Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

120x50x50 cm (300l) Step-by-Step with Seiryu Stone, Elos Terra, Amazonia Soil Powder and two plants: Eleocharis sp. mini. and Hemianthus Micranthemoides Video from day 98 with sp. trimming using a ADA scissor. Music from Mark Neil - Talk Me Down - under Creative Commons Licence.

Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming sentiment_very_dissatisfied 118

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 681,172 views

120x50x50 cm (300l) Step-by-Step with Seiryu Stone, Elos Terra, Amazonia Soil Powder and two plants: Eleocharis sp. mini. and Hemianthus Micranthemoides Video from day 98 with sp. trimming using a ADA scissor. Music from Mark Neil - Talk Me Down - under Creative Commons Licence.

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Most popular comments
for Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

Prathamesh Singh
Prathamesh Singh - 7 years ago
How to vaccum the trimmed part and what the method
ARJUN PALIT - 7 years ago
do u add ada eca or green gain post trimming
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 7 years ago
I used them on some aquariums. I think I haven't used it on this one.
Reinmar Z Bielawy
Reinmar Z Bielawy - 7 years ago
This is Amazing :)
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 7 years ago
Christina Leifeste
Christina Leifeste - 7 years ago
I love it!
Sara Nørrstelien
Sara Nørrstelien - 7 years ago
this is so beuatiful it looks like paradise
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 7 years ago
Thanks Sara
Jason Weir
Jason Weir - 7 years ago
I have in my team but it's not grown in anywhere near as thick as yours. Any tips or secrets in growing that carpet? It's perfect
Uone Del Rosario
Uone Del Rosario - 7 years ago
Michael Harto
Michael Harto - 7 years ago
wow, you must be good at trimming... uhmm... bushes
Tigrzl - 7 years ago
wow... amazing aquarium... beautiful.

10. comment for Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

Equales Rex
Equales Rex - 7 years ago
Which plants and stone are in this setup?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 7 years ago
At the end of the video (6:25) there is an extensive setup description.
Ice cream Sandwich
Ice cream Sandwich - 7 years ago
That looks beautiful
wendigolycan - 7 years ago
That elbow to make the water flow upwards when doing water changes is a brilliant idea!
Marshingo - 7 years ago
I wish I could do stuff like this in the barracks ;-;
Spotless - 7 years ago
Csgo clockwerk music haha
appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
good not so good
Vanessa - 7 years ago
Muito bom...
Victor Lias
Victor Lias - 7 years ago
i wanna ask what kind of fish is in the aquarium?they look cute
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 7 years ago
Tetra Amandae
Can I get 5,000 SUBS Please?
Can I get 5,000 SUBS Please? - 7 years ago
how do you clean the tank
itlookedlikefun - 7 years ago
It was like watching my neighbor mow the lawn, if my neighbor was sponge bob squarepants tehe

20. comment for Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

Ginglyst - 7 years ago
you should get some sheep fish they will do the work for you ;-)
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 7 years ago
:-) If I found them, I'll share with everyone...
SadijeAkaru - 7 years ago
imagine cute shrimp swimming in there
Jérémy NANSÉ
Jérémy NANSÉ - 7 years ago
No comment for music... What happened ?????? f***
Edward Kenneth Solomon
Edward Kenneth Solomon - 7 years ago
oh my. i would love to have this kind of tank. beautiful
RicoGalassi - 7 years ago
nice, but whats up with the music.....?
SAMUEL SANJEEV - 7 years ago
any problems with algae?
Janssen Eric Poda
Janssen Eric Poda - 8 years ago
I have two 39w A-series Chihiros Light on my 120cm tank... Will this be enough to grow HC? thank you appreciate your reply
a09as - 8 years ago
Look at the fishes all huddled up in the left corner lol
Tekno Face
Tekno Face - 8 years ago
did you use reverse osmosis water ?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Nope, plain tap water with conditioner.
Taufiq Suryono
Taufiq Suryono - 8 years ago
what type of carpet you are using ?

30. comment for Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

kiran - 8 years ago
how did u do that aquascaping?
Live Streaming - Sony Xperia Z1 Compact
Live Streaming - Sony Xperia Z1 Compact - 8 years ago
@Pedro Rosa, hi. i would like to ask if, do you turn off your light and co2 at night? thanks.
Live Streaming - Sony Xperia Z1 Compact
Live Streaming - Sony Xperia Z1 Compact - 8 years ago
Pedro Rosa what is the dis advantages if co2 and lights are always on? i am a newbie for planted tank.)
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Yes, obviously. Only 7 to 8 hours of light and CO2.
Jefferson  Alves
Jefferson Alves - 8 years ago
parabéns mano, ficou show
viral videos
viral videos - 8 years ago
what substrate is that??
Indah 2
Indah 2 - 8 years ago
Waterboarded - 8 years ago
I just stumbled on the video and got hooked, that was an awesome video.  I couldn't imagine that in a dream.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Thanks :-)
Arga Yudha Anggara
Arga Yudha Anggara - 8 years ago
what fish is it?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Tetra Embers
imam hassan
imam hassan - 8 years ago
wow so nice and a quick question may I knoe its a freshwater or seawater aquarium and whats the name of plants and grass I need it plz can tell me thanks
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
It's obviously a freshwater aquarium. Plant names are at the end of the video.
Scott Hasner
Scott Hasner - 8 years ago
awesome tank, what is the grassy field planted with. I've never found anything like it in my local pet stores?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Scott, Eleocharis sp. mini
Numu Tekwipu
Numu Tekwipu - 8 years ago
Just regular grass? or what is that grass called thanks I want a environment like that for my RIVER MONSTER TIGER SHOVEL NOSE check out my videos of him have 130 gallon for now next year will get the 400 gallon for Christmas for now his fine only 10 inch that's why next year he will have a 400 gallon with way much detailz in it for now thanks
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
The grass is Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' .
Seashellmelody - 8 years ago
Have you ever accidentally vacuumed one of the fish before?
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 8 years ago
Seashellmelody he takes out the fish
bram van de veerdonk
bram van de veerdonk - 8 years ago
how much watt you use ? watt/L?
Daniel Evans
Daniel Evans - 8 years ago
Mr.President - 8 years ago
Good job, your tank is very beautiful!! İ want to start a 50L tank. Have u started dry?
verseoners - 8 years ago
you are ripping that grass out im sure you can think of a a way to cut it more evenly
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
ripping out? Where?
andre orto
andre orto - 8 years ago
what do you call that a micoverse ,miniverse or tinnyverse ?
andre orto
andre orto - 8 years ago
bad joke if you ever watched rick and morty the tv show you would get it .
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Sorry, didn't understand the question
Unpwnable - 8 years ago
So cute I wanna start a mini aquarium like this too LOL!
Sam L.
Sam L. - 8 years ago
Like the comment on shrimps xD xD. So satisfying vid :)
Hugues Boulich
Hugues Boulich - 8 years ago
what fish you have in there plz :)
Mr.President - 8 years ago
Hugues Boulich ember tetra
Jack R
Jack R - 8 years ago
You can trim my carpet Pedro.

50. comment for Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

Aquarismo - 8 years ago
pretty much your aquarium, I am beginner, visit my first aquarium, give me your opinion, I will follow your channel, soon I will have my second layout follows
watson soro
watson soro - 8 years ago
mario garcia
mario garcia - 8 years ago
mario garcia
mario garcia - 8 years ago
Cómo se llama la planta que parece pasto y De cuántos litros es tu acuario ,saludos
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 8 years ago
Eleocharis sp. mini. 300l
BeezieBabii - 8 years ago
Everything about this video is truly relaxing.. The music sets off a breathtaking mood while watching you trim the sea grass. Very satisfying.
Buluraj Rajkumar
Buluraj Rajkumar - 8 years ago
Philip lion
Philip lion - 8 years ago
walking inside joke
walking inside joke - 8 years ago
this oddly satisfying to watch
evan Williams
evan Williams - 8 years ago
How's watching this for fun
Gene Code
Gene Code - 8 years ago
Somebody need to invent a lawnmower for aquarium last year.
Jose García
Jose García - 8 years ago
Donde comprastes esas tijeras?
michael glaser
michael glaser - 9 years ago
i use waterproof electric buzzer (hair clipper) much faster!
flashy5150 - 9 years ago
I like the song, your scissors and the beautiful tank. Do fish like Bass rip up a tank like that ?
Shaden0040 - 9 years ago
if you had a few 3-7 silver dollar tetras in there you'd not need to trim they eat plants and would naturally trim them. ;)
Vicky B
Vicky B - 8 years ago
I suppose it would depend if they were like cows or horses. Cows tend to eat down to the nub but a horse will graze, never standing in one spot. I doubt a few little tetras would destroy a huge tank. I have 2 planted tanks and tetras and have yet to have any issues.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+Shaden0040 :-) That would be an uncontrolled trimming :-) .. no way a fish that eats plants can enter an aquascape... too many risks.
Serkan yıldız
Serkan yıldız - 9 years ago
What's the name of this fish
marianna buffa
marianna buffa - 9 years ago
spettacolare! =)
猿である。吾輩は - 9 years ago
Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva
Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva - 9 years ago
cuanto se demoro en tapizar todo el acuario y ke plantas es .gracias..
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva Fully grown two month... at the end of the first month there was already a really nice carpet.
Eddie Mills
Eddie Mills - 9 years ago
get a gravel vacuums and suck up the water along with the grass way easier 2 mins top
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
I just can't get my dwarf hair grass to grow as dense as yours. I have continuous supply of CO2 and high light for 9 hours a day and the progress is not what I had hoped for :( I'm starting to suspect that it's the substrate (eco-complete) that is the problem
Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 9 years ago
+xxSourWingxx good filter with good water flow
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
+Pedro Rosa I also add ferts too though
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+xxSourWingxx You need good fert also.
Eduardo Vasconcelos
Eduardo Vasconcelos - 9 years ago
Qual a espécie dos peixes ? Obrigado
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+Eduardo Vasconcelos Oi Eduardo, Tetra Embers.
shelbey mercer
shelbey mercer - 9 years ago
ah man, I wish grass did that when I mowed!
Gerssom Pastrana
Gerssom Pastrana - 8 years ago
good comment me too
himmelsturmerIX - 9 years ago
how to get water crystal clear like that? what kind of filter needed?
Gene Code
Gene Code - 8 years ago
To get clear water you can use ANY filter. They key to clear water is cycled water (google this).
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+himmelsturmerIX It-s an Eheim filter 2073... just that. At that time i used the original filtration materials, now i use ADA Biorio and EQUO Stilla. Maintenance every 3 or 4 weeks. Weekly water changes.
Captain Commodore
Captain Commodore - 9 years ago
+himmelsturmerIX yeah i would also like to know that
Ernes Zornic
Ernes Zornic - 9 years ago
Nikhil Julka
Nikhil Julka - 9 years ago
great video… subbed ya buddy..
do check out my collection
luis german romero chavez
luis german romero chavez - 9 years ago
+Pedro Rosa - Hose is a soft of cleaner instrument to remove over plants not to gravel
luis german romero chavez
luis german romero chavez - 9 years ago
+Pedro Rosa - How you do to clean The bottom of that tank?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+luis german romero chavez Bottom? When taking water out with a hose i just pass the hose over the plants.
luis german romero chavez
luis german romero chavez - 9 years ago
+ Pedro Rosa- i need high rock-mountains to see crabs climb up i want to know if i should light aquarium all day ,what times it needs for lightning plants?excuse if it's not a good english,i speak spanish
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+luis german romero chavez 7 to 10 hours, depending on your lamps / tank size
CyclingDane - 9 years ago
awesome tank!
G.G. - 9 years ago
Hell yeah! Trimming! I truly belive that this trimming is radical. Good job on the trimming.
elvisaquarium - 9 years ago
Wow! Great job!! The Eleocharis sp. mini has grown in really well!
Wong Wai Hing
Wong Wai Hing - 9 years ago
Ryan Knowles
Ryan Knowles - 9 years ago
Sorry for the total newbie question, but why trim? How long will it get? I thought it looked great before you trimmed
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 9 years ago
+Ryan Knowles Trimming promotes good growth and healthy plants. In nature most of the plants just grow old and look ugly before making an "auto-trim". Here we give a little help :-)
Sophie Roberts
Sophie Roberts - 9 years ago
this makes me happy! want to start a planted tank once i have got rid of my fry. would not know where to start though! well done, its beautiful
James Sul
James Sul - 10 years ago
How often/much do you do the water change? Do you use tap water directly from the faucet or fill in a bucket for a day or two before water change to use it?
Aref Mabad
Aref Mabad - 10 years ago
God fesh
Michael Johnson Jr.
Michael Johnson Jr. - 10 years ago
Some Amano shrimp would really help with this carpet...
Michael Johnson Jr.
Michael Johnson Jr. - 10 years ago
The brown algae on your carpet is due to insufficient CO2 or something is up with your lighting...
Roland St
Roland St - 10 years ago
what the name of the fish @ 4:42 on the left side at the glass? the white/gray one thanks for help
Roland St
Roland St - 10 years ago
+Pedro Rosa
how many do u have in this tank?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+Roland St It's a Otocinclus.
packinwood2009 - 10 years ago
Im so jealous. I can never get any carpet plants to spread. They live just fine but never spread. Would you say aquasoil is a requirement for a good carpet?
Vincenzo Saturno
Vincenzo Saturno - 10 years ago
Sorry you do not have a lawn mower
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 10 years ago
I would live to do aquascaping, but it seems so expensive!
Julian Purdy
Julian Purdy - 8 years ago
If you scavenge your own stones you can do a test with vinegar and other chemicals to make sure that the stone isn't going to change your water parameters/to test what type of mineral content the stone has and if it's safe for an aquarium. There's several youtube vids on how to do so. You can get a 10 gallon tank for $10, and you can pick up sand or pebbles from a lake or river near you--make sure you boil them first before use! In my experience a lot of pet stores will have VERY limited information on setting up aquariums beyond the most basic, and only through supplies sold by their stores, so I suggest doing some of your own research.
LogSubmarine - 9 years ago
+Alex Platt google
for fucks sake man
lazy wolf
lazy wolf - 10 years ago
+Pedro Rosa how careful? been looking for a reputable pet store to maybe get some info about what/what not to put... do you happen to know some good sources?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+Brandon Boogers Just be careful with some rocks that might change your water parameters.
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 10 years ago
Never thought of that :)
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
You can do aquascaping with stuff caught in nature... 
Shirley G
Shirley G - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank. Look like a lot of mowing though. How do you get a background like that?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
Please watch my first video of this aquarium, on my channel, and you'll see how the background was made.
Tetra84 - 10 years ago
how frequently do you need to trim it?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+Ajie Wp No moss! It's a carpet plant (Eleocharis acicularis
Ajie Wp
Ajie Wp - 10 years ago
+Pedro Rosa what kind moss you use ?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
3 or 4 months apart.
lightube12 - 10 years ago
underwater lawn mower manually :)
nice aquascape.
IceTurf - 10 years ago
Why would you trim the Mini hairgrass,I was under the impression the whole point with this Mini stuff was that it doesn't need trimming. 
Andrei I Gherghe
Andrei I Gherghe - 10 years ago
+Pedro Rosa That makes sense. I better start learning all these plants and names, many look very similar to me. And i better remember Eleocharis Acicularis sp. mini, looks like the way to go. Thanks for the awesome feedback!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+Andrei I Gherghe Maybe they're using Eleocharis Parvula or even Eleocharia Acicularis. They are both bigger. This one (only Eleocharis sp. mini, now Eleocharis Acicularis sp. mini) is much smaller.
Andrei I Gherghe
Andrei I Gherghe - 10 years ago
+Pedro Rosa realy? I've seen some huge ( like 20 cm) HG photos and the owners said they left it untrimmed for about 4-5 months. Your growth rate seems better and more sustainable. I've just started thinking about carpet planting so i have no personal experience. Any thoughts why others have such high growth rates?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
Trimming is necessary for making the plant stonger, but i don't agree with Andrei about 1 or 2 times a month. I only trimmed once in 8 months.
Andrei I Gherghe
Andrei I Gherghe - 10 years ago
You were under the wrong impression. With co2 addition and good light it actualy grow really fast and would need trimming once or twice a month.
IceTurf - 10 years ago
Gotta go mow... the AquariuM!
unholy boner
unholy boner - 10 years ago
do you use ro water?
trixsta54 - 10 years ago
So how do you do a water change in a tank like this and keep it so clean? 
Scalero Romero
Scalero Romero - 10 years ago
Lindo trabalho...
Estàva na dùvida de plantar a "" ou não dirivado ao trabalho de a cortar.
Mas agora sim! Eide de plantar!

Óbrigado por todos os outros videos, tudo na perfeição... aquàrios, trabalho, peixes, imagem, música, explicaçoes...
Està demais.
Desde da meia noite a ver seus videos... sao 4:15 e tenho de me levantar às 7.
Até amanhã....
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
Ooops...alguem vai andar a dormir de dia :-) Obrigado pelos comentários.

100. comment for Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

Dhiren Swain
Dhiren Swain - 10 years ago
Hello Pedro, I must say that you have beautiful shrubs with perfect lighting. But couldn't recognize those tiny fishes. What are those fishes?? Thank you. :)
NatureAqua by Johny
NatureAqua by Johny - 10 years ago
kendrick green
kendrick green - 10 years ago
What's size tank?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+kendrick green 1,20x0,5x0,5 m = 300l
kendrick green
kendrick green - 10 years ago
What's size tank?
kendrick green
kendrick green - 10 years ago
What size tank was that?
Fonz - 10 years ago
what are the fish called?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+fonzierox56 Tetra Ember... lovely fish
piefie1 - 10 years ago
Loved the video, what kind of fish are those?
Jon Henson
Jon Henson - 10 years ago
Probably one of the prettier tanks I've seen. I'd love to learn more. 
theonlytalkinggoat - 10 years ago
What kind of rocks did you use?
Heshan Wijeratne
Heshan Wijeratne - 10 years ago
how do you plant Eleocharis sp. mini. and Hemianthus Micranthemoides ?? 
Glenn Cormican
Glenn Cormican - 10 years ago
tomCANshuffle - 10 years ago
Do you think you would have success with 2x 39w?
Julio Mingui
Julio Mingui - 10 years ago
This is like mowing the lawn.. :)
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio - 10 years ago
Cicero Quirino
Cicero Quirino - 10 years ago
Sou novo em aquário plantando, como chama essa planta carpete?? ela precisa de co2?
ZZP Zing Pheonix
ZZP Zing Pheonix - 10 years ago
Who is The cool Music in this Vid?
Sharif Sadik
Sharif Sadik - 10 years ago
hi there, are they hair grasses? and what are the bigger ones!!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+Sharif Sadik Yes, it's eleocharis sp. mini. The big one is Hemianthus Micranthemoides
Sandy Sidhu
Sandy Sidhu - 10 years ago
one of the most inspiring tanks I have ever seen - maybe one day ... that Eleocharis sp. 'mini' looks amazing !
João Araújo
João Araújo - 10 years ago
Muito bom Pedro, fico feliz por encontrar um aquascaper português com um estilo tão bem definido e limpo. Ada faz produtos lindos. Muito bom trabalho. Ainda estou a "conhecer os cantos à casa" no que toca a tratar de peixes e manter aquarios. Mas aquascaping é um bichinho que quero experimentar. Continua com o bom trabalho. Cumprimentos
rareu4532 - 10 years ago
cute cut the grass =))
ohsnapzitzmeng - 10 years ago
just beautiful, would this style be safe for shrimps?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
Yes, i used to have lots of them when i had this aquarium.
LoganAlexander - 11 years ago
i wish there was a love it button, great vid, and nice tank
edward waters
edward waters - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank . I have been out of Aquascaping for about 25 years & I am surprised that nobody uses a black back ground any more. It makes the green of the plants come alive
LeilaMeat - 10 years ago
I use a black background. I spray painted my tank's back black!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+edward waters It dependes on the aquarium and the taste of each person ;-)
Rui Oliveira
Rui Oliveira - 11 years ago
Esta muito bom ! Onde se pode arranjar a ELEOCHARIS SP. mini, e que não consigo ?
Steven French
Steven French - 11 years ago
Why do you need CO2
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
So that plants can grow with better colours and faster pace. It also helps on the up taking of other nutrient, keeping algae way.
alexis rux
alexis rux - 11 years ago
will micro sword work the same as the grass you have
9929kingfish - 11 years ago
Can you share your dosing regimen please
Salvo Coco
Salvo Coco - 11 years ago
se spakkioso a kiurma
Salvo Coco
Salvo Coco - 11 years ago
ta appuggiu
Carlos Portilho
Carlos Portilho - 11 years ago
Olá Sr. Pedro,
desde já é fantástico o aquário. Adoro aquários mas nunca tive nenhum e nem sei por onde começar. Fiz uma pesquisa e encontrei a marca ADA que me parece muito bom mas não encontro em Portugal. 
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
Carlos, pode encontrar na Aquaeden, na Malveira.
m&p planted aquariums
m&p planted aquariums - 11 years ago
This is why we do it - trimming :) Beautiful aquarium..
Sarah Phox
Sarah Phox - 11 years ago
ItsCtmh - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank
Eric Sakita Simões
Eric Sakita Simões - 11 years ago
Amazing tank
arapima gigas
arapima gigas - 11 years ago
beautiful tank, well done
EllieMarie L
EllieMarie L - 11 years ago
IS this a high tech tank? If so, what do you dose? And also, what plants are those? Love the grass!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 10 years ago
+EllieMarie Leonetti please take a look at the description. Yes, it's high tech: high light; co2; frets.
Reno10bon - 11 years ago
Great Man! I'm learn with you! Congrats!
almcloud - 11 years ago
great vid! what type of camera are you using?
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Hi there. Canon 60D, in this video with the kit lens (18-55mm).
David Ss
David Ss - 11 years ago
beautiful tank man!
MrDutchjohn - 11 years ago
loved it
綠豆 - 11 years ago
hello~it's so beauty~and what plant in ur tank back~???
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Conor said it all :-)
David Attenborough
David Attenborough - 11 years ago
Its Pearl weed, or baby tears, or Hemianthus Micranthemoides. All the samething
Rui Filipe Bacelar de Oliveira
Rui Filipe Bacelar de Oliveira - 11 years ago
Boa tarde Pedro, mais uma vez fantástico aquário, simples, requintado, perfeito.
Gostei muito dos pormenores da poda, dos close-ups e dos comentários. Estava com dúvidas relativamente à poda da, planta que também tenho no meu nano mas que ainda não fechou o tapete. 
Devo poda-la mesmo assim, em altura? Estimula o crescimento ou devo deixa-la fechar primeiro?

Parabéns pelo aquário e pelo vídeo, é uma inspiração.

Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Rui, eu costumo deixar fechar. Se houverem locais onde ela comece a crescer para cima de pedras, etc, então deves podar nesses locais.
allturdmind - 11 years ago
how did you get such large ada stone? i ordered 20lbs of seiryu from them recently and the biggest stone i got was not large enough at all.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
At the store in Portugal. They usually have several sizes.
efraim m
efraim m - 11 years ago
your tank is awesome! where can i get this type of grass?
Ben Jay
Ben Jay - 11 years ago
hehehe.. im setting up my first planted aquariums this year.. and this is part im not looking forward to all to much,... Haha need airpowered Trimmers, Like the electric trimmer shavers. (with length attachments)
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
It's at the end. Eheim 3 (2073).
namples dewolf
namples dewolf - 11 years ago
what filter are you using please? very nice tank! really inspires me!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Yes, you can follow my journal in UKAPS, search for Green&Grey.
Tt D
Tt D - 11 years ago
hi. pedro. do u have a Journal of this tank.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
It grows small "bushes" specially near stones. I only trimmed it once in 6 months :-) It needs another trim
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
I suppose so... using different rock sizes
modifiedwolf - 11 years ago
This tank is so beautiful! Would I be able to do this in a smaller scale in a 10 gallon?
ReBootEnzo - 11 years ago
Why do you have to trim the grass when it not even tall?
Fish Channel
Fish Channel - 11 years ago
thanks pedro :) will looking for it cheers! Very nice tank!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Elaine, Seiyru Stone. Make a search on the web and you'll find it.
Fish Channel
Fish Channel - 11 years ago
i love the rock, what kind of rock is it? and is it available to buy online? cheers
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Zach, it's on the video description: ADA Power Sand and additives; Elos Terra (that i already had); ADA Aquasoil Powder over Elos Terra.
TheReal MVP
TheReal MVP - 11 years ago
What substrate are you using? I'm trying to figure out what to use in the 150gallon I'm setting up..i
Pyrosnowman - 11 years ago
That is an awesome looking tank! Keep up the amazing work! I'm brand new to the hobby and have been watching videos to get somewhat of an idea for my first tank build! This was good inspiration!
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Thank you Krishnendu for your nive comments on some of my videos :-)
Krishnendu Banerjee
Krishnendu Banerjee - 11 years ago
We are indebted to you for the vivid videos. Thanks a lot.
Brandon Termini
Brandon Termini - 11 years ago
Thanks a lot for responding.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
*** IAPCL place: 522 *** Hope to do better next year.... but great scapes this year. It's getting impossible to get one place on the first 100.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
It's very difficult to say exactly but maybe between 25-30l...
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Thanks Gean.
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Will do a "under the wood" soon ;-)
Gean Alipio Dos Santos
Gean Alipio Dos Santos - 11 years ago
It looks so relaxing.
YUAN QUAN - 11 years ago
It's amazing , can you show us what equipment a u use? Like filter, co2 etc
Brandon Termini
Brandon Termini - 11 years ago
Hey Pedro. I just got my first tank this week (same dimensions) and was wondering how much substrate in total would you say is in there?
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 11 years ago
Beautiful setup
TurkishGamingTube - 11 years ago
Could you make a small video on how to make your Co2 generator and also show your 'hardware'?
Lemon bey
Lemon bey - 11 years ago
Where did you buy that tank I really want one
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
No, i bought six small pots. Please look at the Step-by-Step movie of the first day at my channel.
t Ak
t Ak - 11 years ago
i love the carpet. im curious as to how you make the carpeting to work. do you buy ALOT of the "grass" plant?
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 11 years ago
Very nice setup, simple yet very intriguing .
s0anxi0us117 - 11 years ago
nice. so relaxing just watching u do work on this tank. really hope my micro sword will carpet like this
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Very nice!
steve harper
steve harper - 11 years ago
love this tank and also you make good videos to watch keep up the good work
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Aout 3 - 4 bas.
Metalfishead - 11 years ago
Hello, how many bubbles for second of co2 are you adding? I've try hard to carpet mines but they just don't seem to spread.
shizdank - 11 years ago
one of the best on youtube!
mersf559 - 11 years ago
@quaHolic - 11 years ago
Like ;-)
Pedro Rosa
Pedro Rosa - 11 years ago
Hi! Already published some 2 months ago: Video id: r0S3J8UMKo8 (or look at my channel)
ITAqua - 11 years ago
I'm looking forward to watch video with trimming Hemianthus micranthemoides
Reynieri Lobo
Reynieri Lobo - 11 years ago
nice video. very relaxing to watch. i hope one day i can have a setup like this. keep it up :D
Cray Fish
Cray Fish - 11 years ago

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