Unboxing and setting up the aquarium ► https://goo.gl/fhiFuv Stocking and aquascaping the aquarium ► https://goo.gl/R7D0QI Follow me on Facebook for LIVE videos! ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com

HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update sentiment_very_dissatisfied 77

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 221,081 views

Unboxing and setting up the aquarium ► https://goo.gl/fhiFuv Stocking and aquascaping the aquarium ► https://goo.gl/R7D0QI Follow me on Facebook for LIVE videos! ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com

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Most popular comments
for HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update

Pro Gamer girl
Pro Gamer girl - 7 years ago
When you put it there it was in the net I think
Vincent - 7 years ago
I need help with my tank I need to cycle it and I'm using fish to cycle and its just confusing are the fish gonna stay in the bad state?
Concerned Aleks
Concerned Aleks - 7 years ago
Never anything wrong with algae on the back! Saves from having to put a backdrop of sorts, keeps a natural look, and benefits the tank.
Dj Sabrewolf
Dj Sabrewolf - 7 years ago
Jesse montano
Jesse montano - 7 years ago
Kyle Crofton
Kyle Crofton - 7 years ago
She's to cute!!!!
juan chen
juan chen - 7 years ago
haley betta has fin rot
MyPepperFishy - 7 years ago
You need to clean the tank it's brown
Brandon Hedges
Brandon Hedges - 7 years ago
If you opened a fish store / gallery that would be amazing! I would come up there to check it out and would order from you direct forsure!

10. comment for HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update

Breezy Brianna Rose
Breezy Brianna Rose - 7 years ago
You need to clean your tank
juan chen
juan chen - 7 years ago
joey is sooo hot!
Wolf Tek
Wolf Tek - 7 years ago
I thought I was loosing shrimp until I saw my African dwarf frog eating one Rip
Amanda Clark
Amanda Clark - 7 years ago
Any update?
Did your son eventually get a tank.
I love this haven't looked into your older videos but finding the unboxing with the first update and this one has been great.
A true way on getting younger people interested in the hobby!
Kamesh S S
Kamesh S S - 7 years ago
well duh
Allie202 - 7 years ago
Hey! I'm a second degree black belt in Taekwondo! I've done it for 8 years. Over half my life cuz I'm 12.
Max Challenges
Max Challenges - 7 years ago
If you get a small sucker fish it will help the tank a lot , bye I subbed pin this comment
Msealy 3
Msealy 3 - 7 years ago
I accidentally lost one of my shrimp to I was cleaning the tank and I looked at my shrimp it was gone
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
"Where's he at?"
Bryan Nash
Bryan Nash - 7 years ago

20. comment for HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update

Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
Nooooo! I was gonna move to canada to upgrade my pet keeping but now its only pet smart (i know there is no pet co there)
speedles - 7 years ago
aqua is my betta's name as well :o
Alex Pickles
Alex Pickles - 7 years ago
That neeeds cleaned
jordan webb
jordan webb - 7 years ago
i have that exact tank and i used to keep shrimp also that used to disappear however i did find that some used to jump out
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 7 years ago
My little brother ate my shrimp...
Ara Belle
Ara Belle - 7 years ago
Awwwww :)
Jesse Tate
Jesse Tate - 7 years ago
"It looks like someone smeared poop on the back"
sean powers
sean powers - 7 years ago
I do taekwondo as well
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
2 nerite snails in there and no more brown algae.....ever. I put 2 in my 5 gal betta tank and they keep it spic and span.
Lynmichelle Lenney-Koeberle
Lynmichelle Lenney-Koeberle - 7 years ago
I couldn't see a filter or a heater for the Betta. If I understand the needs of both the Betta and the shrimp and they don't like the same water temperature. The Betta needs a tank at least 79 F. The shrimp are best at 76-77 degrees F. So, I was wondering what temperature you keep the tank water.

30. comment for HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update

Sanjay Kulkarni
Sanjay Kulkarni - 7 years ago
What has happened to the back of your tank
Angie Mattia
Angie Mattia - 7 years ago
If it's missing the betta ate it because I had them in a tank with a betta and my betta ate mine
Lewis Oliver
Lewis Oliver - 7 years ago
he should give his son a tank
Maybe Later
Maybe Later - 7 years ago
I lost my crayfish once. He just disappeared. I tore apart my room looking for him cuz I thought he got out and was crawling around. Never found him, think my dog might've eaten him.
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
Congratulations on your first aquarium. We are really happy for you.
W have liked your videos.
All the best.

And Joey you are a wonderful dad.
•Deathbell• - 7 years ago
Missy Liscombe
Missy Liscombe - 7 years ago
My betta looks just like hers and is names aqua
Frank Javor Jr.
Frank Javor Jr. - 7 years ago
Can we have another update?
joshowott gaming
joshowott gaming - 7 years ago
The pet store is called pj's pet shop I'm from Canada so I should know
Riverdog 00
Riverdog 00 - 7 years ago
I named my first shrimp homer shrimpson
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Lol toe con doe
Katie - 7 years ago
This is hella wholesome content
Pisces - 7 years ago
Well it's simple. She's tiny and cute. You are not.
tyblips - 7 years ago
Oh wow I just found you guys. had no idea you lived in NS! I'm in Halifax myself currently. though I'm moving soon to Ontario... I don't think my fish are gonna like me very much after that one lol
whale lover
whale lover - 7 years ago
dude i have a question i need a tannin free tank yet usally nomatter what i do my water turns brown!
Anna Karlavage
Anna Karlavage - 7 years ago
really dirty??
Carissa Barnes
Carissa Barnes - 7 years ago
hi king,I think the video with yr daughter was cool. one day I think she will work side by side with u. love yr shows and updates I'm only new- bie loving it btw. ty keeps up the good work both of u.i hope too see more of yr family . it's awesome too get yr whole family involved.
Ryan Borchardt
Ryan Borchardt - 7 years ago
Please do another update
DeAnne Heitman
DeAnne Heitman - 7 years ago
She is soooo adorable!! Good job! <3 When my nephew gets a little older (he's currently 2), Imma do an aquarium for him. Already told mom! He throws a fit every time he sees one and realizes he can't have it
Rubiks 2.0
Rubiks 2.0 - 7 years ago
My first Bette was a male named alpha

50. comment for HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update

Melcon Astwarzaturian
Melcon Astwarzaturian - 7 years ago
toe condoms
Jesse Weaver
Jesse Weaver - 7 years ago
What belt rank is your son? I go to tae kwon do as well...
Amanda S
Amanda S - 7 years ago
Why doesn't the tank have a heater? Betta splendens are tropical fish and require one.
BlackHuddy - 7 years ago
U should make ur own fish store for your community
it would be nice for everyone
Sheri & Will
Sheri & Will - 7 years ago
Loved this series! We need another update! :)
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Does she have braces? I'm 14 and I only have lost 8 teeth... I think I'm failing at life
I wanna be the very best, cause no one ever was
I wanna be the very best, cause no one ever was - 7 years ago
kitten fish I'm 12 and my fish did the same (also I have braces and just need 4 more teeth in for all kids adult teeth) her name was Splash and she jumped
Cancer cells
Cancer cells - 7 years ago
Very nice to read
kitten fish
kitten fish - 7 years ago
Nutty 16 I'm 14 and my beta fish literally killed himself, I'm failing at life as well, at least my gecko is doing fine
Ledestroyer22 - 7 years ago
Why was this tank shut down?
Fish keeper
Fish keeper - 7 years ago
Pls clean your betta and shrimp tank regularly.Yoh are a good fish keeper.I love your videos
That Animal Jammer
That Animal Jammer - 7 years ago
The Beta Fish probably ate the shrimp, because when I did some research on it it said if you get shrimp to put in your Beta Fish tank eventually the Beta Fish will eat the shrimp. A better decision might've been getting a snail.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
That Animal Jammer my female Betta has never had any issues with the ghost and cherry shrimp I keep with her, it depends entirely on the fish and how many hiding places you have
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Josie Brosky they lived together just fine for almost a year before the tank was shut down...
Jennie De La Torre
Jennie De La Torre - 7 years ago
Michael Appiah-Kubi
Michael Appiah-Kubi - 7 years ago
uh oh....shrimpy,shimpeye,shrimpo....
Victor Brown
Victor Brown - 7 years ago
We're back XD
Syazlina Aasim
Syazlina Aasim - 7 years ago
question about the driftwood... does it always release tannins and make the water yellow even after boiling it? How long until it'll reach a point where it won't make the water yellow anymore?
Croatian king of aquarium
Croatian king of aquarium - 7 years ago
Justjess 92
Justjess 92 - 7 years ago
This is akward I was eating shrimp chips while watching this video. ._.
Lala TheCat
Lala TheCat - 7 years ago
ITS CGO - 7 years ago
Your a funny dad
Yoshie - 8 years ago
Does he play lol?
Wagen Low Yi Khang
Wagen Low Yi Khang - 8 years ago
whats the brown thingy on the wall of the tank?
Bethany Lovelock
Bethany Lovelock - 8 years ago
can you turn the light off at night or will it harm the fish
Dr Red Pill
Dr Red Pill - 8 years ago
Love these videos. I'm setting up two tanks at my place for my niece and nephew. I love it when kids are involved and interested but the problem is keeping their interest in them.
FUNNY SH#T - 8 years ago
Your a awesome dad
I_love_dolls_more_than_my_phone - 8 years ago
@thekingofdiy will a 2.5 gallon tank be ok for my betta fish
Amy M
Amy M - 7 years ago
I_love_dolls_more_than_my_phone 1st your name is hilarious 2nd 2.5 gallon is minimum, but you want to get as big a tank for your betta as you can afford to give it a good quality of life. But, yes, you can house a betta in a 2.5 gallon.
canijustpetmycat - 7 years ago
loveanimals1234 You should get a 5 gallon. They will help your Betta way more in the long run, and they are still cheap.
wcslim760 - 8 years ago
loveanimals1234 yeah I had a fluval spec 2.6 gallon for a betta and he loved it.
duttsy8 - 8 years ago
Oh she should
The bobsen Reynolds
The bobsen Reynolds - 8 years ago
Do u have any mollies
CJ VDH - 8 years ago
cute kid with an awesome dad!
Lego boy
Lego boy - 8 years ago
You kids are lucky you have such a great dad also the kids should be in these videos.
TheFishAddict - 8 years ago
Get a bristlenose to maintain the algae
timbazi - 8 years ago
You could slide some sort of background just behind the glass to sort of blend in the algae
Kain Coat
Kain Coat - 8 years ago
it's pj's isn't it
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 8 years ago
The Betta probably ate one lmfao
Karson Reicker
Karson Reicker - 8 years ago
omg your from atlantic canada! i live in moncton, well riverview.
Sarah MacInnis
Sarah MacInnis - 8 years ago
Do you live in Nova Scotia?
Jessica Rose
Jessica Rose - 8 years ago
pet valu?
JaggerGall Gall
JaggerGall Gall - 8 years ago
You should get her a pleco to keep it clean
Darrin Viers
Darrin Viers - 8 years ago
You need sea slugs
Emoji man
Emoji man - 8 years ago
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 8 years ago
sir plz tell me can these java moss grow w/o co2 addition to aquarium??
Avik Chatterjee
Avik Chatterjee - 8 years ago
yes Its a low tech tank.. all you need is good water condition & enough lights...
Wyatt Smith
Wyatt Smith - 8 years ago
What kind of water do you use since you do water changes so frequently
Wyatt Smith
Wyatt Smith - 8 years ago
You know just for the ph levels and everything it must be hard to keep it right because you change the water frequently
T-Zay - 8 years ago
New setup composition looks MUCH better, A+!

Yeah you need plenty more light for java fern, like near a window. I trashed all mine because it trashed up my tank with leaf and root litter; did NOT look nice on white sand. Now I just get neater plants with big leaves.

When I got ghost shrimps a while back, my friend was there for the setup. She said they looked like boogers so she named them "Oogie, Boogie, and Snot." As if I can tell which is which. They're usually shrimp #1, 2, 3,4, etc.
Jason Childs
Jason Childs - 8 years ago
are you going to get a Ball Python ?
Erratic Fish
Erratic Fish - 8 years ago
OCD Algae squad?!?
L2B Lizzie
L2B Lizzie - 8 years ago
Why is the tank so dirty
Chris Correa
Chris Correa - 8 years ago
L2B Lizzie Its because of the wood that is in the tank. It will make tank water have a tea colour, but it is harmless to the fish.
SeahawksFan - 8 years ago
When I got a Betta I got another one a week after because I absolutely love bettas!
Beast in the east
Beast in the east - 8 years ago
oh lit your son does tae I do it
Scotty Bhoy
Scotty Bhoy - 8 years ago
too cute I remeber my first tank was a gold fish tank you sir are a good dad
Athena MacDonald
Athena MacDonald - 8 years ago
looks like the betta has been shredding his tail, the amount of open space may stress him out
Ryan Humphreys
Ryan Humphreys - 8 years ago
I lost my shrimp as it climbed through the filter and suffocated on the floor then my dog found it and ate it
Frosty - 7 years ago
Finding Shrimp 2019.
Jess Scafuri
Jess Scafuri - 7 years ago
I feel bad for laughing
RaNdOm PlAyS
RaNdOm PlAyS - 8 years ago
MCG Firey lol
R1VAL - 8 years ago
Ryan Humphreys damn sound like a huge adventure for the shrimp he got to breath air pass out and get eaten sounds fun
Josh Malone
Josh Malone - 8 years ago
Love the fin growth. Looks great!
Ayla kingdomhearts
Ayla kingdomhearts - 8 years ago
Aqua is the same name as my betta!!!

100. comment for HER FIRST AQUARIUM - The update

Gas Masky01
Gas Masky01 - 8 years ago
She should take over the channel * giggle *
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 8 years ago
There is a chance the betta ate the one shrimp....
Hi I'm a lit savage
Hi I'm a lit savage - 8 years ago
Shrimp get eaten very easily I have never had a shrimp that wasn't eaten
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Get a pleco it will help with the algea in the back
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
amelia the meme god 4 inches
lena the meme god
lena the meme god - 8 years ago
+Evolve Craft How big is he?
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Adrian Herrera i have a pleco that i kept in my 3 gallon for 3 years until i upgraded to the 10 gallon so its not really too big
lena the meme god
lena the meme god - 8 years ago
It's not too big. I have a teenie tiny little pleco, and hes been small for like 4 years. hes like 3 or 5 inches.
Adrian Herrera
Adrian Herrera - 8 years ago
Evolve Craft too big for a 5 gal
Lirbs - 8 years ago
My old betta was named Aqua, but he died due to the equipment failing in my tank.
Bonnie 1000
Bonnie 1000 - 8 years ago
3:43 Nice Homework
MakeThe BestOfLast
MakeThe BestOfLast - 8 years ago
You can get some nerite snails to help with the algae, although i dont think they will help with the brown algae
Op_ Raz -HD Mobile Gaming
Op_ Raz -HD Mobile Gaming - 7 years ago
MakeThe BestOfLast Amano shrimp help with brown algae
Tyler Watts
Tyler Watts - 8 years ago
What's the brown studf
Auston Matthews
Auston Matthews - 8 years ago
You should get some hermits!
Muliady Sutio
Muliady Sutio - 8 years ago
can i ask did u use normal light for the plants or what??
Carrie Butler
Carrie Butler - 8 years ago
i had some minnows that gave birth to about 20 baby but the mom eat about half of them.i also had some snails that multiplied rapidly.i freed them all.cool tank by the way i have bata to.he is so pretty
Mintleaf - 8 years ago
Hailey reacted well to learning about the circle of life... They're like little chips... Shrimp chips...
Ramstar Hamstar
Ramstar Hamstar - 8 years ago
My fish are about 2 years old and 3 died leaving 5 left and they are the size of my face "expression"
Golf Master333
Golf Master333 - 8 years ago
hey Joey. When will u do i update on ur daughter's fish tank? Cheers
AQUA - 8 years ago
Wait Halifax in England cos if so I live near there
Joey Diaz
Joey Diaz - 8 years ago
Evan Taylor
Evan Taylor - 8 years ago
I'm 11 so I am not good at spelling
Evan Taylor
Evan Taylor - 8 years ago
I am so surprised that the shrimp is still alive you can't put any fish with a beata I whould know I am a beata and turantula colector
Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer - 8 years ago
Why don't you start your own fish store
glencairn99 - 7 years ago
Shadow Slayer Good idea and all but pure enthusiasm and love doesn't make up for the pure expense that is fish keeping, to gain attraction he'd have to have a few dozen tanks full of different species, which would have to be ordered worldwide.. $$$
Hanzla Qurishi
Hanzla Qurishi - 8 years ago
why don't open your fish store
Mason Rocha
Mason Rocha - 8 years ago
My beta fish was named aqua lol
SuperChargers Pit stop
SuperChargers Pit stop - 8 years ago
She should jk
Kumud Rimal
Kumud Rimal - 8 years ago
She gives you a good idea
Open your fish shop there!!!
Ali Als
Ali Als - 8 years ago
well she last video has 270K views she is doing a lot better than you lol
Giana's World
Giana's World - 8 years ago
I had shrimp and named them:Gangster shrimp Pimp shrimp Og shrimpLit shrimp And slay shrimp
Brandon Hedges
Brandon Hedges - 7 years ago
Bang city shrimp
I Sculpt
I Sculpt - 7 years ago
Giana's World Bruh I just point to them and say "that one"
Dude Gaming
Dude Gaming - 8 years ago
Betta fish eat shrimp :D
Jack's aquarium
Jack's aquarium - 8 years ago
looks like you should own your own pet store
Gigi Ormsby
Gigi Ormsby - 8 years ago
great video! thanks for showing the yucky tank. I'm considering getting my granddaughter a fish tank and I appreciate you sharing your experience. Your videos are very helpful.
Lemon_fire - 8 years ago
Could you show us a video on how to breed good fish :)
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
finally id say haley should have her own chanel.
a vlog about her aquarium Hobby and how freaky it is having a dad like you :-)
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
sorry. dont Know how your Name is spelled . im german
Tyson - 8 years ago
I got into the hobby snorkling
gunner barca
gunner barca - 8 years ago
Get snalls
Tee YK
Tee YK - 8 years ago
Is there anyway to keep water crystal clear? From the vid it seems like the water is still kinda yellowish after 50% water change.
Dylan Peffer
Dylan Peffer - 8 years ago
Hopefully He separated the shrimp if it ended up giving birth
Mariana Chiulli
Mariana Chiulli - 8 years ago
i liked the two pieces of wood better but hey. her choice. are you not worried the betta will eat the shrimp?
Rorolonglegs - 8 years ago
let her takeover
Mitch Gio
Mitch Gio - 8 years ago
Nice Tank, I'd recommend some Marine Pure. I also agree get the Algae of the Glass. ")

I'd recommend a Cichlid Tank for her next Aquarium
LumiNeonz - 8 years ago
I just spent an hour watching your videos and had no idea you lived in NS! I live in Halifax. It really is too bad that ~that chain store~ closed down. There's plenty of PetSmarts around the Halifax area but it was nice to have two big stores going for a while. Your tanks are amazing +1 sub. Question though: where do you normally go for fish supplies? You always drive into Halifax?
Ivette Cruz
Ivette Cruz - 8 years ago
i know one of them was pragnet sorry for the spelling
djkulp1 - 8 years ago
she is MUCH cuter
Ira Maya
Ira Maya - 8 years ago
From my experience, any fish would jump at the opportunity to eat shrimps, they're a tasty treat
Garland Neblett, Jr.
Garland Neblett, Jr. - 8 years ago
You need those sucker things that eat the algae on the side of the tank
gasadd - 8 years ago
MORE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!
Hydra Gamer
Hydra Gamer - 8 years ago
emzy carracosta
emzy carracosta - 8 years ago
you are a great dad
I wanna be the very best, cause no one ever was
I wanna be the very best, cause no one ever was - 7 years ago
emzy carracosta I'm your 200th like!!!
Erik Gomez
Erik Gomez - 7 years ago
emzy carracosta
You should let your daughter take over your channel it's real it cool
Cilje Englehuset
Cilje Englehuset - 8 years ago
emzy carracosta omomololololo
B_emily.•. Mon
B_emily.•. Mon - 8 years ago
Your from Nova Scotia then huh like Aylesford Truro or something like that right
FYHAsniper17 - 8 years ago
I'm from Fredericton!!!
B_emily.•. Mon
B_emily.•. Mon - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY oh cool I was just there
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Adria Waggoner
Adria Waggoner - 8 years ago
will u do a nother update on her tank
Dan Pham
Dan Pham - 8 years ago
Update please
tams mac
tams mac - 8 years ago
I just knew you guys were from the east coast :) I could tell by your accent! I'm in NB :)
tams mac
tams mac - 8 years ago
Originally a Cape Bretoner
Jordan Atkinson
Jordan Atkinson - 8 years ago
Jordan Atkinson
Jordan Atkinson - 8 years ago
I bet you are 5 years old you big baby
Jordan Atkinson
Jordan Atkinson - 8 years ago
Years old
Jordan Atkinson
Jordan Atkinson - 8 years ago
I'm 56
Jordan Atkinson
Jordan Atkinson - 8 years ago
Jordan Atkinson
Jordan Atkinson - 8 years ago
Vishnu Raj
Vishnu Raj - 8 years ago
Super dad
Adrian Pickering
Adrian Pickering - 8 years ago
Never work with kids or animals!
yudiweb - 8 years ago
You can use carpet seed plant for small tank, sow them on the sand, it's very cool
kille6525 - 8 years ago
one snail will fix all the algae
AFX Gaming
AFX Gaming - 8 years ago
was the store name pets unlimited or something like that, and btw i live in atlantic canada as well so where do you live in atlantic canada?
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
buy some loaches or small algea eaters
Nick V
Nick V - 8 years ago
You're a good Dad.
Siable - 8 years ago
Subscribed. I love your passion for fish. I love fish. Keep this up.
saurabh pal
saurabh pal - 8 years ago
what is brown thing on the back glass
Swiftplayer 100
Swiftplayer 100 - 8 years ago
start youre own fish store. i think you will be pretty succesfull at that. i will defenetly buy if you sold online or something.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
what how can you have shrip in there without a shrimp safe filter??
me too thanks
me too thanks - 8 years ago
nice to see kids getting into martial arts. im a black belt in tkd myself (only first degree) and a purple belt in bjj (brazilian jiu jitsu for those who dont know) and i have an aquarium of my own. (as well as being a herper). great to see kids into the things i love
Michael Matthis Jr.
Michael Matthis Jr. - 8 years ago
hi dude just give her an allergy eater
Anthony Therrien-Bernard
Anthony Therrien-Bernard - 8 years ago
I wish I had an allergy eater, damn allergies in the summer time
Deadly Defense-men
Deadly Defense-men - 8 years ago
lol you guys must be near me im in amhers N.s our pet store closed it was pets unlimited
shottymydotty - 8 years ago
Hey I was just wondering how big the tank was? I've been looking for a suitable tank for ages
TheAMFBowler - 8 years ago
I have a 6 gallon (20 liter) tank and it has 6 neon tetras, 1 corydoras cat fish and 6 white clouds. Is that overstocked?
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+TheReaperMC You want to get a what?
Kyle Miller
Kyle Miller - 8 years ago
SDD525 - 8 years ago
That sounds like how I'd stock a 30 gallon tank. That's very overstocked.
TheAMFBowler - 8 years ago
what would you recommend? The weird thing is, the water parameters are doing well, and are not excessively high.
Syed Zainulabidin
Syed Zainulabidin - 8 years ago
Yes that's pretty overstocked
Fish Lover 931
Fish Lover 931 - 8 years ago
she should have her own show!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
YoYo LoLo
YoYo LoLo - 8 years ago
Why is the water so dirty?
MyPepperFishy - 7 years ago
YoYo LoLo so dirty
sean powers
sean powers - 7 years ago
The wood
Winged wolf Azurite
Winged wolf Azurite - 7 years ago
YouTube Hero i use a tooth brush
Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 7 years ago
magnetic algae cleaners are too weak and dont scrape hard enough, use something like a bank card or an actual algae scraper to remove it.
YouTube Hero
YouTube Hero - 7 years ago
The king of DIY How do I remove that brown algae u we're taking about in the end of the vid, I tried my magnetic algae remover but it doesn't work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Its called tannins. They leach from the wood.
Vahpe Naysh
Vahpe Naysh - 8 years ago
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Gotta cover that thank.
Kat Brennan
Kat Brennan - 8 years ago
Toe Con Doe I'm dying
katie brooks
katie brooks - 8 years ago
You can put them in a breeding box
gamer02 24
gamer02 24 - 8 years ago
Get her a bigger tank
gamer02 24
gamer02 24 - 8 years ago
Get here a bigger tank
Sophia Abdali
Sophia Abdali - 8 years ago
Tropical Fish Fan
Tropical Fish Fan - 8 years ago
I would like to give ur girl an advice to put golden from sh
Haven Katz
Haven Katz - 8 years ago
Will you be doing another update in the coming months :)
Ninja Sneeze
Ninja Sneeze - 8 years ago
Did you teach him any tricks? I'm teaching mine a few.
Chrispy 488
Chrispy 488 - 8 years ago
Ok king of DIY what do you use to do water changes
drakkan88 - 8 years ago
Belated! Out of curiosity, did you have any problems with your Betta and the flow from the power head on the spec tank? I've recently went out and gotten a similar setup, trying to get back into it, had a 50 gallon for a long time when younger. I noticed that my betta was having problems with the current (Red Dragon Veil Tail) and wound up having to put a small piece of foam over the power head to dial down the current a good bit, and the betta seemed to do much better after that.
Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson - 8 years ago
My neon tetras all died from a too strong current in my 10 gallon. When I got a 30 gallon they were fine and are now flourishing. I have 7 of them, a clown loach, a pleco, 3 black skirt tetras, 4 Harlequin Rasboras, 2 African Dwarf frogs, 3 adult green Cory cats and 1 baby Cory cat.
drakkan88 - 8 years ago
As well, awesome to see that your kids share an interest in the hobby! :)
Ryan Borchardt
Ryan Borchardt - 8 years ago
Plz do another update soon
Ryan Borchardt
Ryan Borchardt - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY oh okay. Thank you for letting me know. Will your son be getting a aquarium soon??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Sorry, but with such a small tank.. there is simply nothing to update on. Everything is fine and the same.
Isaac Yang
Isaac Yang - 8 years ago
should get like a little sucker fish see if it will clean the tank
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+A Depends how big it is. I hate all plecos since they seem to introduce ich to my tanks and are even more sensitive than whiskered catfishes.

I had to dose my tank so heavily after introducing a rubber lip pleco that I killed one of my pictus catfish, now there are two healthy ones and I am yet to get a new one (maybe I am the one that sucks at owning plecos).

The only thing I buy for algae is chinese algae eaters and I use them like they're expendable, since they're cheap. When it starts sucking onto my fish, out it goes.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Don't, it's best to clean the tank by hand. Once suckermouth fish get mature, they need to be fed A LOT.
Joe Webb
Joe Webb - 8 years ago
smallest I can think of is otocinclus, but that still needs more than 10 gallons
polpterusdelhezi - 8 years ago
Your daughter look like a little girly version of you, really cute.
Danica Wells
Danica Wells - 8 years ago
I think I saw some black finrot on the betta's caudal fin?
Noice - 8 years ago
Warning you this now. Bettas will kill your cherry shrimp, so watch out. The only way it won't is if your betta is more milder or your shrimp hide all the time.
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
+TheReaperMC That's how it was with my shrimp and angels lol
Nate - 8 years ago
Noice my beta would eat them in a heartbeat if you put another fish with him he's be fine but hed eat any other thing
Noice - 8 years ago
+Samantha Martinez True.
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person True, but a lot of them can be just as aggressive. It usually depends on the fish. But you can have a sorority of them, unlike males.
Noice - 8 years ago
+Samantha Martinez Or you can just get females.
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person When you buy them you should put them next to othher bettas and get the one who flares the least or not at all.
Noice - 8 years ago
+Samantha Martinez I had bettas with many fish. When I had cherries, he ripped them apart. :( And with guppies they ripped fins. The only fish I had luck with was mollies. And I tried it on different bettas, not just 1.
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
No it won't, you can keep them with all kinds of fish like tetras, corys, plecos, ect.
Noice - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Oh okay. Sorry. You have a very calm betta then. Nice tank by the way!
Noice - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Oh okay. Sorry. You have a very calm betta then. Nice tank by the way!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
This tank has been set up with them for 5 months. They are still fine. Thanks for the concern!
Tom Long
Tom Long - 8 years ago
Bettas eat Cherry Shrimp though :(
Tom Long
Tom Long - 8 years ago
Wow, wish I had your luck. I refuse to put one in there with my Blue Bolts and Micro Crabs, so I settled on a Vampire Shrimp as my centerpiece.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Tom Long 4 months later and they are still all fine
TOM COOK - 8 years ago
Royal Blood Bettas Breeding
Royal Blood Bettas Breeding - 8 years ago
do you live in Dartmouth, Halifax?
Royal Blood Bettas Breeding
Royal Blood Bettas Breeding - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY cool I live on pei
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Strict Proof
Strict Proof - 8 years ago
I like his emotion and happiness in his videos honestly I think this guy deserves 1 million subscribers already
Polished Bean
Polished Bean - 8 years ago
Is Darius wanting an aquarium still ?
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
looks very brown... is that normal?
SDD525 - 8 years ago
The wood did that, it basically "stained" the water.
JV Carpentry
JV Carpentry - 8 years ago
Joey, great to see your daughter up to shrimp hobby and I can see she is a little upset about shrimplets going to be a meal to that betta. I've got a very good idea for your daughter and for your YouTube channel on how to build a small overflow breading box above this tank, if you use acrylic glass and 1 inch upvc pipes and I'm sure you can make it petty neat and safe.
 I'm enjoying shrimp and fish keeping hobby and I really like some of your ideas and your creativity.
 I've done one for myself because I had the same issue - fish in my tank eat all babies and I made a little nursery and now I'm moving berried shrimps upstairs and that quite fun to see tons of babies in that little box, you don't need to clean it if you do a regular WC you can just put small amount of moss and a piece of cholla wood for decoration and for small hiding place. You just need to mount a short cut of LED strip on the shelf above with the switch or connect it to the main light, but I'm sure it's piece of cake for you.

Also benefit of the box:
You don't need to worrying to sucking babies in the tube when you clean the gravel too.
The box also works as a filter you probably know this and not me telling you, this is your cup of tea.

Let me know if you up to and I can send you a some pictures or even can make a video of my breeding box.

And I think also your daughter can make some money on the tank and food experience by selling the shrimps, they become more and more popular this days and in Canada too.
LitiAquaria - 8 years ago
That is an awesome project! :) I definitely plan for my kid once she grown up. :P
Strange Person! xP
Strange Person! xP - 8 years ago
put ur kidz in more videoz
Active OXI
Active OXI - 8 years ago
the store his talking about is Aquatica ??? i was hella sad when it closed ....
Pray4Mojo - 8 years ago
Petculture probably, they owned other store names too though. My local petculture is now turning into a Mr.Pets location. I'm on the west coast, not sure if you guys have Mr.pets locations over there.
Anna Varty
Anna Varty - 8 years ago
Pretty positive it was Pets Unlimited.
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
Active OXI
Active OXI - 8 years ago
i tired XD
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
logan beltz
logan beltz - 8 years ago
shes the future
Emily Garner
Emily Garner - 8 years ago
I lost a shrimp once during a tank teardown...ending up popping back up a few days later after it was set up again, guess it was hiding in a crevice of the driftwood! You never know with these little Houdinis!
Big Gar Fishing
Big Gar Fishing - 8 years ago
Dude sell those suckers! Shrimp are beautiful and they are also worth A TON like $7 a piece for cherry shrimp at my local pet store THATS A LOT FOR AN ANIMAL THAT IS THAT EASY TO BREED
Angel Cedillo
Angel Cedillo - 8 years ago
Angel Cedillo
Angel Cedillo - 8 years ago
It's all your fault Joey, LOL. Your influence spread to your entire town and everyone became DIY kings and queens...
Jack Edwards
Jack Edwards - 8 years ago
Maybe do a dad and daughter project and just document the process
Manny DeFelice
Manny DeFelice - 7 years ago
Jack Edwards ph
Hamster Helper
Hamster Helper - 8 years ago
Can you do a nother video on the fish tank
Alberto Amigon
Alberto Amigon - 8 years ago
I only watch her videos now... lol glad you got your daughter in the hobby your son will be the next one to get the fish bug... hopefully he gets the saltwater bug lol
Jacoda So Sundry
Jacoda So Sundry - 8 years ago
A nerite snail would totally vacuum that algae lol!
SDD525 - 8 years ago
And my 8 inch clown loaches would fight over who gets to eat that nerite snail.
Hyperaven - 8 years ago
Bryant - 8 years ago
My Ghost Shrimp had Babies, and my Betta is doing great, Love your Tank!
Felicidades por una nueva integrante en este mundo! :3
Logan Spencer
Logan Spencer - 8 years ago
What is the fish you use for your intro?
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
asian arowana
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 8 years ago
Glad to see she's still happy with her tank. Maybe an oto for some algae help?
John Dom
John Dom - 8 years ago
I said it on her first video that she was gonna rule your channel! It should be renamed, The Princess of DIY!! Deal with it Dad!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
justin case
justin case - 8 years ago
Everybody saying joey should open his own fish shop obviously don't understand economics. If eastern Canada's biggest store couldn't make it apearently there is not much of a market there. so a smaller shop stands even less of a chance at success. supply and demand. even if there are say 50 in 1000 people in his town that gave aquariums that's not a very big customer base.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
He could open an online shop. Online shopping is a much bigger thing in Canada since you can get products all across the country (everything is very spaced out).
Kevin Pereira
Kevin Pereira - 8 years ago
Your daughter looks frighteningly just like you.
Sparky Minor
Sparky Minor - 8 years ago
open your own store
professorM - 8 years ago
Put some snails in the tank. They'll clean up the algae.
PYRO TOAD - 7 years ago
On the other video she said she did not want snails
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
That's true.
professorM - 8 years ago
+AbyssAbbison also only if you overfeed. Only feed the betta and the snail population will be small.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+AbyssAbbison A nerite snail only reproduces in brackish water.
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
Not to mention that they'd soon be overrun with snails.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
So will a scrubber. Nothing can replace cleaning by hand. Also, a little bit of algae is normal, once the Java moss gets larger, it will take up most of the nutrients.
Roi - 8 years ago
I used to buy 10 shrimps for my tank, 5 jumped out and died and 5 others simply disappeared. only a couple of months later (i was sure i had no shrimps in the tank) they started to come out and i see all 5 now...
SDD525 - 8 years ago
I used to buy ghost shrimp to feed to my cichlids as a source of protein. They grew so much faster.
Phillip Almond
Phillip Almond - 8 years ago
Open a store
Brooklyn Ludeviks
Brooklyn Ludeviks - 8 years ago
i have a store named pj's pets here in canada and its closing down too. Very sad :(
ScarletAmazon - 8 years ago
Hi, love your videos! Just setting up my first tank of my own (at 33!) and found these where you're helping your daughter set up her first tank, so adorable! You're clearly a great daddy with amazing kids. You're the first YouTuber I've suscribed to, so thanks!
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Looks like you picked a good Betta. They tend to eat shrimps. :0
Will - 8 years ago
Looks like someone smeared poo over it
jayscrazzy obsessions
jayscrazzy obsessions - 8 years ago
little chips
Leonard Wenk
Leonard Wenk - 8 years ago
Cool I love the shrimp I also have a shrimp like this but my one is called the red bee shrimp
Variety_Game_Catz - 8 years ago
Hailey Needs her own Youtube 8D Hailey shrimp stories!
carlilez - 8 years ago
Maybe if she does not like the algea she could get an albino BN pleco.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+AbyssAbbison That's for sure. I'd never have a pleco again anyways, the stores in my area don't know how to care for them at all.
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
Hmm, I guess it depends on the fish.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+AbyssAbbison Nope, I'm thinking of the bristlenose. Plecos prefer large tanks. I'd probably put an otocinculus in a 30 gallon, but any small pleco I've had never did well in my 30 gallon.
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
The BN pleco only gets 5-6 inches and can live in a 30 gallon. Unless you're thinking common plecos; which get to about 18 inches. They need really big tanks or ponds.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+AbyssAbbison They need more than a 30 gallon if you're keeping them to their maximum size with tankmates and decorations. Besides, you don't need plecos for a 30 gallon, just clean the tank by hand.
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
They need at least a 30 gallon
carlilez - 8 years ago
a BNpleco only gets about 4" I have one in a 75g tank that has been in there for awhile and is only about 3" With good filtration it would be fine.
AbyssAbbison - 8 years ago
That tank is too small even for the smaller bristlenose pleco.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Pleco? Never.
Veevi D
Veevi D - 8 years ago
I read up on java fern because I had a bunch of problems with growing them but all my other plants were doing great and I found out my light was way too strong for them. Java fern grows best in low light.
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Get anubias for low light. Give it a few months and it will double in size. Give it a couple years and it will be growing out of the water. You can then cut it and the cutting will grow roots. I use a 40 watt bulb for my 80 gallon tank and my anubias is loving it.
Marty King
Marty King - 8 years ago
I believe you have two future heirs to take over your throne.
BH22 - 8 years ago
Why is the water yellow?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+BH22 natural tannins from the wood.
Daniel Whelan
Daniel Whelan - 8 years ago
You could use the algae scrubber that you made in another video than you would not see the algae
Dillon Cookson
Dillon Cookson - 8 years ago
my first tank is a fluval Roma 240 which is 4 ft long and holds 120 gallons
Emilio Maldonado
Emilio Maldonado - 8 years ago
Awesome including the kids!
Michael Szumny
Michael Szumny - 8 years ago
Hey joey, ever thing about starting your own aquarium shop? we all know you have the resources and connections to do so. just food for thought. :D
TT Smasher
TT Smasher - 8 years ago
I hope my future daughter will love keeping fish as well.
BraydenGaming - 8 years ago
I love these videos! Great job Joey! You make me smile when I watch you and you light up my day! You are by far my favorite Youtuber!
BraydenGaming - 8 years ago
Darius should get a tank and make a video on that!!!
catherine desbiens
catherine desbiens - 8 years ago
Do you have a heater in there?
kevin morris
kevin morris - 8 years ago
yea I think they do but check out there other video when they set it up
SuperZandersmom - 8 years ago
Now I don't feel so bad that my 12 Gallon Fluval was getting some algae,  My water was about the same colors as hers is in the video,, a little water change and new sponge/ carbon  for the filter made all the difference . I also have that 5 gallon , my betta is obsessed with  one of the corners by the filter, I think its like he a man obsessed with his recliner.
Craig Hale
Craig Hale - 8 years ago
Great Shrimp names.
Weirdo Wolf
Weirdo Wolf - 8 years ago
Maybe the betta ate the shrimp,
Jonathan Maultsby
Jonathan Maultsby - 8 years ago
much love for your videos. the fish keeping community is beyond lucky to have a guy like you among it!
brenden geines
brenden geines - 8 years ago
Can you take two 55 gallon tanks and make them into 110 gallon 24 by 48 by 18 tank
Dusty Mitchell
Dusty Mitchell - 8 years ago
sorry PJ's is closing for you guys.
YouCrackedIt - 8 years ago
How can I heat a 200 gallon?
SDD525 - 8 years ago
3 300 watt water heaters. Ideally you need 2, but you never want to just get the minimum amount you need, or else the heaters will be running way too long to keep the heat up. I mean, I have 2 300 watts in a 120 gallon, and they hardly run for very long.
Amy Mimi
Amy Mimi - 8 years ago
Maybe you and your kids could open up a family owned Fishstore!
Bradley Barrington
Bradley Barrington - 8 years ago
Hey man, my comment doesn't actually have to do with the video, but it's your latest so I decided to use it. Well, for months and months now I've been trying to get rid of nematodes in me tank. They're free swimming, annoying, and I have tried just about everything to kill them off. Is there any advice you could give to eliminate these suckered for good?
Bradley Barrington
Bradley Barrington - 8 years ago
Eros Bragg
Eros Bragg - 8 years ago
06:35 yes
OhmannOcean - 8 years ago
Personally I would move the betta somewhere else and allow the shrimp to self populate the tank. Nothing is cooler than dozens of nano shrimp swarming your tank. Obviously not my tank and looks cool either way but just a thought!
Gameover - 8 years ago
should i paint the discus tank black or white or does it not matter
oakland002 - 8 years ago
Check in the filter area, these shrimps like going through the over flow and stay behind there picking at stuffs
stargirl12387 - 8 years ago
Great job Haley!!!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
great vid and update
Jynx2700 - 8 years ago
So long as the baby shrimp keep in the moss they will be fine. I know mine are still thriving despite having 2 hungry puffers always looking for a crunchy snack.
eng479 - 8 years ago
Love the relationship you have with your daughter and the independence you gave her with the setup. Seems like she's really into it. Great stuff.
pop e
pop e - 8 years ago
Is algae good for tank ..? i clean it every time
Greenwater Fish
Greenwater Fish - 8 years ago
LOL TOE CON DOE so cute :)
LΛR Inc.
LΛR Inc. - 8 years ago
Finally! Thanks for the update.
You listen to your subs, and I am grateful for that.
Keep it up!
JellyRaven - 8 years ago
Great tank for a beginer! But the shrimp that is lost just probably got eaten by the betta. xD
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Great sharing this with your beautiful daughter.. Good Daddy!
D Ram
D Ram - 8 years ago
I say make her a channel "kiddie AquaticsDIY"
I work for a pet store and its fun teaching interested little kids about aquariums and how to do stuff, it feels good passing on the hobby to a new generation. (showing and teaching some y'all adults can be a pain, my gosh! lol)
Thomas Curran
Thomas Curran - 8 years ago
legit if you used face swap with her you would not be able to tell
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
With that sheer amount of Java Moss in there, you might well find that some Shrimplets survive.
MadSwan 2401
MadSwan 2401 - 8 years ago
Can you update all of your other tanks
jimbo121 - 8 years ago
You guys are so genuine, that's what it making me come back :) Tank seems to be doing good!
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell - 8 years ago
Benjamin Yoo
Benjamin Yoo - 8 years ago
I lost my snowflake eel once
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
You have a betta locked in with shrimp. I think I know where the missing shrimp went...

BTW, Hailey is clearly the star of the operation. You should just let her do the videos from now on. :)
Lewis Oliver
Lewis Oliver - 7 years ago
she has a betta,he has a arowana.hes the boss
duttsy8 - 8 years ago
Your right
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
+Anthony Ragan haha! best coment ever
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
 Yeah, I have, too, but it's real hit or miss with Bettas. Some are fine with tankmates, while others put on goalie masks and change their name to "Jason"...
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
I've got my betta in with 4 shrimps and they're doing just fine x
Boi imma bout to roast you
Boi imma bout to roast you - 8 years ago
Yeaaa you did shrimp
Eve Puckett
Eve Puckett - 8 years ago
Too Funny! "Looks like someone smeared poop on the back!" From the mouths of babes! I laughed so hard! Don't worry Hailey some of those baby shrimp will survive with all that java moss to hide in.
mike blackwell
mike blackwell - 8 years ago
Love the fact that you are sharing this beautiful and educational hobby with are next Generation and spending time with your children. Keep up the good work. A++. From me.
J Lathem
J Lathem - 8 years ago
it's really nice to see the next generation coming into the hobby. Way to go!
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 8 years ago
you been workin out joey? you seem to have gained since i started watching you..... no homo.
Ruzz P
Ruzz P - 8 years ago
let the java fern die off, it will adapt to your tank and send out new growth on the dead leaves
SDD525 - 8 years ago
+Sarah McGibbon Leaving anything dead in your tank is bad. He is not correct in how the fern reproduces though. The leaf needs to be alive for the baby ferns to grow on the leaves.
Sarah McGibbon
Sarah McGibbon - 8 years ago
Actually leaving dead plants in your tank just adds to the chemicals in your tank and messes with your nitrate cycle, can harm the fish and cause algae growth and algae is bad
SDD525 - 8 years ago
Or it will just die.
Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson - 8 years ago
+Caren Hall Fish may be safe, but not my plants...which I payed good money for xD
Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson - 8 years ago
+Caren Hall I thought string algae is parasitic...no?
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
Algae's good stuff, leave it where it is!
Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson - 8 years ago
I did that and now hair and string algae is growing off of them. Should I Rip it off or something? what should I do lol
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
Wow ,Joey you may want to add a Indian almond leave to the tank.
and if Hailey new the algae is good for the baby shrimp she may feel better about it.
I never imagined I would ever advice for you.Stange world
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
+Damion Markham Even better is the Java Moss, it gets a biofilm growing on it that Shrimp go nuts over, and creates the perfect safe zone for newly hatched shrimp.
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 8 years ago
I'm with Hailey, lose the algae. I have two five gallon specs with a betta in each and I don't get much algae, mainly because I won't let it take hold. Well, that plus amano shrimp in one of them and a bristle nose pleco in the other help keep them clean. I think green plants are much prettier than brown ones.
Bharath Mahendran
Bharath Mahendran - 8 years ago
Separate the betta joey its your daughter's first fish hobby achievement,let them just grow in that tank and keep the betta in another
Layne Spicer
Layne Spicer - 8 years ago
she should paint a backdrop on paper (using arlylic or anything that that can get wet when dried) and put it on the tank and then she wouldn't notice the brown algae! and she could do a vedio on her artwork/backdrop!!!
Soliana - 8 years ago
Sounds like you should look into opening store in your town... :D
andrew khairallah
andrew khairallah - 8 years ago
Looks like everything is going well for your daughter and her tank!. Joey you should build a fish store of your own to film your videos and educate people about the hobby, sounds like it would be a gold mine since there aren't competitors anymore. If I wasn't in college I would invest :)
Princess Sissypants
Princess Sissypants - 8 years ago
your correct try and let her update us and be there for moral support when its her tank update. keep up the great inspiring videos.
hdjc86 - 8 years ago
time to open a store
M Holland
M Holland - 8 years ago
Joey should start his own fish store xD
Purple Mangoz
Purple Mangoz - 8 years ago
looks kinda like a refugium
Meow Purry
Meow Purry - 8 years ago
Maybe you should open a fish store, now that there is a gap in the market ! So much work though
Willy James
Willy James - 8 years ago
nice family man good to see how you interact with your kids like that making the whole process fun for them
TheGeneralKirov - 8 years ago
kids ROCK!
Daniel Tebor
Daniel Tebor - 8 years ago
If she puts enough plants into it, she make it self sustaining. I never have to do water changes and my nitrates are literally at 0. I have spent a lot of time balancing it though.
Pray4Mojo - 8 years ago
+Daniel Tebor
I was talking about the minerals from tap water, doesn't your GH ever go down? if not that's awesome, I'm gonna try it.
Daniel Tebor
Daniel Tebor - 8 years ago
+Pray4Mojo I have very nutrient rich substrates in my tanks, plus there is nutrients in the water from various sources. If I do feel like my plants need something, I do dose flourish, flourish iron, and flourish potassium.
Pray4Mojo - 8 years ago
+Daniel Tebor (Spaztasm) How do your plants not get mineral deficiencies? Do you add equilibrium or something every so often?
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 8 years ago
lol thank you guys should do a father-daughter build with your new Aquascape tank
Dave Nash
Dave Nash - 8 years ago
Good for you - good for her!

Im currently in the process of setting up the first aquarium in my family home . . . my kids (3 years old and 1 year old) could not be any more excited. Hopefully I can create them a tank they love for our living room.
Jagmeet Raina
Jagmeet Raina - 8 years ago
Hayden Lamb
Hayden Lamb - 8 years ago
you should make your own fish store
Josh Farren
Josh Farren - 8 years ago
My experience with Red Cherry Shrimp is that some of those babies will survive. They do a good job of hiding in that java moss until they are big enough.
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 8 years ago
Should she take over??? Well, she is cuter - but you do OK too. ROFL
stormet54 - 8 years ago
I tried shrimp with a betta and that turned out to be a nightmare for the shrimp, and me as I tried to net them to get them away from the betta.
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
+stormet54 I know that feeling all too well. Little tip when trying ot catch shrimp, use a bottle as a trap with some food inside, there are a few bottle trap videos about. It beats messing up your tank trying to net them!
dawn m lamb # DML Studio
dawn m lamb # DML Studio - 8 years ago
dawn m lamb # DML Studio
dawn m lamb # DML Studio - 8 years ago
sam nastas
sam nastas - 8 years ago
I think it needs a background. Make the colors pop
Jason Cartwright
Jason Cartwright - 8 years ago
How about a nice little Ottocinclus to take care of that algae?
I love them little guys.
The PARADOX PARADISE - 8 years ago
Reef Calvetti_
Reef Calvetti_ - 8 years ago
Muito bom...Abraços Reef Calvetti_ Brasil
Nazmul Hasan
Nazmul Hasan - 8 years ago
ur kid is so cute
titaniumonkey - 8 years ago
Now he needs to get his wife on board so he can have more tanks around the house
iwantosavemoney - 8 years ago
good stuff sharing the hobby with your kids that is great.
dyelerium - 8 years ago
quick tip: the algae blooms because of the blue light ;)
Great job keep it up :D
JaySeohyun - 8 years ago
HI wondering if that desk is a custom made or where did you guys get it :o looks great. thanks
EAMPEDIA - 8 years ago
84twiggins - 8 years ago
love the family videos
Yuda GAS
Yuda GAS - 8 years ago
she might become pro aquarist someday :)
Ben Brevis
Ben Brevis - 8 years ago
love it, so does my daughter, she was most interested in the shopkins though!
Alexander Vaccaro
Alexander Vaccaro - 8 years ago
great job! ☺️
barenstil55 - 8 years ago
2:20, sometimes a fish of me disappears as wel, cardinal tetras or even a (fill in correct English name in here?) red devil moon fish of quite the size just gone, no where to be found... they sometimes just get stuck and after some while you won't notice it was even there. and those shrimps are quite cool, might ad them to my second tank im setting up
ferret gamer
ferret gamer - 8 years ago
i her u one of my pet shop r closing in fredrcton
Trung Chu
Trung Chu - 8 years ago
an otocinclus will clean up brown diatoms in no time. plus they are shrimp safe
Merle Mitchell
Merle Mitchell - 8 years ago
Very cool video!
Noah Moore
Noah Moore - 8 years ago
I was hoping you would do this video :)
datinyone - 8 years ago
the tank looks great, and Aqua looks happy!... I had a shirmp in with my Crowntail, and the poor thing was gone within 12 hours. lol.. needless to say, Rasta lives alone now :)
pecktec - 8 years ago
You guys are having a bunch of fun! People seemed really curious to see how it was doing when last I saw you. I'm glad it's doing well. I'm digging into the new specs now.
pecktec - 8 years ago
Same to you LAR!
LΛR Inc.
LΛR Inc. - 8 years ago
+pecktec wow it's pecktec. Hope you have a wonderful day, sir!
Rice Scapes
Rice Scapes - 8 years ago
Nice update! Let that Java Moss grow out more and I think a decent amount should be able to survive. Family updates are fun and glad she's enjoying the hobby :)
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 8 years ago
Nice update. Good to see she is still interested and taking care of the tank. Tank on (sorry, ripping off Dustin there).
CocoShock - 8 years ago
Dude, you like light up when your kids are recording with you! ^_^ Nice update. And that's unfortunate about how dare you'll have to drive for fish shopping. Perhaps another fish shop will move in soon and then there is also mail order. Have a great day. :)
CocoShock - 8 years ago
*far (not dare) lol
CocoShock - 8 years ago
*far (not dare) lol
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
King of diy your daugther is more responsible that my friend he just got a tank for 4 month and he water change 2month a time.Wow! He even bought 21betta with out studying. But the worst is he just bought an asian golden arowana (juvenile) and put it in a 20 gallon. #WORSTFISHKEEPER
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
+HealthyHammies :(
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
+Victor Techakaisri that's sad :c a lot of people buy fish with no research. My friend had over 40 goldfish; she keeps putting them into tiny bowls and they couldn't even move.
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
Than my friend .Sorry for wrong spelling
Kazey - 8 years ago
is this the tank you built the 1000 gallon sump for?
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Kazey lmao
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 8 years ago
+Kazey lol
Chicagofishkeeper - 8 years ago
now I'm no planted tank expert but I believe the algae growing in her tank is an algae that grows due to excessive amount of light, I think she said she leaves the blue ones on at night and then turns on the white ones in the morning? I think that may be what was killing the Java fern, like I said im not 100% sure but that's my theory, I love when you do videos with your kids btw they seem so happy and excited to be on video. Great job joey!
aoD Electa
aoD Electa - 8 years ago
Joey you can make your own fish store for your community since you do build tanks you can just have many different kinds of fish which you could also sell while having them for your family to look at it like a in house store idk if it's possible in Canada but yea
Cliff Walsh
Cliff Walsh - 8 years ago
Very nice. My 3 sons are in TKD also . Can't wait to see everything more.
Spaztek12 - 8 years ago
Why would people dislike this ?
PanamaReefs Daniel
PanamaReefs Daniel - 8 years ago
I would really enjoy a video of just hayley!

Doesnt matter if its a mess it would be cute as hell. Maybe you can write the bulletpoints, but not direct her step by step.
TotalNick41 - 8 years ago
Gtfo Dude!! Give it to your daughter!!!... jk, great video! i was waiting for the update
Jocke Thörngren
Jocke Thörngren - 8 years ago
Lol. Maybe not take it over completely, but definitely make a few stand ins :) Way to go guys, keep up the good work.
Kyle Grissom
Kyle Grissom - 8 years ago
The only thing left to do is start your own fish store!!! Your customer base would be huge because of your prolific YouTube channel!
Tommy Hutagalung
Tommy Hutagalung - 8 years ago
future queen of DIY :D
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 8 years ago
Lmao the look on her face to a "free meal" priceless. Good shrimp names and fish. Fired Up!!!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
This was a very fun little update. I swore the betta would've eaten the shrimp, but I guess they were large enough. I love the lesson on maintenance and I think it's something every kid should know. My son recently asked me for his own aquarium, so I got him one. It's yet to be stocked because Jibran hasn't delivered my betta as yet, but he's all excited. Love to see kids in the hobby, good job on parenting Joey.
Elvis Dcruz
Elvis Dcruz - 8 years ago
This is why you're the best in the hobby (Youtube fishkeeper). You give a very humanistic view on the hobby making your account very relatable and professional. I've learned alot from you, even looking up to you. Thank you for spreading your knowledge while keeping your channel humble and fun! Keep it going bro!
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 8 years ago
She definitely should be on 70% of ur vids!!!
Narsku - 8 years ago
Hey, I used to have amano shrimp when i was about her age. I only had one and one day she was carrying eggs. I been wondering ever since how that happened. Is it possible that they carry eggs without male? They never hatched but she cared for them as like they would.
Narsku - 8 years ago
Thanks!  ^_^ had a hunch it was something like that, but nice to know for sure.
adam bennett
adam bennett - 8 years ago
Amano shrimp fry only thrive in brackish water. They will often carry eggs in freshwater without a male.
Fish Boys
Fish Boys - 8 years ago
it was great
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 8 years ago
Nice video man. Gorgeous fam!
matthew bowman
matthew bowman - 8 years ago
Look in the built in filter, could be in there.
Roohan Chohan
Roohan Chohan - 8 years ago
Haley definitely should be with you on every other video just to get her knowledge about the maintenance of the tank other than that her tank looks amazing ^-^
Laz Sloshtown
Laz Sloshtown - 8 years ago
Mantis shrimp
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 8 years ago
My Nano the RCS love to hide in the filter compartment. It's prolly chillin in the back.
YOURthornSIDE - 8 years ago
+erxkeel yes, this. There are probably at least 25 or 30 of them back there.
H Rez
H Rez - 8 years ago
Why don't y I u open a local pet shop
David B
David B - 8 years ago
I agree, the algae needs to go ;)
Aaron Field
Aaron Field - 8 years ago
Maybe you should start your own fish shop. £££££££ or for people across the pond $$$$$$$$$$$
8araboo - 8 years ago
I had a few shrimp in a community tank and wondered where they were getting to, until I found one of my dogs barking at a wriggling shrimp on the floor a few feet away from the tank. Be aware, shrimp are quite good at jumping. the water level was about 4-5 inches lower than the top of the tank, they had no problem leaving the tank.
Krity Kat
Krity Kat - 8 years ago
My daughter has a Nemo themed 20 gallon saltwater tank. inspired from your saltwater nano tank. there is 2 clownfish, 1 yellow damsel, and was one yellow tail blue damsel that she named Dory. the last time we cleaned the tank we could not find Dory! we are getting a bit of a laugh about it, but not sure what really happened to her. I love that my daughter shares in my passion of the hobby though! maybe your daughter could be your co-host ;) thanks for the update!
nanoaquamania - 8 years ago
kool video.. Just add a bag of seachem purigen.. it will remove all the tannins... jus a suggestion..
nanoaquamania - 8 years ago
+Bradlyeon yup i know, some of the biotopes look good that way...
Bradlyeon - 8 years ago
+nanoaquamania alot of people like dem tannins. Blackwater tanks have a certain tranquility and natural look to them.
Niklas Beeke
Niklas Beeke - 8 years ago
Christopher Brandenburg
Christopher Brandenburg - 8 years ago
Looking good! Should see if she might want to paint that background or put something back there. The white wall in the back has a tendency to drown out whats going on in the tank. Spec V is probably my favorite AIO nano. Mine started just like hers, planted with a betta. Now is a nano-reef. Cheers!
Phil's Fishes
Phil's Fishes - 8 years ago
Hey guys, my daughter Ashleigh has a 60 ltr coldwater goldfsh tank, she has enjoyed watching Hayley set up her tank and its good to see someone of her own age starting out. In the UK there is no similar sites to yours, not as I have found yet ! Keep it up, thanks. Phil, Stoke on Trent UK
Phil's Fishes
Phil's Fishes - 8 years ago
+Narsku Thanks for your unsiolicited advice, I have just come home to a very upset daughter who thinks her fish are going to die, while I will take well meaning advice readily, and seek advice often from those more experienced than myself, I object to someone giving critisism while not knowing all the facts. I am new to tropical fish but have kept Koi and pond fish for years, the goldfish in question are juveniles who I hope will grow to a good size and when they do will go in to the new 10,000 gallon koi pond which is currently under construction, the tank, however will remain for as long as my daughter is interested and will continue to house her Redcap Oranda's. Please give advice when you see abuse, not when you do not know all the facts.
Narsku - 8 years ago
+Phil&#39;s UK fishkeeping journey
I'm sorry sir, bur 60 liter tank is too small for goldfish. One standard goldfish per about 100 liter. They or it is going to grow huge in short time forcing you to buy bigger tank in about 2 years. :C Unless they get all sick and die, in 60 liter it wouldn't be surprise. Goldfish are known to live 15 years with good care. I'm so sorry that the location you got your fish didn't tell you about their needs. It is not your fault. There is this channel on youtube called "Solidgold" they have more info about goldfish care.
Mark Colvin
Mark Colvin - 8 years ago
You should take over the store!
Kieran McDermott
Kieran McDermott - 8 years ago
What a friendly Betta, not munching on the shrimps :p
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 8 years ago
I wouldn't worry about too much about the baby shrimp. some will survive.
MrPWalden - 8 years ago
Nice tank and great videos!

do you run carbon? the water looks a bit brown/yellow ish. probably just the bog wood but maybe carbon could help?

Keep up the great vids!
Michael Eugenio
Michael Eugenio - 8 years ago
It's always fun to see our kids start to enjoy the hobby . Brings back so many memories of when we started .
MegaWeidmann - 8 years ago
she definitely should take over lool you look like you have alot more fun
Sondra Nicely
Sondra Nicely - 8 years ago
cool! I have the exact same betta!! now we're bonded girlfriend! lol Dad is right, the algae is great for your fish and shrimp, so maybe let it grow back a bit, and then keep it behind your wood....? YES to your own channel.....you can target other kids, and introduce them to aquariums, and because your dad is so smart, you can help them have a POSITIVE experience, even if thier parents know nothing about fish, because bettas are one of the easiest fish to keep and maintain! I started my grandson eith a betta, and even though I explained it to mom, they still didnt quite get it, and his fish died. if you start one that has all the information , then the check list for the store, then what to do to maintain it, plants wood toys, etc. I think it would be awesome for your generation! just a thought....also...try putting a golf ball in, or making a hoop out of tubing for him to swim around and thru. a mirror on the side, bettas like stimulation! they are very curious, and can be quite entertaining! have fun! ms. cookie
Life of Dan
Life of Dan - 8 years ago
Another amazing vid good job joey
Life of Dan
Life of Dan - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY more than welcome :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Dan's Monster Tankz thanks Dan
jessipanda - 8 years ago
Love the update! The shrimp names are hilarious, Hailey! Sorry you feel like we'd rather see her, Joey...I think everyone is just glad to see her getting into the hobby like her dad. :)
jessipanda - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Well, we definitely appreciate her facing her fears to update us! My 7yo daughter really likes the videos with her and is inspired by her. She's been begging for a “Hailey tank”!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+jessipanda I was just Kidding. I was making sure she knew how much everyone enjoys her videos. It's not easy to get in front of a camera, especially at her age.
nick pastore
nick pastore - 8 years ago
lol, like Betta chips, little snacks for it. her look O.O
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+nick pastore nom nom nom
Purplesnowball 13
Purplesnowball 13 - 8 years ago
Purplesnowball 13
Purplesnowball 13 - 8 years ago
I lost a mystery snail in my 2.5 gallon just 2 days ago! Seriously, all I have is a live plant, and a heater and filter, and then something for the fish to swim into, and I have no idea where it went! I looked around the tank, inside the tank, and it isn't there
johnathan manx
johnathan manx - 8 years ago
I recently had some fry born in my JD tank. I have alot of brown algae on the back window I put a algae eater in but he was assaulted almost to death. I try to reach in with a sponge they attack how should I clean it?
PreciousMetalStacker 2000
PreciousMetalStacker 2000 - 8 years ago
Is this the tank you built the 100 gallon sump for?
Kyle Chou
Kyle Chou - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+PreciousMetalStacker 2000 ...yes
DanishnSonic - 8 years ago
now I want a betta
Hiram Fagins
Hiram Fagins - 8 years ago
As always......another great job bringing the the family into the hobby. I learnt from my Dad, my wife learnt from me. She is holding down the house while I am visiting my parents. It's been almost two months and she reports no casualties and the plants continue to grow! I have a planted soil tank and have never done a water change since October!!!
Cichlid Bro
Cichlid Bro - 8 years ago
Fun video! Sorry to hear about the LFS closing down.
I hope the "Big" blue LFS in my area survives.
Ecartts - 8 years ago
Betta(s) is a cool fish ! I'm at my third (in time) betta male and I love this one too

He lives in a community (big) aquarium (also with 2 big fish like Hoplosternum Thoracatum.. but they are peaceful so no problem) but he is also not scared when I try to clean the aquarium with him in it.

All my other fish run scared in a corner but he doesnt. He even follows my hand.. This is quite an interactive fish! Even if they don't live a lot (lifespan) they are great and beautiful !

Also when I buy one I'm quite happy.. because I save them from a life in a bowl or a frickin jar ! (or a IittIe cup like in PShops)
Cichlid Nez
Cichlid Nez - 8 years ago
other great video and someone getting free meal soon. lol
Ed Honeyford
Ed Honeyford - 8 years ago
Always enjoy your videos, nice update on the tank, you've gotten yourself a YouTube star!
Fishkeeper97 - 8 years ago
Wonderful family hahaha, no one in my family really loves fish so no one is really supporting me at home
Sathish Ganta
Sathish Ganta - 8 years ago
Luke Paris A. Generao
Luke Paris A. Generao - 8 years ago
I love the shrimps hehe...
Firoz Katabaro
Firoz Katabaro - 8 years ago
the names
Javo Gonzalez
Javo Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Free meal? You´re going straight to hell LOl
Angel Ashley
Angel Ashley - 8 years ago
I think your son needs a video getting a tank now! Lol
Angel Ashley
Angel Ashley - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY aw too bad. Do enjoy the videos though. He did seem like he wanted one in the last video but glad hers is doing so well! Makes me want a beta!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Angel Ashley He doesn't want a fish tank. He likes to be in the videos though!
Angel Ashley
Angel Ashley - 8 years ago
I just started following you a couple of days ago and watching her tank set up was so exciting. Glad to see an update!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Angel Ashley Perfect timing!
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 8 years ago
Is this not your chance to open a fish store...
jessipanda - 8 years ago
It takes a lot of time, energy, and resources to run a store of any kind, especially a fish store. We'd lose a lot of Joey time, as would his family, if he did that. I'm against it! Haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Art Hunter I have zero ambition to open a fish store.
Tom Rodgers
Tom Rodgers - 8 years ago
Another great video joey
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Tom Rodgers Thanks Tom!
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 8 years ago
This is such a happy video...
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should open your own fish store! you would knock it out of the park, guaranteed!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Art Hunter These ones always are!
Sharon S
Sharon S - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Follow me on Facebook for LIVE videos! ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey
Leslie Gillman
Leslie Gillman - 7 years ago
Please tell me that precious little girl just Duhhed her daddy.
Victor Arana
Victor Arana - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
zioro1235 - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Halley I know a good fish to get to eat Algae it is called a Kahului Loach it looks like a snake but it's a fish
Josh Malone
Josh Malone - 8 years ago
+Evolve Craft very very very few plecos deserve to live in a 10g. If you have a common Pleco you are stunting its growth.
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
VillagerSparky not really my pleco lives happily in my 10 gallon aquarium
THAT RAMDOM COW - 8 years ago
The king of DIY how do you breed shrimp? I want to for my horn shark
Christie B
Christie B - 8 years ago
The king of DIY she should get a sucker fish to help clean the tank I'm not saying she doesn't have to clean the tank but it will help her
Kylies Krib
Kylies Krib - 8 years ago
The king of DIY I have 3 fish but the problem is I got them from a family friend and all I know about them is that they are cichlids and they only will eat Tank Nibblers and Tropical Fish Food... I want to be able to make home-made food for them but I don't know what kind they are and what they can and can't eat so please can you help me out I'm in desperate need. -Kylie
Swag Knows
Swag Knows - 8 years ago
Hannah's Fish it's a beaut
Fenu S
Fenu S - 8 years ago
Bettas do attend to eat cherry shrimp so maybe thats the story
Martin Jou
Martin Jou - 8 years ago
just saying not to say you're bad but phon is phone and its english ;)
Ivette Cruz
Ivette Cruz - 8 years ago
i am on my moms phon in my birthday i will get a phon and i am going to subctibe sorry for the spelling i am fro pr i dont know a lot of ingles
Ivette Cruz
Ivette Cruz - 8 years ago
in october 12 is my birthday i will be 10 i want to by a big fish tank for my batta fish
Ivette Cruz
Ivette Cruz - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
My son is now 9 as well! He doesn't have facebook either. Just youtube and other gaming accounts. I think he will wait another few years before getting on facebook. By then, there will be something new out anyways!
Ivette Cruz
Ivette Cruz - 8 years ago
i cant follow you because i am 9
thepokemonbrother s
thepokemonbrother s - 8 years ago
do a nother update
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
+Laurence MCD68 all fish water is kinda brownish yellowish just from being lived in, doesn't stay crystal clear white forever. The tannins probably made it even more brown too.
It wouldn't be too noticeable, but the whole tank is surrounded by white- white walls, white sand, it makes the brown stick out. If they added a black backdrop or a standard aquarium background, it wouldn't look quite as dark.
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 8 years ago
+Laurence MCD68 tannins
Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
Why is the fish tank water brown
Kae Hume
Kae Hume - 8 years ago
common plecos actually grow for their whole lives-up to two feet long! bristlenose is a better recommendation because they only get to be about 4 inches long as adults, but even then you usually don't like to see any pleco in a tank less than 10 gallons. she could get a couple snails and they'd probably do the trick!
max mickleson
max mickleson - 8 years ago
+VillagerSparky you are right
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
+max mickleson  You forget that is it a very small tank, which isn't suitable for most fish.
max mickleson
max mickleson - 8 years ago
+Martin Jou he should get an algae eat fish
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
+Martin Jou Tank is way too small for any kind of Pleco.
Martin Jou
Martin Jou - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY maybe buy her an bristlenose plecostomus (pleco) or a common plecostomus (pleco) to eat all of the algae and you wouldn't have to clean the algae off the tank that often. Just an idea :)
Ubaid Shakir
Ubaid Shakir - 8 years ago
+VillagerSparky hahaha
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
+Sudip Shrestha Oh I know that! Its called a Nerite Snail! :P
Ubaid Shakir
Ubaid Shakir - 8 years ago
Joey make one diy magnet glass cleaner like flipper
Sudip Shrestha
Sudip Shrestha - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Next video: diy algae scraper :)
icangicung20 - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY then started your own fish store!

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