic super
sturamic super - 8 years ago
also I don't know what type of gravel I should use for live plants or even how much to use
emteespace - 8 years ago
There was nothing wrong with your hardscape.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Great video. . i love the Amazon goose neck. . Can the kessil attach to the other goose neck?
GardenGnome Jay
GardenGnome Jay - 8 years ago
You can also create a even cheaper light by using LED light strips preferably water proof ones.. They are only 12v and come in a variety of colors and some even a remote to control strength. They have a adhesive side that can be stuck to anything you want.
eisenklad - 8 years ago
yep... color led strips lack penetration...
coz i tried growing dwarf hairgrass with a cool daylight and actinic blue leds...
java fern and christmas moss is growing fine though.
the other plant that sort of melted at first was the broad-leaf amazon sword plant(i think... the shop didnt label it)
my tank is

i'm considering replacing the CFL tube in the other old light with a warm daylight LED strip, maybe combine the strips from the DIY corrugated plastic box and re-purpose the strips of plastic for more light spreading modifications...
Angelika Ichticola
Angelika Ichticola - 8 years ago
I have already tried using the LED strips for a planted tank, the problem was that they don't last much, in about one year only half of the led lights were working.
GardenGnome Jay
GardenGnome Jay - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Even if you use the red and blue ones to get the color spectrum?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+GardenGnome Jay you can't grow plants with them. I already have 4 videos on them.
chefdan87 - 8 years ago
What was the brand name of these lights?
Maggie Smith
Maggie Smith - 8 years ago
Solla brand
XXxxcrisisxxXX - 8 years ago
there's no real brand names, they are chinese made cheap floodlights just search ebay or amazon and find the color and wattage and design you like
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 8 years ago
I called it! The one on the right had that characteristic Kessil shimmer, which gave it away to me immediately.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
Yeah, Kessil shimmer is the bomb. Like Snoop would say, Kessil is "shizzle my nizzle" :)
1963geistaffe - 8 years ago
Awesome! Can't wait for the next vid!
Mike Morehouse
Mike Morehouse - 8 years ago
Nice build! I just use one of the PAR20 5000k LEDs like you used on the Arowana tank with an inline dimmer. Still cheap and works great, probably a better idea for a really small tank like my 5 gallon since you can actually dim it.
Omy Nunu
Omy Nunu - 8 years ago
It would have been good if Joey can give us some estimation on tank height and light wattage that can penetrate till the substrate. I am waiting for some estimation of what will work for my aquarium which is 20in in height. Maybe a 20watts be enough ?
C DAWG - 8 years ago
Just what i needed
Sharon S
Sharon S - 8 years ago
if i put magenta filter on the light
and it pass only the blue and red and act as grow-light
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
Sharon S
TaoTronics Led Grow light Bulb
JediSuPhu - 8 years ago
Hi Joey! If I wanted to add a light switch to this DIY light, how would I go about doing it? Would it be a specific 120V switch or any switch will do?
amorembalming - 8 years ago
never fail to be impressed by your videos. I never have owned fish or the like and generally speaking I'm not all that interested in them. I only mention this to highlight the quality of your output as you have me hooked! Thank you for doing what you do.
Aslmx - 8 years ago
What was the name brand?
k9feces - 8 years ago
I would like to see a light similar to your arowana tank that can grow plants, not sure if there are screw in leds that are powerful enough.
Jay Bacay
Jay Bacay - 8 years ago
hey joey do use any ferts on your planted tank??
Damo Ward
Damo Ward - 8 years ago
I wonder could they set up to work on automatic dim on dim off cycle
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 8 years ago
I'm so pumped these flood lights are on! Thanks for the video :-)
Koolers Aquatics
Koolers Aquatics - 8 years ago
I just bought one of those for my garage and was thinking the same thing. Thank you for answering the questions i was asking myself.
Luke Stephenson
Luke Stephenson - 8 years ago
whats the life span on this sort of lighting
Jacob Allen
Jacob Allen - 8 years ago
it depends on the quality and brand but it's usually more than 50,000-100,000 hours
Thaxton's Aquaticz
Thaxton's Aquaticz - 8 years ago
Ok Joey I Have One Question Will This Work Better Than The Pedestal Lights. I Am Trying My Hand At A Low Light Aquarium Set Up For My Bolivians and Rainbow Cichlids. Just Want To Spend Money Once.
Scott Weisenborn
Scott Weisenborn - 8 years ago
You could probably wire a dimmer switch in line to dim the DIY.
Antonio Ortega
Antonio Ortega - 8 years ago
I got some 10 watt rgb flood lamps om amazon that are dimmable for this same purpose and they come pre-wired and work out great
HigherPlanes - 8 years ago
Joey, you're an awesome builder!
Akvaryum Rehberi
Akvaryum Rehberi - 8 years ago
I need this:) Thanks joey.
Mel Christian Ramos
Mel Christian Ramos - 8 years ago
thank you for your videos, sir. im going to start my own aquarium soon and i think i'll start with bettas.
Derek Peterson
Derek Peterson - 8 years ago
I watch all your videos and a big fan!! But to let ya know it is not a good idea to drill threw the bottom 1/4 of your floor joist, it wrecks the strength in joist. when doing this try and drill in the middle. Cheers!
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
This may be a bad idea, but is it possible to attach the cord in such a way that one outlet plug would supply light to multiple floodlights shown in this video? Don't know a lot about electrical stuff, but am interested in tinkering with such projects so I am simply aiming to learn something additional from this video. Thank you!
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
daisy-chain...maybe something out there
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
Yeah, that would work! Though, admittedly I was thinking more along the lines of a string of Christmas lights, where each light was another place you could plug into and receive power for a piece of equipment or light :-)
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
GreenGo's Fish&Inverts
Like this?
Alice Yang
Alice Yang - 8 years ago
Love watching your videos!

By the way, what happened to your Neon Tetras?
augoldfinger - 8 years ago
It easy to spot.that shimmer on the Kessel
Freemananana - 8 years ago
Just note that Joey runs CO2. A tank without CO2 will likely flood with algae without a diffuser or mounting it higher.
Jérémy MOEBS
Jérémy MOEBS - 8 years ago
Hello Joey, i think that you have to much surface agitation for a planted tank with CO2 in my opinion :)
Naved Patel
Naved Patel - 8 years ago
surely you are the KING OF DIY
teamhex - 7 years ago
long live the king
Theavreefguy - 8 years ago
Joey you need to try those glasses made to correct color blindness
Theavreefguy - 8 years ago
After u set up the reef tank though
PoppingPepsi - 8 years ago
Could you do a test on the aquarium led light from ebay? Or have you used them and what's your opinion on them?
PoppingPepsi - 8 years ago
Not the strips. I meant like the beamworks led aquarium light. Something like that.
xSean145 - 8 years ago
great video!

I still dont think yous should replace the diffusor you have. Inline atomizer is amongs the best you can find.
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 8 years ago
love the build but those leds don't last long at all
Billy's tanks
Billy's tanks - 7 years ago
Ryan Osborne these have about 30.000 hours of light so 8-10 hours per day which is optimal means 3.000 days so 2,5 years and they cost 5$ and are easily replaceable
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 8 years ago
HaoSs to even a led bulb
HaoSs - 8 years ago
in comparation with what ?
Patrick Torres
Patrick Torres - 8 years ago
its normal for the inner plants of rotala to die off. its never really going to stop. so just keep triming like you normally do and it will look better over time
SininStyle - 8 years ago
Will be curious to see how well these hold up. Though floods have been used a lot and do work, they tend to blow out in 6 months. Seems they mostly use inferior drivers. Which is weird seeing they are suppose to be run all night in parking lots. I have been tossing around these floods or GU10 LED bulbs. Only time will tell.
jay hamilton
jay hamilton - 8 years ago
those lights are dimmable
THAREAPER1000 - 8 years ago
great video man.
THAREAPER1000 - 8 years ago
could I get the link of the lights if you could please
jlantican85 - 8 years ago
I was doing some research and i found this. You can buy different flood light depending on your tank.


Cool white (6000-6500k)

Warm White (3000-3500k)

High Color Temperature 10000k (used for coral reef or fish tank)

High Color Temperature 20000k (used for coral reef or fish tank)

Natural White (4000-5000k)

Dark Red 660nm (used for plant growth)

Royal Blue 445-450nm (for plant growth)

400-480nm(for plant growth)
MaLekElsharq - 8 years ago
I got 3 of these 15 watt on my planted tank
and they do the job perfectly
my tank is 120x45x45 cm

man I'm even building on for my reef tank, maybe using 4 of 6500K and 4 of the blue colors led flood lights. in the near future,
wish I could add a pic for my setup in here, but maybe I'll send it on Facebook or Instagram.

keep up the good work man

as I say always
you are an inspiration
Bob Barker
Bob Barker - 8 years ago
Been watching this channel from the start. This channel has also helped me with so much in my tanks. I had to get rid of my 75G and it killed me a little inside. This channel helps keep my fish urge under control.
P J - 8 years ago
I'm about to buy a 300W LED Floodlight (31000 lumen), for my 450L tank.
11panos04 - 8 years ago
Don t look arlt the watts per gallon measurementCommon bulbs,fluorecent,leds may output the same amount of light for diifferent watts.Tropica suggests to look at how many lumens the light produces depending on the demands of the plants,which i find the most trustable method.
Steven Brouwer
Steven Brouwer - 8 years ago
Can I grow coral under it?
Stevenn Brouwer
Stevenn Brouwer - 8 years ago
MASON MITCHELL - 8 years ago
it might work for some softies if close enough, but I don't think it would work for LPS or SPS.
Farhan Rafat
Farhan Rafat - 8 years ago
Is it okay if I keep 3 male fancy guppies and 2 baby angelfish in a 20 gallon, if so can I add more fish
W C - 8 years ago
Farhan Rafat the angel fish need a bigger tank. Stock the aquarium based on the maximim size of the fish you want, not the size they are currently
MASON MITCHELL - 8 years ago
I believe that would work without creating a heavy bioload in the tank with good filtration and/or plants.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
1:50 the kessil shimmer is unmistakable
Rusty Irons
Rusty Irons - 7 years ago
How hot do these get ? I need a grow light for a desert snake bioactive encloser. It's 40 inches long and about 2 foot wide . Plants will be scattered . The main heat source is a ceramic heat bulb . I just want to make sure the cool side stays the cool side .
Mike's Aquatics
Mike's Aquatics - 7 years ago
more wattage and a direct, focused beam
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 7 years ago
Wow, that Fluval is expensive compared to the Solla! The Solla has a 2 year warranty, so I am sure I can get another one for free from Solla. I'm sticking to the Solla for now. Just need to get a better lid for my tank. it's a 44 gallon pentagon tank and I hate the lid it came with.
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Andy Pastuszak I have had nothing but success with mine. good luck and I hope it works well for ya. I should say that I have since replaced my flood lights with a fluval fresh and plant 2.0 led and I am absolutely blown away with the output. it's is very intense light and I had to turn it down to about 60% and acclimate my plants lol. I am happier with the low profile look as it sits right in the rim of my tank and only using 1 plug is a plus.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 7 years ago
This is what I have now:

I have 2 of them on a 44 gallon pentagon corner tank and my plants are growing out of control.
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Andy Pastuszak make sure you get the 6000 Kelvin ones though, they have a 3000k option that will not work very well.
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Andy Pastuszak the cree lights come with a plug installed. its only a 3 ft cord though so keep that in mind. I would go with 2 watts per gallon if you want high light. the 50 watters are only $35 shipped with prime right now and they are 4500 lumens each
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 7 years ago
Nice! I have a twin tube 48" on my 55 gallon. I think I may replace that with 2 of these flood lights and see how it goes. Do you think the Cree is better than the regular Solla? Does it have a plug on the end, or just bare wire, waiting to solder a plug on the end?
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Andy Pastuszak basically they have a higher lumen output per watt then most comparable leds
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Andy Pastuszak it's a super bright higher end led chip. here's the link if you want to check them out. I am getting super results with them in my 29 gallon high-tech tank
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 7 years ago
What are the Cree LED chips? I'd like to check those out.

The Solla LED has got to be the cheapest DIY lighting solution in the hobby. I tell everyone about them. The new Solla lights (the all white ones) actually have a 3 prong plug on the end, so you don't need to solder your own plug on the end, saving you even more money.
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
Andy Pastuszak I have the solla 30 watts with the cree led chips on my tank and they shimmer just like a kessil and at $21 a piece I can't complain. and my dwarf hairgrass carpet and bushy alternanthera plants speak to results.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 7 years ago
My solla flood light shimmers just fine and cost a whole $20.
vinish shetty
vinish shetty - 7 years ago
the shimmer is achieved using point source LED, which is exactly what is used in the kessil.
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 8 years ago
If you place the light closer to the top of the tank, you'll get the shimmer. I have one of these resting on the glass on the top of my tank and I get plenty of shimmer.
billforigno - 8 years ago
Google "aquarium" "building a LED Fixture". The result from Advanced Aquarist has an overview of a build that covers most of the spectrum and produces shimmer without obvious color shadows.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
I noticed that shimmer effect as well. Wonder what is in the Kessil lights that make it do that so much better?
Joey mentioned that the Kessil lights are more focused beam hitting a lot deeper into the bottom layer of the tank.
While the over the counter LED has more of a spread etc.

Question is: Has anyone found a LED Flood Light that has more of a focused beam to equal or just about come very close to the Kessil lighting that doesn't set one back 200-600 bucks?

Anyone experimented with all types of DIY brand name single bulbs that are great at "shimmering effect"?

CFL bulbs

I have noticed myself that a cheap & simple screw in incandescent bulb at decent wattage that "has a clear glass bulb" does offer decent shimmer effect compared to any "soft white or daylight frosted or coated bulb" In my experience.

Any input from anyone is welcomed.
The Goldfish Whisperer
The Goldfish Whisperer - 8 years ago
Thank you for the video! I'm enjoying these DIY planted tank options.
theGouramist !
theGouramist ! - 8 years ago
Make a video where you just plan an aquarium on paper, no buildings or hands-on activity. Pls
Baseballbat7007 - 8 years ago
hello i was wondering if you have Oscar's or Pacus?
Christopher Wright
Christopher Wright - 8 years ago
perfect timing i just finished the last episode
Aubrey Logan
Aubrey Logan - 8 years ago
great video
Ron Griese
Ron Griese - 8 years ago
you always bring the best for the novice aquarist; thank you
Faheem M
Faheem M - 8 years ago
Michael Piccirillo xk
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
I wonder, I've added y splitter to hook up C02 into my tank by "sharing" the same tank that my grandmother oxygen tank is, so what if she has slightly more trouble breathing, my plants are worth it, no? just kidding folks, relax
Vinz Aquablog
Vinz Aquablog - 8 years ago
Nice Video.
I have a such light on my 112l Brackish tank. I Just have a few plants in the tank. I just tried it out because it was cheap but I it will be my 1st joice in the future.
MASON MITCHELL - 8 years ago
are you gonna get a figure 8?
Brad b
Brad b - 8 years ago
What is the little horn thing stuck to the left side of the tank call and what is it used for?
Hebert Christian
Hebert Christian - 8 years ago
google " Glass Drop Checker ". It's used to see if the Co2 level in the tank is at the right level. Geen mean good co2. blue low, yellow too high.
niko - 8 years ago
Would that light be too much for a discus tank
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
Can I add regularwwood moss to my tank, if cleaned real good? will it raise my ph?
JayX - 8 years ago
Amy Anne Do you mean moss that's just growing on the wood from outside? If so it'll rot.
Jack R
Jack R - 8 years ago
hey joey, do you add any fertz etc into your planted tank? or just the co2
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
or i use desk lamp.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
i just use led srip from walmart.
JJ Kittens
JJ Kittens - 8 years ago
Hi! My tank seems to be a bit cloudy, my fish seem fine and it has been like that for 3 weeks. I have 2 Fancy goldfish ( A black moore and a oranda), 4 Danios and a snail. What do you recommend i do?
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 8 years ago
Try the water polisher he made, or add an extra filter until it clears up. If you didn't wash off all the stuff in the tank like gravel it could be small particles. He has a lot of cheap filters that you could make to help the remove the cloudiness.
JJ Kittens
JJ Kittens - 8 years ago
They are in a 50L tank and i'm upgrading to and 100L soon and some of my fish are new but they are still acting normal.
Debbie Arthur
Debbie Arthur - 8 years ago
Very good video Joey and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Raven 736
Raven 736 - 8 years ago
Good video. Enjoy the dyi anytime can save money. Keep it coming and thanks for sharing.
Mindaugas Griauzdė
Mindaugas Griauzdė - 8 years ago
Is it possible to change wire from light ?
You need solder wires before heat shrinking.
Can you test: led panel light
MrCeo1978buddy - 8 years ago
i think the kessil is on the right
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
I beg to differ but you might be on to something there
Seth Daniels
Seth Daniels - 8 years ago
Headed to amazon... good video Joey! Hope all is well brother. Love from Ohio
Craig Dalgarno
Craig Dalgarno - 8 years ago
when are u doing ur saltwater aquarium
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Does it overheat?
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
Steenfott Aquatics
Yes, the raised lines act as the heatsinks. Keeping those on top will let the heat rise.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 8 years ago
I was wondering the same thing. Good to hear it doesnt get super hot.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Its casing its the heat sink. I leave it on for 8-10 hours a day. It gets warm, but nothing to worry about.
Hebert Christian
Hebert Christian - 8 years ago
I have be looking on these before and was wondering if it was worth it. Only down side i was reading, was peoples complaning that it only last them like 6 months. But for the price ... it's really cheap.
Reggie's H&P Cichlids
Reggie's H&P Cichlids - 8 years ago
The Water Box
The Water Box - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video Joey! I have two 50w LED floods I was going to use on my 40g but I didn't have room to mount them on the shelf I have so I was planning to save them for my 60g build (I also need them to be water poof for what i plan to build on top of the tank). I need to get a PAR meter as I'm interested to see what kind of PAR these things will put out was which depth. Lux won't measure the actual light the plants get and uses but it's an idea. Very interesting you went with the flood light option!
Loozer Films
Loozer Films - 8 years ago
I have been meaning to ask you we're did u buy ur "grass" from m in ur live plant tanks
k9feces - 8 years ago
Petsmart has them
Loozer Films
Loozer Films - 8 years ago
The king of DIY o ok well thank when I found ur channle it got me to get a tank
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
From a place that ripped me off. They are certainly not getting a shout out from me.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
ScatteredHD - 8 years ago
You should do a vid showing all the tanks and projects your doing
TWDG_Leeisalive - 8 years ago
Hi Joey, just wonder how long does it usually take for you to complete a tank build? (I know it will be different depending of the size of the tank)
Afnan Photo
Afnan Photo - 8 years ago
really helpful man :D
Alex Poland
Alex Poland - 8 years ago
hey joey, can we get a video updating on all the tanks? id love to see how your cichlid tank is doing with all the fry. plus if i remember correctly your daughter had a fluval plantes tank that id like to see as i have 2 empty fluvals spec V. thanks
Kicx14 - 8 years ago
Yea how is that hair grass growing in there
Ed Davis
Ed Davis - 8 years ago
FishPerson Vblogs
FishPerson Vblogs - 8 years ago
Hey Joey. If you don't mind can you please shoutout me. Also, when are you uploading the aquatic experience footage!??
Cpt. McSwaggens
Cpt. McSwaggens - 8 years ago
damn it! its almost 3 am here... and you just uploaded a vid..... please just let me sleep..please.
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Hey Joey! My duckweed is taking over my guppy breeding tank. I can`t get it out no matter how much I try. How can I kill it without hurting fish.
Alan Au
Alan Au - 7 years ago
get as much as u can out and everyday ust look over the tank and pick out any duckweed u see, eventualy u will get them but it takes time, i've tried making a skimmer and hooked it to my filter and it worked at getting majority out but just pick out a few everyday and you will get them all
#freekekistan #topkek
#freekekistan #topkek - 7 years ago
Get a hob filter if you don't mind the mess afterwords
#freekekistan #topkek
#freekekistan #topkek - 7 years ago
Well, now I know why my duckweed is failing
Alan Au
Alan Au - 7 years ago
try setting up a skimmer, after a while pick out any strays until they are all gone, i had that problem with duckweed but made a skimmer hooked up to my filter and left it in there for a few weeks and just picked off any straay ones stuck on the sides of the glass
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 8 years ago
What you can do if you are starting out with duckweed, is have a floating ring that keeps it contained so you get the benefits of duckweed without overflowing your tank.
Kevin b
Kevin b - 8 years ago
flood your tank
Harry Stratton
Harry Stratton - 8 years ago
put a duck, the whole thing , in a blender and then fertilize your plants.
Voila, in time, great duck weed !
Aquariums by Mike
Aquariums by Mike - 8 years ago
California probably,  never lived till you got high with a duck bro
AILING CHEN - 8 years ago
If you have apple/mystery snails feed some to them. They'll love it.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
I had no idea ducks even enjoyed smoking weed. What state is duck weed legal in?
New to the planted tank etc.
Special K
Special K - 8 years ago
increase surface agitation and leave your lighting off for a few days. turn the surface agitation off once a day and fish net as much out as possible.
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Ya, I made quite a large mistake LOL
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 8 years ago
+Caleb Smyth I remember when I put it in my tank, I think a week or two in I knew it was a mistake. Lol its very easy to get out of control.
Caleb Smyth
Caleb Smyth - 8 years ago
Flynn's Fish Forum You could try increasing surface agitation. It will really slow it's growth. Might be just the edge you need to get it under control.
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 8 years ago
Its really hard to get rid of it. You just have to scoop as much as possible out with a net.I put it in my tank years ago, and i still have a few floating around.
Mostafa Mohsen
Mostafa Mohsen - 8 years ago
Notification squad
odd studio
odd studio - 8 years ago
Mostafa Mohsen is
chris wickett
chris wickett - 8 years ago
long live canada much love frome the kootaneys
Reilly Perovich
Reilly Perovich - 8 years ago
360p? not sure if my end or yours
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Uploaded in 1080. Still processing on youtube.
FishPerson Vblogs
FishPerson Vblogs - 8 years ago
Notification squad
FishPerson Vblogs
FishPerson Vblogs - 8 years ago
theGouramist !
Sorry. I didn't read your earlier comment. Basically you write something early that Joey or any other YouTuber like and that icon shows up.
theGouramist !
theGouramist ! - 8 years ago
FishPerson Vblogs no actually, there is an icon next to your comment w/ his logo and a heart, when i click it it says "loved by king of diy"
FishPerson Vblogs
FishPerson Vblogs - 8 years ago
Flynn's Fish Forum
Thanks man.:-)
theGouramist !
theGouramist ! - 8 years ago
FishPerson Vblogs how do u get the "loved by king of diy" icon
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Yikes! Take it easy. I hope you feel better soon!
FishPerson Vblogs
FishPerson Vblogs - 8 years ago
Flynn's Fish Forum
Hi Flynn. Sorry I'm not uploading this week. I just got over food poisoning.
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Notification squad!!!
Officieel Bekijk het
Officieel Bekijk het - 8 years ago
Leuke video
RancisGamer - 8 years ago
I was waiting for this
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
early?anyways i loved it
Harry Butler
Harry Butler - 8 years ago
Dark Exile
Dark Exile - 8 years ago
Pigeon PlayZ
Pigeon PlayZ - 8 years ago
Nice video and thx for the help
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
Oh my gosh you just uploaded this. I thought the 360p was something wrong with youtube or your video! xD
Its Sean
Its Sean - 8 years ago
Just here to take the opportunity from someone else to say FIRST!
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
Well thats youtube for ya xD
Its Sean
Its Sean - 8 years ago
Nope, it just said 1 min ago for mine and 53 secs for you ;)
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
I think i might have god it but either way GG xD

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