Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

A short video on a 'tree' aquascape. Scape using carpeting plants (Echinodorus Tenellus, Japanese Hairgrass), Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Tropica' and Anchor Moss. The fauna in this aquarium are Furcata Rainbowfish, Amano Shrimps, Sakura, Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS), Otocinclus and Bumble Bee Horn Snail. Hope you enjoy it! :) Please visit us at and join us on facebook!

Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 662,853 views

A short video on a 'tree' aquascape. Scape using carpeting plants (Echinodorus Tenellus, Japanese Hairgrass), Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Tropica' and Anchor Moss. The fauna in this aquarium are Furcata Rainbowfish, Amano Shrimps, Sakura, Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS), Otocinclus and Bumble Bee Horn Snail. Hope you enjoy it! :) Please visit us at and join us on facebook!

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Most popular comments
for Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

Gurnavemerno - 7 years ago
Awesome tank. :)
Elfrida Leli
Elfrida Leli - 7 years ago
trimaksih Tuhan ,,Buat ciptaan mu yg bgitu mengaggumkan,,,,,,seandainya dunia sedamai ini,,,,seandainya semua orang saling mengasihi,,,,,
TRENTON HUGH SEDAM - 7 years ago
can my sister mow the grass down
anushka singh
anushka singh - 7 years ago
very bad anshka
Reagans Ghost
Reagans Ghost - 8 years ago
at 3:34, that shrimp took a shit. Attention to detail folks.
MR Oz - 8 years ago
What's the actual background of the tank? Is that a painted or some kind of lighting? Thanks
Teng Long
Teng Long - 8 years ago
Do you need to feed the fishes in this tank?
John Sang
John Sang - 8 years ago
What type of that brown sand...and where can i buy..pls help me
Info Menarik
Info Menarik - 8 years ago
whats dimension this tank?

10. comment for Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

Deny Rahmi
Deny Rahmi - 8 years ago
wooowww perfect,amazing.....
Nariman Sh.
Nariman Sh. - 8 years ago
so nice..I liked
AzTechn LOGY
AzTechn LOGY - 8 years ago
So calming
Arcadecharm - 8 years ago
very pretty!
stanglova86 - 8 years ago
are they still alivee??
yeasir habib
yeasir habib - 8 years ago
Though it's a bit irrelevant, but may I know the name of the music track which was used as background score? :)
James Ryan
James Ryan - 8 years ago
nice. bigger rock is also good
A.J. Miller
A.J. Miller - 8 years ago
I'd love to live there with the animals
The Shrimp Cave TV
The Shrimp Cave TV - 8 years ago
That is some real classy selection of fauna and flora
stunning mate
thekingchrissyg - 8 years ago
Very cool.

20. comment for Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

nenaj1 - 8 years ago
cute little shrimpies.
Shashank Bhagwat
Shashank Bhagwat - 8 years ago
How do you clean the waste matter of fishes in this aquarium ??
Dev - 9 years ago
Hayden V
Hayden V - 9 years ago
fish name?
luthfi aditya
luthfi aditya - 9 years ago
can i use beach sand to grow such water plant? please tell me.. thanks
SpiritBear12 - 9 years ago
Wow, very nicely done. simple, peaceful and beautiful.
Petite Finch
Petite Finch - 9 years ago
This is gorgeous :O Aquarium goals <3
Joshua Matthews
Joshua Matthews - 9 years ago
What kind of background did you use on the aquarium walls? It almost looks like mirrors ^^ beautiful tank, no matter how old the video. I'm currently growing my carpet emersed, can't wait to flood it!
SpiritBear12 - 9 years ago
+Joshua Matthews
The glass has been frosted.
tan kent
tan kent - 9 years ago
Is that Taiwan Moss ??
gfriend is a sin
gfriend is a sin - 8 years ago
its anchor moss
SkankHunt42 - 9 years ago
How did you cycle this tank.

30. comment for Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

Alen AxP
Alen AxP - 9 years ago
Nice inspiration to make something like that
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 9 years ago
woah,What a nice tank man I wish I've got this tank setup!
Can you check my channel?
Eric Dobbins
Eric Dobbins - 9 years ago
ᆞ中石沒鏃 - 9 years ago
very good i want
Captain Crunch
Captain Crunch - 9 years ago
Fish heaven
Mary Tran
Mary Tran - 9 years ago
This is my dream holy crap.
legalizeit1983 - 9 years ago
Beautiful absolutely stunning
Slamet Aza
Slamet Aza - 9 years ago
Nice..I like it

Adonis Pajarillo
Adonis Pajarillo - 9 years ago
What is the plant you used for the tree-like design? thanks in advance for the reply. Newbie for aquascaping here.
Haniel  Sandoval
Haniel Sandoval - 9 years ago
What is the name of that tree would really wanna know please
insane lama
insane lama - 7 years ago
Haniel Sandoval I think it's driftwood that looks like bonsai with. moss attached
KOOLITUS - 9 years ago
Where did you get that underwater Banzai tree and what kind of sand is that Chino
Tommy Tjoa
Tommy Tjoa - 9 years ago
i just saw that red and white shrimp take a poo
Morgan Crabb
Morgan Crabb - 9 years ago
A beautiful poo lol
jake mcqueen
jake mcqueen - 9 years ago
How do you clean it though??
LizardMane - 9 years ago
Pallavi Mandal
Pallavi Mandal - 10 years ago
Beatuful vedio!
bigwuzz - 10 years ago
oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh nnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rach - 10 years ago
I would love to live in there!
P.S you look like you spent a lot of money on the tank and the fish!
insane lama
insane lama - 7 years ago
Rach lighting is one of the key pieces to the puzzle
LitFuses - 10 years ago
Justin Jones
Justin Jones - 10 years ago
I love how you did the walkway in the middle. How cool! I'm new to Aquascaping as well. This is too neat.
Jordan Rongavilla
Jordan Rongavilla - 10 years ago
how do the bubbles spread all over the tank _???

50. comment for Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

Tru Finesse
Tru Finesse - 10 years ago
Beautiful Tank... Peaceful
John Vu
John Vu - 10 years ago
I am in love with your tank.
Israel Gonzalez Dmngz
Israel Gonzalez Dmngz - 10 years ago
Lalobrit Jiménez
Lalobrit Jiménez - 10 years ago
Muy lindo
100Tatanisha - 10 years ago
i'm so inlove with this, it makes jealous because its not mine..
AquaJungle - 10 years ago
Lol those shrimps are like monkeys in the tree. Cool shrimp, all my shrimps are assholes!
Elpinacate - 10 years ago
AMAZING   ,  looks like the tank is A  LOT more Big than 68 Liters  , i wished i would be a fish and jump  into the that tank
Lucas Lun
Lucas Lun - 10 years ago
cams nsat
cams nsat - 10 years ago
Please anyone tell me the name of that tree!!! Just amazing tank!......... I would pay anything for this tank.
Teng Long
Teng Long - 8 years ago
cams nsat I don't know the exact name of that moss. But you can easily find it in a river or a damp forest.
Tyler's Tech
Tyler's Tech - 9 years ago
Ah, it looked fernish to me, my bad, its a verry beautiful moss.
Hasnain Qureshi
Hasnain Qureshi - 9 years ago
+Tyler Reed
Tyler's Tech
Tyler's Tech - 10 years ago
+Travis MacFarland its some sort of under water fern
Tyler's Tech
Tyler's Tech - 10 years ago
+Travis MacFarland its some sort of under water fern
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 10 years ago
Not a real tree. It's a piece of driftwood thats in the shape of a tree, and he's attached a mossy kind of plant to it to make it look like a tree.
Kamaal Aboothalib
Kamaal Aboothalib - 10 years ago
Jeekay Kristalov
Jeekay Kristalov - 10 years ago
who can tell me what the name of that fish-cleaner (2:45 time of movie) on latin pls
MMacG1167 - 10 years ago
It's an otocinclus catfish. Don't know it's full latin name.
Talga KZ
Talga KZ - 10 years ago
Нет слов..
wayan Apriyanto
wayan Apriyanto - 10 years ago
Sergio Valerio
Sergio Valerio - 10 years ago
are those plants expensive? like idk and where do you find them, i live in another country wich i don't think it's going to be easy to have them :/
hayden woodrow
hayden woodrow - 10 years ago
Also really clean
hayden woodrow
hayden woodrow - 10 years ago
Amazing aquarium!
Raphael Carvalho
Raphael Carvalho - 10 years ago
what name rocks?
prashant kamble
prashant kamble - 10 years ago
Nice decoration,,,,,  fishes are leaving happily in  the planted aquarium!!!!!
emadonn ema
emadonn ema - 10 years ago
so beautiful
Corey Smith
Corey Smith - 10 years ago
I need input on what to put in my tank I have A 6 foot 125gallon. I want to plant up. It will have some cichlids in it and 2 plecos.
Ronald Thomas
Ronald Thomas - 10 years ago
In my experience most cichlid and planted aquariums don't mix. Theydig up everything. You may have some research to do first.
Summer Rose
Summer Rose - 10 years ago
im just saying DONT put regular plecos in it please go with bristle nose or somthing
xblatino328 - 10 years ago
follow the yellow brick road!
89default - 10 years ago
Very lucky fish :)
underpuka - 10 years ago
What kind of rocks are those?
Randall Cornelius
Randall Cornelius - 11 years ago
This is one amazing aquarium.  very very nice....
TheToastPeople - 11 years ago
Would love to drop a plecostomus in there when your not looking...
smallfaucet - 11 years ago
Fl Nuerburgring
Fl Nuerburgring - 11 years ago
What type of soil u use. Pls adv.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
We used aquarium soil (GEX, ADA etc.) But we are launching our own soil soon. Perhaps in the near future, you can try our soil.
James Greenmoor
James Greenmoor - 11 years ago
What kind of tree is that?  
Vladimir Stanišić
Vladimir Stanišić - 11 years ago
Which is a plant on the tree.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
We used Anchor Moss for the tree.
Chaitanya Vedak
Chaitanya Vedak - 11 years ago
you just feel so Calm by watching them.. and the Setup is just Wonderful....
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 11 years ago
Really beautiful setup
StarGrassEater - 11 years ago
It's a 20 galleon tank
angel alanis
angel alanis - 11 years ago
Espero q estos videos los traduscan al español o si me pueden pasar el link para entender mejor gracias
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Lo siento, no disponemos de la versión en español del video. El vídeo está compartiendo principalmente en las plantas acuáticas y los animales utilizados. Lo siento por el mal español aquí, estoy usando un traductor para ello.
Zaidi zain
Zaidi zain - 11 years ago
Must try some day
Jayson King
Jayson King - 11 years ago
Awesome tank
freemind77 - 11 years ago
Bad idea to have all those different kinds of shrimp in there.
They will inner breed. Hybrids are a huge no no in the hobby!
schaapje666 - 11 years ago
who gives a fuck its his choice
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 11 years ago
Amazing Photography, Stunning Tank.
Fish4Ever - 11 years ago
How many gallons is that?
Fish4Ever - 11 years ago
What filter is that? I don't see one
mka2qg2s - 11 years ago
This is one of the coolest tanks I've seen. Looks like the fish are swimming in air.
sunchaser w
sunchaser w - 11 years ago
Thank you for your advice. Your tank here with the music is 1 of the most elegant ones I ever saw. The 39W tube T5HO is actually 34 inches long, so it is almost double the length of my tank. Too bad I cannot utilize it completely.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
39W is very good for your tank size. Light is strong, so you need to balance up the CO2 and nutrients as well.
sunchaser w
sunchaser w - 11 years ago
if my little tank holds about 26L water and if I use a tube T5HO 39Watts, and in that I would like to plant japanese hairgrass, do u think the luminosity is good enough? This tank only measured 26x40x30cm.
BlackHawkPSU - 11 years ago
You left out the mention of your crypts? Any reason?
mrLak3 - 11 years ago
thanks for the awesome information :), i'll go with the plastic divider for the current tank, will be a bit messy but still better than replant everything :P
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
With hairgrass, it's difficult to keep it from the sand because it shoots new grass (rhizome) under the gravel. You'll have to very carefully pull the rhizome out without disturbing the soil. Another option is to add a plastic divider inside the substrate between sand and soil to prevent the rhizome from crawling. But not sure if that will work efficiently. Tenellus works because they grow rhizomes on top of the substrate and you could cut it out. Hemianthus callitrichoides works too. Good luck
Jack Maleski
Jack Maleski - 11 years ago
One of the most green and beautiful freshwater tanks I've ever seen
mrLak3 - 11 years ago
how do you stop the hairgrass from expanding onto the sand? i tried a similar layout once and the hairgrass carpet grew all over my sand "road"...
Roberto Restivo
Roberto Restivo - 11 years ago
woooow good !
Dana j
Dana j - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank

100. comment for Freshwater Planted Aquarium - Fragments Of Memories | 残碎的记忆

007gametester - 11 years ago
Thanks for the help anyway! I subbed and liked. I might use sand still for decoration. But I am not sure I need them with ADA soil on top of SeaChem substrate. And the plants look great. I haven't decided yet the plant layout, so it helped a lot! It gives me ideas!
007gametester - 11 years ago
And I ordered an aquarium fan. Also I use a certified custom built reef tank. Designed for extreme live stone and corall weights. It is perfect for my freshwater plans. I hope I wrote everything XD
007gametester - 11 years ago
Also, a year from now (after I have money saved up XD) I will get 2 Kessil Amazon Suns 150W, and 1 Kessil Blue 150W as an extra. I will still keep this light. With fixtures all three will cost me $1000, but that is for the future. The Sunstrips were well recommended in Age of Aquariums and Strictly fish in Long Beach CA, and on 2 aquascape shows.
007gametester - 11 years ago
After dozens of hours of research I decided to use layered substrate with SeaChem flourite standard, which has the most of most engredients, and it is the most balanced SeaChem. The other SeaChems are region and plant specialized (restricted), and I needed a multi-purpose substrate. While those will grow most things too, I went with the standard. The top layer will be 1.5" to 2" of ADA Soil Amazonia. So when the plants are bigger, they will have more minerals from the SeaChem. I love these two.
007gametester - 11 years ago
Thabk you! I bought a nice "SeaStar Sunstrip 5K/14K freshwater" light, which I saw on several aqua scape shows here in LA, and big nape suppliers use it to grow and seed "multiply" plants. Also, it is good for color enhancing. For canister I will get the Fluval 206 for my 30gal long. I will get a CO2 system soon
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
For this aquascape, nope. There's few possibility for not growing, i.e. eaten by fish/snails, not enough light/CO2 or high water temperature.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
You can use a mixture of aquarium soil and river sand. Helps the plants to root better. I would recommend these plants for you. Carpeting Plants: Glossostigma Elatinoides, Hairgrass, Japanese Hairgrass, Echinodorus Tenellus Foreground/Midground Plants: Staurogyne .sp, Japonica Blyxa, Downoi Tie to wood/rocks: Java Ferns, Moss Background: Cyperus Helferi and most cheap stem plants
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
By the way, we still prefer using T5. :p
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Most German, US or Italian brand are pretty good and within your budget.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
It is the plants that released the oxygen bubbles, not airpump.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
We never vacuum our planted aquarium especially those with soil. First of all, you need a good filter system that can give you good mechanical and bio filtration. Once the aquarium is well cycled, the bacteria will break down ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate. Nitrate is then taken up by the aquatic plants or from water change. Point to note, always keep the aquarium well balanced. I.e. Light, CO2, Nutrients and Temperature.
Monika - 11 years ago
very very beautiful :)))
Jefferson Conti
Jefferson Conti - 11 years ago
you used iron fertilizer ? , because my echinodorus is not growing.
007gametester - 11 years ago
Also, what gravel/sand are u using? Which should I get for ideal FULLY planted tank. Which is the best for rooting and grass growth etc...
007gametester - 11 years ago
Do you know what is the best LED for a freshwater 30 gallons 32" long, tall tank? My budget is tops $250. Thanks
Dana j
Dana j - 11 years ago
beautiful tank is it the plants making the bubbles or do you have an airpump somewhere
Paulito - 11 years ago
I've been seeing a lot of planted aquariums lately and it makes me wonder, how do you clean it? Do the live plants clean the wastes and etc. by themselves? If not, wouldn't it be a hassle/harmful to have to use an aquarium vacuum to clean the bottom? I think this is a really beautiful aquarium and I want to make one similar to it, that's why I want to ask, I want to know what to expect before I blindly jump into using live plants.
Music4Mel97 - 11 years ago
That is sooooo cool! Hopefully in the future when I have space, time, and money for a high-tech setup I can do that!
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
You can use cheaper brands though. Next best would be a bigger hang-on filter.
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
Aren't they very expensive? Do you have any cheap reccomendations?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
I would recommend an external canister filter though.
ethansAMAZINGworld - 11 years ago
the thing that the rili shrimp is on
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
A sponge filter won't filter a ten gallon by itself right? If so should a over a hang on the back filter?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
You can try weeping moss or christmass moss. They can also produce nice tree effect. It takes a couple of months for the moss to grow completely. Regular trimming is required in order to maintain its shape and prevent it from out growing.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
It is better for the hairgrass to root and creep with finer substrates like aquarium soil, garden soil or sand.
Karla Ramirez
Karla Ramirez - 11 years ago
your aqua scape is gorgeous, i have set up my tank it is almost cycled, i have a good plant substrate , i will have co2 , i want to make my own 'tree' i want a moss that isnt java moss, i will get anchormoss if i cant find otheres, but do you know of any other moss? that grow pretty and a lil fast dont mind a little time just love the look, how long did it take to grow out? :)
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
Would dwarf hairgrass grow and make a nice carpet in gravel?
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 11 years ago
he i am sub on you! do you sub on me please? nice video!
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
This tiny bubbles are actually oxygen bubbles released by the plants when they photosynthesis. You can get this effect if there is enough light and CO2 for the plants.
Music4Mel97 - 11 years ago
How did you get little bubble streams spaced out in the tank like that?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Do it mean the moss? It is Anchormoss that we are using for this treescape.
ethansAMAZINGworld - 11 years ago
what is the tree thingy called
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Thank you! :)
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
We planted them in rows of single plantlet and let them grow slowly. It doesn't come in a nice piece of grass.
Murali N
Murali N - 11 years ago
For the 5.35 minutes I was in paradise.I respect the person who have uploaded this video and thank them for the same.The background music was excellent and magnified the whole experience of being in paradise.God bless you all.Prayers and wishes from India.
Anuj Joshi
Anuj Joshi - 11 years ago
how did u attach the grass on the bottom of tank?
Durian - 11 years ago
Absolutelt beautiful
Que Parker
Que Parker - 11 years ago
I just fell in love this a great tank.
Chanel Boisson
Chanel Boisson - 11 years ago
m totally remaking this
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Thanks. Yes, it can still work for a 125L. But the bigger the tank, the more difficult it is to grow the 'Tree'. So far from our experience, a 68L tank is still the best for treescape.
Johnny Horswell
Johnny Horswell - 11 years ago
Truly stunning. This set-up seems to fit perfectly in a 68L tank. I am just wondering if it would work just as well in a 125L?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
We just need to pump out a certain percentage of the water (10% to 50%) depending on the water quality. We did it on a weekly, sometime bi-weekly basis.
Michele T
Michele T - 11 years ago
How do you change the water in tank, if you how many times?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
I mean to silicon the wood pieces. It is perfectly safe.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Size: 60cm x 30cm x 45cm Lighting: 24W x 4 T5 Substrate: River sand and aquarium soil Greetings from Singapore ;)
linkinmaniac99 - 11 years ago
glue? is that really ok? 0.0
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Hi. Nope. We are located at tropical region and the weather here is hot. We need a chiller instead! :)
Maher Ali
Maher Ali - 11 years ago
it's amazing
Burak Tekin
Burak Tekin - 11 years ago
What is the size ??? How is the lighting ??? What is the sand ??? Greetings from Turkey ;)
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
To have CO2 or not really depends on the type of aquatic plants you intend to keep. Hardier or less demanding plants like Java Ferns or Anubias Nana does not require CO2. There are 2 ways to inject CO2, one is to use a pressurized cylinder and proper accessories, the other method is DIY, i.e. using sugar & yeast. With regards to the light, we are using high output T5, 24W x 4 tube with 10,000K.
Brewhammad Ale E
Brewhammad Ale E - 11 years ago
How many lumens on tha light strip?
Brewhammad Ale E
Brewhammad Ale E - 11 years ago
Does it HAVE to be CO2 in the tank and what are many ways I can go about with adding CO2 to the tank?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Yup. It help plants to grow better.
Brewhammad Ale E
Brewhammad Ale E - 11 years ago
Is CO2 necessary?
bavariacaesar - 11 years ago
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
There's algae in the initial stage. But once the aquarium matured and balanced, the algae is gone. Balance of light, co2 and nutrients is very important.
Pauline Dabon
Pauline Dabon - 11 years ago
no algea build up? how come?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Hahaha.. that is part of the fun in fishkeeping!
scrapironfish - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank! Love the hobby hate the price. My tank is totally fine but next thing you know im at the store buying more shit! Damn money pits they are.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Good to hear that it works for you. :)
henry chandra
henry chandra - 11 years ago
thanks alot for you suggestion. Actully I just tried it and it works. hopefully this will last forever :) I tried to put 2 white cloud mountain minnows together with 50 rili and 3 amano. 3 days has passed and no sign of agression
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Thanks! From our experience, most fish eat shrimps, even small tetras. But if you introduce the livestocks by order, such hunting behavior can be minimized. E.g. we introduce shrimps into our aquarium first for a few weeks before the fish. This way, the fish, as a "newcomer" will not disturb the original inhabitants. You can try this method. It works for us. :)
henry chandra
henry chandra - 11 years ago
Hi Aquaticstory, your tanks are always my favorites. One question, I see you mixed shrimp and tetras in every of your tanks. Don't you find that the fish eat the shrimp ? Can you suggest me fishes that don't disturb the shrimp ? because I see that all your shrimp live happily together with the fish
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 11 years ago
Beatiful. I love these tree setups.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
The tree is made from real bogwood. We just cut and glue them to make it looks like a tree trunk with branches. Moss is then tied onto it.
Austin Slater
Austin Slater - 11 years ago
Great looking elegant tank. May I ask how you got the tree to look like that? Is it an artificial stem with miss on top? Thanks
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Yup. We DIY the tree. :)
KFC PLEASE - 11 years ago
Is that a mini tree?!!
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
It will take time for the tree to look like a tree. Mine used to b a crappy stick with moss too! Haha..
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
The music is "The Maiden".
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
The music is "The Maiden".
lcatalan93 - 11 years ago
So beautiful :") <3
victor HAO
victor HAO - 11 years ago
Ryuu Hime
Ryuu Hime - 11 years ago
This is beautiful :D I subscribed to your channel! If you don't mind, I want to know what music is on the background... Thanks :)
MrBlinklynx - 11 years ago
Gorgeous tank!!!
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Thanks! Yes, our aquariums now are all freshwater. Here's to answer your questions: 1) The plastic sheets are used to prevent stirring up of the substrates when we pour in or fill up the tank with water. Different people use different methods. Some use newspaper. But we prefer using plastic sheets. :) 2) If your aquarium is a fully planted tank, there is no need to "clean" your tank so throughoutly like vaccuming the bottom etc. Just clean off any visible algae growing on glass and water change.
Ve Vee
Ve Vee - 11 years ago
What you do is a live water art. I believe this is fresh water. If not PLZ let me know. I have watched your other vids and have a few questions and hope I don't sound too dumb. 1. Why do you put plastic down before your planting? Isn't it hard to clean or do yo have to with all the shrimp and cleaners with the fish? I will have more questions but don't want to over do it. And thankyou for sharing your beautiful work. I am in love wi this tank. Hope u put up more vids. Thank you
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
It was on together with the light. A timer was used to control the on/off of light + CO2 system. About 8 hours a day.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
Thanks! You should always have the proper equipment when starting a planted aquarium. That is, filter system, light and preferably CO2 system. Start with easier plants like Anubias Nana, Java Ferns, Bolbitis or moss. Do more research on the aquatic plants to understand their charactistics and requirement before using them. :)
Fernando Lozano Cuevas
Fernando Lozano Cuevas - 11 years ago
I love your tank feels more like a garden than a marine world with corals and other plants How you have your aquarium will have taken well by the way do you have any advice for a newbie as well have my aquarium?
Lilah Bodhi
Lilah Bodhi - 11 years ago
I love watching the little shrimps
tazago - 11 years ago
It doesnt looks like they are living in water. They dont swim.They seems to walk,run like us and fly like bird.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 11 years ago
You can start putting in livestock by batches when ammonia is near or at 0ppm. Usually 2 to 4 weeks later. But do not put in too many at a time because they may generate waste faster than the bacteria can break down.
Vong Yang
Vong Yang - 11 years ago
when did you start putting in the fishes in?
Sylwestter - 12 years ago
look nice
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Thx! I guess the shrimps helped maintained the moss clean. They are always at the moss, picking on them, making the debris fall to the ground.
FallenSaiint - 12 years ago
Hi your tanks look really clean and so is your moss. How do you keep your moss so clean? Mine always collect debris even though it is under a filter with great flow.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Different plants have different requirements. So make sure you get everything right. For examples, amount of light, CO2, PH and water temperature. All these can affect the health of the plants.
heddon - 12 years ago
that is what i am going for but my plants keep dying any suggestions?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Sorry, not yet.
Layla Adam
Layla Adam - 12 years ago
its beautiful and peacefully
Drew Kirkland
Drew Kirkland - 12 years ago
3:34 camera catches the shrimp taking a sh!t
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Hi. Such aquascapes are not suitable for goldfish. They are be too big and will destroy the aquascape most of the time.
Mohammed Hazarudin Zackriya
Mohammed Hazarudin Zackriya - 12 years ago
It's so wow... Can we do a setup like this for goldfish tank... ??
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Hi! We do not have a tutorial on 'tree' making yet. We will try to work on one soon. :)
Rock Heiland
Rock Heiland - 12 years ago
So beautiful
manos lykos
manos lykos - 12 years ago
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
The entire process is about 4 months. Including the making of tree and the actual scaping. The 'tree' itself took about 3 month to grow. As for the grass, took probably 2 to 3 weeks to grow. I will test the water 2 to 3 times a week and remove any algae as and when required during the 1st 2 months of setup. After that, aquarium stabilizes and cleaning took place once a week.
DanielOnGuitar - 12 years ago
Wow, how much amount of time required a week to get the same result as this tank not including the path maintenance (I've been thinking of getting one myself).
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
It is fine river sand. Mainly use for corydoras.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Not really. This tank used to have algae too! At the initial stage, there Diatom and followed by Green Spot Algae (GSA). But later, was slowly removed. Different algae tells you a different imbalance you have in your aquarium. Take GSA for example, it is imbalance of NO3 and PO4. Essentially no PO4. So by increasing PO4 slowly, you can observed that GSA slowly disappearing.
DanielOnGuitar - 12 years ago
Did you took this video before the algae took over your tank?? How did you balance the nutrients, light and CO2 to keep your tank so clean?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Willow moss and Christmas moss can be good for creating the tree. Personally I avoided Java moss because they usually grow stringy tips.
A Baker
A Baker - 12 years ago
Or java moss?
A Baker
A Baker - 12 years ago
Would willow moss work just as good? Or would Christmas tree moss be better?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
The plants released the bubbles. It is produced when the plants photosynthesis when lights are on.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Not really. They have a retail shop though.
DanielOnGuitar - 12 years ago
Where are the bubbles coming from??
Russell Tan
Russell Tan - 12 years ago
Where do you get your supplies from? Is it at Sea View Aquarium?
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Most moss can do well. But try avoid stringy moss like flame moss. With regards to the path, it is very high maintenance, you need regular, cleaning and trimming away of creeping plants.
Supa Tanks
Supa Tanks - 12 years ago
How do you keep your path clean?
Supa Tanks
Supa Tanks - 12 years ago
lolz i am doing the tree thing as well... would any moss work???
K Chandra Adipraja
K Chandra Adipraja - 12 years ago
i'm jealous, i hope i have just one tank in my home
Craig Brown
Craig Brown - 12 years ago
very inspiring and beautiful..
turevus - 12 years ago
Very nice tank and very nice video. Thanks for the post- keep up the good work...
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Yup. The tree was created using anchor moss. This type of moss produce very good tree effect.
Anthony Lobino
Anthony Lobino - 12 years ago
Is it the anchor moss that you used to make the tree?
tekkentekken - 12 years ago
what a beautiful aquascape , beautiful song and im beautiful
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Your tank will reach algae-free once you manage to balance the nutrients, light and CO2. Keep it up. :)
mercedesff2 - 12 years ago
gorgeous tank! :) Mine is currently cycling so no where near as clean and clear as yours yet! Love the tree!!
davycrocket - 12 years ago
One of the best videos on YouTube. 5 Stars.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
To do an aquascape with a path, you mus be prepared for lots of maintenance work. For a start let the plants grow completely to cover the ground,. Then do a force trimming to shape out a path. After that. you need to add in the sand of your choice to create the path. And finally, constant trimming of plants that creeps towards the path. Probably once every 2-3 days. Hope this helps. :)
D.M. G.
D.M. G. - 12 years ago
realy nice. how can you do the no plant path dude??? i have a cuba garden and i also want to make a "no plant spot" but cuba goes everywhere!!!!
Aquatasy - 12 years ago
Your tanks and videos are truly wonderful. I'm so happy I stumbled upon your channel. Count me as a new subscriber.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Ya. It's hard to choose a compatible fish for the aquascape. I thought the yellow of furcata is enough to brighten up the entire aquascape but it is still not sufficient. Using ember tetra tetra may give a different result because of its red.
michael c
michael c - 12 years ago
my favorite tank of your channel so far :) just think choice of fish could be ember tetra but :)
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Haha.. agree! We need to constantly pick up 'wild' moss growing among the grasses. The path is also very high maintenance, need to constantly remove the tenellus and hairgrass creeping over it.
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Hair algae is an indication of imbalance. Check for the water parameter and make sure light, CO2 and nutrients is well balanced. Your effort will be greatly rewarded by the splendid aquascape in the end of the day.
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
very very nice, great vid also. I have a simular setup and the only problem i have is , my moss gets into my hairgrass, oh well, picking it out and making it look pretty is part of the hobby. Good job.
StayPuftShrimp - 12 years ago
If this were my tank it'd be covered in hair algae. I never understand how these super high end tanks stay so clean! Jealous!
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
I love it! the camera was just amazing and whoever edited it is very good ;)
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd
Aquatic Story Pte Ltd - 12 years ago
Yes, the 'tree' is created with anchor moss. :)
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
How lucky is that otto lol
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
I want to make a tank with a walkway and a tree so bad that looks truly Epic. Great filming this video inspires me to the planted tanks. I'm guessing that anchor moss on the tree? I really like the song as well.
farmsidney - 12 years ago
fantastic production.
Dominik l
Dominik l - 12 years ago
Sehr schönes Becken und super Bilder...

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