Today we take a tour of Jenny's goldfish aquariums!! Check out solid gold aquatics channel: The video we did for her channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 210

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 468,970 views

Today we take a tour of Jenny's goldfish aquariums!! Check out solid gold aquatics channel: The video we did for her channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments
for GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I also did a video on her channel! Check it out here:
Buford tan
Buford tan - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i have a big flower horn its cool but it die;(
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY joey plz show us your fish figure collection
White Hawk Gaming and Wrestling
White Hawk Gaming and Wrestling - 7 years ago
Nathan Dobbs a betta is a good start with a 2.5 gallon tank at least
Fishing with Nathan
Fishing with Nathan - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I'm looking to get into a fish keeping hobby what is a good starter fish and size tank
Ladislav Linhart
Ladislav Linhart - 7 years ago
The king of DIY p
carlos Flores
carlos Flores - 7 years ago
i see you flirting with her and i see the same from her haha get it
theAmdisen391 - 7 years ago
use the tank to form the glass with a heat gum
Sagor Ghosh
Sagor Ghosh - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what's up Kid
Hockey BOSS
Hockey BOSS - 7 years ago
yossi yakov a littel late noe for him to respond :(
yossi yakov
yossi yakov - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Joey i want to buy silver arowana and i would like to know if u can make a video about the care of the arowanas (temp'/water changes/feeding/wood decoration)
jo veld
jo veld - 7 years ago
The king of DIY oo
Muhammad Pope
Muhammad Pope - 7 years ago
Larry Vasquez if it's relevant, although it wasn't in this case
Josh Jobe
Josh Jobe - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics where are u going to be at it ?
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
I'll be at Reefapalooza as well thanks to Joey's encouragement. :) Figured I had no excuse since Orlando is not far from me!
Hockey BOSS
Hockey BOSS - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs oh yay I forgot thank you
Hockey BOSS
Hockey BOSS - 7 years ago
Normunds Inapsis joeys answer would be no but good question.
Normunds - 7 years ago
The king of DIY will you ever keep reptiles?
Josh Jobe
Josh Jobe - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where will u be
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Josh Jobe all day Saturday and a little while on Sunday.
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 7 years ago
is there going to be a tank in the new fish room for your old fancy goldfish?
Apple Hoe
Apple Hoe - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ik
Josh Jobe
Josh Jobe - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hey joey i was hoping to meet u at the reefapalooza event in orlando trying to figure out where u will be
safal shrestha
safal shrestha - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Kitten tube meow And Kylie vindigni
Kitten tube meow And Kylie vindigni - 7 years ago
I know her I watched one of her videos
EPIC BOSS COW - 7 years ago
scarpelli_k8 - 7 years ago
Goldfish are so sweet I love them
Austin Winterson
Austin Winterson - 7 years ago
What kind of fish with the long body and fantail tail
Austin Winterson
Austin Winterson - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is the one with the long body and with fantail tail
John Acosta
John Acosta - 7 years ago
Love your video man
mark lackie
mark lackie - 7 years ago
"I'm a sucker for punishment" HOT
syed hassan
syed hassan - 7 years ago
Looks like someone had a "good time" in Florida

10. comment for GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics!

Jake Herold
Jake Herold - 7 years ago
I used to have gold fish. They were huge
mitchellkristoff kristoff
mitchellkristoff kristoff - 7 years ago
Saltwater update!!!!!
Kaneki Ken
Kaneki Ken - 7 years ago
They were pretty cheap. Probably around $50.
Cheap my arse.
Joe M.
Joe M. - 7 years ago
Pretty cool gold fish, you two make a good team.
crownthe artemis
crownthe artemis - 7 years ago
I have the same Dumbo Half Moon betta as Jennie, mine is named Cosmo because of his iridescent on his dark purple red scales
David Perrin
David Perrin - 7 years ago
Have you two gote family and how do they fit in to your fish lives no more tanks for me no room
cayman stone
cayman stone - 7 years ago
Exhaust can grow limbs back when they get Cut off
Daymian P
Daymian P - 7 years ago
I would love to see you visit Taylor Nicole Dean if you come visit in Texas.
broderick overstreet
broderick overstreet - 7 years ago
Keep the good work up
broderick overstreet
broderick overstreet - 7 years ago
What's the name of that filter

20. comment for GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics!

Johann Wolff
Johann Wolff - 7 years ago
Put corduroy and frank in a tank
muffemod - 7 years ago
just call them Axes
Lucy Lydia
Lucy Lydia - 7 years ago
I wonder if you like her
Amy Cummings
Amy Cummings - 7 years ago
Awesome video.
Gravity Player
Gravity Player - 7 years ago
What do you do with the ugly fish that you bred and you don t have space for them besides selling them
Gravity Player
Gravity Player - 7 years ago
What do you do with the ugly fish?
Yolo Gamer of the year
Yolo Gamer of the year - 7 years ago
You dropped a tooth
Gamer Clownz
Gamer Clownz - 7 years ago
People don't like bare bottom tanks because they look ugly, not because they don't understand..... and you must not understand fish if you think they like an empty tank.  It is said that someone who is supposed to be the fish person gives so much bad information to people.
Biju Rai
Biju Rai - 7 years ago
mind blowing gold fish
Scally W
Scally W - 7 years ago
They are actually really cheap, $50" cough I'm broke cough

30. comment for GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics!

Scally W
Scally W - 7 years ago
She dropped one of the teeth
Steve Andres
Steve Andres - 7 years ago
I died when Joey said "he looks like a jelly" to one of the orandas
Andrew Madden
Andrew Madden - 7 years ago
Just my opinion but those leopard geckos of Jenny's were in a jungle like environment and they are from th desert which is a better environment for them and there instincts but you do you Jenny I guess
소냐도르 - 7 years ago
금붕어 엄청 크네
Kabir Mallik
Kabir Mallik - 7 years ago
She's hot.
GothicKittyMadness - 7 years ago
i bet her pussy tastes amazing!
yamaha04rider - 7 years ago
she needs a teeny school of neon tettras in her betta tank
Danielle's Draws
Danielle's Draws - 7 years ago
yamaha04rider no they need at least 40g
Timothy Judd
Timothy Judd - 7 years ago
I have such a crush on you
Mixter Mashiro
Mixter Mashiro - 7 years ago
My two fave youtubers in one video! Awesome
Nana Hidayat
Nana Hidayat - 7 years ago
i have black gold goldfish oranda.. n named her tam.. :) goldfish lover
Manny DeFelice
Manny DeFelice - 7 years ago
I like Jenny but she looks a vampire way too much makeup
DISCO_ F3ITH - 7 years ago
She is honestly my life goals omfg! I adore goldfish, they are so underappreciated. They have so much personality every one is so unique. Definitely going to have rooms filled with them
sweetirisfarm - 7 years ago
I still played with Grand Champions when I was fifteen. I still have them, lol.
Krimson Goddess
Krimson Goddess - 7 years ago
Yaayyyy I love her set up
Terr Ram
Terr Ram - 7 years ago
she is gorgeous
Moskop GT
Moskop GT - 7 years ago
can anyone help me my gold fish is so fat and he don't wan to swim he just stay on there for 3day ago please help me
Charlotte Piller
Charlotte Piller - 7 years ago
Jullianne Cameros
Jullianne Cameros - 7 years ago
still sad for what happend to buddy :(
Alyosha 1981
Alyosha 1981 - 7 years ago
But did you smash??
CookieDog 1357
CookieDog 1357 - 7 years ago
Waaaaattttt u were in Florida????? Nice you visited my state

50. comment for GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics!

Kevin Hasenflue
Kevin Hasenflue - 7 years ago
Oliver Sidey
Oliver Sidey - 7 years ago
My dog is called Arlo
Lucy Sprange
Lucy Sprange - 7 years ago
Instead of Jenny saying counted I thought she said beheaded
Ashley Strickland
Ashley Strickland - 7 years ago
Can you get only one gold fish or do you have to get more
Z.T Media
Z.T Media - 7 years ago
She dropped like two of em and was like no fucks like eh I got a million of em
Sebastian The Third
Sebastian The Third - 7 years ago
Okay... I hate to point it out because she seems so lovely... BUT WHY IS SHE DRINKING A WATER BOTTLE WITH A STRAW?
Abby Whitehead
Abby Whitehead - 7 years ago
Rustled McJimmied so she doesn't ruin her lipstick...
Ender Labot
Ender Labot - 7 years ago
Did she put out ?
Sarah Blackwell
Sarah Blackwell - 7 years ago
Where did she get her gecko vivarium !!!
KingstonTroy Martinez Roblox and Vlogs And Animals!
KingstonTroy Martinez Roblox and Vlogs And Animals! - 7 years ago
GD Zant Games
GD Zant Games - 7 years ago
Jenny and Lenny bff
CrimsenKnight - 7 years ago
Is there any research on giving these fish melanin to try to keep the black color?
Yeezyseason 2
Yeezyseason 2 - 7 years ago
Let me guess your from Canada
Dalona Jefferson
Dalona Jefferson - 7 years ago
Do know where I can that filter that's in the first "tank"
200114NJ - 7 years ago
Best thing ever!!!!
chees e
chees e - 7 years ago
Chris Santana
Chris Santana - 7 years ago
Dude jenny is a cutie!!
Elias Moniz
Elias Moniz - 7 years ago
She dropped a tooth 3:06
family DeJesus
family DeJesus - 7 years ago
I know her!
GracefullAnimals - 7 years ago
i got such a different person from this video! she is always very straight forward in her videos and she is so funny in this!!
E55 BæMG
E55 BæMG - 7 years ago
Alex Florczyk
Alex Florczyk - 7 years ago
3:05 RIP goldfish tooth
Livid4slimes - 7 years ago
9:20 Once you go black, you never go back
Andrea Dawn
Andrea Dawn - 7 years ago
I've been doing lots and lots of reach and I can't wait to get my gold fishy
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 7 years ago
7:00 about a week ago
sumozmom - 7 years ago
is there a way to find out what type / name of net is on top to the 600 gallonn empty tank ? thnx!
Sage Seraphim
Sage Seraphim - 7 years ago
I ship it.
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
It's like how I keep my snails shells when they die but I don't make them die just to get the shell
Makenna Conner
Makenna Conner - 7 years ago
I am not being mean but you think you have a lot of names to remember I have 1 cat 1dog 15 rabbits and 5 chicken
Makenna Conner
Makenna Conner - 7 years ago
16 rabbits i mean
melanie lololol
melanie lololol - 7 years ago
when she said deMELONisation, i was just like WATER MELOOON!!!!!! lol
Just another Goldfish
Just another Goldfish - 7 years ago
Christian Mirafuentes
Christian Mirafuentes - 7 years ago
Jennie <3
Koky Coka
Koky Coka - 7 years ago
shes hot af
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Most of these fish are dead now after a pathogen rampaged through her tanks. :(
RIP Clyde
Lynn Ly
Lynn Ly - 7 years ago
Hecci666 nooooo
Cody James
Cody James - 7 years ago
omg that black and red fish looks like darth maul #fishmaul
Odilon Gomez
Odilon Gomez - 7 years ago
cool fishes
Chris TDM
Chris TDM - 7 years ago
Subscribe-good luck for life
Quackerson - 7 years ago
At 3:05 you can see when of the teeth fall on the ground
VinyMiny - 7 years ago
If anyone has koi help.

I had to sell all my kois because I couldn't keep them and I needed to rebuild my pond. So I have a 175 gallon kid pool with 6 baby koi. They are all japenense koi and for those 6 babys they were 500. Should I put rocks in the pool or what?
Gamer Gaming
Gamer Gaming - 7 years ago
VinyMiny my pet rock died lol
AquaFreshx D
AquaFreshx D - 7 years ago
omg 3:06 she loose teeth when she shows the gold fish teeth lol
valli muniandy
valli muniandy - 7 years ago
what is that look like a frog head fish
valli muniandy
valli muniandy - 7 years ago
what is that look like a frog head fish
dodododoge doge
dodododoge doge - 7 years ago
You Jenny and Rachael should do a collab where you justa talk about fish related things
Recca - 7 years ago
{{COC GO}} by sahil
{{COC GO}} by sahil - 7 years ago
I have 7 bubble and black 8 black moor goldfish
Ritchel Calicoy
Ritchel Calicoy - 7 years ago
i see that girl i see he my TV in japan
Home Aquatics Hobby
Home Aquatics Hobby - 7 years ago
Seriously love seeing big Youtubers in the hobby collaborating like this! Awesome video man
TheChemokilla - 7 years ago
very informative and entertaining! I always enjoy Joe's videos and now look forward to Jennys as well. who doesn't love a super hot fish enthusiast!!
Yamillete Negron
Yamillete Negron - 7 years ago
I love her omg❤️❤️
JAB - 7 years ago
dropped a goldfish tooth! between 3:04-3:06.
Adam Vasquez
Adam Vasquez - 7 years ago
can i visit your delic... i mean cute fish it seems like tasty i wanna eat it

100. comment for GOLDFISH AQUARIUM TOUR - Solid Gold Aquatics!

Lashanti Andrews
Lashanti Andrews - 7 years ago
Mylove Bieber
Mylove Bieber - 7 years ago
I was really impressed on how small the babies are?? like wow very interesting. In the future i would like to have my own fishies.
Aruna Shastri
Aruna Shastri - 7 years ago
Can you please tell me which fishes can be kept with goldfish
Dropbear Bb
Dropbear Bb - 7 years ago
Aruna Shastri only goldfish can be kept with goldfish usually. They are cold water fish
مزارع المهندس أحمد الالمانى لكل انواع الطيور
مزارع المهندس أحمد الالمانى لكل انواع الطيور - 7 years ago
pleas i Search for pdf file of fish species with pictures
Pink candypop
Pink candypop - 7 years ago
Axilots can't have substrate they swolo it and then can dir
Moehren Gruen
Moehren Gruen - 7 years ago
"I name my fish because they are unique individuals"
...reuses names for goldfish ;DD
Christopher Sherman
Christopher Sherman - 7 years ago
Hello Jenny my name is Chris Sherman I love all types if gold fish i have a couple of tanks myself in my 52 gallon tank it's 1common goldfish,3 koi,1 shabunkin,and 1 pleco and in the other 15 gallon tank 3 common goldfish,and 2 apple snails, my question is what kind of filters are you using on your tanks? because your tanks are so clear I heard king of diy say something about air operated.
Angel Adams
Angel Adams - 7 years ago
im 16 and still luv toys i have a lot of stuffed animals and a couple of baby dolls
Xenia Esparza
Xenia Esparza - 7 years ago
3:07 she dropped some goldfish teeth!
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
I love Jenny. She re-fueled my love for goldfish.... especially butterfly telescopes
jesse delgado
jesse delgado - 7 years ago
onesackofpineapples - 7 years ago
these teleskope things make me puke ^^....
blurry.lands - 7 years ago
I personally, from what I know, think the you could put more plants in the better tank and in general, maybe put some stuff in your tanks?
Arjun Pun
Arjun Pun - 7 years ago
damn no ranchu , I had 12 ranchu at one time.
Eel Queen
Eel Queen - 7 years ago
Laurel O'Brien You're very late, I actually figured that out a few days ago.
Laurel O'Brien
Laurel O'Brien - 7 years ago
Fishy Ideas corduroy wasn't a ranchu, ranchus don't have dorsal fins
Eel Queen
Eel Queen - 7 years ago
Arjun Pun there was one in the video, it was Corduroy
Tehya Amaris
Tehya Amaris - 7 years ago
+liset Salomon
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 7 years ago
3:06 teeth falls
Little Aquatics
Little Aquatics - 7 years ago
I new this video was going to be long when I read the title
eZ Nubs
eZ Nubs - 7 years ago
She looks like Lauren Southern
MileHigh Angler
MileHigh Angler - 7 years ago
Wow I have a new appreciation for goldfish. I am stunned. Thanks for sharing!
MileHigh Angler
MileHigh Angler - 7 years ago
I have no idea that goldfish had pharyngeal teeth. Freshwater drum were the only species I knew of that did. very cool
ShortNanxious - 7 years ago
this was awesome
P.V. JAYAPRAKASH - 7 years ago
So nice. We never get good ,original gold fish here in India ! Well kept aquarium.
P.V. JAYAPRAKASH - 7 years ago
So nice. We never get good ,original gold fish here in India ! Well kept aquarium.
Eva Parker
Eva Parker - 7 years ago
Love your fish. I have a bear bottom tank, it gets cloudy can you tell me what to do?.
kenette laforteza
kenette laforteza - 7 years ago
okay! those goldfish teeth blow my mind,WTF that happens?hahaha
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 7 years ago
The beta does the intro better.
Sam's Fish Tanks
Sam's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
She needs a godamn tan lmao
RAV3N HUNTER - 7 years ago
name one Jewel and one Gemstone
RAV3N HUNTER - 7 years ago
my favorite animal is an axolotl so don't make fun of them
Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar - 7 years ago
Please help how i maintain nitrogen cycle in aquarium
johnlockedtbh - 7 years ago
have yall not heard of google?
samit shirsat
samit shirsat - 7 years ago
Akshay Kumar u figured out? Even i want to know
PRETTY - 7 years ago
So we're going to ignore the fact she dropped a tooth ?
Michael Stillman
Michael Stillman - 7 years ago
Can you provide some info on the square, pvc framed, plastic lined holding pens??? thanks
عامر البوبدرالسعيدي
عامر البوبدرالسعيدي - 7 years ago
leov you good
jdh51 - 7 years ago
You guys ever thought of getting married?
Asuna - 7 years ago
lemme smash ahahaha
ภาณุพงศ์ แป้นไทย
ภาณุพงศ์ แป้นไทย - 7 years ago
Unicorn DIY
Unicorn DIY - 7 years ago
At 3:05 she drops a tooth no
- MaTom -
- MaTom - - 7 years ago
Unicorn DIY Noooo!
Hybridism - 7 years ago
she drops one of the teeth when she's showing them off
Sandra Arguello
Sandra Arguello - 7 years ago
I nuevo u u to and otro and lo the way to world the of the this year this or and will not I am i
Sandra Arguello
Sandra Arguello - 7 years ago
nuevo o si no o no se que hacer porque. El o la de la. El und o la casa o iti
- MaTom -
- MaTom - - 7 years ago
Sandra Arguello What? English?
Sam Lin
Sam Lin - 7 years ago
How did Jenny count the fish fry? Isolating one by one?
Jolteon27 Bart
Jolteon27 Bart - 7 years ago
Arlow looks like my fish named Aria
Tyler Bible
Tyler Bible - 7 years ago
I know this is a really belated post, however, my fiancé follows Jenny (Solid Gold) and I follow Joey (DIY Fish) and we loved the fact that we found true common ground in YouTube when our two hero's were in the same video. Mad props for the collaboration
Waterish Bloom35
Waterish Bloom35 - 7 years ago
AxaLOLtals Don't Even Like This Comment
Delia K
Delia K - 7 years ago
Ohmygod my namn is Cordelia
путь и истина и жизнь swann
путь и истина и жизнь swann - 7 years ago
Wildhoney - 7 years ago
Waw, I'm 35 and no I've never lived under a rock, but this is the first time I'v seen a hairstyle like that!! I quite like it!!
jonobcool - 7 years ago
How cool is that! The fish just come to you.
hanif anshori
hanif anshori - 7 years ago
Can we put together discus and goldfish in an aquarium ?
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
I want goldfish now ugh lol
Alexandria Cervantes
Alexandria Cervantes - 7 years ago
Tubby 1409
Tubby 1409 - 7 years ago
That grind on them
Tubby 1409
Tubby 1409 - 7 years ago
That grind on them
McSpitfire - 7 years ago
2:40 He says 'Barbies' like Randy off Trailer Park Boys lol
your name here
your name here - 7 years ago
The King of DIY. plz sub 2 me
Tarek Anam
Tarek Anam - 7 years ago
send me one goldfish
Ankur Korde
Ankur Korde - 7 years ago
Yuppie, are you guys working together now? Good to see both fish experts bonding together. I have a lot many of her videos as well. I just enjoy watching both of your videos all the time & I make my friends do the same. In case you both are not aware, you guys are legends. Good Luck From India.
richard brown
richard brown - 7 years ago
My bros goldfish died in 12 hours of having it
GIOVANNI JUAREZ - 7 years ago
cool get more fish
mac castillo
mac castillo - 7 years ago
She also looks like a gold fish. haha! what's her morph though? black and white coloration of the head. good coloration by the way.
iQ streaming
iQ streaming - 7 years ago
shes cute :D
carlos Flores
carlos Flores - 7 years ago
Yo joey i can tell both of you are feeling each other. Get it bro haha. She would be a good bm for your kids lmaoo
Hail Arriola
Hail Arriola - 7 years ago
Yay solid gold
Sekar Ayu
Sekar Ayu - 7 years ago
I will forever miss Sophie and luka
Denise Thasder
Denise Thasder - 7 years ago
3:04 She dropped one D:
David Vences
David Vences - 7 years ago
my to favorite animal youtubers
David Vences
David Vences - 7 years ago
David Vences
David Vences - 7 years ago
not to he racist but the exolatis is balck and white
David Vences
David Vences - 7 years ago
DMAN D exactly
David Vences
David Vences - 7 years ago
DMAN D black and white
HOBO CAT - 7 years ago
7:22 fish in top left looks dead
Sriram Nikhit
Sriram Nikhit - 7 years ago
yeah..its good to see you both..great job bro
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 7 years ago
u guys should breed
KD Do - 7 years ago
Erin Freeman yeah ariel's parents were both aquarium youtubers
Erin Freeman
Erin Freeman - 7 years ago
Djhi Normas is this how mermaids are made?
Fred Jzeidric Tindongan
Fred Jzeidric Tindongan - 7 years ago
Joey, collab with Steff J and Taylor Nicole too.
Mou Guha
Mou Guha - 7 years ago
Sorry forgot to say the word question
Mou Guha
Mou Guha - 7 years ago
I have a sir are pluchos related to catfish
The Gaming Lobby
The Gaming Lobby - 7 years ago
At 3:06 She drops a gold fish tooth hurry someone go and find it so you can claim it for your own finders keepers.
The Superior Serperior
The Superior Serperior - 7 years ago
7:30 what's that fish called
Rep Secure
Rep Secure - 7 years ago
Im just going to go ahead and say it, shes hot!
Rafa Prieto
Rafa Prieto - 7 years ago
you both make an awesome job at keeping Fish congratZ
Barb Hays
Barb Hays - 7 years ago
you make me feel better about my water changes lol i new i wasn't just ocd xD yay bare bottum tanks!
Manny Cantillo
Manny Cantillo - 7 years ago
I have a leopard gecko
JustPets - 7 years ago
I didn't know Luke died he was my fav
HECTOR PINILLA - 7 years ago
Great video!
flamzy150 - 7 years ago
I just don't really like goldfish used them as feeders for years
Nathalie en zoo
Nathalie en zoo - 7 years ago
kuneria - 7 years ago
"He looks like a Joey." honestly though
Cute fish
Cute fish - 7 years ago
The cover picture of Jenny is not flattering. It makes Jenny look 40 lbs heavier than her
real weight. You should put a better picture of Jenny.
Mean Green Stompa
Mean Green Stompa - 7 years ago
that black and red fish at 11.43 is beautiful.
Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary - 7 years ago
nissan silvia
PuffMaster 1517
PuffMaster 1517 - 7 years ago
she dropped a tooth!!!
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 7 years ago
she is so fine, and you know those dark Emo chicks are freaks in bed ! couldn't focus on the fish talk Blood parrots rule end of convo.
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 7 years ago
Hecci666 are you high on meth? dude her appearance yells EMO u can spot it out miles away and thats fine u need glasses fam.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
She's nowhere near "emo," and you really shouldn't perpetuate stereotypes. Not true at all.
Tiffanee Cole
Tiffanee Cole - 7 years ago
ok and also i have a butt deformed guppy i named him tush
Eve Munoz
Eve Munoz - 7 years ago
I like the collaborations between you and solid gold's Jenny. Two of my favorite YouTube channels in one! Yay for fish freaks! You both are awesome.
HeresMyInput - 7 years ago
"You have all girl names!" well yeah they're all bois?? Followed by that shameless flirting!
Dixiemaizter gogo
Dixiemaizter gogo - 7 years ago
Thoose tanks need some more piranhas.
Chad Harwick
Chad Harwick - 7 years ago
Hot mama!
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 7 years ago
Great job on the tour! It flowed really smooth and showed everything!
Rick Culp
Rick Culp - 7 years ago
You guys seem to like each other. That's cool.
Jason Yang
Jason Yang - 7 years ago
DemonicSpoon - 7 years ago
YES. Let's see the figures! Also, now I want goldfish. And her lipstick is amazing <3
Tiffanee Cole
Tiffanee Cole - 7 years ago
yeah you tell him PS I named my fish to
Razeen Parvez
Razeen Parvez - 7 years ago
how do you know which are male and female??
jer bo
jer bo - 7 years ago
This dispels the myth that once you go black you never go back...
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
Joey tell Jenny she dropped a goldfish tooth you can see it fall at 3:06
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Jimi182 I think she dropped 2
Katie Lee
Katie Lee - 7 years ago
Thank you for doing this collab; Jenny's fish are so cute!
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 7 years ago
I like having feeder fish then making a mini pond for them, they are like kois but 100 times smaller
Sandy Fordham
Sandy Fordham - 7 years ago
the girl is so white see must sleep all day only come out at night she's a vampire
Shanone Rathnayaka
Shanone Rathnayaka - 7 years ago
wow joey I am a really big fan of yours
Chacho B
Chacho B - 7 years ago
Is he Canadian?? When he said "out" sounded similar to "oat" lol.
Andrea Dawn
Andrea Dawn - 7 years ago
Chacho B I was wondering that..... I'm from Alberta but he sounds like he would be from out east for sure
Elaina DeWitt
Elaina DeWitt - 7 years ago
Chacho B yeah he is he's from Nova Scotia
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 7 years ago
Chacho B yeah
Júnior Rosa Pires
Júnior Rosa Pires - 7 years ago
Hello from Brazil! Just recently I started to watch your videos and I have to say they are amazing! kudos! However a request, would be possible also use metric system on your videos? I know, I know, must your viewers mus be in US and Canada... but considering that you are worwilde know (or soon to be) give mesures in metric system also would be nice. Abraços
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 7 years ago
Júnior Rosa Pires No the world should copy The US and use our system !!
Ariel Bledsoe
Ariel Bledsoe - 7 years ago
I've been waiting for this since Jenny's video! New here, can't wait to see more!
nickolai6 - 7 years ago
Amazing collaboration, you both have inspired me in the fish keeping hobby. Such a great opportunity for you both and for all us watching. SolidDIYgold!
Manuel Eckstein
Manuel Eckstein - 7 years ago
Iam searching a small arowana which shipps international. Do you know any good supplyer?
Miracle Johnson
Miracle Johnson - 7 years ago
The King of DIY can u make videos about Betta fish?
yossi yakov
yossi yakov - 7 years ago
Joey i want to buy silver arowana and i would like to know if u can make a video about the care of the arowanas (temp'/water changes/feeding/wood decoration)
yossi yakov
yossi yakov - 7 years ago
how much times per day u feed ur arowana?
CopperFrog - 7 years ago
So why doesn't Joey name his fish then?
Laikin Simons
Laikin Simons - 7 years ago
Feeling Fishy
Feeling Fishy - 7 years ago
You are the best you give me great info and I love your videos
Lisaa - 7 years ago
id use it as a pool
Lee PAYNE - 7 years ago
Hi Joey I have a question we have a Silver Arowana in a 55 gallon tank can we put our Clown Knife Fish with him?
Emmanuel Tadena
Emmanuel Tadena - 7 years ago
You and jenny look good together ❤️
nike12000 - 7 years ago
That black and orange one at 11:50!!!
Atakan Payman
Atakan Payman - 7 years ago
It is clear that Joey does it better. 0:43
Randy Sevilla
Randy Sevilla - 7 years ago
she's fuckin hott
israel barban
israel barban - 7 years ago
I'm jealous
Addy_xo100 VLOG CHANNEL - 7 years ago
they'd make a qt cupple
Yoite - 7 years ago
I love how she holds her fish so gently and they nibble her hands, it's so cute!
Jesse Kempen
Jesse Kempen - 7 years ago
What is the best fish tank and filter for an Oscar fish tank
anthonyprieto09 - 7 years ago
already knew her
Muramana - 7 years ago
Now go visit Taylor Nicole Dean and Steff J. Yea.
MrScienceGeek - 7 years ago
Love seeing the behind the scenes of Solid Gold!
Cristian Sanchez
Cristian Sanchez - 7 years ago
My two favorite YouTubers in one video !!! YAY
Chao Vang
Chao Vang - 7 years ago
Got a shot of Jenny's feet. ;) Nice vid Joey.
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
Does she know any tropical fish other than discus? I don't know who told her that discus are the hardest fish to keep.
Amy's TropicalTankLife
Amy's TropicalTankLife - 7 years ago
Jenny needs a label maker she can write the names of the babies on the side of the tank. no forgetting! :)
denis avdic
denis avdic - 7 years ago
she is realy hot
Tizzy - 7 years ago
at kind of goldfish are those at 11:30 they are beauty's
whiskey delgetto
whiskey delgetto - 7 years ago
She's hot
MY-Louhan - 7 years ago
omg i love u 2^^
Fabulous Hamsters
Fabulous Hamsters - 7 years ago
do goldfish like living in pairs?
Yasmine Gaspard
Yasmine Gaspard - 7 years ago
Jenny was the one youtuber that got me into fish keeping
Swapnil Mithawala
Swapnil Mithawala - 7 years ago
hey joye you r great do a video on how to rise live blood worms or live black worms
Rhys Aistrope
Rhys Aistrope - 7 years ago
"i like toys" Jenny 2k17 you guys heard it hear first
Saad Ahmed
Saad Ahmed - 7 years ago
i have a gold fish its the size of a 3 galon tank its huge and it ate all my fish including my baby arowana
lazzy lg
lazzy lg - 7 years ago
she droped some of the teeth
Robert Griffin III
Robert Griffin III - 7 years ago
You could cut the sexual tension with a knife
Jimmy Jimm
Jimmy Jimm - 7 years ago
She likes him I think
Saint Jude
Saint Jude - 7 years ago
they definitely fucked
RehAdventures - 7 years ago
mizzoktober1 Yeah his wife is hot! But she's not into his hobby; this is a girl who is, so it's different...
mizzoktober1 - 7 years ago
Definitely not seeing it. He can do so much better!
MARY SCHRECK - 7 years ago
I agree
Gas Pedal Subscribe
Gas Pedal Subscribe - 7 years ago
Special K
Special K - 7 years ago
She dropped a fish tooth on the ground at 3:05
TS TOOTIE - 7 years ago
my gold fish died 2day
ArmouredUnicorn - 7 years ago
WOW Luna is so pretty
CAppleTV - 7 years ago
Joey, please make an episode on HOW YOU WOULD clean the filter, media etc. Please do it "hands on", show us. Just describing it is not enough.
Many thanks!
Rob D
Rob D - 7 years ago
Would be cool to see a finished tank for yourself and watch you swim in it!
Ivy Dragonbreath
Ivy Dragonbreath - 7 years ago
Jennie was the reason for finding you, see is amazing in what she does. now so enjoy 2 fish channels
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
Phat Phan
Phat Phan - 7 years ago
who the hell dislike this video ? ... lames
Rusty Dizon
Rusty Dizon - 7 years ago
you two look good together
Margaret Tran
Margaret Tran - 7 years ago
She dropped a goldfish tooth
Connor Smith
Connor Smith - 7 years ago
She's a great woman or great lady, don't call full grown women "girl." It's rude.
_Mav eL
_Mav eL - 7 years ago
Does any woman actually get offended by it? Everyone I know couldn't care less, better things to worry about...
Eel Queen
Eel Queen - 7 years ago
Connor Smith what's rude is telling people what to call their friends. She obviously didn't care.
res0408 - 7 years ago
joey is my boy. he has achieved what many fishkeepers want to do but lack the skills and motivation to build their own custom tanks. i live vicariously through him haha
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 7 years ago
is like Jenny calling him hey boy
RedCobra 09
RedCobra 09 - 7 years ago
Connor Smith Y tho.
sirderpsalot - 7 years ago
Never really been interested in goldfish. But damn, she has some amazing looking fish! Makes me want to keep some.
IvyAllstarz - 7 years ago
Hold up, Luca passed away?! Am I late on this news or something???
Nerd Herd Productions
Nerd Herd Productions - 7 years ago
One of the white axolatols (sorry that's probably horribly misspelled) Casper because they look like a ghost.
Damn Geezer
Damn Geezer - 7 years ago
G i really love her
The1 &only
The1 &only - 7 years ago
relationship goals
william amely
william amely - 7 years ago
Beautiful Butterfly Telescopes! Her fish are awesome. Also, YES, it's pronounced BET-TA. Not Bay-ta. The later is spelled with just one "t" and is a measure of risk in the financial world. Not sure how this error got started, but it is BET-TA.
Boombox cat
Boombox cat - 7 years ago
she's a babe lol
Hype Gaming
Hype Gaming - 7 years ago
3:08 did she drop a tooth in the floor
boop da snoot
boop da snoot - 7 years ago
I think we've found Jenny's replacement if she ever needs anyone to fill in for her xD...
Randomstuff47 - 7 years ago
can you use a plastic bin for a tank??????
Randomstuff47 - 7 years ago
luisa castellanos Thank you
luisa castellanos
luisa castellanos - 7 years ago
Randomstuff47 yes. they spoke a bit about alternative fish keeping methods in her video with him. it's a great way to save money and give your fish the proper amount of space.
Mang Ouste
Mang Ouste - 7 years ago
Pretty nice setups in general but i just want to notice that leopard geckos are from desert and this terrarium look more tropical so be careful
Cris Noctest guard
Cris Noctest guard - 7 years ago
the king of DIY and solid gold is very cute ..
Little Yachty 25789
Little Yachty 25789 - 7 years ago
You should get a betta fish for your self. Pleeeeeaaaase
Bossatmakeup Maria
Bossatmakeup Maria - 7 years ago
I don't know them personally ! But they look good together I think !
Roman Frotan
Roman Frotan - 7 years ago
she dropped a tooth 3:06 !
Jared Kestner
Jared Kestner - 7 years ago
She does it better lol
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 7 years ago
She's gorgeous
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Aaaaaw she named Luca's baby Luna! That was my suggestion! <3 You guys brushed off the Watonai haha. But yaaaaaas my two favourite fishkeeper youtubers have finally collaborated!
Vuln G
Vuln G - 7 years ago
She shouldn't cohab her geckos
luisa castellanos
luisa castellanos - 7 years ago
Vuln G shes had them a few years already i believe though?
Vuln G
Vuln G - 7 years ago
No, leopard geckos are solitary animals. They should not be cohabbed. I'm an experienced leopard gecko owner and know of others who cohabbed and because of it their leopard geckos attacked/killed one another even when it was just females.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
They're both females. If it was two males or male and female, then it would be a prpblem. Two females is fine.
Ashley S
Ashley S - 7 years ago
Yay I was waiting for this vid!
richard dalton
richard dalton - 7 years ago
you are the best
richard dalton
richard dalton - 7 years ago
you are the beat!!!!!
Stian - 7 years ago
Those goldfish in the corner black tank were absolutely beautiful! Thought they looked like an even more graceful miniature koi or something!
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
They're Watonai, Jennie has a video on them. I think Joey forgot to ask about them.
Jasper Whyte
Jasper Whyte - 7 years ago
Show us your toys joey
Corbin - 7 years ago
"Oh he looks like a Joey" lmao
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 7 years ago
Anyone else see one of her male goldfish upside down... or did I see it wrong?
Hailey Ann
Hailey Ann - 7 years ago
I'm scared she's gonna cut a fish with those long nails lol
Mark Rivera
Mark Rivera - 7 years ago
My two favorites!!
Lyle Maurer
Lyle Maurer - 7 years ago
Do you have a pixel out on the right side of your camera?
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
Good to see your new fish are doing well. I wouldn't change anything for a lest three months. That will give them time to get over the stress of the move and and start acting like young discus. Going bare bottom or making any changes now will just add more tress and prolong them setting in.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Damn.. This video was more fun than the first

Not that the first (on her channel) sucks.. but I like this better :)
Roach Ant
Roach Ant - 7 years ago
She keeps her tanks very well. She won't have any problems with the discus I'm sure.
Wes Hamilton
Wes Hamilton - 7 years ago
Are those Axelotos...(forgive my spelling if incorrect!) the same thing as whats refered to as "waterdogs" in the angler hobby? They look exactly the same too me :-) lol!
KD Do - 7 years ago
Hannah Stanford actually they've become established in some places in the us, but it's possible that he just caught a juvenile salamander
It's Not a Fly
It's Not a Fly - 7 years ago
Mud puppies are similar to axolotls but they are different. Axolotls are almost extinct and only live in 1 lake in mexico.
Hannah Stanford
Hannah Stanford - 7 years ago
mr. FELTON they only live in a mexican river and are close to extinct so you didn't catch one
mr. FELTON - 7 years ago
Wes Hamilton In NY we call them Mud Puppies. The strangest thing I ever caught while fishing. I have never had a " fish " walk back into the water.
Hype Gaming
Hype Gaming - 7 years ago
Wes Hamilton not exactly
Michael Lou
Michael Lou - 7 years ago
Discus is all about water changes....that's it so long as you have soft water and neutral ph.
Hopping Hamster123
Hopping Hamster123 - 7 years ago
At 7:20 there's a dead fish
Ohio Orchid Guy
Ohio Orchid Guy - 7 years ago
Pet lover 2017 if you watch her most recent vid on her channel you will see what was going on. He wasnt dead.....yet
Robert Gonzalez
Robert Gonzalez - 7 years ago
dam she's beautiful
Chinoynoy Chie
Chinoynoy Chie - 7 years ago
My 2 favorite youtuber!!!♡
Thanks King of DIY!
Great video like always!
Drew B
Drew B - 7 years ago
Joey wants his goldfish tank back now.
Jesse Kempen
Jesse Kempen - 7 years ago
What do u think is the best size tank for an Oscar fish and what is the best filter I should get aswell
Loading Please wait
Loading Please wait - 7 years ago
she likes toys... huh
Kari Johnson
Kari Johnson - 7 years ago
She could label each tank with their name and porteait
Just BleachIt!
Just BleachIt! - 7 years ago
why is it inhumane to leave a fish who is deformed?
Shi Pool
Shi Pool - 7 years ago
Depending on the deformity, it can have issues swimming, eating or breathing.
Sure it'd survive, but it wouldn't thrive. Fish with some more major deformities can be prone to more diseases and illnesses, and just generally don't live very long or happy lives.
MLG skooters
MLG skooters - 7 years ago
I have a gecko
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 7 years ago
Dayum that's one cute vampire
Bro Bliscious
Bro Bliscious - 7 years ago
You should get some more of those axalatals!
Just BleachIt!
Just BleachIt! - 7 years ago
at 3:05 or somewhere there I think one of your goldfish teeth fell or something fell when you poured the teeth in your hand
LilacKoala23 - 7 years ago
omg finally <3
Caitlin Dick
Caitlin Dick - 7 years ago
I love herrrr
Kathy Nguyen
Kathy Nguyen - 7 years ago
i love axolotls
Nasser Feed
Nasser Feed - 7 years ago
The Beta is chilling at home in a neat tank, and these goldfish are stacked in a garage

when ur aggressive behavior becomes an advantage
Mike Cose
Mike Cose - 7 years ago
GracefullAnimals - 7 years ago
Nasser Feed she takes rly good care of her fish so
wolffriendinus - 7 years ago
Loved the black one with the red on his head, beautiful fish.
Adam Burn
Adam Burn - 7 years ago
She counted them 158
Amanda Brito
Amanda Brito - 7 years ago
My small son had been asking for a fish for about six months. I thought it would pass like most of his crazy ideas, but he was adamant. I haven't actively kept fish since I had a few barbs in college (They lived five years until a terrible ice storm killed the power for five days). I thought maybe a goldfish would be nice. They're so friendly and interactive at the pet store. I decided to do some research, came across Solid Gold Aquatics and quickly realized we don't have the space for goldfish right now. Jenny's wonderful advice led us to get a five gallon tank, cycle it properly using ammonia, and then get a betta. So I'm glad to see such knowledgeable people collaborate, because it really helps dummies like me!
are you the destroyer
are you the destroyer - 7 years ago
you could always get a betta!
Sushifoo - 7 years ago
Awesome! I'm happy you did your research instead of doing what most parents do and buy a fish, throw it into a bowl and expect it to thrive.
selty - 7 years ago
Oh man. This made my night reading this. One less fish in a toxic bowl. Thank you Amanda x
luisa castellanos
luisa castellanos - 7 years ago
Amanda Brito this is awesome. i killed sto many animals when i was a kid cause my mom would buy me whatever pet i wanted without really knowing how to properly care for them. traumatized me. lol
Bill Gilmore
Bill Gilmore - 7 years ago
I waited all week to see a pale ass vampires goldfish.
Garnet - 7 years ago
Bill Gilmore yikes! people like you are so sad.
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 7 years ago
Nice tour guys ✌
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
Definitely smashed
BrunoTheHamster - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs He's married..
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
I have subscribed to her channel some time ago! She is amazing with goldfish! But I may take up the idea of the kids pools for my koi, they need more space and I'd love to see them in something bigger than what their in. Thanks Joey for this video! I love seeing the aquarium community able to get together for the education of the hobbie! Thanks again.
William Perry
William Perry - 7 years ago
what;s in that 40 gallon exo-terra breeder?
William Perry
William Perry - 7 years ago
never mind. she showed them off quickly.
The Deamon
The Deamon - 7 years ago
I have a ranchu with a deformed​ mouth. I had to get repashy gel food to feed her. she is starting to gain some good weight now. with out these two channels my fish would not be in the health they are in now. a lot of good info.
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Loved the video Joey, thanks for visiting and for sharing my fish room with your viewers! You're welcome any time. Still not changing Corduroy's name to Joey though... lol!
Raul S
Raul S - 7 years ago
She's so beautiful. And so are her fish.
Dustin Shier
Dustin Shier - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics my strange addiction... goldfish.
Mark Mc
Mark Mc - 7 years ago
I loved this interaction and sharing of skills.. A lot!!
KWO KGB - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics i fell in love in only one gold fish in this video ... the black and white one ;)
Sander Bauwens
Sander Bauwens - 7 years ago
you can put a tank up side down in your pond setups, so you can view the fish from the side
TIMBER BEAST - 7 years ago
You dropped a gold fish tooth! D:
Jason D
Jason D - 7 years ago
Give some love to Ranchu goldfish Jenny, they are hella cute.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
I love that you named Luca's baby Luna, I suggested that! <3
OC Ranchu
OC Ranchu - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics Great Goldie Tour! My fish room is also in my seperate garage. While my shop is insulated and heated/air-conditioned my water line to that building is not heated. How are you doing water changes and keeping reasonably equivalent water temperatures? Thanks!
elemental dolphin ocean
elemental dolphin ocean - 7 years ago
I have a friend called cordelia
Deodonne Adams
Deodonne Adams - 7 years ago
joey love this video
TrIx Kane
TrIx Kane - 7 years ago
Did she say it wouldn't be humane to let the deformed ones to live that's discrimination
James Gumb
James Gumb - 7 years ago
Do you guys think they.....did it together ;) ?.... you know make an aquarium together.
freshwater aquatics
freshwater aquatics - 7 years ago
this video makes me want to get goldfish
Johnny Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen - 7 years ago
Yo two of my subscribers met each other lol
Kala C TheNanoChick
Kala C TheNanoChick - 7 years ago
Joey you been holding out??!! We wanna see your GI Joe collection!
Xdrone128 - 7 years ago
My nigga prob smashed too
Keely Wonder
Keely Wonder - 7 years ago
solid gold is queen!!!!
J Lynn
J Lynn - 7 years ago
Awesome collab!!
Noa Spencer
Noa Spencer - 7 years ago
she actually dropped a goldfish tooth on her floor
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
she likes toys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mike Cose
Mike Cose - 7 years ago
DReis 7 lol!
Catriona Halliday
Catriona Halliday - 7 years ago
Bradley Jarman
Bradley Jarman - 7 years ago
Sorry man, she does the intro better, maybe 'cause she's much prettier ;)
Kevin JD
Kevin JD - 7 years ago
Loved the tour. Lovely fish.
MissHarleyQuinn - 7 years ago
your one fish reminds me of darth mahl :p
patrick couch
patrick couch - 7 years ago
Connor Grist
Connor Grist - 7 years ago
Did anyone see the upside down goldfish at 7:22
Moghal Vines
Moghal Vines - 7 years ago
where are your goldfish????..
MissHarleyQuinn - 7 years ago
i played with GC horses too! untill i was 14 am 28 now
Sonic Ninja
Sonic Ninja - 7 years ago
Soooo many loves vibes. If you had kids they'd look like a fish house.
Gaina - 7 years ago
I've got a 'geek shelf` too!
Oh Noes TV
Oh Noes TV - 7 years ago
Our axolotl tank looks so similar haha!!
Same Old Guy
Same Old Guy - 7 years ago
Jenny is so beautiful :)
...even gold fish sound interesting!

Just just kidding, they ARE interesting.
Ethan Kusiak
Ethan Kusiak - 7 years ago
It's definitely not betta
HoneyMadison n
HoneyMadison n - 7 years ago
I love being so so invested in something that is so taken for granted. I also love the way that these two speak to one another, like they're so on the same page that they can just enjoy each other's company. I'm so pumped!! Lol
RTORIC - 7 years ago
Rachel wells
Rachel wells - 7 years ago
I love the chemistry you two have. Excellent collabs on both ends, you guys! Thanks for doing this! You guys should hang more often :)
BigusTius - 7 years ago
You should call your flowerhorn Curly as in Curly Howard from The Three Stooges, I can just imaging it going, "Woop woop woop woop".
kujawat - 7 years ago
all the girls i know love their toys.. i especially like it when they offer to show them to me.. wait.. did she say horses? wait.. i think i'm talking about a whole different kind of toy.. i bet she has those too..
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Why did you copy and paste Jennie's comment? Tool.
Halberkeks :3
Halberkeks :3 - 7 years ago
kujawat maybe it does the sound of a horse or something ... xD
Guess Guess
Guess Guess - 7 years ago
joey and jenny should marry
En Lin
En Lin - 7 years ago
Guess Guess I agree!
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 7 years ago
They should just flirt only.
Kenzie B
Kenzie B - 7 years ago
plus jenny has a boyfriend, And isnt he a lot older then her??
Jason D
Jason D - 7 years ago
girlfriend* and two kids. They are not married yet xD
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
He has a wife and children. Not happening.
Bunny - 7 years ago
he has a wife and two kids! :p
RVG - 7 years ago
Antoine Kunz he has 2 kids r u dizzy
Justin Brooke
Justin Brooke - 7 years ago
lol it did sound slightly flirty
Joselyn Medina
Joselyn Medina - 7 years ago
he has a wife i think
shaun lomas
shaun lomas - 7 years ago
You got a new subscriber
Sarah Gillies
Sarah Gillies - 7 years ago
Tom-E - 7 years ago
She lives in Florida and is that white i guess she just doesn`t tan poor girl...
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Nobody damages their skin with a bit of tan (maybe only if you are a person that have skin problems / too sensitive but from what I know those people are as minority).. When you stay too much in the sun light
then you damage the skin (or not so much if you use a good UV lotion)

Sun is not bad for humans.. Bad is when you stay TOO MUCH (too MANY hours) in the sun light (a summer like sun of course)
Dannii Danger
Dannii Danger - 7 years ago
I pity people who love damaging their skin, pale all the way :)
Urf Swag
Urf Swag - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics And cute too
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
lol don't pitty me, I prefer to be pale.
K Y - 7 years ago
I guess her kitty Grim didn't want to make a cameo appearance.
Ruben Carmona
Ruben Carmona - 7 years ago
Are the fish at 11:37 the same as the ones in the tank before it ?
Nica Valencia
Nica Valencia - 7 years ago
how much do butterfly telescopes normally go for? they are so unique looking, very cute, too.
Ohio Orchid Guy
Ohio Orchid Guy - 7 years ago
Nica Valencia depends on where you get them, Jenny gets hers from Dandy Orandas and they go for over 100+ dollars. If you find them in petstores they are varied in price based on size. $6-$40
Mohsen Farhadi
Mohsen Farhadi - 7 years ago
lol , so funny... nice voice over :D
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
almost at 400k. keep it up joey.
Katie C.
Katie C. - 7 years ago
Yesssss! I have been so excited for this x
Marie-Christine - 7 years ago
Wow her fish look amazing!! I think you have a much better camera!!
Maybe she should label the tanks with the fish's name?
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey for the video Jenny is a dime
SamanthaR - 7 years ago
I am so glad that you did this video. Jennie is amazing so this is a pretty big deal for us goldfish keepers to see her on your channel. You should see if Deme*Tyoubi, the artist that did her felt goldfish sculptures can make an Arowana for your new gallery.
Florence Phillips
Florence Phillips - 7 years ago
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Jenny needs a pond and some koi
J.Cliff Toomey
J.Cliff Toomey - 7 years ago
:-O She dropped a tooth!! 3:04
tarsier Flierman
tarsier Flierman - 7 years ago
Ik had to laugh about you naming them axolties hahaha
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 7 years ago
My daughter loves Solid Gold !!
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 7 years ago
ah my bad ,dense moment from me there lol
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks It's a joke but solid gold is expensive u know
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 7 years ago
Why ?
SDD525 - 7 years ago
RIP Mark.
Yash Chile
Yash Chile - 7 years ago
Awesome tanks collection i have a gold fish i love it
Brian Romero
Brian Romero - 7 years ago
I like the kid pool where can I get one ?
Stephanie - 7 years ago
Mathisse Bisceglie
Mathisse Bisceglie - 7 years ago
3:04 she dropped a teeth, it will never be seen again RIP teeth
Jared - 7 years ago
Awesome experience! Thank you for sharing with us!
Cindy Klockenbrink
Cindy Klockenbrink - 7 years ago
that black with red headed goldfish in the black tank. what are those? i really love those for maybe in my pond. i think koi are to big and these look a little like butterfly koi .
Stephanie - 7 years ago
Explore her channel she has an entire video on them. I think you're talking about her Watonai
Devendra Dwivedi
Devendra Dwivedi - 7 years ago
Don't you have a turtle???
Trash Bin
Trash Bin - 7 years ago
Devendra Dwivedi no
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 7 years ago
that was a pretty good impression of jenny I watch her all the time thanks King of Diy
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
What species at 11:40 ?
Stephanie - 7 years ago
genghis - 7 years ago
same like michael jackson but in goldfish, interesting
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
genghis lol?
Madeleine LR
Madeleine LR - 7 years ago
I ship that
imprintaftah - 7 years ago
nigga said evolution... lol
Stephanie - 7 years ago
Maybe because he doesn't believe evolutionism
SDD525 - 7 years ago
He's a what?
Matt Hew
Matt Hew - 7 years ago
imprintaftah why is that funny?
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 7 years ago
@ 3:49 Joey says "Barb" like Randy and Mr. Layhe on Trailer Park Boys!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Aquatic Logic Their last 3 seasons were filmed here in Truro.
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 7 years ago
Coal Harbour NS?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Aquatic Logic makes sense. They film that show in my town.
BayouGoldfish - 7 years ago
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Jenny needs a new roof on her house!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Nice reply hahah
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
I do. Wanna pay for it? ;)
Oli - 7 years ago
If joey gets a female fish name it Jenny, if Jenny gets a male fish name it joey
Tyler Rodriguez
Tyler Rodriguez - 7 years ago
15:30 what are those called? Not sure how to spell it and they look interesting
Onyx - 7 years ago
Tyler Rodriguez those are Axolotls
dsaasdasd asdasdasd
dsaasdasd asdasdasd - 7 years ago
Tyler Rodriguez it is called aloverus perpanavarus you can search it on google
Tomas Nyberg
Tomas Nyberg - 7 years ago
where did she get those huge overhang filters?
Tomas Nyberg
Tomas Nyberg - 7 years ago
SDD525 well I want to buy one. Thanks anyway
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Build one out of acrylic.
Will Hodgson
Will Hodgson - 7 years ago
Just discovered Solid Gold Aquatics the other day and immediately subscribed and now The King himself posts this video, only made me believe I definitely had the right idea when subscribing!
Sasha C
Sasha C - 7 years ago
My Watonai is called Joey! :D
Aquarium Time
Aquarium Time - 7 years ago
hey im in Florida now
Spyc - 7 years ago
leopard gecks shouldnt be housed together at all even if they are both female they tend to bully each other even if you dont see it and how could you anyway they are nocturnal haha cute goldfish though!
becca ogburn
becca ogburn - 7 years ago
i loooove solidgold!!
xSean145 - 7 years ago
Looks funny when she just picks them up with her hands. :)
Stephanie - 7 years ago
A lot of goldfish keepers do that. At least from what I've seen lol
Shikoba Ofi
Shikoba Ofi - 7 years ago
Jenny is such a cutie :) Love her channel
JTB Reptiles
JTB Reptiles - 7 years ago
Awesome, both of your channels are great! Do I feel any reptiles coming to the Joey household?
Adrian Paolo
Adrian Paolo - 7 years ago
First Time Seeing Jenny's broadtails after she posted a video about getting them they've gotten so big now.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 7 years ago
Her betta tank looks really nice. Ive always hated the more modified fancy goldfish like those butterfly telescope eyes but she seems to do a good job caring for them. I don't get how some people think they look pretty. Guess its just preference. anyway nice colab :)
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Jack smith less pretty and more adorable, the way the wriggle is so cute
Geckomander - 7 years ago
I can't stand the bulbous appendages either
MasterPancakez - 7 years ago
Jack smith seeing it in real life is a lot different. I have a black telescope eye that I always thought looked crazy until I got one.
toy Bonnie minecart backup
toy Bonnie minecart backup - 7 years ago
Jack smith *collab and I aggree
selty - 7 years ago
I agree I always thought it was like having a bloody parrot, just a lot of them don't seem to have safe lives but in her big pools they seem really healthy
kubbi 幼獸
kubbi 幼獸 - 7 years ago
Jack smith "Hate" is a strong word
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 7 years ago
will there be a tank for your fancy goldfish to go back in, in the new fish gallery?
André Fernandes
André Fernandes - 7 years ago
You should give us an update on your goldfish
André Fernandes
André Fernandes - 7 years ago
RusieckiR I know. I watch every one of his videos.
Let me rephrase it since so many people had trouble understanding it:
Joey, you should do a video about your goldfish at your friend's house. Show us how they are housed and what they look like now.
RusieckiR - 7 years ago
He gave them to someone but he will get them back
André Fernandes
André Fernandes - 7 years ago
Hugo Döner I know. That's why I think he should give us an update
Helge Döker
Helge Döker - 7 years ago
André Fernandes lol he put them away long time ago... The asian red arawona is now in that tank
Carved Parachute
Carved Parachute - 7 years ago
André Fernandes yeah
Sam O'keefe
Sam O'keefe - 7 years ago
there is a new tank in her room
B's Aquatics
B's Aquatics - 7 years ago
7:45 what a beautiful tail
Shadow Gaming
Shadow Gaming - 7 years ago
Karen Morris
Karen Morris - 7 years ago
Wonderful collaboration! Love both your channels!
Nox - 7 years ago
I'm early
Lewis Sammons
Lewis Sammons - 7 years ago
3:04 she dropped a fish tooth on her carpet lol
Maura Sheehy
Maura Sheehy - 7 years ago
Lewis Sammons I just saw that hahaha
HollyHasRarez MSP
HollyHasRarez MSP - 7 years ago
I was looking for this comment lmao
South Paw and Southern
South Paw and Southern - 7 years ago
C K more dropped DNA in this video than Bill Clinton And Monica Lewinsky.
South Paw and Southern
South Paw and Southern - 7 years ago
taylor • future super hero Fish keeper DNA all over this video!!!
taylor •
taylor • - 7 years ago
I saw that
Unicorn DIY
Unicorn DIY - 7 years ago
Lewis Sammons that's what I said aswell
Sneaky Kirsy
Sneaky Kirsy - 7 years ago
J.Cliff Toomey
J.Cliff Toomey - 7 years ago
Lewis Sammons, wait, xD you beat me to it.. xD nice job.
C K - 7 years ago
she dropped quite a few atually
Mailo the BSH kitten
Mailo the BSH kitten - 7 years ago
Lewis Sammons yes I saw it as well
datinyone - 7 years ago
"he looks like a joey".. I loled.. I'm so glad you guys did these.. 2 of my favourite youtubers together at last!... I'm not a goldfish keeper at ALL, but I've been subbed to Jenny for a couple years now.. great content, beautiful fish!.
datinyone - 7 years ago
RTORIC - 7 years ago
datinyone i love how she still continued to explain how she got the name
datinyone - 7 years ago
haha! Every time she shows him in videos, I'll remember you calling him Joey lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
datinyone I'm calling him Joey regardless of what Jenny says lol
Azlan Shaikh
Azlan Shaikh - 7 years ago
i was in school , i ran my ass off to the washroom , when i saw a notification
•Beth Rose•
•Beth Rose• - 7 years ago
Seeing both of my favorite youtubers in one video, I'm in heaven!!
T w H
T w H - 7 years ago
this is cool to see. my two favourit fish peeps
Travis S
Travis S - 7 years ago
great video Joey!! She's very knowledgeable and runs a great channel!!
Syafeeq Said
Syafeeq Said - 7 years ago
i see an empty tank 2:45 , possible future build by jenny?
Stephanie - 7 years ago
Yes! She has mentioned that eventually she wants one of every fancy variety to display :)
alymydarling - 7 years ago
I've been waiting for this video since she posted the interview!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I waited too.. But I think he wanted to tease us again with this delay! He loves doing that.. Lol
Special Snowflakes
Special Snowflakes - 7 years ago
alymydarling me too!
alymydarling - 7 years ago
Currently having a mini heart attack from the love omg thank you joey!
jenny miravalles
jenny miravalles - 7 years ago
Honest goals.
to om
to om - 7 years ago
how can you stay so white by living in Florida? I am an nordic northern sea beach resident and we have simular weather like northern Canada and i would be lobster red while I am pale like her.
Tori M
Tori M - 7 years ago
Florida raised and pale all my life c,:
kitten fish
kitten fish - 7 years ago
to om My secret is being a fare skinned ginger that burns after five minutes in the sun
res0408 - 7 years ago
she's smart by staying out of the sun. who wants leathery skin when they get older?
to om
to om - 7 years ago
Valerie Perez so you are basicly nosferatu
Ava Perez
Ava Perez - 7 years ago
to om I live in southern Texas , and I'm white as snow and that's because I completely avoid the sun especially in the summer because it could easily burn someone like me . I also prefer being indoors so maybe she's always indoors idk
Fesa Vera
Fesa Vera - 7 years ago
Also yes, it's humid and hot! I only have what little tan I have because I have to wait for my daughter outside after school.
Fesa Vera
Fesa Vera - 7 years ago
I'm from Florida! I'm not super tan either. In the summer I'm probably a light beige and I. The winter I'm probably a similar color to her!
Omkar Vaidya
Omkar Vaidya - 7 years ago
maybe all that makeup shades here skin from the sun
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
The king of DIY

She has the de-melanizer gene.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I like what Allison said tho haha
HamsterLuv7777 - 7 years ago
Tanning just causes wrinkles anyway. : )
HamsterLuv7777 - 7 years ago
Yes she is from Minnesota and has only lived in Florida for a couple of years. I am very fair skinned too and always use sunscreen because I always burn otherwise. I don't tan much.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
to om She spends all her time indoors editing videos for us!! <3
SDD525 - 7 years ago
asian bubble
asian bubble - 7 years ago
She's from Minnesota originally where it's cold and snowy a lot. At least I think that's where she said she was from in one of her videos.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Florida people don't go out in the sun so much. some people do, but most people avoid the UV like the plague.

Get burned to blistering in an hour of sun a couple of times and you figure out it just isn't worth it.
Maddie Taylah
Maddie Taylah - 7 years ago
Maybe she burns and therefore puts on sunscreen most of the time?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
to om I wonder the same thing. Not all people have a tan. Usually is tourists do. Turns out the summers are just too hot and humid to even want to go outside.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 7 years ago
to om Probably doesn't go outdoors other than driving to and from shops.
to om
to om - 7 years ago
Spacey Lacie well for us here 17 degrees maybe max 22 Celsius is a pretty nice Summer day :D
Spacey Lacie
Spacey Lacie - 7 years ago
It's too hot to go outside in the summers. Between the actual temp and having that amplified by humidity - Florida isn't so fun.
princessannika1996 - 7 years ago
hey, i know off topic but will you have axolotl in your fish house once its done even if they arnt fish?
James Dore
James Dore - 7 years ago
fun fact arlo means fortified army in Anglo English
Keith Clunk
Keith Clunk - 7 years ago
That little white pixel wobbling about becomes very distracting. Noticed it a week or so ago. For example: @4:44 it is on Jenny's shoulder.
OutcastOutdoors - 7 years ago
noooo why would you point that out i haven't noticed it... now thats all i see damn u XD
long Lam
long Lam - 7 years ago
Hey man,if you go to South East Asia you will see the beautiful fish
stacey mccoy
stacey mccoy - 7 years ago
you have no idea how long ive been wanting this collaboration
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Its because of Joey.. also known as The King of Tease too (he loves teasing us / making us wait)
David Prince Red
David Prince Red - 7 years ago
Joey will you post more of your flowerhorn and I would love to see your goldfish again and when would that be? I straight away came to this video when I saw the notification,also I saw Jen vid before I came
Maverickaru - 7 years ago
Ax salty XD Great vid man.
chan1025 - 7 years ago
Mendy Furst
Mendy Furst - 7 years ago
Wow very cool!
Alaura McWilliam
Alaura McWilliam - 7 years ago
Finally! I clicked so freakin fast when I saw this.
Mo44 - 7 years ago
Very cool video!
Baller Bingham
Baller Bingham - 7 years ago
N8 the Gr8
N8 the Gr8 - 7 years ago
610th view
Camoriae Carter
Camoriae Carter - 7 years ago
omg! You guys are so amazing. the laughs are definitely contagious! So glad you guys did these videos and should most definitely do more.!
TheJibootyinfiresme - 7 years ago
this video is just a different perspective of what ive already seen
Stephanie - 7 years ago
Yay fellow bts and fish lover lol!! Army <3
Dominic Luarca
Dominic Luarca - 7 years ago
cute collab <3
ffishfinger - 7 years ago
3:04 you dropped a goldfish tooth on the floor!
Casper Wecksten
Casper Wecksten - 7 years ago
....ITS A DOT :)........
Becca Louise
Becca Louise - 7 years ago
I've been waiting for this for ages! Ever since Jen uploaded her video!!!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I waited too.. But I think he wanted to tease us again with this delay! He loves doing that.. Lol
Camoriae Carter
Camoriae Carter - 7 years ago
Becca Louise same!!
Monica R
Monica R - 7 years ago
This is all I ever wanted
Lakse Kongen
Lakse Kongen - 7 years ago
Cool video here frome Denmark so cool thank you for Sharing the video
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
about time lol;)
ᔕᗩᒪᗰᗩᑎ - 7 years ago
Loved the collab :) ❤❤❤ both my fav youtubers.
dkkang15 - 7 years ago
been waiting when this will come put.
Ishmum Enan
Ishmum Enan - 7 years ago
great vid
Ishmum Enan
Ishmum Enan - 7 years ago
Kaiser WoTB
Kaiser WoTB - 7 years ago
Yasss new video!!
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 7 years ago
I can't wait!
Isaac Surong
Isaac Surong - 7 years ago
hi there joey can i get a reply?
San Martin Botello
San Martin Botello - 7 years ago
hi 2
Lee Yang
Lee Yang - 7 years ago
early bird~~~

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